org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.SegmentNodeStoreService.class Maven / Gradle / Ivy
???? 3r 9org/apache/jackrabbit/oak/segment/SegmentNodeStoreService 2org/apache/jackrabbit/oak/spi/state/ProxyNodeStore /org/apache/jackrabbit/oak/spi/commit/Observable 6org/apache/jackrabbit/oak/segment/SegmentStoreProvider SegmentNodeStoreService.java ,Lorg/apache/felix/scr/annotations/Component; policy 6Lorg/apache/felix/scr/annotations/ConfigurationPolicy; REQUIRE metatype label /Apache Jackrabbit Oak Segment NodeStore Service description?NodeStore implementation based on Segment model. For configuration option refer to http://jackrabbit.apache.org/oak/docs/osgi_config.html#SegmentNodeStore. Note that for system stability purpose it is advisable to not change these settings at runtime. Instead the config change should be done via file system based config file and this view should ONLY be used to determine which options are supported ;org/apache/jackrabbit/oak/segment/SegmentNodeStoreService$1 Jorg/apache/jackrabbit/oak/segment/SegmentNodeStore$SegmentNodeStoreBuilder 2org/apache/jackrabbit/oak/segment/SegmentNodeStore SegmentNodeStoreBuilder [org/apache/jackrabbit/oak/plugins/blob/datastore/SharedDataStoreUtils$SharedStoreRecordType Eorg/apache/jackrabbit/oak/plugins/blob/datastore/SharedDataStoreUtils SharedStoreRecordType NAME Ljava/lang/String; name " DIRECTORY repository.home % +Lorg/apache/felix/scr/annotations/Property; Directory ?Directory location used to store the segment tar files. If not specified then looks for framework property 'repository.home' otherwise use a subdirectory with name 'tarmk' MODE
tarmk.mode + Mode =TarMK mode (64 for memory mapping, 32 for normal file access) SIZE
tarmk.size 0 intValue Maximum Tar File Size (MB) TarMK maximum file size (MB) SEGMENT_CACHE_SIZE segmentCache.size 7 Segment cache size (MB) 2Cache size for storing most recently used segments STRING_CACHE_SIZE stringCache.size < String cache size (MB) 1Cache size for storing most recently used strings TEMPLATE_CACHE_SIZE templateCache.size A @ Template cache size (MB) 3Cache size for storing most recently used templates STRING_DEDUPLICATION_CACHE_SIZE stringDeduplicationCache.size G :? (String deduplication cache size (#items)