org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.UAX29URLEmailTokenizerImpl.jflex Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.CharTermAttribute;
* This class implements Word Break rules from the Unicode Text Segmentation
* algorithm, as specified in
* Unicode Standard Annex #29
* URLs and email addresses are also tokenized according to the relevant RFCs.
* Tokens produced are of the following types:
* - <ALPHANUM>: A sequence of alphabetic and numeric characters
* - <NUM>: A number
* - <URL>: A URL
* - <EMAIL>: An email address
* - <SOUTHEAST_ASIAN>: A sequence of characters from South and Southeast
* Asian languages, including Thai, Lao, Myanmar, and Khmer
* - <IDEOGRAPHIC>: A single CJKV ideographic character
* - <HIRAGANA>: A single hiragana character
* - <KATAKANA>: A sequence of katakana characters
* - <HANGUL>: A sequence of Hangul characters
%unicode 6.3
%class UAX29URLEmailTokenizerImpl
%function getNextToken
%buffer 255
// UAX#29 WB4. X (Extend | Format)* --> X
HangulEx = [\p{Script:Hangul}&&[\p{WB:ALetter}\p{WB:Hebrew_Letter}]] [\p{WB:Format}\p{WB:Extend}]*
HebrewOrALetterEx = [\p{WB:HebrewLetter}\p{WB:ALetter}] [\p{WB:Format}\p{WB:Extend}]*
NumericEx = [\p{WB:Numeric}[\p{Blk:HalfAndFullForms}&&\p{Nd}]] [\p{WB:Format}\p{WB:Extend}]*
KatakanaEx = \p{WB:Katakana} [\p{WB:Format}\p{WB:Extend}]*
MidLetterEx = [\p{WB:MidLetter}\p{WB:MidNumLet}\p{WB:SingleQuote}] [\p{WB:Format}\p{WB:Extend}]*
MidNumericEx = [\p{WB:MidNum}\p{WB:MidNumLet}\p{WB:SingleQuote}] [\p{WB:Format}\p{WB:Extend}]*
ExtendNumLetEx = \p{WB:ExtendNumLet} [\p{WB:Format}\p{WB:Extend}]*
HanEx = \p{Script:Han} [\p{WB:Format}\p{WB:Extend}]*
HiraganaEx = \p{Script:Hiragana} [\p{WB:Format}\p{WB:Extend}]*
SingleQuoteEx = \p{WB:Single_Quote} [\p{WB:Format}\p{WB:Extend}]*
DoubleQuoteEx = \p{WB:Double_Quote} [\p{WB:Format}\p{WB:Extend}]*
HebrewLetterEx = \p{WB:Hebrew_Letter} [\p{WB:Format}\p{WB:Extend}]*
RegionalIndicatorEx = \p{WB:RegionalIndicator} [\p{WB:Format}\p{WB:Extend}]*
ComplexContextEx = \p{LB:Complex_Context} [\p{WB:Format}\p{WB:Extend}]*
// URL and E-mail syntax specifications:
// RFC-1123: Requirements for Internet Hosts - Application and Support
// RFC-1738: Uniform Resource Locators (URL)
// RFC-3986: Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax
// RFC-5234: Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF
// RFC-5321: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
// RFC-5322: Internet Message Format
%include ASCIITLD.jflex-macro
DomainLabel = [A-Za-z0-9] ([-A-Za-z0-9]* [A-Za-z0-9])?
