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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.text.BreakIterator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.document.FieldType;
import org.apache.lucene.index.BaseCompositeReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.FieldInfo;
import org.apache.lucene.index.FieldInfos;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Fields;
import org.apache.lucene.index.FilterLeafReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexOptions;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.index.MultiReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.ReaderUtil;
import org.apache.lucene.index.StoredFieldVisitor;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Term;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.IOUtils;
import org.apache.lucene.util.InPlaceMergeSorter;
* A Highlighter that can get offsets from either
* postings ({@link IndexOptions#DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS}),
* term vectors ({@link FieldType#setStoreTermVectorOffsets(boolean)}),
* or via re-analyzing text.
* This highlighter treats the single original document as the whole corpus, and then scores individual
* passages as if they were documents in this corpus. It uses a {@link BreakIterator} to find
* passages in the text; by default it breaks using {@link BreakIterator#getSentenceInstance(Locale)
* getSentenceInstance(Locale.ROOT)}. It then iterates in parallel (merge sorting by offset) through
* the positions of all terms from the query, coalescing those hits that occur in a single passage
* into a {@link Passage}, and then scores each Passage using a separate {@link PassageScorer}.
* Passages are finally formatted into highlighted snippets with a {@link PassageFormatter}.
* You can customize the behavior by calling some of the setters, or by subclassing and overriding some methods.
* Some important hooks:
* - {@link #getBreakIterator(String)}: Customize how the text is divided into passages.
- {@link #getScorer(String)}: Customize how passages are ranked.
- {@link #getFormatter(String)}: Customize how snippets are formatted.
* This is thread-safe.
* @lucene.experimental
public class UnifiedHighlighter {
protected static final char MULTIVAL_SEP_CHAR = (char) 0;
public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_LENGTH = 10000;
public static final int DEFAULT_CACHE_CHARS_THRESHOLD = 524288; // ~ 1 MB (2 byte chars)
static final IndexSearcher EMPTY_INDEXSEARCHER;
static {
try {
IndexReader emptyReader = new MultiReader();
EMPTY_INDEXSEARCHER = new IndexSearcher(emptyReader);
} catch (IOException bogus) {
throw new RuntimeException(bogus);
protected static final LabelledCharArrayMatcher[] ZERO_LEN_AUTOMATA_ARRAY = new LabelledCharArrayMatcher[0];
protected final IndexSearcher searcher; // if null, can only use highlightWithoutSearcher
protected final Analyzer indexAnalyzer;
private boolean defaultHandleMtq = true; // e.g. wildcards
private boolean defaultHighlightPhrasesStrictly = true; // AKA "accuracy" or "query debugging"
private boolean defaultPassageRelevancyOverSpeed = true; //For analysis, prefer MemoryIndexOffsetStrategy
private int maxLength = DEFAULT_MAX_LENGTH;
// BreakIterator is stateful so we use a Supplier factory method
private Supplier defaultBreakIterator = () -> BreakIterator.getSentenceInstance(Locale.ROOT);
private Predicate defaultFieldMatcher;
private PassageScorer defaultScorer = new PassageScorer();
private PassageFormatter defaultFormatter = new DefaultPassageFormatter();
private int defaultMaxNoHighlightPassages = -1;
// lazy initialized with double-check locking; protected so subclass can init
protected volatile FieldInfos fieldInfos;
private int cacheFieldValCharsThreshold = DEFAULT_CACHE_CHARS_THRESHOLD;
* Extracts matching terms after rewriting against an empty index
protected static Set extractTerms(Query query) throws IOException {
Set queryTerms = new HashSet<>();
return queryTerms;
* Constructs the highlighter with the given index searcher and analyzer.
* @param indexSearcher Usually required, unless {@link #highlightWithoutSearcher(String, Query, String, int)} is
* used, in which case this needs to be null.
* @param indexAnalyzer Required, even if in some circumstances it isn't used.
public UnifiedHighlighter(IndexSearcher indexSearcher, Analyzer indexAnalyzer) {
this.searcher = indexSearcher; //TODO: make non nullable
this.indexAnalyzer = Objects.requireNonNull(indexAnalyzer,
"indexAnalyzer is required"
+ " (even if in some circumstances it isn't used)");
public void setHandleMultiTermQuery(boolean handleMtq) {
this.defaultHandleMtq = handleMtq;
public void setHighlightPhrasesStrictly(boolean highlightPhrasesStrictly) {
this.defaultHighlightPhrasesStrictly = highlightPhrasesStrictly;
public void setMaxLength(int maxLength) {
if (maxLength < 0 || maxLength == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
// two reasons: no overflow problems in BreakIterator.preceding(offset+1),
// our sentinel in the offsets queue uses this value to terminate.
throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxLength must be < Integer.MAX_VALUE");
this.maxLength = maxLength;
public void setBreakIterator(Supplier breakIterator) {
this.defaultBreakIterator = breakIterator;
public void setScorer(PassageScorer scorer) {
this.defaultScorer = scorer;
public void setFormatter(PassageFormatter formatter) {
this.defaultFormatter = formatter;
public void setMaxNoHighlightPassages(int defaultMaxNoHighlightPassages) {
this.defaultMaxNoHighlightPassages = defaultMaxNoHighlightPassages;
public void setCacheFieldValCharsThreshold(int cacheFieldValCharsThreshold) {
this.cacheFieldValCharsThreshold = cacheFieldValCharsThreshold;
public void setFieldMatcher(Predicate predicate) {
this.defaultFieldMatcher = predicate;
* Returns whether {@link MultiTermQuery} derivatives will be highlighted. By default it's enabled. MTQ
* highlighting can be expensive, particularly when using offsets in postings.
protected boolean shouldHandleMultiTermQuery(String field) {
return defaultHandleMtq;
* Returns whether position sensitive queries (e.g. phrases and {@link SpanQuery}ies)
* should be highlighted strictly based on query matches (slower)
* versus any/all occurrences of the underlying terms. By default it's enabled, but there's no overhead if such
* queries aren't used.
protected boolean shouldHighlightPhrasesStrictly(String field) {
return defaultHighlightPhrasesStrictly;
protected boolean shouldPreferPassageRelevancyOverSpeed(String field) {
return defaultPassageRelevancyOverSpeed;
* Returns the predicate to use for extracting the query part that must be highlighted.
* By default only queries that target the current field are kept. (AKA requireFieldMatch)
protected Predicate getFieldMatcher(String field) {
if (defaultFieldMatcher != null) {
return defaultFieldMatcher;
} else {
// requireFieldMatch = true
return (qf) -> field.equals(qf);
* The maximum content size to process. Content will be truncated to this size before highlighting. Typically
* snippets closer to the beginning of the document better summarize its content.
public int getMaxLength() {
return maxLength;
* Returns the {@link BreakIterator} to use for
* dividing text into passages. This returns
* {@link BreakIterator#getSentenceInstance(Locale)} by default;
* subclasses can override to customize.
* Note: this highlighter will call
* {@link BreakIterator#preceding(int)} and {@link BreakIterator#next()} many times on it.
* The default generic JDK implementation of {@code preceding} performs poorly.
protected BreakIterator getBreakIterator(String field) {
return defaultBreakIterator.get();
* Returns the {@link PassageScorer} to use for
* ranking passages. This
* returns a new {@code PassageScorer} by default;
* subclasses can override to customize.
protected PassageScorer getScorer(String field) {
return defaultScorer;
* Returns the {@link PassageFormatter} to use for
* formatting passages into highlighted snippets. This
* returns a new {@code PassageFormatter} by default;
* subclasses can override to customize.
protected PassageFormatter getFormatter(String field) {
return defaultFormatter;
* Returns the number of leading passages (as delineated by the {@link BreakIterator}) when no
* highlights could be found. If it's less than 0 (the default) then this defaults to the {@code maxPassages}
* parameter given for each request. If this is 0 then the resulting highlight is null (not formatted).
protected int getMaxNoHighlightPassages(String field) {
return defaultMaxNoHighlightPassages;
* Limits the amount of field value pre-fetching until this threshold is passed. The highlighter
* internally highlights in batches of documents sized on the sum field value length (in chars) of the fields
* to be highlighted (bounded by {@link #getMaxLength()} for each field). By setting this to 0, you can force
* documents to be fetched and highlighted one at a time, which you usually shouldn't do.
* The default is 524288 chars which translates to about a megabyte. However, note
* that the highlighter sometimes ignores this and highlights one document at a time (without caching a
* bunch of documents in advance) when it can detect there's no point in it -- such as when all fields will be
* highlighted via re-analysis as one example.
public int getCacheFieldValCharsThreshold() { // question: should we size by bytes instead?
return cacheFieldValCharsThreshold;
* ... as passed in from constructor.
public IndexSearcher getIndexSearcher() {
return searcher;
* ... as passed in from constructor.
public Analyzer getIndexAnalyzer() {
return indexAnalyzer;
* Source of term offsets; essential for highlighting.
public enum OffsetSource {
* Determine the offset source for the specified field. The default algorithm is as follows:
* - This calls {@link #getFieldInfo(String)}. Note this returns null if there is no searcher or if the
* field isn't found there.
