org.apache.kafka.connect.runtime.distributed.DistributedHerder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.kafka.connect.runtime.distributed;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.CommonClientConfigs;
import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigDef;
import org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigValue;
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.WakeupException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.Sensor;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.Avg;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.CumulativeSum;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.Max;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Exit;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.LogContext;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.ThreadUtils;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Time;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Utils;
import org.apache.kafka.connect.connector.Connector;
import org.apache.kafka.connect.connector.policy.ConnectorClientConfigOverridePolicy;
import org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.AlreadyExistsException;
import org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException;
import org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.NotFoundException;
import org.apache.kafka.connect.runtime.AbstractHerder;
import org.apache.kafka.connect.runtime.CloseableConnectorContext;
import org.apache.kafka.connect.runtime.ConnectMetrics;
import org.apache.kafka.connect.runtime.ConnectMetrics.LiteralSupplier;
import org.apache.kafka.connect.runtime.ConnectMetrics.MetricGroup;
import org.apache.kafka.connect.runtime.ConnectMetricsRegistry;
import org.apache.kafka.connect.runtime.ConnectorConfig;
import org.apache.kafka.connect.runtime.HerderConnectorContext;
import org.apache.kafka.connect.runtime.HerderRequest;
import org.apache.kafka.connect.runtime.SessionKey;
import org.apache.kafka.connect.runtime.SinkConnectorConfig;
import org.apache.kafka.connect.runtime.SourceConnectorConfig;
import org.apache.kafka.connect.runtime.TargetState;
import org.apache.kafka.connect.runtime.TaskStatus;
import org.apache.kafka.connect.runtime.Worker;
import org.apache.kafka.connect.sink.SinkConnector;
import org.apache.kafka.connect.util.Callback;
import org.apache.kafka.connect.util.ConnectorTaskId;
import org.apache.kafka.connect.util.SinkUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import javax.crypto.KeyGenerator;
import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NavigableSet;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListSet;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import static org.apache.kafka.connect.runtime.WorkerConfig.TOPIC_TRACKING_ENABLE_CONFIG;
import static org.apache.kafka.connect.runtime.distributed.ConnectProtocol.CONNECT_PROTOCOL_V0;
import static org.apache.kafka.connect.runtime.distributed.ConnectProtocolCompatibility.EAGER;
import static org.apache.kafka.connect.runtime.distributed.IncrementalCooperativeConnectProtocol.CONNECT_PROTOCOL_V1;
import static org.apache.kafka.connect.runtime.distributed.IncrementalCooperativeConnectProtocol.CONNECT_PROTOCOL_V2;
* Distributed "herder" that coordinates with other workers to spread work across multiple processes.
* Under the hood, this is implemented as a group managed by Kafka's group membership facilities (i.e. the generalized
* group/consumer coordinator). Each instance of DistributedHerder joins the group and indicates what it's current
* configuration state is (where it is in the configuration log). The group coordinator selects one member to take
* this information and assign each instance a subset of the active connectors & tasks to execute. This assignment
* is currently performed in a simple round-robin fashion, but this is not guaranteed -- the herder may also choose
* to, e.g., use a sticky assignment to avoid the usual start/stop costs associated with connectors and tasks. Once
* an assignment is received, the DistributedHerder simply runs its assigned connectors and tasks in a Worker.
* In addition to distributing work, the DistributedHerder uses the leader determined during the work assignment
* to select a leader for this generation of the group who is responsible for other tasks that can only be performed
* by a single node at a time. Most importantly, this includes writing updated configurations for connectors and tasks,
* (and therefore, also for creating, destroy, and scaling up/down connectors).
* The DistributedHerder uses a single thread for most of its processing. This includes processing
* config changes, handling task rebalances and serving requests from the HTTP layer. The latter are pushed
* into a queue until the thread has time to handle them. A consequence of this is that requests can get blocked
* behind a worker rebalance. When the herder knows that a rebalance is expected, it typically returns an error
* immediately to the request, but this is not always possible (in particular when another worker has requested
* the rebalance). Similar to handling HTTP requests, config changes which are observed asynchronously by polling
* the config log are batched for handling in the work thread.
