org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.NodeValue Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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ARQ is a SPARQL 1.1 query engine for Apache Jena
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.jena.sparql.expr;
import static javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeConstants.* ;
import static org.apache.jena.datatypes.xsd.XSDDatatype.* ;
import static org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.ValueSpaceClassification.* ;
import java.io.File ;
import java.io.FileInputStream ;
import java.io.InputStream ;
import java.math.BigDecimal ;
import java.math.BigInteger ;
import java.util.Calendar ;
import java.util.Iterator ;
import java.util.Properties ;
import java.util.ServiceLoader ;
import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeConfigurationException ;
import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeFactory ;
import javax.xml.datatype.Duration ;
import javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar ;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.DateTimeUtils ;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.StrUtils ;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.logging.Log ;
import org.apache.jena.datatypes.DatatypeFormatException ;
import org.apache.jena.datatypes.RDFDatatype ;
import org.apache.jena.datatypes.TypeMapper ;
import org.apache.jena.datatypes.xsd.XSDDateTime ;
import org.apache.jena.graph.Node ;
import org.apache.jena.graph.NodeFactory ;
import org.apache.jena.graph.impl.LiteralLabel ;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.ARQInternalErrorException ;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.SystemARQ ;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.engine.ExecutionContext ;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.engine.binding.Binding ;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.nodevalue.* ;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.function.FunctionEnv ;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.graph.NodeConst ;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.graph.NodeTransform ;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.serializer.SerializationContext ;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.util.* ;
import org.apache.jena.system.JenaSystem ;
import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.RDF ;
import org.slf4j.Logger ;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory ;
public abstract class NodeValue extends ExprNode
static { JenaSystem.init() ; }
// Maybe:: NodeValueStringLang - strings with language tag
/* Naming:
* getXXX => plain accessor
* asXXX => force to the required thing if necessary.
* Implementation notes:
* 1. There is little point delaying turning a node into its value
* because it has to be verified anyway (e.g. illegal literals).
* Because a NodeValue is being created, it is reasonably likely it
* is going to be used for it's value, so processing the datatype
* can be done at creation time where it is clearer.
* 2. Conversely, delaying turning a value into a graph node is
* valuable because intermediates, like the result of 2+3, will not
* be needed as nodes unless assignment (and there is no assignment
* in SPARQL even if there is for ARQ).
* Node level operations like str() don't need a full node.
* 3. nodevalue.NodeFunctions contains the SPARQL builtin implementations.
* nodevalue.XSDFuncOp contains the implementation of the XQuery/Xpath
* functions and operations.
* See also NodeUtils.
* 4. Note that SPARQL "=" is "known to be sameValueAs". Similarly "!=" is
* known to be different.
* 5. To add a new number type:
* Add sub type into nodevalue.NodeValueXXX
* Must implement .hashCode() and .equals() based on value.
* Add Functions.add/subtract/etc code and compareNumeric
* Add to compare code
* Fix TestExprNumeric
* Write lots of tests.
* Library code Maths1 and Maths2 for maths functions
* Effective boolean value rules.
* boolean: value of the boolean
* string: length(string) > 0 is true
* numeric: number != Nan && number != 0 is true
* ref: http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery/#dt-ebv
private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NodeValue.class) ;
// ---- Constants and initializers / public
public static boolean VerboseWarnings = true ;
public static boolean VerboseExceptions = false ;
public static final BigInteger IntegerZERO = BigInteger.ZERO ;
public static final BigDecimal DecimalZERO = BigDecimal.ZERO ;
public static final NodeValue TRUE = NodeValue.makeNode("true", XSDboolean) ;
public static final NodeValue FALSE = NodeValue.makeNode("false", XSDboolean) ;
public static final NodeValue nvZERO = NodeValue.makeNode(NodeConst.nodeZero) ;
public static final NodeValue nvONE = NodeValue.makeNode(NodeConst.nodeOne) ;
public static final NodeValue nvTEN = NodeValue.makeNode(NodeConst.nodeTen) ;
public static final NodeValue nvNaN = NodeValue.makeNode("NaN", XSDdouble) ;
public static final NodeValue nvINF = NodeValue.makeNode("INF", XSDdouble) ;
public static final NodeValue nvNegINF = NodeValue.makeNode("-INF",XSDdouble) ;
public static final NodeValue nvEmptyString = NodeValue.makeString("") ;
// Use "==" for equality.
private static final String strForUnNode = "node value nothing" ;
/** @deprecated Use Expr.NONE */
public static final NodeValue nvNothing = NodeValue.makeNode(NodeFactory.createBlankNode(strForUnNode)) ;
public static final String xsdNamespace = XSD+"#" ;
public static DatatypeFactory xmlDatatypeFactory = null ;
try { xmlDatatypeFactory = getDatatypeFactory() ; }
catch (DatatypeConfigurationException ex)
{ throw new ARQInternalErrorException("Can't create a javax.xml DatatypeFactory", ex) ; }
* Get a datatype factory using the correct classloader
* See JENA-328. DatatypeFactory.newInstance() clashes with OSGi
* This is clearly crazy, but DatatypeFactory is missing a very obvious
* method newInstance(Classloader). The method that was added is very
* hard to use correctly, as we shall see...
