org.apache.lucene.analysis.wikipedia.WikipediaTokenizerImpl.jflex Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.lucene.analysis.wikipedia;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.CharTermAttribute;
* JFlex-generated tokenizer that is aware of Wikipedia syntax.
%class WikipediaTokenizerImpl
%unicode 3.0
%function getNextToken
%buffer 4096
public static final int ALPHANUM = WikipediaTokenizer.ALPHANUM_ID;
public static final int APOSTROPHE = WikipediaTokenizer.APOSTROPHE_ID;
public static final int ACRONYM = WikipediaTokenizer.ACRONYM_ID;
public static final int COMPANY = WikipediaTokenizer.COMPANY_ID;
public static final int EMAIL = WikipediaTokenizer.EMAIL_ID;
public static final int HOST = WikipediaTokenizer.HOST_ID;
public static final int NUM = WikipediaTokenizer.NUM_ID;
public static final int CJ = WikipediaTokenizer.CJ_ID;
public static final int INTERNAL_LINK = WikipediaTokenizer.INTERNAL_LINK_ID;
public static final int EXTERNAL_LINK = WikipediaTokenizer.EXTERNAL_LINK_ID;
public static final int CITATION = WikipediaTokenizer.CITATION_ID;
public static final int CATEGORY = WikipediaTokenizer.CATEGORY_ID;
public static final int BOLD = WikipediaTokenizer.BOLD_ID;
public static final int ITALICS = WikipediaTokenizer.ITALICS_ID;
public static final int BOLD_ITALICS = WikipediaTokenizer.BOLD_ITALICS_ID;
public static final int HEADING = WikipediaTokenizer.HEADING_ID;
public static final int SUB_HEADING = WikipediaTokenizer.SUB_HEADING_ID;
public static final int EXTERNAL_LINK_URL = WikipediaTokenizer.EXTERNAL_LINK_URL_ID;
private int currentTokType;
private int numBalanced = 0;
private int positionInc = 1;
private int numLinkToks = 0;
//Anytime we start a new on a Wiki reserved token (category, link, etc.) this value will be 0, otherwise it will be the number of tokens seen
//this can be useful for detecting when a new reserved token is encountered
//see https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-1133
private int numWikiTokensSeen = 0;
public static final String [] TOKEN_TYPES = WikipediaTokenizer.TOKEN_TYPES;
Returns the number of tokens seen inside a category or link, etc.
@return the number of tokens seen inside the context of wiki syntax.
public final int getNumWikiTokensSeen(){
return numWikiTokensSeen;
public final int yychar()
return yychar;
public final int getPositionIncrement(){
return positionInc;
* Fills Lucene token with the current token text.
final void getText(CharTermAttribute t) {
t.copyBuffer(zzBuffer, zzStartRead, zzMarkedPos-zzStartRead);
final int setText(StringBuilder buffer){
int length = zzMarkedPos - zzStartRead;
buffer.append(zzBuffer, zzStartRead, length);
return length;
final void reset() {
currentTokType = 0;
numBalanced = 0;
positionInc = 1;
numLinkToks = 0;
numWikiTokensSeen = 0;
// basic word: a sequence of digits & letters
// internal apostrophes: O'Reilly, you're, O'Reilly's
// use a post-filter to remove possesives
// acronyms: U.S.A., I.B.M., etc.
// use a post-filter to remove dots
ACRONYM = {ALPHA} "." ({ALPHA} ".")+
// company names like AT&T and Excite@Home.
COMPANY = {ALPHA} ("&"|"@") {ALPHA}
// email addresses
EMAIL = {ALPHANUM} (("."|"-"|"_") {ALPHANUM})* "@" {ALPHANUM} (("."|"-") {ALPHANUM})+
// hostname
// floating point, serial, model numbers, ip addresses, etc.
