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kafka.server.ZkAdminManager.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
  * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
  * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
  * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
  * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
  * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
package kafka.server

import java.util
import java.util.Properties

import kafka.admin.{AdminOperationException, AdminUtils}
import kafka.common.TopicAlreadyMarkedForDeletionException
import kafka.log.LogConfig
import kafka.metrics.KafkaMetricsGroup
import kafka.server.ConfigAdminManager.{prepareIncrementalConfigs, toLoggableProps}
import kafka.server.DynamicConfig.QuotaConfigs
import kafka.server.metadata.ZkConfigRepository
import kafka.utils._
import kafka.utils.Implicits._
import kafka.zk.{AdminZkClient, KafkaZkClient}
import org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.{AlterConfigOp, ScramMechanism}
import org.apache.kafka.common.Uuid
import org.apache.kafka.common.config.{ConfigDef, ConfigException, ConfigResource}
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.ThrottlingQuotaExceededException
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.{ApiException, InvalidConfigurationException, InvalidPartitionsException, InvalidReplicaAssignmentException, InvalidRequestException, ReassignmentInProgressException, TopicExistsException, UnknownTopicOrPartitionException, UnsupportedVersionException}
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.AlterUserScramCredentialsResponseData.AlterUserScramCredentialsResult
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.CreatePartitionsRequestData.CreatePartitionsTopic
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.CreateTopicsRequestData.CreatableTopic
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.CreateTopicsResponseData.{CreatableTopicConfigs, CreatableTopicResult}
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.{AlterUserScramCredentialsRequestData, AlterUserScramCredentialsResponseData, DescribeUserScramCredentialsResponseData}
import org.apache.kafka.common.message.DescribeUserScramCredentialsResponseData.CredentialInfo
import org.apache.kafka.common.metrics.Metrics
import{ScramMechanism => InternalScramMechanism}
import org.apache.kafka.server.policy.{AlterConfigPolicy, CreateTopicPolicy}
import org.apache.kafka.server.policy.CreateTopicPolicy.RequestMetadata
import org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.Errors
import org.apache.kafka.common.quota.{ClientQuotaAlteration, ClientQuotaEntity, ClientQuotaFilter, ClientQuotaFilterComponent}
import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.CreateTopicsRequest._
import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.{AlterConfigsRequest, ApiError}
import{ScramCredentialUtils, ScramFormatter}
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Sanitizer

import scala.collection.{Map, mutable, _}
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._

class ZkAdminManager(val config: KafkaConfig,
                     val metrics: Metrics,
                     val metadataCache: MetadataCache,
                     val zkClient: KafkaZkClient) extends Logging with KafkaMetricsGroup {

  this.logIdent = "[Admin Manager on Broker " + config.brokerId + "]: "

  private val topicPurgatory = DelayedOperationPurgatory[DelayedOperation]("topic", config.brokerId)
  private val adminZkClient = new AdminZkClient(zkClient)
  private val configHelper = new ConfigHelper(metadataCache, config, new ZkConfigRepository(adminZkClient))

  private val createTopicPolicy =
    Option(config.getConfiguredInstance(KafkaConfig.CreateTopicPolicyClassNameProp, classOf[CreateTopicPolicy]))

  private val alterConfigPolicy =
    Option(config.getConfiguredInstance(KafkaConfig.AlterConfigPolicyClassNameProp, classOf[AlterConfigPolicy]))

  def hasDelayedTopicOperations = topicPurgatory.numDelayed != 0

  private val defaultNumPartitions = config.numPartitions.intValue()
  private val defaultReplicationFactor = config.defaultReplicationFactor.shortValue()

    * Try to complete delayed topic operations with the request key
  def tryCompleteDelayedTopicOperations(topic: String): Unit = {
    val key = TopicKey(topic)
    val completed = topicPurgatory.checkAndComplete(key)
    debug(s"Request key ${key.keyLabel} unblocked $completed topic requests.")

  private def validateTopicCreatePolicy(topic: CreatableTopic,
                                        resolvedNumPartitions: Int,
                                        resolvedReplicationFactor: Short,
                                        assignments: Map[Int, Seq[Int]]): Unit = {
    createTopicPolicy.foreach { policy =>
      // Use `null` for unset fields in the public API
      val numPartitions: java.lang.Integer =
        if (topic.assignments().isEmpty) resolvedNumPartitions else null
      val replicationFactor: java.lang.Short =
        if (topic.assignments().isEmpty) resolvedReplicationFactor else null
      val javaAssignments = if (topic.assignments().isEmpty) {
      } else { { case (k, v) =>
          (k: java.lang.Integer) -> => i: java.lang.Integer).asJava
      val javaConfigs = new java.util.HashMap[String, String]
      topic.configs.forEach(config => javaConfigs.put(, config.value))
      policy.validate(new RequestMetadata(, numPartitions, replicationFactor,
        javaAssignments, javaConfigs))

  private def maybePopulateMetadataAndConfigs(metadataAndConfigs: Map[String, CreatableTopicResult],
                                              topicName: String,
                                              configs: Properties,
                                              assignments: Map[Int, Seq[Int]]): Unit = {
    metadataAndConfigs.get(topicName).foreach { result =>
      val logConfig = LogConfig.fromProps(LogConfig.extractLogConfigMap(config), configs)
      val createEntry = configHelper.createTopicConfigEntry(logConfig, configs, includeSynonyms = false, includeDocumentation = false)(_, _)
      val topicConfigs = configHelper.allConfigs(logConfig).map { case (k, v) =>
        val entry = createEntry(k, v)
        new CreatableTopicConfigs()

  private def populateIds(metadataAndConfigs: Map[String, CreatableTopicResult],
                                              topicName: String) : Unit = {
    metadataAndConfigs.get(topicName).foreach { result =>
        result.setTopicId(zkClient.getTopicIdsForTopics(Predef.Set(, Uuid.ZERO_UUID))

