org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.SegmentIdTable Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
package org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment;
import static com.google.common.collect.Lists.newArrayList;
import static com.google.common.collect.Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize;
import static java.util.Collections.nCopies;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Hash table of weak references to segment identifiers.
public class SegmentIdTable {
* The list of weak references to segment identifiers that are currently
* being accessed. This represents a hash table that uses open addressing
* with linear probing. It is not a hash map, to speed up read access.
* The size of the table is always a power of two, so that we can use
* bitwise "and" instead of modulo.
* The table is indexed by the random identifier bits, which guarantees
* uniform distribution of entries.
* Open addressing with linear probing is used. Each table entry is either
* null (when there are no matching identifiers), a weak references to the
* matching identifier, or a weak reference to another identifier.
* There are no tombstone entries as there is no explicit remove operation,
* but a referent can become null if the entry is garbage collected.
* The array is not sorted (we could; lookup might be faster, but adding
* entries would be slower).
private final ArrayList> references =
newArrayList(nCopies(1024, (WeakReference) null));
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SegmentIdTable.class);
* The refresh count (for diagnostics and testing).
private int rebuildCount;
* The number of used entries (WeakReferences) in this table.
private int entryCount;
* Get the segment id, and reference it in the weak references map. If the
* pair of MSB/LSB is not tracked by this table, a new instance of {@link
* SegmentId} is created using the provided {@link SegmentIdFactory} and
* tracked by this table.
* @param msb The most significant bits of the {@link SegmentId}.
* @param lsb The least significant bits of the {@link SegmentId}.
* @param maker A non-{@code null} instance of {@link SegmentIdFactory}.
* @return the segment id
synchronized SegmentId newSegmentId(long msb, long lsb, SegmentIdFactory maker) {
int index = getIndex(lsb);
boolean shouldRefresh = false;
WeakReference reference = references.get(index);
while (reference != null) {
SegmentId id = reference.get();
if (id != null
&& id.getMostSignificantBits() == msb
&& id.getLeastSignificantBits() == lsb) {
return id;
// shouldRefresh if we have a garbage collected entry
shouldRefresh = shouldRefresh || id == null;
// open addressing / linear probing
index = (index + 1) % references.size();
reference = references.get(index);
SegmentId id = maker.newSegmentId(msb, lsb);
references.set(index, new WeakReference(id));
if (entryCount > references.size() * 0.75) {
// more than 75% full
shouldRefresh = true;
if (shouldRefresh) {
return id;
* Returns all segment identifiers that are currently referenced in memory.
* @param ids referenced segment identifiers
void collectReferencedIds(Collection ids) {
private synchronized Collection refresh() {
int size = references.size();
Map> ids =
boolean hashCollisions = false;
boolean emptyReferences = false;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
WeakReference reference = references.get(i);
if (reference != null) {
SegmentId id = reference.get();
if (id != null) {
ids.put(id, reference);
hashCollisions = hashCollisions || (i != getIndex(id));
} else {
references.set(i, null);
emptyReferences = true;
if (entryCount != ids.size()) {
// something is wrong, possibly a concurrency problem, a SegmentId
// hashcode or equals bug, or a problem with this hash table
// algorithm
LOG.warn("Unexpected entry count mismatch, expected {} got {}", entryCount, ids.size());
// we fix the count, because having a wrong entry count would be
// very problematic; even worse than having a concurrency problem
entryCount = ids.size();
while (2 * ids.size() > size) {
size *= 2;
// we need to re-build the table if the new size is different,
// but also if we removed some of the entries (because an entry was
// garbage collected) and there is at least one entry at the "wrong"
// location (due to open addressing)
if ((hashCollisions && emptyReferences) || size != references.size()) {
references.addAll(nCopies(size, (WeakReference) null));
for (Map.Entry> entry
: ids.entrySet()) {
int index = getIndex(entry.getKey());
while (references.get(index) != null) {
index = (index + 1) % size;
references.set(index, entry.getValue());
return ids.keySet();
private int getIndex(SegmentId id) {
return getIndex(id.getLeastSignificantBits());
private int getIndex(long lsb) {
return ((int) lsb) & (references.size() - 1);
synchronized void clearSegmentIdTables(@Nonnull Set reclaimed, @Nonnull String gcInfo) {
for (WeakReference reference : references) {
if (reference != null) {
SegmentId id = reference.get();
if (id != null && reclaimed.contains(id.asUUID())) {
* Get the number of map rebuild operations (used for testing and diagnostics).
* @return the rebuild count
int getMapRebuildCount() {
return rebuildCount;
* Get the entry count (used for testing and diagnostics).
* @return the entry count
int getEntryCount() {
return entryCount;
* Get the size of the internal map (used for testing and diagnostics).
* @return the map size
int getMapSize() {
return references.size();
* Get the raw list of segment ids (used for testing).
* @return the raw list
List getRawSegmentIdList() {
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
for (WeakReference ref : references) {
if (ref != null) {
SegmentId id = ref.get();
if (id != null) {
return list;