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kafka.zk.ZkData.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package kafka.zk

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8
import java.util
import java.util.Properties

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException
import kafka.api.LeaderAndIsr
import kafka.cluster.{Broker, EndPoint}
import kafka.common.{NotificationHandler, ZkNodeChangeNotificationListener}
import kafka.controller.{IsrChangeNotificationHandler, LeaderIsrAndControllerEpoch, ReplicaAssignment}
import kafka.server.{ConfigType, DelegationTokenManager}
import kafka.utils.Json
import kafka.utils.json.JsonObject
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.UnsupportedVersionException
import org.apache.kafka.common.feature.Features._
import org.apache.kafka.common.feature.{Features, SupportedVersionRange}
import org.apache.kafka.common.resource.{PatternType, ResourcePattern, ResourceType}
import{DelegationToken, TokenInformation}
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.{SecurityUtils, Time}
import org.apache.kafka.common.{KafkaException, TopicPartition, Uuid}
import org.apache.kafka.metadata.LeaderRecoveryState
import org.apache.kafka.server.common.{MetadataVersion, ProducerIdsBlock}
import org.apache.kafka.server.common.MetadataVersion.{IBP_0_10_0_IV1, IBP_2_7_IV0}
import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooDefs
import{ACL, Stat}

import scala.beans.BeanProperty
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.collection.{Map, Seq, immutable, mutable}
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}

// This file contains objects for encoding/decoding data stored in ZooKeeper nodes (znodes).

object ControllerZNode {
  def path = "/controller"
  def encode(brokerId: Int, timestamp: Long): Array[Byte] = {
    Json.encodeAsBytes(Map("version" -> 1, "brokerid" -> brokerId, "timestamp" -> timestamp.toString).asJava)
  def decode(bytes: Array[Byte]): Option[Int] = Json.parseBytes(bytes).map { js =>

object ControllerEpochZNode {
  def path = "/controller_epoch"
  def encode(epoch: Int): Array[Byte] = epoch.toString.getBytes(UTF_8)
  def decode(bytes: Array[Byte]): Int = new String(bytes, UTF_8).toInt

object ConfigZNode {
  def path = "/config"

object BrokersZNode {
  def path = "/brokers"

object BrokerIdsZNode {
  def path = s"${BrokersZNode.path}/ids"
  def encode: Array[Byte] = null

object BrokerInfo {

   * - Create a broker info with v5 json format if the metadataVersion is 2.7.x or above.
   * - Create a broker info with v4 json format (which includes multiple endpoints and rack) if
   *   the metadataVersion is 0.10.0.X or above but lesser than 2.7.x.
   * - Register the broker with v2 json format otherwise.
   * Due to KAFKA-3100, broker and old clients will break if JSON version is above 2.
   * We include v2 to make it possible for the broker to migrate from to 0.10.0.X or above
   * without having to upgrade to first (clients have to be upgraded to in
   * any case).
  def apply(broker: Broker, metadataVersion: MetadataVersion, jmxPort: Int): BrokerInfo = {
    val version = {
      if (metadataVersion.isAtLeast(IBP_2_7_IV0))
      else if (metadataVersion.isAtLeast(IBP_0_10_0_IV1))
    BrokerInfo(broker, version, jmxPort)


case class BrokerInfo(broker: Broker, version: Int, jmxPort: Int) {
  val path: String = BrokerIdZNode.path(
  def toJsonBytes: Array[Byte] = BrokerIdZNode.encode(this)

object BrokerIdZNode {
  private val HostKey = "host"
  private val PortKey = "port"
  private val VersionKey = "version"
  private val EndpointsKey = "endpoints"
  private val RackKey = "rack"
  private val JmxPortKey = "jmx_port"
  private val ListenerSecurityProtocolMapKey = "listener_security_protocol_map"
  private val TimestampKey = "timestamp"
  private val FeaturesKey = "features"

  def path(id: Int) = s"${BrokerIdsZNode.path}/$id"

   * Encode to JSON bytes.
   * The JSON format includes a top level host and port for compatibility with older clients.
  def encode(version: Int, host: String, port: Int, advertisedEndpoints: Seq[EndPoint], jmxPort: Int,
             rack: Option[String], features: Features[SupportedVersionRange]): Array[Byte] = {
    val jsonMap = collection.mutable.Map(VersionKey -> version,
      HostKey -> host,
      PortKey -> port,
      EndpointsKey ->,
      JmxPortKey -> jmxPort,
      TimestampKey -> Time.SYSTEM.milliseconds().toString
    rack.foreach(rack => if (version >= 3) jsonMap += (RackKey -> rack))

    if (version >= 4) {
      jsonMap += (ListenerSecurityProtocolMapKey -> { endPoint =>
        endPoint.listenerName.value ->

    if (version >= 5) {
      jsonMap += (FeaturesKey -> features.toMap)

