kafka.admin.AclCommand.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package kafka.admin
import joptsimple._
import kafka.security.auth._
import kafka.utils._
import org.apache.kafka.common.security.auth.KafkaPrincipal
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Utils
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
object AclCommand {
val Newline = scala.util.Properties.lineSeparator
val ResourceTypeToValidOperations = Map[ResourceType, Set[Operation]] (
Topic -> Set(Read, Write, Describe, All),
Group -> Set(Read, All),
Cluster -> Set(Create, ClusterAction, All)
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val opts = new AclCommandOptions(args)
if (opts.options.has(opts.helpOpt))
CommandLineUtils.printUsageAndDie(opts.parser, "Usage:")
try {
if (opts.options.has(opts.addOpt))
else if (opts.options.has(opts.removeOpt))
else if (opts.options.has(opts.listOpt))
} catch {
case e: Throwable =>
println(s"Error while executing ACL command: ${e.getMessage}")
def withAuthorizer(opts: AclCommandOptions)(f: Authorizer => Unit) {
val authorizerProperties =
if (opts.options.has(opts.authorizerPropertiesOpt)) {
val authorizerProperties = opts.options.valuesOf(opts.authorizerPropertiesOpt).asScala
CommandLineUtils.parseKeyValueArgs(authorizerProperties, acceptMissingValue = false).asScala
} else {
Map.empty[String, Any]
val authorizerClass = opts.options.valueOf(opts.authorizerOpt)
val authZ = CoreUtils.createObject[Authorizer](authorizerClass)
try {
finally CoreUtils.swallow(authZ.close())
private def addAcl(opts: AclCommandOptions) {
withAuthorizer(opts) { authorizer =>
val resourceToAcl = getResourceToAcls(opts)
if (resourceToAcl.values.exists(_.isEmpty))
CommandLineUtils.printUsageAndDie(opts.parser, "You must specify one of: --allow-principal, --deny-principal when trying to add ACLs.")
for ((resource, acls) <- resourceToAcl) {
val acls = resourceToAcl(resource)
println(s"Adding ACLs for resource `${resource}`: $Newline ${acls.map("\t" + _).mkString(Newline)} $Newline")
authorizer.addAcls(acls, resource)
private def removeAcl(opts: AclCommandOptions) {
withAuthorizer(opts) { authorizer =>
val resourceToAcl = getResourceToAcls(opts)
for ((resource, acls) <- resourceToAcl) {
if (acls.isEmpty) {
if (confirmAction(s"Are you sure you want to delete all ACLs for resource `${resource}`? (y/n)"))
} else {
if (confirmAction(s"Are you sure you want to remove ACLs: $Newline ${acls.map("\t" + _).mkString(Newline)} $Newline from resource `${resource}`? (y/n)"))
authorizer.removeAcls(acls, resource)
private def listAcl(opts: AclCommandOptions) {
withAuthorizer(opts) { authorizer =>
val resources = getResource(opts, dieIfNoResourceFound = false)
val resourceToAcls: Iterable[(Resource, Set[Acl])] =
if (resources.isEmpty) authorizer.getAcls()
else resources.map(resource => (resource -> authorizer.getAcls(resource)))
for ((resource, acls) <- resourceToAcls)
println(s"Current ACLs for resource `${resource}`: $Newline ${acls.map("\t" + _).mkString(Newline)} $Newline")
private def getResourceToAcls(opts: AclCommandOptions): Map[Resource, Set[Acl]] = {
var resourceToAcls = Map.empty[Resource, Set[Acl]]
//if none of the --producer or --consumer options are specified , just construct ACLs from CLI options.
if (!opts.options.has(opts.producerOpt) && !opts.options.has(opts.consumerOpt)) {
resourceToAcls ++= getCliResourceToAcls(opts)
//users are allowed to specify both --producer and --consumer options in a single command.
