kafka.admin.TopicCommand.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package kafka.admin
import joptsimple._
import java.util.Properties
import kafka.common.{Topic, AdminCommandFailedException}
import kafka.utils.CommandLineUtils
import kafka.utils._
import kafka.utils.ZkUtils._
import org.I0Itec.zkclient.exception.ZkNodeExistsException
import scala.collection._
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import kafka.log.{Defaults, LogConfig}
import kafka.consumer.{ConsumerConfig, Whitelist}
import kafka.server.ConfigType
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Utils
import org.apache.kafka.common.security.JaasUtils
import kafka.coordinator.GroupCoordinator
object TopicCommand extends Logging {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val opts = new TopicCommandOptions(args)
if(args.length == 0)
CommandLineUtils.printUsageAndDie(opts.parser, "Create, delete, describe, or change a topic.")
// should have exactly one action
val actions = Seq(opts.createOpt, opts.listOpt, opts.alterOpt, opts.describeOpt, opts.deleteOpt).count(opts.options.has _)
if(actions != 1)
CommandLineUtils.printUsageAndDie(opts.parser, "Command must include exactly one action: --list, --describe, --create, --alter or --delete")
val zkUtils = ZkUtils(opts.options.valueOf(opts.zkConnectOpt),
var exitCode = 0
try {
createTopic(zkUtils, opts)
else if(opts.options.has(opts.alterOpt))
alterTopic(zkUtils, opts)
else if(opts.options.has(opts.listOpt))
listTopics(zkUtils, opts)
else if(opts.options.has(opts.describeOpt))
describeTopic(zkUtils, opts)
else if(opts.options.has(opts.deleteOpt))
deleteTopic(zkUtils, opts)
} catch {
case e: Throwable =>
println("Error while executing topic command : " + e.getMessage)
exitCode = 1
} finally {
private def getTopics(zkUtils: ZkUtils, opts: TopicCommandOptions): Seq[String] = {
val allTopics = zkUtils.getAllTopics().sorted
if (opts.options.has(opts.topicOpt)) {
val topicsSpec = opts.options.valueOf(opts.topicOpt)
val topicsFilter = new Whitelist(topicsSpec)
allTopics.filter(topicsFilter.isTopicAllowed(_, excludeInternalTopics = false))
} else
def createTopic(zkUtils: ZkUtils, opts: TopicCommandOptions) {
val topic = opts.options.valueOf(opts.topicOpt)
val configs = parseTopicConfigsToBeAdded(opts)
if (Topic.hasCollisionChars(topic))
println("WARNING: Due to limitations in metric names, topics with a period ('.') or underscore ('_') could collide. To avoid issues it is best to use either, but not both.")
if (opts.options.has(opts.replicaAssignmentOpt)) {
val assignment = parseReplicaAssignment(opts.options.valueOf(opts.replicaAssignmentOpt))
warnOnMaxMessagesChange(configs, assignment.valuesIterator.next().length)
AdminUtils.createOrUpdateTopicPartitionAssignmentPathInZK(zkUtils, topic, assignment, configs, update = false)
} else {
CommandLineUtils.checkRequiredArgs(opts.parser, opts.options, opts.partitionsOpt, opts.replicationFactorOpt)
val partitions = opts.options.valueOf(opts.partitionsOpt).intValue
val replicas = opts.options.valueOf(opts.replicationFactorOpt).intValue
warnOnMaxMessagesChange(configs, replicas)
AdminUtils.createTopic(zkUtils, topic, partitions, replicas, configs)
println("Created topic \"%s\".".format(topic))
def alterTopic(zkUtils: ZkUtils, opts: TopicCommandOptions) {
val topics = getTopics(zkUtils, opts)
if (topics.length == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Topic %s does not exist on ZK path %s".format(opts.options.valueOf(opts.topicOpt),
topics.foreach { topic =>
val configs = AdminUtils.fetchEntityConfig(zkUtils, ConfigType.Topic, topic)
if(opts.options.has(opts.configOpt) || opts.options.has(opts.deleteConfigOpt)) {
println("WARNING: Altering topic configuration from this script has been deprecated and may be removed in future releases.")
