org.apache.jena.fuseki.main.cmds.FusekiMain Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.jena.fuseki.main.cmds;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.List;
import arq.cmdline.CmdARQ;
import arq.cmdline.ModAssembler;
import arq.cmdline.ModDatasetAssembler;
import jena.cmd.ArgDecl;
import jena.cmd.CmdException;
import jena.cmd.TerminationException;
import org.apache.jena.assembler.exceptions.AssemblerException;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.json.JSON;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.json.JsonObject;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.lib.FileOps;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.logging.FmtLog;
import org.apache.jena.atlas.web.AuthScheme;
import org.apache.jena.fuseki.Fuseki;
import org.apache.jena.fuseki.FusekiException;
import org.apache.jena.fuseki.main.FusekiServer;
import org.apache.jena.fuseki.server.DataAccessPoint;
import org.apache.jena.fuseki.server.DataAccessPointRegistry;
import org.apache.jena.fuseki.server.FusekiInfo;
import org.apache.jena.fuseki.servlets.SPARQL_QueryGeneral;
import org.apache.jena.fuseki.validation.DataValidator;
import org.apache.jena.fuseki.validation.IRIValidator;
import org.apache.jena.fuseki.validation.QueryValidator;
import org.apache.jena.fuseki.validation.UpdateValidator;
import org.apache.jena.query.ARQ;
import org.apache.jena.query.Dataset;
import org.apache.jena.riot.Lang;
import org.apache.jena.riot.RDFDataMgr;
import org.apache.jena.riot.RDFLanguages;
import org.apache.jena.riot.RiotException;
import org.apache.jena.sparql.core.DatasetGraphFactory;
import org.apache.jena.sys.JenaSystem;
import org.apache.jena.system.Txn;
import org.apache.jena.tdb.TDBFactory;
import org.apache.jena.tdb.transaction.TransactionManager;
import org.apache.jena.tdb2.DatabaseMgr;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
public class FusekiMain extends CmdARQ {
private static int defaultPort = 3030;
private static int defaultHttpsPort = 3043;
private static ArgDecl argMem = new ArgDecl(ArgDecl.NoValue, "mem");
private static ArgDecl argUpdate = new ArgDecl(ArgDecl.NoValue, "update", "allowUpdate");
private static ArgDecl argFile = new ArgDecl(ArgDecl.HasValue, "file");
private static ArgDecl argTDB2mode = new ArgDecl(ArgDecl.NoValue, "tdb2");
private static ArgDecl argMemTDB = new ArgDecl(ArgDecl.NoValue, "memtdb", "memTDB", "tdbmem");
private static ArgDecl argTDB = new ArgDecl(ArgDecl.HasValue, "loc", "location", "tdb");
// No SPARQL dataset or services
private static ArgDecl argEmpty = new ArgDecl(ArgDecl.NoValue, "empty", "no-dataset");
private static ArgDecl argGeneralQuerySvc = new ArgDecl(ArgDecl.HasValue, "general");
private static ArgDecl argPort = new ArgDecl(ArgDecl.HasValue, "port");
private static ArgDecl argLocalhost = new ArgDecl(ArgDecl.NoValue, "localhost", "local");
private static ArgDecl argTimeout = new ArgDecl(ArgDecl.HasValue, "timeout");
private static ArgDecl argConfig = new ArgDecl(ArgDecl.HasValue, "config", "conf");
private static ArgDecl argGZip = new ArgDecl(ArgDecl.HasValue, "gzip");
private static ArgDecl argBase = new ArgDecl(ArgDecl.HasValue, "base", "files");
private static ArgDecl argCORS = new ArgDecl(ArgDecl.NoValue, "withCORS", "cors", "CORS");
private static ArgDecl argNoCORS = new ArgDecl(ArgDecl.NoValue, "noCORS", "no-cors");
private static ArgDecl argWithPing = new ArgDecl(ArgDecl.NoValue, "withPing", "ping");
private static ArgDecl argWithStats = new ArgDecl(ArgDecl.NoValue, "withStats", "stats");
private static ArgDecl argWithMetrics = new ArgDecl(ArgDecl.NoValue, "withMetrics", "metrics");
private static ArgDecl argAuth = new ArgDecl(ArgDecl.HasValue, "auth");
private static ArgDecl argHttps = new ArgDecl(ArgDecl.HasValue, "https");
private static ArgDecl argHttpsPort = new ArgDecl(ArgDecl.HasValue, "httpsPort", "httpsport", "sport");
private static ArgDecl argPasswdFile = new ArgDecl(ArgDecl.HasValue, "passwd");
private static ArgDecl argRealm = new ArgDecl(ArgDecl.HasValue, "realm");
// Same as --empty --validators --general=/sparql, --files=ARG
private static ArgDecl argSparqler = new ArgDecl(ArgDecl.HasValue, "sparqler");
private static ArgDecl argValidators = new ArgDecl(ArgDecl.NoValue, "validators");
// private static ModLocation modLocation = new ModLocation();
private static ModDatasetAssembler modDataset = new ModDatasetAssembler();
private final ServerConfig serverConfig = new ServerConfig();
private boolean useTDB2;
/** Build, but do not start, a server based on command line syntax. */
public static FusekiServer build(String... argv) {
FusekiMain inner = new FusekiMain(argv);
return inner.buildServer();
static void run(String... argv) {
new FusekiMain(argv).mainRun();
protected FusekiMain(String... argv) {
if ( false )
// Consider ...