if (opts.options.has(opts.producerOpt))
resourceToAcls ++= getProducerResourceToAcls(opts)
if (opts.options.has(opts.consumerOpt))
resourceToAcls ++= getConsumerResourceToAcls(opts).map { case (k, v) => k -> (v ++ resourceToAcls.getOrElse(k, Set.empty[Acl])) }
validateOperation(opts, resourceToAcls)
private def getProducerResourceToAcls(opts: AclCommandOptions): Map[Resource, Set[Acl]] = {
val topics: Set[Resource] = getResource(opts).filter(_.resourceType == Topic)
val acls = getAcl(opts, Set(Write, Describe))
//Write, Describe permission on topics, Create permission on cluster
topics.map(_ -> acls).toMap[Resource, Set[Acl]] +
(Resource.ClusterResource -> getAcl(opts, Set(Create)))
private def getConsumerResourceToAcls(opts: AclCommandOptions): Map[Resource, Set[Acl]] = {
val resources = getResource(opts)
val topics: Set[Resource] = getResource(opts).filter(_.resourceType == Topic)
val groups: Set[Resource] = resources.filter(_.resourceType == Group)
//Read,Describe on topic, Read on consumerGroup + Create on cluster
val acls = getAcl(opts, Set(Read, Describe))
topics.map(_ -> acls).toMap[Resource, Set[Acl]] ++
groups.map(_ -> getAcl(opts, Set(Read))).toMap[Resource, Set[Acl]]
private def getCliResourceToAcls(opts: AclCommandOptions): Map[Resource, Set[Acl]] = {
val acls = getAcl(opts)
val resources = getResource(opts)
resources.map(_ -> acls).toMap
private def getAcl(opts: AclCommandOptions, operations: Set[Operation]): Set[Acl] = {
val allowedPrincipals = getPrincipals(opts, opts.allowPrincipalsOpt)
val deniedPrincipals = getPrincipals(opts, opts.denyPrincipalsOpt)
val allowedHosts = getHosts(opts, opts.allowHostsOpt, opts.allowPrincipalsOpt)
val deniedHosts = getHosts(opts, opts.denyHostssOpt, opts.denyPrincipalsOpt)
val acls = new collection.mutable.HashSet[Acl]
if (allowedHosts.nonEmpty && allowedPrincipals.nonEmpty)
acls ++= getAcls(allowedPrincipals, Allow, operations, allowedHosts)
if (deniedHosts.nonEmpty && deniedPrincipals.nonEmpty)
acls ++= getAcls(deniedPrincipals, Deny, operations, deniedHosts)
private def getAcl(opts: AclCommandOptions): Set[Acl] = {
val operations = opts.options.valuesOf(opts.operationsOpt).asScala.map(operation => Operation.fromString(operation.trim)).toSet
getAcl(opts, operations)
def getAcls(principals: Set[KafkaPrincipal], permissionType: PermissionType, operations: Set[Operation],
hosts: Set[String]): Set[Acl] = {
for {
principal <- principals
operation <- operations
host <- hosts
} yield new Acl(principal, permissionType, host, operation)
private def getHosts(opts: AclCommandOptions, hostOptionSpec: ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec[String],
principalOptionSpec: ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec[String]): Set[String] = {
if (opts.options.has(hostOptionSpec))
else if (opts.options.has(principalOptionSpec))
private def getPrincipals(opts: AclCommandOptions, principalOptionSpec: ArgumentAcceptingOptionSpec[String]): Set[KafkaPrincipal] = {
if (opts.options.has(principalOptionSpec))
opts.options.valuesOf(principalOptionSpec).asScala.map(s => KafkaPrincipal.fromString(s.trim)).toSet
private def getResource(opts: AclCommandOptions, dieIfNoResourceFound: Boolean = true): Set[Resource] = {
var resources = Set.empty[Resource]
if (opts.options.has(opts.topicOpt))
opts.options.valuesOf(opts.topicOpt).asScala.foreach(topic => resources += new Resource(Topic, topic.trim))
if (opts.options.has(opts.clusterOpt))
resources += Resource.ClusterResource
if (opts.options.has(opts.groupOpt))
opts.options.valuesOf(opts.groupOpt).asScala.foreach(group => resources += new Resource(Group, group.trim))
if (resources.isEmpty && dieIfNoResourceFound)
CommandLineUtils.printUsageAndDie(opts.parser, "You must provide at least one resource: --topic or --cluster or --group ")
private def confirmAction(msg: String): Boolean = {
private def validateOperation(opts: AclCommandOptions, resourceToAcls: Map[Resource, Set[Acl]]) = {
for ((resource, acls) <- resourceToAcls) {
val validOps = ResourceTypeToValidOperations(resource.resourceType)
if ((acls.map(_.operation) -- validOps).nonEmpty)
CommandLineUtils.printUsageAndDie(opts.parser, s"ResourceType ${resource.resourceType} only supports operations ${validOps.mkString(",")}")
class AclCommandOptions(args: Array[String]) {
val parser = new OptionParser
val authorizerOpt = parser.accepts("authorizer", "Fully qualified class name of the authorizer, defaults to kafka.security.auth.SimpleAclAuthorizer.")