private static DatatypeFactory getDatatypeFactory()
throws DatatypeConfigurationException {
ClassLoader cl = NodeValue.class.getClassLoader();
File jaxpPropFile = new File(
System.getProperty("java.home") + File.pathSeparator +
"lib" + File.pathSeparator +
// Step 1. Try the system property
String dtfClass = System.getProperty(DatatypeFactory.DATATYPEFACTORY_PROPERTY);
try {
// Step 2. Otherwise, try property in jaxp.properties
if (dtfClass == null && jaxpPropFile.exists() && jaxpPropFile.canRead()) {
Properties jaxp = new Properties();
try(InputStream in = new FileInputStream(jaxpPropFile)) {
dtfClass = jaxp.getProperty(DatatypeFactory.DATATYPEFACTORY_PROPERTY);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn("Issue loading jaxp.properties", e);
// File.exists and File.canRead may throw SecurityException (probably AccessControlException)
catch (SecurityException ex) {
log.warn("Security exception try to get jaxp.properties: "+ex.getMessage()) ;
// Step 3. Otherwise try the service approach
if (dtfClass == null) {
Iterator factoryIterator =
ServiceLoader.load(DatatypeFactory.class, cl).iterator();
if (factoryIterator.hasNext()) return factoryIterator.next();
// Step 4. Use the default
if (dtfClass == null) dtfClass = DatatypeFactory.DATATYPEFACTORY_IMPLEMENTATION_CLASS;
return DatatypeFactory.newInstance(dtfClass, NodeValue.class.getClassLoader()) ;
private Node node = null ; // Null used when a value has not be turned into a Node.
// Don't create direct - the static builders manage the value/node relationship
protected NodeValue() { super() ; }
protected NodeValue(Node n) { super() ; node = n ; }
// protected makeNodeValue(NodeValue nv)
// {
// if ( v.isNode() ) { ... }
// if ( v.isBoolean() ) { ... }
// if ( v.isInteger() ) { ... }
// if ( v.isDouble() ) { ... }
// if ( v.isDecimal() ) { ... }
// if ( v.isString() ) { ... }
// if ( v.isDate() ) { ... }
// }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// ---- Construct NodeValue without a graph node.
/** Convenience operation - parse a string to produce a NodeValue - common namespaces like xsd: are built-in */
public static NodeValue parse(String string)
{ return makeNode(NodeFactoryExtra.parseNode(string)) ; }
public static NodeValue makeInteger(long i)
{ return new NodeValueInteger(BigInteger.valueOf(i)) ; }
public static NodeValue makeInteger(BigInteger i)
{ return new NodeValueInteger(i) ; }
public static NodeValue makeInteger(String lexicalForm)
{ return new NodeValueInteger(new BigInteger(lexicalForm)) ; }
public static NodeValue makeFloat(float f)
{ return new NodeValueFloat(f) ; }
public static NodeValue makeDouble(double d)
{ return new NodeValueDouble(d) ; }
public static NodeValue makeString(String s)
{ return new NodeValueString(s) ; }
public static NodeValue makeLangString(String s, String lang)
{ return new NodeValueLang(s, lang) ; }
public static NodeValue makeDecimal(BigDecimal d)
{ return new NodeValueDecimal(d) ; }
public static NodeValue makeDecimal(long i)
{ return new NodeValueDecimal(BigDecimal.valueOf(i)) ; }
public static NodeValue makeDecimal(double d)
{ return new NodeValueDecimal(BigDecimal.valueOf(d)) ; }
public static NodeValue makeDecimal(String lexicalForm)
{ return NodeValue.makeNode(lexicalForm, XSDdecimal) ; }
public static NodeValue makeDateTime(String lexicalForm)
{ return NodeValue.makeNode(lexicalForm, XSDdateTime) ; }
public static NodeValue makeDate(String lexicalForm)
{ return NodeValue.makeNode(lexicalForm, XSDdate) ; }
public static NodeValue makeDateTime(Calendar cal)
String lex = DateTimeUtils.calendarToXSDDateTimeString(cal) ;
return NodeValue.makeNode(lex, XSDdateTime) ;
public static NodeValue makeDateTime(XMLGregorianCalendar cal)
String lex = cal.toXMLFormat() ;
Node node = org.apache.jena.graph.NodeFactory.createLiteral(lex, XSDdateTime) ;
return new NodeValueDT(lex, node) ;
public static NodeValue makeDate(Calendar cal)
String lex = DateTimeUtils.calendarToXSDDateString(cal) ;
return NodeValue.makeNode(lex, XSDdate) ;
public static NodeValue makeDate(XMLGregorianCalendar cal)
String lex = cal.toXMLFormat() ;
Node node = org.apache.jena.graph.NodeFactory.createLiteral(lex, XSDdate) ;
return new NodeValueDT(lex, node) ;
public static NodeValue makeDuration(String lexicalForm)
{ return NodeValue.makeNode(lexicalForm, XSDduration) ; }
public static NodeValue makeDuration(Duration duration)
{ return new NodeValueDuration(duration); }
public static NodeValue makeNodeDuration(Duration duration, Node node)
{ return new NodeValueDuration(duration, node); }
public static NodeValue makeBoolean(boolean b)
{ return b ? NodeValue.TRUE : NodeValue.FALSE ; }
public static NodeValue booleanReturn(boolean b)
{ return b ? NodeValue.TRUE : NodeValue.FALSE ; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// ---- Construct NodeValue from graph nodes
public static NodeValue makeNode(Node n)
NodeValue nv = nodeToNodeValue(n) ;
return nv ;
public static NodeValue makeNode(String lexicalForm, RDFDatatype dtype)
Node n = NodeFactory.createLiteral(lexicalForm, dtype) ;
NodeValue nv = NodeValue.makeNode(n) ;
return nv ;
// Convenience - knows that lang tags aren't allowed with datatypes.
