org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.MembershipManagerImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerConfig;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRebalanceListener;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.Utils.TopicIdPartitionComparator;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.Utils.TopicPartitionComparator;
import org.apache.kafka.common.ClusterResource;
import org.apache.kafka.common.ClusterResourceListener;
import org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaException;
import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicIdPartition;
import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition;
import org.apache.kafka.common.Uuid;
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.ConsumerGroupHeartbeatResponseData;
import org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.Errors;
import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.ConsumerGroupHeartbeatRequest;
import org.apache.kafka.common.telemetry.internals.ClientTelemetryProvider;
import org.apache.kafka.common.telemetry.internals.ClientTelemetryReporter;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.LogContext;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Time;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Utils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import static org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerRebalanceListenerMethodName.ON_PARTITIONS_ASSIGNED;
import static org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerRebalanceListenerMethodName.ON_PARTITIONS_LOST;
import static org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerRebalanceListenerMethodName.ON_PARTITIONS_REVOKED;
* Group manager for a single consumer that has a group id defined in the config
* {@link ConsumerConfig#GROUP_ID_CONFIG}, to use the Kafka-based offset management capability,
* and the consumer group protocol to get automatically assigned partitions when calling the
* subscribe API.
* While the subscribe API hasn't been called (or if the consumer called unsubscribe), this manager
* will only be responsible for keeping the member in the {@link MemberState#UNSUBSCRIBED} state,
* where it can commit offsets to the group identified by the {@link #groupId()}, without joining
* the group.
* If the consumer subscribe API is called, this manager will use the {@link #groupId()} to join the
* consumer group, and based on the consumer group protocol heartbeats, will handle the full
* lifecycle of the member as it joins the group, reconciles assignments, handles fencing and
* fatal errors, and leaves the group.
* Reconciliation process:
* The member accepts all assignments received from the broker, resolves topic names from
* metadata, reconciles the resolved assignments, and keeps the unresolved to be reconciled when
* discovered with a metadata update. Reconciliations of resolved assignments are executed
* sequentially and acknowledged to the server as they complete. The reconciliation process
* involves multiple async operations, so the member will continue to heartbeat while these
* operations complete, to make sure that the member stays in the group while reconciling.
* Reconciliation steps:
* - Resolve topic names for all topic IDs received in the target assignment. Topic names
* found in metadata are then ready to be reconciled. Topic IDs not found are kept as
* unresolved, and the member request metadata updates until it resolves them (or the broker
* removes it from the target assignment.
* - Commit offsets if auto-commit is enabled.
* - Invoke the user-defined onPartitionsRevoked listener.
* - Invoke the user-defined onPartitionsAssigned listener.
* - When the above steps complete, the member acknowledges the reconciled assignment,
* which is the subset of the target that was resolved from metadata and actually reconciled.
* The ack is performed by sending a heartbeat request back to the broker, including the
* reconciled assignment.
* Note that user-defined callbacks are triggered from this manager that runs in the
* BackgroundThread, but executed in the Application Thread, where a failure will be returned to
* the user if the callbacks fail. This manager is only concerned about the callbacks completion to
* know that it can proceed with the reconciliation.
public class MembershipManagerImpl implements MembershipManager, ClusterResourceListener {
* TopicPartition comparator based on topic name and partition id.
final static TopicPartitionComparator TOPIC_PARTITION_COMPARATOR = new TopicPartitionComparator();
* TopicIdPartition comparator based on topic name and partition id (ignoring ID while sorting,
* as this is sorted mainly for logging purposes).
final static TopicIdPartitionComparator TOPIC_ID_PARTITION_COMPARATOR = new TopicIdPartitionComparator();
* Group ID of the consumer group the member will be part of, provided when creating the current
* membership manager.
private final String groupId;
* Group instance ID to be used by the member, provided when creating the current membership manager.
private final Optional groupInstanceId;
* Rebalance timeout. To be used as time limit for the commit request issued
* when a new assignment is received, that is retried until it succeeds, fails with a
* non-retriable error, it the time limit expires.
private final int rebalanceTimeoutMs;
* Member ID assigned by the server to the member, received in a heartbeat response when
* joining the group specified in {@link #groupId}
private String memberId = "";
* Current epoch of the member. It will be set to 0 by the member, and provided to the server
* on the heartbeat request, to join the group. It will be then maintained by the server,
* incremented as the member reconciles and acknowledges the assignments it receives. It will
* be reset to 0 if the member gets fenced.
private int memberEpoch = 0;
* Current state of this member as part of the consumer group, as defined in {@link MemberState}
private MemberState state;
* Name of the server-side assignor this member has configured to use. It will be sent
* out to the server on the {@link ConsumerGroupHeartbeatRequest}. If not defined, the server
* will select the assignor implementation to use.
private final Optional serverAssignor;
* Assignment that the member received from the server and successfully processed.
private Map> currentAssignment;
* Subscription state object holding the current assignment the member has for the topics it
* subscribed to.
private final SubscriptionState subscriptions;
* Metadata that allows us to create the partitions needed for {@link ConsumerRebalanceListener}.
private final ConsumerMetadata metadata;
* Logger.
private final Logger log;
* Manager to perform commit requests needed before revoking partitions (if auto-commit is
* enabled)
private final CommitRequestManager commitRequestManager;
* Local cache of assigned topic IDs and names. Topics are added here when received in a
* target assignment, as we discover their names in the Metadata cache, and removed when the
* topic is not in the subscription anymore. The purpose of this cache is to avoid metadata
* requests in cases where a currently assigned topic is in the target assignment (new
* partition assigned, or revoked), but it is not present the Metadata cache at that moment.
