kafka.controller.PartitionStateMachine.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package kafka.controller
import collection._
import collection.JavaConversions
import collection.mutable.Buffer
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean
import kafka.api.LeaderAndIsr
import kafka.common.{LeaderElectionNotNeededException, TopicAndPartition, StateChangeFailedException, NoReplicaOnlineException}
import kafka.utils.{Logging, ReplicationUtils}
import kafka.utils.ZkUtils._
import org.I0Itec.zkclient.{IZkDataListener, IZkChildListener}
import org.I0Itec.zkclient.exception.ZkNodeExistsException
import kafka.controller.Callbacks.CallbackBuilder
import kafka.utils.CoreUtils._
* This class represents the state machine for partitions. It defines the states that a partition can be in, and
* transitions to move the partition to another legal state. The different states that a partition can be in are -
* 1. NonExistentPartition: This state indicates that the partition was either never created or was created and then
* deleted. Valid previous state, if one exists, is OfflinePartition
* 2. NewPartition : After creation, the partition is in the NewPartition state. In this state, the partition should have
* replicas assigned to it, but no leader/isr yet. Valid previous states are NonExistentPartition
* 3. OnlinePartition : Once a leader is elected for a partition, it is in the OnlinePartition state.
* Valid previous states are NewPartition/OfflinePartition
* 4. OfflinePartition : If, after successful leader election, the leader for partition dies, then the partition
* moves to the OfflinePartition state. Valid previous states are NewPartition/OnlinePartition
class PartitionStateMachine(controller: KafkaController) extends Logging {
private val controllerContext = controller.controllerContext
private val controllerId = controller.config.brokerId
private val zkUtils = controllerContext.zkUtils
private val partitionState: mutable.Map[TopicAndPartition, PartitionState] = mutable.Map.empty
private val brokerRequestBatch = new ControllerBrokerRequestBatch(controller)
private val hasStarted = new AtomicBoolean(false)
private val noOpPartitionLeaderSelector = new NoOpLeaderSelector(controllerContext)
private val topicChangeListener = new TopicChangeListener()
private val deleteTopicsListener = new DeleteTopicsListener()
private val addPartitionsListener: mutable.Map[String, AddPartitionsListener] = mutable.Map.empty
private val stateChangeLogger = KafkaController.stateChangeLogger
this.logIdent = "[Partition state machine on Controller " + controllerId + "]: "
* Invoked on successful controller election. First registers a topic change listener since that triggers all
* state transitions for partitions. Initializes the state of partitions by reading from zookeeper. Then triggers
* the OnlinePartition state change for all new or offline partitions.
def startup() {
// initialize partition state
// set started flag
// try to move partitions to online state
info("Started partition state machine with initial state -> " + partitionState.toString())
// register topic and partition change listeners
def registerListeners() {
// de-register topic and partition change listeners
def deregisterListeners() {
addPartitionsListener.foreach {
case (topic, listener) =>
zkUtils.zkClient.unsubscribeDataChanges(getTopicPath(topic), listener)
* Invoked on controller shutdown.
def shutdown() {
// reset started flag
// clear partition state
// de-register all ZK listeners
info("Stopped partition state machine")
* This API invokes the OnlinePartition state change on all partitions in either the NewPartition or OfflinePartition
* state. This is called on a successful controller election and on broker changes
def triggerOnlinePartitionStateChange() {
try {
// try to move all partitions in NewPartition or OfflinePartition state to OnlinePartition state except partitions
// that belong to topics to be deleted
for((topicAndPartition, partitionState) <- partitionState
if(!controller.deleteTopicManager.isTopicQueuedUpForDeletion(topicAndPartition.topic))) {
if(partitionState.equals(OfflinePartition) || partitionState.equals(NewPartition))
handleStateChange(topicAndPartition.topic, topicAndPartition.partition, OnlinePartition, controller.offlinePartitionSelector,
(new CallbackBuilder).build)
} catch {
case e: Throwable => error("Error while moving some partitions to the online state", e)
// TODO: It is not enough to bail out and log an error, it is important to trigger leader election for those partitions
def partitionsInState(state: PartitionState): Set[TopicAndPartition] = {
partitionState.filter(p => p._2 == state).keySet
* This API is invoked by the partition change zookeeper listener
* @param partitions The list of partitions that need to be transitioned to the target state
