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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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import joptsimple.OptionException;
import joptsimple.OptionSpec;
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerConfig;
import org.apache.kafka.common.MessageFormatter;
import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.ListOffsetsRequest;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Exit;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Utils;
import org.apache.kafka.server.util.CommandDefaultOptions;
import org.apache.kafka.server.util.CommandLineUtils;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.OptionalInt;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
public final class ConsoleConsumerOptions extends CommandDefaultOptions {
private static final Random RANDOM = new Random();
private final OptionSpec topicOpt;
private final OptionSpec whitelistOpt;
private final OptionSpec includeOpt;
private final OptionSpec partitionIdOpt;
private final OptionSpec offsetOpt;
private final OptionSpec messageFormatterOpt;
private final OptionSpec messageFormatterArgOpt;
private final OptionSpec messageFormatterConfigOpt;
private final OptionSpec> resetBeginningOpt;
private final OptionSpec maxMessagesOpt;
private final OptionSpec timeoutMsOpt;
private final OptionSpec> skipMessageOnErrorOpt;
private final OptionSpec bootstrapServerOpt;
private final OptionSpec keyDeserializerOpt;
private final OptionSpec valueDeserializerOpt;
private final OptionSpec> enableSystestEventsLoggingOpt;
private final OptionSpec isolationLevelOpt;
private final OptionSpec groupIdOpt;
private final Properties consumerProps;
private final long offset;
private final long timeoutMs;
private final MessageFormatter formatter;
public ConsoleConsumerOptions(String[] args) throws IOException {
topicOpt = parser.accepts("topic", "The topic to consume on.")
whitelistOpt = parser.accepts("whitelist",
"DEPRECATED, use --include instead; ignored if --include specified. Regular expression specifying list of topics to include for consumption.")
.describedAs("Java regex (String)")
includeOpt = parser.accepts("include",
"Regular expression specifying list of topics to include for consumption.")
.describedAs("Java regex (String)")
partitionIdOpt = parser.accepts("partition",
"The partition to consume from. Consumption starts from the end of the partition unless '--offset' is specified.")
offsetOpt = parser.accepts("offset", "The offset to consume from (a non-negative number), or 'earliest' which means from beginning, or 'latest' which means from end")
.describedAs("consume offset")
OptionSpec consumerPropertyOpt = parser.accepts("consumer-property", "A mechanism to pass user-defined properties in the form key=value to the consumer.")
OptionSpec consumerConfigOpt = parser.accepts("consumer.config", "Consumer config properties file. Note that " + consumerPropertyOpt + " takes precedence over this config.")
.describedAs("config file")
messageFormatterOpt = parser.accepts("formatter", "The name of a class to use for formatting kafka messages for display.")
messageFormatterArgOpt = parser.accepts("property",
"The properties to initialize the message formatter. Default properties include: \n" +
" print.timestamp=true|false\n" +
" print.key=true|false\n" +
" print.offset=true|false\n" +
" print.partition=true|false\n" +
" print.headers=true|false\n" +
" print.value=true|false\n" +
" key.separator=\n" +
" line.separator=\n" +
" headers.separator=\n" +
" null.literal=\n" +
" key.deserializer=\n" +
" value.deserializer=\n" +
" header.deserializer=\n" +
"\nUsers can also pass in customized properties for their formatter; more specifically, users can pass in properties keyed with 'key.deserializer.', 'value.deserializer.' and 'headers.deserializer.' prefixes to configure their deserializers.")
messageFormatterConfigOpt = parser.accepts("formatter-config", "Config properties file to initialize the message formatter. Note that " + messageFormatterArgOpt + " takes precedence over this config.")
.describedAs("config file")
resetBeginningOpt = parser.accepts("from-beginning", "If the consumer does not already have an established offset to consume from, " +
"start with the earliest message present in the log rather than the latest message.");
maxMessagesOpt = parser.accepts("max-messages", "The maximum number of messages to consume before exiting. If not set, consumption is continual.")
timeoutMsOpt = parser.accepts("timeout-ms", "If specified, exit if no message is available for consumption for the specified interval.")
skipMessageOnErrorOpt = parser.accepts("skip-message-on-error", "If there is an error when processing a message, " +
"skip it instead of halt.");
bootstrapServerOpt = parser.accepts("bootstrap-server", "REQUIRED: The server(s) to connect to.")
.describedAs("server to connect to")
keyDeserializerOpt = parser.accepts("key-deserializer")
.describedAs("deserializer for key")
valueDeserializerOpt = parser.accepts("value-deserializer")
.describedAs("deserializer for values")
enableSystestEventsLoggingOpt = parser.accepts("enable-systest-events",
"Log lifecycle events of the consumer in addition to logging consumed messages. (This is specific for system tests.)");
isolationLevelOpt = parser.accepts("isolation-level",
"Set to read_committed in order to filter out transactional messages which are not committed. Set to read_uncommitted " +
"to read all messages.")
groupIdOpt = parser.accepts("group", "The consumer group id of the consumer.")