  def encode(brokerInfo: BrokerInfo): Array[Byte] = {
    val broker =
    // the default host and port are here for compatibility with older clients that only support PLAINTEXT
    // we choose the first plaintext port, if there is one
    // or we register an empty endpoint, which means that older clients will not be able to connect
    val plaintextEndpoint = broker.endPoints.find(_.securityProtocol == SecurityProtocol.PLAINTEXT).getOrElse(
      new EndPoint(null, -1, null, null))
    encode(brokerInfo.version,, plaintextEndpoint.port, broker.endPoints, brokerInfo.jmxPort,
      broker.rack, broker.features)

  def featuresAsJavaMap(brokerInfo: JsonObject): util.Map[String, util.Map[String, java.lang.Short]] = {
      .flatMap([Option[Map[String, Map[String, Int]]]])
      .map(theMap => {
         case(featureName, versionsInfo) => featureName -> {
           case(label, version) => label -> version.asInstanceOf[Short]
      .getOrElse(Map[String, Map[String, Short]]()))

    * Create a BrokerInfo object from id and JSON bytes.
    * @param id
    * @param jsonBytes
    * Version 1 JSON schema for a broker is:
    * {
    *   "version":1,
    *   "host":"localhost",
    *   "port":9092
    *   "jmx_port":9999,
    *   "timestamp":"2233345666"
    * }
    * Version 2 JSON schema for a broker is:
    * {
    *   "version":2,
    *   "host":"localhost",
    *   "port":9092,
    *   "jmx_port":9999,
    *   "timestamp":"2233345666",
    *   "endpoints":["PLAINTEXT://host1:9092", "SSL://host1:9093"]
    * }
    * Version 3 JSON schema for a broker is:
    * {
    *   "version":3,
    *   "host":"localhost",
    *   "port":9092,
    *   "jmx_port":9999,
    *   "timestamp":"2233345666",
    *   "endpoints":["PLAINTEXT://host1:9092", "SSL://host1:9093"],
    *   "rack":"dc1"
    * }
    * Version 4 JSON schema for a broker is:
    * {
    *   "version":4,
    *   "host":"localhost",
    *   "port":9092,
    *   "jmx_port":9999,
    *   "timestamp":"2233345666",
    *   "endpoints":["CLIENT://host1:9092", "REPLICATION://host1:9093"],
    *   "rack":"dc1"
    * }
    * Version 5 (current) JSON schema for a broker is:
    * {
    *   "version":5,
    *   "host":"localhost",
    *   "port":9092,
    *   "jmx_port":9999,
    *   "timestamp":"2233345666",
    *   "endpoints":["CLIENT://host1:9092", "REPLICATION://host1:9093"],
    *   "rack":"dc1",
    *   "features": {"feature": {"min_version":1, "first_active_version":2, "max_version":3}}
    * }
  def decode(id: Int, jsonBytes: Array[Byte]): BrokerInfo = {
    Json.tryParseBytes(jsonBytes) match {
      case Right(js) =>
        val brokerInfo = js.asJsonObject
        val version = brokerInfo(VersionKey).to[Int]
        val jmxPort = brokerInfo(JmxPortKey).to[Int]

        val endpoints =
          if (version < 1)
            throw new KafkaException("Unsupported version of broker registration: " +
              s"${new String(jsonBytes, UTF_8)}")
          else if (version == 1) {
            val host = brokerInfo(HostKey).to[String]
            val port = brokerInfo(PortKey).to[Int]
            val securityProtocol = SecurityProtocol.PLAINTEXT
            val endPoint = new EndPoint(host, port, ListenerName.forSecurityProtocol(securityProtocol), securityProtocol)
          else {
            val securityProtocolMap = brokerInfo.get(ListenerSecurityProtocolMapKey).map(
    [Map[String, String]].map { case (listenerName, securityProtocol) =>
                new ListenerName(listenerName) -> SecurityProtocol.forName(securityProtocol)
            val listeners = brokerInfo(EndpointsKey).to[Seq[String]]
  , securityProtocolMap))

        val rack = brokerInfo.get(RackKey).flatMap([Option[String]])
        val features = featuresAsJavaMap(brokerInfo)
          Broker(id, endpoints, rack, fromSupportedFeaturesMap(features)), version, jmxPort)
      case Left(e) =>
        throw new KafkaException(s"Failed to parse ZooKeeper registration for broker $id: " +
          s"${new String(jsonBytes, UTF_8)}", e)

object TopicsZNode {
  def path = s"${BrokersZNode.path}/topics"

object TopicZNode {
  case class TopicIdReplicaAssignment(topic: String,
                                      topicId: Option[Uuid],
                                      assignment: Map[TopicPartition, ReplicaAssignment])
  def path(topic: String) = s"${TopicsZNode.path}/$topic"
  def encode(topicId: Option[Uuid],
             assignment: collection.Map[TopicPartition, ReplicaAssignment]): Array[Byte] = {
    val replicaAssignmentJson = mutable.Map[String, util.List[Int]]()
    val addingReplicasAssignmentJson = mutable.Map[String, util.List[Int]]()
    val removingReplicasAssignmentJson = mutable.Map[String, util.List[Int]]()

