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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.CharTermAttribute;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.PositionIncrementAttribute;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Document;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Field;
import org.apache.lucene.document.FieldType;
import org.apache.lucene.document.StringField;
import org.apache.lucene.document.TextField;
import org.apache.lucene.facet.FacetsConfig;
import org.apache.lucene.facet.taxonomy.FacetLabel;
import org.apache.lucene.facet.taxonomy.TaxonomyReader;
import org.apache.lucene.facet.taxonomy.TaxonomyWriter;
import org.apache.lucene.facet.taxonomy.writercache.UTF8TaxonomyWriterCache;
import org.apache.lucene.facet.taxonomy.writercache.LruTaxonomyWriterCache;
import org.apache.lucene.facet.taxonomy.writercache.TaxonomyWriterCache;
import org.apache.lucene.index.CorruptIndexException; // javadocs
import org.apache.lucene.index.DirectoryReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriterConfig.OpenMode;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriterConfig;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LogByteSizeMergePolicy;
import org.apache.lucene.index.PostingsEnum;
import org.apache.lucene.index.ReaderManager;
import org.apache.lucene.index.SegmentInfos;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Terms;
import org.apache.lucene.index.TermsEnum;
import org.apache.lucene.index.TieredMergePolicy;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;

 * {@link TaxonomyWriter} which uses a {@link Directory} to store the taxonomy
 * information on disk, and keeps an additional in-memory cache of some or all
 * categories.

* In addition to the permanently-stored information in the {@link Directory}, * efficiency dictates that we also keep an in-memory cache of recently * seen or all categories, so that we do not need to go back to disk * for every category addition to see which ordinal this category already has, * if any. A {@link TaxonomyWriterCache} object determines the specific caching * algorithm used. *

* This class offers some hooks for extending classes to control the * {@link IndexWriter} instance that is used. See {@link #openIndexWriter}. * * @lucene.experimental */ public class DirectoryTaxonomyWriter implements TaxonomyWriter { /** * Property name of user commit data that contains the index epoch. The epoch * changes whenever the taxonomy is recreated (i.e. opened with * {@link OpenMode#CREATE}. *

