org.apache.jena.ontapi.model.OntModel Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.jena.ontapi.model;
import org.apache.jena.graph.Graph;
import org.apache.jena.graph.Triple;
import org.apache.jena.ontapi.OntJenaException;
import org.apache.jena.ontapi.utils.Graphs;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.InfModel;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Literal;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Model;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Property;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.RDFList;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Resource;
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Statement;
import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.OWL2;
import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.RDF;
import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.RDFS;
import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.XSD;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
* An enhanced view of a {@link Model Jena Model} about which is known
* to contain OWL or RDFS ontology data.
* The view supports OWL2 DL specification and all its dialects, including OWL1.
* The model also has a component-level support of Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL).
* In addition to the standard {@link Resource Jena Resource}s and {@link Statement Jena Statement}s
* this model provides access to different ontological components in the form of {@link OntObject Object}s
* and {@link OntStatement Ontology Statement}s that support OWL Annotations.
* Some of the {@link OntObject}s can be constructed using another kind of resource -
* {@link OntList}, which is an extended analogue of the standard {@link RDFList Jena RDFList}.
* In additional to native Jena {@link org.apache.jena.util.iterator.ExtendedIterator Extended Iterator}s,
* this model also provides access to RDF in the form of {@link Stream}s, that obey the same rules:
* both {@code Stream} and {@code ExtendedIterator} must be closed explicitly
* if they are no longer needed but not yet exhausted, see {@link org.apache.jena.util.iterator.ClosableIterator}.
* The interface does not extend {@link InfModel},
* but the inference model can be accessed via {@link OntModel#asInferenceModel()}.
* If implementation does not provide inference support, the method will throw an exception.
* @see OWL2 RDF mapping
* @see A Quick Guide
* @see OWL 2 Web Ontology Language Structural Specification and Functional-Style Syntax (Second Edition)
* @see SWRL: A Semantic Web Rule Language Combining OWL and RuleML
public interface OntModel extends Model,
MutableModel, PrefixedModel, IOModel,
CreateClasses, CreateRanges, CreateDisjoint, CreateSWRL {
* Returns the base {@code Graph},
* i.e., the primary ontological {@code Graph} that does not contain any subgraph hierarchy.
* Only the base graph can be edited from this interface view.
* To get the whole union graph use the method {@link #getGraph()}.
* @return {@link Graph}
* @see #getGraph()
Graph getBaseGraph();
* Finds an Ontology ID object.
* Since OWL2 graph requires only one {@code @uri rdf:type owl:Ontology} triple,
* the method returns {@code Optional#empty} in other cases.
* No changes in the {@code Graph} is made.
* The method works only with the {@link #getBaseGraph() base graph}.
* @return an {@code Optional} that contains the {@link OntID}
* @see #setID(String)
* @see Graphs#ontologyNode
Optional id();
* Creates a new {@code @uri rdf:type owl:Ontology} statement for the specified {@code uri}
* and wraps it as Ontology ID Resource.
* Removes all extra ontology objects if they are present and moves their content to the new one,
* to have a single Ontology header as it is required by OWL2 specification.
* @param uri String, can be {@code null} to make this ontology to be anonymous
* @return the new {@link OntID} instance
* @throws OntJenaException if ontology can't be added (e.g. due to collision with imports)
* @see #getID()
OntID setID(String uri);
* Adds a sub-model both to the {@code owl:import} section and to the graph hierarchy.
* @param m {@link OntModel ont jena model} to add, not {@code null}
* @return this model to allow cascading calls
* @throws OntJenaException if specified, ontology is anonymous
* or already present in the imports (both as graph and in owl-declaration)
* @see OntID#addImport(String)
OntModel addImport(OntModel m) throws OntJenaException;
* Removes a sub-model from {@code owl:import} and from the graph hierarchy.
* Does nothing if the specified model does not belong to this ontology.
* Matching is performed by graph, not uri (see {@link #hasImport(OntModel)} description).
* @param m {@link OntModel ont jena model} to remove, not {@code null}
* @return this model to allow cascading calls
* @see OntID#removeImport(String)
* @see #hasImport(OntModel)
OntModel removeImport(OntModel m);
* Removes the import (both {@code owl:import} declaration and the corresponding graph)
* by the given uri if it is found.