* The cache is cleared when the subscription changes ({@link #transitionToJoining()}, the
* member fails ({@link #transitionToFatal()} or leaves the group ({@link #leaveGroup()}).
private final Map assignedTopicNamesCache;
* Topic IDs received in a target assignment for which we haven't found topic names yet.
* Items are added to this set every time a target assignment is received. Items are removed
* when metadata is found for the topic. This is where the member collects all assignments
* received from the broker, even though they may not be ready to reconcile due to missing
* metadata.
private final Map> assignmentUnresolved;
* Assignment received for which topic names have been resolved, so it's ready to be
* reconciled. Items are added to this set when received in a target assignment (if metadata
* available), or when a metadata update is received. This is where the member keeps all the
* assignment ready to reconcile, even though the reconciliation might need to wait if there
* is already another on in process.
private final SortedSet assignmentReadyToReconcile;
* If there is a reconciliation running (triggering commit, callbacks) for the
* assignmentReadyToReconcile. This will be true if {@link #reconcile()} has been triggered
* after receiving a heartbeat response, or a metadata update.
private boolean reconciliationInProgress;
* Epoch the member had when the reconciliation in progress started. This is used to identify if
* the member has rejoined while it was reconciling an assignment (in which case the result
* of the reconciliation is not applied.)
private int memberEpochOnReconciliationStart;
* If the member is currently leaving the group after a call to {@link #leaveGroup()}}, this
* will have a future that will complete when the ongoing leave operation completes
* (callbacks executed and heartbeat request to leave is sent out). This will be empty is the
* member is not leaving.
private Optional> leaveGroupInProgress = Optional.empty();
* True if the member has registered to be notified when the cluster metadata is updated.
* This is initially false, as the member that is not part of a consumer group does not
* require metadata updated. This becomes true the first time the member joins on the
* {@link #transitionToJoining()}
private boolean isRegisteredForMetadataUpdates;
* Registered listeners that will be notified whenever the memberID/epoch gets updated (valid
* values received from the broker, or values cleared due to member leaving the group, getting
* fenced or failing).
private final List stateUpdatesListeners;
* Optional client telemetry reporter which sends client telemetry data to the broker. This
* will be empty if the client telemetry feature is not enabled. This is provided to update
* the group member id label when the member joins the group.
private final Optional clientTelemetryReporter;
* Serves as the conduit by which we can report events to the application thread. This is needed as we send
* {@link ConsumerRebalanceListenerCallbackNeededEvent callbacks} and, if needed,
* {@link ErrorBackgroundEvent errors} to the application thread.
private final BackgroundEventHandler backgroundEventHandler;
private final Time time;
public MembershipManagerImpl(String groupId,
Optional groupInstanceId,
int rebalanceTimeoutMs,
Optional serverAssignor,
SubscriptionState subscriptions,
CommitRequestManager commitRequestManager,
ConsumerMetadata metadata,
LogContext logContext,
Optional clientTelemetryReporter,
BackgroundEventHandler backgroundEventHandler,
Time time) {
this.groupId = groupId;
this.state = MemberState.UNSUBSCRIBED;
this.serverAssignor = serverAssignor;
this.groupInstanceId = groupInstanceId;
this.subscriptions = subscriptions;
this.commitRequestManager = commitRequestManager;
this.metadata = metadata;
this.assignedTopicNamesCache = new HashMap<>();
this.assignmentUnresolved = new HashMap<>();
this.assignmentReadyToReconcile = new TreeSet<>(TOPIC_ID_PARTITION_COMPARATOR);
this.currentAssignment = new HashMap<>();
this.log = logContext.logger(MembershipManagerImpl.class);
this.stateUpdatesListeners = new ArrayList<>();
this.clientTelemetryReporter = clientTelemetryReporter;
this.rebalanceTimeoutMs = rebalanceTimeoutMs;
this.backgroundEventHandler = backgroundEventHandler;
this.time = time;
* Update the member state, setting it to the nextState only if it is a valid transition.
* @throws IllegalStateException If transitioning from the member {@link #state} to the
* nextState is not allowed as defined in {@link MemberState}.
private void transitionTo(MemberState nextState) {
if (!state.equals(nextState) && !nextState.getPreviousValidStates().contains(state)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Invalid state transition from %s to %s",
state, nextState));
log.trace("Member {} with epoch {} transitioned from {} to {}.", memberId, memberEpoch, state, nextState);
this.state = nextState;
* {@inheritDoc}
public String groupId() {
return groupId;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Optional groupInstanceId() {
return groupInstanceId;
* {@inheritDoc}
public String memberId() {
return memberId;
* {@inheritDoc}
public int memberEpoch() {
return memberEpoch;
public boolean isStaled() {
return state == MemberState.STALE;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onHeartbeatResponseReceived(ConsumerGroupHeartbeatResponseData response) {
if (response.errorCode() != Errors.NONE.code()) {
String errorMessage = String.format(
"Unexpected error in Heartbeat response. Expected no error, but received: %s",
throw new IllegalArgumentException(errorMessage);
// Update the group member id label in the client telemetry reporter if the member id has
// changed. Initially the member id is empty, and it is updated when the member joins the
// group. This is done here to avoid updating the label on every heartbeat response. Also
// check if the member id is null, as the schema defines it as nullable.