* @param targetState The state that the partitions should be moved to
def handleStateChanges(partitions: Set[TopicAndPartition], targetState: PartitionState,
leaderSelector: PartitionLeaderSelector = noOpPartitionLeaderSelector,
callbacks: Callbacks = (new CallbackBuilder).build) {
info("Invoking state change to %s for partitions %s".format(targetState, partitions.mkString(",")))
try {
partitions.foreach { topicAndPartition =>
handleStateChange(topicAndPartition.topic, topicAndPartition.partition, targetState, leaderSelector, callbacks)
}catch {
case e: Throwable => error("Error while moving some partitions to %s state".format(targetState), e)
// TODO: It is not enough to bail out and log an error, it is important to trigger state changes for those partitions
* This API exercises the partition's state machine. It ensures that every state transition happens from a legal
* previous state to the target state. Valid state transitions are:
* NonExistentPartition -> NewPartition:
* --load assigned replicas from ZK to controller cache
* NewPartition -> OnlinePartition
* --assign first live replica as the leader and all live replicas as the isr; write leader and isr to ZK for this partition
* --send LeaderAndIsr request to every live replica and UpdateMetadata request to every live broker
* OnlinePartition,OfflinePartition -> OnlinePartition
* --select new leader and isr for this partition and a set of replicas to receive the LeaderAndIsr request, and write leader and isr to ZK
* --for this partition, send LeaderAndIsr request to every receiving replica and UpdateMetadata request to every live broker
* NewPartition,OnlinePartition,OfflinePartition -> OfflinePartition
* --nothing other than marking partition state as Offline
* OfflinePartition -> NonExistentPartition
* --nothing other than marking the partition state as NonExistentPartition
* @param topic The topic of the partition for which the state transition is invoked
* @param partition The partition for which the state transition is invoked
* @param targetState The end state that the partition should be moved to
private def handleStateChange(topic: String, partition: Int, targetState: PartitionState,
leaderSelector: PartitionLeaderSelector,
callbacks: Callbacks) {
val topicAndPartition = TopicAndPartition(topic, partition)
if (!hasStarted.get)
throw new StateChangeFailedException(("Controller %d epoch %d initiated state change for partition %s to %s failed because " +
"the partition state machine has not started")
.format(controllerId, controller.epoch, topicAndPartition, targetState))
val currState = partitionState.getOrElseUpdate(topicAndPartition, NonExistentPartition)
try {
targetState match {
case NewPartition =>
// pre: partition did not exist before this
assertValidPreviousStates(topicAndPartition, List(NonExistentPartition), NewPartition)
partitionState.put(topicAndPartition, NewPartition)
val assignedReplicas = controllerContext.partitionReplicaAssignment(topicAndPartition).mkString(",")
stateChangeLogger.trace("Controller %d epoch %d changed partition %s state from %s to %s with assigned replicas %s"
.format(controllerId, controller.epoch, topicAndPartition, currState, targetState,
// post: partition has been assigned replicas
case OnlinePartition =>
assertValidPreviousStates(topicAndPartition, List(NewPartition, OnlinePartition, OfflinePartition), OnlinePartition)
partitionState(topicAndPartition) match {
case NewPartition =>
// initialize leader and isr path for new partition
case OfflinePartition =>
electLeaderForPartition(topic, partition, leaderSelector)
case OnlinePartition => // invoked when the leader needs to be re-elected
electLeaderForPartition(topic, partition, leaderSelector)
case _ => // should never come here since illegal previous states are checked above
partitionState.put(topicAndPartition, OnlinePartition)
val leader = controllerContext.partitionLeadershipInfo(topicAndPartition).leaderAndIsr.leader
stateChangeLogger.trace("Controller %d epoch %d changed partition %s from %s to %s with leader %d"
.format(controllerId, controller.epoch, topicAndPartition, currState, targetState, leader))
// post: partition has a leader
case OfflinePartition =>
// pre: partition should be in New or Online state
assertValidPreviousStates(topicAndPartition, List(NewPartition, OnlinePartition, OfflinePartition), OfflinePartition)
// should be called when the leader for a partition is no longer alive
stateChangeLogger.trace("Controller %d epoch %d changed partition %s state from %s to %s"
.format(controllerId, controller.epoch, topicAndPartition, currState, targetState))
partitionState.put(topicAndPartition, OfflinePartition)
// post: partition has no alive leader
case NonExistentPartition =>
// pre: partition should be in Offline state
