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org.apache.juneau.dto.swagger.ui.SwaggerUI Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package org.apache.juneau.dto.swagger.ui;

import static java.util.Collections.*;
import static org.apache.juneau.dto.html5.HtmlBuilder.*;
import static org.apache.juneau.internal.CollectionUtils.*;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.juneau.*;
import org.apache.juneau.collections.*;
import org.apache.juneau.common.internal.*;
import org.apache.juneau.cp.*;
import org.apache.juneau.dto.html5.*;
import org.apache.juneau.dto.swagger.*;
import org.apache.juneau.swap.*;

 * Generates a Swagger-UI interface from a Swagger document.
See Also:
*/ public class SwaggerUI extends ObjectSwap { static final FileFinder RESOURCES = FileFinder .create(BeanStore.INSTANCE) .cp(SwaggerUI.class, null, true) .dir(",") .caching(Boolean.getBoolean("RestContext.disableClasspathResourceCaching.b") ? -1 : 1_000_000) .build(); private static final Set STANDARD_METHODS = set("get", "put", "post", "delete", "options"); /** * This UI applies to HTML requests only. */ @Override public MediaType[] forMediaTypes() { return new MediaType[] {MediaType.HTML}; } private static final class Session { final int resolveRefsMaxDepth; final Swagger swagger; Session(BeanSession bs, Swagger swagger) { this.swagger = swagger.copy(); this.resolveRefsMaxDepth = 1; } } @Override public Div swap(BeanSession beanSession, Swagger swagger) throws Exception { Session s = new Session(beanSession, swagger); String css = RESOURCES.getString("files/htdocs/styles/SwaggerUI.css", null).orElse(null); if (css == null) css = RESOURCES.getString("SwaggerUI.css", null).orElse(null); Div outer = div( style(css), script("text/javascript", new String[]{RESOURCES.getString("SwaggerUI.js", null).orElse(null)}), header(s) )._class("swagger-ui"); // Operations without tags are rendered first. outer.child(div()._class("tag-block tag-block-open").children(tagBlockContents(s, null))); if (s.swagger.getTags() != null) { s.swagger.getTags().forEach(x -> { Div tagBlock = div()._class("tag-block tag-block-open").children( tagBlockSummary(x), tagBlockContents(s, x) ); outer.child(tagBlock); }); } if (s.swagger.getDefinitions() != null) { Div modelBlock = div()._class("tag-block").children( modelsBlockSummary(), modelsBlockContents(s) ); outer.child(modelBlock); } return outer; } // Creates the informational summary before the ops. private Table header(Session s) { Table table = table()._class("header"); Info info = s.swagger.getInfo(); if (info != null) { if (info.getDescription() != null) table.child(tr(th("Description:"),td(toBRL(info.getDescription())))); if (info.getVersion() != null) table.child(tr(th("Version:"),td(info.getVersion()))); Contact c = info.getContact(); if (c != null) { Table t2 = table(); if (c.getName() != null) t2.child(tr(th("Name:"),td(c.getName()))); if (c.getUrl() != null) t2.child(tr(th("URL:"),td(a(c.getUrl(), c.getUrl())))); if (c.getEmail() != null) t2.child(tr(th("Email:"),td(a("mailto:"+ c.getEmail(), c.getEmail())))); table.child(tr(th("Contact:"),td(t2))); } License l = info.getLicense(); if (l != null) { Object child = l.getUrl() != null ? a(l.getUrl(), l.getName() != null ? l.getName() : l.getUrl()) : l.getName(); table.child(tr(th("License:"),td(child))); } ExternalDocumentation ed = s.swagger.getExternalDocs(); if (ed != null) { Object child = ed.getUrl() != null ? a(ed.getUrl(), ed.getDescription() != null ? ed.getDescription() : ed.getUrl()) : ed.getDescription(); table.child(tr(th("Docs:"),td(child))); } if (info.getTermsOfService() != null) { String tos = info.getTermsOfService(); Object child = StringUtils.isUri(tos) ? a(tos, tos) : tos; table.child(tr(th("Terms of Service:"),td(child))); } } return table; } // Creates the "pet Everything about your Pets ext-link" header. private HtmlElement tagBlockSummary(Tag t) { ExternalDocumentation ed = t.getExternalDocs(); return div()._class("tag-block-summary").children( span(t.getName())._class("name"), span(toBRL(t.getDescription()))._class("description"), ed == null ? null : span(a(ed.getUrl(), ed.getDescription() != null ? ed.getDescription() : ed.getUrl()))._class("extdocs") ).onclick("toggleTagBlock(this)"); } // Creates the contents under the "pet Everything about your Pets ext-link" header. private Div tagBlockContents(Session s, Tag t) { Div tagBlockContents = div()._class("tag-block-contents"); s.swagger.getPaths().forEach((path,v) -> { v.forEach((opName,op) -> { if ((t == null && op.getTags() == null) || (t != null && op.getTags() != null && op.getTags() != null && op.getTags().contains(t.getName()))) tagBlockContents.child(opBlock(s, path, opName, op)); }); }); return tagBlockContents; } private Div opBlock(Session s, String path, String opName, Operation op) { String opClass = op.isDeprecated() ? "deprecated" : opName.toLowerCase(); if (! op.isDeprecated() && ! STANDARD_METHODS.contains(opClass)) opClass = "other"; return div()._class("op-block op-block-closed " + opClass).children( opBlockSummary(path, opName, op), div(tableContainer(s, op))._class("op-block-contents") ); } private HtmlElement opBlockSummary(String path, String opName, Operation op) { return div()._class("op-block-summary").children( span(opName.toUpperCase())._class("method-button"), span(path)._class("path"), op.getSummary() != null ? span(op.getSummary())._class("summary") : null ).onclick("toggleOpBlock(this)"); } private Div tableContainer(Session s, Operation op) { Div tableContainer = div()._class("table-container"); if (op.getDescription() != null) tableContainer.child(div(toBRL(op.getDescription()))._class("op-block-description")); if (op.getParameters() != null) { tableContainer.child(div(h4("Parameters")._class("title"))._class("op-block-section-header")); Table parameters = table(tr(th("Name")._class("parameter-key"), th("Description")._class("parameter-key")))._class("parameters"); op.getParameters().forEach(x -> { String piName = "body".equals(x.getIn()) ? "body" : x.getName(); boolean required = x.getRequired() == null ? false : x.getRequired(); Td parameterKey = td( div(piName)._class("name" + (required ? " required" : "")), required ? div("required")._class("requiredlabel") : null, div(x.getType())._class("type"), div('(' + x.getIn() + ')')._class("in") )._class("parameter-key"); Td parameterValue = td( div(toBRL(x.getDescription()))._class("description"), examples(s, x) )._class("parameter-value"); parameters.child(tr(parameterKey, parameterValue)); }); tableContainer.child(parameters); } if (op.getResponses() != null) { tableContainer.child(div(h4("Responses")._class("title"))._class("op-block-section-header")); Table responses = table(tr(th("Code")._class("response-key"), th("Description")._class("response-key")))._class("responses"); tableContainer.child(responses); op.getResponses().forEach((k,v) -> { Td code = td(k)._class("response-key"); Td codeValue = td( div(toBRL(v.getDescription()))._class("description"), examples(s, v), headers(s, v) )._class("response-value"); responses.child(tr(code, codeValue)); }); } return tableContainer; } private Div headers(Session s, ResponseInfo ri) { if (ri.getHeaders() == null) return null; Table sectionTable = table(tr(th("Name"),th("Description"),th("Schema")))._class("section-table"); Div headers = div( div("Headers:")._class("section-name"), sectionTable )._class("headers"); ri.getHeaders().forEach((k,v) -> { sectionTable.child( tr( td(k)._class("name"), td(toBRL(v.getDescription()))._class("description"), td(v.asMap().keepAll("type","format","items","collectionFormat","default","maximum","exclusiveMaximum","minimum","exclusiveMinimum","maxLength","minLength","pattern","maxItems","minItems","uniqueItems","enum","multipleOf")) ) ); }); return headers; } private Div examples(Session s, ParameterInfo pi) { boolean isBody = "body".equals(pi.getIn()); JsonMap m = new JsonMap(); try { if (isBody) { SchemaInfo si = pi.getSchema(); if (si != null) m.put("model", si.copy().resolveRefs(s.swagger, new ArrayDeque<>(), s.resolveRefsMaxDepth)); } else { JsonMap m2 = pi .copy() .resolveRefs(s.swagger, new ArrayDeque<>(), s.resolveRefsMaxDepth) .asMap() .keepAll("format","pattern","collectionFormat","maximum","minimum","multipleOf","maxLength","minLength","maxItems","minItems","allowEmptyValue","exclusiveMaximum","exclusiveMinimum","uniqueItems","items","default","enum"); m.put("model", m2.isEmpty() ? i("none") : m2); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (m.isEmpty()) return null; return examplesDiv(m); } private Div examples(Session s, ResponseInfo ri) { SchemaInfo si = ri.getSchema(); JsonMap m = new JsonMap(); try { if (si != null) { si = si.copy().resolveRefs(s.swagger, new ArrayDeque<>(), s.resolveRefsMaxDepth); m.put("model", si); } Map examples = ri.getExamples(); if (examples != null) examples.forEach((k,v) -> m.put(k,v)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (m.isEmpty()) return null; return examplesDiv(m); } private Div examplesDiv(JsonMap m) { if (m.isEmpty()) return null; Select select = null; if (m.size() > 1) { select = select().onchange("selectExample(this)")._class("example-select"); } Div div = div(select)._class("examples"); if (select != null) select.child(option("model","model")); div.child(div(m.remove("model"))._class("model active").attr("data-name", "model")); Select select2 = select; m.forEach((k,v) -> { if (select2 != null) select2.child(option(k, k)); div.child(div(v.toString().replaceAll("\\n", "\n"))._class("example").attr("data-name", k)); }); return div; } // Creates the "Model" header. private HtmlElement modelsBlockSummary() { return div()._class("tag-block-summary").children(span("Models")._class("name")).onclick("toggleTagBlock(this)"); } // Creates the contents under the "Model" header. private Div modelsBlockContents(Session s) { Div modelBlockContents = div()._class("tag-block-contents"); s.swagger.getDefinitions().forEach((k,v) -> modelBlockContents.child(modelBlock(k,v))); return modelBlockContents; } private Div modelBlock(String modelName, JsonMap model) { return div()._class("op-block op-block-closed model").children( modelBlockSummary(modelName, model), div(model)._class("op-block-contents") ); } private HtmlElement modelBlockSummary(String modelName, JsonMap model) { return div()._class("op-block-summary").children( span(modelName)._class("method-button"), model.containsKey("description") ? span(toBRL(model.remove("description").toString()))._class("summary") : null ).onclick("toggleOpBlock(this)"); } /** * Replaces newlines with
elements. */ private static List toBRL(String s) { if (s == null) return null; if (s.indexOf(',') == -1) return singletonList(s); List l = list(); String[] sa = s.split("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < sa.length; i++) { if (i > 0) l.add(br()); l.add(sa[i]); } return l; } }