org.apache.mahout.sparkbindings.SparkEngine.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.mahout.sparkbindings
import org.apache.mahout.common.{HDFSUtil, Hadoop1HDFSUtil}
import org.apache.mahout.drivers.TextDelimitedIndexedDatasetReader
import org.apache.mahout.math._
import org.apache.mahout.math.drm._
import org.apache.mahout.math.drm.logical._
import org.apache.mahout.math.indexeddataset.{BiDictionary, DefaultIndexedDatasetElementReadSchema, DefaultIndexedDatasetReadSchema, Schema}
import org.apache.mahout.math.scalabindings.RLikeOps._
import org.apache.mahout.math.scalabindings._
import org.apache.mahout.sparkbindings.blas._
import org.apache.mahout.sparkbindings.drm.{CheckpointedDrmSpark, DrmRddInput, cpDrmGeneric2DrmRddInput}
import org.apache.mahout.sparkbindings.indexeddataset.IndexedDatasetSpark
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.collection._
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
/** Spark-specific non-drm-method operations */
object SparkEngine extends DistributedEngine {
// By default, use Hadoop 1 utils
var hdfsUtils: HDFSUtil = Hadoop1HDFSUtil
def colSums[K](drm: CheckpointedDrm[K]): Vector = {
val n = drm.ncol
// Throw away keys
// Fold() doesn't work with kryo still. So work around it.
.mapPartitions(iter ⇒ {
val acc = ((new DenseVector(n): Vector) /: iter) ((acc, v) ⇒ acc += v)
// Since we preallocated new accumulator vector per partition, this must not cause any side
// effects now.
.reduce(_ += _)
def numNonZeroElementsPerColumn[K](drm: CheckpointedDrm[K]): Vector = {
val n = drm.ncol
// Throw away keys
// Fold() doesn't work with kryo still. So work around it.
.mapPartitions(iter ⇒ {
val acc = ((new DenseVector(n): Vector) /: iter) { (acc, v) ⇒
v.nonZeroes().foreach { elem ⇒ acc(elem.index) += 1 }
// Since we preallocated new accumulator vector per partition, this must not cause any side
// effects now.
.reduce(_ += _)
/** Engine-specific colMeans implementation based on a checkpoint. */
override def colMeans[K](drm: CheckpointedDrm[K]): Vector =
if (drm.nrow == 0) drm.colSums() else drm.colSums() /= drm.nrow
override def norm[K](drm: CheckpointedDrm[K]): Double =
// Compute sum of squares of each vector
.map {
case (key, v) ⇒ v dot v
.reduce(_ + _))
/** Optional engine-specific all reduce tensor operation. */
override def allreduceBlock[K](drm: CheckpointedDrm[K], bmf: BlockMapFunc2[K], rf:
BlockReduceFunc): Matrix = {
drm.asBlockified(ncol = drm.ncol).map(bmf(_)).reduce(rf)
* Perform default expression rewrite. Return physical plan that we can pass to exec().
* A particular physical engine implementation may choose to either use or not use these rewrites
* as a useful basic rewriting rule.
override def optimizerRewrite[K: ClassTag](action: DrmLike[K]): DrmLike[K] = super.optimizerRewrite(action)
/** Second optimizer pass. Translate previously rewritten logical pipeline into physical engine plan. */
def toPhysical[K: ClassTag](plan: DrmLike[K], ch: CacheHint.CacheHint): CheckpointedDrm[K] = {
// Spark-specific Physical Plan translation.
val rddInput = tr2phys(plan)
val newcp = new CheckpointedDrmSpark(
rddInput = rddInput,
_nrow = plan.nrow,
_ncol = plan.ncol,
cacheHint = ch,
partitioningTag = plan.partitioningTag
/** Broadcast support */
def drmBroadcast(v: Vector)(implicit dc: DistributedContext): BCast[Vector] = dc.broadcast(v)
/** Broadcast support */
def drmBroadcast(m: Matrix)(implicit dc: DistributedContext): BCast[Matrix] = dc.broadcast(m)
* Load DRM from hdfs (as in Mahout DRM format)
* @param path
* @param sc spark context (wanted to make that implicit, doesn't work in current version of
* scala with the type bounds, sorry)
* @return DRM[Any] where Any is automatically translated to value type
def drmDfsRead(path: String, parMin: Int = 0)(implicit sc: DistributedContext): CheckpointedDrm[_] = {
// Require that context is actually Spark context.
require(sc.isInstanceOf[SparkDistributedContext], "Supplied context must be for the Spark backend.")