DomainNameStrict = {DomainLabel} ("." {DomainLabel})* {ASCIITLD}
DomainNameLoose = {DomainLabel} ("." {DomainLabel})*
IPv4DecimalOctet = "0"{0,2} [0-9] | "0"? [1-9][0-9] | "1" [0-9][0-9] | "2" ([0-4][0-9] | "5" [0-5])
IPv4Address = {IPv4DecimalOctet} ("." {IPv4DecimalOctet}){3}
IPv6Hex16Bit = [0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}
IPv6LeastSignificant32Bits = {IPv4Address} | ({IPv6Hex16Bit} ":" {IPv6Hex16Bit})
IPv6Address = ({IPv6Hex16Bit} ":"){6} {IPv6LeastSignificant32Bits}
| "::" ({IPv6Hex16Bit} ":"){5} {IPv6LeastSignificant32Bits}
| {IPv6Hex16Bit}? "::" ({IPv6Hex16Bit} ":"){4} {IPv6LeastSignificant32Bits}
| (({IPv6Hex16Bit} ":"){0,1} {IPv6Hex16Bit})? "::" ({IPv6Hex16Bit} ":"){3} {IPv6LeastSignificant32Bits}
| (({IPv6Hex16Bit} ":"){0,2} {IPv6Hex16Bit})? "::" ({IPv6Hex16Bit} ":"){2} {IPv6LeastSignificant32Bits}
| (({IPv6Hex16Bit} ":"){0,3} {IPv6Hex16Bit})? "::" {IPv6Hex16Bit} ":" {IPv6LeastSignificant32Bits}
| (({IPv6Hex16Bit} ":"){0,4} {IPv6Hex16Bit})? "::" {IPv6LeastSignificant32Bits}
| (({IPv6Hex16Bit} ":"){0,5} {IPv6Hex16Bit})? "::" {IPv6Hex16Bit}
| (({IPv6Hex16Bit} ":"){0,6} {IPv6Hex16Bit})? "::"
URIunreserved = [-._~A-Za-z0-9]
URIpercentEncoded = "%" [0-9A-Fa-f]{2}
URIsubDelims = [!$&'()*+,;=]
URIloginSegment = ({URIunreserved} | {URIpercentEncoded} | {URIsubDelims})*
URIlogin = {URIloginSegment} (":" {URIloginSegment})? "@"
URIquery = "?" ({URIunreserved} | {URIpercentEncoded} | {URIsubDelims} | [:@/?])*
URIfragment = "#" ({URIunreserved} | {URIpercentEncoded} | {URIsubDelims} | [:@/?])*
URIport = ":" [0-9]{1,5}
URIhostStrict = ("[" {IPv6Address} "]") | {IPv4Address} | {DomainNameStrict}
URIhostLoose = ("[" {IPv6Address} "]") | {IPv4Address} | {DomainNameLoose}
URIauthorityLoose = {URIlogin}? {URIhostLoose} {URIport}?
HTTPsegment = ({URIunreserved} | {URIpercentEncoded} | [;:@&=])*
HTTPpath = ("/" {HTTPsegment})+
HTTPscheme = [hH][tT][tT][pP][sS]? "://"
HTTPurlFull = {HTTPscheme} {URIlogin}? {URIhostLoose} {URIport}? {HTTPpath}? {URIquery}? {URIfragment}?
URIportRequired = {URIport} {HTTPpath}? {URIquery}? {URIfragment}?
HTTPpathRequired = {URIport}? {HTTPpath} {URIquery}? {URIfragment}?
URIqueryRequired = {URIport}? {HTTPpath}? {URIquery} {URIfragment}?
URIfragmentRequired = {URIport}? {HTTPpath}? {URIquery}? {URIfragment}
// {HTTPurlNoScheme} excludes {URIlogin}, because it could otherwise accept e-mail addresses
HTTPurlNoScheme = {URIhostStrict} ({URIportRequired} | {HTTPpathRequired} | {URIqueryRequired} | {URIfragmentRequired})
HTTPurl = {HTTPurlFull} | {HTTPurlNoScheme}
FTPorFILEsegment = ({URIunreserved} | {URIpercentEncoded} | [?:@&=])*
FTPorFILEpath = "/" {FTPorFILEsegment} ("/" {FTPorFILEsegment})*
FTPtype = ";" [tT][yY][pP][eE] "=" [aAiIdD]
FTPscheme = [fF][tT][pP] "://"
FTPurl = {FTPscheme} {URIauthorityLoose} {FTPorFILEpath} {FTPtype}? {URIfragment}?
FILEscheme = [fF][iI][lL][eE] "://"
FILEurl = {FILEscheme} {URIhostLoose}? {FTPorFILEpath} {URIfragment}?