val authorizerPropertiesOpt = parser.accepts("authorizer-properties", "REQUIRED: properties required to configure an instance of Authorizer. " +
"These are key=val pairs. For the default authorizer the example values are: zookeeper.connect=localhost:2181")
val topicOpt = parser.accepts("topic", "topic to which ACLs should be added or removed. " +
"A value of * indicates ACL should apply to all topics.")
val clusterOpt = parser.accepts("cluster", "Add/Remove cluster ACLs.")
val groupOpt = parser.accepts("group", "Consumer Group to which the ACLs should be added or removed. " +
"A value of * indicates the ACLs should apply to all groups.")
val addOpt = parser.accepts("add", "Indicates you are trying to add ACLs.")
val removeOpt = parser.accepts("remove", "Indicates you are trying to remove ACLs.")
val listOpt = parser.accepts("list", "List ACLs for the specified resource, use --topic or --group or --cluster to specify a resource.")
val operationsOpt = parser.accepts("operation", "Operation that is being allowed or denied. Valid operation names are: " + Newline +
Operation.values.map("\t" + _).mkString(Newline) + Newline)
val allowPrincipalsOpt = parser.accepts("allow-principal", "principal is in principalType:name format." +
" User:* is the wild card indicating all users.")
val denyPrincipalsOpt = parser.accepts("deny-principal", "principal is in principalType:name format. " +
"By default anyone not added through --allow-principal is denied access. " +
"You only need to use this option as negation to already allowed set. " +
"For example if you wanted to allow access to all users in the system but not test-user you can define an ACL that " +
"allows access to User:* and specify --deny-principal=User:[email protected]. " +
val allowHostsOpt = parser.accepts("allow-host", "Host from which principals listed in --allow-principal will have access. " +
"If you have specified --allow-principal then the default for this option will be set to * which allows access from all hosts.")
val denyHostssOpt = parser.accepts("deny-host", "Host from which principals listed in --deny-principal will be denied access. " +
"If you have specified --deny-principal then the default for this option will be set to * which denies access from all hosts.")
val producerOpt = parser.accepts("producer", "Convenience option to add/remove ACLs for producer role. " +
"This will generate ACLs that allows WRITE,DESCRIBE on topic and CREATE on cluster. ")
val consumerOpt = parser.accepts("consumer", "Convenience option to add/remove ACLs for consumer role. " +
"This will generate ACLs that allows READ,DESCRIBE on topic and READ on group.")
val helpOpt = parser.accepts("help", "Print usage information.")
val options = parser.parse(args: _*)
def checkArgs() {
CommandLineUtils.checkRequiredArgs(parser, options, authorizerPropertiesOpt)
val actions = Seq(addOpt, removeOpt, listOpt).count(options.has)
if (actions != 1)
CommandLineUtils.printUsageAndDie(parser, "Command must include exactly one action: --list, --add, --remove. ")
CommandLineUtils.checkInvalidArgs(parser, options, listOpt, Set(producerOpt, consumerOpt, allowHostsOpt, allowPrincipalsOpt, denyHostssOpt, denyPrincipalsOpt))
//when --producer or --consumer is specified , user should not specify operations as they are inferred and we also disallow --deny-principals and --deny-hosts.
CommandLineUtils.checkInvalidArgs(parser, options, producerOpt, Set(operationsOpt, denyPrincipalsOpt, denyHostssOpt))
CommandLineUtils.checkInvalidArgs(parser, options, consumerOpt, Set(operationsOpt, denyPrincipalsOpt, denyHostssOpt))
if (options.has(producerOpt) && !options.has(topicOpt))
CommandLineUtils.printUsageAndDie(parser, "With --producer you must specify a --topic")
if (options.has(consumerOpt) && (!options.has(topicOpt) || !options.has(groupOpt) || (!options.has(producerOpt) && options.has(clusterOpt))))
CommandLineUtils.printUsageAndDie(parser, "With --consumer you must specify a --topic and a --group and no --cluster option should be specified.")
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