org.apache.kylin.engine.mr.steps.FactDistinctColumnsMapper Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.apache.kylin.engine.mr.steps;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text;
import org.apache.kylin.common.KylinVersion;
import org.apache.kylin.common.util.Bytes;
import org.apache.kylin.common.util.MemoryBudgetController;
import org.apache.kylin.common.util.StringUtil;
import org.apache.kylin.cube.DimensionRangeInfo;
import org.apache.kylin.cube.cuboid.CuboidUtil;
import org.apache.kylin.engine.mr.common.BatchConstants;
import org.apache.kylin.engine.mr.common.StatisticsDecisionUtil;
import org.apache.kylin.measure.BufferedMeasureCodec;
import org.apache.kylin.measure.hllc.HLLCounter;
import org.apache.kylin.measure.hllc.RegisterType;
import org.apache.kylin.metadata.datatype.DataType;
import org.apache.kylin.metadata.model.TblColRef;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
import com.google.common.hash.HashFunction;
import com.google.common.hash.Hasher;
import com.google.common.hash.Hashing;
public class FactDistinctColumnsMapper extends FactDistinctColumnsMapperBase {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FactDistinctColumnsMapper.class);
public static enum RawDataCounter {
protected int nRowKey;
private Integer[][] allCuboidsBitSet = null;
private HLLCounter[] allCuboidsHLL = null;
private Long[] cuboidIds;
private int rowCount = 0;
private int samplingPercentage;
private ByteBuffer tmpbuf;
private DictColDeduper dictColDeduper;
private Map dimensionRangeInfoMap = Maps.newHashMap();
private CuboidStatCalculator[] cuboidStatCalculators;
private static final Text EMPTY_TEXT = new Text();
private SelfDefineSortableKey sortableKey = new SelfDefineSortableKey();
protected void doSetup(Context context) throws IOException {
tmpbuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(4096);
samplingPercentage = Integer
nRowKey = cubeDesc.getRowkey().getRowKeyColumns().length;
Set cuboidIdSet = Sets.newHashSet(cubeSeg.getCuboidScheduler().getAllCuboidIds());
if (StatisticsDecisionUtil.isAbleToOptimizeCubingPlan(cubeSeg)) {
// For cube planner, for every prebuilt cuboid, its related row count stats should be calculated
// If the precondition for trigger cube planner phase one is satisfied, we need to calculate row count stats for mandatory cuboids.
cuboidIds = cuboidIdSet.toArray(new Long[cuboidIdSet.size()]);
allCuboidsBitSet = CuboidUtil.getCuboidBitSet(cuboidIds, nRowKey);
allCuboidsHLL = new HLLCounter[cuboidIds.length];
for (int i = 0; i < cuboidIds.length; i++) {
allCuboidsHLL[i] = new HLLCounter(cubeDesc.getConfig().getCubeStatsHLLPrecision(), RegisterType.DENSE);
//for KYLIN-2518 backward compatibility
boolean isUsePutRowKeyToHllNewAlgorithm;
if (KylinVersion.isBefore200(cubeDesc.getVersion())) {
isUsePutRowKeyToHllNewAlgorithm = false;
logger.info("Found KylinVersion : {}. Use old algorithm for cuboid sampling.", cubeDesc.getVersion());
} else {
isUsePutRowKeyToHllNewAlgorithm = true;
"Found KylinVersion : {}. Use new algorithm for cuboid sampling. About the details of the new algorithm, please refer to KYLIN-2518",
int calculatorNum = getStatsThreadNum(cuboidIds.length);
cuboidStatCalculators = new CuboidStatCalculator[calculatorNum];
int splitSize = cuboidIds.length / calculatorNum;
if (splitSize <= 0) {
splitSize = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < calculatorNum; i++) {
HLLCounter[] cuboidsHLLSplit;
Integer[][] cuboidsBitSetSplit;
Long[] cuboidIdSplit;
int start = i * splitSize;
if (start >= cuboidIds.length) {
int end = (i + 1) * splitSize;
if (i == calculatorNum - 1) {// last split
end = cuboidIds.length;
cuboidsHLLSplit = Arrays.copyOfRange(allCuboidsHLL, start, end);
cuboidsBitSetSplit = Arrays.copyOfRange(allCuboidsBitSet, start, end);
cuboidIdSplit = Arrays.copyOfRange(cuboidIds, start, end);
CuboidStatCalculator calculator = new CuboidStatCalculator(i,
intermediateTableDesc.getRowKeyColumnIndexes(), cuboidIdSplit, cuboidsBitSetSplit,
isUsePutRowKeyToHllNewAlgorithm, cuboidsHLLSplit);
cuboidStatCalculators[i] = calculator;
// setup dict col deduper
dictColDeduper = new DictColDeduper();
