Download apache-jsieve-mailet JAR file with all dependencies
apache-jsieve-mailet from group org.apache.james (version 0.3)
Apache jSieve is a server side mail filtering system
implementing RFC3028. Apache jSieve is developed by the
James project.
Artifact apache-jsieve-mailet
Group org.apache.james
Version 0.3
Last update 18. June 2009
Tags: james mail project system rfc3028 side filtering developed apache server implementing jsieve
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 8
Dependencies apache-jsieve-core, apache-mailet, apache-mailet-base, apache-mime4j-core, apache-mime4j-dom, commons-logging, ${javax.mail.artifactId}, ${javax.activation.artifactId},
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.apache.james
Version 0.3
Last update 18. June 2009
Tags: james mail project system rfc3028 side filtering developed apache server implementing jsieve
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 8
Dependencies apache-jsieve-core, apache-mailet, apache-mailet-base, apache-mime4j-core, apache-mime4j-dom, commons-logging, ${javax.mail.artifactId}, ${javax.activation.artifactId},
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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