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kafka.admin.ConsumerGroupCommand.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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 * limitations under the License.

package kafka.admin

import java.text.{ParseException, SimpleDateFormat}
import java.time.{Duration, Instant}
import java.util.Properties
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException

import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.csv.CsvMapper
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.DefaultScalaModule
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.experimental.ScalaObjectMapper
import kafka.utils._
import org.apache.kafka.clients.admin._
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.{ConsumerConfig, KafkaConsumer, OffsetAndMetadata}
import org.apache.kafka.clients.{CommonClientConfigs, admin}
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Utils
import org.apache.kafka.common.{KafkaException, Node, TopicPartition}

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.collection.{Map, Seq, Set, immutable, mutable}
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
import joptsimple.OptionSpec
import org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.Errors

import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

object ConsumerGroupCommand extends Logging {

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val opts = new ConsumerGroupCommandOptions(args)

    CommandLineUtils.printHelpAndExitIfNeeded(opts, "This tool helps to list all consumer groups, describe a consumer group, delete consumer group info, or reset consumer group offsets.")

    // should have exactly one action
    val actions = Seq(opts.listOpt, opts.describeOpt, opts.deleteOpt, opts.resetOffsetsOpt, opts.deleteOffsetsOpt).count(opts.options.has)
    if (actions != 1)
      CommandLineUtils.printUsageAndDie(opts.parser, "Command must include exactly one action: --list, --describe, --delete, --reset-offsets, --delete-offsets")


    val consumerGroupService = new ConsumerGroupService(opts)

    try {
      if (opts.options.has(opts.listOpt))
      else if (opts.options.has(opts.describeOpt))
      else if (opts.options.has(opts.deleteOpt))
      else if (opts.options.has(opts.resetOffsetsOpt)) {
        val offsetsToReset = consumerGroupService.resetOffsets()
        if (opts.options.has(opts.exportOpt)) {
          val exported = consumerGroupService.exportOffsetsToCsv(offsetsToReset)
        } else
      else if (opts.options.has(opts.deleteOffsetsOpt)) {
    } catch {
      case e: Throwable =>
        printError(s"Executing consumer group command failed due to ${e.getMessage}", Some(e))
    } finally {


  def printError(msg: String, e: Option[Throwable] = None): Unit = {
    println(s"\nError: $msg")

  def convertTimestamp(timeString: String): java.lang.Long = {
    val datetime: String = timeString match {
      case ts if ts.split("T")(1).contains("+") || ts.split("T")(1).contains("-") || ts.split("T")(1).contains("Z") => ts.toString
      case ts => s"${ts}Z"
    val date = try {
      new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX").parse(datetime)
    } catch {
      case _: ParseException => new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSX").parse(datetime)

  def printOffsetsToReset(groupAssignmentsToReset: Map[String, Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata]]): Unit = {
    if (groupAssignmentsToReset.nonEmpty)
      println("\n%-30s %-30s %-10s %-15s".format("GROUP", "TOPIC", "PARTITION", "NEW-OFFSET"))
    for {
      (groupId, assignment) <- groupAssignmentsToReset
      (consumerAssignment, offsetAndMetadata) <- assignment
    } {
      println("%-30s %-30s %-10s %-15s".format(

  private[admin] case class PartitionAssignmentState(group: String, coordinator: Option[Node], topic: Option[String],
                                                partition: Option[Int], offset: Option[Long], lag: Option[Long],
                                                consumerId: Option[String], host: Option[String],
                                                clientId: Option[String], logEndOffset: Option[Long])

  private[admin] case class MemberAssignmentState(group: String, consumerId: String, host: String, clientId: String,
                                             numPartitions: Int, assignment: List[TopicPartition])

  private[admin] case class GroupState(group: String, coordinator: Node, assignmentStrategy: String, state: String, numMembers: Int)

  private[admin] sealed trait CsvRecord
  private[admin] case class CsvRecordWithGroup(group: String, topic: String, partition: Int, offset: Long) extends CsvRecord
  private[admin] case class CsvRecordNoGroup(topic: String, partition: Int, offset: Long) extends CsvRecord
  private[admin] object CsvRecordWithGroup {
    val fields = Array("group", "topic", "partition", "offset")
  private[admin] object CsvRecordNoGroup {
    val fields = Array("topic", "partition", "offset")
  // Example: CsvUtils().readerFor[CsvRecordWithoutGroup]
  private[admin] case class CsvUtils() {
    val mapper = new CsvMapper with ScalaObjectMapper
    def readerFor[T <: CsvRecord: ClassTag] = {
      val schema = getSchema[T]
      val clazz = implicitly[ClassTag[T]].runtimeClass
    def writerFor[T <: CsvRecord: ClassTag] = {
      val schema = getSchema[T]
      val clazz = implicitly[ClassTag[T]].runtimeClass
    private def getSchema[T <: CsvRecord: ClassTag] = {
      val clazz = implicitly[ClassTag[T]].runtimeClass
      val fields = clazz match {
        case _ if classOf[CsvRecordWithGroup] == clazz => CsvRecordWithGroup.fields
        case _ if classOf[CsvRecordNoGroup]   == clazz => CsvRecordNoGroup.fields
      val schema = mapper.schemaFor(clazz).sortedBy(fields: _*)

  class ConsumerGroupService(val opts: ConsumerGroupCommandOptions,
                             private[admin] val configOverrides: Map[String, String] = Map.empty) {

    private val adminClient = createAdminClient(configOverrides)

    // `consumers` are only needed for `describe`, so we instantiate them lazily
    private lazy val consumers: mutable.Map[String, KafkaConsumer[String, String]] = mutable.Map.empty