if (response.memberId() != null && !response.memberId().equals(memberId)) {
clientTelemetryReporter.ifPresent(reporter -> reporter.updateMetricsLabels(
Collections.singletonMap(ClientTelemetryProvider.GROUP_MEMBER_ID, response.memberId())));
this.memberId = response.memberId();
ConsumerGroupHeartbeatResponseData.Assignment assignment = response.assignment();
if (assignment != null) {
if (!state.canHandleNewAssignment()) {
// New assignment received but member is in a state where it cannot take new
// assignments (ex. preparing to leave the group)
log.debug("Ignoring new assignment {} received from server because member is in {} state.",
assignment, state);
} else if (allPendingAssignmentsReconciled()) {
* This will process the assignment received if it is different from the member's current
* assignment. If a new assignment is received, this will try to resolve the topic names from
* metadata, reconcile the resolved assignment, and keep the unresolved to be reconciled when
* metadata is discovered.
* @param assignment Assignment received from the broker.
private void processAssignmentReceived(ConsumerGroupHeartbeatResponseData.Assignment assignment) {
if (!assignmentUnresolved.equals(currentAssignment)) {
// Transition the member to RECONCILING when receiving a new target
// assignment from the broker, different from the current assignment. Note that the
// reconciliation might not be triggered just yet because of missing metadata.
} else {
// Same assignment received, nothing to reconcile.
log.debug("Target assignment {} received from the broker is equals to the member " +
"current assignment {}. Nothing to reconcile.",
assignmentUnresolved, currentAssignment);
// Make sure we transition the member back to STABLE if it was RECONCILING (ex.
// member was RECONCILING unresolved assignments that were just removed by the
// broker), or JOINING (member joining received empty assignment).
if (state == MemberState.RECONCILING || state == MemberState.JOINING) {
* Overwrite collection of unresolved topic Ids with the new target assignment. This will
* effectively achieve the following:
* - all topics received in assignment will try to be resolved to find their topic names
* - any topic received in a previous assignment that was still unresolved, and that is
* not included in the assignment anymore, will be removed from the unresolved collection.
* This should be the case when a topic is sent in an assignment, deleted right after, and
* removed from the assignment the next time a broker sends one to the member.
* @param assignment Target assignment received from the broker.
private void replaceUnresolvedAssignmentWithNewAssignment(
ConsumerGroupHeartbeatResponseData.Assignment assignment) {
assignment.topicPartitions().forEach(topicPartitions ->
assignmentUnresolved.put(topicPartitions.topicId(), new TreeSet<>(topicPartitions.partitions())));
* {@inheritDoc}
public void transitionToFenced() {
if (state == MemberState.PREPARE_LEAVING) {
log.debug("Member {} with epoch {} got fenced but it is already preparing to leave " +
"the group, so it will stop sending heartbeat and won't attempt to rejoin.",
memberId, memberEpoch);
// Transition to UNSUBSCRIBED, ensuring that the member (that is not part of the
// group anymore from the broker point of view) will stop sending heartbeats while it
// completes the ongoing leaving operation.
if (state == MemberState.LEAVING) {
log.debug("Member {} with epoch {} got fenced but it is already leaving the group " +
"with state {}, so it won't attempt to rejoin.", memberId, memberEpoch, state);
if (state == MemberState.UNSUBSCRIBED) {
log.debug("Member {} with epoch {} got fenced but it already left the group, so it " +
"won't attempt to rejoin.", memberId, memberEpoch);
log.debug("Member {} with epoch {} transitioned to {} state. It will release its " +
"assignment and rejoin the group.", memberId, memberEpoch, MemberState.FENCED);
// Release assignment
CompletableFuture callbackResult = invokeOnPartitionsLostCallback(subscriptions.assignedPartitions());
callbackResult.whenComplete((result, error) -> {
if (error != null) {
log.error("onPartitionsLost callback invocation failed while releasing assignment" +
" after member got fenced. Member will rejoin the group anyways.", error);
updateSubscription(new TreeSet<>(TOPIC_ID_PARTITION_COMPARATOR), true);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void transitionToFatal() {
MemberState previousState = state;
log.error("Member {} with epoch {} transitioned to {} state", memberId, memberEpoch, MemberState.FATAL);
notifyEpochChange(Optional.empty(), Optional.empty());
if (previousState == MemberState.UNSUBSCRIBED) {
log.debug("Member {} with epoch {} got fatal error from the broker but it already " +
"left the group, so onPartitionsLost callback won't be triggered.", memberId, memberEpoch);
// Release assignment
CompletableFuture callbackResult = invokeOnPartitionsLostCallback(subscriptions.assignedPartitions());
callbackResult.whenComplete((result, error) -> {
if (error != null) {
log.error("onPartitionsLost callback invocation failed while releasing assignment" +
"after member failed with fatal error.", error);
updateSubscription(new TreeSet<>(TOPIC_ID_PARTITION_COMPARATOR), true);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onSubscriptionUpdated() {
if (state == MemberState.UNSUBSCRIBED) {
* Update a new assignment by setting the assigned partitions in the member subscription.