public class DistributedHerder extends AbstractHerder implements Runnable {
private static final AtomicInteger CONNECT_CLIENT_ID_SEQUENCE = new AtomicInteger(1);
private final Logger log;
private static final long FORWARD_REQUEST_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT_MS = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(10);
private static final long START_AND_STOP_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT_MS = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(1);
private static final long RECONFIGURE_CONNECTOR_TASKS_BACKOFF_MS = 250;
private static final int START_STOP_THREAD_POOL_SIZE = 8;
private static final short BACKOFF_RETRIES = 5;
private final AtomicLong requestSeqNum = new AtomicLong();
private final Time time;
private final HerderMetrics herderMetrics;
private final List uponShutdown;
private final String workerGroupId;
private final int workerSyncTimeoutMs;
private final long workerTasksShutdownTimeoutMs;
private final int workerUnsyncBackoffMs;
private final int keyRotationIntervalMs;
private final String requestSignatureAlgorithm;
private final List keySignatureVerificationAlgorithms;
private final KeyGenerator keyGenerator;
private final ExecutorService herderExecutor;
private final ExecutorService forwardRequestExecutor;
private final ExecutorService startAndStopExecutor;
private final WorkerGroupMember member;
private final AtomicBoolean stopping;
private final boolean isTopicTrackingEnabled;
// Track enough information about the current membership state to be able to determine which requests via the API
// and the from other nodes are safe to process
private boolean rebalanceResolved;
private ExtendedAssignment runningAssignment = ExtendedAssignment.empty();
private Set tasksToRestart = new HashSet<>();
private ExtendedAssignment assignment;
private boolean canReadConfigs;
// visible for testing
protected ClusterConfigState configState;
// To handle most external requests, like creating or destroying a connector, we can use a generic request where
// the caller specifies all the code that should be executed.
final NavigableSet requests = new ConcurrentSkipListSet<>();
// Config updates can be collected and applied together when possible. Also, we need to take care to rebalance when
// needed (e.g. task reconfiguration, which requires everyone to coordinate offset commits).
private Set connectorConfigUpdates = new HashSet<>();
private Set taskConfigUpdates = new HashSet<>();
// Similarly collect target state changes (when observed by the config storage listener) for handling in the
// herder's main thread.
private Set connectorTargetStateChanges = new HashSet<>();
private boolean needsReconfigRebalance;
private volatile int generation;
private volatile long scheduledRebalance;
private volatile SecretKey sessionKey;
private volatile long keyExpiration;
private short currentProtocolVersion;
private short backoffRetries;
private final DistributedConfig config;
* Create a herder that will form a Connect cluster with other {@link DistributedHerder} instances (in this or other JVMs)
* that have the same group ID.
* @param config the configuration for the worker; may not be null
* @param time the clock to use; may not be null
* @param worker the {@link Worker} instance to use; may not be null
* @param kafkaClusterId the identifier of the Kafka cluster to use for internal topics; may not be null
* @param statusBackingStore the backing store for statuses; may not be null
* @param configBackingStore the backing store for connector configurations; may not be null
* @param restUrl the URL of this herder's REST API; may not be null
* @param connectorClientConfigOverridePolicy the policy specifying the client configuration properties that may be overridden
* in connector configurations; may not be null
* @param uponShutdown any {@link AutoCloseable} objects that should be closed when this herder is {@link #stop() stopped},
* after all services and resources owned by this herder are stopped
public DistributedHerder(DistributedConfig config,
Time time,
Worker worker,
String kafkaClusterId,
StatusBackingStore statusBackingStore,
ConfigBackingStore configBackingStore,
String restUrl,
ConnectorClientConfigOverridePolicy connectorClientConfigOverridePolicy,
AutoCloseable... uponShutdown) {
this(config, worker, worker.workerId(), kafkaClusterId, statusBackingStore, configBackingStore, null, restUrl, worker.metrics(),
