org.apache.kyuubi.shade.codegen.templates.AbstractPromotableFieldWriter Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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<@pp.dropOutputFile />
<@pp.changeOutputFile name="/org/apache/arrow/vector/complex/impl/" />
<#include "/@includes/license.ftl" />
<#include "/@includes/vv_imports.ftl" />
<#function is_timestamp_tz type>
<#return type?starts_with("TimeStamp") && type?ends_with("TZ")>
* A FieldWriter which delegates calls to another FieldWriter. The delegate FieldWriter can be promoted to a new type
* when necessary. Classes that extend this class are responsible for handling promotion.
* This class is generated using freemarker and the ${.template_name} template.
abstract class AbstractPromotableFieldWriter extends AbstractFieldWriter {
* Retrieve the FieldWriter, promoting if it is not a FieldWriter of the specified type
* @param type the type of the values we want to write
* @return the corresponding field writer
protected FieldWriter getWriter(MinorType type) {
return getWriter(type, null);
abstract protected FieldWriter getWriter(MinorType type, ArrowType arrowType);
* @return the current FieldWriter
abstract protected FieldWriter getWriter();
public void start() {
public void end() {
setPosition(idx() + 1);
public void startList() {
public void endList() {
setPosition(idx() + 1);
public void startMap() {
public void endMap() {
setPosition(idx() + 1);
public void startEntry() {
public MapWriter key() {
return getWriter(MinorType.MAP).key();
public MapWriter value() {
return getWriter(MinorType.MAP).value();
public void endEntry() {
<#list vv.types as type><#list type.minor as minor><#assign name = minor.class?cap_first />
<#assign fields = minor.fields!type.fields />
<#if minor.class == "Decimal">
public void write(DecimalHolder holder) {
public void writeDecimal(int start, ArrowBuf buffer, ArrowType arrowType) {
getWriter(MinorType.DECIMAL).writeDecimal(start, buffer, arrowType);
public void writeDecimal(int start, ArrowBuf buffer) {
getWriter(MinorType.DECIMAL).writeDecimal(start, buffer);
public void writeBigEndianBytesToDecimal(byte[] value, ArrowType arrowType) {
getWriter(MinorType.DECIMAL).writeBigEndianBytesToDecimal(value, arrowType);
public void writeBigEndianBytesToDecimal(byte[] value) {
<#elseif minor.class == "Decimal256">
public void write(Decimal256Holder holder) {
public void writeDecimal256(long start, ArrowBuf buffer, ArrowType arrowType) {
getWriter(MinorType.DECIMAL256).writeDecimal256(start, buffer, arrowType);
public void writeDecimal256(long start, ArrowBuf buffer) {
getWriter(MinorType.DECIMAL256).writeDecimal256(start, buffer);
public void writeBigEndianBytesToDecimal256(byte[] value, ArrowType arrowType) {
getWriter(MinorType.DECIMAL256).writeBigEndianBytesToDecimal256(value, arrowType);
public void writeBigEndianBytesToDecimal256(byte[] value) {
<#elseif is_timestamp_tz(minor.class)>
public void write(${name}Holder holder) {
ArrowType.Timestamp arrowTypeWithoutTz = (ArrowType.Timestamp) MinorType.${name?upper_case?remove_ending("TZ")}.getType();
// Take the holder.timezone similar to how takes the scale from the holder.
ArrowType.Timestamp arrowType = new ArrowType.Timestamp(arrowTypeWithoutTz.getUnit(), holder.timezone);
getWriter(MinorType.${name?upper_case}, arrowType).write(holder);
* @deprecated
* The holder version should be used instead otherwise the timezone will default to UTC.
* @see #write(${name}Holder)
public void write${minor.class}(<#list fields as field>${field.type} ${}<#if field_has_next>, #if>#list>) {
ArrowType.Timestamp arrowTypeWithoutTz = (ArrowType.Timestamp) MinorType.${name?upper_case?remove_ending("TZ")}.getType();
// Assumes UTC if no timezone is provided
ArrowType.Timestamp arrowType = new ArrowType.Timestamp(arrowTypeWithoutTz.getUnit(), "UTC");
getWriter(MinorType.${name?upper_case}, arrowType).write${minor.class}(<#list fields as field>${}<#if field_has_next>, #if>#list>);
<#elseif minor.class == "Duration">
public void write(${name}Holder holder) {
ArrowType.Duration arrowType = new ArrowType.Duration(holder.unit);
getWriter(MinorType.${name?upper_case}, arrowType).write(holder);
* @deprecated
* If you experience errors with using this version of the method, switch to the holder version.
