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kafka.log.LogManager.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package kafka.log

import java.nio.file.Files
import java.util.concurrent._

import kafka.admin.AdminUtils
import kafka.common.{KafkaException, KafkaStorageException}
import kafka.server.checkpoints.OffsetCheckpointFile
import kafka.server.{BrokerState, RecoveringFromUncleanShutdown, _}
import kafka.utils._
import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Time

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection._

 * The entry point to the kafka log management subsystem. The log manager is responsible for log creation, retrieval, and cleaning.
 * All read and write operations are delegated to the individual log instances.
 * The log manager maintains logs in one or more directories. New logs are created in the data directory
 * with the fewest logs. No attempt is made to move partitions after the fact or balance based on
 * size or I/O rate.
 * A background thread handles log retention by periodically truncating excess log segments.
class LogManager(val logDirs: Array[File],
                 val topicConfigs: Map[String, LogConfig], // note that this doesn't get updated after creation
                 val defaultConfig: LogConfig,
                 val cleanerConfig: CleanerConfig,
                 ioThreads: Int,
                 val flushCheckMs: Long,
                 val flushRecoveryOffsetCheckpointMs: Long,
                 val flushStartOffsetCheckpointMs: Long,
                 val retentionCheckMs: Long,
                 val maxPidExpirationMs: Int,
                 scheduler: Scheduler,
                 val brokerState: BrokerState,
                 brokerTopicStats: BrokerTopicStats,
                 time: Time) extends Logging {
  val RecoveryPointCheckpointFile = "recovery-point-offset-checkpoint"
  val LogStartOffsetCheckpointFile = "log-start-offset-checkpoint"
  val LockFile = ".lock"
  val InitialTaskDelayMs = 30*1000

  private val logCreationOrDeletionLock = new Object
  private val logs = new Pool[TopicPartition, Log]()
  private val logsToBeDeleted = new LinkedBlockingQueue[Log]()

  private val dirLocks = lockLogDirs(logDirs)
  private val recoveryPointCheckpoints = => (dir, new OffsetCheckpointFile(new File(dir, RecoveryPointCheckpointFile)))).toMap
  private val logStartOffsetCheckpoints = => (dir, new OffsetCheckpointFile(new File(dir, LogStartOffsetCheckpointFile)))).toMap

