org.apache.jena.iri.IRIFactory Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.jena.iri;
import org.apache.jena.iri.impl.IRIFactoryImpl ;
* An IRIFactory is the entry point to this module.
* It allows:
* - The setting of conformance levels,
* particularly identifying which standard(s) to enforce
- The creation of IRI objects, checking
* them against the selected standard(s)
- The setting of optional behaviours, as
* specified in the various standard(s)
* Any configuration of the factory to implement
* particular standards, or to treat particular
* violations as warnings or errors, must be
* completed before using the construct or create methods.
* The easiest way to use this class is to use
* one of the preconfigured factories:
* {@link #semanticWebImplementation()}
* {@link #iriImplementation()},
* or
* {@link #uriImplementation()}.
* If none of these meets your application needs
* then you have to configure your own factory.
* When initializing a factory, the initialization
* methods should be used in the following order:
* - Any of:
* - {@link #securityViolation(boolean, boolean)}
* {@link #dnsViolation(boolean, boolean)}
- {@link #shouldViolation(boolean, boolean)}
- {@link #mintingViolation(boolean, boolean)}
* - One or more of (note the effect is cumulative,
* all the used specifications will be enforced):
* - {@link #useSpecificationIRI(boolean)}
- {@link #useSpecificationRDF(boolean)}
- {@link #useSpecificationURI(boolean)}
- {@link #useSpecificationXLink(boolean)}
- {@link #useSpecificationXMLSchema(boolean)}
- {@link #useSpecificationXMLSystemID(boolean)}
- Any of the methods that invoke optional behaviour
- {@link #allowUnwiseCharacters()}
- {@link #setEncoding(String)}
- {@link #setSameSchemeRelativeReferences(String)}
- Any scheme specific initialization
- {@link #useSchemeSpecificRules(String,boolean)}
* - Finally calls to
* - {@link #setIsError(int, boolean)}
- {@link #setIsWarning(int, boolean)}
* It is possible to make these calls in different
* orders, but the resultant behaviour is likely
* to be more confusing, and may change in future releases.
* The other initialization methods (probably) do not
* have order dependencies.
public class IRIFactory extends IRIFactoryImpl
IRIFactoryI {
static {
// call static initializers
new ViolationCodes.Initialize();
static private IRIFactory jenaFactory;
static private IRIFactory theSemWebFactory;
static private IRIFactory theURIFactory;
static private IRIFactory theIRIFactory;
* This factory implements RFC 3987
* Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs)
* .
* @return An implementation of RFC 3987
static public IRIFactory iriImplementation() {
return theIRIFactory;
* This factory implements RFC 3986
* Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax
* .
* @return An implementation of RFC 3986
static public IRIFactory uriImplementation() {
return theURIFactory;
* This factory is a conservative implementation
* appropriate for Semantic Web applications.
* It implements:
* RDF URI Reference (essential),
* IRI (needed for SPARQL) and
* XLink locator (ensures that only legal XML characters are
* included, allowing RDF/XML usage).
* In addition, {@link ViolationCodes#NON_INITIAL_DOT_SEGMENT}
* is treated as an error (since
* any IRI with this condition cannot be
* serialized in RDF/XML, which resolves
* all IRIs against the inscope base, and hence uses
* the remove_dot_segments algorithm).
* This should ensure that any IRI that is
* not in error, can be used
* interoperably in RDF/XML, SPARQL, N3
* and N-Triple.
* This is the support for RDF 1.0 / RDF 2004 which includes "RDF URI References"
* (they are very broad and allow spaces, for example; the IRI RFC was not finalized
* when the RDF 1.1 specs were published).
* Nowadays, IRIs are strongly preferred by the semantic web standards.
* @return A factory suitable for Semantic Web applications.
* @deprecated Use {@link #iriImplementation()}
static public IRIFactory semanticWebImplementation() {
return theSemWebFactory;
* For use by Jena intenal use only.
* This is the support for RDF 1.0 / RDF 2004 which includes "RDF URI References"
* (they are very broad and allow spaces, for example; the IRI RFC was not finalized
* when the RDF 1.1 specs were published).
