Many resources are needed to download a project. Please understand that we have to compensate our server costs. Thank you in advance. Project price only 1 $
You can buy this project and download/modify it how often you want.
* @since 2.9
* @see #additionalJOption
private String[] additionalJOptions;
* A list of artifacts containing resources which should be copied into the
* Javadoc output directory (like stylesheets, icons, etc.).
* Example:
* See Javadoc.
* @since 2.5
@Parameter(property = "resourcesArtifacts")
private ResourcesArtifact[] resourcesArtifacts;
* The projects in the reactor for aggregation report.
@Parameter(defaultValue = "${reactorProjects}", required = true, readonly = true)
protected List reactorProjects;
* Set this to true to debug the Javadoc plugin. With this, javadoc.bat(,
* options, @packages or argfile files are provided in the output directory.
* @since 2.1
@Parameter(property = "debug", defaultValue = "false")
private boolean debug;
* Sets the absolute path of the Javadoc Tool executable to use. Since version 2.5, a mere directory specification
* is sufficient to have the plugin use "javadoc" or "javadoc.exe" respectively from this directory.
* @since 2.3
@Parameter(property = "javadocExecutable")
private String javadocExecutable;
* Version of the Javadoc Tool executable to use, ex. "1.3", "1.5".
* @since 2.3
@Parameter(property = "javadocVersion")
private String javadocVersion;
* Version of the Javadoc Tool executable to use.
private JavaVersion javadocRuntimeVersion;
* Specifies whether the Javadoc generation should be skipped.
* @since 2.5
@Parameter(property = "maven.javadoc.skip", defaultValue = "false")
protected boolean skip;
* Specifies if the build will fail if there are errors during javadoc execution or not.
* @since 2.5
@Parameter(property = "maven.javadoc.failOnError", defaultValue = "true")
protected boolean failOnError;
* Specifies if the build will fail if there are warning during javadoc execution or not.
* @since 3.0.1
@Parameter(property = "maven.javadoc.failOnWarnings", defaultValue = "false")
protected boolean failOnWarnings;
* Specifies to use the
* options provided by the Standard Doclet for a custom doclet.
* Example:
* @since 2.5
@Parameter(property = "useStandardDocletOptions", defaultValue = "true")
protected boolean useStandardDocletOptions;
* Detect the Javadoc links for all dependencies defined in the project. The detection is based on the default
* Maven conventions, i.e.: ${project.url}/apidocs.
* For instance, if the project has a dependency to
* Apache Commons Lang i.e.:
* The added Javadoc -link parameter will be
* @see #links
* @see #dependencyLinks
* @since 2.6
@Parameter(property = "detectLinks", defaultValue = "false")
private boolean detectLinks;
* Detect the links for all modules defined in the project.
* If {@code reactorProjects} is defined in a non-aggregator way, it generates default offline links
* between modules based on the defined project's urls. For instance, if a parent project has two projects
* module1 and module2, the -linkoffline will be:
* The added Javadoc -linkoffline parameter for module1 will be
* /absolute/path/to/module2/target/site/apidocs
* The added Javadoc -linkoffline parameter for module2 will be
* /absolute/path/to/module1/target/site/apidocs
* @see #offlineLinks
* @since 2.6
@Parameter(property = "detectOfflineLinks", defaultValue = "true")
private boolean detectOfflineLinks;
* Detect the Java API link for the current build, e.g.
* for Java source 1.4.
* By default, the goal detects the Javadoc API link depending the value of the source
* parameter in the org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin
* (defined in ${} or in ${}),
* or try to compute it from the {@code javadocExecutable} version.
* @see #links
* @see #javaApiLinks
* @since 2.6
@Parameter(property = "detectJavaApiLink", defaultValue = "true")
private boolean detectJavaApiLink;
* Use this parameter only if if you want to override the default URLs.
* The key should match {@code api_x}, where {@code x} matches the Java version.
* For example:
* @since 2.6
@Parameter(property = "javaApiLinks")
private Properties javaApiLinks;
* Flag controlling content validation of package-list/element-list resources.
* If set, the content of package-list/element-list resources will be validated.
* @since 2.8
@Parameter(property = "validateLinks", defaultValue = "false")
private boolean validateLinks;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Javadoc Options - all alphabetical
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Specifies the paths where the boot classes reside. The bootclasspath can contain multiple paths
* by separating them with a colon (:) or a semicolon (;).
* @see
* Javadoc option bootclasspath.
* @since 2.5
@Parameter(property = "bootclasspath")
private String bootclasspath;
* Specifies the artifacts where the boot classes reside.
* Example:
* See Javadoc.
* @see Javadoc option docletpath.
* @since 2.1
@Parameter(property = "docletArtifacts")
private DocletArtifact[] docletArtifacts;
* Specifies the path to the doclet starting class file (specified with the {@link #doclet} option) and
* any jar files it depends on. The docletPath can contain multiple paths by separating them with
* a colon (:) or a semicolon (;).
* @see Javadoc option docletpath.
@Parameter(property = "docletPath")
private String docletPath;
* Specifies the encoding name of the source files. If not specified, the encoding value will be the value of the
* file.encoding system property.
* Note: In 2.4, the default value was locked to ISO-8859-1 to ensure reproducing build, but
* this was reverted in 2.5.
* @see Javadoc option encoding.
@Parameter(property = "encoding", defaultValue = "${}")
private String encoding;
* Unconditionally excludes the specified packages and their subpackages from the list formed by
* -subpackages. Multiple packages can be separated by commas (,), colons (:)
* or semicolons (;).
* Wildcards work as followed:
a wildcard at the beginning should match one or more directories
any other wildcard must match exactly one directory
* @see Javadoc option exclude.
@Parameter(property = "excludePackageNames")
private String excludePackageNames;
* Specifies the directories where extension classes reside. Separate directories in extdirs with a
* colon (:) or a semicolon (;).
* @see Javadoc option extdirs.
@Parameter(property = "extdirs")
private String extdirs;
* Specifies the locale that javadoc uses when generating documentation.
* @see Javadoc option locale.
@Parameter(property = "locale")
private String locale;
* Specifies the maximum Java heap size to be used when launching the Javadoc tool.
* JVMs refer to this property as the -Xmx parameter. Example: '512' or '512m'.
* The memory unit depends on the JVM used. The units supported could be: k, kb,
* m, mb, g, gb, t, tb.
* If no unit specified, the default unit is m.
@Parameter(property = "maxmemory")
private String maxmemory;
* Specifies the minimum Java heap size to be used when launching the Javadoc tool.
* JVMs refer to this property as the -Xms parameter. Example: '512' or '512m'.
* The memory unit depends on the JVM used. The units supported could be: k, kb,
* m, mb, g, gb, t, tb.
* If no unit specified, the default unit is m.
@Parameter(property = "minmemory")
private String minmemory;
* This option creates documentation with the appearance and functionality of documentation generated by
* Javadoc 1.1. This is no longer supported since Javadoc 1.4 (shipped with JDK 1.4)
* @see Javadoc option 1.1.
@Parameter(property = "old", defaultValue = "false")
private boolean old;
* Specifies that javadoc should retrieve the text for the overview documentation from the "source" file
* specified by path/filename and place it on the Overview page (overview-summary.html).
* Note: could be in conflict with {@link #nooverview}.
* @see Javadoc option overview.
@Parameter(property = "overview", defaultValue = "${basedir}/src/main/javadoc/overview.html")
private File overview;
* Shuts off non-error and non-warning messages, leaving only the warnings and errors appear, making them
* easier to view.
* Note: was a standard doclet in Java 1.4.2 (refer to bug ID
* 4714350).
* Since Java 5.0.
* @see Javadoc option quiet.
@Parameter(property = "quiet", defaultValue = "false")
private boolean quiet;
* Specifies the access level for classes and members to show in the Javadocs.
* Possible values are:
public (shows only public classes and members)
protected (shows only public and protected classes and members)
package (shows all classes and members not marked private)
private (shows all classes and members)
* @see Javadoc options private, protected, public and package
@Parameter(property = "show", defaultValue = "protected")
private String show;
* Provide source compatibility with specified release. Since JDK 9 rather use {@link #release}.
* @see Javadoc option source.
@Parameter(property = "source", defaultValue = "${maven.compiler.source}")
private String source;
* Provide source compatibility with specified release
* @see Javadoc option release.
* @since JDK 9
* @since 3.1.0
@Parameter(defaultValue = "${maven.compiler.release}")
private String release;
* Specifies the source paths where the subpackages are located. The sourcepath can contain
* multiple paths by separating them with a colon (:) or a semicolon (;).
* @see Javadoc option sourcepath.
@Parameter(property = "sourcepath")
private String sourcepath;
* When using legacyMode and aggregated javadoc, users may have a mix of Maven modules with module files and not.
* The javadoc need to be called with empty {@code -sourcepath} argument and files are in the argfile
* This usually need to be used with the following configuration
* <groups>
* <group>
* <title>Core Packages</title>
* <!-- To includes java.lang, java.lang.ref,
* java.lang.reflect and only java.util
* (i.e. not java.util.jar) -->
* <packages>java.lang*:java.util</packages>
* </group>
* <group>
* <title>Extension Packages</title>
* <!-- To include javax.accessibility,
* javax.crypto, ... (among others) -->
* <packages>javax.*</packages>
* </group>
* </groups>
* Note: using java.lang.* for packages would omit the java.lang
* package but using java.lang* will include it.
* @see Doclet option group.
* @see Group
private Group[] groups;
* Specifies the header text to be placed at the top of each output file.
* @see Doclet option header.
@Parameter(property = "header")
private String header;
* Specifies the path of an alternate help file path\filename that the HELP link in the top and bottom
* navigation bars link to.
* Note: could be in conflict with <nohelp/>.
* The helpfile could be an absolute File path.
* Since 2.6, it could be also be a path from a resource in the current project source directories
* (i.e. src/main/java, src/main/resources or src/main/javadoc)
* or from a resource in the Javadoc plugin dependencies, for instance:
* Where path/to/your/resource/yourhelp-doc.html is defined in the
* groupId:artifactId:version javadoc plugin dependency.
* @see Doclet option helpfile.
@Parameter(property = "helpfile")
private String helpfile;
* Adds HTML meta keyword tags to the generated file for each class.
* @see Doclet option keywords.
* @since 2.1
@Parameter(property = "keywords", defaultValue = "false")
private boolean keywords;
* Creates links to existing javadoc-generated documentation of external referenced classes.
* Notes:
This option is ignored if the plugin is run in offline mode (using the {@code }
* setting or specifying {@code -o, --offline} or {@code -Dmaven.javadoc.offline=true} on the
* command line.
all given links should have a fetchable /package-list or /element-list
* (since Java 10). For instance:
* will be used because exists.
If {@link #detectLinks} is defined, the links between the project dependencies are
* automatically added.
If {@link #detectJavaApiLink} is defined, a Java API link, based on the Java version of the
* project's sources, will be added automatically.
* @see Doclet option link
@Parameter(property = "links")
protected ArrayList links;
* Redefine the apidoc URL for specific dependencies when using {@link #detectLinks}.
* Useful if the dependency wasn't build with Maven or when the apidocs have been moved.
* @see #detectLinks
* @since 3.3.0
private List dependencyLinks = new ArrayList<>();
* Creates an HTML version of each source file (with line numbers) and adds links to them from the standard
* HTML documentation.
* @see Doclet option linksource/a>.
@Parameter(property = "linksource", defaultValue = "false")
private boolean linksource;
* Suppress the entire comment body, including the main description and all tags, generating only declarations.
* @see Doclet option nocomment.
@Parameter(property = "nocomment", defaultValue = "false")
private boolean nocomment;
* Prevents the generation of any deprecated API at all in the documentation.
* @see Doclet option nodeprecated.
@Parameter(property = "nodeprecated", defaultValue = "false")
private boolean nodeprecated;
* Prevents the generation of the file containing the list of deprecated APIs (deprecated-list.html) and the
* link in the navigation bar to that page.
* @see
* Doclet option nodeprecatedlist.
@Parameter(property = "nodeprecatedlist", defaultValue = "false")
private boolean nodeprecatedlist;
* Omits the HELP link in the navigation bars at the top and bottom of each page of output.
* Note: could be in conflict with {@link #helpfile}.
* @see Doclet option nohelp.
@Parameter(property = "nohelp", defaultValue = "false")
private boolean nohelp;
* Omits the index from the generated docs.
* Note: could be in conflict with {@link #splitindex}
* @see Doclet option noindex.
@Parameter(property = "noindex", defaultValue = "false")
private boolean noindex;
* Omits the navigation bar from the generated docs.
* @see Doclet option nonavbar.
@Parameter(property = "nonavbar", defaultValue = "false")
private boolean nonavbar;
* Omits the entire overview page from the generated docs.
* Note: could be in conflict with {@link #overview}.
* Standard Doclet undocumented option.
* @since 2.4
@Parameter(property = "nooverview", defaultValue = "false")
private boolean nooverview;
* Omits qualifying package name from ahead of class names in output.
* Example:
* <noqualifier>all</noqualifier>
* or
* <noqualifier>packagename1:packagename2</noqualifier>
* @see Doclet option noqualifier.
@Parameter(property = "noqualifier")
private String noqualifier;
* Omits from the generated docs the "Since" sections associated with the since tags.
* @see Doclet option nosince.
@Parameter(property = "nosince", defaultValue = "false")
private boolean nosince;
* Suppresses the timestamp, which is hidden in an HTML comment in the generated HTML near the top of each page.
* Note: If the project has the property, the value
* will be overwritten to true. This way it is possible to generate reproducible javadoc jars.
* @see Doclet option notimestamp.
* @since 2.1
@Parameter(property = "notimestamp", defaultValue = "false")
private boolean notimestamp;
* Omits the class/interface hierarchy pages from the generated docs.
* @see Doclet option notree
@Parameter(property = "notree", defaultValue = "false")
private boolean notree;
* This option is a variation of {@link #links}; they both create links to javadoc-generated documentation
* for external referenced classes.
* Example:
* Note: if {@link #detectOfflineLinks} is defined, the offline links between the project modules are
* automatically added if the goal is calling in a non-aggregator way.
* @see OfflineLink
* @see Doclet option linkoffline
@Parameter(property = "offlineLinks")
private OfflineLink[] offlineLinks;
* The shared output directory for the report where Javadoc saves the generated HTML files.
* Note that this parameter is only evaluated if the goal is run directly from the command line.
* If the goal is run indirectly as part of a site generation, the shared output directory configured in the
* Maven Site Plugin
* is used instead.
* @see org.apache.maven.reporting.AbstractMavenReport#outputDirectory
* @see Doclet option d
@Parameter(defaultValue = "${}/reports", required = true)
protected File outputDirectory;
* Specify the text for upper left frame.
* @see Bug Report about missing documentation
* @since 2.1
@Parameter(property = "packagesheader")
private String packagesheader;
* Generates compile-time warnings for missing serial tags.
* @see Doclet option serialwarn
@Parameter(property = "serialwarn", defaultValue = "false")
private boolean serialwarn;
* Specify the number of spaces each tab takes up in the source. If no tab is used in source, the default
* space is used.
* @see Doclet option sourcetab
* @since 2.1
@Parameter(property = "sourcetab", alias = "linksourcetab")
private int sourcetab;
* Splits the index file into multiple files, alphabetically, one file per letter, plus a file for any index
* entries that start with non-alphabetical characters.
* Note: could be in conflict with {@link #noindex}.
* @see Doclet option splitindex.
@Parameter(property = "splitindex", defaultValue = "false")
private boolean splitindex;
* Specifies whether the stylesheet to be used is the maven's javadoc stylesheet or
* java's default stylesheet when a {@link #stylesheetfile} parameter is not specified.
* Possible values: maven or java.
* @deprecated This is no longer evaluated, instead use {@link #addStylesheets} to customize the CSS.