* Applications should not use this property in their commit data because it * will be overridden by this taxonomy writer. */ public static final String INDEX_EPOCH = "index.epoch"; private final Directory dir; private final IndexWriter indexWriter; private final TaxonomyWriterCache cache; private final AtomicInteger cacheMisses = new AtomicInteger(0); // Records the taxonomy index epoch, updated on replaceTaxonomy as well. private long indexEpoch; private SinglePositionTokenStream parentStream = new SinglePositionTokenStream(Consts.PAYLOAD_PARENT); private Field parentStreamField; private Field fullPathField; private int cacheMissesUntilFill = 11; private boolean shouldFillCache = true; // even though lazily initialized, not volatile so that access to it is // faster. we keep a volatile boolean init instead. private ReaderManager readerManager; private volatile boolean initializedReaderManager = false; private volatile boolean shouldRefreshReaderManager; /** * We call the cache "complete" if we know that every category in our * taxonomy is in the cache. When the cache is not complete, and * we can't find a category in the cache, we still need to look for it * in the on-disk index; Therefore when the cache is not complete, we * need to open a "reader" to the taxonomy index. * The cache becomes incomplete if it was never filled with the existing * categories, or if a put() to the cache ever returned true (meaning * that some of the cached data was cleared). */ private volatile boolean cacheIsComplete; private volatile boolean isClosed = false; private volatile TaxonomyIndexArrays taxoArrays; private volatile int nextID; /** Reads the commit data from a Directory. */ private static Map readCommitData(Directory dir) throws IOException { SegmentInfos infos = SegmentInfos.readLatestCommit(dir); return infos.getUserData(); } /** * Construct a Taxonomy writer. * * @param directory * The {@link Directory} in which to store the taxonomy. Note that * the taxonomy is written directly to that directory (not to a * subdirectory of it). * @param openMode * Specifies how to open a taxonomy for writing: APPEND * means open an existing index for append (failing if the index does * not yet exist). CREATE means create a new index (first * deleting the old one if it already existed). * APPEND_OR_CREATE appends to an existing index if there * is one, otherwise it creates a new index. * @param cache * A {@link TaxonomyWriterCache} implementation which determines * the in-memory caching policy. See for example * {@link LruTaxonomyWriterCache} and {@link UTF8TaxonomyWriterCache}. * If null or missing, {@link #defaultTaxonomyWriterCache()} is used. * @throws CorruptIndexException * if the taxonomy is corrupted. * @throws LockObtainFailedException * if the taxonomy is locked by another writer. * @throws IOException * if another error occurred. */ public DirectoryTaxonomyWriter(Directory directory, OpenMode openMode, TaxonomyWriterCache cache) throws IOException { dir = directory; IndexWriterConfig config = createIndexWriterConfig(openMode); indexWriter = openIndexWriter(dir, config); // verify (to some extent) that merge policy in effect would preserve category docids assert !(indexWriter.getConfig().getMergePolicy() instanceof TieredMergePolicy) : "for preserving category docids, merging none-adjacent segments is not allowed"; // after we opened the writer, and the index is locked, it's safe to check // the commit data and read the index epoch openMode = config.getOpenMode(); if (!DirectoryReader.indexExists(directory)) { indexEpoch = 1; } else { String epochStr = null; Map commitData = readCommitData(directory); if (commitData != null) { epochStr = commitData.get(INDEX_EPOCH); } // no commit data, or no epoch in it means an old taxonomy, so set its epoch to 1, for lack // of a better value. indexEpoch = epochStr == null ? 1 : Long.parseLong(epochStr, 16); } if (openMode == OpenMode.CREATE) { ++indexEpoch; } FieldType ft = new FieldType(TextField.TYPE_NOT_STORED); ft.setOmitNorms(true); parentStreamField = new Field(Consts.FIELD_PAYLOADS, parentStream, ft); fullPathField = new StringField(Consts.FULL, "", Field.Store.YES); nextID = indexWriter.maxDoc(); if (cache == null) { cache = defaultTaxonomyWriterCache(); } this.cache = cache; if (nextID == 0) { cacheIsComplete = true; // Make sure that the taxonomy always contain the root category // with category id 0. addCategory(new FacetLabel()); } else { // There are some categories on the disk, which we have not yet // read into the cache, and therefore the cache is incomplete. // We choose not to read all the categories into the cache now, // to avoid terrible performance when a taxonomy index is opened // to add just a single category. We will do it later, after we // notice a few cache misses. cacheIsComplete = false; } } /** * Open internal index writer, which contains the taxonomy data. *

* Extensions may provide their own {@link IndexWriter} implementation or instance. *
NOTE: the instance this method returns will be closed upon calling * to {@link #close()}. *
NOTE: the merge policy in effect must not merge none adjacent segments. See * comment in {@link #createIndexWriterConfig(IndexWriterConfig.OpenMode)} for the logic behind this. * * @see #createIndexWriterConfig(IndexWriterConfig.OpenMode) * * @param directory * the {@link Directory} on top of which an {@link IndexWriter} * should be opened. * @param config * configuration for the internal index writer. */ protected IndexWriter openIndexWriter(Directory directory, IndexWriterConfig config) throws IOException { return new IndexWriter(directory, config); } /** * Create the {@link IndexWriterConfig} that would be used for opening the internal index writer. *
Extensions can configure the {@link IndexWriter} as they see fit, * including setting a {@link org.apache.lucene.index.MergeScheduler merge-scheduler}, or * {@link org.apache.lucene.index.IndexDeletionPolicy deletion-policy}, different RAM size * etc.
NOTE: internal docids of the configured index must not be altered. * For that, categories are never deleted from the taxonomy index. * In addition, merge policy in effect must not merge none adjacent segments. * * @see #openIndexWriter(Directory, IndexWriterConfig) * * @param openMode see {@link OpenMode} */ protected IndexWriterConfig createIndexWriterConfig(OpenMode openMode) { // TODO: should we use a more optimized Codec? // The taxonomy has a unique structure, where each term is associated with one document // Make sure we use a MergePolicy which always merges adjacent segments and thus // keeps the doc IDs ordered as well (this is crucial for the taxonomy index). return new IndexWriterConfig(null).setOpenMode(openMode).setMergePolicy( new LogByteSizeMergePolicy()); } /** Opens a {@link ReaderManager} from the internal {@link IndexWriter}. */ private void initReaderManager() throws IOException { if (!initializedReaderManager) { synchronized (this) { // verify that the taxo-writer hasn't been closed on us. ensureOpen(); if (!initializedReaderManager) { readerManager = new ReaderManager(indexWriter, false, false); shouldRefreshReaderManager = false; initializedReaderManager = true; } } } } /** * Creates a new instance with a default cache as defined by * {@link #defaultTaxonomyWriterCache()}. */ public DirectoryTaxonomyWriter(Directory directory, OpenMode openMode) throws IOException { this(directory, openMode, defaultTaxonomyWriterCache()); } /** * Defines the default {@link TaxonomyWriterCache} to use in constructors * which do not specify one. *

