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org.apache.lucene.analysis.en.KStemmer Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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This file was partially derived from the
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 Copyright © 2003,
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package org.apache.lucene.analysis.en;

import org.apache.lucene.analysis.util.CharArrayMap;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.util.OpenStringBuilder;

Title: Kstemmer


Description: This is a java version of Bob Krovetz' kstem stemmer


Copyright: Copyright 2008, Luicid Imagination, Inc.


Copyright: Copyright 2003, CIIR University of Massachusetts Amherst (

*/ /** * This class implements the Kstem algorithm */ public class KStemmer { static private final int MaxWordLen = 50; static private final String[] exceptionWords = {"aide", "bathe", "caste", "cute", "dame", "dime", "doge", "done", "dune", "envelope", "gage", "grille", "grippe", "lobe", "mane", "mare", "nape", "node", "pane", "pate", "plane", "pope", "programme", "quite", "ripe", "rote", "rune", "sage", "severe", "shoppe", "sine", "slime", "snipe", "steppe", "suite", "swinge", "tare", "tine", "tope", "tripe", "twine"}; static private final String[][] directConflations = { {"aging", "age"}, {"going", "go"}, {"goes", "go"}, {"lying", "lie"}, {"using", "use"}, {"owing", "owe"}, {"suing", "sue"}, {"dying", "die"}, {"tying", "tie"}, {"vying", "vie"}, {"aged", "age"}, {"used", "use"}, {"vied", "vie"}, {"cued", "cue"}, {"died", "die"}, {"eyed", "eye"}, {"hued", "hue"}, {"iced", "ice"}, {"lied", "lie"}, {"owed", "owe"}, {"sued", "sue"}, {"toed", "toe"}, {"tied", "tie"}, {"does", "do"}, {"doing", "do"}, {"aeronautical", "aeronautics"}, {"mathematical", "mathematics"}, {"political", "politics"}, {"metaphysical", "metaphysics"}, {"cylindrical", "cylinder"}, {"nazism", "nazi"}, {"ambiguity", "ambiguous"}, {"barbarity", "barbarous"}, {"credulity", "credulous"}, {"generosity", "generous"}, {"spontaneity", "spontaneous"}, {"unanimity", "unanimous"}, {"voracity", "voracious"}, {"fled", "flee"}, {"miscarriage", "miscarry"}}; static private final String[][] countryNationality = { {"afghan", "afghanistan"}, {"african", "africa"}, {"albanian", "albania"}, {"algerian", "algeria"}, {"american", "america"}, {"andorran", "andorra"}, {"angolan", "angola"}, {"arabian", "arabia"}, {"argentine", "argentina"}, {"armenian", "armenia"}, {"asian", "asia"}, {"australian", "australia"}, {"austrian", "austria"}, {"azerbaijani", "azerbaijan"}, {"azeri", "azerbaijan"}, {"bangladeshi", "bangladesh"}, {"belgian", "belgium"}, {"bermudan", "bermuda"}, {"bolivian", "bolivia"}, {"bosnian", "bosnia"}, {"botswanan", "botswana"}, {"brazilian", "brazil"}, {"british", "britain"}, {"bulgarian", "bulgaria"}, {"burmese", "burma"}, {"californian", "california"}, {"cambodian", "cambodia"}, {"canadian", "canada"}, {"chadian", "chad"}, {"chilean", "chile"}, {"chinese", "china"}, {"colombian", "colombia"}, {"croat", "croatia"}, {"croatian", "croatia"}, {"cuban", "cuba"}, {"cypriot", "cyprus"}, {"czechoslovakian", "czechoslovakia"}, {"danish", "denmark"}, {"egyptian", "egypt"}, {"equadorian", "equador"}, {"eritrean", "eritrea"}, {"estonian", "estonia"}, {"ethiopian", "ethiopia"}, {"european", "europe"}, {"fijian", "fiji"}, {"filipino", "philippines"}, {"finnish", "finland"}, {"french", "france"}, {"gambian", "gambia"}, {"georgian", "georgia"}, {"german", "germany"}, {"ghanian", "ghana"}, {"greek", "greece"}, {"grenadan", "grenada"}, {"guamian", "guam"}, {"guatemalan", "guatemala"}, {"guinean", "guinea"}, {"guyanan", "guyana"}, {"haitian", "haiti"}, {"hawaiian", "hawaii"}, {"holland", "dutch"}, {"honduran", "honduras"}, {"hungarian", "hungary"}, {"icelandic", "iceland"}, {"indonesian", "indonesia"}, {"iranian", "iran"}, {"iraqi", "iraq"}, {"iraqui", "iraq"}, {"irish", "ireland"}, {"israeli", "israel"}, {"italian", "italy"}, {"jamaican", "jamaica"}, {"japanese", "japan"}, {"jordanian", "jordan"}, {"kampuchean", "cambodia"}, {"kenyan", "kenya"}, {"korean", "korea"}, {"kuwaiti", "kuwait"}, {"lankan", "lanka"}, {"laotian", "laos"}, {"latvian", "latvia"}, {"lebanese", "lebanon"}, {"liberian", "liberia"}, {"libyan", "libya"}, {"lithuanian", "lithuania"}, {"macedonian", "macedonia"}, {"madagascan", "madagascar"}, {"malaysian", "malaysia"}, {"maltese", "malta"}, {"mauritanian", "mauritania"}, {"mexican", "mexico"}, {"micronesian", "micronesia"}, {"moldovan", "moldova"}, {"monacan", "monaco"}, {"mongolian", "mongolia"}, {"montenegran", "montenegro"}, {"moroccan", "morocco"}, {"myanmar", "burma"}, {"namibian", "namibia"}, {"nepalese", "nepal"}, // {"netherlands", "dutch"}, {"nicaraguan", "nicaragua"}, {"nigerian", "nigeria"}, {"norwegian", "norway"}, {"omani", "oman"}, {"pakistani", "pakistan"}, {"panamanian", "panama"}, {"papuan", "papua"}, {"paraguayan", "paraguay"}, {"peruvian", "peru"}, {"portuguese", "portugal"}, {"romanian", "romania"}, {"rumania", "romania"}, {"rumanian", "romania"}, {"russian", "russia"}, {"rwandan", "rwanda"}, {"samoan", "samoa"}, {"scottish", "scotland"}, {"serb", "serbia"}, {"serbian", "serbia"}, {"siam", "thailand"}, {"siamese", "thailand"}, {"slovakia", "slovak"}, {"slovakian", "slovak"}, {"slovenian", "slovenia"}, {"somali", "somalia"}, {"somalian", "somalia"}, {"spanish", "spain"}, {"swedish", "sweden"}, {"swiss", "switzerland"}, {"syrian", "syria"}, {"taiwanese", "taiwan"}, {"tanzanian", "tanzania"}, {"texan", "texas"}, {"thai", "thailand"}, {"tunisian", "tunisia"}, {"turkish", "turkey"}, {"ugandan", "uganda"}, {"ukrainian", "ukraine"}, {"uruguayan", "uruguay"}, {"uzbek", "uzbekistan"}, {"venezuelan", "venezuela"}, {"vietnamese", "viet"}, {"virginian", "virginia"}, {"yemeni", "yemen"}, {"yugoslav", "yugoslavia"}, {"yugoslavian", "yugoslavia"}, {"zambian", "zambia"}, {"zealander", "zealand"}, {"zimbabwean", "zimbabwe"}}; static private final String[] supplementDict = {"aids", "applicator", "capacitor", "digitize", "electromagnet", "ellipsoid", "exosphere", "extensible", "ferromagnet", "graphics", "hydromagnet", "polygraph", "toroid", "superconduct", "backscatter", "connectionism"}; static private final String[] properNouns = {"abrams", "achilles", "acropolis", "adams", "agnes", "aires", "alexander", "alexis", "alfred", "algiers", "alps", "amadeus", "ames", "amos", "andes", "angeles", "annapolis", "antilles", "aquarius", "archimedes", "arkansas", "asher", "ashly", "athens", "atkins", "atlantis", "avis", "bahamas", "bangor", "barbados", "barger", "bering", "brahms", "brandeis", "brussels", "bruxelles", "cairns", "camoros", "camus", "carlos", "celts", "chalker", "charles", "cheops", "ching", "christmas", "cocos", "collins", "columbus", "confucius", "conners", "connolly", "copernicus", "cramer", "cyclops", "cygnus", "cyprus", "dallas", "damascus", "daniels", "davies", "davis", "decker", "denning", "dennis", "descartes", "dickens", "doris", "douglas", "downs", "dreyfus", "dukakis", "dulles", "dumfries", "ecclesiastes", "edwards", "emily", "erasmus", "euphrates", "evans", "everglades", "fairbanks", "federales", "fisher", "fitzsimmons", "fleming", "forbes", "fowler", "france", "francis", "goering", "goodling", "goths", "grenadines", "guiness", "hades", "harding", "harris", "hastings", "hawkes", "hawking", "hayes", "heights", "hercules", "himalayas", "hippocrates", "hobbs", "holmes", "honduras", "hopkins", "hughes", "humphreys", "illinois", "indianapolis", "inverness", "iris", "iroquois", "irving", "isaacs", "italy", "james", "jarvis", "jeffreys", "jesus", "jones", "josephus", "judas", "julius", "kansas", "keynes", "kipling", "kiwanis", "lansing", "laos", "leeds", "levis", "leviticus", "lewis", "louis", "maccabees", "madras", "maimonides", "maldive", "massachusetts", "matthews", "mauritius", "memphis", "mercedes", "midas", "mingus", "minneapolis", "mohammed", "moines", "morris", "moses", "myers", "myknos", "nablus", "nanjing", "nantes", "naples", "neal", "netherlands", "nevis", "nostradamus", "oedipus", "olympus", "orleans", "orly", "papas", "paris", "parker", "pauling", "peking", "pershing", "peter", "peters", "philippines", "phineas", "pisces", "pryor", "pythagoras", "queens", "rabelais", "ramses", "reynolds", "rhesus", "rhodes", "richards", "robins", "rodgers", "rogers", "rubens", "sagittarius", "seychelles", "socrates", "texas", "thames", "thomas", "tiberias", "tunis", "venus", "vilnius", "wales", "warner", "wilkins", "williams", "wyoming", "xmas", "yonkers", "zeus", "frances", "aarhus", "adonis", "andrews", "angus", "antares", "aquinas", "arcturus", "ares", "artemis", "augustus", "ayers", "barnabas", "barnes", "becker", "bejing", "biggs", "billings", "boeing", "boris", "borroughs", "briggs", "buenos", "calais", "caracas", "cassius", "cerberus", "ceres", "cervantes", "chantilly", "chartres", "chester", "connally", "conner", "coors", "cummings", "curtis", "daedalus", "dionysus", "dobbs", "dolores", "edmonds"}; static class DictEntry { boolean exception; String root; DictEntry(String root, boolean isException) { this.root = root; this.exception = isException; } } private static final CharArrayMap dict_ht = initializeDictHash(); /*** * caching off private int maxCacheSize; private CharArrayMap cache = * null; private static final String SAME = "SAME"; // use if stemmed form is * the same ***/ private final OpenStringBuilder word = new OpenStringBuilder(); private int j; /* index of final letter in stem (within word) */ private int k; /* * INDEX of final letter in word. You must add 1 to k to get * the current length of word. When you want the length of * word, use the method wordLength, which returns (k+1). */ /* * private void