Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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import org.apache.lucene.internal.hppc.IntIntHashMap;
import org.apache.lucene.util.ArrayUtil;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BitSet;
* This collects the nearest children vectors. Diversifying the results over the provided parent
* filter. This means the nearest children vectors are returned, but only one per parent
class DiversifyingNearestChildrenKnnCollector extends AbstractKnnCollector {
private final BitSet parentBitSet;
private final NodeIdCachingHeap heap;
* Create a new object for joining nearest child kNN documents with a parent bitset
* @param k The number of joined parent documents to collect
* @param visitLimit how many child vectors can be visited
* @param parentBitSet The leaf parent bitset
public DiversifyingNearestChildrenKnnCollector(int k, int visitLimit, BitSet parentBitSet) {
super(k, visitLimit);
this.parentBitSet = parentBitSet;
this.heap = new NodeIdCachingHeap(k);
* If the heap is not full (size is less than the initialSize provided to the constructor), adds a
* new node-and-score element. If the heap is full, compares the score against the current top
* score, and replaces the top element if newScore is better than (greater than unless the heap is
* reversed), the current top score.
* If docId's parent node has previously been collected and the provided nodeScore is less than
* the stored score it will not be collected.
* @param docId the neighbor docId
* @param nodeScore the score of the neighbor, relative to some other node
public boolean collect(int docId, float nodeScore) {
assert !parentBitSet.get(docId);
int parentNode = parentBitSet.nextSetBit(docId);
return heap.insertWithOverflow(docId, parentNode, nodeScore);
public float minCompetitiveSimilarity() {
return heap.size >= k() ? heap.topScore() : Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
public String toString() {
return "ToParentJoinKnnCollector[k=" + k() + ", size=" + heap.size() + "]";
public TopDocs topDocs() {
assert heap.size() <= k() : "Tried to collect more results than the maximum number allowed";
while (heap.size() > k()) {
ScoreDoc[] scoreDocs = new ScoreDoc[heap.size()];
for (int i = 1; i <= scoreDocs.length; i++) {
scoreDocs[scoreDocs.length - i] = new ScoreDoc(heap.topNode(), heap.topScore());
TotalHits.Relation relation =
: TotalHits.Relation.EQUAL_TO;
return new TopDocs(new TotalHits(visitedCount(), relation), scoreDocs);
public int numCollected() {
return heap.size();
* This is a minimum binary heap, inspired by {@link org.apache.lucene.util.LongHeap}. But instead
* of encoding and using `long` values. Node ids and scores are kept separate. Additionally, this
* prevents duplicate nodes from being added.
So, for every node added, we will update its score if the newly provided score is better.
* Every time we update a node's stored score, we ensure the heap's order.
private static class NodeIdCachingHeap {
private final int maxSize;
private ParentChildScore[] heapNodes;
private int size = 0;
// Used to keep track of nodeId -> positionInHeap. This way when new scores are added for a
// node, the heap can be
// updated efficiently.
private final IntIntHashMap nodeIdHeapIndex;
private boolean closed = false;
public NodeIdCachingHeap(int maxSize) {
final int heapSize;
if (maxSize < 1 || maxSize >= ArrayUtil.MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH) {
// Throw exception to prevent confusing OOME:
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"maxSize must be > 0 and < " + (ArrayUtil.MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH - 1) + "; got: " + maxSize);
// NOTE: we add +1 because all access to heap is 1-based not 0-based. heap[0] is unused.