    for ((partition, replicaAssignment) <- assignment) {
      replicaAssignmentJson += (partition.partition.toString -> replicaAssignment.replicas.asJava)
      if (replicaAssignment.addingReplicas.nonEmpty)
        addingReplicasAssignmentJson += (partition.partition.toString -> replicaAssignment.addingReplicas.asJava)
      if (replicaAssignment.removingReplicas.nonEmpty)
        removingReplicasAssignmentJson += (partition.partition.toString -> replicaAssignment.removingReplicas.asJava)

    val topicAssignment = mutable.Map(
      "version" -> 3,
      "partitions" -> replicaAssignmentJson.asJava,
      "adding_replicas" -> addingReplicasAssignmentJson.asJava,
      "removing_replicas" -> removingReplicasAssignmentJson.asJava
    topicId.foreach(id => topicAssignment += "topic_id" -> id.toString)

  def decode(topic: String, bytes: Array[Byte]): TopicIdReplicaAssignment = {
    def getReplicas(replicasJsonOpt: Option[JsonObject], partition: String): Seq[Int] = {
      replicasJsonOpt match {
        case Some(replicasJson) => replicasJson.get(partition) match {
          case Some(ar) =>[Seq[Int]]
          case None => Seq.empty[Int]
        case None => Seq.empty[Int]

    Json.parseBytes(bytes).map { js =>
      val assignmentJson = js.asJsonObject
      val topicId = assignmentJson.get("topic_id").map([String]).map(Uuid.fromString)
      val addingReplicasJsonOpt = assignmentJson.get("adding_replicas").map(_.asJsonObject)
      val removingReplicasJsonOpt = assignmentJson.get("removing_replicas").map(_.asJsonObject)
      val partitionsJsonOpt = assignmentJson.get("partitions").map(_.asJsonObject)
      val partitions = { partitionsJson => { case (partition, replicas) =>
          new TopicPartition(topic, partition.toInt) -> ReplicaAssignment(
            getReplicas(addingReplicasJsonOpt, partition),
            getReplicas(removingReplicasJsonOpt, partition)
      }.getOrElse(immutable.Map.empty[TopicPartition, ReplicaAssignment])

      TopicIdReplicaAssignment(topic, topicId, partitions)
    }.getOrElse(TopicIdReplicaAssignment(topic, None, Map.empty[TopicPartition, ReplicaAssignment]))

object TopicPartitionsZNode {
  def path(topic: String) = s"${TopicZNode.path(topic)}/partitions"

object TopicPartitionZNode {
  def path(partition: TopicPartition) = s"${TopicPartitionsZNode.path(partition.topic)}/${partition.partition}"

object TopicPartitionStateZNode {
  def path(partition: TopicPartition) = s"${TopicPartitionZNode.path(partition)}/state"

  def encode(leaderIsrAndControllerEpoch: LeaderIsrAndControllerEpoch): Array[Byte] = {
    val leaderAndIsr = leaderIsrAndControllerEpoch.leaderAndIsr
    val controllerEpoch = leaderIsrAndControllerEpoch.controllerEpoch
    var partitionState = Map(
      "version" -> 1,
      "leader" -> leaderAndIsr.leader,
      "leader_epoch" -> leaderAndIsr.leaderEpoch,
      "controller_epoch" -> controllerEpoch,
      "isr" -> leaderAndIsr.isr.asJava

    if (leaderAndIsr.leaderRecoveryState != LeaderRecoveryState.RECOVERED) {
      partitionState = partitionState ++ Seq("leader_recovery_state" -> leaderAndIsr.leaderRecoveryState.value.toInt)


  def decode(bytes: Array[Byte], stat: Stat): Option[LeaderIsrAndControllerEpoch] = {
    Json.parseBytes(bytes).map { js =>
      val leaderIsrAndEpochInfo = js.asJsonObject
      val leader = leaderIsrAndEpochInfo("leader").to[Int]
      val epoch = leaderIsrAndEpochInfo("leader_epoch").to[Int]
      val isr = leaderIsrAndEpochInfo("isr").to[List[Int]]
      val recovery = leaderIsrAndEpochInfo
        .map(jsonValue => LeaderRecoveryState.of([Int].toByte))
      val controllerEpoch = leaderIsrAndEpochInfo("controller_epoch").to[Int]

      val zkPathVersion = stat.getVersion
      LeaderIsrAndControllerEpoch(LeaderAndIsr(leader, epoch, isr, recovery, zkPathVersion), controllerEpoch)

object ConfigEntityTypeZNode {
  def path(entityType: String) = s"${ConfigZNode.path}/$entityType"