URL = {HTTPurl} | {FTPurl} | {FILEurl}
EMAILquotedString = [\"] ([\u0001-\u0008\u000B\u000C\u000E-\u0021\u0023-\u005B\u005D-\u007E] | [\\] [\u0000-\u007F])* [\"]
EMAILatomText = [A-Za-z0-9!#$%&'*+-/=?\^_`{|}~]
EMAILlabel = {EMAILatomText}+ | {EMAILquotedString}
EMAILlocalPart = {EMAILlabel} ("." {EMAILlabel})*
EMAILdomainLiteralText = [\u0001-\u0008\u000B\u000C\u000E-\u005A\u005E-\u007F] | [\\] [\u0000-\u007F]
// DFA minimization allows {IPv6Address} and {IPv4Address} to be included
// in the {EMAILbracketedHost} definition without incurring any size penalties,
// since {EMAILdomainLiteralText} recognizes all valid IP addresses.
// The IP address regexes are included in {EMAILbracketedHost} simply as a
// reminder that they are acceptable bracketed host forms.
EMAILbracketedHost = "[" ({EMAILdomainLiteralText}* | {IPv4Address} | [iI][pP][vV] "6:" {IPv6Address}) "]"
EMAIL = {EMAILlocalPart} "@" ({DomainNameStrict} | {EMAILbracketedHost})
/** Alphanumeric sequences */
public static final int WORD_TYPE = UAX29URLEmailTokenizer.ALPHANUM;
/** Numbers */
public static final int NUMERIC_TYPE = UAX29URLEmailTokenizer.NUM;
* Chars in class \p{Line_Break = Complex_Context} are from South East Asian
* scripts (Thai, Lao, Myanmar, Khmer, etc.). Sequences of these are kept
* together as as a single token rather than broken up, because the logic
* required to break them at word boundaries is too complex for UAX#29.
* See Unicode Line Breaking Algorithm: http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr14/#SA
public static final int SOUTH_EAST_ASIAN_TYPE = UAX29URLEmailTokenizer.SOUTHEAST_ASIAN;
public static final int IDEOGRAPHIC_TYPE = UAX29URLEmailTokenizer.IDEOGRAPHIC;
public static final int HIRAGANA_TYPE = UAX29URLEmailTokenizer.HIRAGANA;
public static final int KATAKANA_TYPE = UAX29URLEmailTokenizer.KATAKANA;
public static final int HANGUL_TYPE = UAX29URLEmailTokenizer.HANGUL;
public static final int EMAIL_TYPE = UAX29URLEmailTokenizer.EMAIL;
public static final int URL_TYPE = UAX29URLEmailTokenizer.URL;
public final int yychar()
return yychar;
* Fills CharTermAttribute with the current token text.
public final void getText(CharTermAttribute t) {
t.copyBuffer(zzBuffer, zzStartRead, zzMarkedPos-zzStartRead);
* Sets the scanner buffer size in chars
public final void setBufferSize(int numChars) {
char[] newZzBuffer = new char[ZZ_BUFFERSIZE];
System.arraycopy(zzBuffer, 0, newZzBuffer, 0, Math.min(zzBuffer.length, ZZ_BUFFERSIZE));
zzBuffer = newZzBuffer;
// UAX#29 WB1. sot ÷
// WB2. ÷ eot
<> { return YYEOF; }
{URL} { yybegin(YYINITIAL); return URL_TYPE; }
// LUCENE-5391: Don't recognize no-scheme domain-only URLs with a following alphanumeric character
{URIhostStrict} / [^-\w] { yybegin(YYINITIAL); return URL_TYPE; }
// Match bad URL (no scheme domain-only URL with a following alphanumeric character)
// then change to AVOID_BAD_URL state and pushback the match.
// This rule won't match when in AVOID_BAD_URL state
{URIhostStrict} / [-\w] { yybegin(AVOID_BAD_URL); yypushback(yylength()); }
// Match a no-schema domain at EOF
// This rule won't match when in AVOID_BAD_URL state
{URIhostStrict} { return URL_TYPE; }
// LUCENE-3880: Disrupt recognition of "mailto:test" as from "mailto:[email protected]"
[mM][aA][iI][lL][tT][oO] / ":" {EMAIL} { yybegin(YYINITIAL); return WORD_TYPE; }
{EMAIL} { yybegin(YYINITIAL); return EMAIL_TYPE; }
// UAX#29 WB8. Numeric × Numeric
// WB11. Numeric (MidNum | MidNumLet | Single_Quote) × Numeric
// WB12. Numeric × (MidNum | MidNumLet | Single_Quote) Numeric
// WB13a. (ALetter | Hebrew_Letter | Numeric | Katakana | ExtendNumLet) × ExtendNumLet
// WB13b. ExtendNumLet × (ALetter | Hebrew_Letter | Numeric | Katakana)
{ExtendNumLetEx}* {NumericEx} ( ( {ExtendNumLetEx}* | {MidNumericEx} ) {NumericEx} )* {ExtendNumLetEx}*
{ yybegin(YYINITIAL); return NUMERIC_TYPE; }
// subset of the below for typing purposes only!
