org.apache.james.imap.decode.FetchPartPathDecoder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one *
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* distributed with this work for additional information *
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file *
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the *
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package org.apache.james.imap.decode;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.james.imap.api.display.HumanReadableText;
import org.apache.james.protocols.imap.DecodingException;
public class FetchPartPathDecoder {
public static final int TEXT = 0;
public static final int MIME = 1;
public static final int HEADER = 2;
public static final int HEADER_FIELDS = 3;
public static final int HEADER_NOT_FIELDS = 4;
public static final int CONTENT = 5;
* Going to need to make one array copy so might as well ensure plenty of
* space
private static final int ARRAY_INCREMENT = 20;
/** Embedded RFC882 messages are rare so start size one array */
private static final int ARRAY_INITIAL_SIZE = 1;
private int sectionType;
private int[] path;
private int partial;
private int used;
private List names;
public FetchPartPathDecoder() {
public int decode(final CharSequence sectionSpecification) throws DecodingException {
sectionType = decode(0, sectionSpecification);
return sectionType;
private void prunePath() {
if (path != null) {
final int length = path.length;
if (used < length) {
final int[] newPath = new int[used];
System.arraycopy(path, 0, newPath, 0, used);
path = newPath;
private int decode(final int at, final CharSequence sectionSpecification) throws DecodingException {
final int result;
final int length = sectionSpecification.length();
if (at < length) {
final char next = sectionSpecification.charAt(at);
switch (next) {
case '.':
result = decode(at + 1, sectionSpecification);
case '0':
result = digit(at, sectionSpecification, 0);
case '1':
result = digit(at, sectionSpecification, 1);
case '2':
result = digit(at, sectionSpecification, 2);
case '3':
result = digit(at, sectionSpecification, 3);
case '4':
result = digit(at, sectionSpecification, 4);
case '5':
result = digit(at, sectionSpecification, 5);
case '6':
result = digit(at, sectionSpecification, 6);
case '7':
result = digit(at, sectionSpecification, 7);
case '8':
result = digit(at, sectionSpecification, 8);
case '9':
result = digit(at, sectionSpecification, 9);
case 't':
case 'T':
result = text(at, sectionSpecification);
case 'h':
case 'H':
result = header(at, sectionSpecification);
case 'm':
case 'M':
result = mime(at, sectionSpecification);
throw new DecodingException(HumanReadableText.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENTS, "Did not expect '" + next + "' here in body specification.");
} else {
result = CONTENT;
return result;
private int mime(int at, CharSequence sectionSpecification) throws DecodingException {
if (sectionSpecification.length() == at + 4) {
mustBeI(sectionSpecification, at + 1);
mustBeM(sectionSpecification, at + 2);
mustBeE(sectionSpecification, at + 3);
} else {
throw new DecodingException(HumanReadableText.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENTS, "Unknown body specification");
return MIME;
private void mustBeI(CharSequence sectionSpecification, int position) throws DecodingException {
final char i = sectionSpecification.charAt(position);
if (!(i == 'i' || i == 'I')) {
throw new DecodingException(HumanReadableText.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENTS, "Unknown body specification");
private void mustBeM(CharSequence sectionSpecification, int position) throws DecodingException {
final char next = sectionSpecification.charAt(position);
if (!(next == 'm' || next == 'M')) {
throw new DecodingException(HumanReadableText.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENTS, "Unknown body specification");
private void mustBeN(CharSequence sectionSpecification, int position) throws DecodingException {
final char next = sectionSpecification.charAt(position);
if (!(next == 'n' || next == 'N')) {
throw new DecodingException(HumanReadableText.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENTS, "Unknown body specification");
private void mustBeO(CharSequence sectionSpecification, int position) throws DecodingException {
final char next = sectionSpecification.charAt(position);
if (!(next == 'o' || next == 'O')) {