* @param uri String, an iri of ontology to find, not {@code null}
* @return this model to allow cascading calls
* @see OntID#getImportsIRI()
* @see #hasImport(String)
OntModel removeImport(String uri);
* Lists all sub-models
* that belong to the top-level hierarchy and have {@code owl:import} reference inside the base graph.
* Caution: since recursive hierarchies are not prohibited,
* the rectilinear usage of this method may cause a StackOverflow Error.
* @return {@code Stream} of {@link OntModel}s
* @see OntID#imports()
Stream imports();
* Answers {@code true} if the given model is present in the {@link OWL2#imports owl:imports} of this model.
* This means that at the top-level of the import hierarchy there is a base graph of the given {@code other} model.
* Please note: the model may contain the same uri as that of the specified model, but a different (base) graph,
* i.e. if the method {@link #hasImport(String)} returns {@code true},
* it does not mean this method also returns {@code true}.
* @param other {@link OntModel} to test, not {@code null}
* @return {@code true} if the model is in imports
boolean hasImport(OntModel other);
* Answers {@code true} if the model has a graph with the given uri both in {@code owl:imports} and graph-hierarchy.
* @param uri String, not {@code null}
* @return boolean
* @see OntID#getImportsIRI()
boolean hasImport(String uri);
* Lists all ont-objects of the specified type.
* Note: this method may return non-distinct results, it is implementation dependent.
* @param type {@link Class} the concrete type of {@link OntObject}, not {@code null}
* @param any ont-object subtype
* @return {@code Stream} of {@link OntObject}s of the type {@code O}
* @see #ontEntities()
Stream ontObjects(Class extends O> type);
* Lists all entities declared in the model.
* Built-ins are not included.
* The retrieved entities can belong to the underlying graphs also.
* Note: this method returns non-distinct stream.
* The duplicate elements (by {@code equals} and {@code hasCode}, not by real class-type)
* means that there is so-called punning.
* @return {@code Stream} of {@link OntEntity}
* @see #ontObjects(Class)
* @see #ontEntities(Class)
Stream ontEntities();
* Lists all class-asserted individuals.
* A class assertion axiom is a statement {@code a rdf:type C},
* where {@code a} is a retrieving individual (named or anonymous) and {@code C} is any class expression.
* Notice, that the method {@link OntModel#ontObjects(Class)}
* called with the parameter {@code OntIndividual.class}
* (i.e. {@code model.ontObject(OntIndividual.class)}) must return all individuals from a model,
* even those which have no explicit declarations (e.g. any part of {@code owl:sameAs} is an individual),
* while this method returns only class-asserted individuals.
* Also notice: the method {@link #namedIndividuals()} must return only explicitly declared named individuals,
* while this method does not require the declaration {@link OWL2#NamedIndividual owl:NamedIndividual}
* to be present for an individual: according to the specification, it is optional; for more details see
* 5.8.1 Typing Constraints of OWL 2 DL.
* Also note: in case of valid distinct {@link #getGraph() RDF graph}
* the returned {@code Stream} is also distinct,
* which means an individual that has more than one class assertions, must appear in the stream only once.
* @return {@code Stream} of {@link OntIndividual}s
* @see OntModel#namedIndividuals()
Stream individuals();
* Returns an ont-entity for the specified type and uri.
* This method can also be used to wrap builtin entities, which, in fact, do not belong to the RDF graph,
* but can be considered as belonged to the OWL model.
* An IRI for such a built-in entity must be in
* the {@link org.apache.jena.ontapi.common.OntPersonality.Builtins Builtins Vocabulary},
* otherwise the method returns {@code null}.
* @param type {@link Class}, the type of {@link OntEntity}, not {@code null}
* @param uri String, not {@code null}
* @param type of OntEntity
* @return {@link OntEntity} or {@code null}
* @see #fetchOntEntity(Class, String)
E getOntEntity(Class type, String uri);
* Lists all ont-statements.
* @return {@code Stream} of {@link OntStatement}
* @see Model#listStatements()
Stream statements();
* Lists all statements for the specified subject, predicate and object (SPO).
* @param s {@link Resource}, the subject
* @param p {@link Property}, the predicate
* @param o {@link RDFNode}, the object
* @return {@code Stream} of {@link OntStatement}
* @see Model#listStatements(Resource, Property, RDFNode)
Stream statements(Resource s, Property p, RDFNode o);
* Lists all statements from the {@link OntModel#getBaseGraph() base graph}
* for the specified subject, predicate and object.