public static NodeValue makeNode(String lexicalForm, String langTag, Node datatype)
String uri = (datatype==null) ? null : datatype.getURI() ;
return makeNode(lexicalForm, langTag, uri) ;
public static NodeValue makeNode(String lexicalForm, String langTag, String datatype)
if ( datatype != null && datatype.equals("") )
datatype = null ;
if ( langTag != null && datatype != null )
// raise??
Log.warn(NodeValue.class, "Both lang tag and datatype defined (lexcial form '"+lexicalForm+"')") ;
Node n = null ;
if ( langTag != null )
n = NodeFactory.createLiteral(lexicalForm, langTag) ;
else if ( datatype != null) {
RDFDatatype dType = TypeMapper.getInstance().getSafeTypeByName(datatype) ;
n = NodeFactory.createLiteral(lexicalForm, dType) ;
} else
n = NodeFactory.createLiteral(lexicalForm) ;
return NodeValue.makeNode(n) ;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// ---- Construct NodeValue with graph node and value.
public static NodeValue makeNodeBoolean(boolean b)
{ return b ? NodeValue.TRUE : NodeValue.FALSE ; }
public static NodeValue makeNodeBoolean(String lexicalForm)
NodeValue nv = makeNode(lexicalForm, null, XSDboolean.getURI()) ;
return nv ;
public static NodeValue makeNodeInteger(long v)
NodeValue nv = makeNode(Long.toString(v), null, XSDinteger.getURI()) ;
return nv ;
public static NodeValue makeNodeInteger(String lexicalForm)
NodeValue nv = makeNode(lexicalForm, null, XSDinteger.getURI()) ;
return nv ;
public static NodeValue makeNodeFloat(float f)
NodeValue nv = makeNode(Utils.stringForm(f), null, XSDfloat.getURI()) ;
return nv ;
public static NodeValue makeNodeFloat(String lexicalForm)
NodeValue nv = makeNode(lexicalForm, null, XSDdouble.getURI()) ;
return nv ;
public static NodeValue makeNodeDouble(double v)
NodeValue nv = makeNode(Utils.stringForm(v), null, XSDdouble.getURI()) ;
return nv ;
public static NodeValue makeNodeDouble(String lexicalForm)
NodeValue nv = makeNode(lexicalForm, null, XSDdouble.getURI()) ;
return nv ;
public static NodeValue makeNodeDecimal(BigDecimal decimal)
NodeValue nv = makeNode(Utils.stringForm(decimal), null, XSDdecimal.getURI()) ;
return nv ;
public static NodeValue makeNodeDecimal(String lexicalForm)
NodeValue nv = makeNode(lexicalForm, null, XSDdecimal.getURI()) ;
return nv ;
public static NodeValue makeNodeString(String string)
NodeValue nv = makeNode(string, null, (String)null) ;
return nv ;
public static NodeValue makeNodeDateTime(Calendar date)
String lex = DateTimeUtils.calendarToXSDDateTimeString(date) ;
NodeValue nv = makeNode(lex, XSDdateTime) ;
return nv ;
public static NodeValue makeNodeDateTime(String lexicalForm)
NodeValue nv = makeNode(lexicalForm, XSDdateTime) ;
return nv ;
public static NodeValue makeNodeDate(Calendar date)
String lex = DateTimeUtils.calendarToXSDDateString(date) ;
NodeValue nv = makeNode(lex, XSDdate) ;
return nv ;
public static NodeValue makeNodeDate(String lexicalForm)
NodeValue nv = makeNode(lexicalForm, XSDdate) ;
return nv ;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// ---- Expr interface
public NodeValue eval(Binding binding, FunctionEnv env)
{ return this ; }
// NodeValues are immutable so no need to duplicate.
public Expr copySubstitute(Binding binding)
return this ;
public Expr applyNodeTransform(NodeTransform transform)
Node n = asNode() ;
n = transform.apply(n) ;
return makeNode(n) ;
public Node evalNode(Binding binding, ExecutionContext execCxt)
return asNode() ;
public boolean isConstant() { return true ; }
public NodeValue getConstant() { return this ; }
public boolean isIRI()
if ( node == null ) return false ;
forceToNode() ;
return node.isURI() ;
public boolean isBlank()
if ( node == null ) return false ;
forceToNode() ;
return node.isBlank() ;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// ---- sameValueAs
// Disjoint value spaces : dateTime and dates are not comparable
// Every langtag implies another value space as well.
