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org.apache.maven.plugins.assembly.model.DependencySet Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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A Maven plugin to create archives of your project's sources, classes, dependencies etc. from flexible assembly descriptors.

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// =================== DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE ====================
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package org.apache.maven.plugins.assembly.model;

 *         A dependencySet allows inclusion and exclusion of
 * project dependencies
 *         in the assembly.
 * @version $Revision$ $Date$
@SuppressWarnings( "all" )
public class DependencySet

     //- Class/Member Variables -/

     *             Sets the output directory relative to the root
     *             of the root directory of the assembly. For
     * example,
     *             "log" will put the specified files in the log
     * directory,
     *             directly beneath the root of the archive.
    private String outputDirectory;

     * Field includes.
    private java.util.List includes;

     * Field excludes.
    private java.util.List excludes;

     *             Similar to a UNIX permission, sets the file mode
     * of the files included.
     *             THIS IS AN OCTAL VALUE.
     *             Format: (User)(Group)(Other) where each
     * component is a sum of Read = 4,
     *             Write = 2, and Execute = 1.  For example, the
     * value 0644
     *             translates to User read-write, Group and Other
     * read-only. The default value is 0644.
     *             (more
     * on unix-style permissions)
    private String fileMode;

     *             Similar to a UNIX permission, sets the directory
     * mode of the directories
     *             included.
     *             THIS IS AN OCTAL VALUE.
     *             Format: (User)(Group)(Other) where each
     * component is a sum of
     *             Read = 4, Write = 2, and Execute = 1.  For
     * example, the value
     *             0755 translates to User read-write, Group and
     * Other read-only. The default value is 0755.
     *             (more
     * on unix-style permissions)
    private String directoryMode;

     *           When specified as true, any include/exclude
     * patterns which aren't used to filter an actual
     *           artifact during assembly creation will cause the
     * build to fail with an error. This is meant
     *           to highlight obsolete inclusions or exclusions, or
     * else signal that the assembly descriptor
     *           is incorrectly configured. (Since 2.2)
     *           .
    private boolean useStrictFiltering = false;

     *             Sets the mapping pattern for all dependencies
     * included in this
     *             assembly. Default is
     * ${artifact.artifactId}-${artifact.version}${dashClassifier?}.${artifact.extension}.
     *             (Since 2.2-beta-2; 2.2-beta-1 uses
     * ${artifactId}-${version}${dashClassifier?}.${extension}).
     *             NOTE: If the dependencySet specifies unpack ==
     * true, outputFileNameMapping WILL NOT BE USED; in these
     * cases,
     *             use outputDirectory.
     *             See the plugin FAQ for more details about
     * entries usable in the outputFileNameMapping parameter.
    private String outputFileNameMapping = "${artifact.artifactId}-${artifact.version}${dashClassifier?}.${artifact.extension}";

     *             If set to true, this property will unpack all
     * dependencies
     *             into the specified output directory. When set to
     * false,
     *             dependencies will be included as archives
     * (jars). Can only unpack
     *             jar, zip, tar.gz, and archives. Default
     * value is false.
    private boolean unpack = false;

     *           Allows the specification of includes and excludes,
     * along with filtering options, for items
     *           unpacked from a dependency artifact. (Since 2.2)
     *           .
    private UnpackOptions unpackOptions;

     *             Sets the dependency scope for this
     * dependencySet.
     *             Default scope value is "runtime".
    private String scope = "runtime";

     *           Determines whether the artifact produced during
     * the current project's
     *           build should be included in this dependency set.
     * Default value is true,
     *           for backward compatibility. (Since 2.2)
     *           .
    private boolean useProjectArtifact = true;

     *           Determines whether the attached artifacts produced
     * during the current project's
     *           build should be included in this dependency set.
     * Default value is false. (Since 2.2)
     *           .
    private boolean useProjectAttachments = false;

     *           Determines whether transitive dependencies will be
     * included in the processing of
     *           the current dependency set. If true,
     * includes/excludes/useTransitiveFiltering
     *           will apply to transitive dependency artifacts in
     * addition to the main project
     *           dependency artifacts. If false,
     * useTransitiveFiltering is meaningless, and
     *           includes/excludes only affect the immediate
     * dependencies of the project.
     *           By default, this value is true. (Since 2.2)
     *           .
    private boolean useTransitiveDependencies = true;

     *           Determines whether the include/exclude patterns in
     * this dependency set will be applied to
     *           the transitive path of a given artifact. If true,
     * and the current artifact is a transitive
     *           dependency brought in by another artifact which
     * matches an inclusion or exclusion pattern,
     *           then the current artifact has the same
     * inclusion/exclusion logic applied to it as well. By
     *           default, this value is false, in order to preserve
     * backward compatibility with version 2.1.
     *           This means that includes/excludes only apply
     * directly to the current artifact, and not to
     *           the transitive set of artifacts which brought it
     * in. (Since 2.2)
     *           .
    private boolean useTransitiveFiltering = false;