initializeStemHash() { if (maxCacheSize > 0) cache = new * CharArrayMap(maxCacheSize,false); } ***/ private char finalChar() { return word.charAt(k); } private char penultChar() { return word.charAt(k - 1); } private boolean isVowel(int index) { return !isCons(index); } private boolean isCons(int index) { char ch; ch = word.charAt(index); if ((ch == 'a') || (ch == 'e') || (ch == 'i') || (ch == 'o') || (ch == 'u')) return false; if ((ch != 'y') || (index == 0)) return true; else return (!isCons(index - 1)); } private static CharArrayMap initializeDictHash() { DictEntry defaultEntry; DictEntry entry; CharArrayMap d = new CharArrayMap<>(1000, false); for (int i = 0; i < exceptionWords.length; i++) { if (!d.containsKey(exceptionWords[i])) { entry = new DictEntry(exceptionWords[i], true); d.put(exceptionWords[i], entry); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Warning: Entry [" + exceptionWords[i] + "] already in dictionary 1"); } } for (int i = 0; i < directConflations.length; i++) { if (!d.containsKey(directConflations[i][0])) { entry = new DictEntry(directConflations[i][1], false); d.put(directConflations[i][0], entry); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Warning: Entry [" + directConflations[i][0] + "] already in dictionary 2"); } } for (int i = 0; i < countryNationality.length; i++) { if (!d.containsKey(countryNationality[i][0])) { entry = new DictEntry(countryNationality[i][1], false); d.put(countryNationality[i][0], entry); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Warning: Entry [" + countryNationality[i][0] + "] already in dictionary 3"); } } defaultEntry = new DictEntry(null, false); String[] array; array =; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (!d.containsKey(array[i])) { d.put(array[i], defaultEntry); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Warning: Entry [" + array[i] + "] already in dictionary 4"); } } array =; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (!d.containsKey(array[i])) { d.put(array[i], defaultEntry); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Warning: Entry [" + array[i] + "] already in dictionary 4"); } } array =; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (!d.containsKey(array[i])) { d.put(array[i], defaultEntry); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Warning: Entry [" + array[i] + "] already in dictionary 4"); } } array =; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (!d.containsKey(array[i])) { d.put(array[i], defaultEntry); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Warning: Entry [" + array[i] + "] already in dictionary 4"); } } array =; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (!d.containsKey(array[i])) { d.put(array[i], defaultEntry); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Warning: Entry [" + array[i] + "] already in dictionary 4"); } } array =; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (!d.containsKey(array[i])) { d.put(array[i], defaultEntry); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Warning: Entry [" + array[i] + "] already in dictionary 4"); } } array =; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (!d.containsKey(array[i])) { d.put(array[i], defaultEntry); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Warning: Entry [" + array[i] + "] already in dictionary 4"); } } for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { if (!d.containsKey([i])) { d.put([i], defaultEntry); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Warning: Entry [" +[i] + "] already in dictionary 4"); } } for (int i = 0; i < supplementDict.length; i++) { if (!d.containsKey(supplementDict[i])) { d.put(supplementDict[i], defaultEntry); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Warning: Entry [" + supplementDict[i] + "] already in dictionary 5"); } } for (int i = 0; i < properNouns.length; i++) { if (!d.containsKey(properNouns[i])) { d.put(properNouns[i], defaultEntry); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Warning: Entry [" + properNouns[i] + "] already in dictionary 6"); } } return d; } private boolean isAlpha(char ch) { return ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z'; // terms must be lowercased already } /* length of stem within word */ private int stemLength() { return j + 1; }; private boolean endsIn(char[] s) { if (s.length > k) return false; int r = word.length() - s.length; /* length of word before this suffix */ j = k; for (int r1 = r, i = 0; i < s.length; i++, r1++) { if (s[i] != word.charAt(r1)) return false; } j = r - 1; /* index of the character BEFORE the posfix */ return true; } private boolean endsIn(char a, char b) { if (2 > k) return false; // check left to right since the endings have often already matched if (word.charAt(k - 1) == a && word.charAt(k) == b) { j = k - 2; return true; } return false; } private boolean endsIn(char a, char