org.apache.mahout.sparkbindings.blas.AtB.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Mahout Bindings for Apache Spark
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.mahout.sparkbindings.blas
import reflect.ClassTag
import collection._
import org.apache.mahout.logging._
import org.apache.mahout.math._
import drm._
import org.apache.mahout.sparkbindings.drm._
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.mahout.math.scalabindings._
import RLikeOps._
import org.apache.mahout.math.drm.logical.OpAtB
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
object AtB {
private final implicit val log = getLog(AtB.getClass)
def atb[A: ClassTag](operator: OpAtB[A], srcA: DrmRddInput[A], srcB: DrmRddInput[A]): DrmRddInput[Int] = {
atb_nograph_mmul(operator, srcA, srcB, operator.A.partitioningTag == operator.B.partitioningTag)
* The logic for computing A'B is pretty much map-side generation of partial outer product blocks
* over co-grouped rows of A and B. If A and B are identically partitioned, we can just directly
* zip all the rows. Otherwise, we need to inner-join them first.
@deprecated("slow, will remove", since = "0.10.2")
def atb_nograph[A: ClassTag](operator: OpAtB[A], srcA: DrmRddInput[A], srcB: DrmRddInput[A],
zippable: Boolean = false): DrmRddInput[Int] = {
val rddA = srcA.asRowWise()
val rddB = srcB.asRowWise()
val prodNCol = operator.ncol
val prodNRow = operator.nrow
val aNRow = operator.A.nrow
// Approximate number of final partitions. We take bigger partitions as our guide to number of
// elements per partition. TODO: do it better.
// Elements per partition, bigger of two operands.
val epp = aNRow.toDouble * prodNRow / rddA.partitions.length max aNRow.toDouble * prodNCol /
// Number of partitions we want to converge to in the product. For now we simply extrapolate that
// assuming product density and operand densities being about the same; and using the same element
// per partition number in the product as the bigger of two operands.
val numProductPartitions = (prodNCol.toDouble * prodNRow / epp).ceil.toInt
if (log.isDebugEnabled) log.debug(s"AtB: #parts $numProductPartitions for $prodNRow x $prodNCol geometry.")
val zipped = if (zippable) {
log.debug("A and B for A'B are identically distributed, performing row-wise zip.") = rddB)
} else {
log.debug("A and B for A'B are not identically partitioned, performing inner join.")
rddA.join(other = rddB, numPartitions = numProductPartitions).map({ case (key, (v1,
v2)) => (key -> v1) -> (key -> v2)
computeAtBZipped2(zipped, nrow = operator.nrow, ancol = operator.A.ncol, bncol = operator.B.ncol,
numPartitions = numProductPartitions)
private[sparkbindings] def atb_nograph_mmul[A:ClassTag](operator:OpAtB[A], srcA: DrmRddInput[A], srcB:DrmRddInput[A], zippable:Boolean = false):DrmRddInput[Int] = {
debug("operator mmul-A'B(Spark)")
val prodNCol = operator.ncol
val prodNRow = safeToNonNegInt(operator.nrow)
val aNRow = safeToNonNegInt(operator.A.nrow)
val rddA = srcA.asRowWise()
val rddB = srcB.asRowWise()
// Approximate number of final partitions. We take bigger partitions as our guide to number of
// elements per partition. TODO: do it better.
// Elements per partition, bigger of two operands.
val epp = aNRow.toDouble * prodNRow / rddA.partitions.length max aNRow.toDouble * prodNCol /
// Number of partitions we want to converge to in the product. For now we simply extrapolate that
// assuming product density and operand densities being about the same; and using the same element
// per partition number in the product as the bigger of two operands.
val numProductPartitions = (prodNCol.toDouble * prodNRow / epp).ceil.toInt min prodNRow
if (log.isDebugEnabled) log.debug(s"AtB mmul: #parts $numProductPartitions for $prodNRow x $prodNCol geometry.")
val zipped = if (zippable) {
debug("mmul-A'B - zip: are identically distributed, performing row-wise zip.")
val blockdRddA = srcA.asBlockified(operator.A.ncol)
val blockdRddB = srcB.asBlockified(operator.B.ncol)
// Zip
.zip(other = blockdRddB)
// Throw away the keys
.map { case ((_, blockA), (_, blockB)) => blockA -> blockB}
} else {
debug("mmul-A'B: cogroup for non-identically distributed stuff.")
