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package org.apache.kafka.raft.internals;
import org.apache.kafka.common.MetricName;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.Gauge;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.Metrics;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.Sensor;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.Avg;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.Max;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.Rate;
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.stats.WindowedSum;
import org.apache.kafka.raft.OffsetAndEpoch;
import org.apache.kafka.raft.QuorumState;
import java.util.OptionalLong;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
public class KafkaRaftMetrics implements AutoCloseable {
private final Metrics metrics;
private OffsetAndEpoch logEndOffset;
private int numUnknownVoterConnections;
private OptionalLong electionStartMs;
private OptionalLong pollStartMs;
private OptionalLong pollEndMs;
private final MetricName currentLeaderIdMetricName;
private final MetricName currentVotedIdMetricName;
private final MetricName currentEpochMetricName;
private final MetricName currentStateMetricName;
private final MetricName highWatermarkMetricName;
private final MetricName logEndOffsetMetricName;
private final MetricName logEndEpochMetricName;
private final MetricName numUnknownVoterConnectionsMetricName;
private final Sensor commitTimeSensor;
private final Sensor electionTimeSensor;
private final Sensor fetchRecordsSensor;
private final Sensor appendRecordsSensor;
private final Sensor pollIdleSensor;
public KafkaRaftMetrics(Metrics metrics, String metricGrpPrefix, QuorumState state) {
this.metrics = metrics;
String metricGroupName = metricGrpPrefix + "-metrics";
this.pollStartMs = OptionalLong.empty();
this.pollEndMs = OptionalLong.empty();
this.electionStartMs = OptionalLong.empty();
this.numUnknownVoterConnections = 0;
this.logEndOffset = new OffsetAndEpoch(0L, 0);
this.currentStateMetricName = metrics.metricName("current-state", metricGroupName, "The current state of this member; possible values are leader, candidate, voted, follower, unattached");
Gauge stateProvider = (mConfig, currentTimeMs) -> {
if (state.isLeader()) {
return "leader";
} else if (state.isCandidate()) {
return "candidate";
} else if (state.isVoted()) {
return "voted";
} else if (state.isFollower()) {
return "follower";
} else {
return "unattached";
metrics.addMetric(this.currentStateMetricName, null, stateProvider);
this.currentLeaderIdMetricName = metrics.metricName("current-leader", metricGroupName, "The current quorum leader's id; -1 indicates unknown");
metrics.addMetric(this.currentLeaderIdMetricName, (mConfig, currentTimeMs) -> state.leaderId().orElse(-1));
this.currentVotedIdMetricName = metrics.metricName("current-vote", metricGroupName, "The current voted leader's id; -1 indicates not voted for anyone");
metrics.addMetric(this.currentVotedIdMetricName, (mConfig, currentTimeMs) -> {
if (state.isLeader() || state.isCandidate()) {
return state.localIdOrThrow();
} else if (state.isVoted()) {
return state.votedStateOrThrow().votedId();
} else {
return -1;
this.currentEpochMetricName = metrics.metricName("current-epoch", metricGroupName, "The current quorum epoch.");
metrics.addMetric(this.currentEpochMetricName, (mConfig, currentTimeMs) -> state.epoch());
this.highWatermarkMetricName = metrics.metricName("high-watermark", metricGroupName, "The high watermark maintained on this member; -1 if it is unknown");
metrics.addMetric(this.highWatermarkMetricName, (mConfig, currentTimeMs) -> state.highWatermark().map(hw -> hw.offset).orElse(-1L));
this.logEndOffsetMetricName = metrics.metricName("log-end-offset", metricGroupName, "The current raft log end offset.");
metrics.addMetric(this.logEndOffsetMetricName, (mConfig, currentTimeMs) -> logEndOffset.offset);
this.logEndEpochMetricName = metrics.metricName("log-end-epoch", metricGroupName, "The current raft log end epoch.");
metrics.addMetric(this.logEndEpochMetricName, (mConfig, currentTimeMs) -> logEndOffset.epoch);
this.numUnknownVoterConnectionsMetricName = metrics.metricName("number-unknown-voter-connections", metricGroupName, "The number of voter connections recognized at this member.");
metrics.addMetric(this.numUnknownVoterConnectionsMetricName, (mConfig, currentTimeMs) -> numUnknownVoterConnections);
this.commitTimeSensor = metrics.sensor("commit-latency");
this.commitTimeSensor.add(metrics.metricName("commit-latency-avg", metricGroupName,
"The average time in milliseconds to commit an entry in the raft log."), new Avg());
this.commitTimeSensor.add(metrics.metricName("commit-latency-max", metricGroupName,
"The maximum time in milliseconds to commit an entry in the raft log."), new Max());
this.electionTimeSensor = metrics.sensor("election-latency");
this.electionTimeSensor.add(metrics.metricName("election-latency-avg", metricGroupName,
"The average time in milliseconds to elect a new leader."), new Avg());
this.electionTimeSensor.add(metrics.metricName("election-latency-max", metricGroupName,
"The maximum time in milliseconds to elect a new leader."), new Max());
this.fetchRecordsSensor = metrics.sensor("fetch-records");
this.fetchRecordsSensor.add(metrics.metricName("fetch-records-rate", metricGroupName,
"The average number of records fetched from the leader of the raft quorum."),
new Rate(TimeUnit.SECONDS, new WindowedSum()));
this.appendRecordsSensor = metrics.sensor("append-records");
this.appendRecordsSensor.add(metrics.metricName("append-records-rate", metricGroupName,
"The average number of records appended per sec as the leader of the raft quorum."),
new Rate(TimeUnit.SECONDS, new WindowedSum()));
this.pollIdleSensor = metrics.sensor("poll-idle-ratio");
"The average fraction of time the client's poll() is idle as opposed to waiting for the user code to process records."),
new Avg());
public void updatePollStart(long currentTimeMs) {
if (pollEndMs.isPresent() && pollStartMs.isPresent()) {
long pollTimeMs = Math.max(pollEndMs.getAsLong() - pollStartMs.getAsLong(), 0L);
long totalTimeMs = Math.max(currentTimeMs - pollStartMs.getAsLong(), 1L);
this.pollIdleSensor.record(pollTimeMs / (double) totalTimeMs, currentTimeMs);
this.pollStartMs = OptionalLong.of(currentTimeMs);
this.pollEndMs = OptionalLong.empty();
public void updatePollEnd(long currentTimeMs) {
this.pollEndMs = OptionalLong.of(currentTimeMs);
public void updateLogEnd(OffsetAndEpoch logEndOffset) {
this.logEndOffset = logEndOffset;
public void updateNumUnknownVoterConnections(int numUnknownVoterConnections) {
this.numUnknownVoterConnections = numUnknownVoterConnections;
public void updateAppendRecords(long numRecords) {
public void updateFetchedRecords(long numRecords) {
public void updateCommitLatency(double latencyMs, long currentTimeMs) {
commitTimeSensor.record(latencyMs, currentTimeMs);
public void updateElectionStartMs(long currentTimeMs) {
electionStartMs = OptionalLong.of(currentTimeMs);
public void maybeUpdateElectionLatency(long currentTimeMs) {
if (electionStartMs.isPresent()) {
electionTimeSensor.record(currentTimeMs - electionStartMs.getAsLong(), currentTimeMs);
electionStartMs = OptionalLong.empty();
public void close() {