time, connectorClientConfigOverridePolicy, uponShutdown);
configBackingStore.setUpdateListener(new ConfigUpdateListener());
// visible for testing
DistributedHerder(DistributedConfig config,
Worker worker,
String workerId,
String kafkaClusterId,
StatusBackingStore statusBackingStore,
ConfigBackingStore configBackingStore,
WorkerGroupMember member,
String restUrl,
ConnectMetrics metrics,
Time time,
ConnectorClientConfigOverridePolicy connectorClientConfigOverridePolicy,
AutoCloseable... uponShutdown) {
super(worker, workerId, kafkaClusterId, statusBackingStore, configBackingStore, connectorClientConfigOverridePolicy);
this.time = time;
this.herderMetrics = new HerderMetrics(metrics);
this.workerGroupId = config.getString(DistributedConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG);
this.workerSyncTimeoutMs = config.getInt(DistributedConfig.WORKER_SYNC_TIMEOUT_MS_CONFIG);
this.workerTasksShutdownTimeoutMs = config.getLong(DistributedConfig.TASK_SHUTDOWN_GRACEFUL_TIMEOUT_MS_CONFIG);
this.workerUnsyncBackoffMs = config.getInt(DistributedConfig.WORKER_UNSYNC_BACKOFF_MS_CONFIG);
this.requestSignatureAlgorithm = config.getString(DistributedConfig.INTER_WORKER_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM_CONFIG);
this.keyRotationIntervalMs = config.getInt(DistributedConfig.INTER_WORKER_KEY_TTL_MS_CONFIG);
this.keySignatureVerificationAlgorithms = config.getList(DistributedConfig.INTER_WORKER_VERIFICATION_ALGORITHMS_CONFIG);
this.keyGenerator = config.getInternalRequestKeyGenerator();
this.isTopicTrackingEnabled = config.getBoolean(TOPIC_TRACKING_ENABLE_CONFIG);
this.uponShutdown = Arrays.asList(uponShutdown);
String clientIdConfig = config.getString(CommonClientConfigs.CLIENT_ID_CONFIG);
String clientId = clientIdConfig.length() <= 0 ? "connect-" + CONNECT_CLIENT_ID_SEQUENCE.getAndIncrement() : clientIdConfig;
LogContext logContext = new LogContext("[Worker clientId=" + clientId + ", groupId=" + this.workerGroupId + "] ");
log = logContext.logger(DistributedHerder.class);
this.member = member != null
? member
: new WorkerGroupMember(config, restUrl, this.configBackingStore,
new RebalanceListener(time), time, clientId, logContext);
this.herderExecutor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(1, 1, 0L,
new LinkedBlockingDeque(1),
this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "-" + clientId + "-%d", false));
this.forwardRequestExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1,
"ForwardRequestExecutor-" + clientId + "-%d", false));
this.startAndStopExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(START_STOP_THREAD_POOL_SIZE,
"StartAndStopExecutor-" + clientId + "-%d", false));
this.config = config;
stopping = new AtomicBoolean(false);
configState = ClusterConfigState.EMPTY;
rebalanceResolved = true; // If we still need to follow up after a rebalance occurred, starting up tasks
needsReconfigRebalance = false;
canReadConfigs = true; // We didn't try yet, but Configs are readable until proven otherwise
scheduledRebalance = Long.MAX_VALUE;
keyExpiration = Long.MAX_VALUE;
sessionKey = null;
backoffRetries = BACKOFF_RETRIES;
currentProtocolVersion = ConnectProtocolCompatibility.compatibility(
if (!internalRequestValidationEnabled(currentProtocolVersion)) {
"Internal request verification will be disabled for this cluster as this worker's {} configuration has been set to '{}'. "
+ "If this is not intentional, either remove the '{}' configuration from the worker config file or change its value "
+ "to '{}'. If this configuration is left as-is, the cluster will be insecure; for more information, see KIP-507: "
+ "",
public void start() {
public void run() {
try {"Herder starting");
startServices();"Herder started");
running = true;
while (!stopping.get()) {
halt();"Herder stopped");
} catch (Throwable t) {
log.error("Uncaught exception in herder work thread, exiting: ", t);
} finally {
running = false;
// public for testing
public void tick() {
// The main loop does two primary things: 1) drive the group membership protocol, responding to rebalance events
// as they occur, and 2) handle external requests targeted at the leader. All the "real" work of the herder is
// performed in this thread, which keeps synchronization straightforward at the cost of some operations possibly
// blocking up this thread (especially those in callbacks due to rebalance events).