object ConfigEntityZNode {
  def path(entityType: String, entityName: String) = s"${ConfigEntityTypeZNode.path(entityType)}/$entityName"
  def encode(config: Properties): Array[Byte] = {
    Json.encodeAsBytes(Map("version" -> 1, "config" -> config).asJava)
  def decode(bytes: Array[Byte]): Properties = {
    val props = new Properties()
    if (bytes != null) {
      Json.parseBytes(bytes).foreach { js =>
        val configOpt = js.asJsonObjectOption.flatMap(_.get("config").flatMap(_.asJsonObjectOption))
        configOpt.foreach(config => config.iterator.foreach { case (k, v) => props.setProperty(k,[String]) })

object ConfigEntityChangeNotificationZNode {
  def path = s"${ConfigZNode.path}/changes"

object ConfigEntityChangeNotificationSequenceZNode {
  val SequenceNumberPrefix = "config_change_"
  def createPath = s"${ConfigEntityChangeNotificationZNode.path}/$SequenceNumberPrefix"
  def encode(sanitizedEntityPath: String): Array[Byte] = Json.encodeAsBytes(
    Map("version" -> 2, "entity_path" -> sanitizedEntityPath).asJava)

object IsrChangeNotificationZNode {
  def path = "/isr_change_notification"

object IsrChangeNotificationSequenceZNode {
  val SequenceNumberPrefix = "isr_change_"
  def path(sequenceNumber: String = "") = s"${IsrChangeNotificationZNode.path}/$SequenceNumberPrefix$sequenceNumber"
  def encode(partitions: collection.Set[TopicPartition]): Array[Byte] = {
    val partitionsJson = => Map("topic" -> partition.topic, "partition" -> partition.partition).asJava)
    Json.encodeAsBytes(Map("version" -> IsrChangeNotificationHandler.Version, "partitions" -> partitionsJson.asJava).asJava)

  def decode(bytes: Array[Byte]): Set[TopicPartition] = {
    Json.parseBytes(bytes).map { js =>
      val partitionsJson = js.asJsonObject("partitions").asJsonArray { partitionsJson =>
        val partitionJson = partitionsJson.asJsonObject
        val topic = partitionJson("topic").to[String]
        val partition = partitionJson("partition").to[Int]
        new TopicPartition(topic, partition)
  def sequenceNumber(path: String) = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf(SequenceNumberPrefix) + SequenceNumberPrefix.length)

object LogDirEventNotificationZNode {
  def path = "/log_dir_event_notification"

object LogDirEventNotificationSequenceZNode {
  val SequenceNumberPrefix = "log_dir_event_"
  val LogDirFailureEvent = 1
  def path(sequenceNumber: String) = s"${LogDirEventNotificationZNode.path}/$SequenceNumberPrefix$sequenceNumber"
  def encode(brokerId: Int) = {
    Json.encodeAsBytes(Map("version" -> 1, "broker" -> brokerId, "event" -> LogDirFailureEvent).asJava)
  def decode(bytes: Array[Byte]): Option[Int] = Json.parseBytes(bytes).map { js =>
  def sequenceNumber(path: String) = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf(SequenceNumberPrefix) + SequenceNumberPrefix.length)

object AdminZNode {
  def path = "/admin"

object DeleteTopicsZNode {
  def path = s"${AdminZNode.path}/delete_topics"

object DeleteTopicsTopicZNode {
  def path(topic: String) = s"${DeleteTopicsZNode.path}/$topic"

 * The znode for initiating a partition reassignment.
 * @deprecated Since 2.4, use the PartitionReassignment Kafka API instead.
object ReassignPartitionsZNode {

    * The assignment of brokers for a `TopicPartition`.
    * A replica assignment consists of a `topic`, `partition` and a list of `replicas`, which
    * represent the broker ids that the `TopicPartition` is assigned to.
  case class ReplicaAssignment(@BeanProperty @JsonProperty("topic") topic: String,
                               @BeanProperty @JsonProperty("partition") partition: Int,
                               @BeanProperty @JsonProperty("replicas") replicas: java.util.List[Int])

    * An assignment consists of a `version` and a list of `partitions`, which represent the
    * assignment of topic-partitions to brokers.
    * @deprecated Use the PartitionReassignment Kafka API instead
  case class LegacyPartitionAssignment(@BeanProperty @JsonProperty("version") version: Int,
                                       @BeanProperty @JsonProperty("partitions") partitions: java.util.List[ReplicaAssignment])

  def path = s"${AdminZNode.path}/reassign_partitions"

  def encode(reassignmentMap: collection.Map[TopicPartition, Seq[Int]]): Array[Byte] = {
    val reassignment = LegacyPartitionAssignment(1, { case (tp, replicas) =>
        ReplicaAssignment(tp.topic, tp.partition, replicas.asJava)

  def decode(bytes: Array[Byte]): Either[JsonProcessingException, collection.Map[TopicPartition, Seq[Int]]] =
    Json.parseBytesAs[LegacyPartitionAssignment](bytes).map { partitionAssignment => { replicaAssignment =>
        new TopicPartition(replicaAssignment.topic, replicaAssignment.partition) -> replicaAssignment.replicas.asScala