    // We have to make sure it is evaluated once and available
    private lazy val resetPlanFromFile: Option[Map[String, Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata]]] = {
      if (opts.options.has(opts.resetFromFileOpt)) {
        val resetPlanPath = opts.options.valueOf(opts.resetFromFileOpt)
        val resetPlanCsv = Utils.readFileAsString(resetPlanPath)
        val resetPlan = parseResetPlan(resetPlanCsv)
      } else None

    def listGroups(): List[String] = {
      val result = adminClient.listConsumerGroups(withTimeoutMs(new ListConsumerGroupsOptions))
      val listings = result.all.get.asScala

    private def shouldPrintMemberState(group: String, state: Option[String], numRows: Option[Int]): Boolean = {
      // numRows contains the number of data rows, if any, compiled from the API call in the caller method.
      // if it's undefined or 0, there is no relevant group information to display.
      numRows match {
        case None =>
          printError(s"The consumer group '$group' does not exist.")
        case Some(num) => state match {
          case Some("Dead") =>
            printError(s"Consumer group '$group' does not exist.")
          case Some("Empty") =>
            Console.err.println(s"\nConsumer group '$group' has no active members.")
          case Some("PreparingRebalance") | Some("CompletingRebalance") =>
            Console.err.println(s"\nWarning: Consumer group '$group' is rebalancing.")
          case Some("Stable") =>
          case other =>
            // the control should never reach here
            throw new KafkaException(s"Expected a valid consumer group state, but found '${other.getOrElse("NONE")}'.")
        !state.contains("Dead") && num > 0

    private def size(colOpt: Option[Seq[Object]]): Option[Int] =

    private def printOffsets(offsets: Map[String, (Option[String], Option[Seq[PartitionAssignmentState]])]): Unit = {
      for ((groupId, (state, assignments)) <- offsets) {
        if (shouldPrintMemberState(groupId, state, size(assignments))) {
          // find proper columns width
          var (maxGroupLen, maxTopicLen, maxConsumerIdLen, maxHostLen) = (15, 15, 15, 15)
          assignments match {
            case None => // do nothing
            case Some(consumerAssignments) =>
              consumerAssignments.foreach { consumerAssignment =>
                maxGroupLen = Math.max(maxGroupLen,
                maxTopicLen = Math.max(maxTopicLen, consumerAssignment.topic.getOrElse(MISSING_COLUMN_VALUE).length)
                maxConsumerIdLen = Math.max(maxConsumerIdLen, consumerAssignment.consumerId.getOrElse(MISSING_COLUMN_VALUE).length)
                maxHostLen = Math.max(maxHostLen,

          println(s"\n%${-maxGroupLen}s %${-maxTopicLen}s %-10s %-15s %-15s %-15s %${-maxConsumerIdLen}s %${-maxHostLen}s %s"

          assignments match {
            case None => // do nothing
            case Some(consumerAssignments) =>
              consumerAssignments.foreach { consumerAssignment =>
                println(s"%${-maxGroupLen}s %${-maxTopicLen}s %-10s %-15s %-15s %-15s %${-maxConsumerIdLen}s %${-maxHostLen}s %s".format(
                  consumerAssignment.topic.getOrElse(MISSING_COLUMN_VALUE), consumerAssignment.partition.getOrElse(MISSING_COLUMN_VALUE),
                  consumerAssignment.offset.getOrElse(MISSING_COLUMN_VALUE), consumerAssignment.logEndOffset.getOrElse(MISSING_COLUMN_VALUE),
                  consumerAssignment.lag.getOrElse(MISSING_COLUMN_VALUE), consumerAssignment.consumerId.getOrElse(MISSING_COLUMN_VALUE),
        , consumerAssignment.clientId.getOrElse(MISSING_COLUMN_VALUE))

    private def printMembers(members: Map[String, (Option[String], Option[Seq[MemberAssignmentState]])], verbose: Boolean): Unit = {
      for ((groupId, (state, assignments)) <- members) {
        if (shouldPrintMemberState(groupId, state, size(assignments))) {
          // find proper columns width
          var (maxGroupLen, maxConsumerIdLen, maxHostLen, maxClientIdLen) = (15, 15, 15, 15)
          assignments match {
            case None => // do nothing
            case Some(memberAssignments) =>
              memberAssignments.foreach { memberAssignment =>
                maxGroupLen = Math.max(maxGroupLen,
                maxConsumerIdLen = Math.max(maxConsumerIdLen, memberAssignment.consumerId.length)
                maxHostLen = Math.max(maxHostLen,
                maxClientIdLen = Math.max(maxClientIdLen, memberAssignment.clientId.length)

          print(s"\n%${-maxGroupLen}s %${-maxConsumerIdLen}s %${-maxHostLen}s %${-maxClientIdLen}s %-15s "
            .format("GROUP", "CONSUMER-ID", "HOST", "CLIENT-ID", "#PARTITIONS"))
          if (verbose)

          assignments match {
            case None => // do nothing
            case Some(memberAssignments) =>
              memberAssignments.foreach { memberAssignment =>
                print(s"%${-maxGroupLen}s %${-maxConsumerIdLen}s %${-maxHostLen}s %${-maxClientIdLen}s %-15s ".format(
        , memberAssignment.consumerId,, memberAssignment.clientId, memberAssignment.numPartitions))
                if (verbose) {
                  val partitions = memberAssignment.assignment match {
                    case List() => MISSING_COLUMN_VALUE
                    case assignment =>
                      assignment.groupBy(_.topic).map {
                        case (topic, partitionList) => topic +"(", ",", ")")
                      }.toList.sorted.mkString(", ")

    private def printStates(states: Map[String, GroupState]): Unit = {
      for ((groupId, state) <- states) {
        if (shouldPrintMemberState(groupId, Some(state.state), Some(1))) {
          val coordinator = s"${}:${state.coordinator.port} (${state.coordinator.idString})"
          val coordinatorColLen = Math.max(25, coordinator.length)
          print(s"\n%${-coordinatorColLen}s %-25s %-20s %-15s %s".format("GROUP", "COORDINATOR (ID)", "ASSIGNMENT-STRATEGY", "STATE", "#MEMBERS"))
          print(s"\n%${-coordinatorColLen}s %-25s %-20s %-15s %s".format(, coordinator, state.assignmentStrategy, state.state, state.numMembers))