@Parameter(property = "stylesheet", defaultValue = "java")
private String stylesheet;
* Specifies the path of an alternate HTML stylesheet file.
* The stylesheetfile could be an absolute File path.
* Since 2.6, it could be also be a path from a resource in the current project source directories
* (i.e. src/main/java, src/main/resources or src/main/javadoc)
* or from a resource in the Javadoc plugin dependencies, for instance:
* Where path/to/your/resource/yourstylesheet.css is defined in the
* groupId:artifactId:version javadoc plugin dependency.
* @see Doclet option
* stylesheetfile.
@Parameter(property = "stylesheetfile")
private String stylesheetfile;
* Specifies the path of an additional HTML stylesheet file relative to the {@code javadocDirectory}
* Example:
* @since 3.3.0
private String[] addStylesheets;
* Specifies the class file that starts the taglet used in generating the documentation for that tag.
* @see Doclet option taglet.
@Parameter(property = "taglet")
private String taglet;
* Specifies the Taglet artifact containing the taglet class files (.class).
* Example:
* See Javadoc.
* @see Doclet option tagletpath.
* @since 2.1
@Parameter(property = "tagletArtifact")
private TagletArtifact tagletArtifact;
* Specifies several Taglet artifacts containing the taglet class files (.class). These taglets class names will be
* auto-detect and so no need to specify them.
* Example:
* Note: the placement should be a combinaison of Xaoptcmf letters:
X (disable tag)
a (all)
o (overview)
p (packages)
t (types, that is classes and interfaces)
c (constructors)
m (methods)
f (fields)
* See Javadoc.
* @see Doclet option tag.
@Parameter(property = "tags")
private Tag[] tags;
* Specifies the top text to be placed at the top of each output file.
* @see Java Bug 6227616.
* @see Doclet option top.
* @since 2.4
@Parameter(property = "top")
private String top;
* Includes one "Use" page for each documented class and package.
* @see Doclet option use.
@Parameter(property = "use", defaultValue = "true")
private boolean use;
* Includes the given version text in the generated docs.
* @see Doclet option version.
@Parameter(property = "version", defaultValue = "true")
private boolean version;
* Specifies the title to be placed in the HTML title tag.
* @see Doclet option windowtitle.
@Parameter(property = "windowtitle", defaultValue = "${} ${project.version} API")
private String windowtitle;
* Whether dependency -sources jars should be resolved and included as source paths for javadoc generation.
* This is useful when creating javadocs for a distribution project.
* @since 2.7
@Parameter(defaultValue = "false")
private boolean includeDependencySources;
* Directory where unpacked project sources / test-sources should be cached.
* @see #includeDependencySources
* @since 2.7
@Parameter(defaultValue = "${}/distro-javadoc-sources")
private File sourceDependencyCacheDir;
* Whether to include transitive dependencies in the list of dependency -sources jars to include in this javadoc
* run.
* @see #includeDependencySources
* @since 2.7
* @deprecated if these sources depend on transitive dependencies, those dependencies should be added to the pom as
* direct dependencies
@Parameter(defaultValue = "false")
private boolean includeTransitiveDependencySources;
* List of included dependency-source patterns. Example: org.apache.maven:*
* @see #includeDependencySources
* @since 2.7
private List dependencySourceIncludes;
* List of excluded dependency-source patterns. Example: org.apache.maven.shared:*
* @see #includeDependencySources
* @since 2.7
private List dependencySourceExcludes;
* Directory into which assembled {@link JavadocOptions} instances will be written before they
* are added to javadoc resources bundles.
* @since 2.7
@Parameter(defaultValue = "${}/javadoc-bundle-options", readonly = true)
private File javadocOptionsDir;
* Transient variable to allow lazy-resolution of javadoc bundles from dependencies, so they can
* be used at various points in the javadoc generation process.
* @since 2.7
private transient List dependencyJavadocBundles;
* Capability to add additional dependencies to the javadoc classpath.
* Example:
* @since 2.8.1
private List additionalDependencies;
* Include filters on the source files. Default is **\/\*.java.
* These are ignored if you specify subpackages or subpackage excludes.
* @since 2.9
private List sourceFileIncludes;
* exclude filters on the source files.
* These are ignored if you specify subpackages or subpackage excludes.
* @since 2.9
private List sourceFileExcludes;
* To apply a security fix on generated javadoc, see
* Allow for configuration of the javadoc tool via maven toolchains.
* This overrules the toolchain selected by the maven-toolchain-plugin.
* Comma separated list of modules (can be regular expression) in the format ([group:]artifactId) to not add in aggregated javadoc
* @since 3.2.0
@Parameter(property = "maven.javadoc.skippedModules")
private String skippedModules;
* List built once from the parameter {@link #skippedModules}
private List patternsToSkip;
* Timestamp for reproducible output archive entries, either formatted as ISO 8601
* yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX or as an int representing seconds since the epoch (like
* @since 3.2.0
@Parameter(defaultValue = "${}")
protected String outputTimestamp;
* Forces the Javadoc JVM locale to be {@link Locale#ROOT}. This will force the Javadoc output
* on {@code stdout} and {@code stderr} to be in English only and the generated HTML content in
* English as well. If you need the generated HTML content in another supported language use
* {@link #locale}.
* @since 3.8.0
@Parameter(property = "forceRootLocale", defaultValue = "true")
private boolean forceRootLocale;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// protected methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Indicates whether this goal is flagged with @aggregator.
* @return true if the goal is designed as an aggregator, false otherwise.
* @see AggregatorJavadocReport
* @see AggregatorTestJavadocReport
protected boolean isAggregator() {
return false;
* Indicates whether this goal generates documentation for the Java Test code.
* @return true if the goal generates Test Javadocs, false otherwise.
protected boolean isTest() {
return false;
protected String getOutputDirectory() {
return outputDirectory.getAbsolutePath();
* Method that returns the plugin report output directory where the generated Javadoc report will be put
* beneath {@link #getOutputDirectory()}/{@link org.apache.maven.reporting.AbstractMavenReport#getReportOutputDirectory()}.
* @return a String that contains the target directory
protected String getPluginReportOutputDirectory() {
return getOutputDirectory() + "/" + (isTest() ? "test" : "") + "apidocs";
protected MavenProject getProject() {
return project;
* @param p not null maven project
* @return the list of directories where compiled classes are placed for the given project. These dirs are
* added to the javadoc classpath.
protected List getProjectBuildOutputDirs(MavenProject p) {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(p.getBuild().getOutputDirectory())) {
return Collections.emptyList();
return Collections.singletonList(new File(p.getBuild().getOutputDirectory()));
* @param project the project in which to find a classes file
* @return null, the attached artifact file, or outputDirectory.
protected File getClassesFile(MavenProject project) {
if (!isAggregator() && isTest()) {
return null;
if (project.getArtifact() != null && project.getArtifact().getFile() != null) {
File artifactFile = project.getArtifact().getFile();
if (artifactFile.isDirectory() || artifactFile.getName().endsWith(".jar")) {
return artifactFile;
} else if (project.getExecutionProject() != null
&& project.getExecutionProject().getArtifact() != null
&& project.getExecutionProject().getArtifact().getFile() != null) {
File artifactFile = project.getExecutionProject().getArtifact().getFile();
if (artifactFile.isDirectory() || artifactFile.getName().endsWith(".jar")) {
return artifactFile;
if (project.getBuild().getOutputDirectory() != null) {
return new File(project.getBuild().getOutputDirectory());
} else {
return null;
* @param p not null maven project
* @return the list of source paths for the given project
protected List getProjectSourceRoots(MavenProject p) {
if ("pom".equals(p.getPackaging().toLowerCase())) {
return Collections.emptyList();
return p.getCompileSourceRoots() == null
? Collections.emptyList()
: new LinkedList<>(p.getCompileSourceRoots());
* @param p not null maven project
* @return the list of source paths for the execution project of the given project
protected List getExecutionProjectSourceRoots(MavenProject p) {
if ("pom".equals(p.getExecutionProject().getPackaging().toLowerCase())) {
return Collections.emptyList();
return p.getExecutionProject().getCompileSourceRoots() == null
? Collections.emptyList()
: new LinkedList<>(p.getExecutionProject().getCompileSourceRoots());
* @return the current javadoc directory
protected File getJavadocDirectory() {
return javadocDirectory;
* @return the doclint specific checks configuration
protected String getDoclint() {
return doclint;
* @return the title to be placed near the top of the overview summary file
protected String getDoctitle() {
return doctitle;
* @return the overview documentation file from the user parameter or from the javadocdirectory
protected File getOverview() {
return overview;
* @return the title to be placed in the HTML title tag
protected String getWindowtitle() {
return windowtitle;
* @return the charset attribute or the value of {@link #getDocencoding()} if null.
private String getCharset() {
return (charset == null || charset.isEmpty()) ? getDocencoding() : charset;
* @return the docencoding attribute or UTF-8 if null.
private String getDocencoding() {
return (docencoding == null || docencoding.isEmpty()) ? : docencoding;
* @return the encoding attribute or the value of file.encoding system property if null.
private String getEncoding() {
return (encoding == null || encoding.isEmpty())
? Charset.defaultCharset().name()
: encoding;
public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException {
verifyReplacedParameter("additionalparam", "additionalOptions");
protected abstract void doExecute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException;
protected final void verifyRemovedParameter(String paramName) {
Xpp3Dom configDom = mojoExecution.getConfiguration();
if (configDom != null) {
if (configDom.getChild(paramName) != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"parameter '" + paramName + "' has been removed from the plugin, please verify documentation.");
private void verifyReplacedParameter(String oldParamName, String newParamNew) {
Xpp3Dom configDom = mojoExecution.getConfiguration();
if (configDom != null) {
if (configDom.getChild(oldParamName) != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("parameter '" + oldParamName + "' has been replaced with "
+ newParamNew + ", please verify documentation.");
* The package documentation details the
* Javadoc Options used by this Plugin.
* @param unusedLocale the wanted locale (actually unused).
* @throws MavenReportException if any
protected void executeReport(Locale unusedLocale) throws MavenReportException {
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
this.debug = true;
// NOTE: Always generate this file, to allow javadocs from modules to be aggregated via
// useDependencySources in a distro module build.
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MavenReportException("Failed to generate javadoc options file: " + e.getMessage(), e);
Collection sourcePaths = getSourcePaths();
Collection collectedSourcePaths = -> e.getSourcePaths().stream()).collect(Collectors.toList());
Map> files = getFiles(collectedSourcePaths);
if (!canGenerateReport(files)) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Find the javadoc executable and version
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
String jExecutable;
try {
jExecutable = getJavadocExecutable();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MavenReportException("Unable to find javadoc command: " + e.getMessage(), e);
setFJavadocVersion(new File(jExecutable));
Collection packageNames;
if (javadocRuntimeVersion.isAtLeast("9")) {
packageNames = getPackageNamesRespectingJavaModules(sourcePaths);
} else {
packageNames = getPackageNames(files);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Javadoc output directory as File
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
File javadocOutputDirectory = new File(getPluginReportOutputDirectory());
if (javadocOutputDirectory.exists() && !javadocOutputDirectory.isDirectory()) {
throw new MavenReportException("IOException: " + javadocOutputDirectory + " is not a directory.");
if (javadocOutputDirectory.exists() && !javadocOutputDirectory.canWrite()) {
throw new MavenReportException("IOException: " + javadocOutputDirectory + " is not writable.");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copy all resources
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create command line for Javadoc
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Commandline cmd = new Commandline();
cmd.getShell().setQuotedArgumentsEnabled(false); // for Javadoc JVM args
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Wrap Javadoc JVM args
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
addMemoryArg(cmd, "-Xmx", this.maxmemory);
addMemoryArg(cmd, "-Xms", this.minmemory);
if (forceRootLocale) {
if (additionalJOption != null && !additionalJOption.isEmpty()) {
if (additionalJOptions != null && additionalJOptions.length != 0) {
for (String jo : additionalJOptions) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Wrap Standard doclet Options
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
List standardDocletArguments = new ArrayList<>();
Set offlineLinks;
if ((doclet == null || doclet.isEmpty()) || useStandardDocletOptions) {
offlineLinks = getOfflineLinks();
addStandardDocletOptions(javadocOutputDirectory, standardDocletArguments, offlineLinks);
} else {
offlineLinks = Collections.emptySet();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Wrap Javadoc options
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
List javadocArguments = new ArrayList<>();
addJavadocOptions(javadocOutputDirectory, javadocArguments, sourcePaths, offlineLinks);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Write options file and include it in the command line
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
List arguments = new ArrayList<>(javadocArguments.size() + standardDocletArguments.size());
if (arguments.size() > 0) {
addCommandLineOptions(cmd, arguments, javadocOutputDirectory);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Write packages file and include it in the command line
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// MJAVADOC-365 if includes/excludes are specified, these take precedence over the default
// package-based mode and force javadoc into file-based mode unless subpackages are
// specified. Subpackages take precedence over file-based include/excludes. Why? Because
// getFiles(...) returns an empty list when subpackages are specified.
boolean includesExcludesActive = (sourceFileIncludes != null && !sourceFileIncludes.isEmpty())
|| (sourceFileExcludes != null && !sourceFileExcludes.isEmpty());
if (includesExcludesActive && !(subpackages == null || subpackages.isEmpty())) {
getLog().warn("sourceFileIncludes and sourceFileExcludes have no effect when subpackages are specified!");
includesExcludesActive = false;
if (!packageNames.isEmpty() && !includesExcludesActive) {
addCommandLinePackages(cmd, javadocOutputDirectory, packageNames);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Write argfile file and include it in the command line
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
List specialFiles = getSpecialFiles(files);
if (!specialFiles.isEmpty()) {
addCommandLineArgFile(cmd, javadocOutputDirectory, specialFiles);
} else {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Write argfile file and include it in the command line
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
List allFiles = new ArrayList<>();
for (Map.Entry> filesEntry : files.entrySet()) {
for (String file : filesEntry.getValue()) {
if (!files.isEmpty()) {
addCommandLineArgFile(cmd, javadocOutputDirectory, allFiles);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Execute command line
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
executeJavadocCommandLine(cmd, javadocOutputDirectory);
// delete generated javadoc files only if no error and no debug mode
// [MJAVADOC-336] Use File.delete() instead of File.deleteOnExit() to
// prevent these files from making their way into archives.
if (!debug) {
for (int i = 0; i < cmd.getArguments().length; i++) {
String arg = cmd.getArguments()[i].trim();
if (!arg.startsWith("@")) {
File argFile = new File(javadocOutputDirectory, arg.substring(1));
if (argFile.exists()) {
File scriptFile = new File(javadocOutputDirectory, DEBUG_JAVADOC_SCRIPT_NAME);
if (scriptFile.exists()) {
if (applyJavadocSecurityFix) {
// finally, patch the Javadoc vulnerability in older Javadoc tools (CVE-2013-1571):
try {
final int patched = fixFrameInjectionBug(javadocOutputDirectory, getDocencoding());
if (patched > 0) {
"Fixed Javadoc frame injection vulnerability (CVE-2013-1571) in %d files.", patched));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MavenReportException("Failed to patch javadocs vulnerability: " + e.getMessage(), e);
} else {
getLog().info("applying javadoc security fix has been disabled");
* Method to get the files on the specified source paths
* @param sourcePaths a Collection that contains the paths to the source files
* @return a List that contains the specific path for every source file
* @throws MavenReportException {@link MavenReportException} issue while generating report
protected Map> getFiles(Collection sourcePaths) throws MavenReportException {
Map> mappedFiles = new LinkedHashMap<>(sourcePaths.size());
if (subpackages == null || subpackages.isEmpty()) {
Collection excludedPackages = getExcludedPackages();
final boolean autoExclude;
if (release != null) {
autoExclude = JavaVersion.parse(release).isBefore("9");
} else if (source != null) {
autoExclude = JavaVersion.parse(source).isBefore("9");
} else {
// if legacy mode is active, treat it like pre-Java 9 (exclude module-info),
// otherwise don't auto-exclude anything.
autoExclude = legacyMode;
for (Path sourcePath : sourcePaths) {
File sourceDirectory = sourcePath.toFile();
List files = new ArrayList<>(JavadocUtil.getFilesFromSource(
sourceDirectory, sourceFileIncludes, sourceFileExcludes, excludedPackages));
if (autoExclude && files.remove("")) {
getLog().debug("Auto exclude due to source value");
mappedFiles.put(sourcePath, files);
return mappedFiles;
* Method to get the source paths per reactorProject. If no source path is specified in the parameter, the compile
* source roots of the project will be used.