* The errors occur when using an untyped or unioned PromotableWriter, because this version of the
* method does not have enough information to infer the ArrowType.
* @see #write(${name}Holder)
public void write${minor.class}(<#list fields as field>${field.type} ${}<#if field_has_next>, #if>#list>) {
getWriter(MinorType.${name?upper_case}).write${minor.class}(<#list fields as field>${}<#if field_has_next>, #if>#list>);
<#elseif minor.class == "FixedSizeBinary">
public void write(${name}Holder holder) {
ArrowType.FixedSizeBinary arrowType = new ArrowType.FixedSizeBinary(holder.byteWidth);
getWriter(MinorType.${name?upper_case}, arrowType).write(holder);
* @deprecated
* If you experience errors with using this version of the method, switch to the holder version.
* The errors occur when using an untyped or unioned PromotableWriter, because this version of the
* method does not have enough information to infer the ArrowType.
* @see #write(${name}Holder)
public void write${minor.class}(<#list fields as field>${field.type} ${}<#if field_has_next>, #if>#list>) {
getWriter(MinorType.${name?upper_case}).write${minor.class}(<#list fields as field>${}<#if field_has_next>, #if>#list>);
public void write(${name}Holder holder) {
public void write${minor.class}(<#list fields as field>${field.type} ${}<#if field_has_next>, #if>#list>) {
getWriter(MinorType.${name?upper_case}).write${minor.class}(<#list fields as field>${}<#if field_has_next>, #if>#list>);
<#if minor.class?ends_with("VarBinary")>
public void write${minor.class}(byte[] value) {
public void write${minor.class}(byte[] value, int offset, int length) {
getWriter(MinorType.${name?upper_case}).write${minor.class}(value, offset, length);
public void write${minor.class}(ByteBuffer value) {
public void write${minor.class}(ByteBuffer value, int offset, int length) {
getWriter(MinorType.${name?upper_case}).write${minor.class}(value, offset, length);
<#elseif minor.class?ends_with("VarChar")>
public void write${minor.class}(Text value) {
public void write${minor.class}(String value) {
public void writeNull() {
public StructWriter struct() {
return getWriter(MinorType.LIST).struct();
public ListWriter list() {
return getWriter(MinorType.LIST).list();
public MapWriter map() {
return getWriter(MinorType.LIST).map();
public MapWriter map(boolean keysSorted) {
return getWriter(MinorType.MAP, new ArrowType.Map(keysSorted));
public StructWriter struct(String name) {
return getWriter(MinorType.STRUCT).struct(name);
public ListWriter list(String name) {
return getWriter(MinorType.STRUCT).list(name);
public MapWriter map(String name) {
return getWriter(MinorType.STRUCT).map(name);
public MapWriter map(String name, boolean keysSorted) {
return getWriter(MinorType.STRUCT).map(name, keysSorted);
<#list vv.types as type><#list type.minor as minor>
<#assign lowerName = minor.class?uncap_first />
<#if lowerName == "int" ><#assign lowerName = "integer" />#if>
<#assign upperName = minor.class?upper_case />
<#assign capName = minor.class?cap_first />
<#if minor.typeParams?? >
public ${capName}Writer ${lowerName}(String name<#list minor.typeParams as typeParam>, ${typeParam.type} ${}#list>) {
return getWriter(MinorType.STRUCT).${lowerName}(name<#list minor.typeParams as typeParam>, ${}#list>);
public ${capName}Writer ${lowerName}(String name) {
return getWriter(MinorType.STRUCT).${lowerName}(name);
public ${capName}Writer ${lowerName}() {
return getWriter(MinorType.LIST).${lowerName}();
public void copyReader(FieldReader reader) {
public void copyReaderToField(String name, FieldReader reader) {
getWriter().copyReaderToField(name, reader);