Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Accountable;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Bits;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.CharsRefBuilder;
import org.apache.lucene.util.fst.ByteSequenceOutputs;
import org.apache.lucene.util.fst.FST;
import org.apache.lucene.util.fst.OffHeapFSTStore;
import org.apache.lucene.util.fst.PairOutputs;
import org.apache.lucene.util.fst.PairOutputs.Pair;
import org.apache.lucene.util.fst.PositiveIntOutputs;
import org.apache.lucene.util.fst.Util;
* NRTSuggester executes Top N search on a weighted FST specified by a {@link CompletionScorer}
* See {@link #lookup(CompletionScorer, Bits, TopSuggestDocsCollector)} for more implementation
* details.
FST Format:
* - Input: analyzed forms of input terms
- Output: Pair<Long, BytesRef> containing weight, surface form and docID
* - having too many deletions or using a very restrictive filter can make the search
* inadmissible due to over-pruning of potential paths. See {@link
* CompletionScorer#accept(int, Bits)}
- when matched documents are arbitrarily filtered ({@link CompletionScorer#filtered} set to
, it is assumed that the filter will roughly filter out half the number of
* documents that match the provided automaton
* - lookup performance will degrade as more accepted completions lead to filtered out documents
* @lucene.experimental
public final class NRTSuggester implements Accountable {
* FST: input is the analyzed form, with a null byte between terms and a {@link
* NRTSuggesterBuilder#END_BYTE} to denote the end of the input weight is a long surface is the
* original, unanalyzed form followed by the docID
private final FST> fst;
* Highest number of analyzed paths we saw for any single input surface form. This can be > 1,
* when index analyzer creates graphs or if multiple surface form(s) yields the same analyzed form
private final int maxAnalyzedPathsPerOutput;
/** Separator used between surface form and its docID in the FST output */
private final int payloadSep;
* Maximum queue depth for TopNSearcher
* NOTE: value should be <= Integer.MAX_VALUE
private static final long MAX_TOP_N_QUEUE_SIZE = 5000;
private NRTSuggester(
FST> fst, int maxAnalyzedPathsPerOutput, int payloadSep) {
this.fst = fst;
this.maxAnalyzedPathsPerOutput = maxAnalyzedPathsPerOutput;
this.payloadSep = payloadSep;
public long ramBytesUsed() {
return fst == null ? 0 : fst.ramBytesUsed();
public Collection getChildResources() {
return Collections.emptyList();
* Collects at most {@link TopSuggestDocsCollector#getCountToCollect()} completions that match the
* provided {@link CompletionScorer}.
* The {@link CompletionScorer#automaton} is intersected with the {@link #fst}. {@link
* CompletionScorer#weight} is used to compute boosts and/or extract context for each matched
* partial paths. A top N search is executed on {@link #fst} seeded with the matched partial
* paths. Upon reaching a completed path, {@link CompletionScorer#accept(int, Bits)} and {@link
* CompletionScorer#score(float, float)} is used on the document id, index weight and query boost
* to filter and score the entry, before being collected via {@link
* TopSuggestDocsCollector#collect(int, CharSequence, CharSequence, float)}
public void lookup(
final CompletionScorer scorer, Bits acceptDocs, final TopSuggestDocsCollector collector)
throws IOException {
final double liveDocsRatio =
calculateLiveDocRatio(scorer.reader.numDocs(), scorer.reader.maxDoc());
if (liveDocsRatio == -1) {
final List>> prefixPaths =
FSTUtil.intersectPrefixPaths(scorer.automaton, fst);
// The topN is increased by a factor of # of intersected path
// to ensure search admissibility. For example, one suggestion can
// have multiple contexts, resulting in num_context paths for the
// suggestion instead of 1 in the FST. When queried for the suggestion,
// the topN value ensures that all paths to the suggestion are evaluated
// (in case of a match all context query).