* @param assignedPartitions Topic partitions to take as the new subscription assignment
* @param clearAssignments True if the pending assignments and metadata cache should be cleared
private void updateSubscription(SortedSet assignedPartitions,
boolean clearAssignments) {
Collection assignedTopicPartitions = toTopicPartitionSet(assignedPartitions);
// Make assignment effective on the member group manager.
if (clearAssignments) {
* Transition to the {@link MemberState#JOINING} state, indicating that the member will
* try to join the group on the next heartbeat request. This is expected to be invoked when
* the user calls the subscribe API, or when the member wants to rejoin after getting fenced.
* Visible for testing.
public void transitionToJoining() {
if (state == MemberState.FATAL) {
log.warn("No action taken to join the group with the updated subscription because " +
"the member is in FATAL state");
* Register to get notified when the cluster metadata is updated, via the
* {@link #onUpdate(ClusterResource)}. Register only if the manager is not register already.
private void registerForMetadataUpdates() {
if (!isRegisteredForMetadataUpdates) {
isRegisteredForMetadataUpdates = true;
* {@inheritDoc}
public CompletableFuture leaveGroup() {
if (state == MemberState.UNSUBSCRIBED || state == MemberState.FATAL) {
// Member is not part of the group. No-op and return completed future to avoid
// unnecessary transitions.
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);
if (state == MemberState.PREPARE_LEAVING || state == MemberState.LEAVING) {
// Member already leaving. No-op and return existing leave group future that will
// complete when the ongoing leave operation completes.
return leaveGroupInProgress.get();
CompletableFuture leaveResult = new CompletableFuture<>();
leaveGroupInProgress = Optional.of(leaveResult);
CompletableFuture callbackResult = invokeOnPartitionsRevokedOrLostToReleaseAssignment();
callbackResult.whenComplete((result, error) -> {
// Clear the subscription, no matter if the callback execution failed or succeeded.
updateSubscription(new TreeSet<>(TOPIC_ID_PARTITION_COMPARATOR), true);
// Transition to ensure that a heartbeat request is sent out to effectively leave the
// group (even in the case where the member had no assignment to release or when the
// callback execution failed.)
// Return future to indicate that the leave group is done when the callbacks
// complete, and the transition to send the heartbeat has been made.
return leaveResult;
* Release member assignment by calling the user defined callbacks for onPartitionsRevoked or
* onPartitionsLost.
* - If the member is part of the group (epoch > 0), this will invoke onPartitionsRevoked.
* This will be the case when releasing assignment because the member is intentionally
* leaving the group (after a call to unsubscribe)
* - If the member is not part of the group (epoch <=0), this will invoke onPartitionsLost.
* This will be the case when releasing assignment after being fenced .
* @return Future that will complete when the callback execution completes.
private CompletableFuture invokeOnPartitionsRevokedOrLostToReleaseAssignment() {
SortedSet droppedPartitions = new TreeSet<>(TOPIC_PARTITION_COMPARATOR);
CompletableFuture callbackResult;
if (droppedPartitions.isEmpty()) {
// No assignment to release.
callbackResult = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);
} else {
// Release assignment.
if (memberEpoch > 0) {
// Member is part of the group. Invoke onPartitionsRevoked.
callbackResult = revokePartitions(droppedPartitions);
} else {
// Member is not part of the group anymore. Invoke onPartitionsLost.
callbackResult = invokeOnPartitionsLostCallback(droppedPartitions);
return callbackResult;
* Reset member epoch to the value required for the leave the group heartbeat request, and
* transition to the {@link MemberState#LEAVING} state so that a heartbeat
* request is sent out with it.
* Visible for testing.
void transitionToSendingLeaveGroup() {
if (state == MemberState.FATAL) {
log.warn("Member {} with epoch {} won't send leave group request because it is in " +
"FATAL state", memberId, memberEpoch);
if (state == MemberState.UNSUBSCRIBED) {
log.warn("Member {} won't send leave group request because it is already out of the group.",
int leaveEpoch = groupInstanceId.isPresent() ?
ConsumerGroupHeartbeatRequest.LEAVE_GROUP_STATIC_MEMBER_EPOCH :
currentAssignment = new HashMap<>();
* Call all listeners that are registered to get notified when the member epoch is updated.