println(" Going forward, please use kafka-configs.sh for this functionality")
val configsToBeAdded = parseTopicConfigsToBeAdded(opts)
val configsToBeDeleted = parseTopicConfigsToBeDeleted(opts)
// compile the final set of configs
configsToBeDeleted.foreach(config => configs.remove(config))
AdminUtils.changeTopicConfig(zkUtils, topic, configs)
println("Updated config for topic \"%s\".".format(topic))
if(opts.options.has(opts.partitionsOpt)) {
if (topic == GroupCoordinator.GroupMetadataTopicName) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of partitions for the offsets topic cannot be changed.")
println("WARNING: If partitions are increased for a topic that has a key, the partition " +
"logic or ordering of the messages will be affected")
val nPartitions = opts.options.valueOf(opts.partitionsOpt).intValue
val replicaAssignmentStr = opts.options.valueOf(opts.replicaAssignmentOpt)
AdminUtils.addPartitions(zkUtils, topic, nPartitions, replicaAssignmentStr)
println("Adding partitions succeeded!")
def listTopics(zkUtils: ZkUtils, opts: TopicCommandOptions) {
val topics = getTopics(zkUtils, opts)
for(topic <- topics) {
if (zkUtils.pathExists(getDeleteTopicPath(topic))) {
println("%s - marked for deletion".format(topic))
} else {
def deleteTopic(zkUtils: ZkUtils, opts: TopicCommandOptions) {
val topics = getTopics(zkUtils, opts)
if (topics.length == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Topic %s does not exist on ZK path %s".format(opts.options.valueOf(opts.topicOpt),
topics.foreach { topic =>
try {
if (Topic.InternalTopics.contains(topic)) {
throw new AdminOperationException("Topic %s is a kafka internal topic and is not allowed to be marked for deletion.".format(topic))
} else {
println("Topic %s is marked for deletion.".format(topic))
println("Note: This will have no impact if delete.topic.enable is not set to true.")
} catch {
case e: ZkNodeExistsException =>
println("Topic %s is already marked for deletion.".format(topic))
case e: AdminOperationException =>
throw e
case e: Throwable =>
throw new AdminOperationException("Error while deleting topic %s".format(topic))
def describeTopic(zkUtils: ZkUtils, opts: TopicCommandOptions) {
val topics = getTopics(zkUtils, opts)
val reportUnderReplicatedPartitions = if (opts.options.has(opts.reportUnderReplicatedPartitionsOpt)) true else false
val reportUnavailablePartitions = if (opts.options.has(opts.reportUnavailablePartitionsOpt)) true else false
val reportOverriddenConfigs = if (opts.options.has(opts.topicsWithOverridesOpt)) true else false
val liveBrokers = zkUtils.getAllBrokersInCluster().map(_.id).toSet
for (topic <- topics) {
zkUtils.getPartitionAssignmentForTopics(List(topic)).get(topic) match {
case Some(topicPartitionAssignment) =>
val describeConfigs: Boolean = !reportUnavailablePartitions && !reportUnderReplicatedPartitions
val describePartitions: Boolean = !reportOverriddenConfigs
val sortedPartitions = topicPartitionAssignment.toList.sortWith((m1, m2) => m1._1 < m2._1)
if (describeConfigs) {
val configs = AdminUtils.fetchEntityConfig(zkUtils, ConfigType.Topic, topic)
if (!reportOverriddenConfigs || configs.size() != 0) {
val numPartitions = topicPartitionAssignment.size
val replicationFactor = topicPartitionAssignment.head._2.size
.format(topic, numPartitions, replicationFactor, configs.map(kv => kv._1 + "=" + kv._2).mkString(",")))
if (describePartitions) {
for ((partitionId, assignedReplicas) <- sortedPartitions) {
val inSyncReplicas = zkUtils.getInSyncReplicasForPartition(topic, partitionId)
val leader = zkUtils.getLeaderForPartition(topic, partitionId)
if ((!reportUnderReplicatedPartitions && !reportUnavailablePartitions) ||
(reportUnderReplicatedPartitions && inSyncReplicas.size < assignedReplicas.size) ||
(reportUnavailablePartitions && (!leader.isDefined || !liveBrokers.contains(leader.get)))) {
print("\tTopic: " + topic)
print("\tPartition: " + partitionId)
print("\tLeader: " + (if(leader.isDefined) leader.get else "none"))
print("\tReplicas: " + assignedReplicas.mkString(","))
println("\tIsr: " + inSyncReplicas.mkString(","))
case None =>
println("Topic " + topic + " doesn't exist!")