try {
// if we failed to read to end of log before, we need to make sure the issue was resolved before joining group
// Joining and immediately leaving for failure to read configs is exceedingly impolite
if (!canReadConfigs) {
if (readConfigToEnd(workerSyncTimeoutMs)) {
canReadConfigs = true;
} else {
return; // Safe to return and tick immediately because readConfigToEnd will do the backoff for us
log.debug("Ensuring group membership is still active");
// Ensure we're in a good state in our group. If not restart and everything should be setup to rejoin
if (!handleRebalanceCompleted()) return;
} catch (WakeupException e) {
// May be due to a request from another thread, or might be stopping. If the latter, we need to check the
// flag immediately. If the former, we need to re-run the ensureActive call since we can't handle requests
// unless we're in the group.
log.trace("Woken up while ensure group membership is still active");
long now = time.milliseconds();
if (checkForKeyRotation(now)) {
log.debug("Distributing new session key");
keyExpiration = Long.MAX_VALUE;
try {
configBackingStore.putSessionKey(new SessionKey(
} catch (Exception e) {"Failed to write new session key to config topic; forcing a read to the end of the config topic before possibly retrying");
canReadConfigs = false;
// Process any external requests
// TODO: Some of these can be performed concurrently or even optimized away entirely.
// For example, if three different connectors are slated to be restarted, it's fine to
// restart all three at the same time instead.
// Another example: if multiple configurations are submitted for the same connector,
// the only one that actually has to be written to the config topic is the
// most-recently one.
long nextRequestTimeoutMs = Long.MAX_VALUE;
while (true) {
final DistributedHerderRequest next = peekWithoutException();
if (next == null) {
} else if (now >= {
} else {
nextRequestTimeoutMs = - now;
try {
next.callback().onCompletion(null, null);
} catch (Throwable t) {
next.callback().onCompletion(t, null);
if (scheduledRebalance < Long.MAX_VALUE) {
nextRequestTimeoutMs = Math.min(nextRequestTimeoutMs, Math.max(scheduledRebalance - now, 0));
rebalanceResolved = false;
log.debug("Scheduled rebalance at: {} (now: {} nextRequestTimeoutMs: {}) ",
scheduledRebalance, now, nextRequestTimeoutMs);
if (isLeader() && internalRequestValidationEnabled() && keyExpiration < Long.MAX_VALUE) {
nextRequestTimeoutMs = Math.min(nextRequestTimeoutMs, Math.max(keyExpiration - now, 0));
log.debug("Scheduled next key rotation at: {} (now: {} nextRequestTimeoutMs: {}) ",
keyExpiration, now, nextRequestTimeoutMs);
// Process any configuration updates
AtomicReference> connectorConfigUpdatesCopy = new AtomicReference<>();
AtomicReference> connectorTargetStateChangesCopy = new AtomicReference<>();
AtomicReference> taskConfigUpdatesCopy = new AtomicReference<>();
boolean shouldReturn;
if (member.currentProtocolVersion() == CONNECT_PROTOCOL_V0) {
shouldReturn = updateConfigsWithEager(connectorConfigUpdatesCopy,
// With eager protocol we should return immediately if needsReconfigRebalance has
// been set to retain the old workflow
if (shouldReturn) {
if (connectorConfigUpdatesCopy.get() != null) {
if (connectorTargetStateChangesCopy.get() != null) {
} else {
shouldReturn = updateConfigsWithIncrementalCooperative(connectorConfigUpdatesCopy,
connectorTargetStateChangesCopy, taskConfigUpdatesCopy);
if (connectorConfigUpdatesCopy.get() != null) {
if (connectorTargetStateChangesCopy.get() != null) {
if (taskConfigUpdatesCopy.get() != null) {
if (shouldReturn) {
// Let the group take any actions it needs to
try {
log.trace("Polling for group activity; will wait for {}ms or until poll is interrupted by "
+ "either config backing store updates or a new external request",
// Ensure we're in a good state in our group. If not restart and everything should be setup to rejoin
} catch (WakeupException e) { // FIXME should not be WakeupException
log.trace("Woken up while polling for group activity");
// Ignore. Just indicates we need to check the exit flag, for requested actions, etc.
