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org.apache.mahout.sparkbindings.blas.AtA.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.mahout.sparkbindings.blas

import org.apache.mahout.logging._
import org.apache.mahout.math._
import org.apache.mahout.sparkbindings._
import org.apache.mahout.sparkbindings.drm._
import org.apache.mahout.math.scalabindings._
import RLikeOps._
import collection._
import JavaConversions._
import org.apache.mahout.math.drm.logical.OpAtA
import SparkEngine._

 * Collection of algorithms to compute X' times X
object AtA {

  private final implicit val log = getLog(AtA.getClass)

  final val PROPERTY_ATA_MAXINMEMNCOL = "mahout.math.AtA.maxInMemNCol"
  final val PROPERTY_ATA_MMUL_BLOCKHEIGHT = "mahout.math.AtA.blockHeight"

  /** Materialize A'A operator */
  def at_a(operator: OpAtA[_], srcRdd: DrmRddInput[_]): DrmRddInput[Int] = {

    val maxInMemNCol = System.getProperty(PROPERTY_ATA_MAXINMEMNCOL, "200").toInt
    maxInMemNCol.ensuring(_ > 0, "Invalid A'A in-memory setting for optimizer")

    if (operator.ncol <= maxInMemNCol) {

      // If we can comfortably fit upper-triangular operator into a map memory, we will run slim
      // algorithm with upper-triangular accumulators in maps. 
      val inCoreA = at_a_slim(srcRdd = srcRdd.asRowWise(), operator = operator)
      val drmRdd = parallelizeInCore(inCoreA, numPartitions = 1)(sc = srcRdd.sparkContext)

    } else {

      // Otherwise, we need to run a distributed, big version
      //      new DrmRddInput(rowWiseSrc = Some(operator.ncol, at_a_nongraph(srcRdd = srcRdd, op = operator)))
      at_a_nongraph_mmul(srcRdd = srcRdd.asBlockified(operator.A.ncol), op = operator)


   * Computes A' * A for tall but skinny A matrices. Comes up a lot in SSVD and ALS flavors alike.
   * @return
  def at_a_slim(operator: OpAtA[_], srcRdd: DrmRdd[_]): Matrix = {

    debug("operator slim A'A(Spark)")

    val ncol = operator.ncol
    // Compute backing vector of tiny-upper-triangular accumulator accross all the data.
    val resSym = srcRdd.mapPartitions(pIter => {

      val ut = new UpperTriangular(ncol)

      // Strategy is to add to an outer product of each row to the upper triangular accumulator.
      pIter.foreach({ case (k, v) =>

        // Use slightly various traversal strategies over dense vs. sparse source.
        if (v.isDense) {

          // Update upper-triangular pattern only (due to symmetry).
          // Note: Scala for-comprehensions are said to be fairly inefficient this way, but this is
          // such spectacular case they were deesigned for.. Yes I do observe some 20% difference
          // compared to while loops with no other payload, but the other payload is usually much
          // heavier than this overhead, so... I am keeping this as is for the time being.

          for (row <- 0 until v.length; col <- row until v.length)
            ut(row, col) = ut(row, col) + v(row) * v(col)

        } else {

          // Sparse source.

            // Outer iterator iterates over rows of outer product.
            .foreach(elrow => {

            // Inner loop for columns of outer product.

              // Filter out non-upper nonzero elements from the double loop.
              .filter(_.index >= elrow.index)

              // Incrementally update outer product value in the uppper triangular accumulator.
              .foreach(elcol => {

              val row = elrow.index
              val col = elcol.index
              ut(row, col) = ut(row, col) + elrow.get() * elcol.get()



      Iterator(dvec(ddata = ut.getData): Vector)
    }).collect().reduce(_ += _)

    new DenseSymmetricMatrix(resSym)

  // Version that tries to use groupBy. In practice this is the slowest.
  def at_a_group(op: OpAtA[_], srcRdd: DrmRdd[_]): DrmRddInput[Int] = {
    debug("operator non-slim A'A(Spark-group).")