* The current default is {@link UTF8TaxonomyWriterCache}, i.e., * the entire taxonomy is cached in memory while building it. */ public static TaxonomyWriterCache defaultTaxonomyWriterCache() { return new UTF8TaxonomyWriterCache(); } /** Create this with {@code OpenMode.CREATE_OR_APPEND}. */ public DirectoryTaxonomyWriter(Directory d) throws IOException { this(d, OpenMode.CREATE_OR_APPEND); } /** * Frees used resources as well as closes the underlying {@link IndexWriter}, * which commits whatever changes made to it to the underlying * {@link Directory}. */ @Override public synchronized void close() throws IOException { if (!isClosed) { commit(); indexWriter.close(); doClose(); } } private void doClose() throws IOException { isClosed = true; closeResources(); } /** * A hook for extending classes to close additional resources that were used. * The default implementation closes the {@link IndexReader} as well as the * {@link TaxonomyWriterCache} instances that were used.
* NOTE: if you override this method, you should include a * super.closeResources() call in your implementation. */ protected synchronized void closeResources() throws IOException { if (initializedReaderManager) { readerManager.close(); readerManager = null; initializedReaderManager = false; } if (cache != null) { cache.close(); } } /** * Look up the given category in the cache and/or the on-disk storage, * returning the category's ordinal, or a negative number in case the * category does not yet exist in the taxonomy. */ protected synchronized int findCategory(FacetLabel categoryPath) throws IOException { // If we can find the category in the cache, or we know the cache is // complete, we can return the response directly from it int res = cache.get(categoryPath); if (res >= 0 || cacheIsComplete) { return res; } cacheMisses.incrementAndGet(); // After a few cache misses, it makes sense to read all the categories // from disk and into the cache. The reason not to do this on the first // cache miss (or even when opening the writer) is that it will // significantly slow down the case when a taxonomy is opened just to // add one category. The idea only spending a long time on reading // after enough time was spent on cache misses is known as an "online // algorithm". perhapsFillCache(); res = cache.get(categoryPath); if (res >= 0 || cacheIsComplete) { // if after filling the cache from the info on disk, the category is in it // or the cache is complete, return whatever cache.get returned. return res; } // if we get here, it means the category is not in the cache, and it is not // complete, and therefore we must look for the category on disk. // We need to get an answer from the on-disk index. initReaderManager(); int doc = -1; DirectoryReader reader = readerManager.acquire(); try { final BytesRef catTerm = new BytesRef(FacetsConfig.pathToString(categoryPath.components, categoryPath.length)); PostingsEnum docs = null; // reuse for (LeafReaderContext ctx : reader.leaves()) { Terms terms = ctx.reader().terms(Consts.FULL); if (terms != null) { // TODO: share per-segment TermsEnum here! TermsEnum termsEnum = terms.iterator(); if (termsEnum.seekExact(catTerm)) { // liveDocs=null because the taxonomy has no deletes docs = termsEnum.postings(docs, 0 /* freqs not required */); // if the term was found, we know it has exactly one document. doc = docs.nextDoc() + ctx.docBase; break; } } } } finally { readerManager.release(reader); } if (doc > 0) { addToCache(categoryPath, doc); } return doc; } @Override public int addCategory(FacetLabel categoryPath) throws IOException { ensureOpen(); // check the cache outside the synchronized block. this results in better // concurrency when categories are there. int res = cache.get(categoryPath); if (res < 0) { // the category is not in the cache - following code cannot be executed in parallel. synchronized (this) { res = findCategory(categoryPath); if (res < 0) { // This is a new category, and we need to insert it into the index // (and the cache). Actually, we might also need to add some of // the category's ancestors before we can add the category itself // (while keeping the invariant that a parent is always added to // the taxonomy before its child). internalAddCategory() does all // this recursively res = internalAddCategory(categoryPath); } } } return res; } /** * Add a new category into the index (and the cache), and return its new * ordinal. *