throw new DecodingException(HumanReadableText.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENTS, "Unknown body specification");
private void mustBeE(CharSequence sectionSpecification, int position) throws DecodingException {
final char next = sectionSpecification.charAt(position);
if (!(next == 'e' || next == 'E')) {
throw new DecodingException(HumanReadableText.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENTS, "Unknown body specification");
private void mustBeA(CharSequence sectionSpecification, int position) throws DecodingException {
final char next = sectionSpecification.charAt(position);
if (!(next == 'a' || next == 'A')) {
throw new DecodingException(HumanReadableText.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENTS, "Unknown body specification");
private void mustBeD(CharSequence sectionSpecification, int position) throws DecodingException {
final char next = sectionSpecification.charAt(position);
if (!(next == 'd' || next == 'D')) {
throw new DecodingException(HumanReadableText.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENTS, "Unknown body specification");
private void mustBeR(CharSequence sectionSpecification, int position) throws DecodingException {
final char next = sectionSpecification.charAt(position);
if (!(next == 'r' || next == 'R')) {
throw new DecodingException(HumanReadableText.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENTS, "Unknown body specification");
private void mustBeX(CharSequence sectionSpecification, int position) throws DecodingException {
final char next = sectionSpecification.charAt(position);
if (!(next == 'x' || next == 'X')) {
throw new DecodingException(HumanReadableText.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENTS, "Unknown body specification");
private void mustBeT(CharSequence sectionSpecification, int position) throws DecodingException {
final char next = sectionSpecification.charAt(position);
if (!(next == 't' || next == 'T')) {
throw new DecodingException(HumanReadableText.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENTS, "Unknown body specification");
private void mustBeF(CharSequence sectionSpecification, int position) throws DecodingException {
final char next = sectionSpecification.charAt(position);
if (!(next == 'f' || next == 'F')) {
throw new DecodingException(HumanReadableText.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENTS, "Unknown body specification");
private void mustBeL(CharSequence sectionSpecification, int position) throws DecodingException {
final char next = sectionSpecification.charAt(position);
if (!(next == 'l' || next == 'L')) {
throw new DecodingException(HumanReadableText.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENTS, "Unknown body specification");
private void mustBeS(CharSequence sectionSpecification, int position) throws DecodingException {
final char next = sectionSpecification.charAt(position);
if (!(next == 's' || next == 'S')) {
throw new DecodingException(HumanReadableText.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENTS, "Unknown body specification");
private void mustBeDot(CharSequence sectionSpecification, int position) throws DecodingException {
final char next = sectionSpecification.charAt(position);
if (!(next == '.')) {
throw new DecodingException(HumanReadableText.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENTS, "Unknown body specification");
private void mustBeOpenParen(CharSequence sectionSpecification, int position) throws DecodingException {
final char next = sectionSpecification.charAt(position);
if (!(next == '(')) {
throw new DecodingException(HumanReadableText.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENTS, "Unknown body specification");
private int header(int at, CharSequence sectionSpecification) throws DecodingException {
final int result;
final int length = sectionSpecification.length();
if (length > at + 5) {
mustBeE(sectionSpecification, at + 1);
mustBeA(sectionSpecification, at + 2);
mustBeD(sectionSpecification, at + 3);
mustBeE(sectionSpecification, at + 4);
mustBeR(sectionSpecification, at + 5);
if (length == at + 6) {
result = HEADER;
} else {
result = headerFields(at + 6, sectionSpecification);
} else {
throw new DecodingException(HumanReadableText.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENTS, "Unknown body specification");
return result;
private int headerFields(int at, CharSequence sectionSpecification) throws DecodingException {
final int result;
final int length = sectionSpecification.length();