* This also includes the latest member ID in the notification. If the member fails or leaves
* the group, this will be invoked with empty epoch and member ID.
private void notifyEpochChange(Optional epoch, Optional memberId) {
stateUpdatesListeners.forEach(stateListener -> stateListener.onMemberEpochUpdated(epoch, memberId));
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean shouldHeartbeatNow() {
MemberState state = state();
return state == MemberState.ACKNOWLEDGING || state == MemberState.LEAVING || state == MemberState.JOINING;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onHeartbeatRequestSent() {
MemberState state = state();
if (isStaled()) {
log.debug("Member {} is staled and is therefore leaving the group. It will rejoin upon the next poll.", memberEpoch);
// TODO: Integrate partition revocation/loss callback
if (state == MemberState.ACKNOWLEDGING) {
if (allPendingAssignmentsReconciled()) {
} else {
log.debug("Member {} with epoch {} transitioned to {} after a heartbeat was sent " +
"to ack a previous reconciliation. New assignments are ready to " +
"be reconciled.", memberId, memberEpoch, MemberState.RECONCILING);
} else if (state == MemberState.LEAVING) {
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onHeartbeatRequestSkipped() {
if (state == MemberState.LEAVING) {
log.debug("Heartbeat for leaving group could not be sent. Member {} with epoch {} will transition to {}.",
memberId, memberEpoch, MemberState.UNSUBSCRIBED);
private void transitionToUnsubscribed() {
leaveGroupInProgress = Optional.empty();
* @return True if there are no assignments waiting to be resolved from metadata or reconciled.
private boolean allPendingAssignmentsReconciled() {
return assignmentUnresolved.isEmpty() && assignmentReadyToReconcile.isEmpty();
public boolean shouldSkipHeartbeat() {
MemberState state = state();
return state == MemberState.UNSUBSCRIBED || state == MemberState.FATAL;
* Sets the epoch to the leave group epoch and clears the assignments. The member will rejoin with
* the existing subscriptions on the next time user polls.
public void transitionToStale() {
memberEpoch = ConsumerGroupHeartbeatRequest.LEAVE_GROUP_MEMBER_EPOCH;
// Clear the current assignment and subscribed partitions before member sending the leave group
updateSubscription(new TreeSet<>(TOPIC_ID_PARTITION_COMPARATOR), true);
* Reconcile the assignment that has been received from the server and for which topic names
* are resolved, kept in the {@link #assignmentReadyToReconcile}. This will commit if needed,
* trigger the callbacks and update the subscription state. Note that only one reconciliation
* can be in progress at a time. If there is already another one in progress when this is
* triggered, it will be no-op, and the assignment will be reconciled on the next
* reconciliation loop.
boolean reconcile() {
if (reconciliationInProgress) {
log.debug("Ignoring reconciliation attempt. Another reconciliation is already in progress. Assignment " +
assignmentReadyToReconcile + " will be handled in the next reconciliation loop.");
return false;
// Make copy of the assignment to reconcile as it could change as new assignments or metadata updates are received
SortedSet assignedTopicIdPartitions = new TreeSet<>(TOPIC_ID_PARTITION_COMPARATOR);
SortedSet ownedPartitions = new TreeSet<>(TOPIC_PARTITION_COMPARATOR);
// Keep copy of assigned TopicPartitions created from the TopicIdPartitions that are
// being reconciled. Needed for interactions with the centralized subscription state that
// does not support topic IDs yet, and for the callbacks.
SortedSet assignedTopicPartitions = toTopicPartitionSet(assignedTopicIdPartitions);
// Check same assignment. Based on topic names for now, until topic IDs are properly
// supported in the centralized subscription state object. Note that this check is
// required to make sure that reconciliation is not triggered if the assignment ready to
// be reconciled is the same as the current one (even though the member may remain
// in RECONCILING state if it has some unresolved assignments).
boolean sameAssignmentReceived = assignedTopicPartitions.equals(ownedPartitions);
if (sameAssignmentReceived) {
log.debug("Ignoring reconciliation attempt. Target assignment ready to reconcile {} " +
"is equal to the member current assignment {}.", assignedTopicPartitions, ownedPartitions);
return false;
// Partitions to assign (not previously owned)
SortedSet addedPartitions = new TreeSet<>(TOPIC_PARTITION_COMPARATOR);
// Partitions to revoke
SortedSet revokedPartitions = new TreeSet<>(TOPIC_PARTITION_COMPARATOR);
revokedPartitions.removeAll(assignedTopicPartitions);"Updating assignment with\n" +
"\tAssigned partitions: {}\n" +
"\tCurrent owned partitions: {}\n" +
"\tAdded partitions (assigned - owned): {}\n" +
"\tRevoked partitions (owned - assigned): {}\n",
// Commit offsets if auto-commit enabled before reconciling a new assignment. Request will
// be retried until it succeeds, fails with non-retriable error, or timer expires.
CompletableFuture commitResult;
// Issue a commit request that will be retried until it succeeds, fails with a
// non-retriable error, or the time limit expires. Retry on stale member epoch error, in a
// best effort to commit the offsets in the case where the epoch might have changed while
// the current reconciliation is in process. Note this is using the rebalance timeout as
// it is the limit enforced by the broker to complete the reconciliation process.
commitResult = commitRequestManager.maybeAutoCommitAllConsumedNow(
// Execute commit -> onPartitionsRevoked -> onPartitionsAssigned.
commitResult.whenComplete((commitReqResult, commitReqError) -> {
if (commitReqError != null) {
// The call to commit, that includes retry logic for retriable errors, failed to
// complete within the time boundaries (fatal error or retriable that did not
// recover). Proceed with the revocation.