    * Create topics and wait until the topics have been completely created.
    * The callback function will be triggered either when timeout, error or the topics are created.
  def createTopics(timeout: Int,
                   validateOnly: Boolean,
                   toCreate: Map[String, CreatableTopic],
                   includeConfigsAndMetadata: Map[String, CreatableTopicResult],
                   controllerMutationQuota: ControllerMutationQuota,
                   responseCallback: Map[String, ApiError] => Unit): Unit = {

    // 1. map over topics creating assignment and calling zookeeper
    val brokers = metadataCache.getAliveBrokers()
    val metadata = =>
      try {
        if (metadataCache.contains(
          throw new TopicExistsException(s"Topic '${}' already exists.")

        val nullConfigs = topic.configs.asScala.filter(_.value == null).map(
        if (nullConfigs.nonEmpty)
          throw new InvalidConfigurationException(s"Null value not supported for topic configs: ${nullConfigs.mkString(",")}")

        if ((topic.numPartitions != NO_NUM_PARTITIONS || topic.replicationFactor != NO_REPLICATION_FACTOR)
            && !topic.assignments().isEmpty) {
          throw new InvalidRequestException("Both numPartitions or replicationFactor and replicasAssignments were set. " +
            "Both cannot be used at the same time.")

        val resolvedNumPartitions = if (topic.numPartitions == NO_NUM_PARTITIONS)
          defaultNumPartitions else topic.numPartitions
        val resolvedReplicationFactor = if (topic.replicationFactor == NO_REPLICATION_FACTOR)
          defaultReplicationFactor else topic.replicationFactor

        val assignments = if (topic.assignments.isEmpty) {
            brokers, resolvedNumPartitions, resolvedReplicationFactor)
        } else {
          val assignments = new mutable.HashMap[Int, Seq[Int]]
          // Note: we don't check that replicaAssignment contains unknown brokers - unlike in add-partitions case,
          // this follows the existing logic in TopicCommand
          topic.assignments.forEach { assignment =>
            assignments(assignment.partitionIndex) = => a: Int)
        trace(s"Assignments for topic $topic are $assignments ")

        val configs = new Properties()
        topic.configs.forEach(entry => configs.setProperty(, entry.value))
        adminZkClient.validateTopicCreate(, assignments, configs)
        validateTopicCreatePolicy(topic, resolvedNumPartitions, resolvedReplicationFactor, assignments)

        // For responses with DescribeConfigs permission, populate metadata and configs. It is
        // safe to populate it before creating the topic because the values are unset if the
        // creation fails.
        maybePopulateMetadataAndConfigs(includeConfigsAndMetadata,, configs, assignments)

        if (validateOnly) {
          CreatePartitionsMetadata(, assignments.keySet)
        } else {
          adminZkClient.createTopicWithAssignment(, configs, assignments, validate = false, config.usesTopicId)
          CreatePartitionsMetadata(, assignments.keySet)
      } catch {
        // Log client errors at a lower level than unexpected exceptions
        case e: TopicExistsException =>
          debug(s"Topic creation failed since topic '${}' already exists.", e)
          CreatePartitionsMetadata(, e)
        case e: ThrottlingQuotaExceededException =>
          debug(s"Topic creation not allowed because quota is violated. Delay time: ${e.throttleTimeMs}")
          CreatePartitionsMetadata(, e)
        case e: ApiException =>
          info(s"Error processing create topic request $topic", e)
          CreatePartitionsMetadata(, e)
        case e: ConfigException =>
          info(s"Error processing create topic request $topic", e)
          CreatePartitionsMetadata(, new InvalidConfigurationException(e.getMessage, e.getCause))
        case e: Throwable =>
          error(s"Error processing create topic request $topic", e)
          CreatePartitionsMetadata(, e)

    // 2. if timeout <= 0, validateOnly or no topics can proceed return immediately
    if (timeout <= 0 || validateOnly || !metadata.exists( {
      val results = { createTopicMetadata =>
        // ignore topics that already have errors
        if (createTopicMetadata.error.isSuccess && !validateOnly) {
          (createTopicMetadata.topic, new ApiError(Errors.REQUEST_TIMED_OUT, null))
        } else {
          (createTopicMetadata.topic, createTopicMetadata.error)
    } else {
      // 3. else pass the assignments and errors to the delayed operation and set the keys
      val delayedCreate = new DelayedCreatePartitions(timeout, metadata, this,
      val delayedCreateKeys = => TopicKey(
      // try to complete the request immediately, otherwise put it into the purgatory
      topicPurgatory.tryCompleteElseWatch(delayedCreate, delayedCreateKeys)

    * Delete topics and wait until the topics have been completely deleted.
    * The callback function will be triggered either when timeout, error or the topics are deleted.
  def deleteTopics(timeout: Int,
                   topics: Set[String],
                   controllerMutationQuota: ControllerMutationQuota,
                   responseCallback: Map[String, Errors] => Unit): Unit = {
    // 1. map over topics calling the asynchronous delete
    val metadata = { topic =>
        try {
          DeleteTopicMetadata(topic, Errors.NONE)
        } catch {
          case _: TopicAlreadyMarkedForDeletionException =>
            // swallow the exception, and still track deletion allowing multiple calls to wait for deletion
            DeleteTopicMetadata(topic, Errors.NONE)
          case e: ThrottlingQuotaExceededException =>
            debug(s"Topic deletion not allowed because quota is violated. Delay time: ${e.throttleTimeMs}")
            DeleteTopicMetadata(topic, e)
          case e: Throwable =>
            error(s"Error processing delete topic request for topic $topic", e)
            DeleteTopicMetadata(topic, e)