  // public, so we can access this from kafka.admin.DeleteTopicTest
  val cleaner: LogCleaner =
      new LogCleaner(cleanerConfig, logDirs, logs, time = time)
   * Create and check validity of the given directories, specifically:
  1. Ensure that there are no duplicates in the directory list *
  2. Create each directory if it doesn't exist *
  3. Check that each path is a readable directory *
*/ private def createAndValidateLogDirs(dirs: Seq[File]) { if( < dirs.size) throw new KafkaException("Duplicate log directory found: " + logDirs.mkString(", ")) for(dir <- dirs) { if(!dir.exists) { info("Log directory '" + dir.getAbsolutePath + "' not found, creating it.") val created = dir.mkdirs() if(!created) throw new KafkaException("Failed to create data directory " + dir.getAbsolutePath) } if(!dir.isDirectory || !dir.canRead) throw new KafkaException(dir.getAbsolutePath + " is not a readable log directory.") } } /** * Lock all the given directories */ private def lockLogDirs(dirs: Seq[File]): Seq[FileLock] = { { dir => val lock = new FileLock(new File(dir, LockFile)) if(!lock.tryLock()) throw new KafkaException("Failed to acquire lock on file .lock in " + lock.file.getParentFile.getAbsolutePath + ". A Kafka instance in another process or thread is using this directory.") lock } } /** * Recover and load all logs in the given data directories */ private def loadLogs(): Unit = { info("Loading logs.") val startMs = time.milliseconds val threadPools = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[ExecutorService] val jobs = mutable.Map.empty[File, Seq[Future[_]]] for (dir <- this.logDirs) { val pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(ioThreads) threadPools.append(pool) val cleanShutdownFile = new File(dir, Log.CleanShutdownFile) if (cleanShutdownFile.exists) { debug( "Found clean shutdown file. " + "Skipping recovery for all logs in data directory: " + dir.getAbsolutePath) } else { // log recovery itself is being performed by `Log` class during initialization brokerState.newState(RecoveringFromUncleanShutdown) } var recoveryPoints = Map[TopicPartition, Long]() try { recoveryPoints = this.recoveryPointCheckpoints(dir).read } catch { case e: Exception => warn("Error occurred while reading recovery-point-offset-checkpoint file of directory " + dir, e) warn("Resetting the recovery checkpoint to 0") } var logStartOffsets = Map[TopicPartition, Long]() try { logStartOffsets = this.logStartOffsetCheckpoints(dir).read } catch { case e: Exception => warn("Error occurred while reading log-start-offset-checkpoint file of directory " + dir, e) } val jobsForDir = for { dirContent <- Option(dir.listFiles).toList logDir <- dirContent if logDir.isDirectory } yield { CoreUtils.runnable { debug("Loading log '" + logDir.getName + "'") val topicPartition = Log.parseTopicPartitionName(logDir) val config = topicConfigs.getOrElse(topicPartition.topic, defaultConfig) val logRecoveryPoint = recoveryPoints.getOrElse(topicPartition, 0L) val logStartOffset = logStartOffsets.getOrElse(topicPartition, 0L) val current = Log( dir = logDir, config = config, logStartOffset = logStartOffset, recoveryPoint = logRecoveryPoint, maxProducerIdExpirationMs = maxPidExpirationMs, scheduler = scheduler, time = time, brokerTopicStats = brokerTopicStats) if (logDir.getName.endsWith(Log.DeleteDirSuffix)) { this.logsToBeDeleted.add(current) } else { val previous = this.logs.put(topicPartition, current) if (previous != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Duplicate log directories found: %s, %s!".format( current.dir.getAbsolutePath, previous.dir.getAbsolutePath)) } } } } jobs(cleanShutdownFile) = } try { for ((cleanShutdownFile, dirJobs) <- jobs) { dirJobs.foreach(_.get) cleanShutdownFile.delete() } } catch { case e: ExecutionException => { error("There was an error in one of the threads during logs loading: " + e.getCause) throw e.getCause } } finally { threadPools.foreach(_.shutdown()) } info(s"Logs loading complete in ${time.milliseconds - startMs} ms.") } /** * Start the background threads to flush logs and do log cleanup */ def startup() { /* Schedule the cleanup task to delete old logs */ if(scheduler != null) { info("Starting log cleanup with a period of %d ms.".format(retentionCheckMs)) scheduler.schedule("kafka-log-retention", cleanupLogs _, delay = InitialTaskDelayMs, period = retentionCheckMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) info("Starting log flusher with a default period of %d ms.".format(flushCheckMs)) scheduler.schedule("kafka-log-flusher", flushDirtyLogs _, delay = InitialTaskDelayMs, period = flushCheckMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) scheduler.schedule("kafka-recovery-point-checkpoint", checkpointRecoveryPointOffsets _, delay = InitialTaskDelayMs, period = flushRecoveryOffsetCheckpointMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) scheduler.schedule("kafka-log-start-offset-checkpoint", checkpointLogStartOffsets _, delay = InitialTaskDelayMs, period = flushStartOffsetCheckpointMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) scheduler.schedule("kafka-delete-logs", deleteLogs _, delay = InitialTaskDelayMs, period = defaultConfig.fileDeleteDelayMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) } if(cleanerConfig.enableCleaner) cleaner.startup() } /** * Close all the logs */ def shutdown() { info("Shutting down.") val threadPools = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[ExecutorService] val