* Nowadays, IRIs are strongly preferred by the semantic web standards.
* @return A factory suitable for Jena.
* @deprecated Use {@link #iriImplementation()}
static public IRIFactory jenaImplementation() {
return jenaFactory;
private boolean usingSpecXMLSchema = false;
* Create a new IRIFactory without
* any conformance settings.
* To check for errors, you must call one or more
* of {@link #useSpecificationIRI(boolean)},
* {@link #useSpecificationRDF(boolean)},
* {@link #useSpecificationURI(boolean)},
* {@link #useSpecificationXMLSchema(boolean)},
* {@link #useSpecificationXLink(boolean)}
* or
* {@link #useSpecificationXMLSystemID(boolean)}.
public IRIFactory() {
* Resets this factory to:
* - ignore all errors,
- have no scheme specific rules,
* */
// TODO copy port numbers into violations.xml
// registerScheme("ftp",21); //,H,Q);
// registerScheme("http",80); // ,H,U);
// registerScheme("gopher",70);
// registerScheme("mailto",OPAQUE);
// registerScheme("news",OPAQUE);
// registerScheme("nntp",119);
// registerScheme("telnet",23);
// registerScheme("wais",210);
// registerScheme("file",GENERIC_NO_PORT); //,H,Q|P|U);
// registerScheme("prospero",1525);
// registerScheme("z39.50s",210); // 210
// registerScheme("z39.50r",210);
// registerScheme("cid",UNKNOWN_SYNTAX);
// registerScheme("mid",UNKNOWN_SYNTAX);
// registerScheme("vemmi",575);
// registerScheme("service",UNKNOWN_SYNTAX);
// registerScheme("imap",143);
// registerScheme("nfs",UNKNOWN_SYNTAX);
// registerScheme("acap",UNKNOWN_SYNTAX);
// registerScheme("rtsp",UNKNOWN_SYNTAX);
// registerScheme("tip",UNKNOWN_SYNTAX);
// registerScheme("pop",UNKNOWN_SYNTAX);
// registerScheme("data",UNKNOWN_SYNTAX);
// registerScheme("dav",UNKNOWN_SYNTAX);
// registerScheme("opaquelocktoken",UNKNOWN_SYNTAX);
// registerScheme("sip",UNKNOWN_SYNTAX);
// registerScheme("sips",UNKNOWN_SYNTAX);
// registerScheme("tel",UNKNOWN_SYNTAX);
// registerScheme("fax",UNKNOWN_SYNTAX);
// registerScheme("modem",UNKNOWN_SYNTAX);
// registerScheme("ldap",UNKNOWN_SYNTAX);
// registerScheme("https",443);
// registerScheme("soap.beep",605);
// registerScheme("soap.beeps",UNKNOWN_SYNTAX);
// registerScheme("xmlrpc.beep",602);
// registerScheme("xmlrpc.beeps",UNKNOWN_SYNTAX);
// registerScheme("urn",OPAQUE);
// registerScheme("go",UNKNOWN_SYNTAX);
// registerScheme("h323",UNKNOWN_SYNTAX);
// registerScheme("ipp",UNKNOWN_SYNTAX);
// registerScheme("tftp",69);
// registerScheme("mupdate",UNKNOWN_SYNTAX);
// registerScheme("pres",UNKNOWN_SYNTAX);
// registerScheme("im",UNKNOWN_SYNTAX);
// registerScheme("mtqp",UNKNOWN_SYNTAX);
// registerScheme("iris.beep",UNKNOWN_SYNTAX);
// registerScheme("dict",UNKNOWN_SYNTAX);
// registerScheme("snmp",161);
// registerScheme("crid",UNKNOWN_SYNTAX);
// registerScheme("tag",UNKNOWN_SYNTAX);
// registerScheme("dns",UNKNOWN_SYNTAX);
// registerScheme("info",UNKNOWN_SYNTAX);
// registerScheme("afs",UNKNOWN_SYNTAX);
// registerScheme("tn3270",UNKNOWN_SYNTAX);
// registerScheme("mailserver",UNKNOWN_SYNTAX);
* Create a new IRIFactory with
* the same conformance settings as the
* template factory.
