org.apache.mahout.h2obindings.drm.CheckpointedDrmH2O.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.apache.mahout.h2obindings.drm
import org.apache.mahout.h2obindings._
import org.apache.mahout.math.Matrix
import org.apache.mahout.math.drm.CacheHint.CacheHint
import org.apache.mahout.math.drm._
import scala.reflect._
* H2O-specific optimizer-checkpointed DRM.
* @param h2odrm Underlying Frame and optional label Vec to wrap around
* @param context Distributed context to the H2O Cloud
* @tparam K Matrix key type
class CheckpointedDrmH2O[K: ClassTag](
val h2odrm: H2ODrm,
val context: DistributedContext,
override val cacheHint: CacheHint
) extends CheckpointedDrm[K] {
override val keyClassTag: ClassTag[K] = classTag[K]
* Collecting DRM to in-core Matrix
* If key in DRM is Int, then matrix is collected using key as row index.
* Otherwise, order of rows in result is undefined but key.toString is applied
* as rowLabelBindings of the in-core matrix.
def collect: Matrix = H2OHelper.matrixFromDrm(h2odrm)
/* XXX: call frame.remove */
def uncache(): this.type = this
* Persist DRM to on-disk over HDFS in Mahout DRM format.
def dfsWrite(path: String): Unit = H2OHdfs.drmToFile(path, h2odrm)
* Action operator - Eagerly evaluate the lazily built operator graph to create
* a CheckpointedDrm
def checkpoint(cacheHint: CacheHint.CacheHint): CheckpointedDrm[K] = this
def ncol: Int = h2odrm.frame.numCols
def nrow: Long = h2odrm.frame.numRows
def canHaveMissingRows: Boolean = false
protected[mahout] def partitioningTag: Long = h2odrm.frame.anyVec.group.hashCode
/** stub need to make IndexedDataset core but since drmWrap is not in H2O left for someone else */
override def newRowCardinality(n: Int): CheckpointedDrm[K] = {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("CheckpointedDrmH2O#newRowCardinality is not implemented.")
/* this is the Spark impl
assert(n > -1)
assert( n >= nrow)
val newCheckpointedDrm = drmWrap[K](rdd, n, ncol)
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