    def describeGroups(): Unit = {
      val groupIds =
        if (opts.options.has(opts.allGroupsOpt)) listGroups()
        else opts.options.valuesOf(opts.groupOpt).asScala
      val membersOptPresent = opts.options.has(opts.membersOpt)
      val stateOptPresent = opts.options.has(opts.stateOpt)
      val offsetsOptPresent = opts.options.has(opts.offsetsOpt)
      val subActions = Seq(membersOptPresent, offsetsOptPresent, stateOptPresent).count(_ == true)

      if (subActions == 0 || offsetsOptPresent) {
        val offsets = collectGroupsOffsets(groupIds)
      } else if (membersOptPresent) {
        val members = collectGroupsMembers(groupIds, opts.options.has(opts.verboseOpt))
        printMembers(members, opts.options.has(opts.verboseOpt))
      } else {
        val states = collectGroupsState(groupIds)

    private def collectConsumerAssignment(group: String,
                                          coordinator: Option[Node],
                                          topicPartitions: Seq[TopicPartition],
                                          getPartitionOffset: TopicPartition => Option[Long],
                                          consumerIdOpt: Option[String],
                                          hostOpt: Option[String],
                                          clientIdOpt: Option[String]): Array[PartitionAssignmentState] = {
      if (topicPartitions.isEmpty) {
          PartitionAssignmentState(group, coordinator, None, None, None, getLag(None, None), consumerIdOpt, hostOpt, clientIdOpt, None)
        describePartitions(group, coordinator, topicPartitions.sortBy(_.partition), getPartitionOffset, consumerIdOpt, hostOpt, clientIdOpt)

    private def getLag(offset: Option[Long], logEndOffset: Option[Long]): Option[Long] =
      offset.filter(_ != -1).flatMap(offset => - offset))

    private def describePartitions(group: String,
                                   coordinator: Option[Node],
                                   topicPartitions: Seq[TopicPartition],
                                   getPartitionOffset: TopicPartition => Option[Long],
                                   consumerIdOpt: Option[String],
                                   hostOpt: Option[String],
                                   clientIdOpt: Option[String]): Array[PartitionAssignmentState] = {

      def getDescribePartitionResult(topicPartition: TopicPartition, logEndOffsetOpt: Option[Long]): PartitionAssignmentState = {
        val offset = getPartitionOffset(topicPartition)
        PartitionAssignmentState(group, coordinator, Option(topicPartition.topic), Option(topicPartition.partition), offset,
          getLag(offset, logEndOffsetOpt), consumerIdOpt, hostOpt, clientIdOpt, logEndOffsetOpt)

      getLogEndOffsets(group, topicPartitions).map {
        logEndOffsetResult =>
          logEndOffsetResult._2 match {
            case LogOffsetResult.LogOffset(logEndOffset) => getDescribePartitionResult(logEndOffsetResult._1, Some(logEndOffset))
            case LogOffsetResult.Unknown => getDescribePartitionResult(logEndOffsetResult._1, None)
            case LogOffsetResult.Ignore => null

    def resetOffsets(): Map[String, Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata]] = {
      val groupIds =
        if (opts.options.has(opts.allGroupsOpt)) listGroups()
        else opts.options.valuesOf(opts.groupOpt).asScala

      val consumerGroups = adminClient.describeConsumerGroups(
        withTimeoutMs(new DescribeConsumerGroupsOptions)

      val result =
        consumerGroups.asScala.foldLeft(immutable.Map[String, Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata]]()) {
          case (acc, (groupId, groupDescription)) =>
            groupDescription.get.state().toString match {
              case "Empty" | "Dead" =>
                val partitionsToReset = getPartitionsToReset(groupId)
                val preparedOffsets = prepareOffsetsToReset(groupId, partitionsToReset)

                // Dry-run is the default behavior if --execute is not specified
                val dryRun = opts.options.has(opts.dryRunOpt) || !opts.options.has(opts.executeOpt)
                if (!dryRun)
                acc.updated(groupId, preparedOffsets)
              case currentState =>
                printError(s"Assignments can only be reset if the group '$groupId' is inactive, but the current state is $currentState.")
                acc.updated(groupId, Map.empty)

    def deleteOffsets(groupId: String, topics: List[String]): (Errors, Map[TopicPartition, Throwable]) = {
      var partitionLevelResult: Map[TopicPartition, Throwable] = mutable.HashMap()

      val (topicWithPartitions, topicWithoutPartitions) = topics.partition(_.contains(":"))

      val knownPartitions = topicWithPartitions.flatMap { topicArg =>
        val split = topicArg.split(":")
        split(1).split(",").map { partition =>
          new TopicPartition(split(0), partition.toInt)

      // Get the partitions of topics that the user did not explicitly specify the partitions
      val describeTopicsResult = adminClient.describeTopics(
        withTimeoutMs(new DescribeTopicsOptions))

      val unknownPartitions = describeTopicsResult.values().asScala.flatMap { case (topic, future) =>
        Try(future.get()) match {
          case Success(description) => description.partitions() { partition =>
            new TopicPartition(topic, partition.partition())
          case Failure(e) =>
            partitionLevelResult += new TopicPartition(topic, -1) -> e

      val partitions = knownPartitions ++ unknownPartitions

      val deleteResult = adminClient.deleteConsumerGroupOffsets(
        withTimeoutMs(new DeleteConsumerGroupOffsetsOptions)

      var topLevelException = Errors.NONE
      Try(deleteResult.all.get) match {
        case Success(_) =>
        case Failure(e) => topLevelException = Errors.forException(e.getCause)

      partitions.foreach { partition =>
        Try(deleteResult.partitionResult(partition).get()) match {
          case Success(_) => partitionLevelResult += partition -> null
          case Failure(e) => partitionLevelResult += partition -> e