// Note that collectors will early terminate as soon as enough suggestions
// have been collected, regardless of the set topN value. This value is the
// maximum number of suggestions that can be collected.
final int topN = collector.getCountToCollect() * prefixPaths.size();
final int queueSize =
getMaxTopNSearcherQueueSize(topN, scorer.reader.numDocs(), liveDocsRatio, scorer.filtered);
final CharsRefBuilder spare = new CharsRefBuilder();
Util.TopNSearcher> searcher =
new Util.TopNSearcher<>(
(o1, o2) ->, o2.output1),
new ScoringPathComparator(scorer)) {
private final ByteArrayDataInput scratchInput = new ByteArrayDataInput();
protected boolean acceptPartialPath(Util.FSTPath> path) {
if (collector.doSkipDuplicates()) {
// We are removing dups
if (path.payload == -1) {
// This path didn't yet see the complete surface form; let's see if it just did with
// the arc output we just added:
BytesRef arcOutput = path.arc.output().output2;
BytesRef output = path.output.output2;
for (int i = 0; i < arcOutput.length; i++) {
if (arcOutput.bytes[arcOutput.offset + i] == payloadSep) {
// OK this arc that the path was just extended by contains the payloadSep, so we
// now have a full surface form in this path
path.payload = output.length - arcOutput.length + i;
assert output.bytes[output.offset + path.payload] == payloadSep;
if (path.payload != -1) {
BytesRef output = path.output.output2;
spare.copyUTF8Bytes(output.bytes, output.offset, path.payload);
if (collector.seenSurfaceForms.contains(spare.chars(), 0, spare.length())) {
return false;
return true;
protected boolean acceptResult(Util.FSTPath> path) {
BytesRef output = path.output.output2;
int payloadSepIndex;
if (path.payload != -1) {
payloadSepIndex = path.payload;
spare.copyUTF8Bytes(output.bytes, output.offset, payloadSepIndex);
} else {
assert collector.doSkipDuplicates() == false;
payloadSepIndex = parseSurfaceForm(output, payloadSep, spare);
output.offset + payloadSepIndex + 1,
output.length - payloadSepIndex - 1);
int docID = scratchInput.readVInt();
if (!scorer.accept(docID, acceptDocs)) {
return false;
if (collector.doSkipDuplicates()) {
// now record that we've seen this surface form:
char[] key = new char[spare.length()];
System.arraycopy(spare.chars(), 0, key, 0, spare.length());
if (collector.seenSurfaceForms.contains(key)) {
// we already collected a higher scoring document with this key, in this segment:
return false;
try {
float score = scorer.score((float) decode(path.output.output1), path.boost);
collector.collect(docID, spare.toCharsRef(), path.context, score);
return true;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
for (FSTUtil.Path> path : prefixPaths) {
BytesRef output = path.output().output2;
int payload = -1;
if (collector.doSkipDuplicates()) {
for (int j = 0; j < output.length; j++) {
if (output.bytes[output.offset + j] == payloadSep) {
// Important to cache this, else we have a possibly O(N^2) cost where N is the length of
// suggestions
payload = j;
// hits are also returned by search()
// we do not use it, instead collect at acceptResult;
// search admissibility is not guaranteed
// see comment on getMaxTopNSearcherQueueSize
// assert search.isComplete;
* Compares partial completion paths using {@link CompletionScorer#score(float, float)}, breaks
* ties comparing path inputs
private record ScoringPathComparator(CompletionScorer scorer)
implements Comparator>> {
public int compare(
Util.FSTPath> first, Util.FSTPath> second) {
int cmp =
scorer.score((float) decode(second.output.output1), second.boost),
scorer.score((float) decode(first.output.output1), first.boost));
return (cmp != 0) ? cmp : first.input.get().compareTo(second.input.get());
* Simple heuristics to try to avoid over-pruning potential suggestions by the TopNSearcher. Since
* suggestion entries can be rejected if they belong to a deleted document, the length of the
* TopNSearcher queue has to be increased by some factor, to account for the filtered out
* suggestions. This heuristic will try to make the searcher admissible, but the search can still
* lead to over-pruning
* If a filter
is applied, the queue size is increased by half the number of live
* documents.