     //- Methods -/

     * Method addExclude.
     * @param string a string object.
    public void addExclude( String string )
        getExcludes().add( string );
    } //-- void addExclude( String )

     * Method addInclude.
     * @param string a string object.
    public void addInclude( String string )
        getIncludes().add( string );
    } //-- void addInclude( String )

     * Get similar to a UNIX permission, sets the directory mode of
     * the directories
     *             included.
     *             THIS IS AN OCTAL VALUE.
     *             Format: (User)(Group)(Other) where each
     * component is a sum of
     *             Read = 4, Write = 2, and Execute = 1.  For
     * example, the value
     *             0755 translates to User read-write, Group and
     * Other read-only. The default value is 0755.
     *             (more
     * on unix-style permissions)
     * @return String
    public String getDirectoryMode()
        return this.directoryMode;
    } //-- String getDirectoryMode()

     * Method getExcludes.
     * @return List
    public java.util.List getExcludes()
        if ( this.excludes == null )
            this.excludes = new java.util.ArrayList();

        return this.excludes;
    } //-- java.util.List getExcludes()

     * Get similar to a UNIX permission, sets the file mode of the
     * files included.
     *             THIS IS AN OCTAL VALUE.
     *             Format: (User)(Group)(Other) where each
     * component is a sum of Read = 4,
     *             Write = 2, and Execute = 1.  For example, the
     * value 0644
     *             translates to User read-write, Group and Other
     * read-only. The default value is 0644.
     *             (more
     * on unix-style permissions)
     * @return String
    public String getFileMode()
        return this.fileMode;
    } //-- String getFileMode()

     * Method getIncludes.
     * @return List
    public java.util.List getIncludes()
        if ( this.includes == null )
            this.includes = new java.util.ArrayList();

        return this.includes;
    } //-- java.util.List getIncludes()

     * Get sets the output directory relative to the root
     *             of the root directory of the assembly. For
     * example,
     *             "log" will put the specified files in the log
     * directory,
     *             directly beneath the root of the archive.
     * @return String
    public String getOutputDirectory()
        return this.outputDirectory;
    } //-- String getOutputDirectory()

     * Get sets the mapping pattern for all dependencies included
     * in this
     *             assembly. Default is
     * ${artifact.artifactId}-${artifact.version}${dashClassifier?}.${artifact.extension}.
     *             (Since 2.2-beta-2; 2.2-beta-1 uses
     * ${artifactId}-${version}${dashClassifier?}.${extension}).
     *             NOTE: If the dependencySet specifies unpack ==
     * true, outputFileNameMapping WILL NOT BE USED; in these
     * cases,
     *             use outputDirectory.
     *             See the plugin FAQ for more details about
     * entries usable in the outputFileNameMapping parameter.
     * @return String
    public String getOutputFileNameMapping()
        return this.outputFileNameMapping;
    } //-- String getOutputFileNameMapping()

     * Get sets the dependency scope for this dependencySet.
     *             Default scope value is "runtime".
     * @return String
    public String getScope()
        return this.scope;
    } //-- String getScope()

     * Get allows the specification of includes and excludes, along
     * with filtering options, for items
     *           unpacked from a dependency artifact. (Since 2.2).
     * @return UnpackOptions
    public UnpackOptions getUnpackOptions()
        return this.unpackOptions;
    } //-- UnpackOptions getUnpackOptions()

     * Get if set to true, this property will unpack all
     * dependencies
     *             into the specified output directory. When set to
     * false,
     *             dependencies will be included as archives
     * (jars). Can only unpack
     *             jar, zip, tar.gz, and archives. Default
     * value is false.
     * @return boolean
    public boolean isUnpack()
        return this.unpack;
    } //-- boolean isUnpack()

     * Get determines whether the artifact produced during the
     * current project's
     *           build should be included in this dependency set.
     * Default value is true,
     *           for backward compatibility. (Since 2.2).
     * @return boolean
    public boolean isUseProjectArtifact()
        return this.useProjectArtifact;
    } //-- boolean isUseProjectArtifact()

     * Get determines whether the attached artifacts produced
     * during the current project's
     *           build should be included in this dependency set.
     * Default value is false. (Since 2.2).
     * @return boolean
    public boolean isUseProjectAttachments()
        return this.useProjectAttachments;
    } //-- boolean isUseProjectAttachments()