assertValidPreviousStates(topicAndPartition, List(OfflinePartition), NonExistentPartition)
stateChangeLogger.trace("Controller %d epoch %d changed partition %s state from %s to %s"
.format(controllerId, controller.epoch, topicAndPartition, currState, targetState))
partitionState.put(topicAndPartition, NonExistentPartition)
// post: partition state is deleted from all brokers and zookeeper
} catch {
case t: Throwable =>
stateChangeLogger.error("Controller %d epoch %d initiated state change for partition %s from %s to %s failed"
.format(controllerId, controller.epoch, topicAndPartition, currState, targetState), t)
* Invoked on startup of the partition's state machine to set the initial state for all existing partitions in
* zookeeper
private def initializePartitionState() {
for((topicPartition, replicaAssignment) <- controllerContext.partitionReplicaAssignment) {
// check if leader and isr path exists for partition. If not, then it is in NEW state
controllerContext.partitionLeadershipInfo.get(topicPartition) match {
case Some(currentLeaderIsrAndEpoch) =>
// else, check if the leader for partition is alive. If yes, it is in Online state, else it is in Offline state
controllerContext.liveBrokerIds.contains(currentLeaderIsrAndEpoch.leaderAndIsr.leader) match {
case true => // leader is alive
partitionState.put(topicPartition, OnlinePartition)
case false =>
partitionState.put(topicPartition, OfflinePartition)
case None =>
partitionState.put(topicPartition, NewPartition)
private def assertValidPreviousStates(topicAndPartition: TopicAndPartition, fromStates: Seq[PartitionState],
targetState: PartitionState) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Partition %s should be in the %s states before moving to %s state"
.format(topicAndPartition, fromStates.mkString(","), targetState) + ". Instead it is in %s state"
* Invoked on the NewPartition->OnlinePartition state change. When a partition is in the New state, it does not have
* a leader and isr path in zookeeper. Once the partition moves to the OnlinePartition state, its leader and isr
* path gets initialized and it never goes back to the NewPartition state. From here, it can only go to the
* OfflinePartition state.
* @param topicAndPartition The topic/partition whose leader and isr path is to be initialized
private def initializeLeaderAndIsrForPartition(topicAndPartition: TopicAndPartition) {
val replicaAssignment = controllerContext.partitionReplicaAssignment(topicAndPartition)
val liveAssignedReplicas = replicaAssignment.filter(r => controllerContext.liveBrokerIds.contains(r))
liveAssignedReplicas.size match {
case 0 =>
val failMsg = ("encountered error during state change of partition %s from New to Online, assigned replicas are [%s], " +
"live brokers are [%s]. No assigned replica is alive.")
.format(topicAndPartition, replicaAssignment.mkString(","), controllerContext.liveBrokerIds)
stateChangeLogger.error("Controller %d epoch %d ".format(controllerId, controller.epoch) + failMsg)
throw new StateChangeFailedException(failMsg)
case _ =>
debug("Live assigned replicas for partition %s are: [%s]".format(topicAndPartition, liveAssignedReplicas))
// make the first replica in the list of assigned replicas, the leader
val leader = liveAssignedReplicas.head
val leaderIsrAndControllerEpoch = new LeaderIsrAndControllerEpoch(new LeaderAndIsr(leader, liveAssignedReplicas.toList),
debug("Initializing leader and isr for partition %s to %s".format(topicAndPartition, leaderIsrAndControllerEpoch))
try {
getTopicPartitionLeaderAndIsrPath(topicAndPartition.topic, topicAndPartition.partition),
zkUtils.leaderAndIsrZkData(leaderIsrAndControllerEpoch.leaderAndIsr, controller.epoch))
// NOTE: the above write can fail only if the current controller lost its zk session and the new controller
// took over and initialized this partition. This can happen if the current controller went into a long
// GC pause
controllerContext.partitionLeadershipInfo.put(topicAndPartition, leaderIsrAndControllerEpoch)
brokerRequestBatch.addLeaderAndIsrRequestForBrokers(liveAssignedReplicas, topicAndPartition.topic,
topicAndPartition.partition, leaderIsrAndControllerEpoch, replicaAssignment)
} catch {
case e: ZkNodeExistsException =>
// read the controller epoch
val leaderIsrAndEpoch = ReplicationUtils.getLeaderIsrAndEpochForPartition(zkUtils, topicAndPartition.topic,
val failMsg = ("encountered error while changing partition %s's state from New to Online since LeaderAndIsr path already " +
"exists with value %s and controller epoch %d")
.format(topicAndPartition, leaderIsrAndEpoch.leaderAndIsr.toString(), leaderIsrAndEpoch.controllerEpoch)
stateChangeLogger.error("Controller %d epoch %d ".format(controllerId, controller.epoch) + failMsg)
throw new StateChangeFailedException(failMsg)
* Invoked on the OfflinePartition,OnlinePartition->OnlinePartition state change.