* These can then be modified before using
* the new factory.
public IRIFactory(IRIFactory template) {
this.usingSpecXMLSchema = template.usingSpecXMLSchema;
// /**
// * Create a new IRIFactory with user specified
// * conformance behaviour.
// *
// */
// public IRIFactory(int recsExceptions, int recsWarnings) {
//// setConformance(recsExceptions, recsWarnings);
//// setExceptionMask(exceptions,warnings);
// }
// static final private IRIFactory theFactory = new IRIFactory();
// static public IRIFactory defaultFactory() {
// return theFactory;
// }
// public void setConformance(int recsForExceptions,
// int recsForWarnings) {
// exceptions = recsToMask(recsForExceptions);
// warnings = recsToMask(recsForWarnings);
// }
// public void setExceptionMask(long exceptions_, long warnings_) {
// exceptions = exceptions_;
// warnings = warnings_;
// }
// choice point: IRIs are heavy weight objects
// use String s for long term storage, and reparse them
// public void setCompact(boolean compact) {
// }
// public void setComponentCaching(boolean caching){
// }
// public IRI emptyIRI() {
// return new IRIImpl(this);
// }
* Allows scheme:relative-path as a relative
* reference against a base URI from the same scheme.
* Sets the behaviour of the relative
* reference resolution algorithm to be the
* backward compatible mode described
* in the URI specification:
-- A non-strict parser may ignore a scheme in the reference
-- if it is identical to the base URI's scheme.
if ((not strict) and (R.scheme == Base.scheme)) then
* @param scheme The scheme to enable this behaviour for, or "*" for all schemes
public void setSameSchemeRelativeReferences(String scheme) {
* Allows the unwise characters as optionally
* permitted by RFC 3987 (IRI).
Systems accepting IRIs MAY also deal with the
printable characters in US-ASCII that are not allowed
in URIs, namely "<", ">", '"', space, "{", "}", "|",
"\", "^", and "`", in step 2 above. If these characters
are found but are not converted, then the conversion
SHOULD fail. Please note that the number sign ("#"),
the percent sign ("%"), and the square bracket
characters ("[", "]") are not part of the above list
*This method is intended to be used
*with factories that are using the IRI
*The unwise characters are treated as minting
*warnings after this method is called.
*This method does not override any setting
*from {@link #useSpecificationXMLSchema(boolean)}
*concerning {@link ViolationCodes#DOUBLE_WHITESPACE}.
public void allowUnwiseCharacters() {
boolean warning = getAsErrors(MINTING)||getAsWarnings(MINTING);
if (!usingSpecXMLSchema ) {
* The character constraints on the query component
* of an IRI are weaker than on other components.
* It is not clear how much weaker.
* Calling this method with restrict=false
* removes (all?) restrictions, calling this method
* with restrict=true
adds restrictions,
* specifically disallowing private use codepoints.
* @param restrict True to make the query component checking stricter, false to make the query component checking more lenient
public void setQueryCharacterRestrictions(boolean restrict){
// TODO setQueryCharacterRestrictions
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unimplemented");
* Sets the character encoding to use
* for decoding and encoding to percent escape sequences.
* UTF-8 is always used for the hostname.
* Using this method does not conform with
* the IRI specification, or XLink, XML system identifiers,
* RDF URI references, or XML Schema anyURI.
* This method is conformant with the URI specification.
*@throws IllegalStateException If this factory has already been used to create an IRI.
@throws UnsupportedEncodingException If the encoding is not supported.
public void setEncoding(String enc) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
* Create an IRI from the given components.
* Performs whatever percent escaping
* or punycode encoding is necessary
* to make this IRI legal for this factory
* (if possible).
* Omitted components are passed as null.
* @param scheme Schema
* @param userInfo User Info
* @param host Will be encoded using punycode, if necessary.
* @param port May be 0 for no port.
* @param path May not be null
* @param query Query string
* @param fragment Fragment
* @return An IRI with the given components.