* @return a Map of the project absolute source paths per projects key (G:A)
* @throws MavenReportException {@link MavenReportException} issue while generating report
* @see JavadocUtil#pruneDirs(MavenProject, Collection)
protected Collection getSourcePaths() throws MavenReportException {
Collection mappedSourcePaths = new ArrayList<>();
if (sourcepath == null || sourcepath.isEmpty()) {
if (!"pom".equals(project.getPackaging())) {
Set sourcePaths =
new LinkedHashSet<>(JavadocUtil.pruneDirs(project, getProjectSourceRoots(project)));
if (project.getExecutionProject() != null) {
sourcePaths.addAll(JavadocUtil.pruneDirs(project, getExecutionProjectSourceRoots(project)));
* Should be after the source path (i.e. -sourcepath '.../src/main/java;.../src/main/javadoc') and *not*
* the opposite. If not, the javadoc tool always copies doc files, even if -docfilessubdirs is not
* setted.
if (getJavadocDirectory() != null) {
File javadocDir = getJavadocDirectory();
if (javadocDir.exists() && javadocDir.isDirectory()) {
Collection l = JavadocUtil.pruneDirs(
if (!sourcePaths.isEmpty()) {
mappedSourcePaths.add(buildJavadocModule(project, sourcePaths));
if (isAggregator()) {
for (MavenProject subProject : getAggregatedProjects()) {
if (subProject != project) {
Collection additionalSourcePaths = new ArrayList<>();
List sourceRoots = getProjectSourceRoots(subProject);
if (subProject.getExecutionProject() != null) {
ArtifactHandler artifactHandler =
if ("java".equals(artifactHandler.getLanguage())) {
additionalSourcePaths.addAll(JavadocUtil.pruneDirs(subProject, sourceRoots));
if (getJavadocDirectory() != null) {
String javadocDirRelative = PathUtils.toRelative(
project.getBasedir(), getJavadocDirectory().getAbsolutePath());
File javadocDir = new File(subProject.getBasedir(), javadocDirRelative);
if (javadocDir.exists() && javadocDir.isDirectory()) {
Collection l = JavadocUtil.pruneDirs(
subProject, Collections.singletonList(javadocDir.getAbsolutePath()));
if (!additionalSourcePaths.isEmpty()) {
mappedSourcePaths.add(buildJavadocModule(subProject, additionalSourcePaths));
if (includeDependencySources) {
} else {
Collection sourcePaths =
JavadocUtil.pruneDirs(project, new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(JavadocUtil.splitPath(sourcepath))));
if (getJavadocDirectory() != null) {
Collection l = JavadocUtil.pruneDirs(
project, Collections.singletonList(getJavadocDirectory().getAbsolutePath()));
if (!sourcePaths.isEmpty()) {
mappedSourcePaths.add(new JavadocModule(
ArtifactUtils.key(project.getGroupId(), project.getArtifactId(), project.getVersion()),
return mappedSourcePaths;
private JavadocModule buildJavadocModule(MavenProject project, Collection sourcePaths) {
File classessFile = getClassesFile(project);
ResolvePathResult resolvePathResult = getResolvePathResult(classessFile);
if (resolvePathResult == null) {
return new JavadocModule(
ArtifactUtils.key(project.getGroupId(), project.getArtifactId(), project.getVersion()),
} else {
return new JavadocModule(
ArtifactUtils.key(project.getGroupId(), project.getArtifactId(), project.getVersion()),
* Recursively add the modules of the aggregatedProject to the set of aggregatedModules.
* @param aggregatedProject the project being aggregated
* @param reactorProjectsMap map of (still) available reactor projects
private Set modulesForAggregatedProject(
MavenProject aggregatedProject, Map reactorProjectsMap) {
// Maven does not supply an easy way to get the projects representing
// the modules of a project. So we will get the paths to the base
// directories of the modules from the project and compare with the
// base directories of the projects in the reactor.
if (aggregatedProject.getModules().isEmpty()) {
return Collections.singleton(aggregatedProject);
Path basePath = aggregatedProject.getBasedir().toPath();
List modulePaths = new LinkedList<>();
for (String module : aggregatedProject.getModules()) {
Set aggregatedModules = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (Path modulePath : modulePaths) {
MavenProject module = reactorProjectsMap.remove(modulePath);
if (module != null) {
aggregatedModules.addAll(modulesForAggregatedProject(module, reactorProjectsMap));
return aggregatedModules;
* Override this method to customize the configuration for resolving dependency sources. The default
* behavior enables the resolution of -sources jar files.
* @param config {@link SourceResolverConfig}
* @return {@link SourceResolverConfig}
protected SourceResolverConfig configureDependencySourceResolution(final SourceResolverConfig config) {
return config.withCompileSources();
* Resolve dependency sources so they can be included directly in the javadoc process. To customize this,
* override {@link AbstractJavadocMojo#configureDependencySourceResolution(SourceResolverConfig)}.
* @return List of source paths.
* @throws MavenReportException {@link MavenReportException}
protected final Collection getDependencySourcePaths() throws MavenReportException {
try {
if (sourceDependencyCacheDir.exists()) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MavenReportException(
"Failed to delete cache directory: " + sourceDependencyCacheDir + "\nReason: " + e.getMessage(), e);
final SourceResolverConfig config = getDependencySourceResolverConfig();
try {
return resourceResolver.resolveDependencySourcePaths(config);
} catch (org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolutionException
| org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactNotFoundException e) {
throw new MavenReportException(
"Failed to resolve one or more javadoc source/resource artifacts:\n\n" + e.getMessage(), e);
* Returns a ArtifactFilter that only includes direct dependencies of this project
* (verified via groupId and artifactId).
* @return
private TransformableFilter createDependencyArtifactFilter() {
Set dependencyArtifacts = project.getDependencyArtifacts();
List artifactPatterns = new ArrayList<>(dependencyArtifacts.size());
for (Artifact artifact : dependencyArtifacts) {
artifactPatterns.add(artifact.getGroupId() + ":" + artifact.getArtifactId());
return new PatternInclusionsFilter(artifactPatterns);
* Construct a SourceResolverConfig for resolving dependency sources and resources in a consistent
* way, so it can be reused for both source and resource resolution.
* @since 2.7
private SourceResolverConfig getDependencySourceResolverConfig() {
final List andFilters = new ArrayList<>();
final List dependencyIncludes = dependencySourceIncludes;
final List dependencyExcludes = dependencySourceExcludes;
if (!includeTransitiveDependencySources || isNotEmpty(dependencyIncludes) || isNotEmpty(dependencyExcludes)) {
if (!includeTransitiveDependencySources) {
if (isNotEmpty(dependencyIncludes)) {
andFilters.add(new PatternInclusionsFilter(dependencyIncludes));
if (isNotEmpty(dependencyExcludes)) {
andFilters.add(new PatternExclusionsFilter(dependencyExcludes));
return configureDependencySourceResolution(
new SourceResolverConfig(project, getProjectBuildingRequest(project), sourceDependencyCacheDir)
.withFilter(new AndFilter(andFilters));
private ProjectBuildingRequest getProjectBuildingRequest(MavenProject currentProject) {
return new DefaultProjectBuildingRequest(session.getProjectBuildingRequest())
* Method that indicates whether the javadoc can be generated or not. If the project does not contain any source
* files and no subpackages are specified, the plugin will terminate.
* @param files the project files
* @return a boolean that indicates whether javadoc report can be generated or not
protected boolean canGenerateReport(Map> files) {
for (Collection filesValues : files.values()) {
if (!filesValues.isEmpty()) {
return true;
return !(subpackages == null || subpackages.isEmpty());
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// private methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Method to get the excluded source files from the javadoc and create the argument string
* that will be included in the javadoc commandline execution.
* @param sourcePaths the collection of paths to the source files
* @return a String that contains the exclude argument that will be used by javadoc
* @throws MavenReportException
private String getExcludedPackages(Collection sourcePaths) throws MavenReportException {
List excludedNames = null;
if ((sourcepath != null && !sourcepath.isEmpty()) && (subpackages != null && !subpackages.isEmpty())) {
Collection excludedPackages = getExcludedPackages();
excludedNames = JavadocUtil.getExcludedPackages(sourcePaths, excludedPackages);
String excludeArg = "";
if ((subpackages != null && !subpackages.isEmpty()) && excludedNames != null) {
// add the excludedpackage names
excludeArg = StringUtils.join(excludedNames.iterator(), ":");
return excludeArg;
* Method to format the specified source paths that will be accepted by the javadoc tool.
* @param sourcePaths the list of paths to the source files that will be included in the javadoc.
* @return a String that contains the formatted source path argument, separated by the System pathSeparator
* string (colon (:) on Solaris or semicolon (;) on Windows).
* @see File#pathSeparator
private String getSourcePath(Collection sourcePaths) {
String sourcePath = null;
if ((subpackages == null || subpackages.isEmpty()) || (sourcepath != null && !sourcepath.isEmpty())) {
sourcePath = StringUtils.join(sourcePaths.iterator(), File.pathSeparator);
return sourcePath;
* Method to get the packages specified in the excludePackageNames parameter. The packages are split
* with ',', ':', or ';' and then formatted.
* @return an array of String objects that contain the package names
* @throws MavenReportException
private Collection getExcludedPackages() throws MavenReportException {
Set excluded = new LinkedHashSet<>();
if (includeDependencySources) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MavenReportException(
"Failed to resolve javadoc bundles from dependencies: " + e.getMessage(), e);
if (isNotEmpty(dependencyJavadocBundles)) {
for (JavadocBundle bundle : dependencyJavadocBundles) {
JavadocOptions options = bundle.getOptions();
if (options != null && isNotEmpty(options.getExcludePackageNames())) {
// for the specified excludePackageNames
if (excludePackageNames != null && !excludePackageNames.isEmpty()) {
List packageNames = Arrays.asList(excludePackageNames.split("[,:;]"));
return excluded;
private static List trimValues(List items) {
List result = new ArrayList<>(items.size());
for (String item : items) {
String trimmed = item.trim();
if (trimmed == null || trimmed.isEmpty()) {
return result;
private List toResolverDependencies(List dependencies) {
if (dependencies == null) {
return null;
ArtifactTypeRegistry registry = RepositoryUtils.newArtifactTypeRegistry(artifactHandlerManager);
.map(d -> RepositoryUtils.toDependency(d, registry))
* Method that gets the classpath and modulepath elements that will be specified in the javadoc
* -classpath and --module-path parameter.
* Since we have all the sources of the current reactor, it is sufficient to consider the
* dependencies of the reactor modules, excluding the module artifacts which may not yet be available
* when the reactor project is built for the first time.
* @return all classpath elements
* @throws MavenReportException if any.
private Collection getPathElements() throws MavenReportException {
Set classpathElements = new LinkedHashSet<>();
Map compileArtifactMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
if (isTest()) {
populateCompileArtifactMap(compileArtifactMap, project.getArtifacts());
if (isAggregator()) {
Collection aggregatorProjects = getAggregatedProjects();
List reactorArtifacts = new ArrayList<>();
for (MavenProject p : aggregatorProjects) {
reactorArtifacts.add(p.getGroupId() + ':' + p.getArtifactId());
DependencyFilter dependencyFilter = new AndDependencyFilter(
new PatternExclusionsDependencyFilter(reactorArtifacts), getDependencyScopeFilter());
for (MavenProject subProject : aggregatorProjects) {
if (subProject != project) {
File projectArtifactFile = getClassesFile(subProject);
if (projectArtifactFile != null) {
} else {
try {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("Compiled artifacts for ");
List managedDependencies = null;
if (subProject.getDependencyManagement() != null) {
managedDependencies =
CollectRequest collRequest = new CollectRequest(
DependencyRequest depRequest = new DependencyRequest(collRequest, dependencyFilter);
for (ArtifactResult artifactResult : repoSystem
.resolveDependencies(repoSession, depRequest)
.getArtifactResults()) {
List artifacts =
populateCompileArtifactMap(compileArtifactMap, artifacts);
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
} catch (DependencyResolutionException e) {
throw new MavenReportException(e.getMessage(), e);
for (Artifact a : compileArtifactMap.values()) {
if (additionalDependencies != null) {
for (Dependency dependency : additionalDependencies) {
Artifact artifact = resolveDependency(dependency);
getLog().debug("add additional artifact with path " + artifact.getFile());
return classpathElements;
protected ScopeDependencyFilter getDependencyScopeFilter() {
return new ScopeDependencyFilter(
Arrays.asList(Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE, Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED, Artifact.SCOPE_SYSTEM), null);
* @param dependency {@link Dependency}
* @return {@link Artifact}
* @throws MavenReportException when artifact could not be resolved
public Artifact resolveDependency(Dependency dependency) throws MavenReportException {
ArtifactTypeRegistry registry = RepositoryUtils.newArtifactTypeRegistry(artifactHandlerManager);
ArtifactRequest req = new ArtifactRequest(
RepositoryUtils.toDependency(dependency, registry).getArtifact(),
try {
ArtifactResult resolutionResult = repoSystem.resolveArtifact(repoSession, req);
return RepositoryUtils.toArtifact(resolutionResult.getArtifact());
} catch (ArtifactResolutionException e) {
throw new MavenReportException("artifact resolver problem - " + e.getMessage(), e);
protected final Toolchain getToolchain() {
Toolchain tc = null;
if (jdkToolchain != null) {
List tcs = toolchainManager.getToolchains(session, "jdk", jdkToolchain);
if (tcs != null && !tcs.isEmpty()) {
tc = tcs.get(0);
if (tc == null) {
tc = toolchainManager.getToolchainFromBuildContext("jdk", session);
return tc;
* Method to put the artifacts in the hashmap.
* @param compileArtifactMap the hashmap that will contain the artifacts
* @param artifactList the list of artifacts that will be put in the map
* @throws MavenReportException if any
private void populateCompileArtifactMap(Map compileArtifactMap, Collection artifactList)
throws MavenReportException {
if (artifactList == null) {
for (Artifact newArtifact : artifactList) {
File file = newArtifact.getFile();
if (file == null) {
throw new MavenReportException(
"Error in plugin descriptor - " + "dependency was not resolved for artifact: "
+ newArtifact.getGroupId() + ":" + newArtifact.getArtifactId() + ":"
+ newArtifact.getVersion());
if (compileArtifactMap.get(newArtifact.getDependencyConflictId()) != null) {
Artifact oldArtifact = compileArtifactMap.get(newArtifact.getDependencyConflictId());
ArtifactVersion oldVersion = new DefaultArtifactVersion(oldArtifact.getVersion());
ArtifactVersion newVersion = new DefaultArtifactVersion(newArtifact.getVersion());
if (newVersion.compareTo(oldVersion) > 0) {
compileArtifactMap.put(newArtifact.getDependencyConflictId(), newArtifact);
} else {
compileArtifactMap.put(newArtifact.getDependencyConflictId(), newArtifact);
* Method that sets the bottom text that will be displayed on the bottom of the
* javadocs.