log.error("Auto-commit request before reconciling new assignment failed. " +
"Will proceed with the reconciliation anyway.", commitReqError);
} else {
log.debug("Auto-commit before reconciling new assignment completed successfully.");
revokeAndAssign(assignedTopicIdPartitions, revokedPartitions, addedPartitions);
return true;
long getExpirationTimeForTimeout(final long timeoutMs) {
long expiration = time.milliseconds() + timeoutMs;
if (expiration < 0) {
return Long.MAX_VALUE;
return expiration;
* Trigger onPartitionsRevoked callbacks if any partitions where revoked. If it succeeds,
* proceed to trigger the onPartitionsAssigned (even if no new partitions were added), and
* then complete the reconciliation by updating the assignment and making the appropriate state
* transition. Note that if any of the 2 callbacks fails, the reconciliation should fail.
private void revokeAndAssign(SortedSet assignedTopicIdPartitions,
SortedSet revokedPartitions,
SortedSet addedPartitions) {
CompletableFuture revocationResult;
if (!revokedPartitions.isEmpty()) {
revocationResult = revokePartitions(revokedPartitions);
} else {
revocationResult = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);
// Future that will complete when the full reconciliation process completes (revocation
// and assignment, executed sequentially).
CompletableFuture reconciliationResult =
revocationResult.thenCompose(__ -> {
boolean memberHasRejoined = memberEpochOnReconciliationStart != memberEpoch;
if (state == MemberState.RECONCILING && !memberHasRejoined) {
// Reschedule the auto commit starting from now that member has a new assignment.
// Apply assignment
return assignPartitions(assignedTopicIdPartitions, addedPartitions);
} else {
log.debug("Revocation callback completed but the member already " +
"transitioned out of the reconciling state for epoch {} into " +
"{} state with epoch {}. Interrupting reconciliation as it's " +
"not relevant anymore,", memberEpochOnReconciliationStart, state, memberEpoch);
String reason = interruptedReconciliationErrorMessage();
CompletableFuture res = new CompletableFuture<>();
res.completeExceptionally(new KafkaException("Interrupting reconciliation" +
" after revocation. " + reason));
return res;
reconciliationResult.whenComplete((result, error) -> {
if (error != null) {
// Leaving member in RECONCILING state after callbacks fail. The member
// won't send the ack, and the expectation is that the broker will kick the
// member out of the group after the rebalance timeout expires, leading to a
// RECONCILING -> FENCED transition.
log.error("Reconciliation failed.", error);
} else {
boolean memberHasRejoined = memberEpochOnReconciliationStart != memberEpoch;
if (state == MemberState.RECONCILING && !memberHasRejoined) {
// Make assignment effective on the broker by transitioning to send acknowledge.
// Indicate that we completed reconciling a subset of the assignment ready to
// reconcile (new assignments might have been received or discovered in
// metadata).
} else {
String reason = interruptedReconciliationErrorMessage();
log.error("Interrupting reconciliation after partitions assigned callback " +
"completed. " + reason);
// Visible for testing.
void updateCurrentAssignment(Set assignedTopicIdPartitions) {
assignedTopicIdPartitions.forEach(topicIdPartition -> {
Uuid topicId = topicIdPartition.topicId();
currentAssignment.computeIfAbsent(topicId, k -> new TreeSet<>()).add(topicIdPartition.partition());
* Build set of {@link TopicPartition} from the given set of {@link TopicIdPartition}.
private SortedSet toTopicPartitionSet(SortedSet topicIdPartitions) {
SortedSet result = new TreeSet<>(TOPIC_PARTITION_COMPARATOR);
topicIdPartitions.forEach(topicIdPartition -> result.add(topicIdPartition.topicPartition()));
return result;
* @return Reason for interrupting a reconciliation progress when callbacks complete.
private String interruptedReconciliationErrorMessage() {
String reason;
if (state != MemberState.RECONCILING) {
reason = "The member already transitioned out of the reconciling state into " + state;
} else {
reason = "The member has re-joined the group.";
return reason;
* Visible for testing.
void markReconciliationInProgress() {
reconciliationInProgress = true;
memberEpochOnReconciliationStart = memberEpoch;
* Visible for testing.
void markReconciliationCompleted() {
reconciliationInProgress = false;
* Build set of TopicPartition (topic name and partition id) from the target assignment
* received from the broker (topic IDs and list of partitions).
* This will:
* - Try to find topic names in the metadata cache
* - For topics not found in metadata, try to find names in the local topic names cache
* (contains topic id and names currently assigned and resolved)
* - If there are topics that are not in metadata cache or in the local cached
* of topic names assigned to this member, request a metadata update, and continue
* resolving names as the cache is updated.
private void resolveMetadataForUnresolvedAssignment() {
// Try to resolve topic names from metadata cache or subscription cache, and move
// assignments from the "unresolved" collection, to the "readyToReconcile" one.