    // 2. if timeout <= 0 or no topics can proceed return immediately
    if (timeout <= 0 || !metadata.exists(_.error == Errors.NONE)) {
      val results = { deleteTopicMetadata =>
        // ignore topics that already have errors
        if (deleteTopicMetadata.error == Errors.NONE) {
          (deleteTopicMetadata.topic, Errors.REQUEST_TIMED_OUT)
        } else {
          (deleteTopicMetadata.topic, deleteTopicMetadata.error)
    } else {
      // 3. else pass the topics and errors to the delayed operation and set the keys
      val delayedDelete = new DelayedDeleteTopics(timeout, metadata.toSeq, this, responseCallback)
      val delayedDeleteKeys =
      // try to complete the request immediately, otherwise put it into the purgatory
      topicPurgatory.tryCompleteElseWatch(delayedDelete, delayedDeleteKeys)

  def createPartitions(timeoutMs: Int,
                       newPartitions: Seq[CreatePartitionsTopic],
                       validateOnly: Boolean,
                       controllerMutationQuota: ControllerMutationQuota,
                       callback: Map[String, ApiError] => Unit): Unit = {
    val allBrokers = adminZkClient.getBrokerMetadatas()
    val allBrokerIds =

    // 1. map over topics creating assignment and calling AdminUtils
    val metadata = { newPartition =>
      val topic =

      try {
        val existingAssignment = zkClient.getFullReplicaAssignmentForTopics(immutable.Set(topic)).map {
          case (topicPartition, assignment) =>
            if (assignment.isBeingReassigned) {
              // We prevent adding partitions while topic reassignment is in progress, to protect from a race condition
              // between the controller thread processing reassignment update and createPartitions(this) request.
              throw new ReassignmentInProgressException(s"A partition reassignment is in progress for the topic '$topic'.")
            topicPartition.partition -> assignment
        if (existingAssignment.isEmpty)
          throw new UnknownTopicOrPartitionException(s"The topic '$topic' does not exist.")

        val oldNumPartitions = existingAssignment.size
        val newNumPartitions = newPartition.count
        val numPartitionsIncrement = newNumPartitions - oldNumPartitions
        if (numPartitionsIncrement < 0) {
          throw new InvalidPartitionsException(
            s"Topic currently has $oldNumPartitions partitions, which is higher than the requested $newNumPartitions.")
        } else if (numPartitionsIncrement == 0) {
          throw new InvalidPartitionsException(s"Topic already has $oldNumPartitions partitions.")

        val newPartitionsAssignment = Option(newPartition.assignments).map { assignmentMap =>
          val assignments = {
            createPartitionAssignment =>
          val unknownBrokers = assignments.flatten.toSet -- allBrokerIds
          if (unknownBrokers.nonEmpty)
            throw new InvalidReplicaAssignmentException(
              s"Unknown broker(s) in replica assignment: ${unknownBrokers.mkString(", ")}.")

          if (assignments.size != numPartitionsIncrement)
            throw new InvalidReplicaAssignmentException(
              s"Increasing the number of partitions by $numPartitionsIncrement " +
                s"but ${assignments.size} assignments provided.")

 { case (replicas, index) =>
            existingAssignment.size + index -> replicas

        val assignmentForNewPartitions = adminZkClient.createNewPartitionsAssignment(
          topic, existingAssignment, allBrokers, newPartition.count, newPartitionsAssignment)

        if (validateOnly) {
          CreatePartitionsMetadata(topic, (existingAssignment ++ assignmentForNewPartitions).keySet)
        } else {
          val updatedReplicaAssignment = adminZkClient.createPartitionsWithAssignment(
            topic, existingAssignment, assignmentForNewPartitions)
          CreatePartitionsMetadata(topic, updatedReplicaAssignment.keySet)
      } catch {
        case e: AdminOperationException =>
          CreatePartitionsMetadata(topic, e)
        case e: ThrottlingQuotaExceededException =>
          debug(s"Partition(s) creation not allowed because quota is violated. Delay time: ${e.throttleTimeMs}")
          CreatePartitionsMetadata(topic, e)
        case e: ApiException =>
          CreatePartitionsMetadata(topic, e)

    // 2. if timeout <= 0, validateOnly or no topics can proceed return immediately
    if (timeoutMs <= 0 || validateOnly || !metadata.exists( {
      val results = { createPartitionMetadata =>
        // ignore topics that already have errors
        if (createPartitionMetadata.error.isSuccess && !validateOnly) {
          (createPartitionMetadata.topic, new ApiError(Errors.REQUEST_TIMED_OUT, null))
        } else {
          (createPartitionMetadata.topic, createPartitionMetadata.error)
    } else {
      // 3. else pass the assignments and errors to the delayed operation and set the keys
      val delayedCreate = new DelayedCreatePartitions(timeoutMs, metadata, this, callback)
      val delayedCreateKeys = => TopicKey(
      // try to complete the request immediately, otherwise put it into the purgatory
      topicPurgatory.tryCompleteElseWatch(delayedCreate, delayedCreateKeys)

  def alterConfigs(configs: Map[ConfigResource, AlterConfigsRequest.Config], validateOnly: Boolean): Map[ConfigResource, ApiError] = { { case (resource, config) =>

      try {
        val configEntriesMap = => (, entry.value)).toMap

        val configProps = new Properties
        config.entries.asScala.filter(_.value != null).foreach { configEntry =>
          configProps.setProperty(, configEntry.value)