// Extract spark context -- we need it for some operations.
implicit val ssc = sc.asInstanceOf[SparkDistributedContext].sc
val drmMetadata = hdfsUtils.readDrmHeader(path)
val k2vFunc = drmMetadata.keyW2ValFunc
// Load RDD and convert all Writables to value types right away (due to reuse of writables in
// Hadoop we must do it right after read operation).
val rdd = sc.sequenceFile(path, classOf[Writable], classOf[VectorWritable], minPartitions = parMin)
// Immediately convert keys and value writables into value types.
.map { case (wKey, wVec) ⇒ k2vFunc(wKey) -> wVec.get() }
// Wrap into a DRM type with correct matrix row key class tag evident.
drmWrap(rdd = rdd, cacheHint = CacheHint.NONE)(drmMetadata.keyClassTag.asInstanceOf[ClassTag[Any]])
/** Parallelize in-core matrix as spark distributed matrix, using row ordinal indices as data set keys. */
def drmParallelizeWithRowIndices(m: Matrix, numPartitions: Int = 1)
(implicit sc: DistributedContext)
: CheckpointedDrm[Int] = {
new CheckpointedDrmSpark(rddInput = parallelizeInCore(m, numPartitions), _nrow = m.nrow, _ncol = m.ncol,
cacheHint = CacheHint.NONE)
private[sparkbindings] def parallelizeInCore(m: Matrix, numPartitions: Int = 1)
(implicit sc: DistributedContext): DrmRdd[Int] = {
val p = (0 until m.nrow).map(i ⇒ i → m(i, ::))
sc.parallelize(p, numPartitions)
/** Parallelize in-core matrix as spark distributed matrix, using row labels as a data set keys. */
def drmParallelizeWithRowLabels(m: Matrix, numPartitions: Int = 1)
(implicit sc: DistributedContext)
: CheckpointedDrm[String] = {
val rb = m.getRowLabelBindings
val p = for (i: String ← rb.keySet().toIndexedSeq) yield i → m(rb(i), ::)
new CheckpointedDrmSpark(rddInput = sc.parallelize(p, numPartitions), _nrow = m.nrow, _ncol = m.ncol,
cacheHint = CacheHint.NONE)
/** This creates an empty DRM with specified number of partitions and cardinality. */
def drmParallelizeEmpty(nrow: Int, ncol: Int, numPartitions: Int = 10)
(implicit sc: DistributedContext): CheckpointedDrm[Int] = {
val rdd = sc.parallelize(0 to numPartitions, numPartitions).flatMap(part ⇒ {
val partNRow = (nrow - 1) / numPartitions + 1
val partStart = partNRow * part
val partEnd = Math.min(partStart + partNRow, nrow)
for (i ← partStart until partEnd) yield (i, new RandomAccessSparseVector(ncol): Vector)
new CheckpointedDrmSpark[Int](rdd, nrow, ncol, cacheHint = CacheHint.NONE)
def drmParallelizeEmptyLong(nrow: Long, ncol: Int, numPartitions: Int = 10)
(implicit sc: DistributedContext): CheckpointedDrm[Long] = {
val rdd = sc.parallelize(0 to numPartitions, numPartitions).flatMap(part ⇒ {
val partNRow = (nrow - 1) / numPartitions + 1
val partStart = partNRow * part
val partEnd = Math.min(partStart + partNRow, nrow)
for (i ← partStart until partEnd) yield (i, new RandomAccessSparseVector(ncol): Vector)
new CheckpointedDrmSpark[Long](rdd, nrow, ncol, cacheHint = CacheHint.NONE)
* Convert non-int-keyed matrix to an int-keyed, computing optionally mapping from old keys
* to row indices in the new one. The mapping, if requested, is returned as a 1-column matrix.