// every other segment must have at least one digit
| {DIGIT}+ {P} {DIGIT}+
// punctuation
P = ("_"|"-"|"/"|"."|",")
// at least one digit
LETTER = [\u0041-\u005a\u0061-\u007a\u00c0-\u00d6\u00d8-\u00f6\u00f8-\u00ff\u0100-\u1fff\uffa0-\uffdc]
DIGIT = [\u0030-\u0039\u0660-\u0669\u06f0-\u06f9\u0966-\u096f\u09e6-\u09ef\u0a66-\u0a6f\u0ae6-\u0aef\u0b66-\u0b6f\u0be7-\u0bef\u0c66-\u0c6f\u0ce6-\u0cef\u0d66-\u0d6f\u0e50-\u0e59\u0ed0-\u0ed9\u1040-\u1049]
KOREAN = [\uac00-\ud7af\u1100-\u11ff]
// Chinese, Japanese
CJ = [\u3040-\u318f\u3100-\u312f\u3040-\u309F\u30A0-\u30FF\u31F0-\u31FF\u3300-\u337f\u3400-\u4dbf\u4e00-\u9fff\uf900-\ufaff\uff65-\uff9f]
WHITESPACE = \r\n | [ \r\n\t\f]
DOUBLE_BRACKET_CAT = "["{2}":"?"Category:"
INFOBOX = {DOUBLE_BRACE}("I"|"i")nfobox_
PIPE = "|"
%state STRING
{ALPHANUM} {positionInc = 1; return ALPHANUM; }
{APOSTROPHE} {positionInc = 1; return APOSTROPHE; }
{ACRONYM} {positionInc = 1; return ACRONYM; }
{COMPANY} {positionInc = 1; return COMPANY; }
{EMAIL} {positionInc = 1; return EMAIL; }
{NUM} {positionInc = 1; return NUM; }
{HOST} {positionInc = 1; return HOST; }
{CJ} {positionInc = 1; return CJ; }
//First {ALPHANUM} is always the link, set positioninc to 1 for double bracket, but then inside the internal link state
//set it to 0 for the next token, such that the link and the first token are in the same position, but then subsequent
//tokens within the link are incremented
{DOUBLE_BRACKET} {numWikiTokensSeen = 0; positionInc = 1; currentTokType = INTERNAL_LINK; yybegin(INTERNAL_LINK_STATE);/* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;}
{DOUBLE_BRACKET_CAT} {numWikiTokensSeen = 0; positionInc = 1; currentTokType = CATEGORY; yybegin(CATEGORY_STATE);/* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;}
{EXTERNAL_LINK} {numWikiTokensSeen = 0; positionInc = 1; currentTokType = EXTERNAL_LINK_URL; yybegin(EXTERNAL_LINK_STATE);/* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;}
{TWO_SINGLE_QUOTES} {numWikiTokensSeen = 0; positionInc = 1; if (numBalanced == 0){numBalanced++;yybegin(TWO_SINGLE_QUOTES_STATE);} else{numBalanced = 0;}/* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;}
{DOUBLE_EQUALS} {numWikiTokensSeen = 0; positionInc = 1; yybegin(DOUBLE_EQUALS_STATE);/* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;}
{DOUBLE_BRACE} {numWikiTokensSeen = 0; positionInc = 1; currentTokType = CITATION; yybegin(DOUBLE_BRACE_STATE);/* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;}
{CITATION} {numWikiTokensSeen = 0; positionInc = 1; currentTokType = CITATION; yybegin(DOUBLE_BRACE_STATE);/* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;}
[^] |{INFOBOX} {numWikiTokensSeen = 0; positionInc = 1; /* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;}
//First {ALPHANUM} is always the link, set position to 0 for these
//This is slightly different from EXTERNAL_LINK_STATE because that one has an explicit grammar for capturing the URL
{ALPHANUM} {yybegin(INTERNAL_LINK_STATE); numWikiTokensSeen++; return currentTokType;}
{DOUBLE_BRACKET_CLOSE} {numLinkToks = 0; yybegin(YYINITIAL); /* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;}
[^] { positionInc = 1; /* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;}
//increment the link token, but then don't increment the tokens after that which are still in the link
("http://"|"https://"){HOST}("/"?({ALPHANUM}|{P}|\?|"&"|"="|"#")*)* {positionInc = 1; numWikiTokensSeen++; yybegin(EXTERNAL_LINK_STATE); return currentTokType;}
{ALPHANUM} {if (numLinkToks == 0){positionInc = 0;} else{positionInc = 1;} numWikiTokensSeen++; currentTokType = EXTERNAL_LINK; yybegin(EXTERNAL_LINK_STATE); numLinkToks++; return currentTokType;}
"]" {numLinkToks = 0; positionInc = 0; yybegin(YYINITIAL); /* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;}
{WHITESPACE} { positionInc = 1; /* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;}
{ALPHANUM} {yybegin(CATEGORY_STATE); numWikiTokensSeen++; return currentTokType;}
{DOUBLE_BRACKET_CLOSE} {yybegin(YYINITIAL);/* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;}
[^] { positionInc = 1; /* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;}
"'" {currentTokType = BOLD; yybegin(THREE_SINGLE_QUOTES_STATE); /* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;}
"'''" {currentTokType = BOLD_ITALICS; yybegin(FIVE_SINGLE_QUOTES_STATE); /* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;}
{ALPHANUM} {currentTokType = ITALICS; numWikiTokensSeen++; yybegin(STRING); return currentTokType;/*italics*/}
//we can have links inside, let those override
{DOUBLE_BRACKET} {currentTokType = INTERNAL_LINK; numWikiTokensSeen = 0; yybegin(INTERNAL_LINK_STATE); /* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;}