* Effectively equivalent to the {@code model.statements(s, p, o).filter(OntStatement::isLocal)} expression.
* @param s {@link Resource}, the subject
* @param p {@link Property}, the predicate
* @param o {@link RDFNode}, the object
* @return {@code Stream} of {@link OntStatement}
* @see OntModel#statements(Resource, Property, RDFNode)
* @see OntStatement#isLocal()
Stream localStatements(Resource s, Property p, RDFNode o);
* Answers an {@link OntStatement Ontology Statement} in this model who's SPO is that of the {@code triple}.
* @param triple {@link Triple}, not {@code null}
* @return {@link OntStatement}
OntStatement asStatement(Triple triple);
* Removes the given {@link OntObject Ontology Object} from the graph-model
* including its {@link OntObject#content() content} and annotations.
* This operation does not guarantee the removal of all references to objects:
* it takes into account only statements where the given object in a subject position.
* For example, in case of deleting an OWL class
* that is on the right side in a statement with the predicate {@code rdfs:subClassOf},
* that statement remains unchanged in the graph, but becomes meaningless:
* its right side will no longer be a class, but just uri.
* But if a class is on the left side of the statement with the {@code rdfs:subClassOf} predicate,
* that statement is being removed from the graph along with its annotations,
* because it belongs to the class content.
* @param obj {@link OntObject}
* @return this model
* @see OntObject#content()
OntModel removeOntObject(OntObject obj);
* Removes the statement from the graph-model including its annotations with sub-annotations hierarchy.
* @param statement {@link OntStatement}
* @return this model
* @see #remove(Statement)
OntModel removeOntStatement(OntStatement statement);
* Creates an owl-entity by the {@code type} and {@code iri}.
* @param type {@link Class}, the type of {@link OntEntity}, not {@code null}
* @param iri String, not {@code null}
* @param type of ont-entity
* @return {@link OntEntity}
* @throws OntJenaException.Creation in case something is wrong
* (e.g. configuration does not support creation of the specified type)
* @see #getOntEntity(Class, String)
E createOntEntity(Class type, String iri);
* Creates a facet restriction by the given type and literal value.
* Each call to this method creates a fresh b-node within the graph.
* @param type {@link Class}, the type of {@link OntFacetRestriction}, not {@code null}
* @param literal {@link Literal}, not {@code null}
* @param type of ont-facet-restriction
* @return {@link OntFacetRestriction}
* @see OntDataRange.Restriction
* @see OntModel#createDataRestriction(OntDataRange.Named, Collection)
F createFacetRestriction(Class type, Literal literal);
* Returns the {@link Model standard jena model} that corresponds to the {@link #getBaseGraph() base graph}.
* Note: there is the {@link org.apache.jena.enhanced.BuiltinPersonalities#model Jena Builtin Personality}
* within the returned model.
* @return {@link Model}
* @see #getBaseGraph()
Model getBaseModel();
* ================
* Default methods:
* ================
* Returns a view of this model that supports inference, if possible.
* @return {@link InfModel}, not {@code null}
* @throws OntJenaException.Unsupported if implementation does not support inference,
* or there is no reasoner attached to the model
default InfModel asInferenceModel() {
throw new OntJenaException.Unsupported("Inference is not supported");
* Gets the Ontology ID object.
* Since OWL2 graph can only contain the one {@code @uri rdf:type owl:Ontology} triple inside,
* this method creates such a statement if it absent;
* in case there are more than one {@code Resource} with the type equaled to {@link OWL2#Ontology owl:Ontology},
* it chooses the most bulky one (i.e. those that contains the largest number of associated statements)
* and all the others leave intact.
* @return {@link OntID} an existing or fresh {@link Resource},
* that is subject in the {@code _:x rdf:type owl:Ontology} statement
default OntID getID() {
return id().orElseGet(() -> setID(null));
* Creates named class (owl-entity)
* @param uri IRI of class
* @return named class
default OntClass.Named createOntClass(String uri) {
return createOntEntity(OntClass.Named.class, Objects.requireNonNull(uri));
* Creates named datatype (owl-entity), only for OWL2
* @param uri IRI of datarange
* @return named datarange
default OntDataRange.Named createDatatype(String uri) {
return createOntEntity(OntDataRange.Named.class, Objects.requireNonNull(uri));
* Creates named individual (owl-entity), only for OWL2 if {@code owl:NamedIndividual} is enabled.