/** Return true if the two NodeValues are known to be the same value
* return false if known to be different values,
* throw ExprEvalException otherwise
public static boolean sameAs(NodeValue nv1, NodeValue nv2)
if ( nv1 == null || nv2 == null )
throw new ARQInternalErrorException("Attempt to sameValueAs on a null") ;
ValueSpaceClassification compType = classifyValueOp(nv1, nv2) ;
// Special case - date/dateTime comparison is affected by timezones and may be
// interdeterminate based on the value of the dateTime/date.
switch (compType)
return XSDFuncOp.compareNumeric(nv1, nv2) == Expr.CMP_EQUAL ;
int x = XSDFuncOp.compareDateTime(nv1, nv2) ;
if ( x == Expr.CMP_INDETERMINATE )
throw new ExprNotComparableException("Indeterminate dateTime comparison") ;
return x == Expr.CMP_EQUAL ;
int x = XSDFuncOp.compareDuration(nv1, nv2) ;
if ( x == Expr.CMP_INDETERMINATE )
throw new ExprNotComparableException("Indeterminate duration comparison") ;
return x == Expr.CMP_EQUAL ;
case VSPACE_STRING: return XSDFuncOp.compareString(nv1, nv2) == Expr.CMP_EQUAL ;
case VSPACE_BOOLEAN: return XSDFuncOp.compareBoolean(nv1, nv2) == Expr.CMP_EQUAL ;
// two literals, both with a language tag
Node node1 = nv1.asNode() ;
Node node2 = nv2.asNode() ;
return node1.getLiteralLexicalForm().equals(node2.getLiteralLexicalForm()) &&
node1.getLiteralLanguage().equalsIgnoreCase(node2.getLiteralLanguage()) ;
// Two non-literals
return NodeFunctions.sameTerm(nv1.getNode(), nv2.getNode()) ;
// One or two unknown value spaces, or one has a lang tag (but not both).
Node node1 = nv1.asNode() ;
Node node2 = nv2.asNode() ;
if ( ! SystemARQ.ValueExtensions )
// No value extensions => raw rdfTermEquals
return NodeFunctions.rdfTermEquals(node1, node2) ;
// Some "value spaces" are know to be not equal (no overlap).
// Like one literal with a language tag, and one without can't be sameAs.
if ( ! node1.isLiteral() || ! node2.isLiteral() )
// One or other not a literal => not sameAs
return false ;
// Two literals at this point.
if ( NodeFunctions.sameTerm(node1, node2) )
return true ;
if ( ! node1.getLiteralLanguage().equals("") ||
! node2.getLiteralLanguage().equals("") )
// One had lang tags but weren't sameNode => not equals
return false ;
raise(new ExprEvalException("Unknown equality test: "+nv1+" and "+nv2)) ;
throw new ARQInternalErrorException("raise returned (sameValueAs)") ;
// Known to be incompatible.
if ( ! SystemARQ.ValueExtensions && ( nv1.isLiteral() && nv2.isLiteral() ) )
raise(new ExprEvalException("Incompatible: "+nv1+" and "+nv2)) ;
return false ;
throw new ARQInternalErrorException("sameValueAs failure "+nv1+" and "+nv2) ;
/** Return true if the two Nodes are known to be different,
* return false if the two Nodes are known to be the same,
* else throw ExprEvalException
public static boolean notSameAs(Node n1, Node n2)
return notSameAs(NodeValue.makeNode(n1), NodeValue.makeNode(n2)) ;
/** Return true if the two NodeValues are known to be different,
* return false if the two NodeValues are known to be the same,
* else throw ExprEvalException
public static boolean notSameAs(NodeValue nv1, NodeValue nv2)
return ! sameAs(nv1, nv2) ;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// compare
// Compare by value code is here
// NodeUtils.compareRDFTerms for syntactic comparison
/** Compare by value if possible else compare by kind/type/lexical form
* Only use when you want an ordering regardless of form of NodeValue,
* for example in ORDER BY
* @param nv1
* @param nv2
* @return negative, 0, or postive for less than, equal, greater than.
public static int compareAlways(NodeValue nv1, NodeValue nv2)
try {
int x = compare(nv1, nv2, true) ;
// Same?
if ( x != Expr.CMP_EQUAL )
return x ;
} catch (ExprNotComparableException ex)
{ /* Drop through */ }
return NodeUtils.compareRDFTerms(nv1.asNode(), nv2.asNode()) ;
/** Compare by value (and only value) if possible.
* Supports <, <=, >, >= but not = nor != (which are sameValueAs and notSameValueAs)
* @param nv1
* @param nv2
* @return negative, 0 , or positive for not possible, less than, equal, greater than.
