org.apache.lucene.geo.GeoTestUtil Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.apache.lucene.geo;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import org.apache.lucene.util.NumericUtils;
import org.apache.lucene.util.SloppyMath;
import org.apache.lucene.util.TestUtil;
import com.carrotsearch.randomizedtesting.RandomizedContext;
/** static methods for testing geo */
public class GeoTestUtil {
/** returns next pseudorandom latitude (anywhere) */
public static double nextLatitude() {
return nextDoubleInternal(-90, 90);
/** returns next pseudorandom longitude (anywhere) */
public static double nextLongitude() {
return nextDoubleInternal(-180, 180);
* Returns next double within range.
* Don't pass huge numbers or infinity or anything like that yet. may have bugs!
// the goal is to adjust random number generation to test edges, create more duplicates, create "one-offs" in floating point space, etc.
// we do this by first picking a good "base value" (explicitly targeting edges, zero if allowed, or "discrete values"). but it also
// ensures we pick any double in the range and generally still produces randomish looking numbers.
// then we sometimes perturb that by one ulp.
private static double nextDoubleInternal(double low, double high) {
assert low >= Integer.MIN_VALUE;
assert high <= Integer.MAX_VALUE;
assert Double.isFinite(low);
assert Double.isFinite(high);
assert high >= low : "low=" + low + " high=" + high;
// if they are equal, not much we can do
if (low == high) {
return low;
// first pick a base value.
final double baseValue;
int surpriseMe = random().nextInt(17);
if (surpriseMe == 0) {
// random bits
long lowBits = NumericUtils.doubleToSortableLong(low);
long highBits = NumericUtils.doubleToSortableLong(high);
baseValue = NumericUtils.sortableLongToDouble(TestUtil.nextLong(random(), lowBits, highBits));
} else if (surpriseMe == 1) {
// edge case
baseValue = low;
} else if (surpriseMe == 2) {
// edge case
baseValue = high;
} else if (surpriseMe == 3 && low <= 0 && high >= 0) {
// may trigger divide by 0
baseValue = 0.0;
} else if (surpriseMe == 4) {
// divide up space into block of 360
double delta = (high - low) / 360;
int block = random().nextInt(360);
baseValue = low + delta * block;
} else {
// distributed ~ evenly
baseValue = low + (high - low) * random().nextDouble();
assert baseValue >= low;
assert baseValue <= high;
// either return the base value or adjust it by 1 ulp in a random direction (if possible)
int adjustMe = random().nextInt(17);
if (adjustMe == 0) {
return Math.nextAfter(adjustMe, high);
} else if (adjustMe == 1) {
return Math.nextAfter(adjustMe, low);
} else {
return baseValue;
/** returns next pseudorandom latitude, kinda close to {@code otherLatitude} */
private static double nextLatitudeNear(double otherLatitude, double delta) {
delta = Math.abs(delta);
int surpriseMe = random().nextInt(97);
if (surpriseMe == 0) {
// purely random
return nextLatitude();
} else if (surpriseMe < 49) {
// upper half of region (the exact point or 1 ulp difference is still likely)
return nextDoubleInternal(otherLatitude, Math.min(90, otherLatitude + delta));
} else {
// lower half of region (the exact point or 1 ulp difference is still likely)
return nextDoubleInternal(Math.max(-90, otherLatitude - delta), otherLatitude);
/** returns next pseudorandom longitude, kinda close to {@code otherLongitude} */
private static double nextLongitudeNear(double otherLongitude, double delta) {
delta = Math.abs(delta);
int surpriseMe = random().nextInt(97);
if (surpriseMe == 0) {
// purely random
return nextLongitude();
} else if (surpriseMe < 49) {
// upper half of region (the exact point or 1 ulp difference is still likely)
return nextDoubleInternal(otherLongitude, Math.min(180, otherLongitude + delta));
} else {
// lower half of region (the exact point or 1 ulp difference is still likely)