* @return a String that contains the text that will be displayed at the bottom of the javadoc
private String getBottomText() {
final String inceptionYear = project.getInceptionYear();
// get Reproducible Builds outputTimestamp date value or the current local date.
final LocalDate localDate = MavenArchiver.parseBuildOutputTimestamp(outputTimestamp)
.map(instant -> instant.atZone(ZoneOffset.UTC).toLocalDate())
final String currentYear = Integer.toString(localDate.getYear());
String theBottom = StringUtils.replace(this.bottom, "{currentYear}", currentYear);
if ((inceptionYear == null) || inceptionYear.equals(currentYear)) {
theBottom = StringUtils.replace(theBottom, "{inceptionYear}–", "");
} else {
theBottom = StringUtils.replace(theBottom, "{inceptionYear}", inceptionYear);
if (project.getOrganization() == null) {
theBottom = StringUtils.replace(theBottom, " {organizationName}", "");
} else {
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(project.getOrganization().getName())) {
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(project.getOrganization().getUrl())) {
theBottom = StringUtils.replace(
+ project.getOrganization().getName() + "");
} else {
theBottom = StringUtils.replace(
} else {
theBottom = StringUtils.replace(theBottom, " {organizationName}", "");
return theBottom;
* Method to get the stylesheet path file to be used by the Javadoc Tool.
* If the {@link #stylesheetfile} is empty, return the file as String defined by {@link #stylesheet} value.
* If the {@link #stylesheetfile} is defined, return the file as String.
* Note: since 2.6, the {@link #stylesheetfile} could be a path from a resource in the project source
* directories (i.e. src/main/java, src/main/resources or src/main/javadoc)
* or from a resource in the Javadoc plugin dependencies.
* @param javadocOutputDirectory the output directory
* @return the stylesheet file absolute path as String.
* @see #getResource(List, String)
private Optional getStylesheetFile(final File javadocOutputDirectory) {
if (stylesheetfile == null || stylesheetfile.isEmpty()) {
if ("java".equalsIgnoreCase(stylesheet)) {
// use the default Javadoc tool stylesheet
return Optional.empty();
getLog().warn("Parameter 'stylesheet' is no longer evaluated, rather use 'addStylesheets'"
+ " to customize the CSS!");
return Optional.empty();
if (new File(stylesheetfile).exists()) {
return Optional.of(new File(stylesheetfile));
return getResource(new File(javadocOutputDirectory, DEFAULT_CSS_NAME), stylesheetfile);
private void addAddStyleSheets(List arguments) throws MavenReportException {
if (addStylesheets == null) {
for (String addStylesheet : addStylesheets) {
Optional styleSheet = getAddStylesheet(getJavadocDirectory(), addStylesheet);
if (styleSheet.isPresent()) {
private Optional getAddStylesheet(final File javadocOutputDirectory, final String stylesheet)
throws MavenReportException {
if (stylesheet == null || stylesheet.isEmpty()) {
return Optional.empty();
File addstylesheetfile = new File(getJavadocDirectory(), stylesheet);
if (addstylesheetfile.exists()) {
Optional stylesheetfile = getStylesheetFile(javadocOutputDirectory);
if (stylesheetfile.isPresent()) {
if (stylesheetfile.get().getName().equals(addstylesheetfile.getName())) {
throw new MavenReportException("additional stylesheet must have a different name "
+ "than stylesheetfile: " + stylesheetfile.get().getName());
return Optional.of(addstylesheetfile);
throw new MavenReportException(
"additional stylesheet file does not exist: " + addstylesheetfile.getAbsolutePath());
* Method to get the help file to be used by the Javadoc Tool.
* Since 2.6, the {@code helpfile} could be a path from a resource in the project source
* directories (i.e. src/main/java, src/main/resources or src/main/javadoc)
* or from a resource in the Javadoc plugin dependencies.
* @param javadocOutputDirectory the output directory.
* @return the help file absolute path as String.
* @see #getResource(File, String)
* @since 2.6
private Optional getHelpFile(final File javadocOutputDirectory) {
if (helpfile == null || helpfile.isEmpty()) {
return Optional.empty();
if (new File(helpfile).exists()) {
return Optional.of(new File(helpfile));
return getResource(new File(javadocOutputDirectory, "help-doc.html"), helpfile);
* Method to get the access level for the classes and members to be shown in the generated javadoc.
* If the specified access level is not public, protected, package or private, the access level
* is set to protected.
* @return the access level
private String getAccessLevel() {
String accessLevel;
if ("public".equalsIgnoreCase(show)
|| "protected".equalsIgnoreCase(show)
|| "package".equalsIgnoreCase(show)
|| "private".equalsIgnoreCase(show)) {
accessLevel = "-" + show;
} else {
if (getLog().isErrorEnabled()) {
getLog().error("Unrecognized access level to show '" + show + "'. Defaulting to protected.");
accessLevel = "-protected";
return accessLevel;
* Method to get the path of the bootclass artifacts used in the -bootclasspath option.
* @return a string that contains bootclass path, separated by the System pathSeparator string
* (colon (:) on Solaris or semicolon (;) on Windows).
* @throws MavenReportException if any
* @see File#pathSeparator
private String getBootclassPath() throws MavenReportException {
Set bootclasspathArtifacts = collectBootClasspathArtifacts();
List bootclassPath = new ArrayList<>();
for (BootclasspathArtifact aBootclasspathArtifact : bootclasspathArtifacts) {
if ((StringUtils.isNotEmpty(aBootclasspathArtifact.getGroupId()))
&& (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(aBootclasspathArtifact.getArtifactId()))
&& (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(aBootclasspathArtifact.getVersion()))) {
bootclassPath = JavadocUtil.pruneFiles(bootclassPath);
StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder();
path.append(StringUtils.join(bootclassPath.iterator(), File.pathSeparator));
if (bootclasspath != null && !bootclasspath.isEmpty()) {
return path.toString();
* Method to get the path of the doclet artifacts used in the -docletpath option.
* Either docletArtifact or doclectArtifacts can be defined and used, not both, docletArtifact
* takes precedence over doclectArtifacts. docletPath is always appended to any result path
* definition.
* @return a string that contains doclet path, separated by the System pathSeparator string
* (colon (:) on Solaris or semicolon (;) on Windows).
* @throws MavenReportException if any
* @see File#pathSeparator
private String getDocletPath() throws MavenReportException {
Set docletArtifacts = collectDocletArtifacts();
List pathParts = new ArrayList<>();
for (DocletArtifact docletArtifact : docletArtifacts) {
if (!isDocletArtifactEmpty(docletArtifact)) {
if (!(docletPath == null || docletPath.isEmpty())) {
String path = StringUtils.join(pathParts.iterator(), File.pathSeparator);
if ((path == null || path.isEmpty()) && getLog().isWarnEnabled()) {
getLog().warn("No docletpath option was found. Please review or "
+ " or .");
return path;
* Verify if a doclet artifact is empty or not
* @param aDocletArtifact could be null
* @return true if aDocletArtifact or the groupId/artifactId/version of the doclet artifact is null,
* false otherwise.
private boolean isDocletArtifactEmpty(DocletArtifact aDocletArtifact) {
if (aDocletArtifact == null) {
return true;
return StringUtils.isEmpty(aDocletArtifact.getGroupId())
&& StringUtils.isEmpty(aDocletArtifact.getArtifactId())
&& StringUtils.isEmpty(aDocletArtifact.getVersion());
* Method to get the path of the taglet artifacts used in the -tagletpath option.
* @return a string that contains taglet path, separated by the System pathSeparator string
* (colon (:) on Solaris or semicolon (;) on Windows).
* @throws MavenReportException if any
* @see File#pathSeparator
private String getTagletPath() throws MavenReportException {
Set tArtifacts = collectTagletArtifacts();
Collection pathParts = new ArrayList<>();
for (TagletArtifact tagletArtifact : tArtifacts) {
if ((tagletArtifact != null)
&& (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(tagletArtifact.getGroupId()))
&& (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(tagletArtifact.getArtifactId()))
&& (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(tagletArtifact.getVersion()))) {
Set taglets = collectTaglets();
for (Taglet taglet : taglets) {
if (taglet == null) {
if ((taglet.getTagletArtifact() != null)
&& (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(taglet.getTagletArtifact().getGroupId()))
&& (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(taglet.getTagletArtifact().getArtifactId()))
&& (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(taglet.getTagletArtifact().getVersion()))) {
} else if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(taglet.getTagletpath())) {
for (Path path :
JavadocUtil.prunePaths(project, Collections.singletonList(taglet.getTagletpath()), true)) {
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(tagletpath)) {
return StringUtils.join(pathParts, File.pathSeparator);
private Set collectLinks() throws MavenReportException {
Set links = new LinkedHashSet<>();
if (includeDependencySources) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MavenReportException(
"Failed to resolve javadoc bundles from dependencies: " + e.getMessage(), e);
if (isNotEmpty(dependencyJavadocBundles)) {
for (JavadocBundle bundle : dependencyJavadocBundles) {
JavadocOptions options = bundle.getOptions();
if (options != null && isNotEmpty(options.getLinks())) {
if (isNotEmpty(this.links)) {
return followLinks(links);
private Set collectGroups() throws MavenReportException {
Set groups = new LinkedHashSet<>();
if (includeDependencySources) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MavenReportException(
"Failed to resolve javadoc bundles from dependencies: " + e.getMessage(), e);
if (isNotEmpty(dependencyJavadocBundles)) {
for (JavadocBundle bundle : dependencyJavadocBundles) {
JavadocOptions options = bundle.getOptions();
if (options != null && isNotEmpty(options.getGroups())) {
if (this.groups != null && this.groups.length > 0) {
return groups;
private Set collectResourcesArtifacts() throws MavenReportException {
Set result = new LinkedHashSet<>();
if (includeDependencySources) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MavenReportException(
"Failed to resolve javadoc bundles from dependencies: " + e.getMessage(), e);
if (isNotEmpty(dependencyJavadocBundles)) {
for (JavadocBundle bundle : dependencyJavadocBundles) {
JavadocOptions options = bundle.getOptions();
if (options != null && isNotEmpty(options.getResourcesArtifacts())) {
if (this.resourcesArtifacts != null && this.resourcesArtifacts.length > 0) {
return result;
private Set collectBootClasspathArtifacts() throws MavenReportException {
Set result = new LinkedHashSet<>();
if (includeDependencySources) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MavenReportException(
"Failed to resolve javadoc bundles from dependencies: " + e.getMessage(), e);
if (isNotEmpty(dependencyJavadocBundles)) {
for (JavadocBundle bundle : dependencyJavadocBundles) {
JavadocOptions options = bundle.getOptions();
if (options != null && isNotEmpty(options.getBootclasspathArtifacts())) {
if (this.bootclasspathArtifacts != null && this.bootclasspathArtifacts.length > 0) {
return result;
private Set collectOfflineLinks() throws MavenReportException {
Set result = new LinkedHashSet<>();
OfflineLink javaApiLink = getDefaultJavadocApiLink();
if (javaApiLink != null) {
if (includeDependencySources) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MavenReportException(
"Failed to resolve javadoc bundles from dependencies: " + e.getMessage(), e);
if (isNotEmpty(dependencyJavadocBundles)) {
for (JavadocBundle bundle : dependencyJavadocBundles) {
JavadocOptions options = bundle.getOptions();
if (options != null && isNotEmpty(options.getOfflineLinks())) {
if (this.offlineLinks != null && this.offlineLinks.length > 0) {
return result;
private Set collectTags() throws MavenReportException {
Set tags = new LinkedHashSet<>();
if (includeDependencySources) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MavenReportException(
"Failed to resolve javadoc bundles from dependencies: " + e.getMessage(), e);
if (isNotEmpty(dependencyJavadocBundles)) {
for (JavadocBundle bundle : dependencyJavadocBundles) {
JavadocOptions options = bundle.getOptions();
if (options != null && isNotEmpty(options.getTags())) {
if (this.tags != null && this.tags.length > 0) {
return tags;
private Set collectTagletArtifacts() throws MavenReportException {
Set tArtifacts = new LinkedHashSet<>();
if (includeDependencySources) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MavenReportException(
"Failed to resolve javadoc bundles from dependencies: " + e.getMessage(), e);
if (isNotEmpty(dependencyJavadocBundles)) {
for (JavadocBundle bundle : dependencyJavadocBundles) {
JavadocOptions options = bundle.getOptions();
if (options != null && isNotEmpty(options.getTagletArtifacts())) {
if (tagletArtifact != null) {
if (tagletArtifacts != null && tagletArtifacts.length > 0) {
return tArtifacts;
private Set collectDocletArtifacts() throws MavenReportException {
Set dArtifacts = new LinkedHashSet<>();
if (includeDependencySources) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MavenReportException(
"Failed to resolve javadoc bundles from dependencies: " + e.getMessage(), e);
if (isNotEmpty(dependencyJavadocBundles)) {
for (JavadocBundle bundle : dependencyJavadocBundles) {
JavadocOptions options = bundle.getOptions();
if (options != null && isNotEmpty(options.getDocletArtifacts())) {
if (docletArtifact != null) {
if (docletArtifacts != null && docletArtifacts.length > 0) {
return dArtifacts;
private Set collectTaglets() throws MavenReportException {
Set result = new LinkedHashSet<>();
if (includeDependencySources) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MavenReportException(
"Failed to resolve javadoc bundles from dependencies: " + e.getMessage(), e);
if (isNotEmpty(dependencyJavadocBundles)) {
for (JavadocBundle bundle : dependencyJavadocBundles) {
JavadocOptions options = bundle.getOptions();
if (options != null && isNotEmpty(options.getTaglets())) {
if (taglets != null && taglets.length > 0) {
return result;
* Return the Javadoc artifact path and its transitive dependencies path from the local repository
* @param javadocArtifact not null
* @return a list of locale artifacts absolute path
* @throws MavenReportException if any
private List getArtifactsAbsolutePath(JavadocPathArtifact javadocArtifact) throws MavenReportException {
if ((StringUtils.isEmpty(javadocArtifact.getGroupId()))
&& (StringUtils.isEmpty(javadocArtifact.getArtifactId()))
&& (StringUtils.isEmpty(javadocArtifact.getVersion()))) {
return Collections.emptyList();
List path = new ArrayList<>();
try {
Artifact artifact = createAndResolveArtifact(javadocArtifact);
DependencyFilter filter = new ScopeDependencyFilter(
Arrays.asList(Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE, Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED), Collections.emptySet());
DependencyRequest req = new DependencyRequest(
new CollectRequest(
new org.eclipse.aether.graph.Dependency(RepositoryUtils.toArtifact(artifact), null),
Iterable deps =
repoSystem.resolveDependencies(repoSession, req).getArtifactResults();
for (ArtifactResult a : deps) {
return path;
} catch (ArtifactResolutionException e) {
throw new MavenReportException("Unable to resolve artifact:" + javadocArtifact, e);
} catch (DependencyResolutionException e) {
throw new MavenReportException("Unable to resolve dependencies for:" + javadocArtifact, e);
* creates an {@link Artifact} representing the configured {@link JavadocPathArtifact} and resolves it.
* @param javadocArtifact the {@link JavadocPathArtifact} to resolve
* @return a resolved {@link Artifact}
* @throws org.eclipse.aether.resolution.ArtifactResolutionException
* @throws ArtifactResolverException issue while resolving artifact
private Artifact createAndResolveArtifact(JavadocPathArtifact javadocArtifact)
throws org.eclipse.aether.resolution.ArtifactResolutionException {
org.eclipse.aether.artifact.Artifact artifact = new DefaultArtifact(
ArtifactRequest req = new ArtifactRequest(artifact, project.getRemoteProjectRepositories(), null);
return RepositoryUtils.toArtifact(
repoSystem.resolveArtifact(repoSession, req).getArtifact());
* Method that adds/sets the java memory parameters in the command line execution.