* @throws ExprNotComparableException
public static int compare(NodeValue nv1, NodeValue nv2)
// Called from E_LessThat etc
// and NodeUtils.comparLiteralsByValue
if ( nv1 == null || nv2 == null )
//raise(new ExprEvalException("Attempt to notSameValueAs on null") ;
throw new ARQInternalErrorException("Attempt to compare on null") ;
int x = compare(nv1, nv2, false) ;
return x ;
// E_GreaterThan/E_LessThan/E_GreaterThanOrEqual/E_LessThanOrEqual
// ==> compare(nv1, nv2) => compare (nv1, nv2, false)
// BindingComparator => compareAlways(nv1, nv2) => compare (nv1, nv2, true)
// E_Equals calls NodeValue.sameAs() ==>
// sortOrderingCompare means that the comparison should do something with normally unlike things,
// and split plain strings from xsd:strings.
private static int compare(NodeValue nv1, NodeValue nv2, boolean sortOrderingCompare)
if ( nv1 == null && nv2 == null )
return Expr.CMP_EQUAL ;
if ( nv1 == null )
return Expr.CMP_LESS ;
if ( nv2 == null )
return Expr.CMP_GREATER ;
ValueSpaceClassification compType = classifyValueOp(nv1, nv2) ;
// Special case - date/dateTime comparison is affected by timezones and may be
// interdeterminate based on the value of the dateTime/date.
// Do this first,
switch (compType)
int x = XSDFuncOp.compareDateTime(nv1, nv2) ;
if ( x != Expr.CMP_INDETERMINATE )
return x ;
// Indeterminate => can't compare as strict values.
compType = ValueSpaceClassification.VSPACE_DIFFERENT ;
break ;
int x = XSDFuncOp.compareDuration(nv1, nv2) ;
// Fix up - Java (Oracle java7 at least) returns "equals" for
// "D1Y"/"D365D" and "D1M"/"D28D", and others split over
// YearMoth/DayTime.
// OR return Expr.CMP_INDETERMINATE ??
if ( x == Expr.CMP_EQUAL ) {
Duration d1 = nv1.getDuration() ;
Duration d2 = nv2.getDuration() ;
if ( ( XSDFuncOp.isDayTime(d1) && XSDFuncOp.isYearMonth(d2) ) ||
( XSDFuncOp.isDayTime(d2) && XSDFuncOp.isYearMonth(d1) ) )
if ( x != Expr.CMP_INDETERMINATE )
return x ;
// Indeterminate => can't compare as strict values.
compType = ValueSpaceClassification.VSPACE_DIFFERENT ;
break ;
// Drop through.
switch (compType)
throw new ARQInternalErrorException("Still seeing date/dateTime/time/duration compare type") ;
case VSPACE_NUM: return XSDFuncOp.compareNumeric(nv1, nv2) ;
int cmp = XSDFuncOp.compareString(nv1, nv2) ;
// Split plain literals and xsd:strings for sorting purposes.
if ( ! sortOrderingCompare )
return cmp ;
if ( cmp != Expr.CMP_EQUAL )
return cmp ;
// Same by string value.
String dt1 = nv1.asNode().getLiteralDatatypeURI() ;
String dt2 = nv2.asNode().getLiteralDatatypeURI() ;
if ( dt1 == null && dt2 != null )
return Expr.CMP_LESS ;
if ( dt2 == null && dt1 != null )
return Expr.CMP_GREATER ;
return Expr.CMP_EQUAL; // Both plain or both xsd:string.
case VSPACE_BOOLEAN: return XSDFuncOp.compareBoolean(nv1, nv2) ;
// Two literals, both with language tags.
Node node1 = nv1.asNode() ;
Node node2 = nv2.asNode() ;
int x = StrUtils.strCompareIgnoreCase(node1.getLiteralLanguage(), node2.getLiteralLanguage()) ;
if ( x != Expr.CMP_EQUAL )
// Different lang tags
if ( ! sortOrderingCompare )
raise(new ExprNotComparableException("Can't compare (different languages) "+nv1+" and "+nv2)) ;
// Different lang tags - sorting
return x ;
// same lang tag (case insensitive)
x = StrUtils.strCompare(node1.getLiteralLexicalForm(), node2.getLiteralLexicalForm()) ;
if ( x != Expr.CMP_EQUAL )
return x ;
// Same lexical forms, same lang tag by value
// Try to split by syntactic lang tags.
x = StrUtils.strCompare(node1.getLiteralLanguage(), node2.getLiteralLanguage()) ;
// Maybe they are the same after all!
// Should be node.equals by now.
if ( x == Expr.CMP_EQUAL && ! NodeFunctions.sameTerm(node1, node2) )
throw new ARQInternalErrorException("Looks like the same (lang tags) but not node equals") ;
return x ;
// Two non-literals don't compare except for sorting.
if ( sortOrderingCompare )
return NodeUtils.compareRDFTerms(nv1.asNode(), nv2.asNode()) ;
raise(new ExprNotComparableException("Can't compare (nodes) "+nv1+" and "+nv2)) ;
throw new ARQInternalErrorException("NodeValue.raise returned") ;
// One or two unknown value spaces.