* - If there's a field info it has
* {@link IndexOptions#DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS} then {@link OffsetSource#POSTINGS} is
* returned.
* - If there's a field info and {@link FieldInfo#hasVectors()} then {@link OffsetSource#TERM_VECTORS} is
* returned (note we can't check here if the TV has offsets; if there isn't then an exception will get thrown
* down the line).
* - Fall-back: {@link OffsetSource#ANALYSIS} is returned.
* Note that the highlighter sometimes switches to something else based on the query, such as if you have
* {@link OffsetSource#POSTINGS_WITH_TERM_VECTORS} but in fact don't need term vectors.
protected OffsetSource getOffsetSource(String field) {
FieldInfo fieldInfo = getFieldInfo(field);
if (fieldInfo != null) {
if (fieldInfo.getIndexOptions() == IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS) {
return fieldInfo.hasVectors() ? OffsetSource.POSTINGS_WITH_TERM_VECTORS : OffsetSource.POSTINGS;
if (fieldInfo.hasVectors()) { // unfortunately we can't also check if the TV has offsets
return OffsetSource.TERM_VECTORS;
return OffsetSource.ANALYSIS;
* Called by the default implementation of {@link #getOffsetSource(String)}.
* If there is no searcher then we simply always return null.
protected FieldInfo getFieldInfo(String field) {
if (searcher == null) {
return null;
// Need thread-safety for lazy-init but lets avoid 'synchronized' by using double-check locking idiom
FieldInfos fieldInfos = this.fieldInfos; // note: it's volatile; read once
if (fieldInfos == null) {
synchronized (this) {
fieldInfos = this.fieldInfos;
if (fieldInfos == null) {
fieldInfos = FieldInfos.getMergedFieldInfos(searcher.getIndexReader());
this.fieldInfos = fieldInfos;
return fieldInfos.fieldInfo(field);
* Highlights the top passages from a single field.
* @param field field name to highlight.
* Must have a stored string value and also be indexed with offsets.
* @param query query to highlight.
* @param topDocs TopDocs containing the summary result documents to highlight.
* @return Array of formatted snippets corresponding to the documents in topDocs
* If no highlights were found for a document, the
* first sentence for the field will be returned.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurred during processing
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if field
was indexed without
public String[] highlight(String field, Query query, TopDocs topDocs) throws IOException {
return highlight(field, query, topDocs, 1);
* Highlights the top-N passages from a single field.
* @param field field name to highlight. Must have a stored string value.
* @param query query to highlight.
* @param topDocs TopDocs containing the summary result documents to highlight.
* @param maxPassages The maximum number of top-N ranked passages used to
* form the highlighted snippets.
* @return Array of formatted snippets corresponding to the documents in topDocs
* If no highlights were found for a document, the
* first {@code maxPassages} sentences from the
* field will be returned.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurred during processing
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if field
was indexed without
public String[] highlight(String field, Query query, TopDocs topDocs, int maxPassages) throws IOException {
Map res = highlightFields(new String[]{field}, query, topDocs, new int[]{maxPassages});
return res.get(field);
* Highlights the top passages from multiple fields.
* Conceptually, this behaves as a more efficient form of:
* Map m = new HashMap();
* for (String field : fields) {
* m.put(field, highlight(field, query, topDocs));
* }
* return m;
* @param fields field names to highlight. Must have a stored string value.
* @param query query to highlight.
* @param topDocs TopDocs containing the summary result documents to highlight.
* @return Map keyed on field name, containing the array of formatted snippets
* corresponding to the documents in topDocs
* If no highlights were found for a document, the
* first sentence from the field will be returned.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurred during processing
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if field
was indexed without
public Map highlightFields(String[] fields, Query query, TopDocs topDocs) throws IOException {
int maxPassages[] = new int[fields.length];
Arrays.fill(maxPassages, 1);
return highlightFields(fields, query, topDocs, maxPassages);
* Highlights the top-N passages from multiple fields.
* Conceptually, this behaves as a more efficient form of:
* Map m = new HashMap();
* for (String field : fields) {
* m.put(field, highlight(field, query, topDocs, maxPassages));
* }
* return m;
* @param fields field names to highlight. Must have a stored string value.
* @param query query to highlight.
* @param topDocs TopDocs containing the summary result documents to highlight.
* @param maxPassages The maximum number of top-N ranked passages per-field used to
* form the highlighted snippets.