heapSize = maxSize + 1;
this.maxSize = maxSize;
this.nodeIdHeapIndex = new IntIntHashMap(maxSize);
this.heapNodes = new ParentChildScore[heapSize];
public final int topNode() {
return heapNodes[1].child;
public final float topScore() {
return heapNodes[1].score;
private void pushIn(int nodeId, int parentId, float score) {
if (size == heapNodes.length) {
heapNodes = ArrayUtil.grow(heapNodes, (size * 3 + 1) / 2);
heapNodes[size] = new ParentChildScore(nodeId, parentId, score);
private void updateElement(int heapIndex, int nodeId, int parentId, float score) {
ParentChildScore oldValue = heapNodes[heapIndex];
assert oldValue.parent == parentId
: "attempted to update heap element value but with a different node id";
float oldScore = heapNodes[heapIndex].score;
heapNodes[heapIndex] = new ParentChildScore(nodeId, parentId, score);
// Since we are a min heap, if the new value is less, we need to make sure to bubble it up
if (score < oldScore) {
} else {
* Adds a value to an heap in log(size) time. If the number of values would exceed the heap's
* maxSize, the least value is discarded.
If `node` already exists in the heap, this will return true if the stored score is updated
* OR the heap is not currently at the maxSize.
* @return whether the value was added or updated
public boolean insertWithOverflow(int node, int parentNode, float score) {
if (closed) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
int index = nodeIdHeapIndex.indexOf(parentNode);
if (index >= 0) {
int previousNodeIndex = nodeIdHeapIndex.indexGet(index);
if (heapNodes[previousNodeIndex].score < score) {
updateElement(previousNodeIndex, node, parentNode, score);
return true;
return false;
if (size >= maxSize) {
if (score < heapNodes[1].score
|| (score == heapNodes[1].score && node > heapNodes[1].child)) {
return false;
updateTop(node, parentNode, score);
return true;
pushIn(node, parentNode, score);
return true;
private void popToDrain() {
closed = true;
if (size > 0) {
heapNodes[1] = heapNodes[size]; // move last to first
downHeapWithoutCacheUpdate(1); // adjust heap
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("The heap is empty");
private void updateTop(int nodeId, int parentId, float score) {
heapNodes[1] = new ParentChildScore(nodeId, parentId, score);
/** Returns the number of elements currently stored in the PriorityQueue. */
public final int size() {
return size;
private void upHeap(int origPos) {
int i = origPos;
ParentChildScore bottomNode = heapNodes[i];
int j = i >>> 1;
while (j > 0 && bottomNode.compareTo(heapNodes[j]) < 0) {
heapNodes[i] = heapNodes[j];
nodeIdHeapIndex.put(heapNodes[i].parent, i);
i = j;
j = j >>> 1;
nodeIdHeapIndex.put(bottomNode.parent, i);
heapNodes[i] = bottomNode;
private int downHeap(int i) {
ParentChildScore node = heapNodes[i];
int j = i << 1; // find smaller child
int k = j + 1;
if (k <= size && heapNodes[k].compareTo(heapNodes[j]) < 0) {
j = k;
while (j <= size && heapNodes[j].compareTo(node) < 0) {
heapNodes[i] = heapNodes[j];
nodeIdHeapIndex.put(heapNodes[i].parent, i);
i = j;
j = i << 1;
k = j + 1;
if (k <= size && heapNodes[k].compareTo(heapNodes[j]) < 0) {
j = k;
nodeIdHeapIndex.put(node.parent, i);
heapNodes[i] = node; // install saved value
return i;
private int downHeapWithoutCacheUpdate(int i) {
ParentChildScore node = heapNodes[i];
int j = i << 1; // find smaller child
int k = j + 1;
if (k <= size && heapNodes[k].compareTo(heapNodes[j]) < 0) {
j = k;
while (j <= size && heapNodes[j].compareTo(node) < 0) {
heapNodes[i] = heapNodes[j];
i = j;
j = i << 1;
k = j + 1;
if (k <= size && heapNodes[k].compareTo(heapNodes[j]) < 0) {
j = k;
heapNodes[i] = node; // install saved value
return i;
/** Keeps track of child node, parent node, and the stored score. */
private record ParentChildScore(int child, int parent, float score)
implements Comparable {
public int compareTo(ParentChildScore o) {
int fc =, o.score);
if (fc == 0) {
// lower numbers are the tiebreakers, lower ids are preferred.
return, child);
return fc;