return nextDoubleInternal(Math.max(-180, otherLongitude - delta), otherLongitude);
* returns next pseudorandom latitude, kinda close to {@code minLatitude/maxLatitude}
* NOTE:minLatitude/maxLatitude are merely guidelines. the returned value is sometimes
* outside of that range! this is to facilitate edge testing of lines
private static double nextLatitudeBetween(double minLatitude, double maxLatitude) {
assert maxLatitude >= minLatitude;
if (random().nextInt(47) == 0) {
// purely random
return nextLatitude();
} else {
// extend the range by 1%
double difference = (maxLatitude - minLatitude) / 100;
double lower = Math.max(-90, minLatitude - difference);
double upper = Math.min(90, maxLatitude + difference);
return nextDoubleInternal(lower, upper);
* returns next pseudorandom longitude, kinda close to {@code minLongitude/maxLongitude}
* NOTE:minLongitude/maxLongitude are merely guidelines. the returned value is sometimes
* outside of that range! this is to facilitate edge testing of lines
private static double nextLongitudeBetween(double minLongitude, double maxLongitude) {
assert maxLongitude >= minLongitude;
if (random().nextInt(47) == 0) {
// purely random
return nextLongitude();
} else {
// extend the range by 1%
double difference = (maxLongitude - minLongitude) / 100;
double lower = Math.max(-180, minLongitude - difference);
double upper = Math.min(180, maxLongitude + difference);
return nextDoubleInternal(lower, upper);
/** Returns the next point around a line (more or less) */
private static double[] nextPointAroundLine(double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2) {
double x1 = lon1;
double x2 = lon2;
double y1 = lat1;
double y2 = lat2;
double minX = Math.min(x1, x2);
double maxX = Math.max(x1, x2);
double minY = Math.min(y1, y2);
double maxY = Math.max(y1, y2);
if (minX == maxX) {
return new double[] { nextLatitudeBetween(minY, maxY), nextLongitudeNear(minX, 0.01 * (maxY - minY)) };
} else if (minY == maxY) {
return new double[] { nextLatitudeNear(minY, 0.01 * (maxX - minX)), nextLongitudeBetween(minX, maxX) };
} else {
double x = nextLongitudeBetween(minX, maxX);
double y = (y1 - y2) / (x1 - x2) * (x-x1) + y1;
if (Double.isFinite(y) == false) {
// this can happen due to underflow when delta between x values is wonderfully tiny!
y = Math.copySign(90, x1);
double delta = (maxY - minY) * 0.01;
// our formula may put the targeted Y out of bounds
y = Math.min(90, y);
y = Math.max(-90, y);
return new double[] { nextLatitudeNear(y, delta), x };
/** Returns next point (lat/lon) for testing near a Box. It may cross the dateline */
public static double[] nextPointNear(Rectangle rectangle) {
if (rectangle.crossesDateline()) {
// pick a "side" of the two boxes we really are
if (random().nextBoolean()) {
return nextPointNear(new Rectangle(rectangle.minLat, rectangle.maxLat, -180, rectangle.maxLon));
} else {
return nextPointNear(new Rectangle(rectangle.minLat, rectangle.maxLat, rectangle.minLon, 180));
} else {
return nextPointNear(boxPolygon(rectangle));
/** Returns next point (lat/lon) for testing near a Polygon */
// see http://www-ma2.upc.es/geoc/Schirra-pointPolygon.pdf for more info on some of these strategies
public static double[] nextPointNear(Polygon polygon) {
double polyLats[] = polygon.getPolyLats();
double polyLons[] = polygon.getPolyLons();
Polygon holes[] = polygon.getHoles();
// if there are any holes, target them aggressively
if (holes.length > 0 && random().nextInt(3) == 0) {
return nextPointNear(holes[random().nextInt(holes.length)]);
int surpriseMe = random().nextInt(97);
if (surpriseMe == 0) {
// purely random
return new double[] { nextLatitude(), nextLongitude() };
} else if (surpriseMe < 5) {
// purely random within bounding box
return new double[] { nextLatitudeBetween(polygon.minLat, polygon.maxLat), nextLongitudeBetween(polygon.minLon, polygon.maxLon) };
} else if (surpriseMe < 20) {