{DOUBLE_BRACKET_CAT} {currentTokType = CATEGORY; numWikiTokensSeen = 0; yybegin(CATEGORY_STATE); /* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;}
{EXTERNAL_LINK} {currentTokType = EXTERNAL_LINK; numWikiTokensSeen = 0; yybegin(EXTERNAL_LINK_STATE); /* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;}
[^] { /* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;/* ignore */ }
{ALPHANUM} {yybegin(STRING); numWikiTokensSeen++; return currentTokType;}
//we can have links inside, let those override
{DOUBLE_BRACKET} {currentTokType = INTERNAL_LINK; numWikiTokensSeen = 0; yybegin(INTERNAL_LINK_STATE); /* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;}
{DOUBLE_BRACKET_CAT} {currentTokType = CATEGORY; numWikiTokensSeen = 0; yybegin(CATEGORY_STATE); /* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;}
{EXTERNAL_LINK} {currentTokType = EXTERNAL_LINK; numWikiTokensSeen = 0; yybegin(EXTERNAL_LINK_STATE); /* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;}
[^] { /* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;/* ignore */ }
//bold italics
{ALPHANUM} {yybegin(STRING); numWikiTokensSeen++; return currentTokType;}
//we can have links inside, let those override
{DOUBLE_BRACKET} {currentTokType = INTERNAL_LINK; numWikiTokensSeen = 0; yybegin(INTERNAL_LINK_STATE); /* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;}
{DOUBLE_BRACKET_CAT} {currentTokType = CATEGORY; numWikiTokensSeen = 0; yybegin(CATEGORY_STATE); /* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;}
{EXTERNAL_LINK} {currentTokType = EXTERNAL_LINK; numWikiTokensSeen = 0; yybegin(EXTERNAL_LINK_STATE); /* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;}
[^] { /* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;/* ignore */ }
"=" {currentTokType = SUB_HEADING; numWikiTokensSeen = 0; yybegin(STRING); /* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;}
{ALPHANUM} {currentTokType = HEADING; yybegin(DOUBLE_EQUALS_STATE); numWikiTokensSeen++; return currentTokType;}
{DOUBLE_EQUALS} {yybegin(YYINITIAL); /* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;}
[^] { /* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;/* ignore */ }
{ALPHANUM} {yybegin(DOUBLE_BRACE_STATE); numWikiTokensSeen = 0; return currentTokType;}
{DOUBLE_BRACE_CLOSE} {yybegin(YYINITIAL); /* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;}
{CITATION_CLOSE} {yybegin(YYINITIAL); /* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;}
[^] { /* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;/* ignore */ }
"'''''" {numBalanced = 0;currentTokType = ALPHANUM; yybegin(YYINITIAL); /* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;/*end bold italics*/}
"'''" {numBalanced = 0;currentTokType = ALPHANUM;yybegin(YYINITIAL); /* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;/*end bold*/}
"''" {numBalanced = 0;currentTokType = ALPHANUM; yybegin(YYINITIAL); /* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;/*end italics*/}
"===" {numBalanced = 0;currentTokType = ALPHANUM; yybegin(YYINITIAL); /* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;/*end sub header*/}
{ALPHANUM} {yybegin(STRING); numWikiTokensSeen++; return currentTokType;/* STRING ALPHANUM*/}
//we can have links inside, let those override
{DOUBLE_BRACKET} {numBalanced = 0; numWikiTokensSeen = 0; currentTokType = INTERNAL_LINK;yybegin(INTERNAL_LINK_STATE); /* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;}
{DOUBLE_BRACKET_CAT} {numBalanced = 0; numWikiTokensSeen = 0; currentTokType = CATEGORY;yybegin(CATEGORY_STATE); /* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;}
{EXTERNAL_LINK} {numBalanced = 0; numWikiTokensSeen = 0; currentTokType = EXTERNAL_LINK;yybegin(EXTERNAL_LINK_STATE); /* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;}
{PIPE} {yybegin(STRING); return currentTokType;/*pipe*/}
[^] { /* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;/* ignore STRING */ }
{INTERNAL_LINK} { return curentTokType; }
{CITATION} { return currentTokType; }
{CATEGORY} { return currentTokType; }
{BOLD} { return currentTokType; }
{ITALICS} { return currentTokType; }
{BOLD_ITALICS} { return currentTokType; }
{HEADING} { return currentTokType; }
{SUB_HEADING} { return currentTokType; }
//end wikipedia
/** Ignore the rest */
[^] | {TAGS} { /* Break so we don't hit fall-through warning: */ break;/* ignore */ }
//EXTERNAL_LINK = "["http://"{HOST}.*?"]"
//CITATION = "{"{2}({ALPHANUM}+{WHITESPACE}*)+"}"{2}
//CATEGORY = "["{2}"Category:"({ALPHANUM}+{WHITESPACE}*)+"]"{2}
//CATEGORY_COLON = "["{2}":Category:"({ALPHANUM}+{WHITESPACE}*)+"]"{2}
//HEADING = "="{2}({ALPHANUM}+{WHITESPACE}*)+"="{2}
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