@see #setEncoding(String)
public IRI create(
String scheme,
String userInfo,
String host,
int port,
String path,
String query,
String fragment
) {
// TODO create/7
return null;
* Create an IRI from the given components.
* Performs whatever percent escaping is necessary
* to make this IRI legal for this factory
* (if possible).
* Omitted components are passed as null.
* Use {@link #create(String, String, String, int, String, String, String)}
* when the authority is a DNS hostname, even if
* both the user information and the port are unspecified;
* this version uses percent escaping as opposed to punycode
* for the authority. DNS hostnames should be
* escaped in punycode (if necessary).
* @param scheme Scheme
* @param authority Will be percent escaped if necessary
* @param path May not be null
* @param query Query
* @param fragment Fragment
* @return An IRI with the given components.
@see #setEncoding(String)
public IRI create(
String scheme,
String authority,
String path,
String query,
String fragment
) {
// TODO create/5
return null;
* Create an IRI from the given components.
* Performs whatever percent escaping
* or punycode encoding is necessary
* to make this IRI legal for this factory
* (if possible).
* Omitted components are passed as null.
* @param scheme Scheme
* @param userInfo user info
* @param host Will be encoded using punycode, if necessary.
* @param port May be 0 for no port.
* @param path May not be null
* @param query Query string
* @param fragment Fragment
* @return An IRI with the given components.
* * @throws IRIException If the resulting IRI
* has unfixable errors, e.g. non-ascii chars in the scheme name
@see #setEncoding(String)
public IRI construct(
String scheme,
String userInfo,
String host,
int port,
String path,
String query,
String fragment
) throws IRIException {
return throwAnyErrors(create( scheme,
* Create an IRI from the given components.
* Performs whatever percent escaping is necessary
* to make this IRI legal for this factory
* (if possible).
* Omitted components are passed as null.
* Use {@link #construct(String, String, String, int, String, String, String)}
* when the authority is a DNS hostname, even if
* both the user information and the port are unspecified;
* this version uses percent escaping as opposed to punycode
* for the authority. DNS hostnames should be
* escaped in punycode (if necessary).
* @param scheme Scheme
* @param authority Will be percent escaped if necessary
* @param path May not be null
* @param query Query string
* @param fragment Fragment
* @return An IRI with the given components.
* @throws IRIException If the resulting IRI
* has unfixable errors, e.g. non-ascii chars in the scheme name
@see #setEncoding(String)
public IRI construct(
String scheme,
String authority,
String path,
String query,
String fragment
) throws IRIException {
return throwAnyErrors(create( scheme,
* Is condition #code
being treated as an error.
* @param code A condition code from {@link ViolationCodes}.
public boolean isError(int code) {
return (errors & (1l<code
* being treated as a warning.
* @param code A condition code from {@link ViolationCodes}.
public boolean isWarning(int code) {
return (warnings & (1l<code
* to be treated as an error; or clear it as an error condition.
* Care must be taken when using this to clear the error behaviour
* on a code documented
* in {@link ViolationCodes}
* as having SHOULD force:
* see the documentation at {@link #shouldViolation(boolean, boolean)},
* concerning the necessary steps.
* Using this method with code
* being one that is documented as having MUST force
* will result in non-conformant behaviour.
* @param code A condition code from {@link ViolationCodes}.
* @param set True to set this as an error, false to clear.
* @throws IllegalStateException If this factory has already been used to create an IRI.
public void setIsError(int code, boolean set) {
if (set) {
errors |= (1l<code
* to be treated as a warning;
* or clear it as a warning condition.
* Setting a code to be a warning, clears it from
* being an error. Care must be taken
* if the code
is one that is documented
* in {@link ViolationCodes} has having SHOULD or MUST
* force, since ignoring any resulting warning may
* result in a nonconformant application.
* @param code A condition code from {@link ViolationCodes}.
* @param set True to set this as a warning, false to clear.
* @throws IllegalStateException If this factory has already been used to create an IRI.
public void setIsWarning(int code, boolean set) {
if (set) {
warnings |= (1l<code
being ignored.