        resource.`type` match {
          case ConfigResource.Type.TOPIC => alterTopicConfigs(resource, validateOnly, configProps, configEntriesMap)
          case ConfigResource.Type.BROKER => alterBrokerConfigs(resource, validateOnly, configProps, configEntriesMap)
          case resourceType =>
            throw new InvalidRequestException(s"AlterConfigs is only supported for topics and brokers, but resource type is $resourceType")
      } catch {
        case e @ (_: ConfigException | _: IllegalArgumentException) =>
          val message = s"Invalid config value for resource $resource: ${e.getMessage}"
          resource -> ApiError.fromThrowable(new InvalidConfigurationException(message, e))
        case e: Throwable =>
          val configProps = new Properties
          config.entries.asScala.filter(_.value != null).foreach { configEntry =>
            configProps.setProperty(, configEntry.value)
          // Log client errors at a lower level than unexpected exceptions
          val message = s"Error processing alter configs request for resource $resource, config ${toLoggableProps(resource, configProps).mkString(",")}"
          if (e.isInstanceOf[ApiException])
            info(message, e)
            error(message, e)
          resource -> ApiError.fromThrowable(e)

  private def alterTopicConfigs(resource: ConfigResource, validateOnly: Boolean,
                                configProps: Properties, configEntriesMap: Map[String, String]): (ConfigResource, ApiError) = {
    val topic =
    if (topic.isEmpty()) {
      throw new InvalidRequestException("Default topic resources are not allowed.")

    if (!metadataCache.contains(topic))
      throw new UnknownTopicOrPartitionException(s"The topic '$topic' does not exist.")

    adminZkClient.validateTopicConfig(topic, configProps)
    validateConfigPolicy(resource, configEntriesMap)
    if (!validateOnly) {
      info(s"Updating topic $topic with new configuration : ${toLoggableProps(resource, configProps).mkString(",")}")
      adminZkClient.changeTopicConfig(topic, configProps)

    resource -> ApiError.NONE

  private def alterBrokerConfigs(resource: ConfigResource, validateOnly: Boolean,
                                 configProps: Properties, configEntriesMap: Map[String, String]): (ConfigResource, ApiError) = {
    val brokerId = getBrokerId(resource)
    val perBrokerConfig = brokerId.nonEmpty
    this.config.dynamicConfig.validate(configProps, perBrokerConfig)
    validateConfigPolicy(resource, configEntriesMap)
    if (!validateOnly) {
      if (perBrokerConfig)

      if (perBrokerConfig)
        info(s"Updating broker ${brokerId.get} with new configuration : ${toLoggableProps(resource, configProps).mkString(",")}")
        info(s"Updating brokers with new configuration : ${toLoggableProps(resource, configProps).mkString(",")}")

        this.config.dynamicConfig.toPersistentProps(configProps, perBrokerConfig))

    resource -> ApiError.NONE

  private def getBrokerId(resource: ConfigResource) = {
    if ( == null ||
    else {
      val id = resourceNameToBrokerId(
      if (id != this.config.brokerId)
        throw new InvalidRequestException(s"Unexpected broker id, expected ${this.config.brokerId}, but received ${}")

  private def validateConfigPolicy(resource: ConfigResource, configEntriesMap: Map[String, String]): Unit = {
    alterConfigPolicy match {
      case Some(policy) =>
        policy.validate(new AlterConfigPolicy.RequestMetadata(
          new ConfigResource(resource.`type`(),, configEntriesMap.asJava))
      case None =>

  def incrementalAlterConfigs(configs: Map[ConfigResource, Seq[AlterConfigOp]], validateOnly: Boolean): Map[ConfigResource, ApiError] = { { case (resource, alterConfigOps) =>
      try {
        val configEntriesMap = => (, entry.configEntry.value)).toMap

        resource.`type` match {
          case ConfigResource.Type.TOPIC =>
            if ( {
              throw new InvalidRequestException("Default topic resources are not allowed.")
            val configProps = adminZkClient.fetchEntityConfig(ConfigType.Topic,
            prepareIncrementalConfigs(alterConfigOps, configProps, LogConfig.configKeys)
            alterTopicConfigs(resource, validateOnly, configProps, configEntriesMap)

          case ConfigResource.Type.BROKER =>
            val brokerId = getBrokerId(resource)
            val perBrokerConfig = brokerId.nonEmpty

            val persistentProps = if (perBrokerConfig) adminZkClient.fetchEntityConfig(ConfigType.Broker, brokerId.get.toString)
            else adminZkClient.fetchEntityConfig(ConfigType.Broker, ConfigEntityName.Default)

            val configProps = this.config.dynamicConfig.fromPersistentProps(persistentProps, perBrokerConfig)
            prepareIncrementalConfigs(alterConfigOps, configProps, KafkaConfig.configKeys)
            alterBrokerConfigs(resource, validateOnly, configProps, configEntriesMap)

          case resourceType =>
            throw new InvalidRequestException(s"AlterConfigs is only supported for topics and brokers, but resource type is $resourceType")
      } catch {
        case e @ (_: ConfigException | _: IllegalArgumentException) =>
          val message = s"Invalid config value for resource $resource: ${e.getMessage}"
          resource -> ApiError.fromThrowable(new InvalidConfigurationException(message, e))
        case e: Throwable =>
          // Log client errors at a lower level than unexpected exceptions
          val message = s"Error processing alter configs request for resource $resource, config $alterConfigOps"
          if (e.isInstanceOf[ApiException])
            info(message, e)
            error(message, e)
          resource -> ApiError.fromThrowable(e)

  def shutdown(): Unit = {
    CoreUtils.swallow(createTopicPolicy.foreach(_.close()), this)
    CoreUtils.swallow(alterConfigPolicy.foreach(_.close()), this)