TransactionManager.QueueBatchSize = TransactionManager.QueueBatchSize / 2;
getUsage().startCategory("Fuseki Main");
// Control the order!
add(argMem, "--mem",
"Create an in-memory, non-persistent dataset for the server");
add(argFile, "--file=FILE",
"Create an in-memory, non-persistent dataset for the server, initialised with the contents of the file");
add(argTDB2mode, "--tdb2",
"Use TDB2 for command line persistent datasets (dfault is TDB1)");
add(argTDB, "--loc=DIR",
"Use an existing TDB database (or create if does not exist)");
add(argMemTDB, "--memTDB",
"Create an in-memory, non-persistent dataset using TDB (testing only)");
// add(argEmpty, "--empty",
// "Run with no datasets and services (validators only)");
add(argConfig, "--config=",
"Use a configuration file to determine the services");
add(argEmpty); // Hidden for now.
add(argPort, "--port",
"Listen on this port number");
add(argLocalhost, "--localhost",
"Listen only on the localhost interface");
add(argTimeout, "--timeout=",
"Global timeout applied to queries (value in ms) -- format is X[,Y] ");
add(argUpdate, "--update",
"Allow updates (via SPARQL Update and SPARQL HTTP Update)");
add(argGZip, "--gzip=on|off",
"Enable GZip compression (HTTP Accept-Encoding) if request header set");
add(argBase, "--base=DIR",
"Directory for static content");
add(argSparqler, "--sparqler=DIR",
"Run with SPARQLer services Directory for static content");
add(argValidators, "--validators", "Install validators");
add(argGeneralQuerySvc, "--general=PATH", "Add a general SPARQL endpoint (without a dataset) at /PATH");
add(argAuth, "--auth=[basic|Digest]", "Run the server using basic or digest authentication (dft: digest).");
add(argHttps, "--https=CONF", "https certificate access details. JSON file { \"cert\":FILE , \"passwd\"; SECRET } ");
add(argHttpsPort, "--httpsPort=NUM", "https port (default port is 3043)");
add(argPasswdFile, "--passwd=FILE", "Password file");
add(argCORS); //, "--cors"); "Enable CORS");
add(argNoCORS, "--no-cors", "Disable CORS");
// put in the configuration file
// add(argRealm, "--realm=REALM", "Realm name");
add(argWithPing, "--ping", "Enable /$/ping");
add(argWithStats, "--stats", "Enable /$/stats");
add(argWithMetrics, "--metrics", "Enable /$/metrics");
static String argUsage = "[--config=FILE] [--mem|--desc=AssemblerFile|--file=FILE] [--port PORT] /DatasetPathName";
protected String getSummary() {
return getCommandName() + " " + argUsage;
protected void processModulesAndArgs() {
Logger log = Fuseki.serverLog;
serverConfig.verboseLogging = super.isVerbose();
boolean allowEmpty = contains(argEmpty) || contains(argSparqler);
// ---- Checking consistency
int numDefinitions = 0;
if ( contains(argMem) )
if ( contains(argFile) )
if ( contains(ModAssembler.assemblerDescDecl) )
if ( contains(argTDB) )
if ( contains(argMemTDB) )
if ( contains(argConfig) )
if ( numDefinitions == 0 && ! allowEmpty )
throw new CmdException("No dataset specified on the command line.");
if ( numDefinitions > 1 )
throw new CmdException("Multiple ways providing a dataset. Only one of --mem, --file, --loc or --conf");
if ( numDefinitions > 0 && allowEmpty )
throw new CmdException("Dataset provided but 'no dataset' flag given");
//---- check: Invalid: --conf + service name.
if ( contains(argConfig) ) {
if ( getPositional().size() != 0 )
throw new CmdException("Can't have both a configutation file and a service name");
} else if ( ! allowEmpty ) {
if ( getPositional().size() == 0 )
throw new CmdException("Missing service name");
if ( getPositional().size() > 1 )
throw new CmdException("Multiple dataset path names given");
serverConfig.datasetPath = DataAccessPoint.canonical(getPositionalArg(0));
serverConfig.datasetDescription = "";
// ---- check: Invalid: --update + --conf
if ( contains(argUpdate) && contains(argConfig) )
throw new CmdException("--update and a configuration file does not make sense (control using the configuration file only)");
boolean allowUpdate = contains(argUpdate);
serverConfig.allowUpdate = allowUpdate;
// ---- Port
serverConfig.port = defaultPort;
if ( contains(argPort) )
serverConfig.port = portNumber(argPort);
if ( contains(argLocalhost) )
serverConfig.loopback = true;
// ---- Dataset
// Only one of these is choose from the checking above.
