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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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import joptsimple._
import kafka.utils.{CommandLineUtils, Exit, IncludeList, ToolsUtils}
import org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.{Admin, AdminClientConfig, ListTopicsOptions, OffsetSpec}
import org.apache.kafka.common.{KafkaException, TopicPartition}
import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.{ListOffsetsRequest, ListOffsetsResponse}
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Utils

import java.util.Properties
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException
import java.util.regex.Pattern
import scala.collection.Seq
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
import scala.math.Ordering.Implicits.infixOrderingOps

object GetOffsetShell {
  private val TopicPartitionPattern = Pattern.compile("([^:,]*)(?::(?:([0-9]*)|(?:([0-9]*)-([0-9]*))))?")

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    try {
    } catch {
      case e: Exception =>
        println(s"Error occurred: ${e.getMessage}")
        Exit.exit(1, Some(e.getMessage))

  private[tools] def fetchOffsets(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val parser = new OptionParser(false)
    val brokerListOpt = parser.accepts("broker-list", "DEPRECATED, use --bootstrap-server instead; ignored if --bootstrap-server is specified. The server(s) to connect to in the form HOST1:PORT1,HOST2:PORT2.")
    val bootstrapServerOpt = parser.accepts("bootstrap-server", "REQUIRED. The server(s) to connect to in the form HOST1:PORT1,HOST2:PORT2.")
    val topicPartitionsOpt = parser.accepts("topic-partitions", s"Comma separated list of topic-partition patterns to get the offsets for, with the format of '$TopicPartitionPattern'." +
                                            " The first group is an optional regex for the topic name, if omitted, it matches any topic name." +
                                            " The section after ':' describes a 'partition' pattern, which can be: a number, a range in the format of 'NUMBER-NUMBER' (lower inclusive, upper exclusive), an inclusive lower bound in the format of 'NUMBER-', an exclusive upper bound in the format of '-NUMBER' or may be omitted to accept all partitions.")
    val topicOpt = parser.accepts("topic", s"The topic to get the offsets for. It also accepts a regular expression. If not present, all authorized topics are queried. Cannot be used if --topic-partitions is present.")
    val partitionsOpt = parser.accepts("partitions", s"Comma separated list of partition ids to get the offsets for. If not present, all partitions of the authorized topics are queried. Cannot be used if --topic-partitions is present.")
                           .describedAs("partition ids")
    val timeOpt = parser.accepts("time", "timestamp of the offsets before that. [Note: No offset is returned, if the timestamp greater than recently committed record timestamp is given.]")
                           .describedAs(" / -1 or latest / -2 or earliest / -3 or max-timestamp")
    val commandConfigOpt = parser.accepts("command-config", s"Property file containing configs to be passed to Admin Client.")
                           .describedAs("config file")
    val excludeInternalTopicsOpt = parser.accepts("exclude-internal-topics", s"By default, internal topics are included. If specified, internal topics are excluded.")

    if (args.length == 0)
      CommandLineUtils.printUsageAndDie(parser, "An interactive shell for getting topic-partition offsets.")

    val options = parser.parse(args : _*)

    val effectiveBrokerListOpt = if (options.has(bootstrapServerOpt))

    CommandLineUtils.checkRequiredArgs(parser, options, effectiveBrokerListOpt)

    val clientId = "GetOffsetShell"
    val brokerList = options.valueOf(effectiveBrokerListOpt)

    ToolsUtils.validatePortOrDie(parser, brokerList)
    val excludeInternalTopics = options.has(excludeInternalTopicsOpt)

    if (options.has(topicPartitionsOpt) && (options.has(topicOpt) || options.has(partitionsOpt))) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("--topic-partitions cannot be used with --topic or --partitions")

    val offsetSpec = parseOffsetSpec(options.valueOf(timeOpt))

    val topicPartitionFilter = if (options.has(topicPartitionsOpt)) {
    } else {
        if (options.has(topicOpt)) Some(options.valueOf(topicOpt)) else None,

    val config = if (options.has(commandConfigOpt))
      new Properties
    config.setProperty(AdminClientConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, brokerList)
    config.setProperty(AdminClientConfig.CLIENT_ID_CONFIG, clientId)
    val adminClient = Admin.create(config)

    try {
      val partitionInfos = listPartitionInfos(adminClient, topicPartitionFilter, excludeInternalTopics)

      if (partitionInfos.isEmpty) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not match any topic-partitions with the specified filters")

      val timestampsToSearch = => tp -> offsetSpec).toMap.asJava

      val listOffsetsResult = adminClient.listOffsets(timestampsToSearch)
      val partitionOffsets = partitionInfos.flatMap { tp =>
        try {
          val partitionInfo = listOffsetsResult.partitionResult(tp).get
          if (partitionInfo.offset != ListOffsetsResponse.UNKNOWN_OFFSET) {
            Some((tp, partitionInfo.offset))
          } else {
        } catch {
          case e: ExecutionException =>
            e.getCause match {
              case cause: KafkaException =>
                System.err.println(s"Skip getting offsets for topic-partition ${tp.topic}:${tp.partition} due to error: ${cause.getMessage}")
              case _ =>
                throw e

      partitionOffsets.sortWith((tp1, tp2) => compareTopicPartitions(tp1._1, tp2._1)).foreach {
        case (tp, offset) => println(s"${tp.topic}:${tp.partition}:${Option(offset).getOrElse("")}")
    } finally {