override def drm2IntKeyed[K](drmX: DrmLike[K], computeMap: Boolean = false): (DrmLike[Int], Option[DrmLike[K]]) = {
implicit val ktag = drmX.keyClassTag
if (ktag == ClassTag.Int) {
drmX.asInstanceOf[DrmLike[Int]] → None
} else {
val drmXcp = drmX.checkpoint(CacheHint.MEMORY_ONLY)
val ncol = drmXcp.asInstanceOf[CheckpointedDrmSpark[K]]._ncol
val nrow = drmXcp.asInstanceOf[CheckpointedDrmSpark[K]]._nrow
// Compute sequential int key numbering.
val (intRdd, keyMap) = blas.rekeySeqInts(rdd = drmXcp.rdd, computeMap = computeMap)
// Convert computed key mapping to a matrix.
val mxKeyMap = { rdd ⇒
drmWrap(rdd = { case (key, ordinal) ⇒ key → (dvec(ordinal): Vector) }, ncol = 1, nrow = nrow)
drmWrap(rdd = intRdd, ncol = ncol) → mxKeyMap
* (Optional) Sampling operation. Consistent with Spark semantics of the same.
* @param drmX
* @param fraction
* @param replacement
* @tparam K
* @return
override def drmSampleRows[K](drmX: DrmLike[K], fraction: Double, replacement: Boolean): DrmLike[K] = {
implicit val ktag = drmX.keyClassTag
// We do want to take ncol if already computed, if not, then we don't want to trigger computation
// here.
val ncol = drmX match {
case cp: CheckpointedDrmSpark[K] ⇒ cp._ncol
case _ ⇒ -1
val sample = drmX.rdd.sample(withReplacement = replacement, fraction = fraction)
if (ktag != ClassTag.Int) return drmWrap(sample, ncol = ncol)
// K == Int: Int-keyed sample. rebase int counts.
drmWrap(rdd = blas.rekeySeqInts(rdd = sample, computeMap = false)._1, ncol = ncol).asInstanceOf[DrmLike[K]]
override def drmSampleKRows[K](drmX: DrmLike[K], numSamples: Int, replacement: Boolean): Matrix = {
val ncol = drmX match {
case cp: CheckpointedDrmSpark[K] ⇒ cp._ncol
case _ ⇒ -1
// I think as of the time of this writing, takeSample() in Spark is biased. It is not a true
// hypergeometric sampler. But it is faster than a true hypergeometric/categorical samplers
// would be.
val sample = drmX.rdd.takeSample(withReplacement = replacement, num = numSamples)
val isSparse = sample.exists { case (_, vec) ⇒ !vec.isDense }
val vectors =
val labels = { case ((key, _), idx) ⇒ key.toString → (idx: Integer) }.toMap
val mx: Matrix = if (isSparse) sparse(vectors: _*) else dense(vectors)
private[mahout] def cacheHint2Spark(cacheHint: CacheHint.CacheHint): StorageLevel = cacheHint match {
case CacheHint.NONE ⇒ StorageLevel.NONE
case CacheHint.DISK_ONLY ⇒ StorageLevel.DISK_ONLY
case CacheHint.DISK_ONLY_2 ⇒ StorageLevel.DISK_ONLY_2
case CacheHint.MEMORY_ONLY ⇒ StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY
case CacheHint.MEMORY_ONLY_2 ⇒ StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY_2
case CacheHint.MEMORY_ONLY_SER ⇒ StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY_SER
case CacheHint.MEMORY_ONLY_SER_2 ⇒ StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY_SER_2
case CacheHint.MEMORY_AND_DISK ⇒ StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK
case CacheHint.MEMORY_AND_DISK_2 ⇒ StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_2
case CacheHint.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER_2 ⇒ StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER_2
/** Translate previously optimized physical plan */
private def tr2phys[K](oper: DrmLike[K]): DrmRddInput[K] = {
// I do explicit evidence propagation here since matching via case classes seems to be loosing
// it and subsequently may cause something like DrmRddInput[Any] instead of [Int] or [String].