* Actually, we might also need to add some of the category's ancestors * before we can add the category itself (while keeping the invariant that a * parent is always added to the taxonomy before its child). We do this by * recursion. */ private int internalAddCategory(FacetLabel cp) throws IOException { // Find our parent's ordinal (recursively adding the parent category // to the taxonomy if it's not already there). Then add the parent // ordinal as payloads (rather than a stored field; payloads can be // more efficiently read into memory in bulk by LuceneTaxonomyReader) int parent; if (cp.length > 1) { FacetLabel parentPath = cp.subpath(cp.length - 1); parent = findCategory(parentPath); if (parent < 0) { parent = internalAddCategory(parentPath); } } else if (cp.length == 1) { parent = TaxonomyReader.ROOT_ORDINAL; } else { parent = TaxonomyReader.INVALID_ORDINAL; } int id = addCategoryDocument(cp, parent); return id; } /** * Verifies that this instance wasn't closed, or throws * {@link AlreadyClosedException} if it is. */ protected final void ensureOpen() { if (isClosed) { throw new AlreadyClosedException("The taxonomy writer has already been closed"); } } /** * Note that the methods calling addCategoryDocument() are synchornized, so * this method is effectively synchronized as well. */ private int addCategoryDocument(FacetLabel categoryPath, int parent) throws IOException { // Before Lucene 2.9, position increments >=0 were supported, so we // added 1 to parent to allow the parent -1 (the parent of the root). // Unfortunately, starting with Lucene 2.9, after LUCENE-1542, this is // no longer enough, since 0 is not encoded consistently either (see // comment in SinglePositionTokenStream). But because we must be // backward-compatible with existing indexes, we can't just fix what // we write here (e.g., to write parent+2), and need to do a workaround // in the reader (which knows that anyway only category 0 has a parent // -1). parentStream.set(Math.max(parent + 1, 1)); Document d = new Document(); d.add(parentStreamField); fullPathField.setStringValue(FacetsConfig.pathToString(categoryPath.components, categoryPath.length)); d.add(fullPathField); // Note that we do no pass an Analyzer here because the fields that are // added to the Document are untokenized or contains their own TokenStream. // Therefore the IndexWriter's Analyzer has no effect. indexWriter.addDocument(d); int id = nextID++; // added a category document, mark that ReaderManager is not up-to-date shouldRefreshReaderManager = true; // also add to the parent array taxoArrays = getTaxoArrays().add(id, parent); // NOTE: this line must be executed last, or else the cache gets updated // before the parents array (LUCENE-4596) addToCache(categoryPath, id); return id; } private static class SinglePositionTokenStream extends TokenStream { private CharTermAttribute termAtt; private PositionIncrementAttribute posIncrAtt; private boolean returned; private int val; private final String word; public SinglePositionTokenStream(String word) { termAtt = addAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class); posIncrAtt = addAttribute(PositionIncrementAttribute.class); this.word = word; returned = true; } /** * Set the value we want to keep, as the position increment. * Note that when TermPositions.nextPosition() is later used to * retrieve this value, val-1 will be returned, not val. *