* @return Map keyed on field name, containing the array of formatted snippets
* corresponding to the documents in topDocs
* If no highlights were found for a document, the
* first {@code maxPassages} sentences from the
* field will be returned.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurred during processing
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if field
was indexed without
public Map highlightFields(String[] fields, Query query, TopDocs topDocs, int[] maxPassages)
throws IOException {
final ScoreDoc scoreDocs[] = topDocs.scoreDocs;
int docids[] = new int[scoreDocs.length];
for (int i = 0; i < docids.length; i++) {
docids[i] = scoreDocs[i].doc;
return highlightFields(fields, query, docids, maxPassages);
* Highlights the top-N passages from multiple fields,
* for the provided int[] docids.
* @param fieldsIn field names to highlight. Must have a stored string value.
* @param query query to highlight.
* @param docidsIn containing the document IDs to highlight.
* @param maxPassagesIn The maximum number of top-N ranked passages per-field used to
* form the highlighted snippets.
* @return Map keyed on field name, containing the array of formatted snippets
* corresponding to the documents in docidsIn
* If no highlights were found for a document, the
* first {@code maxPassages} from the field will
* be returned.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurred during processing
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if field
was indexed without
public Map highlightFields(String[] fieldsIn, Query query, int[] docidsIn, int[] maxPassagesIn)
throws IOException {
Map snippets = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry ent : highlightFieldsAsObjects(fieldsIn, query, docidsIn, maxPassagesIn).entrySet()) {
Object[] snippetObjects = ent.getValue();
String[] snippetStrings = new String[snippetObjects.length];
snippets.put(ent.getKey(), snippetStrings);
for (int i = 0; i < snippetObjects.length; i++) {
Object snippet = snippetObjects[i];
if (snippet != null) {
snippetStrings[i] = snippet.toString();
return snippets;
* Expert: highlights the top-N passages from multiple fields,
* for the provided int[] docids, to custom Object as
* returned by the {@link PassageFormatter}. Use
* this API to render to something other than String.
* @param fieldsIn field names to highlight. Must have a stored string value.
* @param query query to highlight.
* @param docIdsIn containing the document IDs to highlight.
* @param maxPassagesIn The maximum number of top-N ranked passages per-field used to
* form the highlighted snippets.
* @return Map keyed on field name, containing the array of formatted snippets
* corresponding to the documents in docIdsIn
* If no highlights were found for a document, the
* first {@code maxPassages} from the field will
* be returned.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurred during processing
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if field
was indexed without
protected Map highlightFieldsAsObjects(String[] fieldsIn, Query query, int[] docIdsIn,
int[] maxPassagesIn) throws IOException {
if (fieldsIn.length < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("fieldsIn must not be empty");
if (fieldsIn.length != maxPassagesIn.length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid number of maxPassagesIn");
if (searcher == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("This method requires that an indexSearcher was passed in the "
+ "constructor. Perhaps you mean to call highlightWithoutSearcher?");
// Sort docs & fields for sequential i/o
// Sort doc IDs w/ index to original order: (copy input arrays since we sort in-place)
int[] docIds = new int[docIdsIn.length];
int[] docInIndexes = new int[docIds.length]; // fill in ascending order; points into docIdsIn[]
copyAndSortDocIdsWithIndex(docIdsIn, docIds, docInIndexes); // latter 2 are "out" params
// Sort fields w/ maxPassages pair: (copy input arrays since we sort in-place)
final String fields[] = new String[fieldsIn.length];
final int maxPassages[] = new int[maxPassagesIn.length];
copyAndSortFieldsWithMaxPassages(fieldsIn, maxPassagesIn, fields, maxPassages); // latter 2 are "out" params
// Init field highlighters (where most of the highlight logic lives, and on a per field basis)
Set queryTerms = extractTerms(query);
FieldHighlighter[] fieldHighlighters = new FieldHighlighter[fields.length];
int numTermVectors = 0;
int numPostings = 0;
for (int f = 0; f < fields.length; f++) {
FieldHighlighter fieldHighlighter = getFieldHighlighter(fields[f], query, queryTerms, maxPassages[f]);
fieldHighlighters[f] = fieldHighlighter;
switch (fieldHighlighter.getOffsetSource()) {
//do nothing
int cacheCharsThreshold = calculateOptimalCacheCharsThreshold(numTermVectors, numPostings);
