org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.file.TarWriter Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.file;
import static com.google.common.base.Charsets.UTF_8;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkPositionIndexes;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState;
import static com.google.common.collect.Maps.newHashMap;
import static com.google.common.collect.Maps.newLinkedHashMap;
import static com.google.common.collect.Sets.newHashSet;
import java.io.Closeable;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileDescriptor;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.zip.CRC32;
import com.google.common.base.Charsets;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* A writer for tar files. It is also used to read entries while the file is
* still open.
class TarWriter implements Closeable {
/** Logger instance */
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TarWriter.class);
* Magic byte sequence at the end of the index block.
* - For each segment in that file, an index entry that contains the UUID,
* the offset within the file and the size of the segment. Sorted by UUID,
* to allow using interpolation search.
* -
* The index footer, which contains metadata of the index (the size,
* checksum).
static final int INDEX_MAGIC =
('\n' << 24) + ('0' << 16) + ('K' << 8) + '\n';
* Magic byte sequence at the end of the graph block.
* The file is read from the end (the tar file is read from the end: the
* last entry is the index, then the graph). File format:
* - 0 padding to make the footer end at a 512 byte boundary
* - The list of UUIDs (segments included the graph; this includes
* segments in this tar file, and referenced segments in tar files with a
* lower sequence number). 16 bytes each.
* - The graph data. The index of the source segment UUID (in the above
* list, 4 bytes), then the list of referenced segments (the indexes of
* those; 4 bytes each). Then the list is terminated by -1.
* - The last part is the footer, which contains metadata of the graph
* (size, checksum, the number of UUIDs).
static final int GRAPH_MAGIC =
('\n' << 24) + ('0' << 16) + ('G' << 8) + '\n';
* Magic sequence at the end of the binary references block.
static final int BINARY_REFERENCES_MAGIC = ('\n' << 24) + ('0' << 16) + ('B' << 8) + '\n';
/** The tar file block size. */
static final int BLOCK_SIZE = 512;
private static final byte[] ZERO_BYTES = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE];
static final int getPaddingSize(int size) {
int remainder = size % BLOCK_SIZE;
if (remainder > 0) {
return BLOCK_SIZE - remainder;
} else {
return 0;
* The file being written. This instance is also used as an additional
* synchronization point by {@link #flush()} and {@link #close()} to
* allow {@link #flush()} to work concurrently with normal reads and
* writes, but not with a concurrent {@link #close()}.
private final File file;
private final FileStoreMonitor monitor;
* File handle. Initialized lazily in
* {@link #writeEntry(long, long, byte[], int, int, int)} to avoid creating
* an extra empty file when just reading from the repository.
* Should only be accessed from synchronized code.
private RandomAccessFile access = null;
private FileChannel channel = null;
* Flag to indicate a closed writer. Accessing a closed writer is illegal.
* Should only be accessed from synchronized code.
private boolean closed = false;
* Map of the entries that have already been written. Used by the
* {@link #containsEntry(long, long)} and {@link #readEntry(long, long)}
* methods to retrieve data from this file while it's still being written,
* and finally by the {@link #close()} method to generate the tar index.
* The map is ordered in the order that entries have been written.
* Should only be accessed from synchronized code.
private final Map index = newLinkedHashMap();
* List of binary references contained in this TAR file.
private final Map>> binaryReferences = newHashMap();
* Graph of references between segments.
private final Map> graph = newHashMap();
TarWriter(File file) {
this(file, FileStoreMonitor.DEFAULT);
TarWriter(File file, FileStoreMonitor monitor) {
this.file = file;
this.monitor = monitor;
* Returns the number of segments written so far to this tar file.
* @return number of segments written so far
synchronized int count() {
return index.size();
synchronized Set getUUIDs() {
return newHashSet(index.keySet());
synchronized boolean containsEntry(long msb, long lsb) {
return index.containsKey(new UUID(msb, lsb));
* If the given segment is in this file, get the byte buffer that allows
* reading it.