object PreferredReplicaElectionZNode {
  def path = s"${AdminZNode.path}/preferred_replica_election"
  def encode(partitions: Set[TopicPartition]): Array[Byte] = {
    val jsonMap = Map("version" -> 1,
      "partitions" -> => Map("topic" -> tp.topic, "partition" -> tp.partition).asJava).asJava)
  def decode(bytes: Array[Byte]): Set[TopicPartition] = Json.parseBytes(bytes).map { js =>
    val partitionsJson = js.asJsonObject("partitions").asJsonArray { partitionsJson =>
      val partitionJson = partitionsJson.asJsonObject
      val topic = partitionJson("topic").to[String]
      val partition = partitionJson("partition").to[Int]
      new TopicPartition(topic, partition)

//old consumer path znode
object ConsumerPathZNode {
  def path = "/consumers"

object ConsumerOffset {
  def path(group: String, topic: String, partition: Integer) = s"${ConsumerPathZNode.path}/${group}/offsets/${topic}/${partition}"
  def encode(offset: Long): Array[Byte] = offset.toString.getBytes(UTF_8)
  def decode(bytes: Array[Byte]): Option[Long] = Option(bytes).map(new String(_, UTF_8).toLong)

object ZkVersion {
  val MatchAnyVersion = -1 // if used in a conditional set, matches any version (the value should match ZooKeeper codebase)
  val UnknownVersion = -2  // Version returned from get if node does not exist (internal constant for Kafka codebase, unused value in ZK)

object ZkStat {
  val NoStat = new Stat()

object StateChangeHandlers {
  val ControllerHandler = "controller-state-change-handler"
  def zkNodeChangeListenerHandler(seqNodeRoot: String) = s"change-notification-$seqNodeRoot"