// To take same route, we'll join stuff row-wise, blockify it here and then proceed with the
// same computation path. Although it is possible we could shave off one shuffle here. TBD.
// Do full join. We can't get away with partial join because it is going to lose some rows
// in case we have missing rows on either side.
.cogroup(other = rddB, numPartitions = rddA.partitions.length max rddB.partitions.length )
// Merge groups.
.mapPartitions{iter =>
val aRows = new ArrayBuffer[Vector](1000)
val bRows = new ArrayBuffer[Vector](1000)
// Populate hanging row buffs
iter.foreach{case (_, (arowbag,browbag)) =>
// Some up all vectors, if any, for a row. If we have > 1 that means original matrix had
// non-uniquely keyed rows which is generally a matrix format inconsistency (should not
// happen).
aRows += (if (arowbag.isEmpty)
new SequentialAccessSparseVector(prodNRow)
else arowbag.reduce(_ += _))
bRows += (if (browbag.isEmpty)
new SequentialAccessSparseVector(prodNCol)
else browbag.reduce(_ += _))
// Transform collection of vectors into blocks.
val blockNRow = aRows.size
assert(blockNRow == bRows.size)
val aBlock:Matrix = new SparseRowMatrix(blockNRow, prodNRow, aRows.toArray)
val bBlock:Matrix = new SparseRowMatrix(blockNRow, prodNCol, bRows.toArray)
// Form pairwise result
Iterator(aBlock -> bBlock)
computeAtBZipped3(pairwiseRdd = zipped, nrow = prodNRow, ancol = prodNRow, bncol = aNRow,
numPartitions = numProductPartitions)
* Compute, combine and accumulate outer products for every key. The incoming tuple structure
* is (partNo, (vecA, vecB)), so for every `partNo` we compute an outer product of the form {{{
* vecA cross vecB
* }}}
* @param pairwiseRdd
* @return
@deprecated("slow, will remove", since = "0.10.2")
private[sparkbindings] def combineOuterProducts(pairwiseRdd: RDD[(Int, (Vector, Vector))], numPartitions: Int) = {
// Reduce individual partitions
.combineByKey(createCombiner = (t: (Vector, Vector)) => {
val vecA = t._1
val vecB = t._2
// Create partition accumulator. Generally, summation of outer products probably calls for
// dense accumulators. However, let's assume extremely sparse cases are still possible, and
// by default assume any sparse case is an extremely sparse case. May need to tweak further.
val mxC: Matrix = if (!vecA.isDense && !vecB.isDense)
new SparseRowMatrix(vecA.length, vecB.length)
new DenseMatrix(vecA.length, vecB.length)
// Add outer product of arow and bRowFrag to mxC
addOuterProduct(mxC, vecA, vecB)
}, mergeValue = (mxC: Matrix, t: (Vector, Vector)) => {
// Merge of a combiner with another outer product fragment.
val vecA = t._1
val vecB = t._2
addOuterProduct(mxC, vecA, vecB)
}, mergeCombiners = (mxC1: Matrix, mxC2: Matrix) => {
// Merge of 2 combiners.
mxC1 += mxC2
}, numPartitions = numPartitions)
private[sparkbindings] def computeAtBZipped3[A: ClassTag](pairwiseRdd: RDD[(Matrix, Matrix)], nrow: Int,
ancol: Int, bncol: Int, numPartitions: Int) = {
val ranges = computeEvenSplits(nrow, numPartitions)
val rdd = pairwiseRdd.flatMap{ case (blockA, blockB) ⇒
// Handling microscopic Pat's cases. Any slicing doesn't work well on 0-row matrix. This
// probably should be fixed in the in-core matrix implementations.
if (blockA.nrow == 0 )
// Output each partial outer product with its correspondent partition #.
Iterator.tabulate(numPartitions) {part ⇒
val mBlock = blockA(::, ranges(part)).t %*% blockB
part → mBlock
// Reduce.