Iterator>> it = assignmentUnresolved.entrySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry> e =;
Uuid topicId = e.getKey();
SortedSet topicPartitions = e.getValue();
Optional nameFromMetadata = findTopicNameInGlobalOrLocalCache(topicId);
nameFromMetadata.ifPresent(resolvedTopicName -> {
// Name resolved, so assignment is ready for reconciliation.
addToAssignmentReadyToReconcile(topicId, resolvedTopicName, topicPartitions);
if (!assignmentUnresolved.isEmpty()) {
log.debug("Topic Ids {} received in target assignment were not found in metadata and " +
"are not currently assigned. Requesting a metadata update now to resolve " +
"topic names.", assignmentUnresolved.keySet());
* Look for topic in the global metadata cache. If found, add it to the local cache and
* return it. If not found, look for it in the local metadata cache. Return empty if not
* found in any of the two.
private Optional findTopicNameInGlobalOrLocalCache(Uuid topicId) {
String nameFromMetadataCache = metadata.topicNames().getOrDefault(topicId, null);
if (nameFromMetadataCache != null) {
// Add topic name to local cache, so it can be reused if included in a next target
// assignment if metadata cache not available.
assignedTopicNamesCache.put(topicId, nameFromMetadataCache);
return Optional.of(nameFromMetadataCache);
} else {
// Topic ID was not found in metadata. Check if the topic name is in the local
// cache of topics currently assigned. This will avoid a metadata request in the
// case where the metadata cache may have been flushed right before the
// revocation of a previously assigned topic.
String nameFromSubscriptionCache = assignedTopicNamesCache.getOrDefault(topicId, null);
return Optional.ofNullable(nameFromSubscriptionCache);
* Build a TopicPartition for each of the partitions included in the heartbeat topicPartitions,
* and using the given topic name. Add the created TopicPartition to the
* {@link #assignmentReadyToReconcile}.
private void addToAssignmentReadyToReconcile(Uuid topicId, String topicName, SortedSet topicPartitions) {
topicPartitions.forEach(tp -> {
TopicIdPartition topicIdPartition = new TopicIdPartition(
new TopicPartition(topicName, tp));
* Revoke partitions. This will:
* - Trigger an async commit offsets request if auto-commit enabled.
* - Invoke the onPartitionsRevoked callback if the user has registered it.
* This will wait on the commit request to finish before invoking the callback. If the commit
* request fails, this will proceed to invoke the user callbacks anyway,
* returning a future that will complete or fail depending on the callback execution only.
* @param revokedPartitions Partitions to revoke.
* @return Future that will complete when the commit request and user callback completes.
* Visible for testing
CompletableFuture revokePartitions(Set revokedPartitions) {"Revoking previously assigned partitions {}", Utils.join(revokedPartitions, ", "));
// Mark partitions as pending revocation to stop fetching from the partitions (no new
// fetches sent out, and no in-flight fetches responses processed).
// Future that will complete when the revocation completes (including offset commit
// request and user callback execution).
CompletableFuture revocationResult = new CompletableFuture<>();
// At this point we expect to be in a middle of a revocation triggered from RECONCILING
// or PREPARE_LEAVING, but it could be the case that the member received a fatal error
// while waiting for the commit to complete. Check if that's the case and abort the
// revocation.
if (state == MemberState.FATAL) {
String errorMsg = String.format("Member %s with epoch %s received a fatal error " +
"while waiting for a revocation commit to complete. Will abort revocation " +
"without triggering user callback.", memberId, memberEpoch);
revocationResult.completeExceptionally(new KafkaException(errorMsg));
return revocationResult;
CompletableFuture userCallbackResult = invokeOnPartitionsRevokedCallback(revokedPartitions);
userCallbackResult.whenComplete((callbackResult, callbackError) -> {
if (callbackError != null) {
log.error("onPartitionsRevoked callback invocation failed for partitions {}",
revokedPartitions, callbackError);
} else {
return revocationResult;
* Make new assignment effective and trigger onPartitionsAssigned callback for the partitions
* added. This will also update the local topic names cache, removing from it all topics that
* are not assigned to the member anymore.
* @param assignedPartitions New assignment that will be updated in the member subscription
* state.
* @param addedPartitions Partitions contained in the new assignment that were not owned by
* the member before. These will be provided to the
* onPartitionsAssigned callback.
* @return Future that will complete when the callback execution completes.
private CompletableFuture assignPartitions(
SortedSet assignedPartitions,
SortedSet addedPartitions) {
// Make assignment effective on the client by updating the subscription state.
updateSubscription(assignedPartitions, false);
// Invoke user call back.
CompletableFuture result = invokeOnPartitionsAssignedCallback(addedPartitions);
// Clear topic names cache, removing topics that are not assigned to the member anymore.
Set assignedTopics =;
return result;
* Mark partitions as 'pending revocation', to effectively stop fetching while waiting for
* the commit offsets request to complete, and ensure the application's position don't get
* ahead of the committed positions. This mark will ensure that:
* - No new fetches will be sent out for the partitions being revoked
* - Previous in-flight fetch requests that may complete while the partitions are being revoked won't be processed.
private void markPendingRevocationToPauseFetching(Set partitionsToRevoke) {
// When asynchronously committing offsets prior to the revocation of a set of partitions, there will be a
// window of time between when the offset commit is sent and when it returns and revocation completes. It is
// possible for pending fetches for these partitions to return during this time, which means the application's
// position may get ahead of the committed position prior to revocation. This can cause duplicate consumption.
// To prevent this, we mark the partitions as "pending revocation," which stops the Fetcher from sending new
// fetches or returning data from previous fetches to the user.
log.debug("Marking partitions pending for revocation: {}", partitionsToRevoke);
private CompletableFuture invokeOnPartitionsRevokedCallback(Set partitionsRevoked) {
// This should not trigger the callback if partitionsRevoked is empty, to keep the
// current behaviour.
