Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.*;
import org.apache.juneau.assertions.*;
import org.apache.juneau.http.response.*;
import org.apache.juneau.internal.*;
import org.apache.juneau.serializer.*;
* Used for fluent assertion calls against {@link ResponseContent} objects.
* Test Methods
* - {@link FluentResponseBodyAssertion}
* - {@link FluentResponseBodyAssertion#is(String) is(String)}
- {@link FluentResponseBodyAssertion#isContains(String...) isContains(String...)}
- {@link FluentResponseBodyAssertion#isNotContains(String...) isNotContains(String...)}
- {@link FluentResponseBodyAssertion#isEmpty() isEmpty()}
- {@link FluentResponseBodyAssertion#isNotEmpty() isNotEmpty()}
* - {@link FluentObjectAssertion}
* - {@link FluentObjectAssertion#isExists() isExists()}
- {@link FluentObjectAssertion#is(Object) is(Object)}
- {@link FluentObjectAssertion#is(Predicate) is(Predicate)}
- {@link FluentObjectAssertion#isNot(Object) isNot(Object)}
- {@link FluentObjectAssertion#isAny(Object...) isAny(Object...)}
- {@link FluentObjectAssertion#isNotAny(Object...) isNotAny(Object...)}
- {@link FluentObjectAssertion#isNull() isNull()}
- {@link FluentObjectAssertion#isNotNull() isNotNull()}
- {@link FluentObjectAssertion#isString(String) isString(String)}
- {@link FluentObjectAssertion#isJson(String) isJson(String)}
- {@link FluentObjectAssertion#isSame(Object) isSame(Object)}
- {@link FluentObjectAssertion#isSameJsonAs(Object) isSameJsonAs(Object)}
- {@link FluentObjectAssertion#isSameSortedJsonAs(Object) isSameSortedJsonAs(Object)}
- {@link FluentObjectAssertion#isSameSerializedAs(Object, WriterSerializer) isSameSerializedAs(Object, WriterSerializer)}
- {@link FluentObjectAssertion#isType(Class) isType(Class)}
- {@link FluentObjectAssertion#isExactType(Class) isExactType(Class)}
* Transform Methods
* - {@link FluentResponseBodyAssertion}
* - {@link FluentResponseBodyAssertion#asBytes() asBytes()}
- {@link FluentResponseBodyAssertion#as(Class) as(Class)}
- {@link FluentResponseBodyAssertion#as(Type,Type...) as(Type,Type...)}
* - {@link FluentObjectAssertion}
* - {@link FluentObjectAssertion#asString() asString()}
- {@link FluentObjectAssertion#asString(WriterSerializer) asString(WriterSerializer)}
- {@link FluentObjectAssertion#asString(Function) asString(Function)}
- {@link FluentObjectAssertion#asJson() asJson()}
- {@link FluentObjectAssertion#asJsonSorted() asJsonSorted()}
- {@link FluentObjectAssertion#asTransformed(Function) asApplied(Function)}
- {@link FluentObjectAssertion#asAny() asAny()}
* Configuration Methods
* - {@link Assertion}
* - {@link Assertion#setMsg(String, Object...) setMsg(String, Object...)}
- {@link Assertion#setOut(PrintStream) setOut(PrintStream)}
- {@link Assertion#setSilent() setSilent()}
- {@link Assertion#setStdOut() setStdOut()}
- {@link Assertion#setThrowable(Class) setThrowable(Class)}
* See Also:
* @param The return type.
public class FluentResponseBodyAssertion extends FluentObjectAssertion {
// Constructors
* Constructor.
* @param value
* The object being tested.
Can be null .
* @param returns
* The object to return after a test method is called.
If null , the test method returns this object allowing multiple test method calls to be
* used on the same assertion.
public FluentResponseBodyAssertion(ResponseContent value, R returns) {
this(null, value, returns);
* Chained constructor.
* Used when transforming one assertion into another so that the assertion config can be used by the new assertion.
* @param creator
* The assertion that created this assertion.
Should be null if this is the top-level assertion.
* @param value
* The object being tested.
Can be null .
* @param returns
* The object to return after a test method is called.
If null , the test method returns this object allowing multiple test method calls to be
* used on the same assertion.
public FluentResponseBodyAssertion(Assertion creator, ResponseContent value, R returns) {
super(creator, value, returns);
// Transform methods
* Provides the ability to perform fluent-style assertions on this response body.
* // Validates the response body equals the text "OK".
* client
* .get(URI )
* .run()
* .assertContent().is("OK" );
* // Validates the response body contains the text "OK".
* client
* .get(URI )
* .run()
* .assertContent().isContains("OK" );
* // Validates the response body passes a predicate test.
* client
* .get(URI )
* .run()
* .assertContent().is(x -> x .contains("OK" ));
* // Validates the response body matches a regular expression.
* client
* .get(URI )
* .run()
* .assertContent().isPattern(".*OK.*" );
* // Validates the response body matches a regular expression using regex flags.
* client
* .get(URI )
* .run()
* .assertContent().isPattern(".*OK.*" , MULTILINE & CASE_INSENSITIVE );
* // Validates the response body matches a regular expression in the form of an existing Pattern.
* Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile (".*OK.*" );
* client
* .get(URI )
* .run()
* .assertContent().isPattern(pattern );
* The assertion test returns the original response object allowing you to chain multiple requests like so:
* // Validates the response body matches a regular expression.
* MyBean bean = client
* .get(URI )
* .run()
* .assertContent().isPattern(".*OK.*" );
* .assertContent().isNotPattern(".*ERROR.*" )
* .getContent().as(MyBean.class );
* Notes:
* -
* If no charset was found on the
response header, "UTF-8" is assumed.
* -
* When using this method, the body is automatically cached by calling the {@link ResponseContent#cache()}.
* The input stream is automatically closed after this call.
* @return A new fluent assertion object.
public FluentStringAssertion asString() {
return new FluentStringAssertion<>(valueAsString(), returns());
* Provides the ability to perform fluent-style assertions on the bytes of the response body.
* Examples:
* // Validates the response body equals the text "foo".
* client
* .get(URI )
* .run()
* .assertContent().asBytes().asHex().is("666F6F" );
* Notes:
* -
* If no charset was found on the
response header, "UTF-8" is assumed.
* -
* When using this method, the body is automatically cached by calling the {@link ResponseContent#cache()}.
* The input stream is automatically closed after this call.
* @return A new fluent assertion object.
public FluentByteArrayAssertion asBytes() {
return new FluentByteArrayAssertion<>(valueAsBytes(), returns());
* Converts the body to a type using {@link ResponseContent#as(Class)} and then returns the value as an object assertion.
* Examples:
* // Validates the response body as a list of strings and validates the length.
* client
* .get("/myBean" )
* .run()
* .assertContent().as(List.class , String.class ).is(x -> x .size() > 0);
* @param The object type to create.
* @param type The object type to create.
* @return A new fluent assertion object.
public FluentAnyAssertion as(Class type) {
return new FluentAnyAssertion<>(valueAsType(type), returns());
* Converts the body to a type using {@link ResponseContent#as(Type,Type...)} and then returns the value as an object assertion.
* Examples:
* // Validates the response body as a list of strings and validates the length.
* client
* .get("/myBean" )
* .run()
* .assertContent().as(List.class , String.class ).is(x -> x .size() > 0);
* See Complex Data Types for information on defining complex generic types of {@link Map Maps} and {@link Collection Collections}.
* @param type The object type to create.
* @param args Optional type arguments.
* @return A new fluent assertion object.
public FluentAnyAssertion