  private def resourceNameToBrokerId(resourceName: String): Int = {
    try resourceName.toInt catch {
      case _: NumberFormatException =>
        throw new InvalidRequestException(s"Broker id must be an integer, but it is: $resourceName")

  private def sanitizeEntityName(entityName: String): String =
    Option(entityName) match {
      case None => ConfigEntityName.Default
      case Some(name) => Sanitizer.sanitize(name)

  private def desanitizeEntityName(sanitizedEntityName: String): String =
    sanitizedEntityName match {
      case ConfigEntityName.Default => null
      case name => Sanitizer.desanitize(name)

  private def parseAndSanitizeQuotaEntity(entity: ClientQuotaEntity): (Option[String], Option[String], Option[String]) = {
    if (entity.entries.isEmpty)
      throw new InvalidRequestException("Invalid empty client quota entity")

    var user: Option[String] = None
    var clientId: Option[String] = None
    var ip: Option[String] = None
    entity.entries.forEach { (entityType, entityName) =>
      val sanitizedEntityName = Some(sanitizeEntityName(entityName))
      entityType match {
        case ClientQuotaEntity.USER => user = sanitizedEntityName
        case ClientQuotaEntity.CLIENT_ID => clientId = sanitizedEntityName
        case ClientQuotaEntity.IP => ip = sanitizedEntityName
        case _ => throw new InvalidRequestException(s"Unhandled client quota entity type: ${entityType}")
      if (entityName != null && entityName.isEmpty)
        throw new InvalidRequestException(s"Empty ${entityType} not supported")
    (user, clientId, ip)

  private def userClientIdToEntity(user: Option[String], clientId: Option[String]): ClientQuotaEntity = {
    new ClientQuotaEntity(( => ClientQuotaEntity.USER -> u) ++ => ClientQuotaEntity.CLIENT_ID -> c)).toMap.asJava)

  def describeClientQuotas(filter: ClientQuotaFilter): Map[ClientQuotaEntity, Map[String, Double]] = {
    var userComponent: Option[ClientQuotaFilterComponent] = None
    var clientIdComponent: Option[ClientQuotaFilterComponent] = None
    var ipComponent: Option[ClientQuotaFilterComponent] = None
    filter.components.forEach { component =>
      component.entityType match {
        case ClientQuotaEntity.USER =>
          if (userComponent.isDefined)
            throw new InvalidRequestException(s"Duplicate user filter component entity type")
          userComponent = Some(component)
        case ClientQuotaEntity.CLIENT_ID =>
          if (clientIdComponent.isDefined)
            throw new InvalidRequestException(s"Duplicate client filter component entity type")
          clientIdComponent = Some(component)
        case ClientQuotaEntity.IP =>
          if (ipComponent.isDefined)
            throw new InvalidRequestException(s"Duplicate ip filter component entity type")
          ipComponent = Some(component)
        case "" =>
          throw new InvalidRequestException(s"Unexpected empty filter component entity type")
        case et =>
          // Supplying other entity types is not yet supported.
          throw new UnsupportedVersionException(s"Custom entity type '${et}' not supported")
    if ((userComponent.isDefined || clientIdComponent.isDefined) && ipComponent.isDefined)
      throw new InvalidRequestException(s"Invalid entity filter component combination, IP filter component should not be used with " +
        s"user or clientId filter component.")

    val userClientQuotas = if (ipComponent.isEmpty)
      handleDescribeClientQuotas(userComponent, clientIdComponent, filter.strict)

    val ipQuotas = if (userComponent.isEmpty && clientIdComponent.isEmpty)
      handleDescribeIpQuotas(ipComponent, filter.strict)

    (userClientQuotas ++ ipQuotas).toMap

  private def wantExact(component: Option[ClientQuotaFilterComponent]): Boolean = component.exists(_.`match` != null)

  private def toOption(opt: java.util.Optional[String]): Option[String] = {
    if (opt == null)
    else if (opt.isPresent)

  private def sanitized(name: Option[String]): String = => sanitizeEntityName(n)).getOrElse("")

  private def fromProps(props: Map[String, String]): Map[String, Double] = { { case (key, value) =>
      val doubleValue = try value.toDouble catch {
        case _: NumberFormatException =>
          throw new IllegalStateException(s"Unexpected client quota configuration value: $key -> $value")
      key -> doubleValue

  def handleDescribeClientQuotas(userComponent: Option[ClientQuotaFilterComponent],
    clientIdComponent: Option[ClientQuotaFilterComponent], strict: Boolean): Map[ClientQuotaEntity, Map[String, Double]] = {

    val user = userComponent.flatMap(c => toOption(c.`match`))
    val clientId = clientIdComponent.flatMap(c => toOption(c.`match`))

    val sanitizedUser = sanitized(user)
    val sanitizedClientId = sanitized(clientId)

    val exactUser = wantExact(userComponent)
    val exactClientId = wantExact(clientIdComponent)

    def wantExcluded(component: Option[ClientQuotaFilterComponent]): Boolean = strict && !component.isDefined
    val excludeUser = wantExcluded(userComponent)
    val excludeClientId = wantExcluded(clientIdComponent)

    val userEntries = if (exactUser && excludeClientId)
      Map((Some(user.get), None) -> adminZkClient.fetchEntityConfig(ConfigType.User, sanitizedUser))
    else if (!excludeUser && !exactClientId)
      adminZkClient.fetchAllEntityConfigs(ConfigType.User).map { case (name, props) =>
        (Some(desanitizeEntityName(name)), None) -> props

    val clientIdEntries = if (excludeUser && exactClientId)
      Map((None, Some(clientId.get)) -> adminZkClient.fetchEntityConfig(ConfigType.Client, sanitizedClientId))
    else if (!exactUser && !excludeClientId)
      adminZkClient.fetchAllEntityConfigs(ConfigType.Client).map { case (name, props) =>
        (None, Some(desanitizeEntityName(name))) -> props