def parseTopicConfigsToBeAdded(opts: TopicCommandOptions): Properties = {
val configsToBeAdded = opts.options.valuesOf(opts.configOpt).map(_.split("""\s*=\s*"""))
require(configsToBeAdded.forall(config => config.length == 2),
"Invalid topic config: all configs to be added must be in the format \"key=val\".")
val props = new Properties
configsToBeAdded.foreach(pair => props.setProperty(pair(0).trim, pair(1).trim))
def parseTopicConfigsToBeDeleted(opts: TopicCommandOptions): Seq[String] = {
if (opts.options.has(opts.deleteConfigOpt)) {
val configsToBeDeleted = opts.options.valuesOf(opts.deleteConfigOpt).map(_.trim())
val propsToBeDeleted = new Properties
configsToBeDeleted.foreach(propsToBeDeleted.setProperty(_, ""))
def parseReplicaAssignment(replicaAssignmentList: String): Map[Int, List[Int]] = {
val partitionList = replicaAssignmentList.split(",")
val ret = new mutable.HashMap[Int, List[Int]]()
for (i <- 0 until partitionList.size) {
val brokerList = partitionList(i).split(":").map(s => s.trim().toInt)
val duplicateBrokers = CoreUtils.duplicates(brokerList)
if (duplicateBrokers.nonEmpty)
throw new AdminCommandFailedException("Partition replica lists may not contain duplicate entries: %s".format(duplicateBrokers.mkString(",")))
ret.put(i, brokerList.toList)
if (ret(i).size != ret(0).size)
throw new AdminOperationException("Partition " + i + " has different replication factor: " + brokerList)
class TopicCommandOptions(args: Array[String]) {
val parser = new OptionParser
val zkConnectOpt = parser.accepts("zookeeper", "REQUIRED: The connection string for the zookeeper connection in the form host:port. " +
"Multiple URLS can be given to allow fail-over.")
val listOpt = parser.accepts("list", "List all available topics.")
val createOpt = parser.accepts("create", "Create a new topic.")
val deleteOpt = parser.accepts("delete", "Delete a topic")
val alterOpt = parser.accepts("alter", "Alter the number of partitions, replica assignment, and/or configuration for the topic.")
val describeOpt = parser.accepts("describe", "List details for the given topics.")
val helpOpt = parser.accepts("help", "Print usage information.")
val topicOpt = parser.accepts("topic", "The topic to be create, alter or describe. Can also accept a regular " +
"expression except for --create option")
val nl = System.getProperty("line.separator")
val configOpt = parser.accepts("config", "A topic configuration override for the topic being created or altered." +
"The following is a list of valid configurations: " + nl + LogConfig.configNames.map("\t" + _).mkString(nl) + nl +
"See the Kafka documentation for full details on the topic configs.")
val deleteConfigOpt = parser.accepts("delete-config", "A topic configuration override to be removed for an existing topic (see the list of configurations under the --config option).")
val partitionsOpt = parser.accepts("partitions", "The number of partitions for the topic being created or " +
"altered (WARNING: If partitions are increased for a topic that has a key, the partition logic or ordering of the messages will be affected")
.describedAs("# of partitions")
val replicationFactorOpt = parser.accepts("replication-factor", "The replication factor for each partition in the topic being created.")
.describedAs("replication factor")
val replicaAssignmentOpt = parser.accepts("replica-assignment", "A list of manual partition-to-broker assignments for the topic being created or altered.")
.describedAs("broker_id_for_part1_replica1 : broker_id_for_part1_replica2 , " +
"broker_id_for_part2_replica1 : broker_id_for_part2_replica2 , ...")
