Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.guava.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
import joptsimple.OptionParser;
import joptsimple.OptionSet;
import joptsimple.OptionSpec;
public class DataStoreOptions implements OptionsBean {
public static final OptionsBeanFactory FACTORY = DataStoreOptions::new;
private final OptionSpec workDirOpt;
private final OptionSpec outputDirOpt;
private final OptionSpec collectGarbage;
private final OptionSpec consistencyCheck;
private final OptionSpec refOp;
private final OptionSpec idOp;
private final OptionSpec checkConsistencyAfterGC;
private final OptionSpec batchCount;
private final OptionSpec metadataOp;
private OptionSet options;
private final Set actionOpts;
private final Set operationNames;
private final OptionSpec blobGcMaxAgeInSecs;
private final OptionSpec verbose;
private final OptionSpec verboseRootPath;
private final OptionSpec verbosePathInclusionRegex;
private final OptionSpec useDirListing;
private final OptionSpec resetLoggingConfig;
private OptionSpec exportMetrics;
private static final String DELIM = ",";
private OptionSpec sweepIfRefsPastRetention;
public DataStoreOptions(OptionParser parser) {
collectGarbage = parser.accepts("collect-garbage",
"Performs DataStore Garbage Collection on the repository/datastore defined. An option boolean specifying "
+ "'markOnly' required if only mark phase of garbage collection is to be executed")
checkConsistencyAfterGC = parser.accepts("check-consistency-gc",
"Performs a consistency check immediately after DSGC")
sweepIfRefsPastRetention = parser.accepts("sweep-only-refs-past-retention",
"Only allows sweep if all references available older than retention time (Default false)")
consistencyCheck =
parser.accepts("check-consistency", "Performs a consistency check on the repository/datastore defined. An optional boolean specifying "
+ "'markOnly' required if only collecting references")
refOp = parser.accepts("dump-ref", "Gets a dump of Blob References");
idOp = parser.accepts("dump-id", "Gets a dump of Blob Ids");
metadataOp = parser.accepts("get-metadata",
"Gets the metadata available in the DataStore in the format `repositoryId|referencesTime|* (if local) "
+ "(earliest time of references file if available)` in the DataStore repository/datastore defined");
blobGcMaxAgeInSecs = parser.accepts("max-age", "")
batchCount = parser.accepts("batch", "Batch count")
workDirOpt = parser.accepts("work-dir", "Directory used for storing temporary files")
.withRequiredArg().ofType(File.class).defaultsTo(new File("temp"));
outputDirOpt = parser.accepts("out-dir", "Directory for storing output files")
.withRequiredArg().ofType(File.class).defaultsTo(new File("datastore-out"));
verbose =
parser.accepts("verbose", "Option to get all the paths and implementation specific blob ids");
// Option NOT available for garbage collection operation - we throw an
// exception if both --collect-garbage and
// --verboseRootPath are provided in the command.
verboseRootPath = parser.accepts("verboseRootPath",
"Root path to output backend formatted ids/paths").availableUnless(collectGarbage).availableIf(verbose)
verbosePathInclusionRegex = parser.accepts("verbosePathInclusionRegex", "Regex to provide an inclusion list for " +
"nodes that will be scanned under the path provided with the option --verboseRootPath").availableIf(verboseRootPath).
useDirListing = parser.accepts("useDirListing", "Use dirListing property for efficient reading of Lucene index files");
resetLoggingConfig =
parser.accepts("reset-log-config", "Reset logging config for testing purposes only").withOptionalArg()
exportMetrics = parser.accepts("export-metrics",
"type, URI to export the metrics and optional metadata all delimeted by semi-colon(;)").withRequiredArg();
//Set of options which define action
actionOpts = ImmutableSet.of(collectGarbage, consistencyCheck, idOp, refOp, metadataOp);
operationNames = collectionOperationNames(actionOpts);
public void configure(OptionSet options) {
this.options = options;
public String title() {
return "";
public String description() {
return "The datastore command supports the following operations.";
public int order() {
return 50;
public Set operationNames() {
return operationNames;
public boolean anyActionSelected() {
for (OptionSpec spec : actionOpts) {
if (options.has(spec)){
return true;
return false;
public File getWorkDir() throws IOException {
File workDir = workDirOpt.value(options);
return workDir;
public File getOutDir() {
return outputDirOpt.value(options);
public boolean collectGarbage() {
return options.has(collectGarbage);
public boolean checkConsistency(){
return options.has(consistencyCheck);
public boolean dumpRefs() {
return options.has(refOp);
public boolean dumpIds() {
return options.has(idOp);
public boolean getMetadata(){
return options.has(metadataOp);
public boolean checkConsistencyAfterGC() {
return options.has(checkConsistencyAfterGC) && checkConsistencyAfterGC.value(options) ;
public boolean markOnly() {
return collectGarbage.value(options);
public boolean consistencyCheckMarkOnly() {
return consistencyCheck.value(options);
public long getBlobGcMaxAgeInSecs() {
return blobGcMaxAgeInSecs.value(options);
public int getBatchCount() {
return batchCount.value(options);
public boolean isVerbose() {
return options.has(verbose);
public boolean hasVerboseRootPaths() {
return options.has(verboseRootPath);
public boolean hasVerboseInclusionRegex() {
return options.has(verbosePathInclusionRegex);
public boolean isResetLoggingConfig() {
return resetLoggingConfig.value(options);
private static Set collectionOperationNames(Set actionOpts) {
Set result = new HashSet<>();
for (OptionSpec spec : actionOpts){
return result;
public boolean exportMetrics() {
return options.has(exportMetrics);
public String exportMetricsArgs() {
return exportMetrics.value(options);
public List getVerboseRootPaths() {
return options.valuesOf(verboseRootPath);
public List getVerboseInclusionRegex() {
return options.valuesOf(verbosePathInclusionRegex);
public boolean isUseDirListing() {
return options.has(useDirListing);
public boolean sweepIfRefsPastRetention() {
return options.has(sweepIfRefsPastRetention) && sweepIfRefsPastRetention.value(options) ;
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