* It invokes the leader election API to elect a leader for the input offline partition
* @param topic The topic of the offline partition
* @param partition The offline partition
* @param leaderSelector Specific leader selector (e.g., offline/reassigned/etc.)
def electLeaderForPartition(topic: String, partition: Int, leaderSelector: PartitionLeaderSelector) {
val topicAndPartition = TopicAndPartition(topic, partition)
// handle leader election for the partitions whose leader is no longer alive
stateChangeLogger.trace("Controller %d epoch %d started leader election for partition %s"
.format(controllerId, controller.epoch, topicAndPartition))
try {
var zookeeperPathUpdateSucceeded: Boolean = false
var newLeaderAndIsr: LeaderAndIsr = null
var replicasForThisPartition: Seq[Int] = Seq.empty[Int]
while(!zookeeperPathUpdateSucceeded) {
val currentLeaderIsrAndEpoch = getLeaderIsrAndEpochOrThrowException(topic, partition)
val currentLeaderAndIsr = currentLeaderIsrAndEpoch.leaderAndIsr
val controllerEpoch = currentLeaderIsrAndEpoch.controllerEpoch
if (controllerEpoch > controller.epoch) {
val failMsg = ("aborted leader election for partition [%s,%d] since the LeaderAndIsr path was " +
"already written by another controller. This probably means that the current controller %d went through " +
"a soft failure and another controller was elected with epoch %d.")
.format(topic, partition, controllerId, controllerEpoch)
stateChangeLogger.error("Controller %d epoch %d ".format(controllerId, controller.epoch) + failMsg)
throw new StateChangeFailedException(failMsg)
// elect new leader or throw exception
val (leaderAndIsr, replicas) = leaderSelector.selectLeader(topicAndPartition, currentLeaderAndIsr)
val (updateSucceeded, newVersion) = ReplicationUtils.updateLeaderAndIsr(zkUtils, topic, partition,
leaderAndIsr, controller.epoch, currentLeaderAndIsr.zkVersion)
newLeaderAndIsr = leaderAndIsr
newLeaderAndIsr.zkVersion = newVersion
zookeeperPathUpdateSucceeded = updateSucceeded
replicasForThisPartition = replicas
val newLeaderIsrAndControllerEpoch = new LeaderIsrAndControllerEpoch(newLeaderAndIsr, controller.epoch)
// update the leader cache
controllerContext.partitionLeadershipInfo.put(TopicAndPartition(topic, partition), newLeaderIsrAndControllerEpoch)
stateChangeLogger.trace("Controller %d epoch %d elected leader %d for Offline partition %s"
.format(controllerId, controller.epoch, newLeaderAndIsr.leader, topicAndPartition))
val replicas = controllerContext.partitionReplicaAssignment(TopicAndPartition(topic, partition))
// store new leader and isr info in cache
brokerRequestBatch.addLeaderAndIsrRequestForBrokers(replicasForThisPartition, topic, partition,
newLeaderIsrAndControllerEpoch, replicas)
} catch {
case lenne: LeaderElectionNotNeededException => // swallow
case nroe: NoReplicaOnlineException => throw nroe
case sce: Throwable =>
val failMsg = "encountered error while electing leader for partition %s due to: %s.".format(topicAndPartition, sce.getMessage)
stateChangeLogger.error("Controller %d epoch %d ".format(controllerId, controller.epoch) + failMsg)
throw new StateChangeFailedException(failMsg, sce)
debug("After leader election, leader cache is updated to %s".format(controllerContext.partitionLeadershipInfo.map(l => (l._1, l._2))))
private def registerTopicChangeListener() = {
zkUtils.zkClient.subscribeChildChanges(BrokerTopicsPath, topicChangeListener)
private def deregisterTopicChangeListener() = {
zkUtils.zkClient.unsubscribeChildChanges(BrokerTopicsPath, topicChangeListener)
def registerPartitionChangeListener(topic: String) = {
addPartitionsListener.put(topic, new AddPartitionsListener(topic))
zkUtils.zkClient.subscribeDataChanges(getTopicPath(topic), addPartitionsListener(topic))
def deregisterPartitionChangeListener(topic: String) = {
zkUtils.zkClient.unsubscribeDataChanges(getTopicPath(topic), addPartitionsListener(topic))
private def registerDeleteTopicListener() = {
zkUtils.zkClient.subscribeChildChanges(DeleteTopicsPath, deleteTopicsListener)
private def deregisterDeleteTopicListener() = {
zkUtils.zkClient.unsubscribeChildChanges(DeleteTopicsPath, deleteTopicsListener)
private def getLeaderIsrAndEpochOrThrowException(topic: String, partition: Int): LeaderIsrAndControllerEpoch = {
val topicAndPartition = TopicAndPartition(topic, partition)
ReplicationUtils.getLeaderIsrAndEpochForPartition(zkUtils, topic, partition) match {
case Some(currentLeaderIsrAndEpoch) => currentLeaderIsrAndEpoch
case None =>