// target a vertex
int vertex = random().nextInt(polyLats.length - 1);
return new double[] { nextLatitudeNear(polyLats[vertex], polyLats[vertex+1] - polyLats[vertex]),
nextLongitudeNear(polyLons[vertex], polyLons[vertex+1] - polyLons[vertex]) };
} else if (surpriseMe < 30) {
// target points around the bounding box edges
Polygon container = boxPolygon(new Rectangle(polygon.minLat, polygon.maxLat, polygon.minLon, polygon.maxLon));
double containerLats[] = container.getPolyLats();
double containerLons[] = container.getPolyLons();
int startVertex = random().nextInt(containerLats.length - 1);
return nextPointAroundLine(containerLats[startVertex], containerLons[startVertex],
containerLats[startVertex+1], containerLons[startVertex+1]);
} else {
// target points around diagonals between vertices
int startVertex = random().nextInt(polyLats.length - 1);
// but favor edges heavily
int endVertex = random().nextBoolean() ? startVertex + 1 : random().nextInt(polyLats.length - 1);
return nextPointAroundLine(polyLats[startVertex], polyLons[startVertex],
polyLats[endVertex], polyLons[endVertex]);
/** Returns next box for testing near a Polygon */
public static Rectangle nextBoxNear(Polygon polygon) {
final double point1[];
final double point2[];
// if there are any holes, target them aggressively
Polygon holes[] = polygon.getHoles();
if (holes.length > 0 && random().nextInt(3) == 0) {
return nextBoxNear(holes[random().nextInt(holes.length)]);
int surpriseMe = random().nextInt(97);
if (surpriseMe == 0) {
// formed from two interesting points
point1 = nextPointNear(polygon);
point2 = nextPointNear(polygon);
} else {
// formed from one interesting point: then random within delta.
point1 = nextPointNear(polygon);
point2 = new double[2];
// now figure out a good delta: we use a rough heuristic, up to the length of an edge
double polyLats[] = polygon.getPolyLats();
double polyLons[] = polygon.getPolyLons();
int vertex = random().nextInt(polyLats.length - 1);
double deltaX = polyLons[vertex+1] - polyLons[vertex];
double deltaY = polyLats[vertex+1] - polyLats[vertex];
double edgeLength = Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY);
point2[0] = nextLatitudeNear(point1[0], edgeLength);
point2[1] = nextLongitudeNear(point1[1], edgeLength);
// form a box from the two points
double minLat = Math.min(point1[0], point2[0]);
double maxLat = Math.max(point1[0], point2[0]);
double minLon = Math.min(point1[1], point2[1]);
double maxLon = Math.max(point1[1], point2[1]);
return new Rectangle(minLat, maxLat, minLon, maxLon);
/** returns next pseudorandom box: can cross the 180th meridian */
public static Rectangle nextBox() {
return nextBoxInternal(nextLatitude(), nextLatitude(), nextLongitude(), nextLongitude(), true);
/** Makes an n-gon, centered at the provided lat/lon, and each vertex approximately
* distanceMeters away from the center.
* Do not invoke me across the dateline or a pole!! */
public static Polygon createRegularPolygon(double centerLat, double centerLon, double radiusMeters, int gons) {
// System.out.println("MAKE POLY: centerLat=" + centerLat + " centerLon=" + centerLon + " radiusMeters=" + radiusMeters + " gons=" + gons);
double[][] result = new double[2][];
result[0] = new double[gons+1];
result[1] = new double[gons+1];
//System.out.println("make gon=" + gons);
for(int i=0;i radiusMeters) {
// too big
//System.out.println(" smaller");
factor -= step;
if (last == 1) {
//System.out.println(" half-step");
step /= 2.0;
last = -1;
} else if (distanceMeters < radiusMeters) {
// too small
//System.out.println(" bigger");
factor += step;
if (last == -1) {
//System.out.println(" half-step");
step /= 2.0;
last = 1;
// close poly
result[0][gons] = result[0][0];
result[1][gons] = result[1][0];
//System.out.println(" polyLats=" + Arrays.toString(result[0]));
//System.out.println(" polyLons=" + Arrays.toString(result[1]));