* @param cmd the command line execution object where the argument will be added
* @param arg the argument parameter name
* @param memory the JVM memory value to be set
* @see JavadocUtil#parseJavadocMemory(String)
private void addMemoryArg(Commandline cmd, String arg, String memory) {
if (memory != null && !memory.isEmpty()) {
try {
cmd.createArg().setValue("-J" + arg + JavadocUtil.parseJavadocMemory(memory));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
if (getLog().isErrorEnabled()) {
getLog().error("Malformed memory pattern for '" + arg + memory + "'. Ignore this option.");
* Method that adds/sets the javadoc proxy parameters in the command line execution.
* @param cmd the command line execution object where the argument will be added
private void addProxyArg(Commandline cmd) {
if (settings == null || settings.getProxies().isEmpty()) {
Map activeProxies = new HashMap<>();
for (Proxy proxy : settings.getProxies()) {
if (proxy.isActive()) {
String protocol = proxy.getProtocol();
if (!activeProxies.containsKey(protocol)) {
activeProxies.put(protocol, proxy);
if (activeProxies.containsKey("https")) {
Proxy httpsProxy = activeProxies.get("https");
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(httpsProxy.getHost())) {
cmd.createArg().setValue("-J-Dhttps.proxyHost=" + httpsProxy.getHost());
cmd.createArg().setValue("-J-Dhttps.proxyPort=" + httpsProxy.getPort());
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(httpsProxy.getNonProxyHosts())
&& (!activeProxies.containsKey("http")
|| StringUtils.isEmpty(activeProxies.get("http").getNonProxyHosts()))) {
+ httpsProxy.getNonProxyHosts().replace("|", "^|") + "\"");
if (activeProxies.containsKey("http")) {
Proxy httpProxy = activeProxies.get("http");
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(httpProxy.getHost())) {
cmd.createArg().setValue("-J-Dhttp.proxyHost=" + httpProxy.getHost());
cmd.createArg().setValue("-J-Dhttp.proxyPort=" + httpProxy.getPort());
if (!activeProxies.containsKey("https")) {
cmd.createArg().setValue("-J-Dhttps.proxyHost=" + httpProxy.getHost());
cmd.createArg().setValue("-J-Dhttps.proxyPort=" + httpProxy.getPort());
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(httpProxy.getNonProxyHosts())) {
+ httpProxy.getNonProxyHosts().replace("|", "^|") + "\"");
// We bravely ignore FTP because no one (probably) uses FTP for Javadoc
* Get the path of the Javadoc tool executable depending the user entry or try to find it depending the OS
* or the java.home system property or the JAVA_HOME environment variable.
* @return the path of the Javadoc tool
* @throws IOException if not found
private String getJavadocExecutable() throws IOException {
Toolchain tc = getToolchain();
if (tc != null) {
getLog().info("Toolchain in maven-javadoc-plugin: " + tc);
if (javadocExecutable != null) {
getLog().warn("Toolchains are ignored, 'javadocExecutable' parameter is set to " + javadocExecutable);
} else {
javadocExecutable = tc.findTool("javadoc");
String javadocCommand = "javadoc" + (SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS ? ".exe" : "");
File javadocExe;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The javadoc executable is defined by the user
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if (javadocExecutable != null && !javadocExecutable.isEmpty()) {
javadocExe = new File(javadocExecutable);
if (javadocExe.isDirectory()) {
javadocExe = new File(javadocExe, javadocCommand);
if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS && javadocExe.getName().indexOf('.') < 0) {
javadocExe = new File(javadocExe.getPath() + ".exe");
if (!javadocExe.isFile()) {
throw new IOException("The javadoc executable '" + javadocExe
+ "' doesn't exist or is not a file. Verify the parameter.");
return javadocExe.getAbsolutePath();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Try to find javadocExe from System.getProperty( "java.home" )
// "java.home" is the "Installation directory for Java Runtime
// Environment (JRE)" used to run this code. I.e. it is the parent of
// the directory containing the `java` command used to start this
// application. It does not necessarily have any relation to the
// environment variable JAVA_HOME.
// In Java 8 and below the JRE is separate from the JDK. When
// installing the JDK to my-dir/ the javadoc command is installed in
// my-dir/bin/javadoc, the JRE is installed to my-dir/jre, and hence
// the java command is installed to my-dir/jre/bin/java. In this
// configuration "java.home" is mydir/jre/, threfore the relative path
// to the javadoc command is ../bin/javadoc.
// In Java 9 and above the JRE is no longer in a subdirectory of the
// JDK, i.e. the JRE and the JDK are merged. In this case the java
// command is installed to my-dir/bin/java along side the javadoc
// command. So the relative path from "java.home" to the javadoc
// command is bin/javadoc.
// References
// "System Properties" in "The Java Tutorials"
// "Changes to the Installed JDK/JRE Image" in "JDK 9 Migration Guide"
// "JEP 220: Modular Run-Time Images"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// For IBM's JDK 1.2
// CHECKSTYLE_ON: LineLength
if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_AIX) {
javadocExe =
new File(SystemUtils.getJavaHome() + File.separator + ".." + File.separator + "sh", javadocCommand);
// For Apple's JDK 1.6.x (and older?) on Mac OSX
// CHECKSTYLE_OFF: MagicNumber
else if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_MAC_OSX && !JavaVersion.JAVA_SPECIFICATION_VERSION.isAtLeast("1.7"))
// CHECKSTYLE_ON: MagicNumber
javadocExe = new File(SystemUtils.getJavaHome() + File.separator + "bin", javadocCommand);
} else if (isJavaVersionAtLeast(org.apache.commons.lang3.JavaVersion.JAVA_9)) {
javadocExe = new File(SystemUtils.getJavaHome() + File.separator + "bin", javadocCommand);
} else {
// Java <= 8
javadocExe = new File(
SystemUtils.getJavaHome() + File.separator + ".." + File.separator + "bin", javadocCommand);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Try to find javadocExe from JAVA_HOME environment variable
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if (!javadocExe.exists() || !javadocExe.isFile()) {
Properties env = CommandLineUtils.getSystemEnvVars();
String javaHome = env.getProperty("JAVA_HOME");
if (javaHome == null || javaHome.isEmpty()) {
throw new IOException("The environment variable JAVA_HOME is not correctly set.");
if ((!new File(javaHome).getCanonicalFile().exists())
|| (new File(javaHome).getCanonicalFile().isFile())) {
throw new IOException("The environment variable JAVA_HOME=" + javaHome
+ " doesn't exist or is not a valid directory.");
javadocExe = new File(javaHome + File.separator + "bin", javadocCommand);
if (!javadocExe.getCanonicalFile().exists()
|| !javadocExe.getCanonicalFile().isFile()) {
throw new IOException("The javadoc executable '" + javadocExe
+ "' doesn't exist or is not a file. Verify the JAVA_HOME environment variable.");
return javadocExe.getAbsolutePath();
* Set a new value for javadocRuntimeVersion
* @param jExecutable not null
* @throws MavenReportException if not found
* @see JavadocUtil#getJavadocVersion(File)
private void setFJavadocVersion(File jExecutable) throws MavenReportException {
JavaVersion jVersion;
try {
jVersion = JavadocUtil.getJavadocVersion(jExecutable);
} catch (IOException | CommandLineException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
if (getLog().isWarnEnabled()) {
getLog().warn("Unable to find the javadoc version: " + e.getMessage());
getLog().warn("Using the Java version instead of, i.e. " + JAVA_VERSION);
jVersion = JAVA_VERSION;
if (javadocVersion != null && !javadocVersion.isEmpty()) {
try {
javadocRuntimeVersion = JavaVersion.parse(javadocVersion);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new MavenReportException("Unable to parse javadoc version: " + e.getMessage(), e);
if (javadocRuntimeVersion.compareTo(jVersion) != 0 && getLog().isWarnEnabled()) {
getLog().warn("Are you sure about the parameter? It seems to be " + jVersion);
} else {
javadocRuntimeVersion = jVersion;
* Is the Javadoc version at least the requested version.
* @param requiredVersion the required version, for example 1.5f
* @return true if the javadoc version is equal or greater than the
* required version
private boolean isJavaDocVersionAtLeast(JavaVersion requiredVersion) {
return JAVA_VERSION.compareTo(requiredVersion) >= 0;
* Convenience method to add an argument to the command line
* conditionally based on the given flag.
* @param arguments a list of arguments, not null
* @param b the flag which controls if the argument is added or not.
* @param value the argument value to be added.
private void addArgIf(List arguments, boolean b, String value) {
if (b) {
* Convenience method to add an argument to the command line
* regarding the requested Java version.
* @param arguments a list of arguments, not null
* @param b the flag which controls if the argument is added or not.
* @param value the argument value to be added.
* @param requiredJavaVersion the required Java version, for example 1.31f or 1.4f
* @see #addArgIf(List, boolean, String)
* @see #isJavaDocVersionAtLeast(JavaVersion)
private void addArgIf(List arguments, boolean b, String value, JavaVersion requiredJavaVersion) {
if (b) {
if (isJavaDocVersionAtLeast(requiredJavaVersion)) {
addArgIf(arguments, true, value);
} else {
if (getLog().isWarnEnabled()) {
getLog().warn(value + " option is not supported on Java version < " + requiredJavaVersion
+ ". Ignore this option.");
* Convenience method to add an argument to the command line
* if the the value is not null or empty.
* Moreover, the value could be comma separated.
* @param arguments a list of arguments, not null
* @param key the argument name.
* @param value the argument value to be added.
* @see #addArgIfNotEmpty(List, String, String, boolean)
private void addArgIfNotEmpty(List arguments, String key, String value) {
addArgIfNotEmpty(arguments, key, value, false);
* Convenience method to add an argument to the command line
* if the the value is not null or empty.
* Moreover, the value could be comma separated.
* @param arguments a list of arguments, not null
* @param key the argument name.
* @param value the argument value to be added.
* @param repeatKey repeat or not the key in the command line
* @param splitValue if true given value will be tokenized by comma
* @param requiredJavaVersion the required Java version, for example 1.31f or 1.4f
* @see #addArgIfNotEmpty(List, String, String, boolean, boolean)
* @see #isJavaDocVersionAtLeast(JavaVersion)
private void addArgIfNotEmpty(
List arguments,
String key,
String value,
boolean repeatKey,
boolean splitValue,
JavaVersion requiredJavaVersion) {
if (value != null && !value.isEmpty()) {
if (isJavaDocVersionAtLeast(requiredJavaVersion)) {
addArgIfNotEmpty(arguments, key, value, repeatKey, splitValue);
} else {
if (getLog().isWarnEnabled()) {
getLog().warn(key + " option is not supported on Java version < " + requiredJavaVersion
+ ". Ignore this option.");
* Convenience method to add an argument to the command line
* if the the value is not null or empty.
* Moreover, the value could be comma separated.
* @param arguments a list of arguments, not null
* @param key the argument name.
* @param value the argument value to be added.
* @param repeatKey repeat or not the key in the command line
* @param splitValue if true given value will be tokenized by comma
private void addArgIfNotEmpty(
List arguments, String key, String value, boolean repeatKey, boolean splitValue) {
if (value != null && !value.isEmpty()) {
if (key != null && !key.isEmpty()) {
if (splitValue) {
StringTokenizer token = new StringTokenizer(value, ",");
while (token.hasMoreTokens()) {
String current = token.nextToken().trim();
if (current != null && !current.isEmpty()) {
if (token.hasMoreTokens() && repeatKey) {
} else {
* Convenience method to add an argument to the command line
* if the the value is not null or empty.
* Moreover, the value could be comma separated.
* @param arguments a list of arguments, not null
* @param key the argument name.
* @param value the argument value to be added.
* @param repeatKey repeat or not the key in the command line
private void addArgIfNotEmpty(List arguments, String key, String value, boolean repeatKey) {
addArgIfNotEmpty(arguments, key, value, repeatKey, true);
* Convenience method to add an argument to the command line
* regarding the requested Java version.
* @param arguments a list of arguments, not null
* @param key the argument name.
* @param value the argument value to be added.
* @param requiredJavaVersion the required Java version, for example 1.31f or 1.4f
* @see #addArgIfNotEmpty(List, String, String, JavaVersion, boolean)
private void addArgIfNotEmpty(List arguments, String key, String value, JavaVersion requiredJavaVersion) {
addArgIfNotEmpty(arguments, key, value, requiredJavaVersion, false);
* Convenience method to add an argument to the command line
* regarding the requested Java version.
* @param arguments a list of arguments, not null
* @param key the argument name.
* @param value the argument value to be added.
* @param requiredJavaVersion the required Java version, for example 1.31f or 1.4f
* @param repeatKey repeat or not the key in the command line
* @see #addArgIfNotEmpty(List, String, String)
* @see #isJavaDocVersionAtLeast
private void addArgIfNotEmpty(
List arguments, String key, String value, JavaVersion requiredJavaVersion, boolean repeatKey) {
if (value != null && !value.isEmpty()) {
if (isJavaDocVersionAtLeast(requiredJavaVersion)) {
addArgIfNotEmpty(arguments, key, value, repeatKey);
} else {
if (getLog().isWarnEnabled()) {
getLog().warn(key + " option is not supported on Java version < " + requiredJavaVersion);
* Convenience method to process {@code offlineLinks} values as individual -linkoffline
* javadoc options.
* If {@code detectOfflineLinks}, try to add javadoc apidocs according Maven conventions for all modules given
* in the project.
* @param arguments a list of arguments, not null
* @throws MavenReportException if any
* @see #offlineLinks
* @see #getModulesLinks()
* @see package-list spec
private void addLinkofflineArguments(List arguments, Set offlineLinksList)
throws MavenReportException {
for (OfflineLink offlineLink : offlineLinksList) {
String url = offlineLink.getUrl();
if (url == null || url.isEmpty()) {
url = cleanUrl(url);
String location = offlineLink.getLocation();
if (location == null || location.isEmpty()) {
if (isValidJavadocLink(location, false)) {
JavadocUtil.quotedPathArgument(url) + " " + JavadocUtil.quotedPathArgument(location),
private Set getOfflineLinks() throws MavenReportException {
Set offlineLinksList = collectOfflineLinks();
return offlineLinksList;
* Convenience method to process {@link #links} values as individual -link javadoc options.
* If {@code detectLinks}, try to add javadoc apidocs according Maven conventions for all dependencies given
* in the project.
* According the Javadoc documentation, all defined links should have ${link}/package-list fetchable.
* Note: when a link is not fetchable:
Javadoc 1.4 and less throw an exception
Javadoc 1.5 and more display a warning
* @param arguments a list of arguments, not null
* @throws MavenReportException issue while generating report
* @see #detectLinks
* @see #getDependenciesLinks()
* @see link option
private void addLinkArguments(List arguments) throws MavenReportException {
Set links = collectLinks();
for (String link : links) {
if (link == null || link.isEmpty()) {
if ((settings.isOffline() || offline) && !link.startsWith("file:")) {
while (link.endsWith("/")) {
link = link.substring(0, link.lastIndexOf("/"));
addArgIfNotEmpty(arguments, "-link", JavadocUtil.quotedPathArgument(link), true, false);
* Copy all resources to the output directory.
* @param javadocOutputDirectory not null
* @throws MavenReportException if any
* @see #copyDefaultStylesheet(File)
* @see #copyJavadocResources(File)
* @see #copyAdditionalJavadocResources(File)
private void copyAllResources(File javadocOutputDirectory) throws MavenReportException {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copy javadoc resources
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if (docfilessubdirs) {
* Workaround since -docfilessubdirs doesn't seem to be used correctly by the javadoc tool
* (see other note about -sourcepath). Take care of the -excludedocfilessubdir option.
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MavenReportException("Unable to copy javadoc resources: " + e.getMessage(), e);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copy additional javadoc resources in artifacts
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Method that copy all doc-files directories from javadocDirectory of
* the current project or of the projects in the reactor to the outputDirectory.