      (topLevelException, partitionLevelResult)

    def deleteOffsets(): Unit = {
      val groupId = opts.options.valueOf(opts.groupOpt)
      val topics = opts.options.valuesOf(opts.topicOpt).asScala.toList

      val (topLevelResult, partitionLevelResult) = deleteOffsets(groupId, topics)

      topLevelResult match {
        case Errors.NONE =>
          println(s"Request succeed for deleting offsets with topic ${topics.mkString(", ")} group $groupId")
        case Errors.INVALID_GROUP_ID =>
          printError(s"'$groupId' is not valid.")
        case Errors.GROUP_ID_NOT_FOUND =>
          printError(s"'$groupId' does not exist.")
          printError(s"Access to '$groupId' is not authorized.")
        case Errors.NON_EMPTY_GROUP =>
          printError(s"Deleting offsets of a consumer group '$groupId' is forbidden if the group is not empty.")
        case Errors.GROUP_SUBSCRIBED_TO_TOPIC |
             Errors.UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PARTITION =>
          printError(s"Encounter some partition level error, see the follow-up details:")
        case _ =>
          printError(s"Encounter some unknown error: $topLevelResult")

      println("\n%-30s %-15s %-15s".format("TOPIC", "PARTITION", "STATUS"))
      partitionLevelResult.toList.sortBy(t => t._1.topic + t._1.partition.toString).foreach { case (tp, error) =>
        println("%-30s %-15s %-15s".format(
          if (tp.partition >= 0) tp.partition else "Not Provided",
          if (error != null) s"Error: ${error.getMessage}" else "Successful"

    private[admin] def describeConsumerGroups(groupIds: Seq[String]): mutable.Map[String, ConsumerGroupDescription] = {
        withTimeoutMs(new DescribeConsumerGroupsOptions)
      ).describedGroups() {
        case (groupId, groupDescriptionFuture) => (groupId, groupDescriptionFuture.get())

      * Returns the state of the specified consumer group and partition assignment states
    def collectGroupOffsets(groupId: String): (Option[String], Option[Seq[PartitionAssignmentState]]) = {
      collectGroupsOffsets(List(groupId)).getOrElse(groupId, (None, None))

      * Returns states of the specified consumer groups and partition assignment states
    def collectGroupsOffsets(groupIds: Seq[String]): TreeMap[String, (Option[String], Option[Seq[PartitionAssignmentState]])] = {
      val consumerGroups = describeConsumerGroups(groupIds)

      val groupOffsets = TreeMap[String, (Option[String], Option[Seq[PartitionAssignmentState]])]() ++ (for ((groupId, consumerGroup) <- consumerGroups) yield {
        val state = consumerGroup.state
        val committedOffsets = getCommittedOffsets(groupId)
        var assignedTopicPartitions = ListBuffer[TopicPartition]()
        val rowsWithConsumer = consumerGroup.members.asScala.filter(!_.assignment.topicPartitions.isEmpty).toSeq
          .sortWith(_.assignment.topicPartitions.size > _.assignment.topicPartitions.size).flatMap { consumerSummary =>
          val topicPartitions = consumerSummary.assignment.topicPartitions.asScala
          assignedTopicPartitions = assignedTopicPartitions ++ topicPartitions
          val partitionOffsets = consumerSummary.assignment.topicPartitions.asScala
            .map { topicPartition =>
              topicPartition -> committedOffsets.get(topicPartition).map(_.offset)
          collectConsumerAssignment(groupId, Option(consumerGroup.coordinator), topicPartitions.toList,
            partitionOffsets, Some(s"${consumerSummary.consumerId}"), Some(s"${}"),
        val rowsWithoutConsumer = committedOffsets.filterKeys(!assignedTopicPartitions.contains(_)).flatMap {
          case (topicPartition, offset) =>
              Map(topicPartition -> Some(offset.offset)),
        groupId -> (Some(state.toString), Some(rowsWithConsumer ++ rowsWithoutConsumer))


    private[admin] def collectGroupMembers(groupId: String, verbose: Boolean): (Option[String], Option[Seq[MemberAssignmentState]]) = {
      collectGroupsMembers(Seq(groupId), verbose)(groupId)

    private[admin] def collectGroupsMembers(groupIds: Seq[String], verbose: Boolean): TreeMap[String, (Option[String], Option[Seq[MemberAssignmentState]])] = {
      val consumerGroups = describeConsumerGroups(groupIds)
      TreeMap[String, (Option[String], Option[Seq[MemberAssignmentState]])]() ++ (for ((groupId, consumerGroup) <- consumerGroups) yield {
        val state = consumerGroup.state.toString
        val memberAssignmentStates = consumerGroup.members() =>
            if (verbose) consumer.assignment.topicPartitions.asScala.toList else List()
        groupId -> (Some(state), Option(memberAssignmentStates))

    private[admin] def collectGroupState(groupId: String): GroupState = {

    private[admin] def collectGroupsState(groupIds: Seq[String]): TreeMap[String, GroupState] = {
      val consumerGroups = describeConsumerGroups(groupIds)
      TreeMap[String, GroupState]() ++ (for ((groupId, groupDescription) <- consumerGroups) yield {
        groupId -> GroupState(

    private def getLogEndOffsets(groupId: String, topicPartitions: Seq[TopicPartition]): Map[TopicPartition, LogOffsetResult] = {
      val offsets = getConsumer(groupId).endOffsets(topicPartitions.asJava) { topicPartition =>
        Option(offsets.get(topicPartition)) match {
          case Some(logEndOffset) => topicPartition -> LogOffsetResult.LogOffset(logEndOffset)
          case _ => topicPartition -> LogOffsetResult.Unknown

    private def getLogStartOffsets(groupId: String, topicPartitions: Seq[TopicPartition]): Map[TopicPartition, LogOffsetResult] = {
      val offsets = getConsumer(groupId).beginningOffsets(topicPartitions.asJava) { topicPartition =>
        Option(offsets.get(topicPartition)) match {
          case Some(logStartOffset) => topicPartition -> LogOffsetResult.LogOffset(logStartOffset)
          case _ => topicPartition -> LogOffsetResult.Unknown

    private def getLogTimestampOffsets(groupId: String, topicPartitions: Seq[TopicPartition], timestamp: java.lang.Long): Map[TopicPartition, LogOffsetResult] = {
      val consumer = getConsumer(groupId)

      val (successfulOffsetsForTimes, unsuccessfulOffsetsForTimes) =
        consumer.offsetsForTimes( -> timestamp).toMap.asJava).asScala.partition(_._2 != null)