IndexReader indexReaderWithTermVecCache =
(numTermVectors >= 2) ? TermVectorReusingLeafReader.wrap(searcher.getIndexReader()) : null;
// [fieldIdx][docIdInIndex] of highlightDoc result
Object[][] highlightDocsInByField = new Object[fields.length][docIds.length];
// Highlight in doc batches determined by loadFieldValues (consumes from docIdIter)
DocIdSetIterator docIdIter = asDocIdSetIterator(docIds);
for (int batchDocIdx = 0; batchDocIdx < docIds.length; ) {
// Load the field values of the first batch of document(s) (note: commonly all docs are in this batch)
List fieldValsByDoc =
loadFieldValues(fields, docIdIter, cacheCharsThreshold);
// the size of the above list is the size of the batch (num of docs in the batch)
// Highlight in per-field order first, then by doc (better I/O pattern)
for (int fieldIdx = 0; fieldIdx < fields.length; fieldIdx++) {
Object[] resultByDocIn = highlightDocsInByField[fieldIdx];//parallel to docIdsIn
FieldHighlighter fieldHighlighter = fieldHighlighters[fieldIdx];
for (int docIdx = batchDocIdx; docIdx - batchDocIdx < fieldValsByDoc.size(); docIdx++) {
int docId = docIds[docIdx];//sorted order
CharSequence content = fieldValsByDoc.get(docIdx - batchDocIdx)[fieldIdx];
if (content == null) {
IndexReader indexReader =
(fieldHighlighter.getOffsetSource() == OffsetSource.TERM_VECTORS
&& indexReaderWithTermVecCache != null)
? indexReaderWithTermVecCache
: searcher.getIndexReader();
final LeafReader leafReader;
if (indexReader instanceof LeafReader) {
leafReader = (LeafReader) indexReader;
} else {
List leaves = indexReader.leaves();
LeafReaderContext leafReaderContext = leaves.get(ReaderUtil.subIndex(docId, leaves));
leafReader = leafReaderContext.reader();
docId -= leafReaderContext.docBase; // adjust 'doc' to be within this leaf reader
int docInIndex = docInIndexes[docIdx];//original input order
assert resultByDocIn[docInIndex] == null;
resultByDocIn[docInIndex] =
.highlightFieldForDoc(leafReader, docId, content.toString());
batchDocIdx += fieldValsByDoc.size();
IOUtils.close(indexReaderWithTermVecCache); // FYI won't close underlying reader
assert docIdIter.docID() == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS
|| docIdIter.nextDoc() == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS;
// TODO reconsider the return type; since this is an "advanced" method, lets not return a Map? Notice the only
// caller simply iterates it to build another structure.
// field -> object highlights parallel to docIdsIn
Map resultMap = new HashMap<>(fields.length);
for (int f = 0; f < fields.length; f++) {
resultMap.put(fields[f], highlightDocsInByField[f]);
return resultMap;
* When cacheCharsThreshold is 0, loadFieldValues() only fetches one document at a time. We override it to be 0
* in two circumstances:
private int calculateOptimalCacheCharsThreshold(int numTermVectors, int numPostings) {
if (numPostings == 0 && numTermVectors == 0) {
// (1) When all fields are ANALYSIS there's no point in caching a batch of documents
// because no other info on disk is needed to highlight it.
return 0;
} else if (numTermVectors >= 2) {
// (2) When two or more fields have term vectors, given the field-then-doc algorithm, the underlying term
// vectors will be fetched in a terrible access pattern unless we highlight a doc at a time and use a special
// current-doc TV cache. So we do that. Hopefully one day TVs will be improved to make this pointless.
return 0;
} else {
return getCacheFieldValCharsThreshold();
private void copyAndSortFieldsWithMaxPassages(String[] fieldsIn, int[] maxPassagesIn, final String[] fields,
final int[] maxPassages) {
System.arraycopy(fieldsIn, 0, fields, 0, fieldsIn.length);
System.arraycopy(maxPassagesIn, 0, maxPassages, 0, maxPassagesIn.length);
new InPlaceMergeSorter() {
protected void swap(int i, int j) {
String tmp = fields[i];
fields[i] = fields[j];
fields[j] = tmp;
int tmp2 = maxPassages[i];
maxPassages[i] = maxPassages[j];
maxPassages[j] = tmp2;
protected int compare(int i, int j) {
return fields[i].compareTo(fields[j]);
}.sort(0, fields.length);
private void copyAndSortDocIdsWithIndex(int[] docIdsIn, final int[] docIds, final int[] docInIndexes) {
System.arraycopy(docIdsIn, 0, docIds, 0, docIdsIn.length);
for (int i = 0; i < docInIndexes.length; i++) {
docInIndexes[i] = i;
new InPlaceMergeSorter() {
protected void swap(int i, int j) {
int tmp = docIds[i];
docIds[i] = docIds[j];
docIds[j] = tmp;
tmp = docInIndexes[i];
docInIndexes[i] = docInIndexes[j];
docInIndexes[j] = tmp;
protected int compare(int i, int j) {
return[i], docIds[j]);
}.sort(0, docIds.length);
* Highlights text passed as a parameter. This requires the {@link IndexSearcher} provided to this highlighter is
* null. This use-case is more rare. Naturally, the mode of operation will be {@link OffsetSource#ANALYSIS}.