    val bothEntries = if (exactUser && exactClientId)
      Map((Some(user.get), Some(clientId.get)) ->
        adminZkClient.fetchEntityConfig(ConfigType.User, s"${sanitizedUser}/clients/${sanitizedClientId}"))
    else if (!excludeUser && !excludeClientId)
      adminZkClient.fetchAllChildEntityConfigs(ConfigType.User, ConfigType.Client).map { case (name, props) =>
        val components = name.split("/")
        if (components.size != 3 || components(1) != "clients")
          throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unexpected config path: ${name}")
        (Some(desanitizeEntityName(components(0))), Some(desanitizeEntityName(components(2)))) -> props

    def matches(nameComponent: Option[ClientQuotaFilterComponent], name: Option[String]): Boolean = nameComponent match {
      case Some(component) =>
        toOption(component.`match`) match {
          case Some(n) => name.exists(_ == n)
          case None => name.isDefined
      case None =>
        !name.isDefined || !strict

    (userEntries ++ clientIdEntries ++ bothEntries).flatMap { case ((u, c), p) =>
      val quotaProps = p.asScala.filter { case (key, _) => QuotaConfigs.isClientOrUserQuotaConfig(key) }
      if (quotaProps.nonEmpty && matches(userComponent, u) && matches(clientIdComponent, c))
        Some(userClientIdToEntity(u, c) -> fromProps(quotaProps))

  def handleDescribeIpQuotas(ipComponent: Option[ClientQuotaFilterComponent], strict: Boolean): Map[ClientQuotaEntity, Map[String, Double]] = {
    val ip = ipComponent.flatMap(c => toOption(c.`match`))
    val exactIp = wantExact(ipComponent)
    val allIps = ipComponent.exists(_.`match` == null) || (ipComponent.isEmpty && !strict)
    val ipEntries = if (exactIp)
      Map(Some(ip.get) -> adminZkClient.fetchEntityConfig(ConfigType.Ip, sanitized(ip)))
    else if (allIps)
      adminZkClient.fetchAllEntityConfigs(ConfigType.Ip).map { case (name, props) =>
        Some(desanitizeEntityName(name)) -> props

    def ipToQuotaEntity(ip: Option[String]): ClientQuotaEntity = {
      new ClientQuotaEntity( => ClientQuotaEntity.IP -> ipName).toMap.asJava)

    ipEntries.flatMap { case (ip, props) =>
      val ipQuotaProps = props.asScala.filter { case (key, _) => DynamicConfig.Ip.names.contains(key) }
      if (ipQuotaProps.nonEmpty)
        Some(ipToQuotaEntity(ip) -> fromProps(ipQuotaProps))

  def alterClientQuotas(entries: Seq[ClientQuotaAlteration], validateOnly: Boolean): Map[ClientQuotaEntity, ApiError] = {
    def alterEntityQuotas(entity: ClientQuotaEntity, ops: Iterable[ClientQuotaAlteration.Op]): Unit = {
      val (path, configType, configKeys) = parseAndSanitizeQuotaEntity(entity) match {
        case (Some(user), Some(clientId), None) => (user + "/clients/" + clientId, ConfigType.User, DynamicConfig.User.configKeys)
        case (Some(user), None, None) => (user, ConfigType.User, DynamicConfig.User.configKeys)
        case (None, Some(clientId), None) => (clientId, ConfigType.Client, DynamicConfig.Client.configKeys)
        case (None, None, Some(ip)) =>
          if (!DynamicConfig.Ip.isValidIpEntity(ip))
            throw new InvalidRequestException(s"$ip is not a valid IP or resolvable host.")
          (ip, ConfigType.Ip, DynamicConfig.Ip.configKeys)
        case (_, _, Some(_)) => throw new InvalidRequestException(s"Invalid quota entity combination, " +
          s"IP entity should not be used with user/client ID entity.")
        case _ => throw new InvalidRequestException("Invalid client quota entity")

      val props = adminZkClient.fetchEntityConfig(configType, path)
      ops.foreach { op =>
        op.value match {
          case null =>
          case value => configKeys.get(op.key) match {
            case null =>
              throw new InvalidRequestException(s"Invalid configuration key ${op.key}")
            case key => key.`type` match {
              case ConfigDef.Type.DOUBLE =>
                props.setProperty(op.key, value.toString)
              case ConfigDef.Type.LONG | ConfigDef.Type.INT =>
                val epsilon = 1e-6
                val intValue = if (key.`type` == ConfigDef.Type.LONG)
                  (value + epsilon).toLong
                  (value + epsilon).toInt
                if ((intValue.toDouble - value).abs > epsilon)
                  throw new InvalidRequestException(s"Configuration ${op.key} must be a ${key.`type`} value")
                props.setProperty(op.key, intValue.toString)
              case _ =>
                throw new IllegalStateException(s"Unexpected config type ${key.`type`}")
      if (!validateOnly)
        adminZkClient.changeConfigs(configType, path, props)
    } { entry =>
      val apiError = try {
        alterEntityQuotas(entry.entity, entry.ops.asScala)
      } catch {
        case e: Throwable =>
          info(s"Error encountered while updating client quotas", e)
      entry.entity -> apiError

  private val usernameMustNotBeEmptyMsg = "Username must not be empty"
  private val errorProcessingDescribe = "Error processing describe user SCRAM credential configs request"
  private val attemptToDescribeUserThatDoesNotExist = "Attempt to describe a user credential that does not exist"