Node node1 = nv1.asNode() ;
Node node2 = nv2.asNode() ;
// Two unknown literals can be equal.
if ( NodeFunctions.sameTerm(node1, node2) )
return Expr.CMP_EQUAL ;
if ( sortOrderingCompare )
return NodeUtils.compareRDFTerms(node1, node2) ;
raise(new ExprNotComparableException("Can't compare "+nv1+" and "+nv2)) ;
throw new ARQInternalErrorException("NodeValue.raise returned") ;
// Two literals, from different known value spaces
if ( sortOrderingCompare )
return NodeUtils.compareRDFTerms(nv1.asNode(), nv2.asNode()) ;
raise(new ExprNotComparableException("Can't compare (incompatible value spaces)"+nv1+" and "+nv2)) ;
throw new ARQInternalErrorException("NodeValue.raise returned") ;
throw new ARQInternalErrorException("Compare failure "+nv1+" and "+nv2) ;
public static ValueSpaceClassification classifyValueOp(NodeValue nv1, NodeValue nv2)
ValueSpaceClassification c1 = nv1.getValueSpace() ;
ValueSpaceClassification c2 = nv2.getValueSpace() ;
if ( c1 == c2 ) return c1 ;
// Known values spaces but incompatible
public ValueSpaceClassification getValueSpace() { return classifyValueSpace(this) ; }
private static ValueSpaceClassification classifyValueSpace(NodeValue nv)
if ( nv.isNumber() ) return VSPACE_NUM ;
if ( nv.isDateTime() ) return VSPACE_DATETIME ;
if ( nv.isDate() ) return VSPACE_DATE ;
if ( nv.isTime() ) return VSPACE_TIME ;
if ( nv.isDuration() ) return VSPACE_DURATION ;
if ( nv.isGYear() ) return VSPACE_G_YEAR ;
if ( nv.isGYearMonth() ) return VSPACE_G_YEARMONTH ;
if ( nv.isGMonth() ) return VSPACE_G_MONTH ;
if ( nv.isGMonthDay() ) return VSPACE_G_MONTHDAY ;
if ( nv.isGDay() ) return VSPACE_G_DAY ;
if ( SystemARQ.ValueExtensions && nv.isDate() )
return VSPACE_DATE ;
if ( nv.isString()) return VSPACE_STRING ;
if ( nv.isBoolean()) return VSPACE_BOOLEAN ;
if ( ! nv.isLiteral() ) return VSPACE_NODE ;
if ( SystemARQ.ValueExtensions && nv.getNode() != null &&
nv.getNode().isLiteral() &&
! nv.getNode().getLiteralLanguage().equals("") )
return VSPACE_LANG ;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// ---- Node operations
public static Node toNode(NodeValue nv)
if ( nv == null )
return null ;
return nv.asNode() ;
public final Node asNode()
if ( node == null )
node = makeNode() ;
return node ;
protected abstract Node makeNode() ;
/** getNode - return the node form - may be null (use .asNode() to force to a node) */
public Node getNode() { return node ; }
public String getDatatypeURI() { return asNode().getLiteralDatatypeURI() ; }
public boolean hasNode() { return node != null ; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// ---- Subclass operations
public boolean isBoolean() { return false ; }
public boolean isString() { return false ; }
public boolean isLangString() { return false ; }
public boolean isNumber() { return false ; }
public boolean isInteger() { return false ; }
public boolean isDecimal() { return false ; }
public boolean isFloat() { return false ; }
public boolean isDouble() { return false ; }
public boolean hasDateTime() { return isDateTime() || isDate() || isTime() || isGYear() || isGYearMonth() || isGMonth() || isGMonthDay() || isGDay() ; }
public boolean isDateTime() { return false ; }
public boolean isDate() { return false ; }
public boolean isLiteral() { return getNode() == null || getNode().isLiteral() ; }
public boolean isTime() { return false ; }
public boolean isDuration() { return false ; }
public boolean isYearMonth() {
return isYearMonthDuration() ;
public boolean isYearMonthDuration()
if ( ! isDuration() ) return false ;
Duration dur = getDuration() ;
return ( dur.isSet(YEARS) || dur.isSet(MONTHS) ) &&
! dur.isSet(DAYS) && ! dur.isSet(HOURS) && ! dur.isSet(MINUTES) && ! dur.isSet(SECONDS) ;
public boolean isDayTimeDuration()
if ( ! isDuration() ) return false ;
Duration dur = getDuration() ;
return !dur.isSet(YEARS) && ! dur.isSet(MONTHS) &&
( dur.isSet(DAYS) || dur.isSet(HOURS) || dur.isSet(MINUTES) || dur.isSet(SECONDS) );
public boolean isGYear() { return false ; }
public boolean isGYearMonth() { return false ; }
public boolean isGMonth() { return false ; }
public boolean isGMonthDay() { return false ; }
public boolean isGDay() { return false ; }
public boolean getBoolean() { raise(new ExprEvalTypeException("Not a boolean: "+this)) ; return false ; }
public String getString() { raise(new ExprEvalTypeException("Not a string: "+this)) ; return null ; }
public String getLang() { raise(new ExprEvalTypeException("Not a string: "+this)) ; return null ; }
public BigInteger getInteger() { raise(new ExprEvalTypeException("Not an integer: "+this)) ; return null ; }
public BigDecimal getDecimal() { raise(new ExprEvalTypeException("Not a decimal: "+this)) ; return null ; }
public float getFloat() { raise(new ExprEvalTypeException("Not a float: "+this)) ; return Float.NaN ; }
public double getDouble() { raise(new ExprEvalTypeException("Not a double: "+this)) ; return Double.NaN ; }
// Value representation for all date and time values.
