org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.indexversion.IndexVersionOperation Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.indexversion;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.api.Type;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.commons.PathUtils;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.index.IndexName;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.state.NodeState;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.state.NodeStateUtils;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.index.IndexConstants.TYPE_DISABLED;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.index.IndexConstants.TYPE_PROPERTY_NAME;
Main operation of this class is to mark IndexName's with operations
public abstract class IndexVersionOperation {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IndexVersionOperation.class);
private IndexName indexName;
private Operation operation;
public IndexVersionOperation(IndexName indexName) {
this.indexName = indexName;
this.operation = Operation.NOOP;
public void setOperation(Operation operation) {
this.operation = operation;
public Operation getOperation() {
return this.operation;
public IndexName getIndexName() {
return this.indexName;
public String toString() {
return this.getIndexName() + " operation:" + this.getOperation();
* Generate list of index version operation over a list of indexes have same index base. This will purge base index.
* @param rootNode NodeState of root
* @param parentPath parent path of baseIndex
* @param indexNameObjectList This is a list of IndexName Objects with same baseIndexName on which operations will be applied.
* @param purgeThresholdMillis after which a fully functional index is eligible for purge operations
* @return This method returns an IndexVersionOperation list i.e indexNameObjectList marked with operations
public List generateIndexVersionOperationList(NodeState rootNode, String parentPath,
List indexNameObjectList, long purgeThresholdMillis) {
return generateIndexVersionOperationList(rootNode, parentPath, indexNameObjectList, purgeThresholdMillis, true);
* Generate list of index version operation over a list of indexes have same index base.
* @param rootNode NodeState of root
* @param parentPath parent path of baseIndex
* @param indexNameObjectList This is a list of IndexName Objects with same baseIndexName on which operations will be applied.
* @param purgeThresholdMillis after which a fully functional index is eligible for purge operations
* @param shouldPurgeBaseIndex If set to true, will apply purge operations on active base index i.e. DELETE or DELETE_HIDDEN_AND_DISABLE
* @return This method returns an IndexVersionOperation list i.e indexNameObjectList marked with operations
public List generateIndexVersionOperationList(NodeState rootNode, String parentPath,
List indexNameObjectList, long purgeThresholdMillis, boolean shouldPurgeBaseIndex) {
NodeState indexDefParentNode = NodeStateUtils.getNode(rootNode, parentPath);
List reverseSortedIndexNameList = getReverseSortedIndexNameList(indexNameObjectList);"Reverse Sorted list {} ", reverseSortedIndexNameList);
List indexVersionOperationList = new LinkedList<>();
List disableIndexNameObjectList = removeDisabledCustomIndexesFromList(indexDefParentNode, reverseSortedIndexNameList);
// Remove the disabled indexes from the reverseSortedIndexNameList since these would be handled differently
reverseSortedIndexNameList.removeAll(disableIndexNameObjectList);"Disabled index list {}, new reverse sorted list after removing disabled indexes{}", disableIndexNameObjectList, reverseSortedIndexNameList);
// for disabled indexes, do full deletion if checkIfDisabledIndexCanBeMarkedForDeletion = true, otherwise no action needed
// checkIfDisabledIndexCanBeMarkedForDeletion - this has different implementations for lucene and elastic.
// Check individual LuceneIndexVersionOperation#checkIfDisabledIndexCanBeMarkedForDeletion and ElasticIndexVersionOperation#checkIfDisabledIndexCanBeMarkedForDeletion for more details.
for (IndexName indexNameObject : disableIndexNameObjectList) {
String indexName = indexNameObject.getNodeName();
NodeState indexNode = indexDefParentNode.getChildNode(PathUtils.getName(indexName));
IndexVersionOperation indexVersionOperation = getIndexVersionOperationInstance(indexNameObject);
if (checkIfDisabledIndexCanBeMarkedForDeletion(indexNode)) {
if (!reverseSortedIndexNameList.isEmpty()) {
IndexName activeIndexNameObject = getActiveIndex(reverseSortedIndexNameList, parentPath, rootNode);
if (activeIndexNameObject == null) {
LOG.warn("Cannot find any active index from the list: {}", reverseSortedIndexNameList);
} else {
if (!isSameProductVersionBaseIndexPresent(reverseSortedIndexNameList, activeIndexNameObject)) {
LOG.warn("Repository don't have base index:{} with product version same as active index:{}",
activeIndexNameObject.getBaseName() + "-" + activeIndexNameObject.getProductVersion(), activeIndexNameObject.toString());
NodeState activeIndexNode = indexDefParentNode.getChildNode(PathUtils.getName(activeIndexNameObject.getNodeName()));
boolean isActiveIndexOldEnough = isActiveIndexOldEnough(activeIndexNameObject, activeIndexNode, purgeThresholdMillis);
