org.apache.kafka.raft.CandidateState Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.kafka.raft;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.kafka.common.Uuid;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.LogContext;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Time;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Timer;
import org.apache.kafka.raft.internals.ReplicaKey;
import org.apache.kafka.raft.internals.VoterSet;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
public class CandidateState implements EpochState {
private final int localId;
private final Uuid localDirectoryId;
private final int epoch;
private final int retries;
private final Map voteStates = new HashMap<>();
private final Optional highWatermark;
private final int electionTimeoutMs;
private final Timer electionTimer;
private final Timer backoffTimer;
private final Logger log;
* The lifetime of a candidate state is the following.
* 1. Once started, it would keep record of the received votes.
* 2. If majority votes granted, it can then end its life and will be replaced by a leader state;
* 3. If majority votes rejected or election timed out, it would transit into a backing off phase;
* after the backoff phase completes, it would end its left and be replaced by a new candidate state with bumped retry.
private boolean isBackingOff;
protected CandidateState(
Time time,
int localId,
Uuid localDirectoryId,
int epoch,
VoterSet voters,
Optional highWatermark,
int retries,
int electionTimeoutMs,
LogContext logContext
) {
if (!voters.isVoter(ReplicaKey.of(localId, Optional.of(localDirectoryId)))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Local replica (%d, %s) must be in the set of voters %s",
this.localId = localId;
this.localDirectoryId = localDirectoryId;
this.epoch = epoch;
this.highWatermark = highWatermark;
this.retries = retries;
this.isBackingOff = false;
this.electionTimeoutMs = electionTimeoutMs;
this.electionTimer = time.timer(electionTimeoutMs);
this.backoffTimer = time.timer(0);
this.log = logContext.logger(CandidateState.class);
for (Integer voterId : voters.voterIds()) {
voteStates.put(voterId, State.UNRECORDED);
voteStates.put(localId, State.GRANTED);
public int localId() {
return localId;
public int majoritySize() {
return voteStates.size() / 2 + 1;
private long numGranted() {
return voteStates.values().stream().filter(state -> state == State.GRANTED).count();
private long numUnrecorded() {
return voteStates.values().stream().filter(state -> state == State.UNRECORDED).count();
* Check if the candidate is backing off for the next election
public boolean isBackingOff() {
return isBackingOff;
public int retries() {
return retries;
* Check whether we have received enough votes to conclude the election and become leader.
* @return true if at least a majority of nodes have granted the vote
public boolean isVoteGranted() {
return numGranted() >= majoritySize();
* Check if we have received enough rejections that it is no longer possible to reach a
* majority of grants.
* @return true if the vote is rejected, false if the vote is already or can still be granted
public boolean isVoteRejected() {
return numGranted() + numUnrecorded() < majoritySize();
* Record a granted vote from one of the voters.
* @param remoteNodeId The id of the voter
* @return true if the voter had not been previously recorded
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the remote node is not a voter or if the vote had already been
* rejected by this node
public boolean recordGrantedVote(int remoteNodeId) {
State state = voteStates.get(remoteNodeId);
if (state == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempt to grant vote to non-voter " + remoteNodeId);
} else if (state == State.REJECTED) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempt to grant vote from node " + remoteNodeId +
" which previously rejected our request");
return voteStates.put(remoteNodeId, State.GRANTED) == State.UNRECORDED;
* Record a rejected vote from one of the voters.
* @param remoteNodeId The id of the voter
* @return true if the rejected vote had not been previously recorded
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the remote node is not a voter or if the vote had already been
* granted by this node
public boolean recordRejectedVote(int remoteNodeId) {
State state = voteStates.get(remoteNodeId);
if (state == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempt to reject vote to non-voter " + remoteNodeId);
} else if (state == State.GRANTED) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempt to reject vote from node " + remoteNodeId +
" which previously granted our request");
return voteStates.put(remoteNodeId, State.REJECTED) == State.UNRECORDED;
* Record the current election has failed since we've either received sufficient rejecting voters or election timed out
public void startBackingOff(long currentTimeMs, long backoffDurationMs) {
this.isBackingOff = true;
* Get the set of voters which have not been counted as granted or rejected yet.
* @return The set of unrecorded voters
public Set unrecordedVoters() {
return votersInState(State.UNRECORDED);
* Get the set of voters that have granted our vote requests.
* @return The set of granting voters, which should always contain the ID of the candidate
public Set grantingVoters() {
return votersInState(State.GRANTED);
* Get the set of voters that have rejected our candidacy.
* @return The set of rejecting voters
public Set rejectingVoters() {
return votersInState(State.REJECTED);
private Set votersInState(State state) {
return voteStates.entrySet().stream()
.filter(entry -> entry.getValue() == state)
public boolean hasElectionTimeoutExpired(long currentTimeMs) {
return electionTimer.isExpired();
public boolean isBackoffComplete(long currentTimeMs) {
return backoffTimer.isExpired();
public long remainingBackoffMs(long currentTimeMs) {
if (!isBackingOff) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Candidate is not currently backing off");
return backoffTimer.remainingMs();
public long remainingElectionTimeMs(long currentTimeMs) {
return electionTimer.remainingMs();
public ElectionState election() {
return ElectionState.withVotedCandidate(
ReplicaKey.of(localId, Optional.of(localDirectoryId)),
public int epoch() {
return epoch;
public Optional highWatermark() {
return highWatermark;
public boolean canGrantVote(
ReplicaKey candidateKey,
boolean isLogUpToDate
) {
// Still reject vote request even candidateId = localId, Although the candidate votes for
// itself, this vote is implicit and not "granted".
"Rejecting vote request from candidate ({}) since we are already candidate in epoch {}",
return false;
public String toString() {
return String.format(
"CandidateState(localId=%d, localDirectoryId=%s,epoch=%d, retries=%d, voteStates=%s, " +
"highWatermark=%s, electionTimeoutMs=%d)",
public String name() {
return "Candidate";
public void close() {}
private enum State {