     * Get when specified as true, any include/exclude patterns
     * which aren't used to filter an actual
     *           artifact during assembly creation will cause the
     * build to fail with an error. This is meant
     *           to highlight obsolete inclusions or exclusions, or
     * else signal that the assembly descriptor
     *           is incorrectly configured. (Since 2.2).
     * @return boolean
    public boolean isUseStrictFiltering()
        return this.useStrictFiltering;
    } //-- boolean isUseStrictFiltering()

     * Get determines whether transitive dependencies will be
     * included in the processing of
     *           the current dependency set. If true,
     * includes/excludes/useTransitiveFiltering
     *           will apply to transitive dependency artifacts in
     * addition to the main project
     *           dependency artifacts. If false,
     * useTransitiveFiltering is meaningless, and
     *           includes/excludes only affect the immediate
     * dependencies of the project.
     *           By default, this value is true. (Since 2.2).
     * @return boolean
    public boolean isUseTransitiveDependencies()
        return this.useTransitiveDependencies;
    } //-- boolean isUseTransitiveDependencies()

     * Get determines whether the include/exclude patterns in this
     * dependency set will be applied to
     *           the transitive path of a given artifact. If true,
     * and the current artifact is a transitive
     *           dependency brought in by another artifact which
     * matches an inclusion or exclusion pattern,
     *           then the current artifact has the same
     * inclusion/exclusion logic applied to it as well. By
     *           default, this value is false, in order to preserve
     * backward compatibility with version 2.1.
     *           This means that includes/excludes only apply
     * directly to the current artifact, and not to
     *           the transitive set of artifacts which brought it
     * in. (Since 2.2).
     * @return boolean
    public boolean isUseTransitiveFiltering()
        return this.useTransitiveFiltering;
    } //-- boolean isUseTransitiveFiltering()

     * Method removeExclude.
     * @param string a string object.
    public void removeExclude( String string )
        getExcludes().remove( string );
    } //-- void removeExclude( String )

     * Method removeInclude.
     * @param string a string object.
    public void removeInclude( String string )
        getIncludes().remove( string );
    } //-- void removeInclude( String )

     * Set similar to a UNIX permission, sets the directory mode of
     * the directories
     *             included.
     *             THIS IS AN OCTAL VALUE.
     *             Format: (User)(Group)(Other) where each
     * component is a sum of
     *             Read = 4, Write = 2, and Execute = 1.  For
     * example, the value
     *             0755 translates to User read-write, Group and
     * Other read-only. The default value is 0755.
     *             (more
     * on unix-style permissions)
     * @param directoryMode a directoryMode object.
    public void setDirectoryMode( String directoryMode )
        this.directoryMode = directoryMode;
    } //-- void setDirectoryMode( String )

     * Set when <exclude> subelements are present, they
     * define a set of
     *             dependency artifact coordinates to exclude. If
     * none is present, then
     *             <excludes> represents no exclusions.
     *             Artifact coordinates may be given in simple
     * groupId:artifactId form,
     *             or they may be fully qualified in the form
     * groupId:artifactId:type[:classifier]:version.
     *             Additionally, wildcards can be used, as in
     * *:maven-*.
     * @param excludes a excludes object.
    public void setExcludes( java.util.List excludes )
        this.excludes = excludes;
    } //-- void setExcludes( java.util.List )

     * Set similar to a UNIX permission, sets the file mode of the
     * files included.
     *             THIS IS AN OCTAL VALUE.
     *             Format: (User)(Group)(Other) where each
     * component is a sum of Read = 4,
     *             Write = 2, and Execute = 1.  For example, the
     * value 0644
     *             translates to User read-write, Group and Other
     * read-only. The default value is 0644.
     *             (more
     * on unix-style permissions)
     * @param fileMode a fileMode object.
    public void setFileMode( String fileMode )
        this.fileMode = fileMode;
    } //-- void setFileMode( String )

     * Set when <include> subelements are present, they
     * define a set of
     *             artifact coordinates to include. If none is
     * present, then
     *             <includes> represents all valid values.
     *             Artifact coordinates may be given in simple
     * groupId:artifactId form,
     *             or they may be fully qualified in the form
     * groupId:artifactId:type[:classifier]:version.
     *             Additionally, wildcards can be used, as in
     * *:maven-*.
     * @param includes a includes object.
    public void setIncludes( java.util.List includes )
        this.includes = includes;
    } //-- void setIncludes( java.util.List )

     * Set sets the output directory relative to the root
     *             of the root directory of the assembly. For
     * example,
     *             "log" will put the specified files in the log
     * directory,
     *             directly beneath the root of the archive.
     * @param outputDirectory a outputDirectory object.
    public void setOutputDirectory( String outputDirectory )
        this.outputDirectory = outputDirectory;
    } //-- void setOutputDirectory( String )