* @param code A condition code from {@link ViolationCodes}.
public boolean ignoring(int code) {
return !(isError(code)||isWarning(code));
* The factory will check for violations of RFC 3986, URI.
* Non-ascii input will result in warnings or errors.
* @param asErrors If true, then violations are treated as errors; if false violations are treated as warnings.
* @throws IllegalStateException If this factory has already been used to create an IRI.
public void useSpecificationURI(boolean asErrors){
* The factory will check for violations of RFC 3987, IRI.
* @param asErrors If true, then violations are treated as errors; if false violations are treated as warnings.
* @throws IllegalStateException If this factory has already been used to create an IRI.
public void useSpecificationIRI(boolean asErrors){
* The factory will check for violations of RDF URI Reference.
* Note: relative IRIs are prohibited.
* @param asErrors If true, then violations are treated as errors; if false violations are treated as warnings.
* @throws IllegalStateException If this factory has already been used to create an IRI.
public void useSpecificationRDF(boolean asErrors){
* The factory will check for violations of XML Schema anyURI.
* @param asErrors If true, then violations are treated as errors; if false violations are treated as warnings.
* @throws IllegalStateException If this factory has already been used to create an IRI.
public void useSpecificationXMLSchema(boolean asErrors){
usingSpecXMLSchema = true;
* The factory will check for violations of XML constraints on system ID.
* Note: fragments are prohibited.
* @param asErrors If true, then violations are treated as errors; if false violations are treated as warnings.
* @throws IllegalStateException If this factory has already been used to create an IRI.
public void useSpecificationXMLSystemID(boolean asErrors){
* The factory will check for violations of XLink locator: href
* @param asErrors If true, then violations are treated as errors; if false violations are treated as warnings.
* @throws IllegalStateException If this factory has already been used to create an IRI.
public void useSpecificationXLink(boolean asErrors){
* The factory will treat
* violations of "SHOULD" force statements
* from the specifications it is enforcing as errors,
* or warnings, or not at all. (Default is error)
* From RFC 2119
* the full implications must be understood and carefully weighed before
* calling this method with isError=false
* Thus, you MUST have read and understood
* the specifications that you are configuring the factory
* to use, before switching SHOULDs to warnings or to be
* ignored.
* An easier path, is to understand a specific error code,
* with SHOULD force,
* and then use {@link #setIsError(int, boolean)}, and
* {@link #setIsWarning(int, boolean)} to modify the behaviour
* of that error code only. The prerequisite for modifiying a
* single error code to be ignored, or to be treated as a warning
* is to have understood the full implications of that condition,
* rather than of all the SHOULD force statements within all
* the specifications being used.
* @param isError If true, treat violations of SHOULDs as errors.
* @param isWarning If true, treat violations of SHOULDs as warnings.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if isError && isWarning
* @throws IllegalStateException If this factory has already been used to create an IRI.
public void shouldViolation(boolean isError,boolean isWarning){
* The factory will treat
* violations of statements
* from the specifications
* flagged as security issues,
* including weak heuristical suggestions,
* it is enforcing as errors,
* or warnings, or not at all. (Default is error)
* @param isError If true, treat security violations as errors.
* @param isWarning If true, treat security violations as warnings.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if isError && isWarning
public void securityViolation(boolean isError,boolean isWarning){
* The factory will treat
* violations of statements
* from the implemented scheme specifications
* it is enforcing as errors,
* or warnings, or not at all. (Default is error)
* You must also call {@link #useSchemeSpecificRules(String)}
* to enable particular enforcement of particular schemes.
* This method primarily permits the scheme specific rules
* to be treated as warnings.
* @param isError If true, treat scheme violations as errors.
* @param isWarning If true, treat scheme violations as warnings.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if isError && isWarning
// public void schemeViolation(boolean isError,boolean isWarning){
// setViolation(SCHEME_SPECIFIC,isError,isWarning);
// }
* The factory will treat
* violations of statements
* from the specifications
* flagged as DNS issues,
* including Internationalized Domain Name issues,
* it is enforcing as errors,
* or warnings, or not at all. (Default is error)
* @param isError If true, treat DNS violations as errors.