  * Acls for resources are stored in ZK under two root paths:
  • [[org.apache.kafka.common.resource.PatternType#LITERAL Literal]] patterns are stored under '/kafka-acl'. * The format is JSON. See [[kafka.zk.ResourceZNode]] for details.
  • *
  • All other patterns are stored under '/kafka-acl-extended/pattern-type'. * The format is JSON. See [[kafka.zk.ResourceZNode]] for details.
  • *
* * Under each root node there will be one child node per resource type (Topic, Cluster, Group, etc). * Under each resourceType there will be a unique child for each resource pattern and the data for that child will contain * list of its acls as a json object. Following gives an example: * *
  * // Literal patterns:
  * /kafka-acl/Topic/topic-1 => {"version": 1, "acls": [ { "host":"host1", "permissionType": "Allow","operation": "Read","principal": "User:alice"}]}
  * /kafka-acl/Cluster/kafka-cluster => {"version": 1, "acls": [ { "host":"host1", "permissionType": "Allow","operation": "Read","principal": "User:alice"}]}
  * // Prefixed patterns:
  * /kafka-acl-extended/PREFIXED/Group/group-1 => {"version": 1, "acls": [ { "host":"host1", "permissionType": "Allow","operation": "Read","principal": "User:alice"}]}
* * Acl change events are also stored under two paths: *
  • [[org.apache.kafka.common.resource.PatternType#LITERAL Literal]] patterns are stored under '/kafka-acl-changes'. * The format is a UTF8 string in the form: <resource-type>:<resource-name>
  • *
  • All other patterns are stored under '/kafka-acl-extended-changes' * The format is JSON, as defined by [[kafka.zk.ExtendedAclChangeEvent]]
  • *
*/ sealed trait ZkAclStore { val patternType: PatternType val aclPath: String def path(resourceType: ResourceType): String = s"$aclPath/${SecurityUtils.resourceTypeName(resourceType)}" def path(resourceType: ResourceType, resourceName: String): String = s"$aclPath/${SecurityUtils.resourceTypeName(resourceType)}/$resourceName" def changeStore: ZkAclChangeStore } object ZkAclStore { private val storesByType: Map[PatternType, ZkAclStore] = PatternType.values .filter(_.isSpecific) .map(patternType => (patternType, create(patternType))) .toMap val stores: Iterable[ZkAclStore] = storesByType.values val securePaths: Iterable[String] = stores .flatMap(store => Set(store.aclPath, store.changeStore.aclChangePath)) def apply(patternType: PatternType): ZkAclStore = { storesByType.get(patternType) match { case Some(store) => store case None => throw new KafkaException(s"Invalid pattern type: $patternType") } } private def create(patternType: PatternType) = { patternType match { case PatternType.LITERAL => LiteralAclStore case _ => new ExtendedAclStore(patternType) } } } object LiteralAclStore extends ZkAclStore { val patternType: PatternType = PatternType.LITERAL val aclPath: String = "/kafka-acl" def changeStore: ZkAclChangeStore = LiteralAclChangeStore } class ExtendedAclStore(val patternType: PatternType) extends ZkAclStore { if (patternType == PatternType.LITERAL) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Literal pattern types are not supported") val aclPath: String = s"${ExtendedAclZNode.path}/${}" def changeStore: ZkAclChangeStore = ExtendedAclChangeStore } object ExtendedAclZNode { def path = "/kafka-acl-extended" } trait AclChangeNotificationHandler { def processNotification(resource: ResourcePattern): Unit } trait AclChangeSubscription extends AutoCloseable { def close(): Unit } case class AclChangeNode(path: String, bytes: Array[Byte]) sealed trait ZkAclChangeStore { val aclChangePath: String def createPath: String = s"$aclChangePath/${ZkAclChangeStore.SequenceNumberPrefix}" def decode(bytes: Array[Byte]): ResourcePattern protected def encode(resource: ResourcePattern): Array[Byte] def createChangeNode(resource: ResourcePattern): AclChangeNode = AclChangeNode(createPath, encode(resource)) def createListener(handler: AclChangeNotificationHandler, zkClient: KafkaZkClient): AclChangeSubscription = { val rawHandler: NotificationHandler = (bytes: Array[Byte]) => handler.processNotification(decode(bytes)) val aclChangeListener = new ZkNodeChangeNotificationListener( zkClient, aclChangePath, ZkAclChangeStore.SequenceNumberPrefix, rawHandler) aclChangeListener.init() () => aclChangeListener.close() } } object ZkAclChangeStore { val stores: Iterable[ZkAclChangeStore] = List(LiteralAclChangeStore, ExtendedAclChangeStore) def SequenceNumberPrefix = "acl_changes_" } case object LiteralAclChangeStore extends ZkAclChangeStore { val name = "LiteralAclChangeStore" val aclChangePath: String = "/kafka-acl-changes" def encode(resource: ResourcePattern): Array[Byte] = { if (resource.patternType != PatternType.LITERAL) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only literal resource patterns can be encoded") val legacyName = resource.resourceType.toString + AclEntry.ResourceSeparator + legacyName.getBytes(UTF_8) } def decode(bytes: Array[Byte]): ResourcePattern = { val string = new String(bytes, UTF_8) string.split(AclEntry.ResourceSeparator, 2) match { case Array(resourceType, resourceName, _*) => new ResourcePattern(ResourceType.fromString(resourceType), resourceName, PatternType.LITERAL) case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("expected a string in format ResourceType:ResourceName but got " + string) } } } case object ExtendedAclChangeStore extends ZkAclChangeStore { val name = "ExtendedAclChangeStore" val aclChangePath: String = "/kafka-acl-extended-changes" def encode(resource: ResourcePattern): Array[Byte] = { if (resource.patternType == PatternType.LITERAL) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Literal pattern types are not supported") Json.encodeAsBytes(ExtendedAclChangeEvent( ExtendedAclChangeEvent.currentVersion,,, } def