return new Polygon(result[0], result[1]);
/** returns next pseudorandom polygon */
public static Polygon nextPolygon() {
if (random().nextBoolean()) {
return surpriseMePolygon();
} else if (random().nextInt(10) == 1) {
// this poly is slow to create ... only do it 10% of the time:
while (true) {
int gons = TestUtil.nextInt(random(), 4, 500);
// So the poly can cover at most 50% of the earth's surface:
double radiusMeters = random().nextDouble() * GeoUtils.EARTH_MEAN_RADIUS_METERS * Math.PI / 2.0 + 1.0;
try {
return createRegularPolygon(nextLatitude(), nextLongitude(), radiusMeters, gons);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
// we tried to cross dateline or pole ... try again
Rectangle box = nextBoxInternal(nextLatitude(), nextLatitude(), nextLongitude(), nextLongitude(), false);
if (random().nextBoolean()) {
// box
return boxPolygon(box);
} else {
// triangle
return trianglePolygon(box);
private static Rectangle nextBoxInternal(double lat0, double lat1, double lon0, double lon1, boolean canCrossDateLine) {
if (lat1 < lat0) {
double x = lat0;
lat0 = lat1;
lat1 = x;
if (canCrossDateLine == false && lon1 < lon0) {
double x = lon0;
lon0 = lon1;
lon1 = x;
return new Rectangle(lat0, lat1, lon0, lon1);
private static Polygon boxPolygon(Rectangle box) {
assert box.crossesDateline() == false;
final double[] polyLats = new double[5];
final double[] polyLons = new double[5];
polyLats[0] = box.minLat;
polyLons[0] = box.minLon;
polyLats[1] = box.maxLat;
polyLons[1] = box.minLon;
polyLats[2] = box.maxLat;
polyLons[2] = box.maxLon;
polyLats[3] = box.minLat;
polyLons[3] = box.maxLon;
polyLats[4] = box.minLat;
polyLons[4] = box.minLon;
return new Polygon(polyLats, polyLons);
private static Polygon trianglePolygon(Rectangle box) {
assert box.crossesDateline() == false;
final double[] polyLats = new double[4];
final double[] polyLons = new double[4];
polyLats[0] = box.minLat;
polyLons[0] = box.minLon;
polyLats[1] = box.maxLat;
polyLons[1] = box.minLon;
polyLats[2] = box.maxLat;
polyLons[2] = box.maxLon;
polyLats[3] = box.minLat;
polyLons[3] = box.minLon;
return new Polygon(polyLats, polyLons);
private static Polygon surpriseMePolygon() {
// repeat until we get a poly that doesn't cross dateline:
while (true) {
//System.out.println("\nPOLY ITER");
double centerLat = nextLatitude();
double centerLon = nextLongitude();
double radius = 0.1 + 20 * random().nextDouble();
double radiusDelta = random().nextDouble();
ArrayList lats = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList lons = new ArrayList<>();
double angle = 0.0;
while (true) {
angle += random().nextDouble()*40.0;
//System.out.println(" angle " + angle);
if (angle > 360) {
double len = radius * (1.0 - radiusDelta + radiusDelta * random().nextDouble());
//System.out.println(" len=" + len);
double lat = centerLat + len * Math.cos(SloppyMath.toRadians(angle));
double lon = centerLon + len * Math.sin(SloppyMath.toRadians(angle));
if (lon <= GeoUtils.MIN_LON_INCL || lon >= GeoUtils.MAX_LON_INCL) {
// cannot cross dateline: try again!
continue newPoly;
if (lat > 90) {
// cross the north pole
lat = 180 - lat;
lon = 180 - lon;
} else if (lat < -90) {
// cross the south pole
lat = -180 - lat;
lon = 180 - lon;
if (lon <= GeoUtils.MIN_LON_INCL || lon >= GeoUtils.MAX_LON_INCL) {
// cannot cross dateline: try again!
continue newPoly;
//System.out.println(" lat=" + lats.get(lats.size()-1) + " lon=" + lons.get(lons.size()-1));
// close it
double[] latsArray = new double[lats.size()];
double[] lonsArray = new double[lons.size()];
for(int i=0;i
* You can pass any number of objects:
* Polygon: polygon with optional holes
* Polygon[]: arrays of polygons for convenience
* Rectangle: for a box
* double[2]: as latitude,longitude for a point
* At least one object must be a polygon. The viewBox is formed around all polygons
* found in the arguments.
public static String toSVG(Object ...objects) {