* The result of this method is whatever the {@link PassageFormatter} returns. For the {@link
* DefaultPassageFormatter} and assuming {@code content} has non-zero length, the result will be a non-null
* string -- so it's safe to call {@link Object#toString()} on it in that case.
* @param field field name to highlight (as found in the query).
* @param query query to highlight.
* @param content text to highlight.
* @param maxPassages The maximum number of top-N ranked passages used to
* form the highlighted snippets.
* @return result of the {@link PassageFormatter} -- probably a String. Might be null.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurred during processing
//TODO make content a List? and return a List? and ensure getEmptyHighlight is never invoked multiple times?
public Object highlightWithoutSearcher(String field, Query query, String content, int maxPassages)
throws IOException {
if (this.searcher != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("highlightWithoutSearcher should only be called on a " +
getClass().getSimpleName() + " without an IndexSearcher.");
Objects.requireNonNull(content, "content is required");
Set queryTerms = extractTerms(query);
return getFieldHighlighter(field, query, queryTerms, maxPassages)
.highlightFieldForDoc(null, -1, content);
protected FieldHighlighter getFieldHighlighter(String field, Query query, Set allTerms, int maxPassages) {
UHComponents components = getHighlightComponents(field, query, allTerms);
OffsetSource offsetSource = getOptimizedOffsetSource(components);
return new FieldHighlighter(field,
getOffsetStrategy(offsetSource, components),
new SplittingBreakIterator(getBreakIterator(field), UnifiedHighlighter.MULTIVAL_SEP_CHAR),
protected UHComponents getHighlightComponents(String field, Query query, Set allTerms) {
Predicate fieldMatcher = getFieldMatcher(field);
Set highlightFlags = getFlags(field);
PhraseHelper phraseHelper = getPhraseHelper(field, query, highlightFlags);
boolean queryHasUnrecognizedPart = hasUnrecognizedQuery(fieldMatcher, query);
BytesRef[] terms = null;
LabelledCharArrayMatcher[] automata = null;
if (!highlightFlags.contains(HighlightFlag.WEIGHT_MATCHES) || !queryHasUnrecognizedPart) {
terms = filterExtractedTerms(fieldMatcher, allTerms);
automata = getAutomata(field, query, highlightFlags);
} // otherwise don't need to extract
return new UHComponents(field, fieldMatcher, query, terms, phraseHelper, automata, queryHasUnrecognizedPart, highlightFlags);
protected boolean hasUnrecognizedQuery(Predicate fieldMatcher, Query query) {
boolean[] hasUnknownLeaf = new boolean[1];
query.visit(new QueryVisitor() {
public boolean acceptField(String field) {
// checking hasUnknownLeaf is a trick to exit early
return hasUnknownLeaf[0] == false && fieldMatcher.test(field);
public void visitLeaf(Query query) {
if (MultiTermHighlighting.canExtractAutomataFromLeafQuery(query) == false) {
if (!(query instanceof MatchAllDocsQuery || query instanceof MatchNoDocsQuery)) {
hasUnknownLeaf[0] = true;
return hasUnknownLeaf[0];
protected static BytesRef[] filterExtractedTerms(Predicate fieldMatcher, Set queryTerms) {
// Strip off the redundant field and sort the remaining terms
SortedSet filteredTerms = new TreeSet<>();
for (Term term : queryTerms) {
if (fieldMatcher.test(term.field())) {
return filteredTerms.toArray(new BytesRef[filteredTerms.size()]);
protected Set getFlags(String field) {
Set highlightFlags = EnumSet.noneOf(HighlightFlag.class);
if (shouldHandleMultiTermQuery(field)) {
if (shouldHighlightPhrasesStrictly(field)) {
if (shouldPreferPassageRelevancyOverSpeed(field)) {
return highlightFlags;
protected PhraseHelper getPhraseHelper(String field, Query query, Set highlightFlags) {
boolean useWeightMatchesIter = highlightFlags.contains(HighlightFlag.WEIGHT_MATCHES);
if (useWeightMatchesIter) {
return PhraseHelper.NONE; // will be handled by Weight.matches which always considers phrases
boolean highlightPhrasesStrictly = highlightFlags.contains(HighlightFlag.PHRASES);
boolean handleMultiTermQuery = highlightFlags.contains(HighlightFlag.MULTI_TERM_QUERY);
return highlightPhrasesStrictly ?
new PhraseHelper(query, field, getFieldMatcher(field),
: PhraseHelper.NONE;
protected LabelledCharArrayMatcher[] getAutomata(String field, Query query, Set highlightFlags) {
// do we "eagerly" look in span queries for automata here, or do we not and let PhraseHelper handle those?