decode(bytes: Array[Byte]): ResourcePattern = { val changeEvent = Json.parseBytesAs[ExtendedAclChangeEvent](bytes) match { case Right(event) => event case Left(e) => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to parse ACL change event", e) } changeEvent.toResource match { case Success(r) => r case Failure(e) => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to convert ACL change event to resource", e) } } } object ResourceZNode { def path(resource: ResourcePattern): String = ZkAclStore(resource.patternType).path(resource.resourceType, def encode(acls: Set[AclEntry]): Array[Byte] = Json.encodeAsBytes(AclEntry.toJsonCompatibleMap(acls).asJava) def decode(bytes: Array[Byte], stat: Stat): VersionedAcls = VersionedAcls(AclEntry.fromBytes(bytes), stat.getVersion) } object ExtendedAclChangeEvent { val currentVersion: Int = 1 } case class ExtendedAclChangeEvent(@BeanProperty @JsonProperty("version") version: Int, @BeanProperty @JsonProperty("resourceType") resourceType: String, @BeanProperty @JsonProperty("name") name: String, @BeanProperty @JsonProperty("patternType") patternType: String) { if (version > ExtendedAclChangeEvent.currentVersion) throw new UnsupportedVersionException(s"Acl change event received for unsupported version: $version") def toResource: Try[ResourcePattern] = { for { resType <- Try(ResourceType.fromString(resourceType)) patType <- Try(PatternType.fromString(patternType)) resource = new ResourcePattern(resType, name, patType) } yield resource } } object ClusterZNode { def path = "/cluster" } object ClusterIdZNode { def path = s"${ClusterZNode.path}/id" def toJson(id: String): Array[Byte] = { Json.encodeAsBytes(Map("version" -> "1", "id" -> id).asJava) } def fromJson(clusterIdJson: Array[Byte]): String = { Json.parseBytes(clusterIdJson).map(_.asJsonObject("id").to[String]).getOrElse { throw new KafkaException(s"Failed to parse the cluster id json $clusterIdJson") } } } object BrokerSequenceIdZNode { def path = s"${BrokersZNode.path}/seqid" } object ProducerIdBlockZNode { val CurrentVersion: Long = 1L def path = "/latest_producer_id_block" def generateProducerIdBlockJson(producerIdBlock: ProducerIdsBlock): Array[Byte] = { Json.encodeAsBytes(Map("version" -> CurrentVersion, "broker" -> producerIdBlock.assignedBrokerId, "block_start" -> producerIdBlock.firstProducerId.toString, "block_end" -> producerIdBlock.lastProducerId.toString).asJava ) } def parseProducerIdBlockData(jsonData: Array[Byte]): ProducerIdsBlock = { val jsonDataAsString = try { Json.parseBytes(jsonData).map(_.asJsonObject).flatMap { js => val brokerId = js("broker").to[Int] val blockStart = js("block_start").to[String].toLong val blockEnd = js("block_end").to[String].toLong Some(new ProducerIdsBlock(brokerId, blockStart, Math.toIntExact(blockEnd - blockStart + 1))) }.getOrElse(throw new KafkaException(s"Failed to parse the producerId block json $jsonDataAsString")) } catch { case e: java.lang.NumberFormatException => // this should never happen: the written data has exceeded long type limit throw new KafkaException(s"Read jason data $jsonDataAsString contains producerIds that have exceeded long type limit", e) } } } object DelegationTokenAuthZNode { def path = "/delegation_token" } object DelegationTokenChangeNotificationZNode { def path = s"${DelegationTokenAuthZNode.path}/token_changes" } object DelegationTokenChangeNotificationSequenceZNode { val SequenceNumberPrefix = "token_change_" def createPath = s"${DelegationTokenChangeNotificationZNode.path}/$SequenceNumberPrefix" def deletePath(sequenceNode: String) = s"${DelegationTokenChangeNotificationZNode.path}/${sequenceNode}" def encode(tokenId : String): Array[Byte] = tokenId.getBytes(UTF_8) def decode(bytes: Array[Byte]): String = new String(bytes, UTF_8) } object DelegationTokensZNode { def path = s"${DelegationTokenAuthZNode.path}/tokens" } object DelegationTokenInfoZNode { def path(tokenId: String) = s"${DelegationTokensZNode.path}/$tokenId" def encode(token: DelegationToken): Array[Byte] = Json.encodeAsBytes(DelegationTokenManager.toJsonCompatibleMap(token).asJava) def decode(bytes: Array[Byte]): Option[TokenInformation] = DelegationTokenManager.fromBytes(bytes) } /** * Represents the status of the FeatureZNode. * * Enabled -> This status means the feature versioning system (KIP-584) is enabled, and, the * finalized features stored in the FeatureZNode are active. This status is written by * the controller to the FeatureZNode only when the broker IBP config is greater than * or equal to IBP_2_7_IV0. * * Disabled -> This status means the feature versioning system (KIP-584) is disabled, and, the * the finalized features stored in the FeatureZNode is not relevant. This status is * written by the controller to the FeatureZNode only when the broker IBP config * is less than IBP_2_7_IV0. */ sealed trait FeatureZNodeStatus { def id: Int } object FeatureZNodeStatus { case object Disabled extends FeatureZNodeStatus { val id: Int = 0 } case object Enabled extends FeatureZNodeStatus { val id: Int = 1 } def withNameOpt(id: Int): Option[FeatureZNodeStatus] = { id match { case => Some(Disabled) case => Some(Enabled) case _ => Option.empty } } } /** * Represents the contents of the ZK node containing finalized feature information. * * @param version the version of ZK node, we removed min_version_level in version 2 * @param status the status of the ZK node * @param features the cluster-wide finalized features */ case class FeatureZNode(version: Int, status: FeatureZNodeStatus, features: Map[String, Short]) { } object FeatureZNode { private val VersionKey = "version" private val StatusKey = "status" private val FeaturesKey = "features" private val