{ yybegin(YYINITIAL); return HANGUL_TYPE; }
{ yybegin(YYINITIAL); return KATAKANA_TYPE; }
// UAX#29 WB5. (ALetter | Hebrew_Letter) × (ALetter | Hebrew_Letter)
// WB6. (ALetter | Hebrew_Letter) × (MidLetter | MidNumLet | Single_Quote) (ALetter | Hebrew_Letter)
// WB7. (ALetter | Hebrew_Letter) (MidLetter | MidNumLet | Single_Quote) × (ALetter | Hebrew_Letter)
// WB7a. Hebrew_Letter × Single_Quote
// WB7b. Hebrew_Letter × Double_Quote Hebrew_Letter
// WB7c. Hebrew_Letter Double_Quote × Hebrew_Letter
// WB9. (ALetter | Hebrew_Letter) × Numeric
// WB10. Numeric × (ALetter | Hebrew_Letter)
// WB13. Katakana × Katakana
// WB13a. (ALetter | Hebrew_Letter | Numeric | Katakana | ExtendNumLet) × ExtendNumLet
// WB13b. ExtendNumLet × (ALetter | Hebrew_Letter | Numeric | Katakana)
{ExtendNumLetEx}* ( {KatakanaEx} ( {ExtendNumLetEx}* {KatakanaEx} )*
| ( {HebrewLetterEx} ( {SingleQuoteEx} | {DoubleQuoteEx} {HebrewLetterEx} )
| {NumericEx} ( ( {ExtendNumLetEx}* | {MidNumericEx} ) {NumericEx} )*
| {HebrewOrALetterEx} ( ( {ExtendNumLetEx}* | {MidLetterEx} ) {HebrewOrALetterEx} )*
({ExtendNumLetEx}+ ( {KatakanaEx} ( {ExtendNumLetEx}* {KatakanaEx} )*
| ( {HebrewLetterEx} ( {SingleQuoteEx} | {DoubleQuoteEx} {HebrewLetterEx} )
| {NumericEx} ( ( {ExtendNumLetEx}* | {MidNumericEx} ) {NumericEx} )*
| {HebrewOrALetterEx} ( ( {ExtendNumLetEx}* | {MidLetterEx} ) {HebrewOrALetterEx} )*
{ yybegin(YYINITIAL); return WORD_TYPE; }
// From UAX #29:
// [C]haracters with the Line_Break property values of Contingent_Break (CB),
// Complex_Context (SA/South East Asian), and XX (Unknown) are assigned word
// boundary property values based on criteria outside of the scope of this
// annex. That means that satisfactory treatment of languages like Chinese
// or Thai requires special handling.
// In Unicode 6.3, only one character has the \p{Line_Break = Contingent_Break}
// In the ICU implementation of UAX#29, \p{Line_Break = Complex_Context}
// character sequences (from South East Asian scripts like Thai, Myanmar, Khmer,
// Lao, etc.) are kept together. This grammar does the same below.
// See also the Unicode Line Breaking Algorithm:
// http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr14/#SA
{ComplexContextEx}+ { yybegin(YYINITIAL); return SOUTH_EAST_ASIAN_TYPE; }
// UAX#29 WB14. Any ÷ Any
{HanEx} { yybegin(YYINITIAL); return IDEOGRAPHIC_TYPE; }
{HiraganaEx} { yybegin(YYINITIAL); return HIRAGANA_TYPE; }
// UAX#29 WB3. CR × LF
// WB3a. (Newline | CR | LF) ÷
// WB3b. ÷ (Newline | CR | LF)
// WB13c. Regional_Indicator × Regional_Indicator
// WB14. Any ÷ Any
{RegionalIndicatorEx} {RegionalIndicatorEx}+ | [^]
{ yybegin(YYINITIAL); /* Not numeric, word, ideographic, hiragana, or SE Asian -- ignore it. */ }