// Which TDB to use to create a command line TDB database.
useTDB2 = contains(argTDB2mode);
String tag = useTDB2 ? "TDB2" : "TDB1";
if ( allowEmpty ) {
serverConfig.empty = true;
serverConfig.datasetDescription = "No dataset";
// Fuseki config file
if ( contains(argConfig) ) {
String file = getValue(argConfig);
if ( file.startsWith("file:") )
file = file.substring("file:".length());
Path path = Paths.get(file);
if ( ! Files.exists(path) )
throw new CmdException("File not found: "+file);
if ( Files.isDirectory(path) )
throw new CmdException("Is a directory: "+file);
serverConfig.datasetDescription = "Configuration: "+path.toAbsolutePath();
serverConfig.serverConfig = getValue(argConfig);
// Ways to setup a dataset.
if ( contains(argMem) ) {
serverConfig.datasetDescription = "in-memory";
// Only one setup should be called by the test above but to be safe
// and in case of future changes, clear the configuration.
serverConfig.dsg = DatasetGraphFactory.createTxnMem();
// Always allow, else you can't do very much!
serverConfig.allowUpdate = true;
if ( contains(argFile) ) {
List filenames = getValues(argFile);
serverConfig.datasetDescription = "in-memory, with files loaded";
serverConfig.dsg = DatasetGraphFactory.createTxnMem();
for(String filename : filenames ) {
String pathname = filename;
if ( filename.startsWith("file:") )
pathname = filename.substring("file:".length());
if ( !FileOps.exists(pathname) )
throw new CmdException("File not found: " + filename);
Lang language = RDFLanguages.filenameToLang(filename);
if ( language == null )
throw new CmdException("Can't guess language for file: " + filename);
Txn.executeWrite(serverConfig.dsg, ()-> {
try {"Dataset: in-memory: load file: " + filename);, filename);
} catch (RiotException ex) {
throw new CmdException("Failed to load file: " + filename);
if ( contains(argMemTDB) ) {
serverConfig.datasetDescription = tag+" dataset in-memory";
serverConfig.dsg =
? DatabaseMgr.createDatasetGraph()
: TDBFactory.createDatasetGraph();
serverConfig.allowUpdate = true;
if ( contains(argTDB) ) {
String directory = getValue(argTDB);
DSGSetup.setupTDB(directory, useTDB2, serverConfig);
if ( contains(ModAssembler.assemblerDescDecl) ) {
serverConfig.datasetDescription = "Assembler: "+ getValue(ModAssembler.assemblerDescDecl);
// Need to add service details.
Dataset ds = modDataset.createDataset();
serverConfig.dsg = ds.asDatasetGraph();
// ---- Misc features.
if ( contains(argTimeout) ) {
String str = getValue(argTimeout);
ARQ.getContext().set(ARQ.queryTimeout, str);
if ( contains(argSparqler) ) {
String filebase = getValue(argSparqler);
if ( ! FileOps.exists(filebase) )
throw new CmdException("File area not found: "+filebase);
serverConfig.contentDirectory = filebase;
serverConfig.addGeneral = "/sparql";
serverConfig.empty = true;
serverConfig.validators = true;
if ( contains(argGeneralQuerySvc) ) {
String z = getValue(argGeneralQuerySvc);
if ( ! z.startsWith("/") )
z = "/"+z;
serverConfig.addGeneral = z;
if ( contains(argValidators) ) {
serverConfig.validators = true;
if ( contains(argBase) ) {
// Static files.
String filebase = getValue(argBase);
if ( ! FileOps.exists(filebase) ) {
throw new CmdException("File area not found: "+filebase);
//FmtLog.warn(Fuseki.configLog, "File area not found: "+filebase);
serverConfig.contentDirectory = filebase;
if ( contains(argPasswdFile) )
serverConfig.passwdFile = getValue(argPasswdFile);
if ( contains(argRealm) )
serverConfig.realm = getValue(argRealm);
if ( contains(argHttpsPort) && ! contains(argHttps) )
throw new CmdException("https port given but not certificate dtails via --"+argHttps.getKeyName());
if ( contains(argHttps) ) {
serverConfig.httpsPort = defaultHttpsPort;
if ( contains(argHttpsPort) )
serverConfig.httpsPort = portNumber(argHttpsPort);
String httpsSetup = getValue(argHttps);
// The details go in a separate file that can be secured.