V1MinVersionKey = "min_version_level" private val V1MaxVersionKey = "max_version_level" // V1 contains 'version', 'status' and 'features' keys. val V1 = 1 // V2 removes min_version_level val V2 = 2 /** * - Create a feature info with v1 json format if if the metadataVersion is before 3.2.0 * - Create a feature znode with v2 json format if the metadataVersion is 3.2.1 or above. */ def apply(metadataVersion: MetadataVersion, status: FeatureZNodeStatus, features: Map[String, Short]): FeatureZNode = { val version = if (metadataVersion.isAtLeast(MetadataVersion.IBP_3_3_IV0)) { V2 } else { V1 } FeatureZNode(version, status, features) } def path = "/feature" def asJavaMap(scalaMap: Map[String, Map[String, Short]]): util.Map[String, util.Map[String, java.lang.Short]] = { scalaMap .map { case(featureName, versionInfo) => featureName -> { case(label, version) => label -> java.lang.Short.valueOf(version) }.asJava }.asJava } /** * Encodes a FeatureZNode to JSON. * * @param featureZNode FeatureZNode to be encoded * * @return JSON representation of the FeatureZNode, as an Array[Byte] */ def encode(featureZNode: FeatureZNode): Array[Byte] = { val features = if (featureZNode.version == V1) { asJavaMap({ case (feature, version) => feature -> Map(V1MaxVersionKey -> version, V1MinVersionKey -> version) }) } else { asJavaMap({ case (feature, version) => feature -> Map(V1MaxVersionKey -> version) }) } val jsonMap = collection.mutable.Map( VersionKey -> featureZNode.version, StatusKey ->, FeaturesKey -> features) Json.encodeAsBytes(jsonMap.asJava) } /** * Decodes the contents of the feature ZK node from Array[Byte] to a FeatureZNode. * * @param jsonBytes the contents of the feature ZK node * * @return the FeatureZNode created from jsonBytes * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the Array[Byte] can not be decoded. */ def decode(jsonBytes: Array[Byte]): FeatureZNode = { Json.tryParseBytes(jsonBytes) match { case Right(js) => val featureInfo = js.asJsonObject val version = featureInfo(VersionKey).to[Int] if (version < V1 || version > V2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unsupported version: $version of feature information: " + s"${new String(jsonBytes, UTF_8)}") } val statusInt = featureInfo .get(StatusKey) .flatMap([Option[Int]]) if (statusInt.isEmpty) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Status can not be absent in feature information: " + s"${new String(jsonBytes, UTF_8)}") } val status = FeatureZNodeStatus.withNameOpt(statusInt.get) if (status.isEmpty) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( s"Malformed status: $statusInt found in feature information: ${new String(jsonBytes, UTF_8)}") } val finalizedFeatures = decodeFeature(version, featureInfo, jsonBytes) FeatureZNode(version, status.get, finalizedFeatures) case Left(e) => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Failed to parse feature information: " + s"${new String(jsonBytes, UTF_8)}", e) } } private def decodeFeature(version: Int, featureInfo: JsonObject, jsonBytes: Array[Byte]): Map[String, Short] = { val featuresMap = featureInfo .get(FeaturesKey) .flatMap([Option[Map[String, Map[String, Int]]]]) if (featuresMap.isEmpty) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Features map can not be absent in: " + s"${new String(jsonBytes, UTF_8)}") } { case (featureName, versionInfo) => if (version == V1 && !versionInfo.contains(V1MinVersionKey)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"$V1MinVersionKey absent in [$versionInfo]") } if (!versionInfo.contains(V1MaxVersionKey)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"$V1MaxVersionKey absent in [$versionInfo]") } val minValueOpt = versionInfo.get(V1MinVersionKey) val maxValue = versionInfo(V1MaxVersionKey) if (version == V1 && (minValueOpt.get < 1 || maxValue < minValueOpt.get)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Expected minValue >= 1, maxValue >= 1 and maxValue >= minValue, but received minValue: ${minValueOpt.get}, maxValue: $maxValue") } if (maxValue < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Expected maxValue >= 1, but received maxValue: $maxValue") } featureName -> maxValue.toShort } } } object ZkData { // Important: it is necessary to add any new top level Zookeeper path to the Seq val SecureRootPaths = Seq(AdminZNode.path, BrokersZNode.path, ClusterZNode.path, ConfigZNode.path, ControllerZNode.path, ControllerEpochZNode.path, IsrChangeNotificationZNode.path, ProducerIdBlockZNode.path, LogDirEventNotificationZNode.path, DelegationTokenAuthZNode.path, ExtendedAclZNode.path) ++ ZkAclStore.securePaths // These are persistent ZK paths that should exist on kafka broker startup. val PersistentZkPaths = Seq( ConsumerPathZNode.path, // old consumer path BrokerIdsZNode.path, TopicsZNode.path, ConfigEntityChangeNotificationZNode.path, DeleteTopicsZNode.path, BrokerSequenceIdZNode.path, IsrChangeNotificationZNode.path, ProducerIdBlockZNode.path, LogDirEventNotificationZNode.path ) ++ val SensitiveRootPaths = Seq( ConfigEntityTypeZNode.path(ConfigType.User), ConfigEntityTypeZNode.path(ConfigType.Broker), DelegationTokensZNode.path ) def sensitivePath(path: String): Boolean = { path != null && SensitiveRootPaths.exists(path.startsWith) } def defaultAcls(isSecure: Boolean, path: String): Seq[ACL] = { //Old Consumer path is kept open as different consumers will write under this node. if (!ConsumerPathZNode.path.equals(path) && isSecure) { val acls = new ArrayBuffer[ACL] acls ++= ZooDefs.Ids.CREATOR_ALL_ACL.asScala if (!sensitivePath(path)) acls ++= ZooDefs.Ids.READ_ACL_UNSAFE.asScala acls } else ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE.asScala } }

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