// if don't highlight phrases strictly,
final boolean lookInSpan =
!highlightFlags.contains(HighlightFlag.PHRASES) // no PhraseHelper
|| highlightFlags.contains(HighlightFlag.WEIGHT_MATCHES); // Weight.Matches will find all
return highlightFlags.contains(HighlightFlag.MULTI_TERM_QUERY)
? MultiTermHighlighting.extractAutomata(query, getFieldMatcher(field), lookInSpan)
protected OffsetSource getOptimizedOffsetSource(UHComponents components) {
OffsetSource offsetSource = getOffsetSource(components.getField());
// null automata means unknown, so assume a possibility
boolean mtqOrRewrite = components.getAutomata() == null || components.getAutomata().length > 0
|| components.getPhraseHelper().willRewrite() || components.hasUnrecognizedQueryPart();
// null terms means unknown, so assume something to highlight
if (mtqOrRewrite == false && components.getTerms() != null && components.getTerms().length == 0) {
return OffsetSource.NONE_NEEDED; //nothing to highlight
switch (offsetSource) {
if (mtqOrRewrite) { // may need to see scan through all terms for the highlighted document efficiently
return OffsetSource.ANALYSIS;
if (mtqOrRewrite == false) {
return OffsetSource.POSTINGS; //We don't need term vectors
//stick with the original offset source
return offsetSource;
protected FieldOffsetStrategy getOffsetStrategy(OffsetSource offsetSource, UHComponents components) {
switch (offsetSource) {
if (!components.getPhraseHelper().hasPositionSensitivity() &&
!components.getHighlightFlags().contains(HighlightFlag.PASSAGE_RELEVANCY_OVER_SPEED) &&
!components.getHighlightFlags().contains(HighlightFlag.WEIGHT_MATCHES)) {
//skip using a memory index since it's pure term filtering
return new TokenStreamOffsetStrategy(components, getIndexAnalyzer());
} else {
return new MemoryIndexOffsetStrategy(components, getIndexAnalyzer());
return NoOpOffsetStrategy.INSTANCE;
return new TermVectorOffsetStrategy(components);
return new PostingsOffsetStrategy(components);
return new PostingsWithTermVectorsOffsetStrategy(components);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized offset source " + offsetSource);
* When highlighting phrases accurately, we need to know which {@link SpanQuery}'s need to have
* {@link Query#rewrite(IndexReader)} called on them. It helps performance to avoid it if it's not needed.
* This method will be invoked on all SpanQuery instances recursively. If you have custom SpanQuery queries then
* override this to check instanceof and provide a definitive answer. If the query isn't your custom one, simply
* return null to have the default rules apply, which govern the ones included in Lucene.
protected Boolean requiresRewrite(SpanQuery spanQuery) {
return null;
* When highlighting phrases accurately, we may need to handle custom queries that aren't supported in the
* {@link} as called by the {@code PhraseHelper}.
* Should custom query types be needed, this method should be overriden to return a collection of queries if appropriate,
* or null if nothing to do. If the query is not custom, simply returning null will allow the default rules to apply.
* @param query Query to be highlighted
* @return A Collection of Query object(s) if needs to be rewritten, otherwise null.
protected Collection preSpanQueryRewrite(Query query) {
return null;
private DocIdSetIterator asDocIdSetIterator(int[] sortedDocIds) {
return new DocIdSetIterator() {
int idx = -1;
public int docID() {
if (idx < 0 || idx >= sortedDocIds.length) {
return NO_MORE_DOCS;
return sortedDocIds[idx];
public int nextDoc() throws IOException {
return docID();
public int advance(int target) throws IOException {
return super.slowAdvance(target); // won't be called, so whatever
public long cost() {
return Math.max(0, sortedDocIds.length - (idx + 1)); // remaining docs
* Loads the String values for each docId by field to be highlighted. By default this loads from stored fields
* by the same name as given, but a subclass can change the source. The returned Strings must be identical to
* what was indexed (at least for postings or term-vectors offset sources).