Set dictCols = cubeDesc.getAllColumnsNeedDictionaryBuilt();
for (int i = 0; i < allCols.size(); i++) {
if (dictCols.contains(allCols.get(i)))
private int getStatsThreadNum(int cuboidNum) {
int unitNum = cubeDesc.getConfig().getCuboidNumberPerStatsCalculator();
if (unitNum <= 0) {
logger.warn("config from getCuboidNumberPerStatsCalculator() " + unitNum + " is should larger than 0");
logger.info("Will use single thread for cuboid statistics calculation");
return 1;
int maxCalculatorNum = cubeDesc.getConfig().getCuboidStatsCalculatorMaxNumber();
int calculatorNum = (cuboidNum - 1) / unitNum + 1;
if (calculatorNum > maxCalculatorNum) {
calculatorNum = maxCalculatorNum;
return calculatorNum;
public void doMap(KEYIN key, Object record, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
Collection rowCollection = flatTableInputFormat.parseMapperInput(record);
for (String[] row : rowCollection) {
for (int i = 0; i < allCols.size(); i++) {
int colIndex = columnIndex[i];
int rowSize = row.length;
String fieldValue = " ";
if (colIndex <= rowSize - 1) {
fieldValue = row[colIndex];
} else {
"colIndex:" + colIndex + " is more than rowSize: " + rowSize + " -1, so set empty value.");
if (fieldValue == null)
final DataType type = allCols.get(i).getType();
//for dic column, de dup before write value; for dim not dic column, hold util doCleanup()
if (dictColDeduper.isDictCol(i)) {
if (dictColDeduper.add(i, fieldValue)) {
writeFieldValue(context, type, i, fieldValue);
} else {
DimensionRangeInfo old = dimensionRangeInfoMap.get(i);
if (old == null) {
old = new DimensionRangeInfo(fieldValue, fieldValue);
dimensionRangeInfoMap.put(i, old);
} else {
old.setMax(type.getOrder().max(old.getMax(), fieldValue));
old.setMin(type.getOrder().min(old.getMin(), fieldValue));
if (rowCount % 100 < samplingPercentage) {
if (rowCount % 100 == 0) {
private void putRowKeyToHLL(String[] row) {
for (CuboidStatCalculator cuboidStatCalculator : cuboidStatCalculators) {
private long countSizeInBytes(String[] row) {
int size = 0;
for (String s : row) {
size += s == null ? 1 : StringUtil.utf8Length(s);
size++; // delimiter
return size;
protected void doCleanup(Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
ByteBuffer hllBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(BufferedMeasureCodec.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);
// output each cuboid's hll to reducer, key is 0 - cuboidId
for (CuboidStatCalculator cuboidStatCalculator : cuboidStatCalculators) {
for (CuboidStatCalculator cuboidStatCalculator : cuboidStatCalculators) {
Long[] cuboidIds = cuboidStatCalculator.getCuboidIds();
HLLCounter[] cuboidsHLL = cuboidStatCalculator.getHLLCounters();
HLLCounter hll;
for (int i = 0; i < cuboidIds.length; i++) {
hll = cuboidsHLL[i];
tmpbuf.put((byte) FactDistinctColumnsReducerMapping.MARK_FOR_HLL_COUNTER); // one byte
outputKey.set(tmpbuf.array(), 0, tmpbuf.position());
outputValue.set(hllBuf.array(), 0, hllBuf.position());
sortableKey.init(outputKey, (byte) 0);
context.write(sortableKey, outputValue);
for (Integer colIndex : dimensionRangeInfoMap.keySet()) {
DimensionRangeInfo rangeInfo = dimensionRangeInfoMap.get(colIndex);
DataType dataType = allCols.get(colIndex).getType();
writeFieldValue(context, dataType, colIndex, rangeInfo.getMin());
writeFieldValue(context, dataType, colIndex, rangeInfo.getMax());
private int countNewSize(int oldSize, int dataSize) {
int newSize = oldSize * 2;
while (newSize < dataSize) {
newSize = newSize * 2;
return newSize;
private void writeFieldValue(Context context, DataType type, Integer colIndex, String value)
throws IOException, InterruptedException {
int reducerIndex = reducerMapping.getReducerIdForCol(colIndex, value);
byte[] valueBytes = Bytes.toBytes(value);
int size = valueBytes.length + 1;
if (size >= tmpbuf.capacity()) {
tmpbuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(countNewSize(tmpbuf.capacity(), size));
outputKey.set(tmpbuf.array(), 0, tmpbuf.position());
sortableKey.init(outputKey, type);
context.write(sortableKey, EMPTY_TEXT);
// log a few rows for troubleshooting
if (rowCount < 10) {