* IMPORTANT NOTE: Before Lucene 2.9, val>=0 were safe (for val==0, * the retrieved position would be -1). But starting with Lucene 2.9, * this unfortunately changed, and only val>0 are safe. val=0 can * still be used, but don't count on the value you retrieve later * (it could be 0 or -1, depending on circumstances or versions). * This change is described in Lucene's JIRA: LUCENE-1542. */ public void set(int val) { this.val = val; returned = false; } @Override public boolean incrementToken() throws IOException { if (returned) { return false; } clearAttributes(); posIncrAtt.setPositionIncrement(val); termAtt.setEmpty(); termAtt.append(word); returned = true; return true; } } private void addToCache(FacetLabel categoryPath, int id) throws IOException { if (cache.put(categoryPath, id)) { // If cache.put() returned true, it means the cache was limited in // size, became full, and parts of it had to be evicted. It is // possible that a relatively-new category that isn't yet visible // to our 'reader' was evicted, and therefore we must now refresh // the reader. refreshReaderManager(); cacheIsComplete = false; } } private synchronized void refreshReaderManager() throws IOException { // this method is synchronized since it cannot happen concurrently with // addCategoryDocument -- when this method returns, we must know that the // reader manager's state is current. also, it sets shouldRefresh to false, // and this cannot overlap with addCatDoc too. // NOTE: since this method is sync'ed, it can call maybeRefresh, instead of // maybeRefreshBlocking. If ever this is changed, make sure to change the // call too. if (shouldRefreshReaderManager && initializedReaderManager) { readerManager.maybeRefresh(); shouldRefreshReaderManager = false; } } @Override public synchronized long commit() throws IOException { ensureOpen(); // LUCENE-4972: if we always call setCommitData, we create empty commits Map data = new HashMap<>(); Iterable> iter = indexWriter.getLiveCommitData(); if (iter != null) { for(Map.Entry ent : iter) { data.put(ent.getKey(), ent.getValue()); } } String epochStr = data.get(INDEX_EPOCH); if (epochStr == null || Long.parseLong(epochStr, 16) != indexEpoch) { indexWriter.setLiveCommitData(combinedCommitData(indexWriter.getLiveCommitData())); } return indexWriter.commit(); } /** Combine original user data with the taxonomy epoch. */ private Iterable> combinedCommitData(Iterable> commitData) { Map m = new HashMap<>(); if (commitData != null) { for(Map.Entry ent : commitData) { m.put(ent.getKey(), ent.getValue()); } } m.put(INDEX_EPOCH, Long.toString(indexEpoch, 16)); return m.entrySet(); } @Override public void setLiveCommitData(Iterable> commitUserData) { indexWriter.setLiveCommitData(combinedCommitData(commitUserData)); } @Override public Iterable> getLiveCommitData() { return combinedCommitData(indexWriter.getLiveCommitData()); } /** * prepare most of the work needed for a two-phase commit. * See {@link IndexWriter#prepareCommit}. */ @Override public synchronized long prepareCommit() throws IOException { ensureOpen(); // LUCENE-4972: if we always call setCommitData, we create empty commits Map data = new HashMap<>(); Iterable> iter = indexWriter.getLiveCommitData(); if (iter != null) { for(Map.Entry ent : iter) { data.put(ent.getKey(), ent.getValue()); } } String epochStr = data.get(INDEX_EPOCH); if (epochStr == null || Long.parseLong(epochStr, 16) != indexEpoch) { indexWriter.setLiveCommitData(combinedCommitData(indexWriter.getLiveCommitData())); } return indexWriter.prepareCommit(); } @Override public int getSize() { ensureOpen(); return nextID; } /** * Set the number of cache misses before an attempt is made to read the entire * taxonomy into the in-memory cache. *

* This taxonomy writer holds an in-memory cache of recently seen categories * to speed up operation. On each cache-miss, the on-disk index needs to be * consulted. When an existing taxonomy is opened, a lot of slow disk reads * like that are needed until the cache is filled, so it is more efficient to * read the entire taxonomy into memory at once. We do this complete read * after a certain number (defined by this method) of cache misses. *