.describedAs("consumer group id")
try {
options = parser.parse(args);
} catch (OptionException oe) {
CommandLineUtils.printUsageAndExit(parser, oe.getMessage());
CommandLineUtils.maybePrintHelpOrVersion(this, "This tool helps to read data from Kafka topics and outputs it to standard output.");
Properties consumerPropsFromFile = options.has(consumerConfigOpt)
? Utils.loadProps(options.valueOf(consumerConfigOpt))
: new Properties();
Properties extraConsumerProps = CommandLineUtils.parseKeyValueArgs(options.valuesOf(consumerPropertyOpt));
Set groupIdsProvided = checkConsumerGroup(consumerPropsFromFile, extraConsumerProps);
consumerProps = buildConsumerProps(consumerPropsFromFile, extraConsumerProps, groupIdsProvided);
offset = parseOffset();
timeoutMs = parseTimeoutMs();
formatter = buildFormatter();
private void checkRequiredArgs() {
List> topicOrFilterArgs = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(topicArg(), includedTopicsArg()));
topicOrFilterArgs.removeIf(arg -> !arg.isPresent());
// user need to specify value for either --topic or one of the include filters options (--include or --whitelist)
if (topicOrFilterArgs.size() != 1) {
CommandLineUtils.printUsageAndExit(parser, "Exactly one of --include/--topic is required. " +
(options.has(whitelistOpt) ? "--whitelist is DEPRECATED use --include instead; ignored if --include specified." : ""));
if (partitionArg().isPresent()) {
if (!options.has(topicOpt)) {
CommandLineUtils.printUsageAndExit(parser, "The topic is required when partition is specified.");
if (fromBeginning() && options.has(offsetOpt)) {
CommandLineUtils.printUsageAndExit(parser, "Options from-beginning and offset cannot be specified together.");
} else if (options.has(offsetOpt)) {
CommandLineUtils.printUsageAndExit(parser, "The partition is required when offset is specified.");
CommandLineUtils.checkRequiredArgs(parser, options, bootstrapServerOpt);
private Set checkConsumerGroup(Properties consumerPropsFromFile, Properties extraConsumerProps) {
// if the group id is provided in more than place (through different means) all values must be the same
Set groupIdsProvided = new HashSet<>();
if (options.has(groupIdOpt)) {
if (consumerPropsFromFile.containsKey(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG)) {
groupIdsProvided.add((String) consumerPropsFromFile.get(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG));
if (extraConsumerProps.containsKey(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG)) {
if (groupIdsProvided.size() > 1) {
CommandLineUtils.printUsageAndExit(parser, "The group ids provided in different places (directly using '--group', "
+ "via '--consumer-property', or via '--consumer.config') do not match. "
+ "Detected group ids: "
+ -> "'" + group + "'").collect(Collectors.joining(", ")));
if (!groupIdsProvided.isEmpty() && partitionArg().isPresent()) {
CommandLineUtils.printUsageAndExit(parser, "Options group and partition cannot be specified together.");
return groupIdsProvided;
private Properties buildConsumerProps(Properties consumerPropsFromFile, Properties extraConsumerProps, Set groupIdsProvided) {
Properties consumerProps = new Properties();
consumerProps.put(ConsumerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, bootstrapServer());
if (consumerProps.getProperty(ConsumerConfig.CLIENT_ID_CONFIG) == null) {
consumerProps.put(ConsumerConfig.CLIENT_ID_CONFIG, "console-consumer");
CommandLineUtils.maybeMergeOptions(consumerProps, ConsumerConfig.ISOLATION_LEVEL_CONFIG, options, isolationLevelOpt);
if (groupIdsProvided.isEmpty()) {
consumerProps.put(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG, "console-consumer-" + RANDOM.nextInt(100000));
// By default, avoid unnecessary expansion of the coordinator cache since
// the auto-generated group and its offsets is not intended to be used again
if (!consumerProps.containsKey(ConsumerConfig.ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT_CONFIG)) {
consumerProps.put(ConsumerConfig.ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT_CONFIG, "false");
} else {
consumerProps.put(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG, groupIdsProvided.iterator().next());
return consumerProps;
* Used to retrieve the correct value for the consumer parameter 'auto.offset.reset'.