// Hence you see explicit evidence attached to all recursive exec() calls.
oper match {
// If there are any such cases, they must go away in pass1. If they were not, then it wasn't
// the A'A case but actual transposition intent which should be removed from consideration
// (we cannot do actual flip for non-int-keyed arguments)
case OpAtAnyKey(_) ⇒
throw new IllegalArgumentException("\"A\" must be Int-keyed in this A.t expression.")
case op@OpAt(a) if op.keyClassTag == ClassTag.Int ⇒, tr2phys(a)).asInstanceOf[DrmRddInput[K]]
case op@OpABt(a, b) ⇒ ABt.abt(op, tr2phys(a), tr2phys(b))
case op@OpAtB(a, b) ⇒ AtB.atb(op, tr2phys(a), tr2phys(b)).asInstanceOf[DrmRddInput[K]]
case op@OpAtA(a) if op.keyClassTag == ClassTag.Int ⇒ AtA.at_a(op, tr2phys(a)).asInstanceOf[DrmRddInput[K]]
case op@OpAx(a, x) ⇒ Ax.ax_with_broadcast(op, tr2phys(a))
case op@OpAtx(a, x) if op.keyClassTag == ClassTag.Int ⇒
Ax.atx_with_broadcast(op, tr2phys(a)).asInstanceOf[DrmRddInput[K]]
case op@OpAewUnaryFunc(a, _, _) ⇒ AewB.a_ew_func(op, tr2phys(a))
case op@OpAewUnaryFuncFusion(a, _) ⇒ AewB.a_ew_func(op, tr2phys(a))
case op@OpAewB(a, b, opId) ⇒ AewB.a_ew_b(op, tr2phys(a), tr2phys(b))
case op@OpCbind(a, b) ⇒ CbindAB.cbindAB_nograph(op, tr2phys(a), tr2phys(b))
case op@OpCbindScalar(a, _, _) ⇒ CbindAB.cbindAScalar(op, tr2phys(a))
case op@OpRbind(a, b) ⇒ RbindAB.rbindAB(op, tr2phys(a), tr2phys(b))
case op@OpAewScalar(a, s, _) ⇒ AewB.a_ew_scalar(op, tr2phys(a), s)
case op@OpRowRange(a, _) if op.keyClassTag == ClassTag.Int ⇒
Slicing.rowRange(op, tr2phys(a)).asInstanceOf[DrmRddInput[K]]
case op@OpTimesRightMatrix(a, _) ⇒ AinCoreB.rightMultiply(op, tr2phys(a))
// Custom operators, we just execute them
case blockOp: OpMapBlock[_, K] ⇒ MapBlock.exec(
src = tr2phys(blockOp.A),
operator = blockOp
case op@OpPar(a, _, _) ⇒ Par.exec(op, tr2phys(a))
case cp: CheckpointedDrm[K] ⇒
implicit val ktag=cp.keyClassTag
cp.rdd: DrmRddInput[K]
case _ ⇒ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Internal:Optimizer has no exec policy for operator %s."
* Returns an [[org.apache.mahout.sparkbindings.indexeddataset.IndexedDatasetSpark]] from default text
* delimited files. Reads a vector per row.
* @param src a comma separated list of URIs to read from
* @param schema how the text file is formatted
def indexedDatasetDFSRead(src: String,
schema: Schema = DefaultIndexedDatasetReadSchema,
existingRowIDs: Option[BiDictionary] = None)
(implicit sc: DistributedContext):
IndexedDatasetSpark = {
val reader = new TextDelimitedIndexedDatasetReader(schema)(sc)
val ids = reader.readRowsFrom(src, existingRowIDs)
* Returns an [[org.apache.mahout.sparkbindings.indexeddataset.IndexedDatasetSpark]] from default text
* delimited files. Reads an element per row.
* @param src a comma separated list of URIs to read from
* @param schema how the text file is formatted
def indexedDatasetDFSReadElements(src: String,
schema: Schema = DefaultIndexedDatasetElementReadSchema,
existingRowIDs: Option[BiDictionary] = None)
(implicit sc: DistributedContext):
IndexedDatasetSpark = {
val reader = new TextDelimitedIndexedDatasetReader(schema)(sc)
val ids = reader.readElementsFrom(src, existingRowIDs)