org.apache.kalumet.agent.updater.JEEApplicationUpdater Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package org.apache.kalumet.agent.updater;
import org.apache.kalumet.FileManipulator;
import org.apache.kalumet.FileManipulatorException;
import org.apache.kalumet.KalumetException;
import org.apache.kalumet.agent.Configuration;
import org.apache.kalumet.agent.utils.EventUtils;
import org.apache.kalumet.model.Agent;
import org.apache.kalumet.model.Archive;
import org.apache.kalumet.model.ConfigurationFile;
import org.apache.kalumet.model.ContentManager;
import org.apache.kalumet.model.Database;
import org.apache.kalumet.model.Environment;
import org.apache.kalumet.model.JEEApplication;
import org.apache.kalumet.model.JEEApplicationServer;
import org.apache.kalumet.model.Kalumet;
import org.apache.kalumet.model.update.UpdateLog;
import org.apache.kalumet.model.update.UpdateMessage;
import org.apache.kalumet.utils.NotifierUtils;
import org.apache.kalumet.utils.PublisherUtils;
import org.apache.kalumet.utils.VariableUtils;
import org.apache.kalumet.ws.client.ClientException;
import org.apache.kalumet.ws.client.JEEApplicationClient;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.Iterator;
* JEE application updater.
public class JEEApplicationUpdater
private static final transient Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger( JEEApplicationUpdater.class );
* Update a JEE application.
* @param environment the target Environment
* @param server the target JEEApplicationServer
* @param application the target JEEApplication
* @param updateLog the UpdateLog
to use.
* @throws UpdateException if the update failed.
public static void update( Environment environment, JEEApplicationServer server, JEEApplication application,
UpdateLog updateLog )
throws UpdateException
LOGGER.info( "Updating JEE application {}", application.getName() );
String applicationUri = VariableUtils.replace( application.getUri(), environment.getVariables() );
updateLog.addUpdateMessage( new UpdateMessage( "info", "Updating JEE application " + application.getName() ) );
new UpdateMessage( "summary", "JEE application " + application.getName() + " located " + applicationUri ) );
EventUtils.post( environment, "UPDATE", "Updating JEE application " + application.getName() );
if ( !application.isActive() )
// the application is inactive, not updated
LOGGER.info( "JEE application {} is inactive, so not updated", application.getName() );
new UpdateMessage( "info", "JEE application " + application.getName() + " is inactive, not updated" ) );
EventUtils.post( environment, "UPDATE",
"JEE application " + application.getName() + " is inactive, not updated" );
if ( application.getAgent() != null && application.getAgent().trim().length() > 0 && !application.getAgent().equals(
Configuration.AGENT_ID ) )
// delegates the application update to another agent
LOGGER.info( "Delegating JEE application {} update to agent {}", application.getName(), application.getAgent() );
Agent delegationAgent = Configuration.CONFIG_CACHE.getAgent( application.getAgent() );
EventUtils.post( environment, "UPDATE",
"Delegating JEE application " + application.getName() + " update to agent "
+ application.getAgent() );
updateLog.addUpdateMessage( new UpdateMessage( "info", "Delegating JEE application " + application.getName()
+ " update to agent " + application.getAgent() ) );
if ( delegationAgent == null )
LOGGER.error( "Agent " + application.getAgent() + " is not found in the configuration" );
throw new UpdateException( "Agent " + application.getAgent() + " is not found in the configuration" );
LOGGER.debug( "Call JEE application WS" );
JEEApplicationClient webServiceClient =
new JEEApplicationClient( delegationAgent.getHostname(), delegationAgent.getPort() );
webServiceClient.update( environment.getName(), server.getName(), application.getName(), true );
catch ( ClientException clientException )
LOGGER.error( "JEE application {} update failed", application.getName(), clientException );
throw new UpdateException( "JEE application " + application.getName() + " update failed", clientException );
// create the application directory in the environment working directory
// (if needed)
LOGGER.debug( "Creating the JEE application directory" );
String applicationCacheDir = FileManipulator.createJEEApplicationCacheDir( environment, application );
catch ( FileManipulatorException e )
LOGGER.error( "Can't create JEE application cache directory", e );
throw new UpdateException( "Can't create JEE application cache directory", e );
// update configuration files
LOGGER.info( "Updating JEE application configuration files" );
for ( Iterator configurationFileIterator = application.getConfigurationFiles().iterator();
configurationFileIterator.hasNext(); )
ConfigurationFile configurationFile = (ConfigurationFile) configurationFileIterator.next();
ConfigurationFileUpdater.update( environment, server, application, configurationFile, updateLog );
catch ( UpdateException updateException )
// the configuration file update has failed
if ( configurationFile.isBlocker() )