* Order of priority is:
* 1. Explicitly set parameter via command line parameter
* 2. Explicit --from-beginning given -> 'earliest'
* 3. Default value of 'latest'
* In case both --from-beginning and an explicit value are specified an error is thrown if these
* are conflicting.
private void setAutoOffsetResetValue(Properties props) {
String earliestConfigValue = "earliest";
String latestConfigValue = "latest";
if (props.containsKey(ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG)) {
// auto.offset.reset parameter was specified on the command line
String autoResetOption = props.getProperty(ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG);
if (fromBeginning() && !earliestConfigValue.equals(autoResetOption)) {
// conflicting options - latest und earliest, throw an error
System.err.println("Can't simultaneously specify --from-beginning and 'auto.offset.reset=" + autoResetOption + "', " +
"please remove one option");
// nothing to do, checking for valid parameter values happens later and the specified
// value was already copied during .putall operation
} else {
// no explicit value for auto.offset.reset was specified
// if --from-beginning was specified use earliest, otherwise default to latest
String autoResetOption = fromBeginning() ? earliestConfigValue : latestConfigValue;
props.put(ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, autoResetOption);
private long parseOffset() {
if (options.has(offsetOpt)) {
switch (options.valueOf(offsetOpt).toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)) {
case "earliest":
return ListOffsetsRequest.EARLIEST_TIMESTAMP;
case "latest":
return ListOffsetsRequest.LATEST_TIMESTAMP;
String offsetString = options.valueOf(offsetOpt);
try {
long offset = Long.parseLong(offsetString);
if (offset < 0) {
return offset;
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
} else if (fromBeginning()) {
return ListOffsetsRequest.EARLIEST_TIMESTAMP;
return ListOffsetsRequest.LATEST_TIMESTAMP;
private void invalidOffset(String offset) {
CommandLineUtils.printUsageAndExit(parser, "The provided offset value '" + offset + "' is incorrect. Valid values are " +
"'earliest', 'latest', or a non-negative long.");
private long parseTimeoutMs() {
long timeout = options.has(timeoutMsOpt) ? options.valueOf(timeoutMsOpt) : -1;
return timeout >= 0 ? timeout : Long.MAX_VALUE;
private MessageFormatter buildFormatter() {
MessageFormatter formatter = null;
try {
Class> messageFormatterClass = Class.forName(convertDeprecatedClass(options.valueOf(messageFormatterOpt)));
formatter = (MessageFormatter) messageFormatterClass.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
Properties formatterArgs = formatterArgs();
Map formatterConfigs = new HashMap<>();
for (final String name : formatterArgs.stringPropertyNames()) {
formatterConfigs.put(name, formatterArgs.getProperty(name));
} catch (Exception e) {
CommandLineUtils.printUsageAndExit(parser, e.getMessage());
return formatter;
private static String convertDeprecatedClass(String className) {
switch (className) {
case "":
System.err.println("WARNING: is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. " +
"Please use instead");
return DefaultMessageFormatter.class.getName();
case "":
System.err.println("WARNING: is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. " +
"Please use instead");
return LoggingMessageFormatter.class.getName();
case "":
System.err.println("WARNING: is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. " +
"Please use instead");
return NoOpMessageFormatter.class.getName();
return className;
Properties consumerProps() {
return consumerProps;
boolean fromBeginning() {
return options.has(resetBeginningOpt);
long offsetArg() {
return offset;
boolean skipMessageOnError() {
return options.has(skipMessageOnErrorOpt);
OptionalInt partitionArg() {
if (options.has(partitionIdOpt)) {
return OptionalInt.of(options.valueOf(partitionIdOpt));
return OptionalInt.empty();
Optional topicArg() {
return options.has(topicOpt) ? Optional.of(options.valueOf(topicOpt)) : Optional.empty();
int maxMessages() {
return options.has(maxMessagesOpt) ? options.valueOf(maxMessagesOpt) : -1;
long timeoutMs() {
return timeoutMs;
boolean enableSystestEventsLogging() {
return options.has(enableSystestEventsLoggingOpt);
String bootstrapServer() {
return options.valueOf(bootstrapServerOpt);
Optional includedTopicsArg() {
return options.has(includeOpt)
? Optional.of(options.valueOf(includeOpt))
: Optional.ofNullable(options.valueOf(whitelistOpt));
Properties formatterArgs() throws IOException {
Properties formatterArgs = options.has(messageFormatterConfigOpt)
? Utils.loadProps(options.valueOf(messageFormatterConfigOpt))
: new Properties();
String keyDeserializer = options.valueOf(keyDeserializerOpt);
if (keyDeserializer != null && !keyDeserializer.isEmpty()) {
formatterArgs.setProperty(ConsumerConfig.KEY_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, keyDeserializer);
String valueDeserializer = options.valueOf(valueDeserializerOpt);
if (valueDeserializer != null && !valueDeserializer.isEmpty()) {
formatterArgs.setProperty(ConsumerConfig.VALUE_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, valueDeserializer);
return formatterArgs;
MessageFormatter formatter() {
return formatter;