jobs = mutable.Map.empty[File, Seq[Future[_]]] // stop the cleaner first if (cleaner != null) { CoreUtils.swallow(cleaner.shutdown()) } // close logs in each dir for (dir <- this.logDirs) { debug("Flushing and closing logs at " + dir) val pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(ioThreads) threadPools.append(pool) val logsInDir = logsByDir.getOrElse(dir.toString, Map()).values val jobsForDir = logsInDir map { log => CoreUtils.runnable { // flush the log to ensure latest possible recovery point log.flush() log.close() } } jobs(dir) = } try { for ((dir, dirJobs) <- jobs) { dirJobs.foreach(_.get) // update the last flush point debug("Updating recovery points at " + dir) checkpointLogRecoveryOffsetsInDir(dir) debug("Updating log start offsets at " + dir) checkpointLogStartOffsetsInDir(dir) // mark that the shutdown was clean by creating marker file debug("Writing clean shutdown marker at " + dir) CoreUtils.swallow(Files.createFile(new File(dir, Log.CleanShutdownFile).toPath)) } } catch { case e: ExecutionException => error("There was an error in one of the threads during LogManager shutdown: " + e.getCause) throw e.getCause } finally { threadPools.foreach(_.shutdown()) // regardless of whether the close succeeded, we need to unlock the data directories dirLocks.foreach(_.destroy()) } info("Shutdown complete.") } /** * Truncate the partition logs to the specified offsets and checkpoint the recovery point to this offset * * @param partitionOffsets Partition logs that need to be truncated */ def truncateTo(partitionOffsets: Map[TopicPartition, Long]) { for ((topicPartition, truncateOffset) <- partitionOffsets) { val log = logs.get(topicPartition) // If the log does not exist, skip it if (log != null) { //May need to abort and pause the cleaning of the log, and resume after truncation is done. val needToStopCleaner = cleaner != null && truncateOffset < log.activeSegment.baseOffset if (needToStopCleaner) cleaner.abortAndPauseCleaning(topicPartition) try { log.truncateTo(truncateOffset) if (needToStopCleaner) cleaner.maybeTruncateCheckpoint(log.dir.getParentFile, topicPartition, log.activeSegment.baseOffset) } finally { if (needToStopCleaner) cleaner.resumeCleaning(topicPartition) } } } checkpointRecoveryPointOffsets() } /** * Delete all data in a partition and start the log at the new offset * @param newOffset The new offset to start the log with */ def truncateFullyAndStartAt(topicPartition: TopicPartition, newOffset: Long) { val log = logs.get(topicPartition) // If the log does not exist, skip it if (log != null) { //Abort and pause the cleaning of the log, and resume after truncation is done. if (cleaner != null) cleaner.abortAndPauseCleaning(topicPartition) log.truncateFullyAndStartAt(newOffset) if (cleaner != null) { cleaner.maybeTruncateCheckpoint(log.dir.getParentFile, topicPartition, log.activeSegment.baseOffset) cleaner.resumeCleaning(topicPartition) } } checkpointRecoveryPointOffsets() } /** * Write out the current recovery point for all logs to a text file in the log directory * to avoid recovering the whole log on startup. */ def checkpointRecoveryPointOffsets() { this.logDirs.foreach(checkpointLogRecoveryOffsetsInDir) } /** * Write out the current log start offset for all logs to a text file in the log directory * to avoid exposing data that have been deleted by DeleteRecordsRequest */ def checkpointLogStartOffsets() { this.logDirs.foreach(checkpointLogStartOffsetsInDir) } /** * Make a checkpoint for all logs in provided directory. */ private def checkpointLogRecoveryOffsetsInDir(dir: File): Unit = { val recoveryPoints = this.logsByDir.get(dir.toString) if (recoveryPoints.isDefined) { this.recoveryPointCheckpoints(dir).write(recoveryPoints.get.mapValues(_.recoveryPoint)) } } /** * Checkpoint log start offset for all logs in provided directory. */ private def checkpointLogStartOffsetsInDir(dir: File): Unit = { val logs = this.logsByDir.get(dir.toString) if (logs.isDefined) { this.logStartOffsetCheckpoints(dir).write( logs.get.filter{case (tp, log) => log.logStartOffset > log.logSegments.head.baseOffset}.mapValues(_.logStartOffset)) } } /** * Get the log if it exists, otherwise return None */ def getLog(topicPartition: TopicPartition): Option[Log] = Option(logs.get(topicPartition)) /** * Create a log for the given topic and the given partition * If the log already exists, just return a copy of the existing log */ def createLog(topicPartition: TopicPartition, config: LogConfig): Log = { logCreationOrDeletionLock synchronized { // create the log if it has not already been created in another thread getLog(topicPartition).getOrElse { val dataDir = nextLogDir() val dir = new File(dataDir, topicPartition.topic + "-" + topicPartition.partition) Files.createDirectories(dir.toPath) val log = Log( dir = dir, config = config, logStartOffset = 0L, recoveryPoint = 0L, maxProducerIdExpirationMs = maxPidExpirationMs, scheduler = scheduler, time = time, brokerTopicStats = brokerTopicStats) logs.put(topicPartition, log) info("Created log for partition [%s,%d] in %s with properties {%s}." .format(topicPartition.topic, topicPartition.partition, dataDir.getAbsolutePath, config.originals.asScala.mkString(", "))) log } } } /** * Delete logs marked for deletion. */ private def deleteLogs(): Unit = { try { var failed = 0 while (!logsToBeDeleted.isEmpty && failed < logsToBeDeleted.size()) { val removedLog = logsToBeDeleted.take() if (removedLog != null) { try { removedLog.delete() info(s"Deleted log for partition ${removedLog.topicPartition} in ${removedLog.dir.getAbsolutePath}.") } catch { case e: Throwable => error(s"Exception in deleting $removedLog. Moving it to the end of the queue.", e) failed = failed + 1 logsToBeDeleted.put(removedLog) } } } } catch { case e: Throwable => error(s"Exception in kafka-delete-logs thread.", e) } } /** * Rename the directory of the given topic-partition "logdir" as "logdir.uuid.delete" and * add it in the queue for deletion. * @param topicPartition TopicPartition that needs to be deleted * @return the removed log */ def asyncDelete(topicPartition: TopicPartition): Log = { val removedLog: Log = logCreationOrDeletionLock synchronized { logs.remove(topicPartition) } if (removedLog != null) { //We need to wait until there is no more cleaning task on the log to be deleted before actually deleting it. if (cleaner != null) { cleaner.abortCleaning(topicPartition) cleaner.updateCheckpoints(removedLog.dir.getParentFile) } val dirName = Log.logDeleteDirName( removedLog.close() val renamedDir = new File(removedLog.dir.getParent, dirName) val renameSuccessful = removedLog.dir.renameTo(renamedDir) if (renameSuccessful) { checkpointLogStartOffsetsInDir(removedLog.dir.getParentFile) removedLog.dir = renamedDir // change the file pointers for log and index file removedLog.logSegments.foreach(_.updateDir(renamedDir)) logsToBeDeleted.add(removedLog) removedLog.removeLogMetrics() info(s"Log for partition ${removedLog.topicPartition} is renamed to ${removedLog.dir.getAbsolutePath} and is scheduled for deletion") } else { throw new KafkaStorageException("Failed to rename log directory from " + removedLog.dir.getAbsolutePath + " to " + renamedDir.getAbsolutePath) } } removedLog } /** * Choose the next directory in which to create a log. Currently this is done * by calculating the number of partitions in each directory and then choosing the * data directory with the fewest partitions. */ private def nextLogDir(): File = { if(logDirs.size == 1) { logDirs(0) } else { // count the number of logs in each parent directory (including 0 for empty directories val logCounts = allLogs.groupBy(_.dir.getParent).mapValues(_.size) val zeros = => (dir.getPath, 0)).toMap val dirCounts = (zeros ++ logCounts).toBuffer // choose the directory with the least logs in it val leastLoaded = dirCounts.sortBy(_._2).head new File(leastLoaded._1) } } /** * Delete any eligible logs. Return the number of segments deleted. * Only consider logs that are not compacted. */ def cleanupLogs() { debug("Beginning log cleanup...") var total = 0 val startMs = time.milliseconds for(log <- allLogs; if !log.config.compact) { debug("Garbage collecting '" + + "'") total += log.deleteOldSegments() } debug("Log cleanup completed. " + total + " files deleted in " + (time.milliseconds - startMs) / 1000 + " seconds") } /** * Get all the partition logs */ def allLogs(): Iterable[Log] = logs.values /** * Get a map of TopicPartition => Log */ def logsByTopicPartition: Map[TopicPartition, Log] = logs.toMap /** * Map of log dir to logs by topic and partitions in that dir */ private def logsByDir = { this.logsByTopicPartition.groupBy { case (_, log) => log.dir.getParent } } /** * Flush any log which has exceeded its flush interval and has unwritten messages. */ private def flushDirtyLogs() = { debug("Checking for dirty logs to flush...") for ((topicPartition, log) <- logs) { try { val timeSinceLastFlush = time.milliseconds - log.lastFlushTime debug("Checking if flush is needed on " + topicPartition.topic + " flush interval " + log.config.flushMs + " last flushed " + log.lastFlushTime + " time since last flush: " + timeSinceLastFlush) if(timeSinceLastFlush >= log.config.flushMs) log.flush } catch { case e: Throwable => error("Error flushing topic " + topicPartition.topic, e) } } } } object LogManager { def apply(config: KafkaConfig, zkUtils: ZkUtils, brokerState: BrokerState, kafkaScheduler: KafkaScheduler, time: Time, brokerTopicStats: BrokerTopicStats): LogManager = { val defaultProps = KafkaServer.copyKafkaConfigToLog(config) val defaultLogConfig = LogConfig(defaultProps) val topicConfigs = AdminUtils.fetchAllTopicConfigs(zkUtils).map { case (topic, configs) => topic -> LogConfig.fromProps(defaultProps, configs) } // read the log configurations from zookeeper val cleanerConfig = CleanerConfig(numThreads = config.logCleanerThreads, dedupeBufferSize = config.logCleanerDedupeBufferSize, dedupeBufferLoadFactor = config.logCleanerDedupeBufferLoadFactor, ioBufferSize = config.logCleanerIoBufferSize, maxMessageSize = config.messageMaxBytes, maxIoBytesPerSecond = config.logCleanerIoMaxBytesPerSecond, backOffMs = config.logCleanerBackoffMs, enableCleaner = config.logCleanerEnable) new LogManager(logDirs = File(_)).toArray, topicConfigs = topicConfigs, defaultConfig = defaultLogConfig, cleanerConfig = cleanerConfig, ioThreads = config.numRecoveryThreadsPerDataDir, flushCheckMs = config.logFlushSchedulerIntervalMs, flushRecoveryOffsetCheckpointMs = config.logFlushOffsetCheckpointIntervalMs, flushStartOffsetCheckpointMs = config.logFlushStartOffsetCheckpointIntervalMs, retentionCheckMs = config.logCleanupIntervalMs, maxPidExpirationMs = config.transactionIdExpirationMs, scheduler = kafkaScheduler, brokerState = brokerState, time = time, brokerTopicStats = brokerTopicStats) } }

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