// the configuration file is update blocker
LOGGER.error( "Configuration file {} update failed", configurationFile.getName(), updateException );
updateLog.addUpdateMessage( new UpdateMessage( "error", "Configuration file " + configurationFile.getName()
+ " update failed: " + updateException.getMessage() ) );
EventUtils.post( environment, "ERROR",
"Configuration file " + configurationFile.getName() + " update failed: "
+ updateException.getMessage() );
throw new UpdateException( "Configuration file " + configurationFile.getName() + " update failed",
updateException );
// the configuration file is not update blocker
LOGGER.warn( "Configuration file {} update failed", configurationFile.getName(), updateException );
updateLog.addUpdateMessage( new UpdateMessage( "warn", "Configuration file " + configurationFile.getName()
+ " update failed: " + updateException.getMessage() ) );
updateLog.addUpdateMessage( new UpdateMessage( "info", "Configuration file " + configurationFile.getName()
+ " is not update blocker, update continues" ) );
EventUtils.post( environment, "WARN", "Configuration file " + configurationFile.getName() + " update failed: "
+ updateException.getMessage() );
EventUtils.post( environment, "UPDATE", "Configuration file " + configurationFile.getName()
+ " is not update blocker, update continues" );
// update database
LOGGER.info( "Updating JEE application databases" );
for ( Iterator databaseIterator = application.getDatabases().iterator(); databaseIterator.hasNext(); )
Database database = (Database) databaseIterator.next();
DatabaseUpdater.update( environment, server, application, database, updateLog );
catch ( UpdateException updateException )
// the database update has failed
if ( database.isBlocker() )
// the database is update blocker
LOGGER.error( "Database {} update failed", database.getName(), updateException );
updateLog.addUpdateMessage( new UpdateMessage( "error", "Database " + database.getName() + " update failed: "
+ updateException.getMessage() ) );
EventUtils.post( environment, "ERROR",
"Database " + database.getName() + " update failed: " + updateException.getMessage() );
throw new UpdateException( "Database " + database.getName() + " update failed", updateException );
// the database is not update blocker
LOGGER.warn( "Database {} update failed", database.getName(), updateException );
updateLog.addUpdateMessage( new UpdateMessage( "warn", "Database " + database.getName() + " update failed: "
+ updateException.getMessage() ) );
updateLog.addUpdateMessage( new UpdateMessage( "info", "Database " + database.getName()
+ " is not update blocker, update continues" ) );
EventUtils.post( environment, "WARN",
"Database " + database.getName() + " update failed: " + updateException.getMessage() );
EventUtils.post( environment, "UPDATE",
"Database " + database.getName() + " is not update blocker, update continues" );
// update content managers
LOGGER.info( "Updating JEE application content managers" );
for ( Iterator contentManagerIterator = application.getContentManagers().iterator();
contentManagerIterator.hasNext(); )
ContentManager contentManager = (ContentManager) contentManagerIterator.next();
ContentManagerUpdater.update( environment, server, application, contentManager, updateLog );
catch ( UpdateException updateException )
// the content manager update has failed
if ( contentManager.isBlocker() )
// the content manager is update blocker
LOGGER.error( "Content manager {} update failed", contentManager.getName(), updateException );
updateLog.addUpdateMessage( new UpdateMessage( "error", "Content manager " + contentManager.getName()
+ " update failed: " + updateException.getMessage() ) );
EventUtils.post( environment, "ERROR", "Content manager " + contentManager.getName() + " update failed: "
+ updateException.getMessage() );
throw new UpdateException( "Content manager " + contentManager.getName() + " update failed",
updateException );
// the content manager is not update blocker
LOGGER.warn( "Content manager {} update failed", contentManager.getName(), updateException );
updateLog.addUpdateMessage( new UpdateMessage( "warn", "Content manager " + contentManager.getName()
+ " update failed: " + updateException.getMessage() ) );
updateLog.addUpdateMessage( new UpdateMessage( "info", "Content manager " + contentManager.getName()
+ " is not update blocker, update continues" ) );
EventUtils.post( environment, "WARN", "Content manager " + contentManager.getName() + " update failed: "
+ updateException.getMessage() );
EventUtils.post( environment, "UPDATE",
"Content manager " + contentManager.getName() + " is not update blocker, update continues" );
// update archives
LOGGER.info( "Updating JEE application archives" );
for ( Iterator archiveIterator = application.getArchives().iterator(); archiveIterator.hasNext(); )
Archive archive = (Archive) archiveIterator.next();
ArchiveUpdater.update( environment, server, application, archive, updateLog );
catch ( UpdateException updateException )
// the archive update has failed
if ( archive.isBlocker() )
// the archive is update blocker