     * Set sets the mapping pattern for all dependencies included
     * in this
     *             assembly. Default is
     * ${artifact.artifactId}-${artifact.version}${dashClassifier?}.${artifact.extension}.
     *             (Since 2.2-beta-2; 2.2-beta-1 uses
     * ${artifactId}-${version}${dashClassifier?}.${extension}).
     *             NOTE: If the dependencySet specifies unpack ==
     * true, outputFileNameMapping WILL NOT BE USED; in these
     * cases,
     *             use outputDirectory.
     *             See the plugin FAQ for more details about
     * entries usable in the outputFileNameMapping parameter.
     * @param outputFileNameMapping a outputFileNameMapping object.
    public void setOutputFileNameMapping( String outputFileNameMapping )
        this.outputFileNameMapping = outputFileNameMapping;
    } //-- void setOutputFileNameMapping( String )

     * Set sets the dependency scope for this dependencySet.
     *             Default scope value is "runtime".
     * @param scope a scope object.
    public void setScope( String scope )
        this.scope = scope;
    } //-- void setScope( String )

     * Set if set to true, this property will unpack all
     * dependencies
     *             into the specified output directory. When set to
     * false,
     *             dependencies will be included as archives
     * (jars). Can only unpack
     *             jar, zip, tar.gz, and archives. Default
     * value is false.
     * @param unpack a unpack object.
    public void setUnpack( boolean unpack )
        this.unpack = unpack;
    } //-- void setUnpack( boolean )

     * Set allows the specification of includes and excludes, along
     * with filtering options, for items
     *           unpacked from a dependency artifact. (Since 2.2).
     * @param unpackOptions a unpackOptions object.
    public void setUnpackOptions( UnpackOptions unpackOptions )
        this.unpackOptions = unpackOptions;
    } //-- void setUnpackOptions( UnpackOptions )

     * Set determines whether the artifact produced during the
     * current project's
     *           build should be included in this dependency set.
     * Default value is true,
     *           for backward compatibility. (Since 2.2).
     * @param useProjectArtifact a useProjectArtifact object.
    public void setUseProjectArtifact( boolean useProjectArtifact )
        this.useProjectArtifact = useProjectArtifact;
    } //-- void setUseProjectArtifact( boolean )

     * Set determines whether the attached artifacts produced
     * during the current project's
     *           build should be included in this dependency set.
     * Default value is false. (Since 2.2).
     * @param useProjectAttachments a useProjectAttachments object.
    public void setUseProjectAttachments( boolean useProjectAttachments )
        this.useProjectAttachments = useProjectAttachments;
    } //-- void setUseProjectAttachments( boolean )

     * Set when specified as true, any include/exclude patterns
     * which aren't used to filter an actual
     *           artifact during assembly creation will cause the
     * build to fail with an error. This is meant
     *           to highlight obsolete inclusions or exclusions, or
     * else signal that the assembly descriptor
     *           is incorrectly configured. (Since 2.2).
     * @param useStrictFiltering a useStrictFiltering object.
    public void setUseStrictFiltering( boolean useStrictFiltering )
        this.useStrictFiltering = useStrictFiltering;
    } //-- void setUseStrictFiltering( boolean )

     * Set determines whether transitive dependencies will be
     * included in the processing of
     *           the current dependency set. If true,
     * includes/excludes/useTransitiveFiltering
     *           will apply to transitive dependency artifacts in
     * addition to the main project
     *           dependency artifacts. If false,
     * useTransitiveFiltering is meaningless, and
     *           includes/excludes only affect the immediate
     * dependencies of the project.
     *           By default, this value is true. (Since 2.2).
     * @param useTransitiveDependencies a useTransitiveDependencies
     * object.
    public void setUseTransitiveDependencies( boolean useTransitiveDependencies )
        this.useTransitiveDependencies = useTransitiveDependencies;
    } //-- void setUseTransitiveDependencies( boolean )

     * Set determines whether the include/exclude patterns in this
     * dependency set will be applied to
     *           the transitive path of a given artifact. If true,
     * and the current artifact is a transitive
     *           dependency brought in by another artifact which
     * matches an inclusion or exclusion pattern,
     *           then the current artifact has the same
     * inclusion/exclusion logic applied to it as well. By
     *           default, this value is false, in order to preserve
     * backward compatibility with version 2.1.
     *           This means that includes/excludes only apply
     * directly to the current artifact, and not to
     *           the transitive set of artifacts which brought it
     * in. (Since 2.2).
     * @param useTransitiveFiltering a useTransitiveFiltering object
    public void setUseTransitiveFiltering( boolean useTransitiveFiltering )
        this.useTransitiveFiltering = useTransitiveFiltering;
    } //-- void setUseTransitiveFiltering( boolean )


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