public XMLGregorianCalendar getDateTime() { raise(new ExprEvalTypeException("No DateTime value: "+this)) ; return null ; }
public Duration getDuration() { raise(new ExprEvalTypeException("Not a duration: "+this)) ; return null ; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// ---- Setting : used when a node is used to make a NodeValue
private static NodeValue nodeToNodeValue(Node node)
if ( node.isVariable() )
Log.warn(NodeValue.class, "Variable passed to NodeValue.nodeToNodeValue") ;
if ( ! node.isLiteral() )
// Not a literal - no value to extract
return new NodeValueNode(node) ;
boolean hasLangTag = NodeUtils.isLangString(node) ;
boolean isPlainLiteral = ( node.getLiteralDatatypeURI() == null && ! hasLangTag ) ;
if ( isPlainLiteral )
return new NodeValueString(node.getLiteralLexicalForm(), node) ;
if ( hasLangTag ) {
// Works for RDF 1.0 and RDF 1.1
if ( node.getLiteralDatatype() != null && ! RDF.dtLangString.equals(node.getLiteralDatatype()) ) {
if ( NodeValue.VerboseWarnings )
Log.warn(NodeValue.class, "Lang tag and datatype (datatype ignored)") ;
return new NodeValueLang(node) ;
// Typed literal
LiteralLabel lit = node.getLiteral() ;
// This includes type testing
//if ( ! lit.getDatatype().isValidLiteral(lit) )
// Use this - already calculated when the node is formed.
if ( !node.getLiteral().isWellFormed() )
if ( NodeValue.VerboseWarnings )
String tmp = FmtUtils.stringForNode(node) ;
Log.warn(NodeValue.class, "Datatype format exception: "+tmp) ;
// Invalid lexical form.
return new NodeValueNode(node) ;
NodeValue nv = _setByValue(node) ;
if ( nv != null )
return nv ;
return new NodeValueNode(node) ;
//raise(new ExprException("NodeValue.nodeToNodeValue: Unknown Node type: "+n)) ;
// Jena code does not have these types (yet)
private static final String dtXSDprecisionDecimal = XSD+"#precisionDecimal" ;
// Returns null for unrecognized literal.
private static NodeValue _setByValue(Node node) {
// This should not happen.
// nodeToNodeValue should have dealt with it.
if ( NodeUtils.hasLang(node) )
return new NodeValueLang(node) ;
LiteralLabel lit = node.getLiteral() ;
String lex = lit.getLexicalForm() ;
RDFDatatype datatype = lit.getDatatype() ;
// Quick check.
// Only XSD supported.
// And (for testing) roman numerals.
String datatypeURI = datatype.getURI() ;
if ( !datatypeURI.startsWith(xsdNamespace) && !SystemARQ.EnableRomanNumerals ) {
// Not XSD.
return null ;
try { // DatatypeFormatException - should not happen
if ( XSDstring.isValidLiteral(lit) )
// String - plain or xsd:string, or derived datatype.
return new NodeValueString(lit.getLexicalForm(), node) ;
// Otherwise xsd:string is like any other unknown datatype.
// Ditto literals with language tags (which are handled by nodeToNodeValue)
// isValidLiteral is a value test - not a syntactic test.
// This makes a difference in that "1"^^xsd:decimal" is a
// valid literal for xsd:integer (all other cases are subtypes of xsd:integer)
// which we want to become integer anyway).
// Order here is promotion order integer-decimal-float-double
if ( ! datatype.equals(XSDdecimal) ) {
// XSD integer and derived types
if ( XSDinteger.isValidLiteral(lit) )
// .trim() implements the facet of whitespace collapse.
// BigInteger does not accept such whitespace.
String s = node.getLiteralLexicalForm().trim() ;
if ( s.startsWith("+") )
// BigInteger does not accept leading "+"
s = s.substring(1) ;
// Includes subtypes (int, byte, postiveInteger etc).
// NB Known to be valid for type by now
BigInteger integer = new BigInteger(s) ;
return new NodeValueInteger(integer, node) ;
if ( datatype.equals(XSDdecimal) && XSDdecimal.isValidLiteral(lit) ) {
BigDecimal decimal = new BigDecimal(lit.getLexicalForm()) ;
return new NodeValueDecimal(decimal, node) ;
if ( datatype.equals(XSDfloat) && XSDfloat.isValidLiteral(lit) ) {
// NB If needed, call to floatValue, then assign to double.
// Gets 1.3f != 1.3d right
float f = ((Number)lit.getValue()).floatValue() ;
return new NodeValueFloat(f, node) ;
if ( datatype.equals(XSDdouble) && XSDdouble.isValidLiteral(lit) ) {
double d = ((Number)lit.getValue()).doubleValue() ;
return new NodeValueDouble(d, node) ;
if ( (datatype.equals(XSDdateTime) || datatype.equals(XSDdateTimeStamp)) && XSDdateTime.isValid(lex) ) {
XSDDateTime dateTime = (XSDDateTime)lit.getValue() ;
return new NodeValueDT(lex, node) ;
if ( datatype.equals(XSDdate) && XSDdate.isValidLiteral(lit) ) {
// Jena datatype support works on masked dataTimes.