  def describeUserScramCredentials(users: Option[Seq[String]]): DescribeUserScramCredentialsResponseData = {
    val describingAllUsers = !users.isDefined || users.get.isEmpty
    val retval = new DescribeUserScramCredentialsResponseData()
    val userResults = mutable.Map[String, DescribeUserScramCredentialsResponseData.DescribeUserScramCredentialsResult]()

    def addToResultsIfHasScramCredential(user: String, userConfig: Properties, explicitUser: Boolean = false): Unit = {
      val result = new DescribeUserScramCredentialsResponseData.DescribeUserScramCredentialsResult().setUser(user)
      val configKeys = userConfig.stringPropertyNames
      val hasScramCredential = ScramMechanism.values().toList.exists(key => key != ScramMechanism.UNKNOWN && configKeys.contains(key.mechanismName))
      if (hasScramCredential) {
        val credentialInfos = new util.ArrayList[CredentialInfo]
        try {
          ScramMechanism.values().filter(_ != ScramMechanism.UNKNOWN).foreach { mechanism =>
            val propertyValue = userConfig.getProperty(mechanism.mechanismName)
            if (propertyValue != null) {
              val iterations = ScramCredentialUtils.credentialFromString(propertyValue).iterations
              credentialInfos.add(new CredentialInfo().setMechanism(mechanism.`type`).setIterations(iterations))
        } catch {
          case e: Exception => { // should generally never happen, but just in case bad data gets in...
            val apiError = apiErrorFrom(e, errorProcessingDescribe)
        userResults += (user -> result)
      } else if (explicitUser) {
        // it is an error to request credentials for a user that has no credentials
        result.setErrorCode(Errors.RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND.code).setErrorMessage(s"$attemptToDescribeUserThatDoesNotExist: $user")
        userResults += (user -> result)

    def collectRetrievedResults(): Unit = {
      if (describingAllUsers) {
        val usersSorted = SortedSet.empty[String] ++ userResults.keys
        usersSorted.foreach { user => retval.results.add(userResults(user)) }
      } else {
        // be sure to only include a single copy of a result for any user requested multiple times
        users.get.distinct.foreach { user =>  retval.results.add(userResults(user)) }

    try {
      if (describingAllUsers)
        adminZkClient.fetchAllEntityConfigs(ConfigType.User).foreach {
          case (user, properties) => addToResultsIfHasScramCredential(user, properties) }
      else {
        // describing specific users
        val illegalUsers = users.get.filter(_.isEmpty).toSet
        illegalUsers.foreach { user =>
          userResults += (user -> new DescribeUserScramCredentialsResponseData.DescribeUserScramCredentialsResult()
            .setErrorMessage(usernameMustNotBeEmptyMsg)) }
        val duplicatedUsers = users.get.groupBy(identity).filter(
          userAndOccurrencesTuple => userAndOccurrencesTuple._2.length > 1).keys
        duplicatedUsers.filterNot(illegalUsers.contains).foreach { user =>
          userResults += (user -> new DescribeUserScramCredentialsResponseData.DescribeUserScramCredentialsResult()
            .setErrorMessage(s"Cannot describe SCRAM credentials for the same user twice in a single request: $user")) }
        val usersToSkip = illegalUsers ++ duplicatedUsers
        users.get.filterNot(usersToSkip.contains).foreach { user =>
          try {
            val userConfigs = adminZkClient.fetchEntityConfig(ConfigType.User, Sanitizer.sanitize(user))
            addToResultsIfHasScramCredential(user, userConfigs, true)
          } catch {
            case e: Exception => {
              val apiError = apiErrorFrom(e, errorProcessingDescribe)
              userResults += (user -> new DescribeUserScramCredentialsResponseData.DescribeUserScramCredentialsResult()
    } catch {
      case e: Exception => {
        // this should generally only happen when we get a failure trying to retrieve all user configs from ZooKeeper
        val apiError = apiErrorFrom(e, errorProcessingDescribe)

  def apiErrorFrom(e: Exception, message: String): ApiError = {
    if (e.isInstanceOf[ApiException])
      info(message, e)
      error(message, e)

  case class requestStatus(user: String, mechanism: Option[ScramMechanism], legalRequest: Boolean, iterations: Int) {}

  def alterUserScramCredentials(upsertions: Seq[AlterUserScramCredentialsRequestData.ScramCredentialUpsertion],
                                deletions: Seq[AlterUserScramCredentialsRequestData.ScramCredentialDeletion]): AlterUserScramCredentialsResponseData = {

    def scramMechanism(mechanism: Byte): ScramMechanism = {

    def mechanismName(mechanism: Byte): String = {

    val retval = new AlterUserScramCredentialsResponseData()