* @param anOutputDirectory the output directory
* @throws if any
* @see Reference
* Guide, Copies new "doc-files" directory for holding images and examples
* @see #docfilessubdirs
private void copyJavadocResources(File anOutputDirectory) throws IOException {
if (anOutputDirectory == null || !anOutputDirectory.exists()) {
throw new IOException("The outputDirectory " + anOutputDirectory + " doesn't exists.");
if (includeDependencySources) {
if (isNotEmpty(dependencyJavadocBundles)) {
for (JavadocBundle bundle : dependencyJavadocBundles) {
File dir = bundle.getResourcesDirectory();
JavadocOptions options = bundle.getOptions();
if (dir != null && dir.isDirectory()) {
anOutputDirectory, dir, options == null ? null : options.getExcludedDocfilesSubdirs());
if (getJavadocDirectory() != null) {
JavadocUtil.copyJavadocResources(anOutputDirectory, getJavadocDirectory(), excludedocfilessubdir);
if (isAggregator()) {
for (MavenProject subProject : getAggregatedProjects()) {
if (subProject != project && getJavadocDirectory() != null) {
String javadocDirRelative = PathUtils.toRelative(
project.getBasedir(), getJavadocDirectory().getAbsolutePath());
File javadocDir = new File(subProject.getBasedir(), javadocDirRelative);
JavadocUtil.copyJavadocResources(anOutputDirectory, javadocDir, excludedocfilessubdir);
private synchronized void resolveDependencyBundles() throws IOException {
if (dependencyJavadocBundles == null) {
dependencyJavadocBundles =
if (dependencyJavadocBundles == null) {
dependencyJavadocBundles = new ArrayList<>();
* Method that copy additional Javadoc resources from given artifacts.
* @param anOutputDirectory the output directory
* @throws MavenReportException if any
* @see #resourcesArtifacts
private void copyAdditionalJavadocResources(File anOutputDirectory) throws MavenReportException {
Set resourcesArtifacts = collectResourcesArtifacts();
if (isEmpty(resourcesArtifacts)) {
UnArchiver unArchiver;
try {
unArchiver = archiverManager.getUnArchiver("jar");
} catch (NoSuchArchiverException e) {
throw new MavenReportException(
"Unable to extract resources artifact. " + "No archiver for 'jar' available.", e);
for (ResourcesArtifact item : resourcesArtifacts) {
Artifact artifact;
try {
artifact = createAndResolveArtifact(item);
} catch (ArtifactResolutionException e) {
throw new MavenReportException("Unable to resolve artifact:" + item, e);
// remove the META-INF directory from resource artifact
IncludeExcludeFileSelector[] selectors =
new IncludeExcludeFileSelector[] {new IncludeExcludeFileSelector()};
selectors[0].setExcludes(new String[] {"META-INF/**"});
getLog().info("Extracting contents of resources artifact: " + artifact.getArtifactId());
try {
} catch (ArchiverException e) {
throw new MavenReportException(
"Extraction of resources failed. Artifact that failed was: " + artifact.getArtifactId(), e);
* @param sourcePaths could be null
* @return the list of package names for files in the sourcePaths
private List getPackageNames(Map> sourcePaths) {
List returnList = new ArrayList<>();
if (!(sourcepath == null || sourcepath.isEmpty())) {
return returnList;
for (Entry> currentPathEntry : sourcePaths.entrySet()) {
for (String currentFile : currentPathEntry.getValue()) {
* Remove the miscellaneous files
if (currentFile.contains("doc-files")) {
int lastIndexOfSeparator = currentFile.lastIndexOf("/");
if (lastIndexOfSeparator != -1) {
String packagename =
currentFile.substring(0, lastIndexOfSeparator).replace('/', '.');
if (!returnList.contains(packagename)) {
return returnList;
* @param javadocModules not null
* @return a list of exported package names for files in allSourcePaths
* @throws MavenReportException if any
* @see #getFiles
* @see #getSourcePaths()
private Collection getPackageNamesRespectingJavaModules(Collection javadocModules)
throws MavenReportException {
if (!(sourcepath == null || sourcepath.isEmpty())) {
return Collections.emptyList();
Set returnList = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (JavadocModule javadocModule : javadocModules) {
Collection artifactSourcePaths = javadocModule.getSourcePaths();
Set exportedPackages = new HashSet<>();
boolean exportAllPackages;
ResolvePathResult resolvedPath = getResolvePathResult(javadocModule.getArtifactFile());
if (resolvedPath != null && resolvedPath.getModuleNameSource() == ModuleNameSource.MODULEDESCRIPTOR) {
Set exports =
if (exports.isEmpty()) {
for (JavaModuleDescriptor.JavaExports export : exports) {
exportAllPackages = false;
} else {
exportAllPackages = true;
for (Map.Entry> currentPathEntry :
getFiles(artifactSourcePaths).entrySet()) {
for (String currentFile : currentPathEntry.getValue()) {
* Remove the miscellaneous files
if (currentFile.contains("doc-files")) {
int lastIndexOfSeparator = currentFile.lastIndexOf('/');
if (lastIndexOfSeparator != -1) {
String packagename =
currentFile.substring(0, lastIndexOfSeparator).replace('/', '.');
if (exportAllPackages || exportedPackages.contains(packagename)) {
return returnList;
* @param sourcePaths could be null
* @return a list files with unnamed package names for files in the sourcePaths
private List getFilesWithUnnamedPackages(Map> sourcePaths) {
List returnList = new ArrayList<>();
if (!(sourcepath == null || sourcepath.isEmpty())) {
return returnList;
for (Entry> currentPathEntry : sourcePaths.entrySet()) {
Path currentSourcePath = currentPathEntry.getKey();
for (String currentFile : currentPathEntry.getValue()) {
* Remove the miscellaneous files
if (currentFile.contains("doc-files")) {
if (currentFile.indexOf('/') == -1) {
return returnList;
* Either return only the module descriptor or all sourcefiles per sourcepath
* @param sourcePaths could be null
* @return a list of files
private List getSpecialFiles(Map> sourcePaths) {
if (!(sourcepath == null || sourcepath.isEmpty())) {
return new ArrayList<>();
boolean containsModuleDescriptor = false;
for (Collection sourcepathFiles : sourcePaths.values()) {
containsModuleDescriptor = sourcepathFiles.contains("");
if (containsModuleDescriptor) {
if (containsModuleDescriptor) {
return getModuleSourcePathFiles(sourcePaths);
} else {
return getFilesWithUnnamedPackages(sourcePaths);
private List getModuleSourcePathFiles(Map> sourcePaths) {
List returnList = new ArrayList<>();
for (Entry> currentPathEntry : sourcePaths.entrySet()) {
Path currentSourcePath = currentPathEntry.getKey();
if (currentPathEntry.getValue().contains("")) {
} else {
for (String currentFile : currentPathEntry.getValue()) {
* Remove the miscellaneous files
if (currentFile.contains("doc-files")) {
return returnList;
* Generate an options file for all options and arguments and add the @options in the
* command line.
* @param cmd not null
* @param arguments not null
* @param javadocOutputDirectory not null
* @throws MavenReportException if any
* @see
* Reference Guide, Command line argument files
private void addCommandLineOptions(Commandline cmd, List arguments, File javadocOutputDirectory)
throws MavenReportException {
File optionsFile = new File(javadocOutputDirectory, OPTIONS_FILE_NAME);
StringBuilder options = new StringBuilder();
options.append(StringUtils.join(arguments.iterator(), SystemUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR));
Charset outputFileEncoding;
if (JAVA_VERSION.isAtLeast("9") && JAVA_VERSION.isBefore("12")) {
outputFileEncoding = StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
} else {
outputFileEncoding = Charset.defaultCharset();
try {
Files.write(optionsFile.toPath(), Collections.singleton(options), outputFileEncoding);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MavenReportException(
"Unable to write '" + optionsFile.getName() + "' temporary file for command execution", e);
cmd.createArg().setValue("@" + OPTIONS_FILE_NAME);
* Generate a file called argfile (or files, depending the JDK) to hold files and add
* the @argfile (or @file, depending the JDK) in the command line.
* @param cmd not null
* @param javadocOutputDirectory not null
* @param files not null
* @throws MavenReportException if any
* @see
* Reference Guide, Command line argument files
* @see
* What s New in Javadoc 1.4
* @see #isJavaDocVersionAtLeast(JavaVersion)
private void addCommandLineArgFile(Commandline cmd, File javadocOutputDirectory, List files)
throws MavenReportException {
File argfileFile;
if (JAVA_VERSION.compareTo(SINCE_JAVADOC_1_4) >= 0) {
argfileFile = new File(javadocOutputDirectory, ARGFILE_FILE_NAME);
cmd.createArg().setValue("@" + ARGFILE_FILE_NAME);
} else {
argfileFile = new File(javadocOutputDirectory, FILES_FILE_NAME);
cmd.createArg().setValue("@" + FILES_FILE_NAME);
List quotedFiles = new ArrayList<>(files.size());
for (String file : files) {
Charset cs;
if (JavaVersion.JAVA_SPECIFICATION_VERSION.isAtLeast("9")
&& JavaVersion.JAVA_SPECIFICATION_VERSION.isBefore("12")) {
cs = StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
} else {
cs = Charset.defaultCharset();
try {
Files.write(argfileFile.toPath(), quotedFiles, cs);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MavenReportException(
"Unable to write '" + argfileFile.getName() + "' temporary file for command execution", e);
* Generate a file called packages to hold all package names and add the @packages in
* the command line.
* @param cmd not null
* @param javadocOutputDirectory not null
* @param packageNames not null
* @throws MavenReportException if any
* @see
* Reference Guide, Command line argument files
private void addCommandLinePackages(Commandline cmd, File javadocOutputDirectory, Collection packageNames)
throws MavenReportException {
File packagesFile = new File(javadocOutputDirectory, PACKAGES_FILE_NAME);
try {
null /* platform encoding */,
StringUtils.join(packageNames.iterator(), SystemUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MavenReportException(
"Unable to write '" + packagesFile.getName() + "' temporary file for command execution", e);
cmd.createArg().setValue("@" + PACKAGES_FILE_NAME);
* Checks for the validity of the Javadoc options used by the user.
* @throws MavenReportException if error
private void validateJavadocOptions() throws MavenReportException {
// encoding
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(getEncoding()) && !JavadocUtil.validateEncoding(getEncoding())) {
throw new MavenReportException("Unsupported option '" + getEncoding() + "'");
// locale
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(this.locale)) {
this.locale = siteTool.getSiteLocales(locale).get(0).toString();
* Checks for the validity of the Standard Doclet options.
* For example, throw an exception if <nohelp/> and <helpfile/> options are used together.
* @throws MavenReportException if error or conflict found
private void validateStandardDocletOptions() throws MavenReportException {
// docencoding
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(getDocencoding()) && !JavadocUtil.validateEncoding(getDocencoding())) {
throw new MavenReportException("Unsupported option '" + getDocencoding() + "'");
// charset
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(getCharset()) && !JavadocUtil.validateEncoding(getCharset())) {
throw new MavenReportException("Unsupported option '" + getCharset() + "'");
// helpfile
if ((helpfile != null && !helpfile.isEmpty()) && nohelp) {
throw new MavenReportException("Option conflicts with ");
// overview
if (getOverview() != null && getOverview().exists() && nooverview) {
throw new MavenReportException("Option conflicts with ");
// index
if (splitindex && noindex) {
throw new MavenReportException("Option conflicts with ");
// stylesheet
if ((stylesheet != null && !stylesheet.isEmpty())
&& !(stylesheet.equalsIgnoreCase("maven") || stylesheet.equalsIgnoreCase("java"))) {
throw new MavenReportException("Option supports only \"maven\" or \"java\" value.");
* Add Standard Javadoc Options.
* The package documentation details the
* Standard Javadoc Options wrapped by this Plugin.