private boolean checkForKeyRotation(long now) {
SecretKey key;
long expiration;
synchronized (this) {
key = sessionKey;
expiration = keyExpiration;
if (internalRequestValidationEnabled()) {
if (isLeader()) {
if (key == null) {
log.debug("Internal request signing is enabled but no session key has been distributed yet. "
+ "Distributing new key now.");
return true;
} else if (expiration <= now) {
log.debug("Existing key has expired. Distributing new key now.");
return true;
} else if (!key.getAlgorithm().equals(keyGenerator.getAlgorithm())
|| key.getEncoded().length != keyGenerator.generateKey().getEncoded().length) {
log.debug("Previously-distributed key uses different algorithm/key size "
+ "than required by current worker configuration. Distributing new key now.");
return true;
} else if (key == null && configState.sessionKey() != null) {
// This happens on startup for follower workers; the snapshot contains the session key,
// but no callback in the config update listener has been fired for it yet.
sessionKey = configState.sessionKey().key();
return false;
private synchronized boolean updateConfigsWithEager(AtomicReference> connectorConfigUpdatesCopy,
AtomicReference> connectorTargetStateChangesCopy) {
// This branch is here to avoid creating a snapshot if not needed
if (needsReconfigRebalance
|| !connectorConfigUpdates.isEmpty()
|| !connectorTargetStateChanges.isEmpty()) {
log.trace("Handling config updates with eager rebalancing");
// Connector reconfigs only need local updates since there is no coordination between workers required.
// However, if connectors were added or removed, work needs to be rebalanced since we have more work
// items to distribute among workers.
configState = configBackingStore.snapshot();
if (needsReconfigRebalance) {
// Task reconfigs require a rebalance. Request the rebalance, clean out state, and then restart
// this loop, which will then ensure the rebalance occurs without any other requests being
// processed until it completes.
log.debug("Requesting rebalance due to reconfiguration of tasks (needsReconfigRebalance: {})",
needsReconfigRebalance = false;
// Any connector config updates or target state changes will be addressed during the rebalance too
return true;
} else {
if (!connectorConfigUpdates.isEmpty()) {
// We can't start/stop while locked since starting connectors can cause task updates that will
// require writing configs, which in turn make callbacks into this class from another thread that
// require acquiring a lock. This leads to deadlock. Instead, just copy the info we need and process
// the updates after unlocking.
connectorConfigUpdates = new HashSet<>();
if (!connectorTargetStateChanges.isEmpty()) {
// Similarly for target state changes which can cause connectors to be restarted
connectorTargetStateChanges = new HashSet<>();
} else {
log.trace("Skipping config updates with eager rebalancing "
+ "since no config rebalance is required "
+ "and there are no connector config, task config, or target state changes pending");
return false;
private synchronized boolean updateConfigsWithIncrementalCooperative(AtomicReference> connectorConfigUpdatesCopy,
AtomicReference> connectorTargetStateChangesCopy,
AtomicReference> taskConfigUpdatesCopy) {
boolean retValue = false;
// This branch is here to avoid creating a snapshot if not needed
if (needsReconfigRebalance
|| !connectorConfigUpdates.isEmpty()
|| !connectorTargetStateChanges.isEmpty()
|| !taskConfigUpdates.isEmpty()) {
log.trace("Handling config updates with incremental cooperative rebalancing");
// Connector reconfigs only need local updates since there is no coordination between workers required.
// However, if connectors were added or removed, work needs to be rebalanced since we have more work
// items to distribute among workers.
configState = configBackingStore.snapshot();
if (needsReconfigRebalance) {
log.debug("Requesting rebalance due to reconfiguration of tasks (needsReconfigRebalance: {})",
needsReconfigRebalance = false;
retValue = true;
if (!connectorConfigUpdates.isEmpty()) {
// We can't start/stop while locked since starting connectors can cause task updates that will
// require writing configs, which in turn make callbacks into this class from another thread that
// require acquiring a lock. This leads to deadlock. Instead, just copy the info we need and process
// the updates after unlocking.
connectorConfigUpdates = new HashSet<>();
if (!connectorTargetStateChanges.isEmpty()) {
// Similarly for target state changes which can cause connectors to be restarted
connectorTargetStateChanges = new HashSet<>();
if (!taskConfigUpdates.isEmpty()) {
// Similarly for task config updates
taskConfigUpdates = new HashSet<>();
} else {
log.trace("Skipping config updates with incremental cooperative rebalancing "
+ "since no config rebalance is required "
+ "and there are no connector config, task config, or target state changes pending");
return retValue;
private void processConnectorConfigUpdates(Set connectorConfigUpdates) {
// If we only have connector config updates, we can just bounce the updated connectors that are
// currently assigned to this worker.