LOGGER.error( "Archive {} update failed", archive.getName(), updateException );
updateLog.addUpdateMessage( new UpdateMessage( "error", "Archive " + archive.getName() + " update failed: "
+ updateException.getMessage() ) );
EventUtils.post( environment, "ERROR",
"Archive " + archive.getName() + " update failed: " + updateException.getMessage() );
throw new UpdateException( "Archive " + archive.getName() + " update failed", updateException );
// the archive is not update blocker
LOGGER.warn( "Archive {} update failed", archive.getName(), updateException );
updateLog.addUpdateMessage( new UpdateMessage( "warn", "Archive " + archive.getName() + " update failed: "
+ updateException.getMessage() ) );
new UpdateMessage( "info", "Archive " + archive.getName() + " is not update blocker, update continues" ) );
EventUtils.post( environment, "WARN",
"Archive " + archive.getName() + " update failed: " + updateException.getMessage() );
EventUtils.post( environment, "UPDATE",
"Archive " + archive.getName() + " is not update blocker, update continues" );
// JEE application update is completed
LOGGER.info( "JEE application {} updated", application.getName() );
updateLog.addUpdateMessage( new UpdateMessage( "info", "JEE application " + application.getName() + " updated" ) );
EventUtils.post( environment, "UPDATE", "JEE application " + application.getName() + " updated" );
* Wrapper method to update a JEE application (via WS).
* @param environmentName the target environment name.
* @param serverName the target JEE application server name.
* @param applicationName the target JEE application name.
* @param delegation flag indicating if the update is a delegation from another agent (true), or a client call (false).
* @throws KalumetException in case of update error.
public static void update( String environmentName, String serverName, String applicationName, boolean delegation )
throws KalumetException
LOGGER.info( "JEE application {} update requested by WS", applicationName );
LOGGER.debug( "Loading the configuration" );
Kalumet kalumet = Kalumet.digeste( Configuration.CONFIG_LOCATION );
Environment environment = kalumet.getEnvironment( environmentName );
if ( environment == null )
LOGGER.error( "The environment {} is not found in the the configuration", environmentName );
throw new KalumetException( "The environment " + environmentName + " is not found in the the configuration" );
JEEApplicationServer applicationServer =
environment.getJEEApplicationServers().getJEEApplicationServer( serverName );
if ( applicationServer == null )
LOGGER.error( "The JEE application server {} is not found in the environment {}", serverName, environmentName );
throw new KalumetException(
"The JEE application server " + serverName + " is not found in the environment " + environmentName );
JEEApplication application = applicationServer.getJEEApplication( applicationName );
if ( application == null )
LOGGER.error( "The JEE application {} is not found in the JEE application server {}", applicationName,
serverName );
throw new KalumetException(
"The JEE application " + applicationName + " is not found in the JEE application server " + serverName );
// update the agent cache
LOGGER.debug( "Updating configuration cache" );
Configuration.CONFIG_CACHE = kalumet;
EventUtils.post( environment, "UPDATE", "JEE application {} update requested by WS", applicationName );
UpdateLog updateLog =
new UpdateLog( "JEE application " + applicationName + " update in progress ...", environment.getName(),
environment );
if ( !delegation )
// it's a client call
LOGGER.info( "Send a notification and waiting for the count down" );
EventUtils.post( environment, "UPDATE", "Send a notification and waiting for the count down" );
NotifierUtils.waitAndNotify( environment );
LOGGER.debug( "Call JEE application updater" );
JEEApplicationUpdater.update(environment, applicationServer, application, updateLog);
catch ( Exception e )
LOGGER.error( "JEE application {} update failed", applicationName, e );
EventUtils.post( environment, "ERROR",
"JEE application " + applicationName + " udpate failed: " + e.getMessage() );
if ( !delegation )
updateLog.setStatus( "JEE application " + applicationName + " update failed" );
new UpdateMessage( "error", "JEE application " + applicationName + " update failed: " + e.getMessage() ) );
PublisherUtils.publish( environment );
throw new UpdateException( "JEE application " + applicationName + " update failed", e );
// update completed
LOGGER.info( "JEE application {} updated", application.getName() );
EventUtils.post( environment, "UPDATE", "JEE application " + application.getName() + " updated" );
if ( !delegation )
if ( updateLog.isUpdated() )
updateLog.setStatus( "JEE application " + application.getName() + " updated" );
updateLog.setStatus( "JEE application " + application.getName() + " already up to date" );
new UpdateMessage( "info", "JEE application " + application.getName() + " updated" ) );
LOGGER.info( "Publishing update report" );
PublisherUtils.publish( environment );
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