      val successfulLogTimestampOffsets = {
        case (topicPartition, offsetAndTimestamp) => topicPartition -> LogOffsetResult.LogOffset(offsetAndTimestamp.offset)

      successfulLogTimestampOffsets ++ getLogEndOffsets(groupId, unsuccessfulOffsetsForTimes.keySet.toSeq)

    def close(): Unit = {
      consumers.values.foreach(consumer =>

    private def createAdminClient(configOverrides: Map[String, String]): Admin = {
      val props = if (opts.options.has(opts.commandConfigOpt)) Utils.loadProps(opts.options.valueOf(opts.commandConfigOpt)) else new Properties()
      props.put(CommonClientConfigs.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, opts.options.valueOf(opts.bootstrapServerOpt))
      configOverrides.foreach { case (k, v) => props.put(k, v)}

    private def getConsumer(groupId: String) = {
      if (consumers.get(groupId).isEmpty)
        consumers.update(groupId, createConsumer(groupId))

    private def createConsumer(groupId: String): KafkaConsumer[String, String] = {
      val properties = new Properties()
      val deserializer = (new StringDeserializer).getClass.getName
      val brokerUrl = opts.options.valueOf(opts.bootstrapServerOpt)
      properties.put(ConsumerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, brokerUrl)
      properties.put(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG, groupId)
      properties.put(ConsumerConfig.ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT_CONFIG, "false")
      properties.put(ConsumerConfig.SESSION_TIMEOUT_MS_CONFIG, "30000")
      properties.put(ConsumerConfig.KEY_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, deserializer)
      properties.put(ConsumerConfig.VALUE_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, deserializer)

      if (opts.options.has(opts.commandConfigOpt)) {
        Utils.loadProps(opts.options.valueOf(opts.commandConfigOpt)).asScala.foreach {
          case (k,v) => properties.put(k, v)

      new KafkaConsumer(properties)

    private def withTimeoutMs [T <: AbstractOptions[T]] (options : T) =  {
      val t = opts.options.valueOf(opts.timeoutMsOpt).intValue()

    private def parseTopicPartitionsToReset(groupId: String, topicArgs: Seq[String]): Seq[TopicPartition] = topicArgs.flatMap {
      case topicArg if topicArg.contains(":") =>
        val topicPartitions = topicArg.split(":")
        val topic = topicPartitions(0)
        topicPartitions(1).split(",").map(partition => new TopicPartition(topic, partition.toInt))
      case topic => getConsumer(groupId).partitionsFor(topic).asScala
        .map(partitionInfo => new TopicPartition(topic, partitionInfo.partition))

    private def getPartitionsToReset(groupId: String): Seq[TopicPartition] = {
      if (opts.options.has(opts.allTopicsOpt)) {
      } else if (opts.options.has(opts.topicOpt)) {
        val topics = opts.options.valuesOf(opts.topicOpt).asScala
        parseTopicPartitionsToReset(groupId, topics)
      } else {
        if (opts.options.has(opts.resetFromFileOpt))
          CommandLineUtils.printUsageAndDie(opts.parser, "One of the reset scopes should be defined: --all-topics, --topic.")

    private def getCommittedOffsets(groupId: String): Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata] = {
        withTimeoutMs(new ListConsumerGroupOffsetsOptions)

    type GroupMetadata = immutable.Map[String, immutable.Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata]]
    private def parseResetPlan(resetPlanCsv: String): GroupMetadata = {
      def updateGroupMetadata(group: String, topic: String, partition: Int, offset: Long, acc: GroupMetadata) = {
        val topicPartition = new TopicPartition(topic, partition)
        val offsetAndMetadata = new OffsetAndMetadata(offset)
        val dataMap = acc.getOrElse(group, immutable.Map()).updated(topicPartition, offsetAndMetadata)
        acc.updated(group, dataMap)
      val csvReader = CsvUtils().readerFor[CsvRecordNoGroup]
      val lines = resetPlanCsv.split("\n")
      val isSingleGroupQuery = opts.options.valuesOf(opts.groupOpt).size() == 1
      val isOldCsvFormat = lines.headOption.flatMap(line =>
      // Single group CSV format: "topic,partition,offset"
      val dataMap = if (isSingleGroupQuery && isOldCsvFormat) {
        val group = opts.options.valueOf(opts.groupOpt)
        lines.foldLeft(immutable.Map[String, immutable.Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata]]()) { (acc, line) =>
          val CsvRecordNoGroup(topic, partition, offset) = csvReader.readValue[CsvRecordNoGroup](line)
          updateGroupMetadata(group, topic, partition, offset, acc)
        // Multiple group CSV format: "group,topic,partition,offset"
      } else {
        val csvReader = CsvUtils().readerFor[CsvRecordWithGroup]
        lines.foldLeft(immutable.Map[String, immutable.Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata]]()) { (acc, line) =>
          val CsvRecordWithGroup(group, topic, partition, offset) = csvReader.readValue[CsvRecordWithGroup](line)
          updateGroupMetadata(group, topic, partition, offset, acc)