    // fail any user that is invalid due to an empty user name, an unknown SCRAM mechanism, or unacceptable number of iterations
    val maxIterations = 16384
    val illegalUpsertions = =>
      if (
        requestStatus(, None, false, upsertion.iterations) // no determined mechanism -- empty user is the cause of failure
      else {
        val publicScramMechanism = scramMechanism(upsertion.mechanism)
        if (publicScramMechanism == ScramMechanism.UNKNOWN) {
          requestStatus(, Some(publicScramMechanism), false, upsertion.iterations) // unknown mechanism is the cause of failure
        } else {
          if (upsertion.iterations < InternalScramMechanism.forMechanismName(publicScramMechanism.mechanismName).minIterations
            || upsertion.iterations > maxIterations) {
            requestStatus(, Some(publicScramMechanism), false, upsertion.iterations) // known mechanism, bad iterations is the cause of failure
          } else {
            requestStatus(, Some(publicScramMechanism), true, upsertion.iterations) // legal
      }).filter { !_.legalRequest }
    val illegalDeletions = =>
      if ( {
        requestStatus(, None, false, 0) // no determined mechanism -- empty user is the cause of failure
      } else {
        val publicScramMechanism = scramMechanism(deletion.mechanism)
        requestStatus(, Some(publicScramMechanism), publicScramMechanism != ScramMechanism.UNKNOWN, 0)
      }).filter { !_.legalRequest }
    // map user names to error messages
    val unknownScramMechanismMsg = "Unknown SCRAM mechanism"
    val tooFewIterationsMsg = "Too few iterations"
    val tooManyIterationsMsg = "Too many iterations"
    val illegalRequestsByUser = =>
        if (requestStatus.user.isEmpty) {
          (requestStatus.user, usernameMustNotBeEmptyMsg)
        } else {
          (requestStatus.user, unknownScramMechanismMsg)
      ).toMap ++ =>
        if (requestStatus.user.isEmpty) {
          (requestStatus.user, usernameMustNotBeEmptyMsg)
        } else if (requestStatus.mechanism == Some(ScramMechanism.UNKNOWN)) {
          (requestStatus.user, unknownScramMechanismMsg)
        } else {
          (requestStatus.user, if (requestStatus.iterations > maxIterations) {tooManyIterationsMsg} else {tooFewIterationsMsg})

    illegalRequestsByUser.forKeyValue { (user, errorMessage) =>
      retval.results.add(new AlterUserScramCredentialsResult().setUser(user)
        .setErrorCode(if (errorMessage == unknownScramMechanismMsg) {Errors.UNSUPPORTED_SASL_MECHANISM.code} else {Errors.UNACCEPTABLE_CREDENTIAL.code})
        .setErrorMessage(errorMessage)) }

    val invalidUsers = (illegalUpsertions ++ illegalDeletions).map(_.user).toSet
    val initiallyValidUserMechanismPairs = (upsertions.filter(upsertion => !invalidUsers.contains( => (, upsertion.mechanism)) ++
      deletions.filter(deletion => !invalidUsers.contains( => (, deletion.mechanism)))

    val usersWithDuplicateUserMechanismPairs = initiallyValidUserMechanismPairs.groupBy(identity).filter (
      userMechanismPairAndOccurrencesTuple => userMechanismPairAndOccurrencesTuple._2.length > 1) => userMechanismPair._1).toSet
    usersWithDuplicateUserMechanismPairs.foreach { user =>
      retval.results.add(new AlterUserScramCredentialsResult()
        .setErrorCode(Errors.DUPLICATE_RESOURCE.code).setErrorMessage("A user credential cannot be altered twice in the same request")) }

    def potentiallyValidUserMechanismPairs = initiallyValidUserMechanismPairs.filter(pair => !usersWithDuplicateUserMechanismPairs.contains(pair._1))

    val potentiallyValidUsers =
    val configsByPotentiallyValidUser = => (user, adminZkClient.fetchEntityConfig(ConfigType.User, Sanitizer.sanitize(user)))).toMap

    // check for deletion of a credential that does not exist
    val invalidDeletions = deletions.filter(deletion => potentiallyValidUsers.contains( =>
      configsByPotentiallyValidUser( == null)
    val invalidUsersDueToInvalidDeletions =
    invalidUsersDueToInvalidDeletions.foreach { user =>
      retval.results.add(new AlterUserScramCredentialsResult()
        .setErrorCode(Errors.RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND.code).setErrorMessage("Attempt to delete a user credential that does not exist")) }

    // now prepare the new set of property values for users that don't have any issues identified above,
    // keeping track of ones that fail
    val usersToTryToAlter = potentiallyValidUsers.diff(invalidUsersDueToInvalidDeletions)
    val usersFailedToPrepareProperties = => {
      try {
        // deletions: remove property keys
        deletions.filter(deletion => usersToTryToAlter.contains( { deletion =>
          configsByPotentiallyValidUser( }
        // upsertions: put property key/value
        upsertions.filter(upsertion => usersToTryToAlter.contains( { upsertion =>
          val mechanism = InternalScramMechanism.forMechanismName(mechanismName(upsertion.mechanism))
          val credential = new ScramFormatter(mechanism)
            .generateCredential(upsertion.salt, upsertion.saltedPassword, upsertion.iterations)
          configsByPotentiallyValidUser(, ScramCredentialUtils.credentialToString(credential)) }
        (user) // success, 1 element, won't be matched
      } catch {
        case e: Exception =>
          info(s"Error encountered while altering user SCRAM credentials", e)
          (user, e) // fail, 2 elements, will be matched
    }).collect { case (user: String, exception: Exception) => (user, exception) }.toMap

    // now persist the properties we have prepared, again keeping track of whatever fails
    val usersFailedToPersist = usersToTryToAlter.filterNot(usersFailedToPrepareProperties.contains).map(user => {
      try {
        adminZkClient.changeConfigs(ConfigType.User, Sanitizer.sanitize(user), configsByPotentiallyValidUser(user))
        (user) // success, 1 element, won't be matched
      } catch {
        case e: Exception =>
          info(s"Error encountered while altering user SCRAM credentials", e)
          (user, e) // fail, 2 elements, will be matched
    }).collect { case (user: String, exception: Exception) => (user, exception) }.toMap

    // report failures
    usersFailedToPrepareProperties.++(usersFailedToPersist).forKeyValue { (user, exception) =>
      val error = Errors.forException(exception)
      retval.results.add(new AlterUserScramCredentialsResult()
        .setErrorMessage(error.message)) }

    // report successes
    usersToTryToAlter.filterNot(usersFailedToPrepareProperties.contains).filterNot(usersFailedToPersist.contains).foreach { user =>
      retval.results.add(new AlterUserScramCredentialsResult()
        .setErrorCode(Errors.NONE.code)) }


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