* @param javadocOutputDirectory not null
* @param arguments not null
* @param allSourcePaths not null
* @throws MavenReportException if any
* @see
private void addJavadocOptions(
File javadocOutputDirectory,
List arguments,
Collection allSourcePaths,
Set offlineLinks)
throws MavenReportException {
Collection sourcePaths =
.flatMap(e -> e.getSourcePaths().stream())
// see argv[])
addArgIfNotEmpty(arguments, "-locale", JavadocUtil.quotedArgument(this.locale));
// all options in alphabetical order
if (old && isJavaDocVersionAtLeast(SINCE_JAVADOC_1_4)) {
if (getLog().isWarnEnabled()) {
getLog().warn("Javadoc 1.4+ doesn't support the -1.1 switch anymore. Ignore this option.");
} else {
addArgIf(arguments, old, "-1.1");
addArgIfNotEmpty(arguments, "-bootclasspath", JavadocUtil.quotedPathArgument(getBootclassPath()));
if (isJavaDocVersionAtLeast(SINCE_JAVADOC_1_5)) {
addArgIf(arguments, breakiterator, "-breakiterator", SINCE_JAVADOC_1_5);
List aggregatedProjects = reactorProjects; // getAggregatedProjects();
Map reactorKeys = new HashMap<>(aggregatedProjects.size());
for (MavenProject reactorProject : aggregatedProjects) {
reactorProject.getGroupId(), reactorProject.getArtifactId(), reactorProject.getVersion()),
Map allModuleDescriptors = new HashMap<>();
// do not support the module path in legacy mode
boolean supportModulePath = !legacyMode;
if (supportModulePath) {
supportModulePath &= javadocRuntimeVersion.isAtLeast("9");
if (release != null) {
supportModulePath &= JavaVersion.parse(release).isAtLeast("9");
} else if (source != null) {
supportModulePath &= JavaVersion.parse(source).isAtLeast("9");
if (supportModulePath) {
for (JavadocModule entry : allSourcePaths) {
if (entry.getModuleNameSource() == null || entry.getModuleNameSource() == ModuleNameSource.FILENAME) {
Path moduleDescriptor = findMainDescriptor(entry.getSourcePaths());
if (moduleDescriptor != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MavenReportException(e.getMessage(), e);
} else {
allModuleDescriptors.put(entry.getGav(), entry.getModuleDescriptor());
Collection additionalModules = new ArrayList<>();
ResolvePathResult mainResolvePathResult = null;
Map> patchModules = new HashMap<>();
Path moduleSourceDir = null;
if (supportModulePath && !allModuleDescriptors.isEmpty()) {
Collection unnamedProjects = new ArrayList<>();
for (JavadocModule javadocModule : allSourcePaths) {
MavenProject aggregatedProject = reactorKeys.get(javadocModule.getGav());
if (aggregatedProject != null && !"pom".equals(aggregatedProject.getPackaging())) {
ResolvePathResult result = null;
// Prefer jar over outputDirectory, since it may may contain an automatic module name
File artifactFile = getClassesFile(aggregatedProject);
if (artifactFile != null) {
ResolvePathRequest request = ResolvePathRequest.ofFile(artifactFile);
try {
result = locationManager.resolvePath(request);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
// most likely an invalid module name based on filename
if (!"java.lang.module.FindException"
.equals(e.getClass().getName())) {
throw e;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MavenReportException(e.getMessage(), e);
} else {
Path moduleDescriptor = findMainDescriptor(javadocModule.getSourcePaths());
if (moduleDescriptor != null) {
try {
result = locationManager.parseModuleDescriptor(moduleDescriptor);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MavenReportException(e.getMessage(), e);
if (result != null && result.getModuleDescriptor() != null) {
moduleSourceDir = javadocOutputDirectory.toPath().resolve("src");
try {
moduleSourceDir = Files.createDirectories(moduleSourceDir);
patchModules.put(result.getModuleDescriptor().name(), javadocModule.getSourcePaths());
Path modulePath = moduleSourceDir.resolve(
if (!Files.isDirectory(modulePath)) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MavenReportException(e.getMessage(), e);
} else {
if (aggregatedProject.equals(getProject())) {
mainResolvePathResult = result;
} else {
// todo
getLog().error("no reactor project: " + javadocModule.getGav());
if (!unnamedProjects.isEmpty()) {
getLog().error("Creating an aggregated report for both named and unnamed modules is not possible.");
getLog().error("Ensure that every module has a module descriptor or is a jar with a MANIFEST.MF "
+ "containing an Automatic-Module-Name.");
getLog().error("Fix the following projects:");
for (String unnamedProject : unnamedProjects) {
getLog().error(" - " + unnamedProject);
throw new MavenReportException("Aggregator report contains named and unnamed modules");
if (mainResolvePathResult != null
&& ModuleNameSource.MANIFEST.equals(mainResolvePathResult.getModuleNameSource())) {
boolean moduleDescriptorSource = false;
for (Path sourcepath : sourcePaths) {
if (Files.isRegularFile(sourcepath.resolve(""))) {
moduleDescriptorSource = true;
final ModuleNameSource mainModuleNameSource;
if (mainResolvePathResult != null) {
mainModuleNameSource = mainResolvePathResult.getModuleNameSource();
} else {
mainModuleNameSource = null;
if (supportModulePath
&& (isAggregator()
|| ModuleNameSource.MODULEDESCRIPTOR.equals(mainModuleNameSource)
|| ModuleNameSource.MANIFEST.equals(mainModuleNameSource))) {
List pathElements = new ArrayList<>(getPathElements());
File artifactFile = getClassesFile(project);
if (artifactFile != null) {
pathElements.add(0, artifactFile);
ResolvePathsRequest request = ResolvePathsRequest.ofFiles(pathElements);
String mainModuleName = null;
if (mainResolvePathResult != null) {
mainModuleName = mainResolvePathResult.getModuleDescriptor().name();
try {
ResolvePathsResult result = locationManager.resolvePaths(request);
Set modulePathElements =
new HashSet<>(result.getModulepathElements().keySet());
Collection classPathElements =
new ArrayList<>(result.getClasspathElements().size());
for (File file : result.getClasspathElements()) {
if (file.isDirectory() && new File(file, "module-info.class").exists()) {
} else if (ModuleNameSource.MANIFEST.equals(mainModuleNameSource)) {
ModuleNameSource depModuleNameSource = locationManager
if (ModuleNameSource.MODULEDESCRIPTOR.equals(depModuleNameSource)) {
} else {
} else {
/* MJAVADOC-620: also add all JARs where module-name-guessing leads to a FindException: */
for (Entry pathExceptionEntry :
result.getPathExceptions().entrySet()) {
Exception exception = pathExceptionEntry.getValue();
// For Java < 9 compatibility, reference FindException by name:
if ("java.lang.module.FindException"
.equals(exception.getClass().getName())) {
File jarPath = pathExceptionEntry.getKey();
String classpath = StringUtils.join(classPathElements.iterator(), File.pathSeparator);
addArgIfNotEmpty(arguments, "--class-path", JavadocUtil.quotedPathArgument(classpath), false, false);
String modulepath = StringUtils.join(modulePathElements.iterator(), File.pathSeparator);
addArgIfNotEmpty(arguments, "--module-path", JavadocUtil.quotedPathArgument(modulepath), false, false);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MavenReportException(e.getMessage(), e);
} else if (supportModulePath && moduleDescriptorSource && !isTest()) {
String modulepath = StringUtils.join(getPathElements().iterator(), File.pathSeparator);
addArgIfNotEmpty(arguments, "--module-path", JavadocUtil.quotedPathArgument(modulepath), false, false);
} else {
String classpath = StringUtils.join(getPathElements().iterator(), File.pathSeparator);
addArgIfNotEmpty(arguments, "-classpath", JavadocUtil.quotedPathArgument(classpath), false, false);
for (Entry> entry : patchModules.entrySet()) {
if (!entry.getValue().isEmpty()) {
entry.getKey() + '=' + JavadocUtil.quotedPathArgument(getSourcePath(entry.getValue())),
if (doclet != null && !doclet.isEmpty()) {
addArgIfNotEmpty(arguments, "-doclet", JavadocUtil.quotedArgument(doclet));
addArgIfNotEmpty(arguments, "-docletpath", JavadocUtil.quotedPathArgument(getDocletPath()));
if (encoding == null || encoding.isEmpty()) {
getLog().warn("Source files encoding has not been set, using platform encoding "
+ Charset.defaultCharset().name() + ", i.e. build is platform dependent!");
addArgIfNotEmpty(arguments, "-encoding", JavadocUtil.quotedArgument(getEncoding()));
arguments, "-extdirs", JavadocUtil.quotedPathArgument(JavadocUtil.unifyPathSeparator(extdirs)));
if ((getOverview() != null) && (getOverview().exists())) {
if (isJavaDocVersionAtLeast(SINCE_JAVADOC_1_5)) {
addArgIf(arguments, quiet, "-quiet", SINCE_JAVADOC_1_5);
if (javadocRuntimeVersion.isAtLeast("9") && release != null) {
} else {
addArgIfNotEmpty(arguments, "-source", JavadocUtil.quotedArgument(source), SINCE_JAVADOC_1_4);
if ((sourcepath == null || sourcepath.isEmpty()) && (subpackages != null && !subpackages.isEmpty())) {
sourcepath = StringUtils.join(sourcePaths.iterator(), File.pathSeparator);
if (moduleSourceDir == null) {
if (!disableSourcepathUsage) {
} else if (mainResolvePathResult == null
|| ModuleNameSource.MODULEDESCRIPTOR.equals(mainResolvePathResult.getModuleNameSource())) {
arguments, "--module-source-path", JavadocUtil.quotedPathArgument(moduleSourceDir.toString()));
if ((sourcepath != null && !sourcepath.isEmpty()) && isJavaDocVersionAtLeast(SINCE_JAVADOC_1_5)) {
addArgIfNotEmpty(arguments, "-subpackages", subpackages, SINCE_JAVADOC_1_5);
// [MJAVADOC-497] must be after sourcepath is recalculated, since getExcludedPackages() depends on it
addArgIfNotEmpty(arguments, "-exclude", getExcludedPackages(sourcePaths), SINCE_JAVADOC_1_4);
addArgIf(arguments, verbose, "-verbose");
if (additionalOptions != null) {
for (String additionalOption : additionalOptions) {
arguments.add(additionalOption.replaceAll("(? resolvePathRequest = ResolvePathRequest.ofFile(artifactFile);
try {
resolvePathResult = locationManager.resolvePath(resolvePathRequest);
// happens when artifactFile is a directory without module descriptor
if (resolvePathResult.getModuleDescriptor() == null) {
return null;
} catch (IOException | RuntimeException /* e.g java.lang.module.FindException */ e) {
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
Throwable cause = e;
while (cause.getCause() != null) {
cause = cause.getCause();
getLog().debug("resolve path for: " + artifactFile + " cause error: " + cause);
return resolvePathResult;
private Path findMainDescriptor(Collection roots) throws MavenReportException {
for (Map.Entry> entry : getFiles(roots).entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().contains("")) {
return entry.getKey().resolve("");
return null;
* Add Standard Doclet Options.
* The package documentation details the
* Standard Doclet Options wrapped by this Plugin.
* @param javadocOutputDirectory not null
* @param arguments not null
* @throws MavenReportException if any
* @see
private void addStandardDocletOptions(
File javadocOutputDirectory, List arguments, Set offlineLinks)
throws MavenReportException {
// all options in alphabetical order
addArgIf(arguments, author, "-author");
addArgIfNotEmpty(arguments, "-bottom", JavadocUtil.quotedArgument(getBottomText()), false, false);
if (!isJavaDocVersionAtLeast(SINCE_JAVADOC_1_5)) {
addArgIf(arguments, breakiterator, "-breakiterator", SINCE_JAVADOC_1_4);
addArgIfNotEmpty(arguments, "-charset", JavadocUtil.quotedArgument(getCharset()));
addArgIfNotEmpty(arguments, "-d", JavadocUtil.quotedPathArgument(javadocOutputDirectory.toString()));
addArgIfNotEmpty(arguments, "-docencoding", JavadocUtil.quotedArgument(getDocencoding()));
addArgIf(arguments, docfilessubdirs, "-docfilessubdirs", SINCE_JAVADOC_1_4);
addArgIf(arguments, (doclint != null && !doclint.isEmpty()), "-Xdoclint:" + getDoclint(), SINCE_JAVADOC_1_8);
addArgIfNotEmpty(arguments, "-doctitle", JavadocUtil.quotedArgument(getDoctitle()), false, false);
if (docfilessubdirs) {
addArgIfNotEmpty(arguments, "-footer", JavadocUtil.quotedArgument(footer), false, false);
addArgIfNotEmpty(arguments, "-header", JavadocUtil.quotedArgument(header), false, false);
Optional helpFile = getHelpFile(javadocOutputDirectory);
if (helpFile.isPresent()) {
addArgIf(arguments, keywords, "-keywords", SINCE_JAVADOC_1_4_2);
addLinkofflineArguments(arguments, offlineLinks);
addArgIf(arguments, linksource, "-linksource", SINCE_JAVADOC_1_4);
if (sourcetab > 0) {
if (javadocRuntimeVersion == SINCE_JAVADOC_1_4_2) {
addArgIfNotEmpty(arguments, "-linksourcetab", String.valueOf(sourcetab));
addArgIfNotEmpty(arguments, "-sourcetab", String.valueOf(sourcetab), SINCE_JAVADOC_1_5);
addArgIf(arguments, nocomment, "-nocomment", SINCE_JAVADOC_1_4);
addArgIf(arguments, nodeprecated, "-nodeprecated");
addArgIf(arguments, nodeprecatedlist, "-nodeprecatedlist");
addArgIf(arguments, nohelp, "-nohelp");
addArgIf(arguments, noindex, "-noindex");
addArgIf(arguments, nonavbar, "-nonavbar");
addArgIf(arguments, nooverview, "-nooverview");
addArgIfNotEmpty(arguments, "-noqualifier", JavadocUtil.quotedArgument(noqualifier), SINCE_JAVADOC_1_4);
addArgIf(arguments, nosince, "-nosince");
if (!notimestamp
&& MavenArchiver.parseBuildOutputTimestamp(outputTimestamp).isPresent()) {
// Override the notimestamp option if a Reproducible Build is requested.
notimestamp = true;
addArgIf(arguments, notimestamp, "-notimestamp", SINCE_JAVADOC_1_5);
addArgIf(arguments, notree, "-notree");
addArgIfNotEmpty(arguments, "-packagesheader", JavadocUtil.quotedArgument(packagesheader), SINCE_JAVADOC_1_4_2);
if (!isJavaDocVersionAtLeast(SINCE_JAVADOC_1_5)) // Sun bug: 4714350
addArgIf(arguments, quiet, "-quiet", SINCE_JAVADOC_1_4);
addArgIf(arguments, serialwarn, "-serialwarn");
addArgIf(arguments, splitindex, "-splitindex");
Optional stylesheetfile = getStylesheetFile(javadocOutputDirectory);
if (stylesheetfile.isPresent()) {
if ((sourcepath != null && !sourcepath.isEmpty()) && !isJavaDocVersionAtLeast(SINCE_JAVADOC_1_5)) {
addArgIfNotEmpty(arguments, "-subpackages", subpackages, SINCE_JAVADOC_1_4);
addArgIfNotEmpty(arguments, "-taglet", JavadocUtil.quotedArgument(taglet), SINCE_JAVADOC_1_4);
addArgIfNotEmpty(arguments, "-tagletpath", JavadocUtil.quotedPathArgument(getTagletPath()), SINCE_JAVADOC_1_4);
addArgIfNotEmpty(arguments, "-top", JavadocUtil.quotedArgument(top), false, false, SINCE_JAVADOC_1_6);
addArgIf(arguments, use, "-use");
addArgIf(arguments, version, "-version");
addArgIfNotEmpty(arguments, "-windowtitle", JavadocUtil.quotedArgument(getWindowtitle()), false, false);
* Add groups parameter to arguments.
* @param arguments not null
* @throws MavenReportException
private void addGroups(List arguments) throws MavenReportException {
Set groups = collectGroups();
if (isEmpty(groups)) {
for (Group group : groups) {
if (group == null || StringUtils.isEmpty(group.getTitle()) || StringUtils.isEmpty(group.getPackages())) {
if (getLog().isWarnEnabled()) {
getLog().warn("A group option is empty. Ignore this option.");
} else {
String groupTitle = StringUtils.replace(group.getTitle(), ",", ",");
JavadocUtil.quotedArgument(groupTitle) + " " + JavadocUtil.quotedArgument(group.getPackages()),
* Add tags parameter to arguments.
* @param arguments not null
* @throws MavenReportException
private void addTags(List arguments) throws MavenReportException {
final String lineSeparator;
if (javadocRuntimeVersion.isBefore("9")) {
lineSeparator = " ";
} else {
lineSeparator = " \\\\" + SystemUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR;
for (Tag tag : collectTags()) {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(tag.getName())) {
if (getLog().isWarnEnabled()) {
getLog().warn("A tag name is empty. Ignore this option.");
} else {
String value = "\"" + tag.getName();
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(tag.getPlacement())) {
value += ":" + tag.getPlacement().replaceAll("\\R", lineSeparator);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(tag.getHead())) {
value += ":" + tag.getHead().replaceAll("\\R", lineSeparator);
value += "\"";
addArgIfNotEmpty(arguments, "-tag", value, SINCE_JAVADOC_1_4);
* Add taglets parameter to arguments.
* @param arguments not null
private void addTaglets(List arguments) {
if (taglets == null) {
for (Taglet taglet1 : taglets) {
if ((taglet1 == null) || (StringUtils.isEmpty(taglet1.getTagletClass()))) {
if (getLog().isWarnEnabled()) {
getLog().warn("A taglet option is empty. Ignore this option.");
} else {
arguments, "-taglet", JavadocUtil.quotedArgument(taglet1.getTagletClass()), SINCE_JAVADOC_1_4);
* Auto-detect taglets class name from tagletArtifacts and add them to arguments.