Set localConnectors = assignment == null ? Collections.emptySet() : new HashSet<>(assignment.connectors());
log.trace("Processing connector config updates; "
+ "currently-owned connectors are {}, and to-be-updated connectors are {}",
for (String connectorName : connectorConfigUpdates) {
if (!localConnectors.contains(connectorName)) {
log.trace("Skipping config update for connector {} as it is not owned by this worker",
boolean remains = configState.contains(connectorName);"Handling connector-only config update by {} connector {}",
remains ? "restarting" : "stopping", connectorName);
// The update may be a deletion, so verify we actually need to restart the connector
if (remains) {
startConnector(connectorName, (error, result) -> {
if (error != null) {
log.error("Failed to start connector '" + connectorName + "'", error);
private void processTargetStateChanges(Set connectorTargetStateChanges) {
log.trace("Processing target state updates; "
+ "currently-known connectors are {}, and to-be-updated connectors are {}",
configState.connectors(), connectorTargetStateChanges);
for (String connector : connectorTargetStateChanges) {
TargetState targetState = configState.targetState(connector);
if (!configState.connectors().contains(connector)) {
log.debug("Received target state change for unknown connector: {}", connector);
// we must propagate the state change to the worker so that the connector's
// tasks can transition to the new target state
worker.setTargetState(connector, targetState, (error, newState) -> {
if (error != null) {
log.error("Failed to transition connector to target state", error);
// additionally, if the worker is running the connector itself, then we need to
// request reconfiguration to ensure that config changes while paused take effect
if (newState == TargetState.STARTED) {
private void processTaskConfigUpdatesWithIncrementalCooperative(Set taskConfigUpdates) {
Set localTasks = assignment == null
? Collections.emptySet()
: new HashSet<>(assignment.tasks());
log.trace("Processing task config updates with incremental cooperative rebalance protocol; "
+ "currently-owned tasks are {}, and to-be-updated tasks are {}",
localTasks, taskConfigUpdates);
Set connectorsWhoseTasksToStop =
List tasksToStop =
.filter(taskId -> connectorsWhoseTasksToStop.contains(taskId.connector()))
.collect(Collectors.toList());"Handling task config update by restarting tasks {}", tasksToStop);
// public for testing
public void halt() {
synchronized (this) {
// Clean up any connectors and tasks that are still running."Stopping connectors and tasks that are still assigned to this worker.");
List> callables = new ArrayList<>();
for (String connectorName : new ArrayList<>(worker.connectorNames())) {
for (ConnectorTaskId taskId : new ArrayList<>(worker.taskIds())) {
// Explicitly fail any outstanding requests so they actually get a response and get an
// understandable reason for their failure.
DistributedHerderRequest request = requests.pollFirst();
while (request != null) {
request.callback().onCompletion(new ConnectException("Worker is shutting down"), null);
request = requests.pollFirst();
protected void stopServices() {
try {
} finally {
this.uponShutdown.forEach(closeable -> Utils.closeQuietly(closeable, closeable != null ? closeable.toString() : ""));
public void stop() {"Herder stopping");
try {
if (!herderExecutor.awaitTermination(workerTasksShutdownTimeoutMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))
if (!forwardRequestExecutor.awaitTermination(FORWARD_REQUEST_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT_MS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))
if (!startAndStopExecutor.awaitTermination(START_AND_STOP_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT_MS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// ignore
}"Herder stopped");
running = false;
public void connectors(final Callback> callback) {
log.trace("Submitting connector listing request");
new Callable() {
public Void call() throws Exception {
if (checkRebalanceNeeded(callback))
return null;
callback.onCompletion(null, configState.connectors());
return null;
public void connectorInfo(final String connName, final Callback callback) {
log.trace("Submitting connector info request {}", connName);
new Callable() {
public Void call() throws Exception {
if (checkRebalanceNeeded(callback))
return null;
if (!configState.contains(connName)) {
callback.onCompletion(new NotFoundException("Connector " + connName + " not found"), null);
} else {
callback.onCompletion(null, connectorInfo(connName));
return null;
protected Map rawConfig(String connName) {
return configState.rawConnectorConfig(connName);
public void connectorConfig(String connName, final Callback