The maximum queue size is {@link #MAX_TOP_N_QUEUE_SIZE}
private int getMaxTopNSearcherQueueSize(
int topN, int numDocs, double liveDocsRatio, boolean filterEnabled) {
long maxQueueSize = topN * (long) maxAnalyzedPathsPerOutput;
// liveDocRatio can be at most 1.0 (if no docs were deleted)
assert liveDocsRatio <= 1.0d;
maxQueueSize = (long) (maxQueueSize / liveDocsRatio);
if (filterEnabled) {
maxQueueSize = maxQueueSize + (numDocs / 2);
return (int) Math.min(MAX_TOP_N_QUEUE_SIZE, maxQueueSize);
private static double calculateLiveDocRatio(int numDocs, int maxDocs) {
return (numDocs > 0) ? ((double) numDocs / maxDocs) : -1;
private static boolean shouldLoadFSTOffHeap(IndexInput input, FSTLoadMode fstLoadMode) {
switch (fstLoadMode) {
case ON_HEAP:
return false;
case OFF_HEAP:
return true;
case AUTO:
// TODO: Make this less hacky to maybe expose "off-heap" feature using a marker interface on
// the IndexInput
return input.getClass().getName().contains(".MemorySegmentIndexInput");
throw new IllegalStateException("unknown enum constant: " + fstLoadMode);
* Loads a {@link NRTSuggester} from {@link} on or off-heap
* depending on the provided fstLoadMode
public static NRTSuggester load(IndexInput input, FSTLoadMode fstLoadMode) throws IOException {
final FST> fst;
PairOutputs outputs =
new PairOutputs<>(PositiveIntOutputs.getSingleton(), ByteSequenceOutputs.getSingleton());
if (shouldLoadFSTOffHeap(input, fstLoadMode)) {
final FST.FSTMetadata> fstMetadata = FST.readMetadata(input, outputs);
OffHeapFSTStore store = new OffHeapFSTStore(input, input.getFilePointer(), fstMetadata);
fst = FST.fromFSTReader(fstMetadata, store);
} else {
fst = new FST<>(FST.readMetadata(input, outputs), input);
/* read some meta info */
int maxAnalyzedPathsPerOutput = input.readVInt();
* Label used to denote the end of an input in the FST and
* the beginning of dedup bytes
input.readVInt(); // endByte
int payloadSep = input.readVInt();
return new NRTSuggester(fst, maxAnalyzedPathsPerOutput, payloadSep);
static long encode(long input) {
if (input < 0 || input > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("cannot encode value: " + input);
return Integer.MAX_VALUE - input;
static long decode(long output) {
assert output >= 0 && output <= Integer.MAX_VALUE
: "decoded output: " + output + " is not within 0 and Integer.MAX_VALUE";
return Integer.MAX_VALUE - output;
/** Helper to encode/decode payload (surface + PAYLOAD_SEP + docID) output */
static final class PayLoadProcessor {
private static final int MAX_DOC_ID_LEN_WITH_SEP = 6; // vint takes at most 5 bytes
static int parseSurfaceForm(final BytesRef output, int payloadSep, CharsRefBuilder spare) {
int surfaceFormLen = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < output.length; i++) {
if (output.bytes[output.offset + i] == payloadSep) {
surfaceFormLen = i;
assert surfaceFormLen != -1 : "no payloadSep found, unable to determine surface form";
spare.copyUTF8Bytes(output.bytes, output.offset, surfaceFormLen);
return surfaceFormLen;
static BytesRef make(final BytesRef surface, int docID, int payloadSep) throws IOException {
int len = surface.length + MAX_DOC_ID_LEN_WITH_SEP;
byte[] buffer = new byte[len];
ByteArrayDataOutput output = new ByteArrayDataOutput(buffer);
output.writeBytes(surface.bytes, surface.length - surface.offset);
output.writeByte((byte) payloadSep);
return new BytesRef(buffer, 0, output.getPosition());