logger.info("Sample output: " + allCols.get(colIndex) + " '" + value + "' => reducer " + reducerIndex);
public static class CuboidStatCalculator implements Runnable {
private final int id;
private final int nRowKey;
private final int[] rowkeyColIndex;
private final Long[] cuboidIds;
private final Integer[][] cuboidsBitSet;
private volatile HLLCounter[] cuboidsHLL = null;
//about details of the new algorithm, please see KYLIN-2518
private final boolean isNewAlgorithm;
private final HashFunction hf;
private long[] rowHashCodesLong;
private BlockingQueue queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue(2000);
private Thread workThread;
private volatile boolean stop;
public CuboidStatCalculator(int id, int[] rowkeyColIndex, Long[] cuboidIds, Integer[][] cuboidsBitSet,
boolean isUsePutRowKeyToHllNewAlgorithm, HLLCounter[] cuboidsHLL) {
this.id = id;
this.nRowKey = rowkeyColIndex.length;
this.rowkeyColIndex = rowkeyColIndex;
this.cuboidIds = cuboidIds;
this.cuboidsBitSet = cuboidsBitSet;
this.isNewAlgorithm = isUsePutRowKeyToHllNewAlgorithm;
if (!isNewAlgorithm) {
this.hf = Hashing.murmur3_32();
} else {
rowHashCodesLong = new long[nRowKey];
this.hf = Hashing.murmur3_128();
this.cuboidsHLL = cuboidsHLL;
workThread = new Thread(this);
public void start() {
logger.info("cuboid stats calculator:" + id + " started, handle cuboids number:" + cuboidIds.length);
public void putRow(final String[] row) {
String[] copyRow = Arrays.copyOf(row, row.length);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
logger.error("interrupt", e);
public void waitForCompletion() {
stop = true;
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
logger.error("interrupt", e);
private void putRowKeyToHLLOld(String[] row) {
//generate hash for each row key column
byte[][] rowHashCodes = new byte[nRowKey][];
for (int i = 0; i < nRowKey; i++) {
Hasher hc = hf.newHasher();
String colValue = row[rowkeyColIndex[i]];
if (colValue != null) {
rowHashCodes[i] = hc.putString(colValue).hash().asBytes();
} else {
rowHashCodes[i] = hc.putInt(0).hash().asBytes();
// user the row key column hash to get a consolidated hash for each cuboid
for (int i = 0, n = cuboidsBitSet.length; i < n; i++) {
Hasher hc = hf.newHasher();
for (int position = 0; position < cuboidsBitSet[i].length; position++) {
private void putRowKeyToHLLNew(String[] row) {
//generate hash for each row key column
for (int i = 0; i < nRowKey; i++) {
Hasher hc = hf.newHasher();
String colValue = row[rowkeyColIndex[i]];
if (colValue == null)
colValue = "0";
byte[] bytes = hc.putString(colValue).hash().asBytes();
rowHashCodesLong[i] = (Bytes.toLong(bytes) + i);//add column ordinal to the hash value to distinguish between (a,b) and (b,a)
// user the row key column hash to get a consolidated hash for each cuboid
for (int i = 0, n = cuboidsBitSet.length; i < n; i++) {
long value = 0;
for (int position = 0; position < cuboidsBitSet[i].length; position++) {
value += rowHashCodesLong[cuboidsBitSet[i][position]];
public HLLCounter[] getHLLCounters() {
return cuboidsHLL;
public Long[] getCuboidIds() {
return cuboidIds;
public void run() {
while (true) {
String[] row = queue.poll();
if (row == null && stop) {
logger.info("cuboid stats calculator:" + id + " completed.");
} else if (row == null) {
if (isNewAlgorithm) {
} else {
public static class DictColDeduper {
final boolean enabled;
final int resetThresholdMB;
final Map> colValueSets = Maps.newHashMap();
public DictColDeduper() {
this(200, 100);
public DictColDeduper(int enableThresholdMB, int resetThresholdMB) {
// only enable when there is sufficient memory
this.enabled = MemoryBudgetController.getSystemAvailMB() >= enableThresholdMB;
this.resetThresholdMB = resetThresholdMB;
public void setIsDictCol(int i) {
colValueSets.put(i, new HashSet());
public boolean isDictCol(int i) {
return colValueSets.containsKey(i);
public boolean add(int i, String fieldValue) {
return colValueSets.get(i).add(fieldValue);
public Set getValueSet(int i) {
return colValueSets.get(i);
public void resetIfShortOfMem() {
if (MemoryBudgetController.getSystemAvailMB() < resetThresholdMB) {
for (Set set : colValueSets.values())
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