.reduceByKey(_ += _, numPartitions = numPartitions)
// Produce keys
.map { case (blockKey, block) ⇒ ranges(blockKey).toArray → block }
debug(s"A'B mmul #parts: ${rdd.partitions.length}.")
private[sparkbindings] def computeAtBZipped2[A: ClassTag](zipped: RDD[(DrmTuple[A], DrmTuple[A])], nrow: Long,
ancol: Int, bncol: Int, numPartitions: Int) = {
// The plan of this approach is to send a_i and parts of b_i to partitoin reducers which actually
// do outer product sum update locally (instead of sending outer blocks). Thus it should minimize
// expense for IO and also in-place partition block accum update should be much more efficient
// than forming outer block matrices and perform matrix-on-patrix +.
// Figure out appriximately block height per partition of the result.
val blockHeight = safeToNonNegInt((nrow - 1) / numPartitions) + 1
val partitionedRdd = zipped
// Split B-rows into partitions using blockHeight
.mapPartitions { iter =>
val offsets = (0 until numPartitions).map(_ * blockHeight)
val ranges = => offs until (offs + blockHeight min ancol))
// Transform into series of (part -> (arow, part-brow)) tuples (keyed by part #).
iter.flatMap { case ((_, arow), (_, brow)) => { case (arange, partNum) =>
partNum -> (arow(arange).cloned -> brow)
val blockRdd = combineOuterProducts(partitionedRdd, numPartitions)
// Add ordinal row keys.
.map { case (blockNum, block) =>
// Starting key
var offset = blockNum * blockHeight
var keys = Array.tabulate(block.nrow)(offset + _)
keys -> block
/** Given already zipped, joined rdd of rows of A' and B, compute their product A'B */
@deprecated("slow, will remove", since = "0.10.2")
private[sparkbindings] def computeAtBZipped[A: ClassTag](zipped: RDD[(DrmTuple[A], DrmTuple[A])], nrow: Long,
ancol: Int, bncol: Int, numPartitions: Int) = {
// Since Q and A are partitioned same way,we can just zip their rows and proceed from there by
// forming outer products. Our optimizer lacks this primitive, so we will implement it using RDDs
// directly. We try to compile B' = A'Q now by collecting outer products of rows of A and Q. At
// this point we need to split n-range of B' into sutiable number of partitions.
if (log.isDebugEnabled) {
log.debug(s"AtBZipped:zipped #parts ${zipped.partitions.length}")
log.debug(s"AtBZipped:Targeted #parts $numPartitions")
// Figure out appriximately block height per partition of the result.
val blockHeight = safeToNonNegInt((nrow - 1) / numPartitions) + 1
val rddBt = zipped
// Produce outer product blocks
.flatMap { case ((aKey, aRow), (qKey, qRow)) =>
for (blockKey <- Stream.range(0, numPartitions)) yield {
val blockStart = blockKey * blockHeight
val blockEnd = ancol min (blockStart + blockHeight)
// Create block by cross product of proper slice of aRow and qRow
blockKey -> (aRow(blockStart until blockEnd) cross qRow)
// TODO: computing tons of cross product matrices seems to be pretty inefficient here. More
// likely single streaming algorithm of updates will perform much better here. So rewrite
// this using mapPartitions with numPartitions block accumulators.
// .combineByKey(
// createCombiner = (mx:Matrix) => mx,
// mergeValue = (c:Matrix,mx:Matrix) => c += mx,
// mergeCombiners = (c1:Matrix,c2:Matrix) => c1 += c2,
// numPartitions = numPartitions
// )
// Doesn't look like use of combineByKey produces any better results than reduceByKey. So keeping
// reduceByKey for simplicity. Combiners probably doesn't mean reduceByKey doesn't combine map-side.
// Combine blocks by just summing them up
.reduceByKey((block1, block2) => block1 += block2, numPartitions)
// Throw away block key, generate row keys instead.
.map { case (blockKey, block) =>
val blockStart = blockKey * blockHeight
val rowKeys = Array.tabulate(block.nrow)(blockStart + _)
rowKeys -> block
if (log.isDebugEnabled) log.debug(s"AtBZipped #parts ${rddBt.partitions.length}")
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