* @param uri IRI of individual
* @return named individual
default OntIndividual.Named createIndividual(String uri) {
return createOntEntity(OntIndividual.Named.class, Objects.requireNonNull(uri));
* Creates named {@code rdf:Property}.
* @param uri {@code a rdf:Property}
* @return {@link OntProperty}
default OntProperty createRDFProperty(String uri) {
return createResource(Objects.requireNonNull(uri)).addProperty(RDF.type, RDF.Property).as(OntProperty.class);
* Creates annotation property (owl-entity).
* @param uri IRI of annotation property
* @return annotation property
default OntAnnotationProperty createAnnotationProperty(String uri) {
return createOntEntity(OntAnnotationProperty.class, Objects.requireNonNull(uri));
* Creates datatype property (owl-entity).
* @param uri IRI of datatype property
* @return datatype property
default OntDataProperty createDataProperty(String uri) {
return createOntEntity(OntDataProperty.class, Objects.requireNonNull(uri));
* Creates named object property (owl-entity).
* @param uri IRI of object property
* @return named object property
default OntObjectProperty.Named createObjectProperty(String uri) {
return createOntEntity(OntObjectProperty.Named.class, Objects.requireNonNull(uri));
* Creates individual (named or anonymous) of the specified type.
* @param uri String, or {@code null} for anonymous individual
* @param type {@link OntClass}
* @return {@link OntIndividual}
default OntIndividual createIndividual(String uri, OntClass type) {
OntIndividual res;
if (uri == null) {
res = createResource().addProperty(RDF.type, type).as(OntIndividual.class);
} else {
res = createIndividual(uri).attachClass(type);
return res;
default OntClass.Named getOntClass(String uri) {
return getOntEntity(OntClass.Named.class, uri);
default OntDataRange.Named getDatatype(String uri) {
return getOntEntity(OntDataRange.Named.class, uri);
default OntIndividual.Named getIndividual(String uri) {
return getOntEntity(OntIndividual.Named.class, uri);
default OntAnnotationProperty getAnnotationProperty(String uri) {
return getOntEntity(OntAnnotationProperty.class, uri);
default OntDataProperty getDataProperty(String uri) {
return getOntEntity(OntDataProperty.class, uri);
default OntObjectProperty.Named getObjectProperty(String uri) {
return getOntEntity(OntObjectProperty.Named.class, uri);
default OntClass.Named getOntClass(Resource uri) {
return getOntClass(uri.getURI());
default OntDataRange.Named getDatatype(Resource uri) {
return getDatatype(uri.getURI());
default OntIndividual.Named getIndividual(Resource uri) {
return getIndividual(Objects.requireNonNull(uri.getURI()));
default OntAnnotationProperty getAnnotationProperty(Resource uri) {
return getAnnotationProperty(uri.getURI());
default OntDataProperty getDataProperty(Resource uri) {
return getDataProperty(uri.getURI());
default OntObjectProperty.Named getObjectProperty(Resource uri) {
return getObjectProperty(uri.getURI());
default Stream localStatements() {
return localStatements(null, null, null);
default Stream ontEntities(Class type) {
return ontObjects(type);
* Retrieves a {@link OntDataRange.Named datatype} from the given literal.
* @param literal {@link Literal}, not {@code null}
* @return {@link OntDataRange.Named}
default OntDataRange.Named getDatatype(Literal literal) {
String uri = literal.getDatatypeURI();
if (uri != null) {
return getDatatype(uri);
String lang = literal.getLanguage();
if (lang != null && !lang.isEmpty()) {
return getDatatype(RDF.langString);
return getDatatype(XSD.xstring);
* Returns an entity of the given type and with the specified URI, creating it if needed.
* @param type a class-type of entity
* @param uri String uri, not {@code null}
* @param any subtype of {@link OntEntity}
* @return {@code E}
default E fetchOntEntity(Class type, String uri) {
E res = getOntEntity(type, uri);
return res == null ? createOntEntity(type, uri) : res;
* Lists all named class expressions (OWL classes).
* @return {@code Stream} of {@link OntClass.Named Ontology Class}es
default Stream classes() {
return ontEntities(OntClass.Named.class);
* Answers a {@code Stream} over the classes in this ontology model
* that represent the uppermost nodes of the class hierarchy.
* Built-ins are not included.
