Download org.apache.marmotta JAR files with all dependencies
ldclient-provider-facebook from group org.apache.marmotta (version 3.3.0)
This package enables the Linked Data Client to access the metadata of Facebook objects using the
Facebook Graph API.
ldclient-provider-facebook from group org.apache.marmotta (version 3.2.1)
This package enables the Linked Data Client to access the metadata of Facebook objects using the
Facebook Graph API.
ldclient-provider-youtube from group org.apache.marmotta (version 3.4.0)
This package enables the Linked Data Client to access the metadata of YouTube Videos as if they were published
as Linked Data (RDF) by mapping the YouTube API to the Ontology for Media Resources.
ldclient-provider-facebook from group org.apache.marmotta (version 3.0.0-incubating)
This package enables the Linked Data Client to access the metadata of Facebook objects using the
Facebook Graph API.
ldclient-provider-facebook from group org.apache.marmotta (version 3.4.0)
This package enables the Linked Data Client to access the metadata of Facebook objects using the
Facebook Graph API.
ldclient-provider-facebook from group org.apache.marmotta (version 3.2.0)
This package enables the Linked Data Client to access the metadata of Facebook objects using the
Facebook Graph API.
ldclient-provider-youtube from group org.apache.marmotta (version 3.3.0)
This package enables the Linked Data Client to access the metadata of YouTube Videos as if they were published
as Linked Data (RDF) by mapping the YouTube API to the Ontology for Media Resources.
refpack-maven-plugin from group org.apache.marmotta (version 3.4.0)
This Maven Plugin allows generating IzPack Refpack descriptions out of a collection of dependencies
ldpath-functions-math from group org.apache.marmotta (version 3.3.0)
Math-Functions for ldpath
marmotta-splash from group org.apache.marmotta (version 3.0.1)
Splash screen for desktop environments
marmotta-loader-kiwi from group org.apache.marmotta (version 3.3.0)
Apache Marmotta bulk loader backend for loading large datasets into a KiWi backend.
ldclient-provider-vimeo from group org.apache.marmotta (version 3.0.1)
This package enables the Linked Data Client to access the metadata of Vimeo Videos as if they were published
as Linked Data (RDF) by mapping the Vimeo API to the Ontology for Media Resources.
ldcache-backend-kiwi from group org.apache.marmotta (version 3.3.0)
Linked Data Caching Backend based on the JDBC database used by the KiWi triple store. Caches resources and
caching information in the database and triples in the central triple store (using a dedicated context graph).
kiwi-loader from group org.apache.marmotta (version 3.4.0)
Standalone module to load RDF files into a KiWi Database
Group: org.apache.marmotta Artifact: kiwi-loader
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
ldclient-provider-vimeo from group org.apache.marmotta (version 3.4.0)
This package enables the Linked Data Client to access the metadata of Vimeo Videos as if they were published
as Linked Data (RDF) by mapping the Vimeo API to the Ontology for Media Resources.
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