val failMsg = "LeaderAndIsr information doesn't exist for partition %s in %s state"
.format(topicAndPartition, partitionState(topicAndPartition))
throw new StateChangeFailedException(failMsg)
* This is the zookeeper listener that triggers all the state transitions for a partition
class TopicChangeListener extends IZkChildListener with Logging {
this.logIdent = "[TopicChangeListener on Controller " + controller.config.brokerId + "]: "
def handleChildChange(parentPath : String, children : java.util.List[String]) {
inLock(controllerContext.controllerLock) {
if (hasStarted.get) {
try {
val currentChildren = {
import JavaConversions._
debug("Topic change listener fired for path %s with children %s".format(parentPath, children.mkString(",")))
(children: Buffer[String]).toSet
val newTopics = currentChildren -- controllerContext.allTopics
val deletedTopics = controllerContext.allTopics -- currentChildren
controllerContext.allTopics = currentChildren
val addedPartitionReplicaAssignment = zkUtils.getReplicaAssignmentForTopics(newTopics.toSeq)
controllerContext.partitionReplicaAssignment = controllerContext.partitionReplicaAssignment.filter(p =>
info("New topics: [%s], deleted topics: [%s], new partition replica assignment [%s]".format(newTopics,
deletedTopics, addedPartitionReplicaAssignment))
if(newTopics.size > 0)
controller.onNewTopicCreation(newTopics, addedPartitionReplicaAssignment.keySet.toSet)
} catch {
case e: Throwable => error("Error while handling new topic", e )
* Delete topics includes the following operations -
* 1. Add the topic to be deleted to the delete topics cache, only if the topic exists
* 2. If there are topics to be deleted, it signals the delete topic thread
class DeleteTopicsListener() extends IZkChildListener with Logging {
this.logIdent = "[DeleteTopicsListener on " + controller.config.brokerId + "]: "
val zkUtils = controllerContext.zkUtils
* Invoked when a topic is being deleted
* @throws Exception On any error.
def handleChildChange(parentPath : String, children : java.util.List[String]) {
inLock(controllerContext.controllerLock) {
var topicsToBeDeleted = {
import JavaConversions._
(children: Buffer[String]).toSet
debug("Delete topics listener fired for topics %s to be deleted".format(topicsToBeDeleted.mkString(",")))
val nonExistentTopics = topicsToBeDeleted.filter(t => !controllerContext.allTopics.contains(t))
if(nonExistentTopics.size > 0) {
warn("Ignoring request to delete non-existing topics " + nonExistentTopics.mkString(","))
nonExistentTopics.foreach(topic => zkUtils.deletePathRecursive(getDeleteTopicPath(topic)))
topicsToBeDeleted --= nonExistentTopics
if(topicsToBeDeleted.size > 0) {
info("Starting topic deletion for topics " + topicsToBeDeleted.mkString(","))
// mark topic ineligible for deletion if other state changes are in progress
topicsToBeDeleted.foreach { topic =>
val preferredReplicaElectionInProgress =
val partitionReassignmentInProgress =
if(preferredReplicaElectionInProgress || partitionReassignmentInProgress)
// add topic to deletion list
* @throws Exception
* On any error.
def handleDataDeleted(dataPath: String) {
class AddPartitionsListener(topic: String) extends IZkDataListener with Logging {
this.logIdent = "[AddPartitionsListener on " + controller.config.brokerId + "]: "
def handleDataChange(dataPath : String, data: Object) {
inLock(controllerContext.controllerLock) {
try {
info("Add Partition triggered " + data.toString + " for path " + dataPath)
val partitionReplicaAssignment = zkUtils.getReplicaAssignmentForTopics(List(topic))
val partitionsToBeAdded = partitionReplicaAssignment.filter(p =>
error("Skipping adding partitions %s for topic %s since it is currently being deleted"
.format(partitionsToBeAdded.map(_._1.partition).mkString(","), topic))
else {
if (partitionsToBeAdded.size > 0) {
info("New partitions to be added %s".format(partitionsToBeAdded))
} catch {
case e: Throwable => error("Error while handling add partitions for data path " + dataPath, e )
def handleDataDeleted(parentPath : String) {
// this is not implemented for partition change
sealed trait PartitionState { def state: Byte }
case object NewPartition extends PartitionState { val state: Byte = 0 }
case object OnlinePartition extends PartitionState { val state: Byte = 1 }
case object OfflinePartition extends PartitionState { val state: Byte = 2 }
case object NonExistentPartition extends PartitionState { val state: Byte = 3 }
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