* @param msb the most significant bits of the segment id
* @param lsb the least significant bits of the segment id
* @return the byte buffer, or null if not in this file
ByteBuffer readEntry(long msb, long lsb) throws IOException {
TarEntry entry;
synchronized (this) {
entry = index.get(new UUID(msb, lsb));
if (entry != null) {
checkState(channel != null); // implied by entry != null
ByteBuffer data = ByteBuffer.allocate(entry.size());
channel.read(data, entry.offset());
return data;
} else {
return null;
long writeEntry(
long msb, long lsb, byte[] data, int offset, int size, int generation)
throws IOException {
checkPositionIndexes(offset, offset + size, data.length);
UUID uuid = new UUID(msb, lsb);
CRC32 checksum = new CRC32();
checksum.update(data, offset, size);
String entryName = String.format("%s.%08x", uuid, checksum.getValue());
byte[] header = newEntryHeader(entryName, size);
log.debug("Writing segment {} to {}", uuid, file);
return writeEntry(uuid, header, data, offset, size, generation);
private synchronized long writeEntry(
UUID uuid, byte[] header, byte[] data, int offset, int size, int generation)
throws IOException {
if (access == null) {
access = new RandomAccessFile(file, "rw");
channel = access.getChannel();
long initialLength = access.getFilePointer();
access.write(data, offset, size);
int padding = getPaddingSize(size);
if (padding > 0) {
access.write(ZERO_BYTES, 0, padding);
long currentLength = access.getFilePointer();
checkState(currentLength <= Integer.MAX_VALUE);
TarEntry entry = new TarEntry(
uuid.getMostSignificantBits(), uuid.getLeastSignificantBits(),
(int) (currentLength - size - padding), size, generation);
index.put(uuid, entry);
monitor.written(currentLength - initialLength);
return currentLength;
void addBinaryReference(int generation, UUID segmentId, String reference) {
Map> segmentToReferences = binaryReferences.get(generation);
if (segmentToReferences == null) {
segmentToReferences = newHashMap();
binaryReferences.put(generation, segmentToReferences);
Set references = segmentToReferences.get(segmentId);
if (references == null) {
references = newHashSet();
segmentToReferences.put(segmentId, references);
void addGraphEdge(UUID from, UUID to) {
Set adj = graph.get(from);
if (adj == null) {
adj = newHashSet();
graph.put(from, adj);
* Flushes the entries that have so far been written to the disk.
* This method is not synchronized to allow concurrent reads
* and writes to proceed while the file is being flushed. However,
* this method is carefully synchronized with {@link #close()}
* to prevent accidental flushing of an already closed file.
* @throws IOException if the tar file could not be flushed
void flush() throws IOException {
synchronized (file) {
FileDescriptor descriptor = null;
synchronized (this) {
if (access != null && !closed) {
descriptor = access.getFD();
if (descriptor != null) {
boolean isDirty() {
return access != null;
* Closes this tar file.
* @throws IOException if the tar file could not be closed
public void close() throws IOException {
// Mark this writer as closed. Note that we only need to synchronize
// this part, as no other synchronized methods should get invoked
// once close() has been initiated (see related checkState calls).
synchronized (this) {
closed = true;
// If nothing was written to this file, then we're already done.
if (access == null) {
// Complete the tar file by adding the graph, the index and the
// trailing two zero blocks. This code is synchronized on the file
// instance to ensure that no concurrent thread is still flushing
// the file when we close the file handle.
long initialPosition, currentPosition;
synchronized (file) {
initialPosition = access.getFilePointer();
currentPosition = access.getFilePointer();
monitor.written(currentPosition - initialPosition);
private void writeBinaryReferences() throws IOException {
int binaryReferenceSize = 0;
// The following information are stored in the footer as meta-
// information about the entry.
// 4 bytes to store a magic number identifying this entry as containing
// references to binary values.
binaryReferenceSize += 4;
// 4 bytes to store the CRC32 checksum of the data in this entry.
binaryReferenceSize += 4;
// 4 bytes to store the length of this entry, without including the
// optional padding.
binaryReferenceSize += 4;
// 4 bytes to store the number of generations pairs in the binary
// references map.
binaryReferenceSize += 4;
// The following information are stored as part of the main content of
// this entry, after the optional padding.
for (Map> segmentToReferences : binaryReferences.values()) {
// 4 bytes per generation to store the generation number itself.
binaryReferenceSize += 4;
// 4 bytes per generation to store the number of segments.
binaryReferenceSize += 4;
for (Set references : segmentToReferences.values()) {
// 16 bytes per segment identifier.
binaryReferenceSize += 16;
// 4 bytes to store the number of references for this segment.