Optional listener = subscriptions.rebalanceListener();
if (!partitionsRevoked.isEmpty() && listener.isPresent()) {
return enqueueConsumerRebalanceListenerCallback(ON_PARTITIONS_REVOKED, partitionsRevoked);
} else {
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);
private CompletableFuture invokeOnPartitionsAssignedCallback(Set partitionsAssigned) {
// This should always trigger the callback, even if partitionsAssigned is empty, to keep
// the current behaviour.
Optional listener = subscriptions.rebalanceListener();
if (listener.isPresent()) {
return enqueueConsumerRebalanceListenerCallback(ON_PARTITIONS_ASSIGNED, partitionsAssigned);
} else {
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);
// Visible for testing
CompletableFuture invokeOnPartitionsLostCallback(Set partitionsLost) {
// This should not trigger the callback if partitionsLost is empty, to keep the current
// behaviour.
Optional listener = subscriptions.rebalanceListener();
if (!partitionsLost.isEmpty() && listener.isPresent()) {
return enqueueConsumerRebalanceListenerCallback(ON_PARTITIONS_LOST, partitionsLost);
} else {
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);
* Enqueue a {@link ConsumerRebalanceListenerCallbackNeededEvent} to trigger the execution of the
* appropriate {@link ConsumerRebalanceListener} {@link ConsumerRebalanceListenerMethodName method} on the
* application thread.
* Because the reconciliation process (run in the background thread) will be blocked by the application thread
* until it completes this, we need to provide a {@link CompletableFuture} by which to remember where we left off.
* @param methodName Callback method that needs to be executed on the application thread
* @param partitions Partitions to supply to the callback method
* @return Future that will be chained within the rest of the reconciliation logic
private CompletableFuture enqueueConsumerRebalanceListenerCallback(ConsumerRebalanceListenerMethodName methodName,
Set partitions) {
SortedSet sortedPartitions = new TreeSet<>(TOPIC_PARTITION_COMPARATOR);
CompletableBackgroundEvent event = new ConsumerRebalanceListenerCallbackNeededEvent(methodName, sortedPartitions);
log.debug("The event to trigger the {} method execution was enqueued successfully", methodName.fullyQualifiedMethodName());
return event.future();
public void consumerRebalanceListenerCallbackCompleted(ConsumerRebalanceListenerCallbackCompletedEvent event) {
ConsumerRebalanceListenerMethodName methodName = event.methodName();
Optional error = event.error();
CompletableFuture future = event.future();
if (error.isPresent()) {
Exception e = error.get();
"The {} method completed with an error ({}); signaling to continue to the next phase of rebalance",
} else {
"The {} method completed successfully; signaling to continue to the next phase of rebalance",
* Log partitions being revoked that were already paused, since the pause flag will be
* effectively lost.
private void logPausedPartitionsBeingRevoked(Set partitionsToRevoke) {
Set revokePausedPartitions = subscriptions.pausedPartitions();
if (!revokePausedPartitions.isEmpty()) {"The pause flag in partitions [{}] will be removed due to revocation.", Utils.join(revokePausedPartitions, ", "));
* Discard assignments received that have not been reconciled yet (waiting for metadata
* or the next reconciliation loop). Remove all elements from the topic names cache.
private void clearPendingAssignmentsAndLocalNamesCache() {
private void resetEpoch() {
private void updateMemberEpoch(int newEpoch) {
boolean newEpochReceived = this.memberEpoch != newEpoch;
this.memberEpoch = newEpoch;
// Simply notify based on epoch change only, given that the member will never receive a
// new member ID without an epoch (member ID is only assigned when it joins the group).
if (newEpochReceived) {
if (memberEpoch > 0) {
notifyEpochChange(Optional.of(memberEpoch), Optional.ofNullable(memberId));
} else {
notifyEpochChange(Optional.empty(), Optional.empty());
* {@inheritDoc}
public MemberState state() {
return state;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Optional serverAssignor() {
return this.serverAssignor;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Map> currentAssignment() {
return this.currentAssignment;
* @return Set of topic IDs received in a target assignment that have not been reconciled yet
* because topic names are not in metadata. Visible for testing.
Set topicsWaitingForMetadata() {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(assignmentUnresolved.keySet());
* @return Topic partitions received in a target assignment that have been resolved in
* metadata and are ready to be reconciled. Visible for testing.
Set assignmentReadyToReconcile() {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(assignmentReadyToReconcile);
* @return If there is a reconciliation in process now. Note that reconciliation is triggered
* by a call to {@link #reconcile()}. Visible for testing.
boolean reconciliationInProgress() {
return reconciliationInProgress;
* When cluster metadata is updated, try to resolve topic names for topic IDs received in
* assignment that hasn't been resolved yet.
* - Try to find topic names for all unresolved assignments
* - Add discovered topic names to the local topic names cache
* - If any topics are resolved, trigger a reconciliation process
* - If some topics still remain unresolved, request another metadata update
public void onUpdate(ClusterResource clusterResource) {
if (!assignmentReadyToReconcile.isEmpty()) {
* Register a new listener that will be invoked whenever the member state changes, or a new
* member ID or epoch is received.
* @param listener Listener to invoke.
public void registerStateListener(MemberStateListener listener) {
if (listener == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("State updates listener cannot be null");
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