    private def prepareOffsetsToReset(groupId: String,
                                      partitionsToReset: Seq[TopicPartition]): Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata] = {
      if (opts.options.has(opts.resetToOffsetOpt)) {
        val offset = opts.options.valueOf(opts.resetToOffsetOpt)
        checkOffsetsRange(groupId,, offset)).toMap).map {
          case (topicPartition, newOffset) => (topicPartition, new OffsetAndMetadata(newOffset))
      } else if (opts.options.has(opts.resetToEarliestOpt)) {
        val logStartOffsets = getLogStartOffsets(groupId, partitionsToReset) { topicPartition =>
          logStartOffsets.get(topicPartition) match {
            case Some(LogOffsetResult.LogOffset(offset)) => (topicPartition, new OffsetAndMetadata(offset))
            case _ => CommandLineUtils.printUsageAndDie(opts.parser, s"Error getting starting offset of topic partition: $topicPartition")
      } else if (opts.options.has(opts.resetToLatestOpt)) {
        val logEndOffsets = getLogEndOffsets(groupId, partitionsToReset) { topicPartition =>
          logEndOffsets.get(topicPartition) match {
            case Some(LogOffsetResult.LogOffset(offset)) => (topicPartition, new OffsetAndMetadata(offset))
            case _ => CommandLineUtils.printUsageAndDie(opts.parser, s"Error getting ending offset of topic partition: $topicPartition")
      } else if (opts.options.has(opts.resetShiftByOpt)) {
        val currentCommittedOffsets = getCommittedOffsets(groupId)
        val requestedOffsets = { topicPartition =>
          val shiftBy = opts.options.valueOf(opts.resetShiftByOpt)
          val currentOffset = currentCommittedOffsets.getOrElse(topicPartition,
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Cannot shift offset for partition $topicPartition since there is no current committed offset")).offset
          (topicPartition, currentOffset + shiftBy)
        checkOffsetsRange(groupId, requestedOffsets).map {
          case (topicPartition, newOffset) => (topicPartition, new OffsetAndMetadata(newOffset))
      } else if (opts.options.has(opts.resetToDatetimeOpt)) {
        val timestamp = convertTimestamp(opts.options.valueOf(opts.resetToDatetimeOpt))
        val logTimestampOffsets = getLogTimestampOffsets(groupId, partitionsToReset, timestamp) { topicPartition =>
          val logTimestampOffset = logTimestampOffsets.get(topicPartition)
          logTimestampOffset match {
            case Some(LogOffsetResult.LogOffset(offset)) => (topicPartition, new OffsetAndMetadata(offset))
            case _ => CommandLineUtils.printUsageAndDie(opts.parser, s"Error getting offset by timestamp of topic partition: $topicPartition")
      } else if (opts.options.has(opts.resetByDurationOpt)) {
        val duration = opts.options.valueOf(opts.resetByDurationOpt)
        val durationParsed = Duration.parse(duration)
        val now =
        val timestamp = now.minus(durationParsed).toEpochMilli
        val logTimestampOffsets = getLogTimestampOffsets(groupId, partitionsToReset, timestamp) { topicPartition =>
          val logTimestampOffset = logTimestampOffsets.get(topicPartition)
          logTimestampOffset match {
            case Some(LogOffsetResult.LogOffset(offset)) => (topicPartition, new OffsetAndMetadata(offset))
            case _ => CommandLineUtils.printUsageAndDie(opts.parser, s"Error getting offset by timestamp of topic partition: $topicPartition")
      } else if (resetPlanFromFile.isDefined) { => resetPlan.get(groupId).map { resetPlanForGroup =>
          val requestedOffsets = { topicPartition =>
            topicPartition -> resetPlanForGroup(topicPartition).offset
          checkOffsetsRange(groupId, requestedOffsets).map {
            case (topicPartition, newOffset) => (topicPartition, new OffsetAndMetadata(newOffset))
        } match {
          case Some(resetPlanForGroup) => resetPlanForGroup
          case None =>
            printError(s"No reset plan for group $groupId found")
            Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata]()
      } else if (opts.options.has(opts.resetToCurrentOpt)) {
        val currentCommittedOffsets = getCommittedOffsets(groupId)
        val (partitionsToResetWithCommittedOffset, partitionsToResetWithoutCommittedOffset) =

        val preparedOffsetsForPartitionsWithCommittedOffset = { topicPartition =>
          (topicPartition, new OffsetAndMetadata(currentCommittedOffsets.get(topicPartition) match {
            case Some(offset) => offset.offset
            case None => throw new IllegalStateException(s"Expected a valid current offset for topic partition: $topicPartition")

        val preparedOffsetsForPartitionsWithoutCommittedOffset = getLogEndOffsets(groupId, partitionsToResetWithoutCommittedOffset).map {
          case (topicPartition, LogOffsetResult.LogOffset(offset)) => (topicPartition, new OffsetAndMetadata(offset))
          case (topicPartition, _) => CommandLineUtils.printUsageAndDie(opts.parser, s"Error getting ending offset of topic partition: $topicPartition")

        preparedOffsetsForPartitionsWithCommittedOffset ++ preparedOffsetsForPartitionsWithoutCommittedOffset
      } else {
        CommandLineUtils.printUsageAndDie(opts.parser, "Option '%s' requires one of the following scenarios: %s".format(opts.resetOffsetsOpt, opts.allResetOffsetScenarioOpts) )

    private def checkOffsetsRange(groupId: String, requestedOffsets: Map[TopicPartition, Long]) = {
      val logStartOffsets = getLogStartOffsets(groupId, requestedOffsets.keySet.toSeq)
      val logEndOffsets = getLogEndOffsets(groupId, requestedOffsets.keySet.toSeq) { case (topicPartition, offset) => (topicPartition,
        logEndOffsets.get(topicPartition) match {
          case Some(LogOffsetResult.LogOffset(endOffset)) if offset > endOffset =>
            warn(s"New offset ($offset) is higher than latest offset for topic partition $topicPartition. Value will be set to $endOffset")

          case Some(_) => logStartOffsets.get(topicPartition) match {
            case Some(LogOffsetResult.LogOffset(startOffset)) if offset < startOffset =>
              warn(s"New offset ($offset) is lower than earliest offset for topic partition $topicPartition. Value will be set to $startOffset")

            case _ => offset

          case None => // the control should not reach here
            throw new IllegalStateException(s"Unexpected non-existing offset value for topic partition $topicPartition")

    def exportOffsetsToCsv(assignments: Map[String, Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata]]): String = {
      val isSingleGroupQuery = opts.options.valuesOf(opts.groupOpt).size() == 1
      val csvWriter =
        if (isSingleGroupQuery) CsvUtils().writerFor[CsvRecordNoGroup]
        else CsvUtils().writerFor[CsvRecordWithGroup]
      val rows = assignments.flatMap { case (groupId, partitionInfo) => { case (k: TopicPartition, v: OffsetAndMetadata) =>
          val csvRecord =
            if (isSingleGroupQuery) CsvRecordNoGroup(k.topic, k.partition, v.offset)
            else CsvRecordWithGroup(groupId, k.topic, k.partition, v.offset)