* If the number is set to {@code 0}, the entire taxonomy is read into the * cache on first use, without fetching individual categories first. *

* NOTE: it is assumed that this method is called immediately after the * taxonomy writer has been created. */ public void setCacheMissesUntilFill(int i) { ensureOpen(); cacheMissesUntilFill = i; } // we need to guarantee that if several threads call this concurrently, only // one executes it, and after it returns, the cache is updated and is either // complete or not. private synchronized void perhapsFillCache() throws IOException { if (cacheMisses.get() < cacheMissesUntilFill) { return; } if (!shouldFillCache) { // we already filled the cache once, there's no need to re-fill it return; } shouldFillCache = false; initReaderManager(); boolean aborted = false; DirectoryReader reader = readerManager.acquire(); try { PostingsEnum postingsEnum = null; for (LeafReaderContext ctx : reader.leaves()) { Terms terms = ctx.reader().terms(Consts.FULL); if (terms != null) { // cannot really happen, but be on the safe side // TODO: share per-segment TermsEnum here! TermsEnum termsEnum = terms.iterator(); while ( != null) { if (!cache.isFull()) { BytesRef t = termsEnum.term(); // Since we guarantee uniqueness of categories, each term has exactly // one document. Also, since we do not allow removing categories (and // hence documents), there are no deletions in the index. Therefore, it // is sufficient to call next(), and then doc(), exactly once with no // 'validation' checks. FacetLabel cp = new FacetLabel(FacetsConfig.stringToPath(t.utf8ToString())); postingsEnum = termsEnum.postings(postingsEnum, PostingsEnum.NONE); boolean res = cache.put(cp, postingsEnum.nextDoc() + ctx.docBase); assert !res : "entries should not have been evicted from the cache"; } else { // the cache is full and the next put() will evict entries from it, therefore abort the iteration. aborted = true; break; } } } if (aborted) { break; } } } finally { readerManager.release(reader); } cacheIsComplete = !aborted; if (cacheIsComplete) { synchronized (this) { // everything is in the cache, so no need to keep readerManager open. // this block is executed in a sync block so that it works well with // initReaderManager called in parallel. readerManager.close(); readerManager = null; initializedReaderManager = false; } } } private TaxonomyIndexArrays getTaxoArrays() throws IOException { if (taxoArrays == null) { synchronized (this) { if (taxoArrays == null) { initReaderManager(); DirectoryReader reader = readerManager.acquire(); try { // according to Java Concurrency, this might perform better on some // JVMs, since the object initialization doesn't happen on the // volatile member. TaxonomyIndexArrays tmpArrays = new TaxonomyIndexArrays(reader); taxoArrays = tmpArrays; } finally { readerManager.release(reader); } } } } return taxoArrays; } @Override public int getParent(int ordinal) throws IOException { ensureOpen(); // Note: the following if() just enforces that a user can never ask // for the parent of a nonexistant category - even if the parent array // was allocated bigger than it really needs to be. if (ordinal >= nextID) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("requested ordinal is bigger than the largest ordinal in the taxonomy"); } int[] parents = getTaxoArrays().parents(); assert ordinal < parents.length : "requested ordinal (" + ordinal + "); parents.length (" + parents.length + ") !"; return parents[ordinal]; } /** * Takes the categories from the given taxonomy directory, and adds the * missing ones to this taxonomy. Additionally, it fills the given * {@link OrdinalMap} with a mapping from the original ordinal to the new * ordinal. */ public void addTaxonomy(Directory taxoDir, OrdinalMap map) throws IOException { ensureOpen(); DirectoryReader r =; try { final int size = r.numDocs(); final OrdinalMap ordinalMap = map; ordinalMap.setSize(size); int base = 0; PostingsEnum docs = null; for (final LeafReaderContext ctx : r.leaves()) { final LeafReader ar = ctx.reader(); final Terms terms = ar.terms(Consts.FULL); // TODO: share per-segment TermsEnum here! TermsEnum te = terms.iterator(); while ( != null) { FacetLabel cp = new FacetLabel(FacetsConfig.stringToPath(te.term().utf8ToString())); final int ordinal = addCategory(cp); docs = te.postings(docs, PostingsEnum.NONE); ordinalMap.addMapping(docs.nextDoc() + base, ordinal); } base += ar.maxDoc(); // no deletions, so we're ok } ordinalMap.addDone(); } finally { r.close(); } } /** * Mapping from old ordinal to new ordinals, used when merging indexes * with separate taxonomies. *