val reportUnderReplicatedPartitionsOpt = parser.accepts("under-replicated-partitions",
"if set when describing topics, only show under replicated partitions")
val reportUnavailablePartitionsOpt = parser.accepts("unavailable-partitions",
"if set when describing topics, only show partitions whose leader is not available")
val topicsWithOverridesOpt = parser.accepts("topics-with-overrides",
"if set when describing topics, only show topics that have overridden configs")
val options = parser.parse(args : _*)
val allTopicLevelOpts: Set[OptionSpec[_]] = Set(alterOpt, createOpt, describeOpt, listOpt)
def checkArgs() {
// check required args
CommandLineUtils.checkRequiredArgs(parser, options, zkConnectOpt)
if (!options.has(listOpt) && !options.has(describeOpt))
CommandLineUtils.checkRequiredArgs(parser, options, topicOpt)
// check invalid args
CommandLineUtils.checkInvalidArgs(parser, options, configOpt, allTopicLevelOpts -- Set(alterOpt, createOpt))
CommandLineUtils.checkInvalidArgs(parser, options, deleteConfigOpt, allTopicLevelOpts -- Set(alterOpt))
CommandLineUtils.checkInvalidArgs(parser, options, partitionsOpt, allTopicLevelOpts -- Set(alterOpt, createOpt))
CommandLineUtils.checkInvalidArgs(parser, options, replicationFactorOpt, allTopicLevelOpts -- Set(createOpt))
CommandLineUtils.checkInvalidArgs(parser, options, replicaAssignmentOpt, allTopicLevelOpts -- Set(createOpt,alterOpt))
CommandLineUtils.checkInvalidArgs(parser, options, replicaAssignmentOpt, Set(partitionsOpt, replicationFactorOpt))
CommandLineUtils.checkInvalidArgs(parser, options, reportUnderReplicatedPartitionsOpt,
allTopicLevelOpts -- Set(describeOpt) + reportUnavailablePartitionsOpt + topicsWithOverridesOpt)
CommandLineUtils.checkInvalidArgs(parser, options, reportUnavailablePartitionsOpt,
allTopicLevelOpts -- Set(describeOpt) + reportUnderReplicatedPartitionsOpt + topicsWithOverridesOpt)
CommandLineUtils.checkInvalidArgs(parser, options, topicsWithOverridesOpt,
allTopicLevelOpts -- Set(describeOpt) + reportUnderReplicatedPartitionsOpt + reportUnavailablePartitionsOpt)
def warnOnMaxMessagesChange(configs: Properties, replicas: Integer): Unit = {
val maxMessageBytes = configs.get(LogConfig.MaxMessageBytesProp) match {
case n: String => n.toInt
case _ => -1
if (maxMessageBytes > Defaults.MaxMessageSize)
if (replicas > 1) {
def askToProceed: Unit = {
println("Are you sure you want to continue? [y/n]")
if (!Console.readLine().equalsIgnoreCase("y")) {
println("Ending your session")
def shortMessageSizeWarning(maxMessageBytes: Int): String = {
"\n\n" +
"*****************************************************************************************************\n" +
"*** WARNING: you are creating a topic where the the max.message.bytes is greater than the consumer ***\n" +
"*** default. This operation is potentially dangerous. Consumers will get failures if their ***\n" +
"*** fetch.message.max.bytes < the value you are using. ***\n" +
"*****************************************************************************************************\n" +
s"- value set here: $maxMessageBytes\n" +
s"- Default Consumer fetch.message.max.bytes: ${ConsumerConfig.FetchSize}\n" +
s"- Default Broker max.message.bytes: ${kafka.server.Defaults.MessageMaxBytes}\n\n"
def longMessageSizeWarning(maxMessageBytes: Int): String = {
"\n\n" +
"****************************************************************************************************\n" +
"*** WARNING: you are creating a topic where the max.message.bytes is greater than the broker ***\n" +
"*** default. This operation is dangerous. There are two potential side effects: ***\n" +
"*** - Consumers will get failures if their fetch.message.max.bytes < the value you are using ***\n" +
"*** - Producer requests larger than replica.fetch.max.bytes will not replicate and hence have ***\n" +
"*** a higher risk of data loss ***\n" +
"*** You should ensure both of these settings are greater than the value set here before using ***\n" +
"*** this topic. ***\n" +
"****************************************************************************************************\n" +
s"- value set here: $maxMessageBytes\n" +
s"- Default Broker replica.fetch.max.bytes: ${kafka.server.Defaults.ReplicaFetchMaxBytes}\n" +
s"- Default Broker max.message.bytes: ${kafka.server.Defaults.MessageMaxBytes}\n" +
s"- Default Consumer fetch.message.max.bytes: ${ConsumerConfig.FetchSize}\n\n"
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