int activeProductVersion = activeIndexNameObject.getProductVersion();
// the reverseSortedIndexNameList will now contain the remaining indexes,
// the active index and disabled index was removed from that list already
for (IndexName indexNameObject : reverseSortedIndexNameList) {
String indexName = indexNameObject.getNodeName();
NodeState indexNode = indexDefParentNode.getChildNode(PathUtils.getName(indexName));
IndexVersionOperation indexVersionOperation = getIndexVersionOperationInstance(indexNameObject);
// if active index not long enough, NOOP for all indexes
if (isActiveIndexOldEnough) {
if (indexNameObject.getProductVersion() == activeProductVersion && indexNameObject.getCustomerVersion() == 0) {
if (shouldPurgeBaseIndex) {
} else {
} else if (indexNameObject.getProductVersion() <= activeProductVersion ) {
// the check hidden oak mount logic only works when passing through the proper composite store
if (isHiddenOakMountExists(indexNode)) {"Found hidden oak mount node for: '{}', disable it but no index definition deletion", indexName);
} else {
} else {
// if the index product version is larger than active index, leave it as is
// for instance: if there is active damAssetLucene-7, the inactive damAssetLucene-8 will be leave there as is"The index '{}' leave as is since the version is larger than current active index", indexName);
}"The operation for index '{}' will be: '{}'", indexName, indexVersionOperation.getOperation());
if (indexVersionOperationList.isEmpty()) {"Not valid version operation list: '{}', skip all", indexNameObjectList);
indexVersionOperationList = Collections.emptyList();
return indexVersionOperationList;
private static boolean isSameProductVersionBaseIndexPresent(List reverseSortedIndexNameList, IndexName activeIndexNameObject) {
return -> (n.getBaseName().equals(activeIndexNameObject.getBaseName())
&& n.getProductVersion() == activeIndexNameObject.getProductVersion()
&& n.getCustomerVersion() == 0)).findFirst().isPresent();
// do index purge ready based on the active index's last reindexing time is longer enough, we do this for prevent rollback
private static boolean isActiveIndexOldEnough(IndexName activeIndexName, NodeState activeIndexNode, long purgeThresholdMillis) {
// the 1st index must be active
String indexName = activeIndexName.getNodeName();
if (activeIndexNode.hasChildNode(IndexDefinition.STATUS_NODE)) {
if (activeIndexNode.getChildNode(IndexDefinition.STATUS_NODE)
.getProperty(IndexDefinition.REINDEX_COMPLETION_TIMESTAMP) != null) {
String reindexCompletionTime = activeIndexNode.getChildNode(IndexDefinition.STATUS_NODE)
long reindexCompletionTimeInMillis = PurgeOldVersionUtils.getMillisFromString(reindexCompletionTime);
long currentTimeInMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (currentTimeInMillis - reindexCompletionTimeInMillis > purgeThresholdMillis) {"Found active index {} is old enough", indexName);
return true;
} else {"The last index time '{}' isn't old enough for: {}", reindexCompletionTime, indexName);
} else {
LOG.warn("{} property is not set for index {}", IndexDefinition.REINDEX_COMPLETION_TIMESTAMP, indexName);
}"The active index '{}' indexing time isn't old enough", indexName);
return false;
protected static boolean isHiddenOakMountExists(NodeState indexNode) {
for (String nodeName : indexNode.getChildNodeNames()) {
if (nodeName.startsWith(IndexDefinition.HIDDEN_OAK_MOUNT_PREFIX)) {
return true;
return false;
returns IndexNameObjects in descending order of version i.e from newest version to oldest
private static List getReverseSortedIndexNameList(List indexNameObjectList) {
List reverseSortedIndexNameObjectList = new ArrayList<>(indexNameObjectList);
Collections.sort(reverseSortedIndexNameObjectList, Collections.reverseOrder());
return reverseSortedIndexNameObjectList;
private static List removeDisabledCustomIndexesFromList(NodeState indexDefParentNode,
List indexNameObjectList) {
List disableIndexNameObjectList = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < indexNameObjectList.size(); i++) {
NodeState indexNode = indexDefParentNode
if (indexNode.getProperty(TYPE_PROPERTY_NAME) != null && TYPE_DISABLED.equals(indexNode.getProperty(TYPE_PROPERTY_NAME).getValue(Type.STRING))) {
return disableIndexNameObjectList;
NOOP means : No operation to be performed index Node
DELETE_HIDDEN_AND_DISABLE: This operation means that we should disable this indexNode and delete all hidden nodes under it
DELETE: Delete this index altogether
enum Operation {
protected abstract IndexVersionOperation getIndexVersionOperationInstance(IndexName indexName);
* @param indexNode - NodeState of a disabled index
* @return true if the disabled index with NodeState indexNode can be marked for deletion or not.
protected abstract boolean checkIfDisabledIndexCanBeMarkedForDeletion(NodeState indexNode);
* @param reverseSortedIndexNameList
* @param parentPath
* @param rootNode
* @return Highest versioned active index's IndexName
protected abstract IndexName getActiveIndex(List reverseSortedIndexNameList, String parentPath, NodeState rootNode);
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