if (length > at + 7) {
mustBeDot(sectionSpecification, at);
mustBeF(sectionSpecification, at + 1);
mustBeI(sectionSpecification, at + 2);
mustBeE(sectionSpecification, at + 3);
mustBeL(sectionSpecification, at + 4);
mustBeD(sectionSpecification, at + 5);
mustBeS(sectionSpecification, at + 6);
final char next = sectionSpecification.charAt(at + 7);
final int namesStartAt;
switch (next) {
case ' ':
namesStartAt = skipSpaces(at + 7, sectionSpecification);
case '.':
if (length > at + 10) {
mustBeN(sectionSpecification, at + 8);
mustBeO(sectionSpecification, at + 9);
mustBeT(sectionSpecification, at + 10);
namesStartAt = skipSpaces(at + 11, sectionSpecification);
} else {
throw new DecodingException(HumanReadableText.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENTS, "Unknown body specification");
throw new DecodingException(HumanReadableText.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENTS, "Unknown body specification");
mustBeOpenParen(sectionSpecification, namesStartAt);
readHeaderNames(namesStartAt + 1, sectionSpecification);
} else {
throw new DecodingException(HumanReadableText.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENTS, "Unknown body specification");
return result;
private void readHeaderNames(final int at, final CharSequence sectionSpecification) throws DecodingException {
names = new ArrayList();
final int firstWordStart = skipSpaces(at, sectionSpecification);
readHeaderNames(firstWordStart, firstWordStart, sectionSpecification);
private void readHeaderNames(final int at, final int lastWordStart, final CharSequence sectionSpecification) throws DecodingException {
if (at < sectionSpecification.length()) {
final char next = sectionSpecification.charAt(at);
switch (next) {
case ' ':
readName(lastWordStart, at, sectionSpecification);
final int nextWord = skipSpaces(at, sectionSpecification);
readHeaderNames(nextWord, nextWord, sectionSpecification);
case ')':
readName(lastWordStart, at, sectionSpecification);
readHeaderNames(at + 1, lastWordStart, sectionSpecification);
} else {
throw new DecodingException(HumanReadableText.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENTS, "Closing parenthesis missing.");
private void readName(final int wordStart, final int wordFinish, final CharSequence sectionSpecification) {
if (wordStart <= wordFinish) {
final CharSequence word = sectionSpecification.subSequence(wordStart, wordFinish);
final String name = word.toString();
private int skipSpaces(final int at, final CharSequence sectionSpecification) {
final int result;
if (at < sectionSpecification.length()) {
final char next = sectionSpecification.charAt(at);
if (next == ' ') {
result = skipSpaces(at + 1, sectionSpecification);
} else {
result = at;
} else {
result = at;
return result;
private int text(int at, CharSequence sectionSpecification) throws DecodingException {
if (sectionSpecification.length() == at + 4) {
mustBeE(sectionSpecification, at + 1);
mustBeX(sectionSpecification, at + 2);
mustBeT(sectionSpecification, at + 3);
} else {
throw new DecodingException(HumanReadableText.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENTS, "Unknown body specification");
return TEXT;
private int digit(final int at, final CharSequence sectionSpecification, int digit) throws DecodingException {
final int result;
result = decode(at + 1, sectionSpecification);
return result;
private void init() {
sectionType = CONTENT;
path = null;
used = 0;
names = null;
private void resetPartial() {
partial = 0;
private void separator() {
private void storePartial() {
if (partial > 0) {
path[used++] = partial;
private void ensureSpaceForOneInPath() {
if (path == null) {
path = new int[ARRAY_INITIAL_SIZE];
} else {
final int length = path.length;
if (used >= length) {
int[] newPath = new int[length + ARRAY_INCREMENT];
System.arraycopy(path, 0, newPath, 0, length);
path = newPath;
private void digit(int digit) {
partial = (partial * 10) + digit;
* Gets the decoded path.
* @return the path
public final int[] getPath() {
return path;
* Gets the
* @return {@link #TEXT}, {@link #MIME}, {@link #HEADER},
* {@link #HEADER_FIELDS}, {@link #HEADER_NOT_FIELDS} or
* {@link #CONTENT}
public final int getSpecifier() {
return sectionType;
* Gets field names.
* @return List
of String
names when
* {@link #HEADER_FIELDS} or {@link #HEADER_NOT_FIELDS}, null
* otherwise
public final List getNames() {
return names;
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