    def deleteGroups(): Map[String, Throwable] = {
      val groupIds =
        if (opts.options.has(opts.allGroupsOpt)) listGroups()
        else opts.options.valuesOf(opts.groupOpt).asScala

      val groupsToDelete = adminClient.deleteConsumerGroups(
        withTimeoutMs(new DeleteConsumerGroupsOptions)

      val result = groupsToDelete.mapValues { f =>
        Try(f.get) match {
          case _: Success[_] => null
          case Failure(e) => e

      val (success, failed) = result.partition {
        case (_, error) => error == null

      if (failed.isEmpty) {
        println(s"Deletion of requested consumer groups (${success.keySet.mkString("'", "', '", "'")}) was successful.")
      else {
        printError("Deletion of some consumer groups failed:")
        failed.foreach {
          case (group, error) => println(s"* Group '$group' could not be deleted due to: ${error.toString}")
        if (success.nonEmpty)
          println(s"\nThese consumer groups were deleted successfully: ${success.keySet.mkString("'", "', '", "'")}")


  sealed trait LogOffsetResult

  object LogOffsetResult {
    case class LogOffset(value: Long) extends LogOffsetResult
    case object Unknown extends LogOffsetResult
    case object Ignore extends LogOffsetResult

  class ConsumerGroupCommandOptions(args: Array[String]) extends CommandDefaultOptions(args) {
    val BootstrapServerDoc = "REQUIRED: The server(s) to connect to."
    val GroupDoc = "The consumer group we wish to act on."
    val TopicDoc = "The topic whose consumer group information should be deleted or topic whose should be included in the reset offset process. " +
      "In `reset-offsets` case, partitions can be specified using this format: `topic1:0,1,2`, where 0,1,2 are the partition to be included in the process. " +
      "Reset-offsets also supports multiple topic inputs."
    val AllTopicsDoc = "Consider all topics assigned to a group in the `reset-offsets` process."
    val ListDoc = "List all consumer groups."
    val DescribeDoc = "Describe consumer group and list offset lag (number of messages not yet processed) related to given group."
    val AllGroupsDoc = "Apply to all consumer groups."
    val nl = System.getProperty("line.separator")
    val DeleteDoc = "Pass in groups to delete topic partition offsets and ownership information " +
      "over the entire consumer group. For instance --group g1 --group g2"
    val TimeoutMsDoc = "The timeout that can be set for some use cases. For example, it can be used when describing the group " +
      "to specify the maximum amount of time in milliseconds to wait before the group stabilizes (when the group is just created, " +
      "or is going through some changes)."
    val CommandConfigDoc = "Property file containing configs to be passed to Admin Client and Consumer."
    val ResetOffsetsDoc = "Reset offsets of consumer group. Supports one consumer group at the time, and instances should be inactive" + nl +
      "Has 2 execution options: --dry-run (the default) to plan which offsets to reset, and --execute to update the offsets. " +
      "Additionally, the --export option is used to export the results to a CSV format." + nl +
      "You must choose one of the following reset specifications: --to-datetime, --by-period, --to-earliest, " +
      "--to-latest, --shift-by, --from-file, --to-current." + nl +
      "To define the scope use --all-topics or --topic. One scope must be specified unless you use '--from-file'."
    val DryRunDoc = "Only show results without executing changes on Consumer Groups. Supported operations: reset-offsets."
    val ExecuteDoc = "Execute operation. Supported operations: reset-offsets."
    val ExportDoc = "Export operation execution to a CSV file. Supported operations: reset-offsets."
    val ResetToOffsetDoc = "Reset offsets to a specific offset."
    val ResetFromFileDoc = "Reset offsets to values defined in CSV file."
    val ResetToDatetimeDoc = "Reset offsets to offset from datetime. Format: 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:SS.sss'"
    val ResetByDurationDoc = "Reset offsets to offset by duration from current timestamp. Format: 'PnDTnHnMnS'"
    val ResetToEarliestDoc = "Reset offsets to earliest offset."
    val ResetToLatestDoc = "Reset offsets to latest offset."
    val ResetToCurrentDoc = "Reset offsets to current offset."
    val ResetShiftByDoc = "Reset offsets shifting current offset by 'n', where 'n' can be positive or negative."
    val MembersDoc = "Describe members of the group. This option may be used with '--describe' and '--bootstrap-server' options only." + nl +
      "Example: --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --group group1 --members"
    val VerboseDoc = "Provide additional information, if any, when describing the group. This option may be used " +
      "with '--offsets'/'--members'/'--state' and '--bootstrap-server' options only." + nl + "Example: --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --group group1 --members --verbose"
    val OffsetsDoc = "Describe the group and list all topic partitions in the group along with their offset lag. " +
      "This is the default sub-action of and may be used with '--describe' and '--bootstrap-server' options only." + nl +
      "Example: --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --group group1 --offsets"
    val StateDoc = "Describe the group state. This option may be used with '--describe' and '--bootstrap-server' options only." + nl +
      "Example: --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --group group1 --state"
    val DeleteOffsetsDoc = "Delete offsets of consumer group. Supports one consumer group at the time, and multiple topics."