b, char c) { if (3 > k) return false; if (word.charAt(k - 2) == a && word.charAt(k - 1) == b && word.charAt(k) == c) { j = k - 3; return true; } return false; } private boolean endsIn(char a, char b, char c, char d) { if (4 > k) return false; if (word.charAt(k - 3) == a && word.charAt(k - 2) == b && word.charAt(k - 1) == c && word.charAt(k) == d) { j = k - 4; return true; } return false; } private DictEntry wordInDict() { /*** * if (matchedEntry != null) { if (dict_ht.get(word.getArray(), 0, * word.size()) != matchedEntry) { * System.out.println("Uh oh... cached entry doesn't match"); } return * matchedEntry; } ***/ if (matchedEntry != null) return matchedEntry; DictEntry e = dict_ht.get(word.getArray(), 0, word.length()); if (e != null && !e.exception) { matchedEntry = e; // only cache if it's not an exception. } // lookups.add(word.toString()); return e; } /* Convert plurals to singular form, and '-ies' to 'y' */ private void plural() { if (word.charAt(k) == 's') { if (endsIn('i', 'e', 's')) { word.setLength(j + 3); k--; if (lookup()) /* ensure calories -> calorie */ return; k++; word.unsafeWrite('s'); setSuffix("y"); lookup(); } else if (endsIn('e', 's')) { /* try just removing the "s" */ word.setLength(j + 2); k--; /* * note: don't check for exceptions here. So, `aides' -> `aide', but * `aided' -> `aid'. The exception for double s is used to prevent * crosses -> crosse. This is actually correct if crosses is a plural * noun (a type of racket used in lacrosse), but the verb is much more * common */ /**** * YCS: this was the one place where lookup was not followed by return. * So restructure it. if ((j>0)&&(lookup(word.toString())) && * !((word.charAt(j) == 's') && (word.charAt(j-1) == 's'))) return; *****/ boolean tryE = j > 0 && !((word.charAt(j) == 's') && (word.charAt(j - 1) == 's')); if (tryE && lookup()) return; /* try removing the "es" */ word.setLength(j + 1); k--; if (lookup()) return; /* the default is to retain the "e" */ word.unsafeWrite('e'); k++; if (!tryE) lookup(); // if we didn't try the "e" ending before return; } else { if (word.length() > 3 && penultChar() != 's' && !endsIn('o', 'u', 's')) { /* unless the word ends in "ous" or a double "s", remove the final "s" */ word.setLength(k); k--; lookup(); } } } } private void setSuffix(String s) { setSuff(s, s.length()); } /* replace old suffix with s */ private void setSuff(String s, int len) { word.setLength(j + 1); for (int l = 0; l < len; l++) { word.unsafeWrite(s.charAt(l)); } k = j + len; } /* Returns true if the word is found in the dictionary */ // almost all uses of lookup() return immediately and are // followed by another lookup in the dict. Store the match // to avoid this double lookup. DictEntry matchedEntry = null; private boolean lookup() { /****** * debugging code String thisLookup = word.toString(); boolean added = * lookups.add(thisLookup); if (!added) { * System.out.println("######extra lookup:" + thisLookup); // occaasional * extra lookups aren't necessarily errors... could happen by diff * manipulations // throw new RuntimeException("######extra lookup:" + * thisLookup); } else { // System.out.println("new lookup:" + thisLookup); * } ******/ matchedEntry = dict_ht.get(word.getArray(), 0, word.size()); return matchedEntry != null; } // Set lookups = new HashSet<>(); /* convert past tense (-ed) to present, and `-ied' to `y' */ private void pastTense() { /* * Handle words less than 5 letters with a direct mapping This prevents * (fled -> fl). */ if (word.length() <= 4) return; if (endsIn('i', 'e', 'd')) { word.setLength(j + 3); k--; if (lookup()) /* we almost always want to convert -ied to -y, but */ return; /* this isn't true for short words (died->die) */ k++; /* I don't know any long words that this applies to, */ word.unsafeWrite('d'); /* but just in case... */ setSuffix("y"); lookup(); return; } /* the vowelInStem() is necessary so we don't stem acronyms */ if (endsIn('e', 'd') && vowelInStem()) { /* see if the root ends in `e' */ word.setLength(j + 2); k = j + 1; DictEntry entry = wordInDict(); if (entry != null) if (!entry.exception) /* * if it's in the dictionary and * not an exception */ return; /* try removing the "ed" */ word.setLength(j + 1); k = j; if (lookup()) return; /* * try removing a doubled consonant. if the root isn't found in the * dictionary, the default is to leave it doubled. This will correctly * capture `backfilled' -> `backfill' instead of `backfill' -> * `backfille', and seems correct most of the time */ if (doubleC(k)) { word.setLength(k); k--; if (lookup()) return; word.unsafeWrite(word.charAt(k)); k++; lookup(); return; } /* if we have a `un-' prefix, then leave the word alone */ /* (this will sometimes screw up with `under-', but we */ /* will take care of that later) */ if ((word.charAt(0) == 'u') && (word.charAt(1) == 'n')) { word.unsafeWrite('e'); word.unsafeWrite('d'); k = k + 2; // nolookup() return; } /* * it wasn't found by just removing the `d' or the `ed', so prefer to end * with an `e' (e.g., `microcoded' -> `microcode'). */ word.setLength(j + 1); word.unsafeWrite('e'); k = j + 1; // nolookup() - we already tried the "e" ending return; } } /* return TRUE if word ends with a double consonant */ private boolean doubleC(int i) { if (i < 1) return false; if (word.charAt(i) != word.charAt(i - 1)) return false; return (isCons(i)); } private boolean vowelInStem() { for (int i = 0; i < stemLength(); i++) { if (isVowel(i)) return true; } return false; } /* handle `-ing' endings */ private void aspect() { /* * handle short words (aging -> age) via a direct mapping. This prevents * (thing -> the) in the version of this routine that ignores inflectional * variants that are mentioned in the dictionary (when the root is also * present) */ if (word.length() <= 5) return; /* the vowelinstem() is necessary so we don't stem acronyms */ if (endsIn('i', 'n', 'g') && vowelInStem()) { /* try adding an `e' to the stem and check against the dictionary */ word.setCharAt(j + 1, 'e'); word.setLength(j + 2); k = j + 1; DictEntry entry = wordInDict(); if (entry != null) { if (!entry.exception) /* if it's in the dictionary and not an exception */ return; } /* adding on the `e' didn't work, so remove it */ word.setLength(k); k--; /* note that `ing' has also been removed */ if (lookup()) return; /* if I can remove a doubled consonant and get a word, then do so */ if (doubleC(k)) { k--; word.setLength(k + 1); if (lookup()) return; word.unsafeWrite(word.charAt(k)); /* restore the doubled consonant */ /* the default is to leave the consonant doubled */ /* (e.g.,`fingerspelling' -> `fingerspell'). Unfortunately */ /* `bookselling' -> `booksell' and `mislabelling' -> `mislabell'). */ /* Without making the algorithm significantly more complicated, this */ /* is the best I can do */ k++; lookup(); return; } /* * the word wasn't in the dictionary after removing the stem, and then * checking with and without a final `e'. The default is to add an `e' * unless the word ends in two consonants, so `microcoding' -> * `microcode'. The two consonants restriction wouldn't normally be * necessary, but is needed because we don't try to deal with prefixes and * compounds, and most of the time it is correct (e.g., footstamping -> * footstamp, not footstampe; however, decoupled -> decoupl). We can * prevent almost all of the incorrect stems if we try to do some prefix * analysis first */ if ((j > 0) && isCons(j) && isCons(j - 1)) { k = j; word.setLength(k + 1); // nolookup() because we already did according to the comment return; } word.setLength(j + 1); word.unsafeWrite('e'); k = j + 1; // nolookup(); we already tried an 'e' ending return; } } /* * this routine deals with -ity endings. It accepts -ability, -ibility, and * -ality, even without checking the dictionary because they are so * productive. The first two are mapped to -ble, and the -ity is remove for * the latter */ private void ityEndings() { int old_k = k; if (endsIn('i', 't', 'y')) { word.setLength(j + 1); /* try just removing -ity */ k = j; if (lookup()) return; word.unsafeWrite('e'); /* try removing -ity and adding -e */ k = j + 1; if (lookup()) return; word.setCharAt(j + 1, 'i'); word.append("ty"); k = old_k; /* * the -ability and -ibility endings are highly productive, so just accept * them */ if ((j > 0) && (word.charAt(j - 1) == 'i') && (word.charAt(j) == 'l')) { word.setLength(j - 1); word.append("le"); /* convert to -ble */ k = j; lookup(); return; } /* ditto for -ivity */ if ((j > 0) && (word.charAt(j - 1) == 'i') && (word.charAt(j) == 'v')) { word.setLength(j + 1); word.unsafeWrite('e'); /* convert to -ive */ k = j + 1; lookup(); return; } /* ditto for -ality */ if ((j > 0) && (word.charAt(j - 1) == 'a') && (word.charAt(j) == 'l')) { word.setLength(j + 1); k = j; lookup(); return; } /* * if the root isn't in the dictionary, and the variant *is* there, then * use the variant. This allows `immunity'->`immune', but prevents * `capacity'->`capac'. If neither the variant nor the root form are in * the dictionary, then remove the ending as a default */ if (lookup()) return; /* the default is to remove -ity altogether */ word.setLength(j + 1); k = j; // nolookup(), we already did it. return; } } /* handle -ence and -ance */ private void nceEndings() { int old_k = k; char word_char; if (endsIn('n', 'c', 'e')) { word_char = word.charAt(j); if (!