binaryReferenceSize += 4;
for (String reference : references) {
// 4 bytes for each reference to store the length of the reference.
binaryReferenceSize += 4;
// A variable amount of bytes, depending on the reference itself.
binaryReferenceSize += reference.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8).length;
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(binaryReferenceSize);
for (Entry>> be : binaryReferences.entrySet()) {
int generation = be.getKey();
Map> segmentToReferences = be.getValue();
for (Entry> se : segmentToReferences.entrySet()) {
UUID segmentId = se.getKey();
Set references = se.getValue();
for (String reference : references) {
byte[] bytes = reference.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8);
CRC32 checksum = new CRC32();
checksum.update(buffer.array(), 0, buffer.position());
buffer.putInt((int) checksum.getValue());
int paddingSize = getPaddingSize(binaryReferenceSize);
byte[] header = newEntryHeader(file.getName() + ".brf", binaryReferenceSize + paddingSize);
if (paddingSize > 0) {
access.write(ZERO_BYTES, 0, paddingSize);
private void writeGraph() throws IOException {
int graphSize = 0;
// The following information are stored in the footer as meta-
// information about the entry.
// 4 bytes to store a magic number identifying this entry as containing
// references to binary values.
graphSize += 4;
// 4 bytes to store the CRC32 checksum of the data in this entry.
graphSize += 4;
// 4 bytes to store the length of this entry, without including the
// optional padding.
graphSize += 4;
// 4 bytes to store the number of entries in the graph map.
graphSize += 4;
// The following information are stored as part of the main content of
// this entry, after the optional padding.
for (Entry> entry : graph.entrySet()) {
// 16 bytes to store the key of the map.
graphSize += 16;
// 4 bytes for the number of entries in the adjacency list.
graphSize += 4;
// 16 bytes for every element in the adjacency list.
graphSize += 16 * entry.getValue().size();
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(graphSize);
for (Entry> entry : graph.entrySet()) {
UUID from = entry.getKey();
Set adj = entry.getValue();
for (UUID to : adj) {
CRC32 checksum = new CRC32();
checksum.update(buffer.array(), 0, buffer.position());
buffer.putInt((int) checksum.getValue());
int padding = getPaddingSize(graphSize);
access.write(newEntryHeader(file.getName() + ".gph", graphSize + padding));
if (padding > 0) {
access.write(ZERO_BYTES, 0, padding);
private void writeIndex() throws IOException {
int indexSize = index.size() * TarEntry.SIZE + 16;
int padding = getPaddingSize(indexSize);
String indexName = file.getName() + ".idx";
byte[] header = newEntryHeader(indexName, indexSize + padding);
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(indexSize);
TarEntry[] sorted = index.values().toArray(new TarEntry[index.size()]);
Arrays.sort(sorted, TarEntry.IDENTIFIER_ORDER);
for (TarEntry entry : sorted) {
CRC32 checksum = new CRC32();
checksum.update(buffer.array(), 0, buffer.position());
buffer.putInt((int) checksum.getValue());
buffer.putInt(padding + indexSize);
if (padding > 0) {
// padding comes *before* the index!
access.write(ZERO_BYTES, 0, padding);
private static byte[] newEntryHeader(String name, int size) {
byte[] header = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE];
// File name
byte[] nameBytes = name.getBytes(UTF_8);
nameBytes, 0, header, 0, Math.min(nameBytes.length, 100));
// File mode
String.format("%07o", 0400).getBytes(UTF_8), 0,
header, 100, 7);
// User's numeric user ID
String.format("%07o", 0).getBytes(UTF_8), 0,
header, 108, 7);
// Group's numeric user ID
String.format("%07o", 0).getBytes(UTF_8), 0,
header, 116, 7);
// File size in bytes (octal basis)
String.format("%011o", size).getBytes(UTF_8), 0,
header, 124, 11);
// Last modification time in numeric Unix time format (octal)
long time = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000;
String.format("%011o", time).getBytes(UTF_8), 0,
header, 136, 11);
// Checksum for header record
new byte[] {' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '}, 0,
header, 148, 8);
// Type flag
header[156] = '0';
// Compute checksum
int checksum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < header.length; i++) {
checksum += header[i] & 0xff;
String.format("%06o\0 ", checksum).getBytes(UTF_8), 0,
header, 148, 8);
return header;
//------------------------------------------------------------< Object >--
public String toString() {
return file.toString();