XSDDateTime dateTime = (XSDDateTime)lit.getValue() ;
return new NodeValueDT(lex, node) ;
if ( datatype.equals(XSDtime) && XSDtime.isValidLiteral(lit) ) {
// Jena datatype support works on masked dataTimes.
XSDDateTime time = (XSDDateTime)lit.getValue() ;
return new NodeValueDT(lex, node) ;
if ( datatype.equals(XSDgYear) && XSDgYear.isValidLiteral(lit) ) {
XSDDateTime time = (XSDDateTime)lit.getValue() ;
return new NodeValueDT(lex, node) ;
if ( datatype.equals(XSDgYearMonth) && XSDgYearMonth.isValidLiteral(lit) ) {
XSDDateTime time = (XSDDateTime)lit.getValue() ;
return new NodeValueDT(lex, node) ;
if ( datatype.equals(XSDgMonth) && XSDgMonth.isValidLiteral(lit) ) {
XSDDateTime time = (XSDDateTime)lit.getValue() ;
return new NodeValueDT(lex, node) ;
if ( datatype.equals(XSDgMonthDay) && XSDgMonthDay.isValidLiteral(lit) ) {
XSDDateTime time = (XSDDateTime)lit.getValue() ;
return new NodeValueDT(lex, node) ;
if ( datatype.equals(XSDgDay) && XSDgDay.isValidLiteral(lit) ) {
XSDDateTime time = (XSDDateTime)lit.getValue() ;
return new NodeValueDT(lex, node) ;
if ( datatype.equals(XSDduration) && XSDduration.isValid(lex) ) {
Duration duration = xmlDatatypeFactory.newDuration(lex) ;
return new NodeValueDuration(duration, node) ;
if ( datatype.equals(XSDyearMonthDuration) && XSDyearMonthDuration.isValid(lex) ) {
Duration duration = xmlDatatypeFactory.newDuration(lex) ;
return new NodeValueDuration(duration, node) ;
if ( datatype.equals(XSDdayTimeDuration) && XSDdayTimeDuration.isValid(lex) ) {
Duration duration = xmlDatatypeFactory.newDuration(lex) ;
return new NodeValueDuration(duration, node) ;
if ( datatype.equals(XSDboolean) && XSDboolean.isValidLiteral(lit) ) {
boolean b = (Boolean) lit.getValue();
return new NodeValueBoolean(b, node) ;
// If wired into the TypeMapper via RomanNumeralDatatype.enableAsFirstClassDatatype
// if ( RomanNumeralDatatype.get().isValidLiteral(lit) )
// {
// int i = ((RomanNumeral)lit.getValue()).intValue() ;
// return new NodeValueInteger(i) ;
// }
// Not wired in
if ( SystemARQ.EnableRomanNumerals )
if ( lit.getDatatypeURI().equals(RomanNumeralDatatype.get().getURI()) )
Object obj = RomanNumeralDatatype.get().parse(lit.getLexicalForm()) ;
if ( obj instanceof Integer )
return new NodeValueInteger(((Integer)obj).longValue()) ;
if ( obj instanceof RomanNumeral )
return new NodeValueInteger( ((RomanNumeral)obj).intValue() ) ;
throw new ARQInternalErrorException("DatatypeFormatException: Roman numeral is unknown class") ;
} catch (DatatypeFormatException ex)
// Should have been caught earlier by special test in nodeToNodeValue
throw new ARQInternalErrorException("DatatypeFormatException: "+lit, ex) ;
return null ;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Point to catch all exceptions.
public static void raise(ExprException ex)
throw ex ;
public void visit(ExprVisitor visitor) { visitor.visit(this) ; }
private void forceToNode()
if ( node == null )
node = asNode() ;
if ( node == null )
raise(new ExprEvalException("Not a node: "+this)) ;
// ---- Formatting (suitable for SPARQL syntax).
// Usually done by being a Node and formatting that.
// In desperation, will try toString() (no quoting)
public final String asUnquotedString()
{ return asString() ; }
public final String asQuotedString()
{ return asQuotedString(new SerializationContext()) ; }
public final String asQuotedString(SerializationContext context)
// If possible, make a node and use that as the formatted output.
if ( node == null )
node = asNode() ;
if ( node != null )
return FmtUtils.stringForNode(node, context) ;
return toString() ;
// Convert to a string - usually overridden.
public String asString()
// Do not call .toString()
forceToNode() ;
return NodeFunctions.str(node) ;
public int hashCode()
return asNode().hashCode() ;
public boolean equals(Expr other, boolean bySyntax) {
if ( other == null ) return false ;
if ( this == other ) return true ;
// This is the equality condition Jena uses - lang tags are different by case.
if ( ! ( other instanceof NodeValue ) )
return false ;
NodeValue nv = (NodeValue)other ;
return asNode().equals(nv.asNode()) ;
// Not NodeFunctions.sameTerm (which smooshes language tags by case)
public abstract void visit(NodeValueVisitor visitor) ;
public Expr apply(ExprTransform transform) { return transform.transform(this) ; }
public String toString()
return asQuotedString() ;
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