* This method must load fields for at least one document from the given {@link DocIdSetIterator}
* but need not return all of them; by default the character lengths are summed and this method will return early
* when {@code cacheCharsThreshold} is exceeded. Specifically if that number is 0, then only one document is
* fetched no matter what. Values in the array of {@link CharSequence} will be null if no value was found.
protected List loadFieldValues(String[] fields,
DocIdSetIterator docIter, int cacheCharsThreshold)
throws IOException {
List docListOfFields =
new ArrayList<>(cacheCharsThreshold == 0 ? 1 : (int) Math.min(64, docIter.cost()));
LimitedStoredFieldVisitor visitor = newLimitedStoredFieldsVisitor(fields);
int sumChars = 0;
do {
int docId = docIter.nextDoc();
if (docId == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
searcher.doc(docId, visitor);
CharSequence[] valuesByField = visitor.getValuesByField();
for (CharSequence val : valuesByField) {
sumChars += (val == null ? 0 : val.length());
} while (sumChars <= cacheCharsThreshold && cacheCharsThreshold != 0);
return docListOfFields;
* @lucene.internal
protected LimitedStoredFieldVisitor newLimitedStoredFieldsVisitor(String[] fields) {
return new LimitedStoredFieldVisitor(fields, MULTIVAL_SEP_CHAR, getMaxLength());
* Fetches stored fields for highlighting. Uses a multi-val separator char and honors a max length to retrieve.
* @lucene.internal
protected static class LimitedStoredFieldVisitor extends StoredFieldVisitor {
protected final String[] fields;
protected final char valueSeparator;
protected final int maxLength;
protected CharSequence[] values;// starts off as String; may become StringBuilder.
protected int currentField;
public LimitedStoredFieldVisitor(String[] fields, char valueSeparator, int maxLength) {
this.fields = fields;
this.valueSeparator = valueSeparator;
this.maxLength = maxLength;
void init() {
values = new CharSequence[fields.length];
currentField = -1;
public void stringField(FieldInfo fieldInfo, byte[] byteValue) throws IOException {
String value = new String(byteValue, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
assert currentField >= 0;
CharSequence curValue = values[currentField];
if (curValue == null) {
//question: if truncate due to maxLength, should we try and avoid keeping the other chars in-memory on
// the backing char[]?
values[currentField] = value.substring(0, Math.min(maxLength, value.length()));//note: may return 'this'
final int lengthBudget = maxLength - curValue.length();
if (lengthBudget <= 0) {
StringBuilder curValueBuilder;
if (curValue instanceof StringBuilder) {
curValueBuilder = (StringBuilder) curValue;
} else {
// upgrade String to StringBuilder. Choose a good initial size.
curValueBuilder = new StringBuilder(curValue.length() + Math.min(lengthBudget, value.length() + 256));
curValueBuilder.append(value.substring(0, Math.min(lengthBudget - 1, value.length())));
values[currentField] = curValueBuilder;
public Status needsField(FieldInfo fieldInfo) throws IOException {
currentField = Arrays.binarySearch(fields,;
if (currentField < 0) {
return Status.NO;
CharSequence curVal = values[currentField];
if (curVal != null && curVal.length() >= maxLength) {
return fields.length == 1 ? Status.STOP : Status.NO;
return Status.YES;
CharSequence[] getValuesByField() {
return this.values;
* Wraps an IndexReader that remembers/caches the last call to {@link LeafReader#getTermVectors(int)} so that
* if the next call has the same ID, then it is reused. If TV's were column-stride (like doc-values), there would
* be no need for this.
private static class TermVectorReusingLeafReader extends FilterLeafReader {
static IndexReader wrap(IndexReader reader) throws IOException {
LeafReader[] leafReaders = reader.leaves().stream()
return new BaseCompositeReader(leafReaders, null) {
protected void doClose() { // don't close the underlying reader
public CacheHelper getReaderCacheHelper() {
return null;
private int lastDocId = -1;
private Fields tvFields;
TermVectorReusingLeafReader(LeafReader in) {
public Fields getTermVectors(int docID) throws IOException {
if (docID != lastDocId) {
lastDocId = docID;
tvFields = in.getTermVectors(docID);
return tvFields;
public CacheHelper getCoreCacheHelper() {
return null;
public CacheHelper getReaderCacheHelper() {
return null;
* Flags for controlling highlighting behavior.
public enum HighlightFlag {
/** @see UnifiedHighlighter#setHighlightPhrasesStrictly(boolean) */
/** @see UnifiedHighlighter#setHandleMultiTermQuery(boolean) */
/** Passage relevancy is more important than speed. True by default. */
* Internally use the {@link Weight#matches(LeafReaderContext, int)} API for highlighting.
* It's more accurate to the query, though might not calculate passage relevancy as well.
* Use of this flag requires {@link #MULTI_TERM_QUERY} and {@link #PHRASES}.
* {@link #PASSAGE_RELEVANCY_OVER_SPEED} will be ignored. False by default.
// TODO: useQueryBoosts