    val bootstrapServerOpt = parser.accepts("bootstrap-server", BootstrapServerDoc)
                                   .describedAs("server to connect to")
    val groupOpt = parser.accepts("group", GroupDoc)
                         .describedAs("consumer group")
    val topicOpt = parser.accepts("topic", TopicDoc)
    val allTopicsOpt = parser.accepts("all-topics", AllTopicsDoc)
    val listOpt = parser.accepts("list", ListDoc)
    val describeOpt = parser.accepts("describe", DescribeDoc)
    val allGroupsOpt = parser.accepts("all-groups", AllGroupsDoc)
    val deleteOpt = parser.accepts("delete", DeleteDoc)
    val timeoutMsOpt = parser.accepts("timeout", TimeoutMsDoc)
                             .describedAs("timeout (ms)")
    val commandConfigOpt = parser.accepts("command-config", CommandConfigDoc)
                                  .describedAs("command config property file")
    val resetOffsetsOpt = parser.accepts("reset-offsets", ResetOffsetsDoc)
    val deleteOffsetsOpt = parser.accepts("delete-offsets", DeleteOffsetsDoc)
    val dryRunOpt = parser.accepts("dry-run", DryRunDoc)
    val executeOpt = parser.accepts("execute", ExecuteDoc)
    val exportOpt = parser.accepts("export", ExportDoc)
    val resetToOffsetOpt = parser.accepts("to-offset", ResetToOffsetDoc)
    val resetFromFileOpt = parser.accepts("from-file", ResetFromFileDoc)
                                 .describedAs("path to CSV file")
    val resetToDatetimeOpt = parser.accepts("to-datetime", ResetToDatetimeDoc)
    val resetByDurationOpt = parser.accepts("by-duration", ResetByDurationDoc)
    val resetToEarliestOpt = parser.accepts("to-earliest", ResetToEarliestDoc)
    val resetToLatestOpt = parser.accepts("to-latest", ResetToLatestDoc)
    val resetToCurrentOpt = parser.accepts("to-current", ResetToCurrentDoc)
    val resetShiftByOpt = parser.accepts("shift-by", ResetShiftByDoc)
    val membersOpt = parser.accepts("members", MembersDoc)
    val verboseOpt = parser.accepts("verbose", VerboseDoc)
    val offsetsOpt = parser.accepts("offsets", OffsetsDoc)
    val stateOpt = parser.accepts("state", StateDoc)

    parser.mutuallyExclusive(membersOpt, offsetsOpt, stateOpt)

    options = parser.parse(args : _*)

    val allGroupSelectionScopeOpts: Set[OptionSpec[_]] = Set(groupOpt, allGroupsOpt)
    val allConsumerGroupLevelOpts: Set[OptionSpec[_]]  = Set(listOpt, describeOpt, deleteOpt, resetOffsetsOpt)
    val allResetOffsetScenarioOpts: Set[OptionSpec[_]] = Set(resetToOffsetOpt, resetShiftByOpt,
      resetToDatetimeOpt, resetByDurationOpt, resetToEarliestOpt, resetToLatestOpt, resetToCurrentOpt, resetFromFileOpt)
    val allDeleteOffsetsOpts: Set[OptionSpec[_]] = Set(groupOpt, topicOpt)

    def checkArgs(): Unit = {

      CommandLineUtils.checkRequiredArgs(parser, options, bootstrapServerOpt)

      if (options.has(describeOpt)) {
        if (!options.has(groupOpt) && !options.has(allGroupsOpt))
            s"Option $describeOpt takes one of these options: ${allGroupSelectionScopeOpts.mkString(", ")}")
      } else {
        if (options.has(timeoutMsOpt))
          debug(s"Option $timeoutMsOpt is applicable only when $describeOpt is used.")

      if (options.has(deleteOpt)) {
        if (!options.has(groupOpt) && !options.has(allGroupsOpt))
            s"Option $deleteOpt takes one of these options: ${allGroupSelectionScopeOpts.mkString(", ")}")
        if (options.has(topicOpt))
          CommandLineUtils.printUsageAndDie(parser, s"The consumer does not support topic-specific offset " +
            "deletion from a consumer group.")

      if (options.has(deleteOffsetsOpt)) {
        if (!options.has(groupOpt) || !options.has(topicOpt))
            s"Option $deleteOffsetsOpt takes the following options: ${allDeleteOffsetsOpts.mkString(", ")}")

      if (options.has(resetOffsetsOpt)) {
        if (options.has(dryRunOpt) && options.has(executeOpt))
          CommandLineUtils.printUsageAndDie(parser, s"Option $resetOffsetsOpt only accepts one of $executeOpt and $dryRunOpt")

        if (!options.has(dryRunOpt) && !options.has(executeOpt)) {
          Console.err.println("WARN: No action will be performed as the --execute option is missing." +
            "In a future major release, the default behavior of this command will be to prompt the user before " +
            "executing the reset rather than doing a dry run. You should add the --dry-run option explicitly " +
            "if you are scripting this command and want to keep the current default behavior without prompting.")

        if (!options.has(groupOpt) && !options.has(allGroupsOpt))
            s"Option $resetOffsetsOpt takes one of these options: ${allGroupSelectionScopeOpts.mkString(", ")}")
        CommandLineUtils.checkInvalidArgs(parser, options, resetToOffsetOpt,   allResetOffsetScenarioOpts - resetToOffsetOpt)
        CommandLineUtils.checkInvalidArgs(parser, options, resetToDatetimeOpt, allResetOffsetScenarioOpts - resetToDatetimeOpt)
        CommandLineUtils.checkInvalidArgs(parser, options, resetByDurationOpt, allResetOffsetScenarioOpts - resetByDurationOpt)
        CommandLineUtils.checkInvalidArgs(parser, options, resetToEarliestOpt, allResetOffsetScenarioOpts - resetToEarliestOpt)
        CommandLineUtils.checkInvalidArgs(parser, options, resetToLatestOpt,   allResetOffsetScenarioOpts - resetToLatestOpt)
        CommandLineUtils.checkInvalidArgs(parser, options, resetToCurrentOpt,  allResetOffsetScenarioOpts - resetToCurrentOpt)
        CommandLineUtils.checkInvalidArgs(parser, options, resetShiftByOpt,    allResetOffsetScenarioOpts - resetShiftByOpt)
        CommandLineUtils.checkInvalidArgs(parser, options, resetFromFileOpt,   allResetOffsetScenarioOpts - resetFromFileOpt)

      CommandLineUtils.checkInvalidArgs(parser, options, groupOpt, allGroupSelectionScopeOpts - groupOpt)
      CommandLineUtils.checkInvalidArgs(parser, options, groupOpt, allConsumerGroupLevelOpts - describeOpt - deleteOpt - resetOffsetsOpt)
      CommandLineUtils.checkInvalidArgs(parser, options, topicOpt, allConsumerGroupLevelOpts - deleteOpt - resetOffsetsOpt)

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