* @param isWarning If true, treat DNS violations as warnings.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if isError && isWarning
public void dnsViolation(boolean isError,boolean isWarning){
* The factory will treat
* violations of statements
* from the specifications concerning
* creating new IRIs it is enforcing as errors,
* or warnings, or not at all. (Default is warning).
* A sample phrase indicating the intent is this one
* from RFC 3986:
* An implementation should accept uppercase letters as equivalent to lowercase in scheme names (e.g., allow "HTTP" as well as
* "http") for the sake of robustness but
* should only produce lowercase scheme names for
* consistency.
* @param isError If true, treat violations of minting force statements as errors.
* @param isWarning If true, treat violations of minting force statements as warnings.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if isError && isWarning
* @throws IllegalStateException If this factory has already been used to create an IRI.
public void mintingViolation(boolean isError,boolean isWarning){
/* *
* Adds a scheme to the list of known schemes.
* The port
argument either
* associates this scheme with a default port number,
* and hence with the generic syntax;
* or is one of the constants
* {@link #GENERIC_NO_PORT},
* {@link #OPAQUE},
* to indicate what restrictions if any should
* be used.
* @param scheme The scheme name to register
* @param port The port associated with the scheme, or an appropriate constant.
* @throws IllegalStateException If this factory has already been used to create an IRI.
// public void registerScheme(String scheme, int port){
// }
* Use the rules for a given scheme,
* or use all known scheme specific rules.
* Only a few sets of scheme specific rules are implemented.
* In the table below:
* -
* Partial
* - indicates that some but not all
* of the
* scheme specific restrictions on the IRI are implemented.
* -
* component
* - means that the scheme prohibits or requires
* one or more components of the IRI; and only
* these checks are performed.
* The currently implemented schemes are:
* Scheme Level of implementation
* none
* @param scheme The scheme name or "*" to use all implemented scheme specific rules.
* @param asErrors If true, then violations are treated as errors; if false violations are treated as warnings.
* @throws IllegalStateException If this factory has already been used to create an IRI.
public void useSchemeSpecificRules(String scheme, boolean asErrors){
static {
theIRIFactory = new IRIFactory();
jenaFactory = new IRIFactory();
// jenaFactory.dnsViolation(false,false);
// jenaFactory.setSameSchemeRelativeReferences("file");
// jenaFactory.setIsError(PORT_SHOULD_NOT_BE_WELL_KNOWN,false);
// jenaFactory.setIsWarning(PORT_SHOULD_NOT_BE_WELL_KNOWN,false);
theURIFactory = new IRIFactory();
theSemWebFactory = new IRIFactory();
* This globally sets the {@link #jenaImplementation}; use with care.
* This should be used before any calls to {@link #jenaImplementation};
* it does not modify the factory returned by any previous calls, but subsequent
* calls to {@link #jenaImplementation} will return the new value.
* @param jf The new Jena Factory
public static void setJenaImplementation(IRIFactory jf) {
jenaFactory = jf;
* This globally sets the {@link #iriImplementation}; use with care.
* This should be used before any calls to {@link #iriImplementation};
* it does not modify the factory returned by any previous calls, but subsequent
* calls to {@link #iriImplementation} will return the new value.
* @param iriF The new IRI Factory
public static void setIriImplementation(IRIFactory iriF) {
theIRIFactory = iriF;
* This globally sets the {@link #uriImplementation}; use with care.
* This should be used before any calls to {@link #uriImplementation};
* it does not modify the factory returned by any previous calls, but subsequent
* calls to {@link #uriImplementation} will return the new value.
* @param uriF The new URI Factory
public static void setUriImplementation(IRIFactory uriF) {
theURIFactory = uriF;
* This globally sets the {@link #semanticWebImplementation}; use with care.
* This should be used before any calls to {@link #semanticWebImplementation};
* it does not modify the factory returned by any previous calls, but subsequent
* calls to {@link #semanticWebImplementation} will return the new value.
* @param sw The new IRI Factory
public static void setSemanticWebImplementation(IRIFactory sw) {
theSemWebFactory = sw;