JsonObject httpsConf =;
Path path = Paths.get(httpsSetup).toAbsolutePath();
String keystore = httpsConf.get("keystore").getAsString().value();
// Resolve relative to the https setup file.
serverConfig.httpsKeystore = path.getParent().resolve(keystore).toString();
serverConfig.httpsKeystorePasswd = httpsConf.get("passwd").getAsString().value();
if ( contains(argAuth) ) {
String schemeStr = getValue(argAuth);
serverConfig.authScheme = AuthScheme.scheme(schemeStr);
// 2020-10: Ignore argCORS - CORS is now on by default in Fuseki Main cmd
serverConfig.withCORS = ! contains(argNoCORS);
serverConfig.withPing = contains(argWithPing);
serverConfig.withStats = contains(argWithStats);
serverConfig.withMetrics = contains(argWithMetrics);
// if ( contains(argGZip) ) {
// if ( !hasValueOfTrue(argGZip) && !hasValueOfFalse(argGZip) )
// throw new CmdException(argGZip.getNames().get(0) + ": Not understood: " + getValue(argGZip));
// jettyServerConfig.enableCompression = super.hasValueOfTrue(argGZip);
// }
private int portNumber(ArgDecl arg) {
String portStr = getValue(arg);
try {
int port = Integer.parseInt(portStr);
return port;
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
throw new CmdException(argPort.getKeyName() + " : bad port number: " + portStr);
protected void exec() {
try {
FusekiServer server = buildServer(serverConfig);
try {
} catch (FusekiException ex) {
if ( ex.getCause() instanceof BindException ) {
Fuseki.serverLog.error("Failed to start server: "+ex.getCause().getMessage()+ ": port="+serverConfig.port);
throw ex;
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new FusekiException("Failed to start server: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
catch (AssemblerException | FusekiException ex) {
if ( ex.getCause() != null )
throw new TerminationException(1);
private FusekiServer buildServer() {
return buildServer(serverConfig);
// ServerConfig -> Setup the builder.
private FusekiServer buildServer(ServerConfig serverConfig) {
FusekiServer.Builder builder = builder();
return buildServer(builder, serverConfig);
protected FusekiServer.Builder builder() {
return FusekiServer.create();
private static FusekiServer buildServer(FusekiServer.Builder builder, ServerConfig serverConfig) {
if ( serverConfig.addGeneral != null )
// Add SPARQL_QueryGeneral as a general servlet, not reached by the service router.
builder.addServlet(serverConfig.addGeneral, new SPARQL_QueryGeneral());
if ( serverConfig.validators ) {
// Validators.
builder.addServlet("/validate/query", new QueryValidator());
builder.addServlet("/validate/update", new UpdateValidator());
builder.addServlet("/validate/iri", new IRIValidator());
builder.addServlet("/validate/data", new DataValidator());
if ( ! serverConfig.empty ) {
if ( serverConfig.serverConfig != null )
// Config file.
// One dataset.
builder.add(serverConfig.datasetPath, serverConfig.dsg, serverConfig.allowUpdate);
if ( serverConfig.contentDirectory != null )
if ( serverConfig.passwdFile != null )
if ( serverConfig.realm != null )
if ( serverConfig.httpsKeystore != null )
builder.https(serverConfig.httpsPort, serverConfig.httpsKeystore, serverConfig.httpsKeystorePasswd);
if ( serverConfig.authScheme != null )
if ( serverConfig.withCORS )
if ( serverConfig.withPing )
if ( serverConfig.withStats )
if ( serverConfig.withMetrics )
private void info(FusekiServer server) {
if ( super.isQuiet() )
Logger log = Fuseki.serverLog;
DataAccessPointRegistry dapRegistry = DataAccessPointRegistry.get(server.getServletContext());
if ( serverConfig.empty ) {, "No SPARQL datasets services");
} else {
if ( serverConfig.datasetPath == null && serverConfig.serverConfig == null )
log.error("No dataset path nor server configuration file");
if ( serverConfig.datasetPath != null ) {
if ( dapRegistry.size() != 1 )
log.error("Expected only one dataset in the DataAccessPointRegistry");
// Log details on startup.
String datasetPath = serverConfig.datasetPath;
String datasetDescription = serverConfig.datasetDescription;
String serverConfigFile = serverConfig.serverConfig;
String staticFiles = serverConfig.contentDirectory;
boolean verbose = serverConfig.verboseLogging;
if ( ! super.isQuiet() )
FusekiInfo.logServerSetup(log, verbose, dapRegistry,
datasetPath, datasetDescription, serverConfigFile, staticFiles);
protected String getCommandName() {
return "fuseki";
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