kafka.tools.JmxTool.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package kafka.tools
import java.util.Date
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import javax.management._
import javax.management.remote._
import joptsimple.OptionParser
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.math._
import kafka.utils.{CommandLineUtils, Logging}
object JmxTool extends Logging {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
// Parse command line
val parser = new OptionParser
val objectNameOpt =
parser.accepts("object-name", "A JMX object name to use as a query. This can contain wild cards, and this option " +
"can be given multiple times to specify more than one query. If no objects are specified " +
"all objects will be queried.")
val attributesOpt =
parser.accepts("attributes", "The whitelist of attributes to query. This is a comma-separated list. If no " +
"attributes are specified all objects will be queried.")
val reportingIntervalOpt = parser.accepts("reporting-interval", "Interval in MS with which to poll jmx stats.")
val helpOpt = parser.accepts("help", "Print usage information.")
val dateFormatOpt = parser.accepts("date-format", "The date format to use for formatting the time field. " +
"See java.text.SimpleDateFormat for options.")
val jmxServiceUrlOpt =
parser.accepts("jmx-url", "The url to connect to to poll JMX data. See Oracle javadoc for JMXServiceURL for details.")
if(args.length == 0)
CommandLineUtils.printUsageAndDie(parser, "Dump JMX values to standard output.")
val options = parser.parse(args : _*)
if(options.has(helpOpt)) {
val url = new JMXServiceURL(options.valueOf(jmxServiceUrlOpt))
val interval = options.valueOf(reportingIntervalOpt).intValue
val attributesWhitelistExists = options.has(attributesOpt)
val attributesWhitelist = if(attributesWhitelistExists) Some(options.valueOf(attributesOpt).split(",")) else None
val dateFormatExists = options.has(dateFormatOpt)
val dateFormat = if(dateFormatExists) Some(new SimpleDateFormat(options.valueOf(dateFormatOpt))) else None
val jmxc = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(url, null)
val mbsc = jmxc.getMBeanServerConnection()
val queries: Iterable[ObjectName] =
options.valuesOf(objectNameOpt).map(new ObjectName(_))
val names = queries.map((name: ObjectName) => mbsc.queryNames(name, null): mutable.Set[ObjectName]).flatten
val allAttributes: Iterable[(ObjectName, Array[String])] =
names.map((name: ObjectName) => (name, mbsc.getMBeanInfo(name).getAttributes().map(_.getName)))
val numExpectedAttributes: Map[ObjectName, Int] =
attributesWhitelistExists match {
case true => queries.map((_, attributesWhitelist.get.size)).toMap
case false => names.map{(name: ObjectName) =>
val mbean = mbsc.getMBeanInfo(name)
(name, mbsc.getAttributes(name, mbean.getAttributes.map(_.getName)).size)}.toMap
// print csv header
val keys = List("time") ++ queryAttributes(mbsc, names, attributesWhitelist).keys.toArray.sorted
if(keys.size == numExpectedAttributes.map(_._2).sum + 1)
println(keys.map("\"" + _ + "\"").mkString(","))
while(true) {
val start = System.currentTimeMillis
val attributes = queryAttributes(mbsc, names, attributesWhitelist)
attributes("time") = dateFormat match {
case Some(dFormat) => dFormat.format(new Date)
case None => System.currentTimeMillis().toString
if(attributes.keySet.size == numExpectedAttributes.map(_._2).sum + 1)
val sleep = max(0, interval - (System.currentTimeMillis - start))
def queryAttributes(mbsc: MBeanServerConnection, names: Iterable[ObjectName], attributesWhitelist: Option[Array[String]]) = {
var attributes = new mutable.HashMap[String, Any]()
for(name <- names) {
val mbean = mbsc.getMBeanInfo(name)
for(attrObj <- mbsc.getAttributes(name, mbean.getAttributes.map(_.getName))) {
val attr = attrObj.asInstanceOf[Attribute]
attributesWhitelist match {
case Some(allowedAttributes) =>
attributes(name + ":" + attr.getName) = attr.getValue
case None => attributes(name + ":" + attr.getName) = attr.getValue
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