    // Determine how many partitions the new matrix would need approximately. We base that on
    // geometry only, but it may eventually not be that adequate. Indeed, A'A tends to be much more
    // dense in reality than the source.
    val m = op.A.nrow
    val n = op.A.ncol
    val srcNumParts = srcRdd.partitions.length
    val finalNumParts = (srcNumParts * n / m).ceil.toInt max 1
    val numParts = finalNumParts max srcNumParts
    val ranges = computeEvenSplits(n, numParts)

    var rddAtA = srcRdd

      // Remove key, key is irrelevant

      // Form partial outer blocks for each partition
      .flatMap { v =>
      for (blockKey <- 0 until numParts) yield {
        blockKey -> v
      // Sent to individual partition reducer
      .groupByKey(numPartitions = numParts)

      // Reduce individual group
      .map { case (blockKey, iter) =>
      val range = ranges(blockKey)
      val mxC: Matrix = new SparseRowMatrix(range.size, n, false)
      iter.foreach(vec => addOuterProduct(mxC, vec(range), vec))

      // Fix keys
      val blockStart = range.start
      val rowKeys = Array.tabulate(mxC.nrow)(blockStart + _)
      rowKeys -> mxC

    if (log.isDebugEnabled)
      log.debug(s"AtA (grouping) #parts: ${rddAtA.partitions.size}.")

    if (finalNumParts < numParts) rddAtA = rddAtA.coalesce(finalNumParts, shuffle = false)


  /** The version of A'A that does not use GraphX */
  def at_a_nongraph(op: OpAtA[_], srcRdd: DrmRdd[_]): DrmRddInput[Int] = {

    debug("Applying non-slim non-graph A'A.")

    // Determine how many partitions the new matrix would need approximately. We base that on 
    // geometry only, but it may eventually not be that adequate. Indeed, A'A tends to be much more
    // dense in reality than the source.
    val m = op.A.nrow
    val n = op.A.ncol
    val numParts = (srcRdd.partitions.length.toDouble * n / m).ceil.toInt max 1
    val blockHeight = (n - 1) / numParts + 1
    val offsets = (0 until numParts).map(_ * blockHeight)
    val ranges = => offset until (offset + blockHeight min n))

    val rddAtA = srcRdd

      // Remove key, key is irrelevant

      // Form partial outer blocks for each partition
      .flatMap { v =>
      for (blockKey <- 0 until numParts) yield {
        blockKey ->(blockKey, v)
      // Combine outer products
      .combineByKey(// Combiner factory
        createCombiner = (t: (Int, Vector)) => {
          val partNo = t._1
          val vec = t._2
          val range = ranges(partNo)
          val mxC = if (vec.isDense) new DenseMatrix(range.size, n) else new SparseRowMatrix(range.size, n)
          addOuterProduct(mxC, vec(range), vec)

        // Merge values into existing partition accumulator.
        mergeValue = (mxC: Matrix, t: (Int, Vector)) => {
          val partNo = t._1
          val vec = t._2
          addOuterProduct(mxC, vec(ranges(partNo)), vec)

        // Merge combiners
        mergeCombiners = (mxC1: Matrix, mxC2: Matrix) => mxC1 += mxC2, numPartitions = numParts)

      // Restore proper block keys
      .map { case (blockKey, block) =>
      val blockStart = blockKey * blockHeight
      val rowKeys = Array.tabulate(block.nrow)(blockStart + _)
      rowKeys -> block

    if (log.isDebugEnabled)
      log.debug(s"AtA #parts: ${rddAtA.partitions.length}.")


   * The version of A'A that does not use GraphX. Tries to use blockwise matrix multiply. If an
   * accelerated matrix back is available, this might be somewhat faster.
  def at_a_nongraph_mmul(op: OpAtA[_], srcRdd: BlockifiedDrmRdd[_]): DrmRddInput[Int] = {

    // Determine how many partitions the new matrix would need approximately. We base that on
    // geometry only, but it may eventually not be that adequate. Indeed, A'A tends to be much more
    // dense in reality than the source.
    val m = op.A.nrow
    val n = op.A.ncol
    val aparts = srcRdd.partitions.length
    val numParts = estimateProductPartitions(anrow = n, ancol = m, bncol = n, aparts = aparts, bparts = aparts)
    val ranges = computeEvenSplits(n, numParts)

    debug(s"operator mmul-A'A(Spark); #parts = $numParts, #partsA=$aparts.")

    val rddAtA = srcRdd.flatMap { case (keys, block) =>
      Iterator.tabulate(numParts) { i =>
        i -> block(::, ranges(i)).t %*% block
      // Reduce partial blocks.
      .reduceByKey(_ += _, numPartitions = numParts)

      // Produce keys
      .map { case (blockKey, block) =>

      val blockStart = ranges(blockKey).start
      val rowKeys = Array.tabulate(block.nrow)(blockStart + _)
      rowKeys -> block



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