  private def parseOffsetSpec(listOffsetsTimestamp: String): OffsetSpec = {
    listOffsetsTimestamp match {
      case "earliest" => OffsetSpec.earliest()
      case "latest" => OffsetSpec.latest()
      case "max-timestamp" => OffsetSpec.maxTimestamp()
      case _ =>
        try {
          listOffsetsTimestamp.toLong match {
            case ListOffsetsRequest.EARLIEST_TIMESTAMP => OffsetSpec.earliest()
            case ListOffsetsRequest.LATEST_TIMESTAMP => OffsetSpec.latest()
            case ListOffsetsRequest.MAX_TIMESTAMP => OffsetSpec.maxTimestamp()
            case value => OffsetSpec.forTimestamp(value)
        } catch {
          case e: NumberFormatException =>
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Malformed time argument $listOffsetsTimestamp, please use -1 or latest / -2 or earliest / -3 or max-timestamp, or a specified long format timestamp", e)

  def compareTopicPartitions(a: TopicPartition, b: TopicPartition): Boolean = {
    (a.topic(), a.partition()) < (b.topic(), b.partition())

   * Creates a topic-partition filter based on a list of patterns.
   * Expected format:
   * List: TopicPartitionPattern(, TopicPartitionPattern)*
   * TopicPartitionPattern: TopicPattern(:PartitionPattern)? | :PartitionPattern
   * TopicPattern: REGEX
   * PartitionPattern: NUMBER | NUMBER-(NUMBER)? | -NUMBER
  def createTopicPartitionFilterWithPatternList(
    topicPartitions: String
  ): TopicPartitionFilter = {
    val ruleSpecs = topicPartitions.split(",")
    val rules = => parseRuleSpec(ruleSpec))

  def parseRuleSpec(ruleSpec: String): TopicPartitionFilter = {
    val matcher = TopicPartitionPattern.matcher(ruleSpec)
    if (!matcher.matches())
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid rule specification: $ruleSpec")

    def group(group: Int): Option[String] = {
      Option( => s != null && s.nonEmpty)

    val topicFilter = IncludeList(group(1).getOrElse(".*"))
    val partitionFilter = group(2).map(_.toInt) match {
      case Some(partition) =>
      case None =>
        val lowerRange = group(3).map(_.toInt).getOrElse(0)
        val upperRange = group(4).map(_.toInt).getOrElse(Int.MaxValue)
        PartitionRangeFilter(lowerRange, upperRange)

   * Creates a topic-partition filter based on a topic pattern and a set of partition ids.
  def createTopicPartitionFilterWithTopicAndPartitionPattern(
    topicOpt: Option[String],
    partitionIds: String
  ): TopicFilterAndPartitionFilter = {

  def createPartitionSet(partitionsString: String): Set[Int] = {
    if (partitionsString == null || partitionsString.isEmpty)
      partitionsString.split(",").map { partitionString =>
        try partitionString.toInt
        catch {
          case _: NumberFormatException =>
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"--partitions expects a comma separated list of numeric " +
              s"partition ids, but received: $partitionsString")

   * Return the partition infos. Filter them with topicPartitionFilter.
  private def listPartitionInfos(
    client: Admin,
    topicPartitionFilter: TopicPartitionFilter,
    excludeInternalTopics: Boolean
  ): Seq[TopicPartition] = {
    val listTopicsOptions = new ListTopicsOptions().listInternal(!excludeInternalTopics)
    val topics = client.listTopics(listTopicsOptions).names.get
    val filteredTopics = topics.asScala.filter(topicPartitionFilter.isTopicAllowed)

    client.describeTopics(filteredTopics.asJava).allTopicNames.get.asScala.flatMap { case (topic, description) =>
        .map(tp => new TopicPartition(topic, tp.partition))

trait PartitionFilter {

   * Used to filter partitions based on a certain criteria, for example, a set of partition ids.
  def isPartitionAllowed(partition: Int): Boolean

case class PartitionsSetFilter(partitionIds: Set[Int]) extends PartitionFilter {
  override def isPartitionAllowed(partition: Int): Boolean = partitionIds.isEmpty || partitionIds.contains(partition)

case class UniquePartitionFilter(partition: Int) extends PartitionFilter {
  override def isPartitionAllowed(partition: Int): Boolean = partition == this.partition

case class PartitionRangeFilter(lowerRange: Int, upperRange: Int) extends PartitionFilter {
  override def isPartitionAllowed(partition: Int): Boolean = partition >= lowerRange && partition < upperRange

trait TopicPartitionFilter {

   * Used to filter topics based on a certain criteria, for example, a set of topic names or a regular expression.
  def isTopicAllowed(topic: String): Boolean

   * Used to filter topic-partitions based on a certain criteria, for example, a topic pattern and a set of partition ids.
  def isTopicPartitionAllowed(partition: TopicPartition): Boolean

 * Creates a topic-partition filter based on a topic filter and a partition filter
case class TopicFilterAndPartitionFilter(
  topicFilter: IncludeList,
  partitionFilter: PartitionFilter
) extends TopicPartitionFilter {

  override def isTopicPartitionAllowed(partition: TopicPartition): Boolean = {
    isTopicAllowed(partition.topic) && partitionFilter.isPartitionAllowed(partition.partition)

  override def isTopicAllowed(topic: String): Boolean = {
    topicFilter.isTopicAllowed(topic, false)

case class CompositeTopicPartitionFilter(filters: Array[TopicPartitionFilter]) extends TopicPartitionFilter {

  override def isTopicAllowed(topic: String): Boolean = {

  override def isTopicPartitionAllowed(tp: TopicPartition): Boolean = {

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