* @return a {@code Stream} of the root {@link OntClass classes} in the local class hierarchy
default Stream hierarchyRoots() {
return ontObjects(OntClass.class)
.filter(c -> !c.isURIResource() || !c.asNamed().isBuiltIn())
* Lists all OntProperties.
* The result includes not only OWL properties
* (Named and Inverse ObjectProperties, DatatypeProperties, AnnotationProperties),
* but also RDF-properties ({@code rdf:type rdf:Property}).
* For getting only OWL Properties, use
* {@code
* Stream.of(m.objectProperties(), m.dataProperties(), m.annotationProperties()).flatMap(it -> it)
* }.
* If you need all named properties, use {@code this.ontEntities(OntNamedProperty.class)}
* Note that this method does not care about punnings: it will return property
* even if it has both {@code owl:ObjectProperty} and {@code owl:DatatypeProperty} declarations
* and such punning is prohibited in the model settings.
* @return distinct {@code Stream} of {@link OntProperty OntProperty}s
default Stream properties() {
return ontObjects(OntProperty.class);
* Lists all annotation properties.
* @return {@code Stream} of {@link OntAnnotationProperty Annotation Property}s
default Stream annotationProperties() {
return ontEntities(OntAnnotationProperty.class);
* Lists all data properties.
* @return {@code Stream} of {@link OntDataProperty Data Property}s
default Stream dataProperties() {
return ontEntities(OntDataProperty.class);
* Lists all named object property expressions (object properties in short).
* @return {@code Stream} of {@link OntObjectProperty.Named Named Object Property}s
default Stream objectProperties() {
return ontEntities(OntObjectProperty.Named.class);
* Lists all datatypes (named data range expressions).
* @return {@code Stream} of {@link OntDataRange.Named Ontology Datatype}s
default Stream datatypes() {
return ontEntities(OntDataRange.Named.class);
* Lists all named individuals,
* i.e. all those individuals which have explicitly {@link OWL2#NamedIndividual owl:NamedIndividual} declaration.
* @return {@code Stream} of {@link OntIndividual.Named Named Individual}s
* @see #individuals()
* @see OntClass#individuals()
default Stream namedIndividuals() {
return ontEntities(OntIndividual.Named.class);
* Returns {@link OntEntity OWL Entity} with the specified class-type and {@code uri}.
* @param type {@code Class}, not {@code null}
* @param uri {@link Resource}, must be URI, not {@code null}
* @param any {@link OntEntity} subtype, not {@code null}
* @return a {@code E} instance
default E getOntEntity(Class type, Resource uri) {
return getOntEntity(type, uri.getURI());
* ===================================
* Some common built-in OWL2 entities:
* ===================================
default OntAnnotationProperty getRDFSComment() {
return getAnnotationProperty(RDFS.comment);
default OntAnnotationProperty getRDFSLabel() {
return getAnnotationProperty(RDFS.label);
default OntAnnotationProperty getRDFSSeeAlso() {
return getAnnotationProperty(RDFS.seeAlso);
default OntAnnotationProperty getRDFSIsDefinedBy() {
return getAnnotationProperty(RDFS.isDefinedBy);
default OntAnnotationProperty getOWLDeprecated() {
return getAnnotationProperty(OWL2.deprecated);
default OntAnnotationProperty getOWLVersionInfo() {
return getAnnotationProperty(OWL2.versionInfo);
default OntAnnotationProperty getOWLPriorVersion() {
return getAnnotationProperty(OWL2.priorVersion);
default OntAnnotationProperty getOWLBackwardCompatibleWith() {
return getAnnotationProperty(OWL2.backwardCompatibleWith);
default OntAnnotationProperty getOWLIncompatibleWith() {
return getAnnotationProperty(OWL2.incompatibleWith);
default OntClass.Named getOWLThing() {
return getOntClass(OWL2.Thing);
default OntClass.Named getOWLNothing() {
return getOntClass(OWL2.Nothing);
default OntDataRange.Named getRDFSLiteral() {
return getDatatype(RDFS.Literal);
default OntObjectProperty.Named getOWLTopObjectProperty() {
return getObjectProperty(OWL2.topObjectProperty);
default OntObjectProperty.Named getOWLBottomObjectProperty() {
return getObjectProperty(OWL2.bottomObjectProperty);
default OntDataProperty getOWLTopDataProperty() {
return getDataProperty(OWL2.topDataProperty);
default OntDataProperty getOWLBottomDataProperty() {
return getDataProperty(OWL2.bottomDataProperty);