* addToTaxonomies() merges one or more taxonomies into the given taxonomy * (this). An OrdinalMap is filled for each of the added taxonomies, * containing the new ordinal (in the merged taxonomy) of each of the * categories in the old taxonomy. *

* There exist two implementations of OrdinalMap: MemoryOrdinalMap and * DiskOrdinalMap. As their names suggest, the former keeps the map in * memory and the latter in a temporary disk file. Because these maps will * later be needed one by one (to remap the counting lists), not all at the * same time, it is recommended to put the first taxonomy's map in memory, * and all the rest on disk (later to be automatically read into memory one * by one, when needed). */ public static interface OrdinalMap { /** * Set the size of the map. This MUST be called before addMapping(). * It is assumed (but not verified) that addMapping() will then be * called exactly 'size' times, with different origOrdinals between 0 * and size-1. */ public void setSize(int size) throws IOException; /** Record a mapping. */ public void addMapping(int origOrdinal, int newOrdinal) throws IOException; /** * Call addDone() to say that all addMapping() have been done. * In some implementations this might free some resources. */ public void addDone() throws IOException; /** * Return the map from the taxonomy's original (consecutive) ordinals * to the new taxonomy's ordinals. If the map has to be read from disk * and ordered appropriately, it is done when getMap() is called. * getMap() should only be called once, and only when the map is actually * needed. Calling it will also free all resources that the map might * be holding (such as temporary disk space), other than the returned int[]. */ public int[] getMap() throws IOException; } /** * {@link OrdinalMap} maintained in memory */ public static final class MemoryOrdinalMap implements OrdinalMap { int[] map; /** Sole constructor. */ public MemoryOrdinalMap() { } @Override public void setSize(int taxonomySize) { map = new int[taxonomySize]; } @Override public void addMapping(int origOrdinal, int newOrdinal) { map[origOrdinal] = newOrdinal; } @Override public void addDone() { /* nothing to do */ } @Override public int[] getMap() { return map; } } /** * {@link OrdinalMap} maintained on file system */ public static final class DiskOrdinalMap implements OrdinalMap { Path tmpfile; DataOutputStream out; /** Sole constructor. */ public DiskOrdinalMap(Path tmpfile) throws IOException { this.tmpfile = tmpfile; out = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream( Files.newOutputStream(tmpfile))); } @Override public void addMapping(int origOrdinal, int newOrdinal) throws IOException { out.writeInt(origOrdinal); out.writeInt(newOrdinal); } @Override public void setSize(int taxonomySize) throws IOException { out.writeInt(taxonomySize); } @Override public void addDone() throws IOException { if (out!=null) { out.close(); out = null; } } int[] map = null; @Override public int[] getMap() throws IOException { if (map!=null) { return map; } addDone(); // in case this wasn't previously called try (DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream( Files.newInputStream(tmpfile)))) { map = new int[in.readInt()]; // NOTE: The current code assumes here that the map is complete, // i.e., every ordinal gets one and exactly one value. Otherwise, // we may run into an EOF here, or vice versa, not read everything. for (int i=0; i * NOTE: you should not use the obtained {@link IndexWriter} in any * way, other than opening an IndexReader on it, or otherwise, the taxonomy * index may become corrupt! */ final IndexWriter getInternalIndexWriter() { return indexWriter; } /** Expert: returns current index epoch, if this is a * near-real-time reader. Used by {@link * DirectoryTaxonomyReader} to support NRT. * * @lucene.internal */ public final long getTaxonomyEpoch() { return indexEpoch; } }

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