((word_char == 'e') || (word_char == 'a'))) return; word.setLength(j); word.unsafeWrite('e'); /* try converting -e/ance to -e (adherance/adhere) */ k = j; if (lookup()) return; word.setLength(j); /* * try removing -e/ance altogether * (disappearance/disappear) */ k = j - 1; if (lookup()) return; word.unsafeWrite(word_char); /* restore the original ending */ word.append("nce"); k = old_k; // nolookup() because we restored the original ending } return; } /* handle -ness */ private void nessEndings() { if (endsIn('n', 'e', 's', 's')) { /* * this is a very productive endings, so * just accept it */ word.setLength(j + 1); k = j; if (word.charAt(j) == 'i') word.setCharAt(j, 'y'); lookup(); } return; } /* handle -ism */ private void ismEndings() { if (endsIn('i', 's', 'm')) { /* * this is a very productive ending, so just * accept it */ word.setLength(j + 1); k = j; lookup(); } return; } /* this routine deals with -ment endings. */ private void mentEndings() { int old_k = k; if (endsIn('m', 'e', 'n', 't')) { word.setLength(j + 1); k = j; if (lookup()) return; word.append("ment"); k = old_k; // nolookup } return; } /* this routine deals with -ize endings. */ private void izeEndings() { int old_k = k; if (endsIn('i', 'z', 'e')) { word.setLength(j + 1); /* try removing -ize entirely */ k = j; if (lookup()) return; word.unsafeWrite('i'); if (doubleC(j)) { /* allow for a doubled consonant */ word.setLength(j); k = j - 1; if (lookup()) return; word.unsafeWrite(word.charAt(j - 1)); } word.setLength(j + 1); word.unsafeWrite('e'); /* try removing -ize and adding -e */ k = j + 1; if (lookup()) return; word.setLength(j + 1); word.append("ize"); k = old_k; // nolookup() } return; } /* handle -ency and -ancy */ private void ncyEndings() { if (endsIn('n', 'c', 'y')) { if (!((word.charAt(j) == 'e') || (word.charAt(j) == 'a'))) return; word.setCharAt(j + 2, 't'); /* try converting -ncy to -nt */ word.setLength(j + 3); k = j + 2; if (lookup()) return; word.setCharAt(j + 2, 'c'); /* the default is to convert it to -nce */ word.unsafeWrite('e'); k = j + 3; lookup(); } return; } /* handle -able and -ible */ private void bleEndings() { int old_k = k; char word_char; if (endsIn('b', 'l', 'e')) { if (!((word.charAt(j) == 'a') || (word.charAt(j) == 'i'))) return; word_char = word.charAt(j); word.setLength(j); /* try just removing the ending */ k = j - 1; if (lookup()) return; if (doubleC(k)) { /* allow for a doubled consonant */ word.setLength(k); k--; if (lookup()) return; k++; word.unsafeWrite(word.charAt(k - 1)); } word.setLength(j); word.unsafeWrite('e'); /* try removing -a/ible and adding -e */ k = j; if (lookup()) return; word.setLength(j); word.append("ate"); /* try removing -able and adding -ate */ /* (e.g., compensable/compensate) */ k = j + 2; if (lookup()) return; word.setLength(j); word.unsafeWrite(word_char); /* restore the original values */ word.append("ble"); k = old_k; // nolookup() } return; } /* * handle -ic endings. This is fairly straightforward, but this is also the * only place we try *expanding* an ending, -ic -> -ical. This is to handle * cases like `canonic' -> `canonical' */ private void icEndings() { if (endsIn('i', 'c')) { word.setLength(j + 3); word.append("al"); /* try converting -ic to -ical */ k = j + 4; if (lookup()) return; word.setCharAt(j + 1, 'y'); /* try converting -ic to -y */ word.setLength(j + 2); k = j + 1; if (lookup()) return; word.setCharAt(j + 1, 'e'); /* try converting -ic to -e */ if (lookup()) return; word.setLength(j + 1); /* try removing -ic altogether */ k = j; if (lookup()) return; word.append("ic"); /* restore the original ending */ k = j + 2; // nolookup() } return; } private static char[] ization = "ization".toCharArray(); private static char[] ition = "ition".toCharArray(); private static char[] ation = "ation".toCharArray(); private static char[] ication = "ication".toCharArray(); /* handle some derivational endings */ /* * this routine deals with -ion, -ition, -ation, -ization, and -ication. The * -ization ending is always converted to -ize */ private void ionEndings() { int old_k = k; if (!endsIn('i', 'o', 'n')) { return; } if (endsIn(ization)) { /* * the -ize ending is very productive, so simply * accept it as the root */ word.setLength(j + 3); word.unsafeWrite('e'); k = j + 3; lookup(); return; } if (endsIn(ition)) { word.setLength(j + 1); word.unsafeWrite('e'); k = j + 1; if (lookup()) /* * remove -ition and add `e', and check against the * dictionary */ return; /* (e.g., definition->define, opposition->oppose) */ /* restore original values */ word.setLength(j + 1); word.append("ition"); k = old_k; // nolookup() } else if (endsIn(ation)) { word.setLength(j + 3); word.unsafeWrite('e'); k = j + 3; if (lookup()) /* remove -ion and add `e', and check against the dictionary */ return; /* (elmination -> eliminate) */ word.setLength(j + 1); word.unsafeWrite('e'); /* * remove -ation and add `e', and check against the * dictionary */ k = j + 1; if (lookup()) return; word.setLength(j + 1);/* * just remove -ation (resignation->resign) and * check dictionary */ k = j; if (lookup()) return; /* restore original values */ word.setLength(j + 1); word.append("ation"); k = old_k; // nolookup() } /* * test -ication after -ation is attempted (e.g., `complication->complicate' * rather than `complication->comply') */ if (endsIn(ication)) { word.setLength(j + 1); word.unsafeWrite('y'); k = j + 1; if (lookup()) /* * remove -ication and add `y', and check against the * dictionary */ return; /* (e.g., amplification -> amplify) */ /* restore original values */ word.setLength(j + 1); word.append("ication"); k = old_k; // nolookup() } // if (endsIn(ion)) { if (true) { // we checked for this earlier... just need to set "j" j = k - 3; // YCS word.setLength(j + 1); word.unsafeWrite('e'); k = j + 1; if (lookup()) /* remove -ion and add `e', and check against the dictionary */ return; word.setLength(j + 1); k = j; if (lookup()) /* remove -ion, and if it's found, treat that as the root */ return; /* restore original values */ word.setLength(j + 1); word.append("ion"); k = old_k; // nolookup() } // nolookup(); all of the other paths restored original values return; } /* * this routine deals with -er, -or, -ier, and -eer. The -izer ending is * always converted to -ize */ private void erAndOrEndings() { int old_k = k; if (word.charAt(k) != 'r') return; // YCS char word_char; /* so we can remember if it was -er or -or */ if (endsIn('i', 'z', 'e', 'r')) { /* * -ize is very productive, so accept it * as the root */ word.setLength(j + 4); k = j + 3; lookup(); return; } if (endsIn('e', 'r') || endsIn('o', 'r')) { word_char = word.charAt(j + 1); if (doubleC(j)) { word.setLength(j); k = j - 1; if (lookup()) return; word.unsafeWrite(word.charAt(j - 1)); /* restore the doubled consonant */ } if (word.charAt(j) == 'i') { /* do we have a -ier ending? */ word.setCharAt(j, 'y'); word.setLength(j + 1); k = j; if (lookup()) /* yes, so check against the dictionary */ return; word.setCharAt(j, 'i'); /* restore the endings */ word.unsafeWrite('e'); } if (word.charAt(j) == 'e') { /* handle -eer */ word.setLength(j); k = j - 1; if (lookup()) return; word.unsafeWrite('e'); } word.setLength(j + 2); /* remove the -r ending */ k = j + 1; if (lookup()) return; word.setLength(j + 1); /* try removing -er/-or */ k = j; if (lookup()) return; word.unsafeWrite('e'); /* try removing -or and adding -e */ k = j + 1; if (lookup()) return; word.setLength(j + 1); word.unsafeWrite(word_char); word.unsafeWrite('r'); /* restore the word to the way it was */ k = old_k; // nolookup() } } /* * this routine deals with -ly endings. The -ally ending is always converted * to -al Sometimes this will temporarily leave us with a non-word (e.g., * heuristically maps to heuristical), but then the -al is removed in the next * step. */ private void lyEndings() { int old_k = k; if (endsIn('l', 'y')) { word.setCharAt(j + 2, 'e'); /* try converting -ly to -le */ if (lookup()) return; word.setCharAt(j + 2, 'y'); word.setLength(j + 1); /* try just removing the -ly */ k = j; if (lookup()) return; if ((j > 0) && (word.charAt(j - 1) == 'a') && (word.charAt(j) == 'l')) /* * always * convert * - * ally * to * - * al */ return; word.append("ly"); k = old_k; if ((j > 0) && (word.charAt(j - 1) == 'a') && (word.charAt(j) == 'b')) { /* * always * convert * - * ably * to * - * able */ word.setCharAt(j + 2, 'e'); k = j + 2; return; } if (word.charAt(j) == 'i') { /* e.g., militarily -> military */ word.setLength(j); word.unsafeWrite('y'); k = j; if (lookup()) return; word.setLength(j); word.append("ily"); k = old_k; } word.setLength(j + 1); /* the default is to remove -ly */ k = j; // nolookup()... we already tried removing the "ly" variant } return; } /* * this routine deals with -al endings. Some of the endings from the previous * routine are finished up here. */ private void alEndings() { int old_k = k; if (word.length() < 4) return; if (endsIn('a', 'l')) { word.setLength(j + 1); k = j; if (lookup()) /* try just removing the -al */ return; if (doubleC(j)) { /* allow for a doubled consonant */ word.setLength(j); k = j - 1; if (lookup()) return; word.unsafeWrite(word.charAt(j - 1)); } word.setLength(j + 1); word.unsafeWrite('e'); /* try removing the -al and adding -e */ k = j + 1; if (lookup()) return; word.setLength(j + 1); word.append("um"); /* try converting -al to -um */ /* (e.g., optimal - > optimum ) */ k = j + 2; if (lookup()) return; word.setLength(j + 1); word.append("al"); /* restore the ending to the way it was */ k = old_k; if ((j > 0) && (word.charAt(j - 1) == 'i') && (word.charAt(j) == 'c')) { word.setLength(j - 1); /* try removing -ical */ k = j - 2; if (lookup()) return; word.setLength(j - 1); word.unsafeWrite('y');/* try turning -ical to -y (e.g., bibliographical) */ k = j - 1; if (lookup()) return; word.setLength(j - 1); word.append("ic"); /* the default is to convert -ical to -ic */ k = j; // nolookup() ... converting ical to ic means removing "al" which we // already tried // ERROR lookup(); return; } if (word.charAt(j) == 'i') { /* sometimes -ial endings should be removed */ word.setLength(j); /* (sometimes it gets turned into -y, but we */ k = j - 1; /* aren't dealing with that case for now) */ if (lookup()) return; word.append("ial"); k = old_k; lookup(); } } return; } /* * this routine deals with -ive endings. It normalizes some of the -ative * endings directly, and also maps some -ive endings to -ion. */ private void iveEndings() { int old_k = k; if (endsIn('i', 'v', 'e')) { word.setLength(j + 1); /* try removing -ive entirely */ k = j; if (lookup()) return; word.unsafeWrite('e'); /* try removing -ive and adding -e */ k = j + 1; if (lookup()) return; word.setLength(j + 1); word.append("ive"); if ((j > 0) && (word.charAt(j - 1) == 'a') && (word.charAt(j) == 't')) { word.setCharAt(j - 1, 'e'); /* try removing -ative and adding -e */ word.setLength(j); /* (e.g., determinative -> determine) */ k = j - 1; if (lookup()) return; word.setLength(j - 1); /* try just removing -ative */ if (lookup()) return; word.append("ative"); k = old_k; } /* try mapping -ive to -ion (e.g., injunctive/injunction) */ word.setCharAt(j + 2, 'o'); word.setCharAt(j + 3, 'n'); if (lookup()) return; word.setCharAt(j + 2, 'v'); /* restore the original values */ word.setCharAt(j + 3, 'e'); k = old_k; // nolookup() } return; } KStemmer() {} String stem(String term) { boolean changed = stem(term.toCharArray(), term.length()); if (!changed) return term; return asString(); } /** * Returns the result of the stem (assuming the word was changed) as a String. */ String asString() { String s = getString(); if (s != null) return s; return word.toString(); } CharSequence asCharSequence() { return result != null ? result : word; } String getString() { return result; } char[] getChars() { return word.getArray(); } int getLength() { return word.length(); } String result; private boolean matched() { /*** * if (!lookups.contains(word.toString())) { throw new * RuntimeException("didn't look up "+word.toString()+" prev="+prevLookup); * } ***/ // lookup(); return matchedEntry != null; } /** * Stems the text in the token. Returns true if changed. */ boolean stem(char[] term, int len) { result = null; k = len - 1; if ((k <= 1) || (k >= MaxWordLen - 1)) { return false; // don't stem } // first check the stemmer dictionaries, and avoid using the // cache if it's in there. DictEntry entry = dict_ht.get(term, 0, len); if (entry != null) { if (entry.root != null) { result = entry.root; return true; } return false; } /*** * caching off is normally faster if (cache == null) initializeStemHash(); * * // now check the cache, before we copy chars to "word" if (cache != null) * { String val = cache.get(term, 0, len); if (val != null) { if (val != * SAME) { result = val; return true; } return false; } } ***/ word.reset(); // allocate enough space so that an expansion is never needed word.reserve(len + 10); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { char ch = term[i]; if (!isAlpha(ch)) return false; // don't stem // don't lowercase... it's a requirement that lowercase filter be // used before this stemmer. word.unsafeWrite(ch); } matchedEntry = null; /*** * lookups.clear(); lookups.add(word.toString()); ***/ /* * This while loop will never be executed more than one time; it is here * only to allow the break statement to be used to escape as soon as a word * is recognized */ while (true) { // YCS: extra lookup()s were inserted so we don't need to // do an extra wordInDict() here. plural(); if (matched()) break; pastTense(); if (matched()) break; aspect(); if (matched()) break; ityEndings(); if (matched()) break; nessEndings(); if (matched()) break; ionEndings(); if (matched()) break; erAndOrEndings(); if (matched()) break; lyEndings(); if (matched()) break; alEndings(); if (matched()) break; entry = wordInDict(); iveEndings(); if (matched()) break; izeEndings(); if (matched()) break; mentEndings(); if (matched()) break; bleEndings(); if (matched()) break; ismEndings(); if (matched()) break; icEndings(); if (matched()) break; ncyEndings(); if (matched()) break; nceEndings(); matched(); break; } /* * try for a direct mapping (allows for cases like `Italian'->`Italy' and * `Italians'->`Italy') */ entry = matchedEntry; if (entry != null) { result = entry.root; // may be null, which means that "word" is the stem } /*** * caching off is normally faster if (cache != null && cache.size() < * maxCacheSize) { char[] key = new char[len]; System.arraycopy(term, 0, * key, 0, len); if (result != null) { cache.put(key, result); } else { * cache.put(key, word.toString()); } } ***/ /*** * if (entry == null) { if (!word.toString().equals(new String(term,0,len))) * { System.out.println("CASE:" + word.toString() + "," + new * String(term,0,len)); * * } } ***/ // no entry matched means result is "word" return true; } }

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