* @param arguments not null
* @throws MavenReportException if any
* @see JavadocUtil#getTagletClassNames(File)
private void addTagletsFromTagletArtifacts(List arguments) throws MavenReportException {
Set tArtifacts = new LinkedHashSet<>();
if (tagletArtifacts != null && tagletArtifacts.length > 0) {
if (includeDependencySources) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MavenReportException(
"Failed to resolve javadoc bundles from dependencies: " + e.getMessage(), e);
if (isNotEmpty(dependencyJavadocBundles)) {
for (JavadocBundle bundle : dependencyJavadocBundles) {
JavadocOptions options = bundle.getOptions();
if (options != null && isNotEmpty(options.getTagletArtifacts())) {
if (isEmpty(tArtifacts)) {
List tagletsPath = new ArrayList<>();
for (TagletArtifact aTagletArtifact : tArtifacts) {
if ((StringUtils.isNotEmpty(aTagletArtifact.getGroupId()))
&& (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(aTagletArtifact.getArtifactId()))
&& (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(aTagletArtifact.getVersion()))) {
Artifact artifact;
try {
artifact = createAndResolveArtifact(aTagletArtifact);
} catch (ArtifactResolutionException e) {
throw new MavenReportException("Unable to resolve artifact:" + aTagletArtifact, e);
tagletsPath = JavadocUtil.pruneFiles(tagletsPath);
for (String tagletJar : tagletsPath) {
if (!tagletJar.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).endsWith(".jar")) {
List tagletClasses;
try {
tagletClasses = JavadocUtil.getTagletClassNames(new File(tagletJar));
} catch (IOException e) {
if (getLog().isWarnEnabled()) {
getLog().warn("Unable to auto-detect Taglet class names from '" + tagletJar
+ "'. Try to specify them with .");
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
getLog().debug("IOException: " + e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
if (getLog().isWarnEnabled()) {
getLog().warn("Unable to auto-detect Taglet class names from '" + tagletJar
+ "'. Try to specify them with .");
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
getLog().debug("ClassNotFoundException: " + e.getMessage(), e);
} catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
if (getLog().isWarnEnabled()) {
getLog().warn("Unable to auto-detect Taglet class names from '" + tagletJar
+ "'. Try to specify them with .");
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
getLog().debug("NoClassDefFoundError: " + e.getMessage(), e);
if (tagletClasses != null && !tagletClasses.isEmpty()) {
for (String tagletClass : tagletClasses) {
addArgIfNotEmpty(arguments, "-taglet", JavadocUtil.quotedArgument(tagletClass), SINCE_JAVADOC_1_4);
* Execute the Javadoc command line
* @param cmd not null
* @param javadocOutputDirectory not null
* @throws MavenReportException if any errors occur
private void executeJavadocCommandLine(Commandline cmd, File javadocOutputDirectory) throws MavenReportException {
if (staleDataPath != null) {
if (!isUpToDate(cmd)) {
doExecuteJavadocCommandLine(cmd, javadocOutputDirectory);
StaleHelper.writeStaleData(cmd, staleDataPath.toPath());
} else {
doExecuteJavadocCommandLine(cmd, javadocOutputDirectory);
* Check if the javadoc is uptodate or not
* @param cmd not null
* @return true is the javadoc is uptodate, false otherwise
* @throws MavenReportException if any error occur
private boolean isUpToDate(Commandline cmd) throws MavenReportException {
try {
List curdata = StaleHelper.getStaleData(cmd);
Path cacheData = staleDataPath.toPath();
List prvdata;
if (Files.isRegularFile(cacheData)) {
prvdata = Files.lines(cacheData, StandardCharsets.UTF_8).collect(Collectors.toList());
} else {
prvdata = null;
if (curdata.equals(prvdata)) {
getLog().info("Skipping javadoc generation, everything is up to date.");
return true;
} else {
if (prvdata == null) {
getLog().info("No previous run data found, generating javadoc.");
} else {
getLog().info("Configuration changed, re-generating javadoc.");
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
List newStrings = new ArrayList<>(curdata);
List remStrings = new ArrayList<>(prvdata);
if (!remStrings.isEmpty()) {
getLog().debug(" Removed: " + String.join(", ", remStrings));
if (!newStrings.isEmpty()) {
getLog().debug(" Added: " + String.join(", ", newStrings));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MavenReportException("Error checking uptodate status", e);
return false;
* Execute the Javadoc command line
* @param cmd not null
* @param javadocOutputDirectory not null
* @throws MavenReportException if any errors occur
private void doExecuteJavadocCommandLine(Commandline cmd, File javadocOutputDirectory) throws MavenReportException {
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
// no quoted arguments
getLog().debug(CommandLineUtils.toString(cmd.getCommandline()).replaceAll("'", ""));
String cmdLine = null;
if (debug) {
cmdLine = CommandLineUtils.toString(cmd.getCommandline()).replaceAll("'", "");
writeDebugJavadocScript(cmdLine, javadocOutputDirectory);
CommandLineUtils.StringStreamConsumer err = new JavadocUtil.JavadocOutputStreamConsumer();
CommandLineUtils.StringStreamConsumer out = new JavadocUtil.JavadocOutputStreamConsumer();
try {
int exitCode = CommandLineUtils.executeCommandLine(cmd, out, err);
String output = StringUtils.isEmpty(out.getOutput())
? null
: '\n' + out.getOutput().trim();
if (exitCode != 0) {
if (cmdLine == null) {
cmdLine = CommandLineUtils.toString(cmd.getCommandline()).replaceAll("'", "");
writeDebugJavadocScript(cmdLine, javadocOutputDirectory);
if ((output != null && !output.isEmpty())
&& StringUtils.isEmpty(err.getOutput())
&& isJavadocVMInitError(output)) {
throw new MavenReportException(output + '\n' + '\n' + JavadocUtil.ERROR_INIT_VM + '\n'
+ "Or, try to reduce the Java heap size for the Javadoc goal using "
+ "-Dminmemory= and -Dmaxmemory=." + '\n' + '\n' + "Command line was: "
+ cmdLine
+ '\n' + '\n' + "Refer to the generated Javadoc files in '" + javadocOutputDirectory
+ "' dir.\n");
if (output != null && !output.isEmpty()) {
StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder("\nExit code: ");
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(err.getOutput())) {
// parse stderr, log informational output, add all other to exception message
List nonInfoLines = new ArrayList<>();
for (String str : err.getOutput().split("\\R")) {
if (isInformationalOutput(str)) {
} else {
if (!nonInfoLines.isEmpty()) {
msg.append('\n'); // new line between exit code and warnings/errors
msg.append(String.join("\n", nonInfoLines));
msg.append("Command line was: ").append(cmdLine).append('\n').append('\n');
msg.append("Refer to the generated Javadoc files in '")
.append("' dir.\n");
throw new MavenReportException(msg.toString());
if (output != null && !output.isEmpty()) {
} catch (CommandLineException e) {
throw new MavenReportException("Unable to execute javadoc command: " + e.getMessage(), e);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Handle Javadoc warnings
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if (containsWarnings(err.getOutput())) {
if (getLog().isWarnEnabled()) {
getLog().warn("Javadoc Warnings");
StringTokenizer token = new StringTokenizer(err.getOutput(), "\n");
while (token.hasMoreTokens()) {
String current = token.nextToken().trim();
// log informational output at debug level only
if (isInformationalOutput(current)) {
} else {
if (failOnWarnings) {
throw new MavenReportException("Project contains Javadoc Warnings");
private boolean containsWarnings(String output) {
// JDK-8268774 / JDK-8270831
if (this.javadocRuntimeVersion.isBefore("17")) {
return output != null && !output.isEmpty();
} else {
.reduce((first, second) -> second) // last line
.filter(line -> line.matches("\\d+ warnings?"))
* Determines whether the specified string is informational output of the Javadoc tool.
* Such output should not be included as exception message or logged as warning or error.
* The following texts are either hardcoded in the tool or can be found in versions of the
* javadoc tool's English resource bundle of JDK 11 (and presumably later versions).
* This method will neither help nor harm for localized (non-English) versions of the tool.
* @param str string to check
* @return true if informational output, false if not or cannot be determined
private boolean isInformationalOutput(String str) {
return str == null
|| str.trim().isEmpty()
|| str.startsWith("Loading source files for package ") // main.Loading_source_files_for_package
|| str.startsWith("Loading source file ") // main.Loading_source_file
|| str.startsWith("Generating ")
|| str.startsWith("Constructing Javadoc information") // main.Building_tree
|| str.startsWith("Building index for ")
|| str.startsWith("Building tree for ")
|| str.startsWith("Standard Doclet version ");
* Patches the given Javadoc output directory to work around CVE-2013-1571
* (see
* @param javadocOutputDirectory directory to scan for vulnerabilities
* @param outputEncoding encoding used by the javadoc tool (-docencoding parameter).
* If {@code null}, the platform's default encoding is used (like javadoc does).
* @return the number of patched files
private int fixFrameInjectionBug(File javadocOutputDirectory, String outputEncoding) throws IOException {
final String fixData;
try (InputStream in = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("frame-injection-fix.txt")) {
if (in == null) {
throw new FileNotFoundException("Missing resource 'frame-injection-fix.txt' in classpath.");
fixData = org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils.unifyLineSeparators(IOUtil.toString(in, "US-ASCII"))
final DirectoryScanner ds = new DirectoryScanner();
ds.setIncludes(new String[] {"**/index.html", "**/index.htm", "**/toc.html", "**/toc.htm"});
int patched = 0;
for (String f : ds.getIncludedFiles()) {
final File file = new File(javadocOutputDirectory, f);
// we load the whole file as one String (toc/index files are
// generally small, because they only contain frameset declaration):
final String fileContents = FileUtils.fileRead(file, outputEncoding);
// check if file may be vulnerable because it was not patched with "validURL(url)":
if (!StringUtils.contains(fileContents, "function validURL(url) {")) {
// we need to patch the file!
final String patchedFileContents =
StringUtils.replaceOnce(fileContents, "function loadFrames() {", fixData);
if (!patchedFileContents.equals(fileContents)) {
FileUtils.fileWrite(file, outputEncoding, patchedFileContents);
return patched;
* @param outputFile not nul
* @param inputResourceName a not null resource in src/main/java, src/main/resources or
* src/main/javadoc or in the Javadoc plugin dependencies.
* @return the resource file absolute path as String
* @since 2.6
private Optional getResource(File outputFile, String inputResourceName) {
if (inputResourceName.startsWith("/")) {
inputResourceName = inputResourceName.replaceFirst("//*", "");
List classPath = new ArrayList<>();
URL resourceURL = getResource(classPath, inputResourceName);
if (resourceURL != null) {
getLog().debug(inputResourceName + " found in the main src directory of the project.");
return Optional.of(FileUtils.toFile(resourceURL));
List resources = project.getBuild().getResources();
for (Resource resource : resources) {
resourceURL = getResource(classPath, inputResourceName);
if (resourceURL != null) {
getLog().debug(inputResourceName + " found in the main resources directories of the project.");
return Optional.of(FileUtils.toFile(resourceURL));
if (javadocDirectory.exists()) {
resourceURL = getResource(classPath, inputResourceName);
if (resourceURL != null) {
getLog().debug(inputResourceName + " found in the main javadoc directory of the project.");
return Optional.of(FileUtils.toFile(resourceURL));
final String pluginId = "org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin";
Plugin javadocPlugin = getPlugin(project, pluginId);
if (javadocPlugin != null && javadocPlugin.getDependencies() != null) {
List dependencies = javadocPlugin.getDependencies();
for (Dependency dependency : dependencies) {
ResourcesArtifact resourceArtifact = new ResourcesArtifact();
Artifact artifact = null;
try {
artifact = createAndResolveArtifact(resourceArtifact);
} catch (Exception e) {
logError("Unable to retrieve the dependency: " + dependency + ". Ignored.", e);
if (artifact != null && artifact.getFile().exists()) {
resourceURL = getResource(classPath, inputResourceName);
if (resourceURL != null) {
getLog().debug(inputResourceName + " found in javadoc plugin dependencies.");
try {
JavadocUtil.copyResource(resourceURL, outputFile);
return Optional.of(outputFile);
} catch (IOException e) {
logError("IOException: " + e.getMessage(), e);
getLog().warn("Unable to find the resource '" + inputResourceName + "'. Using default Javadoc resources.");
return Optional.empty();
* @param classPath a not null String list of files where resource will be looked up
* @param resource a not null resource to find in the class path
* @return the resource from the given classpath or null if not found
* @see ClassLoader#getResource(String)
* @since 2.6
private URL getResource(final List classPath, final String resource) {
List urls = new ArrayList<>(classPath.size());
for (String filename : classPath) {
try {
urls.add(new File(filename).toURI().toURL());
} catch (MalformedURLException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
getLog().error("MalformedURLException: " + e.getMessage());
URLClassLoader javadocClassLoader = new URLClassLoader(urls.toArray(new URL[urls.size()]), null);
try {
return javadocClassLoader.getResource(resource);
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
// ignore
* Get the full javadoc goal. Loads the plugin's to get the current plugin version.
* @return org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin:CURRENT_VERSION:[test-]javadoc
private String getFullJavadocGoal() {
String javadocPluginVersion = null;
String resource = "META-INF/maven/org.apache.maven.plugins/maven-javadoc-plugin/";
try (InputStream resourceAsStream =
AbstractJavadocMojo.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(resource)) {
if (resourceAsStream != null) {
Properties properties = new Properties();
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(properties.getProperty("version"))) {
javadocPluginVersion = properties.getProperty("version");
} catch (IOException e) {
// nop
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (javadocPluginVersion != null && !javadocPluginVersion.isEmpty()) {
if (this instanceof TestJavadocReport) {
} else {
return sb.toString();
* Using Maven, a Javadoc link is given by ${project.url}/apidocs.
* @return the detected Javadoc links using the Maven conventions for all modules defined in the current project
* or an empty list
* @throws MavenReportException if any
* @see #detectOfflineLinks
* @see #reactorProjects
* @since 2.6
private List getModulesLinks() throws MavenReportException {
List aggregatedProjects = reactorProjects;
if (!detectOfflineLinks || isAggregator() || aggregatedProjects.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
getLog().debug("Trying to add links for modules...");
Set dependencyArtifactIds = new HashSet<>();
final Set dependencyArtifacts = project.getDependencyArtifacts();
for (Artifact artifact : dependencyArtifacts) {
List modulesLinks = new ArrayList<>();
String javadocDirRelative = PathUtils.toRelative(project.getBasedir(), getPluginReportOutputDirectory());
for (MavenProject p : aggregatedProjects) {
if (!dependencyArtifactIds.contains(p.getArtifact().getId()) || (p.getUrl() == null)) {
File location = new File(p.getBasedir(), javadocDirRelative);
if (!location.exists()) {
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
getLog().debug("Javadoc directory not found: " + location);
String javadocGoal = getFullJavadocGoal();
getLog().info("The goal '" + javadocGoal + "' has not been previously called for the module: '"
+ p.getId() + "'. Trying to invoke it...");
File invokerDir = new File(project.getBuild().getDirectory(), "invoker");
File invokerLogFile = FileUtils.createTempFile("maven-javadoc-plugin", ".txt", invokerDir);
try {
} catch (MavenInvocationException e) {
logError("MavenInvocationException: " + e.getMessage(), e);
String invokerLogContent = JavadocUtil.readFile(invokerLogFile, null /* platform encoding */);
// TODO: Why are we only interested in cases where the JVM won't start?
// [MJAVADOC-275][jdcasey] I changed the logic here to only throw an error WHEN
// the JVM won't start (opposite of what it was).
if (invokerLogContent != null && invokerLogContent.contains(JavadocUtil.ERROR_INIT_VM)) {
throw new MavenReportException(e.getMessage(), e);
} finally {
// just create the directory to prevent repeated invocations..
if (!location.exists()) {
getLog().warn("Creating fake javadoc directory to prevent repeated invocations: " + location);
if (location.exists()) {
String url = getJavadocLink(p);
OfflineLink ol = new OfflineLink();
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
getLog().debug("Added Javadoc offline link: " + url + " for the module: " + p.getId());
return modulesLinks;
* Using Maven, a Javadoc link is given by ${project.url}/apidocs.
* @return the detected Javadoc links using the Maven conventions for all dependencies defined in the current
* project or an empty list.
* @see #detectLinks
* @see #isValidJavadocLink(String, boolean)
* @since 2.6
private List getDependenciesLinks() {
if (!detectLinks) {
return Collections.emptyList();
getLog().debug("Trying to add links for dependencies...");
List dependenciesLinks = new ArrayList<>();
final Set dependencies = project.getDependencyArtifacts();
for (Artifact artifact : dependencies) {
if (artifact.getFile() == null || !artifact.getFile().exists()) {
Optional depLink =
.filter(d -> matches(d, artifact))
final String url;
final boolean detected;
if (depLink.isPresent()) {
url = depLink.get().getUrl();
detected = false;
} else {
try {
MavenProject artifactProject = mavenProjectBuilder
.build(artifact, getProjectBuildingRequest(project))
url = getJavadocLink(artifactProject);
detected = true;
} catch (ProjectBuildingException e) {
logError("ProjectBuildingException for " + artifact.toString() + ": " + e.getMessage(), e);
if (url != null && isValidJavadocLink(url, detected)) {
getLog().debug("Added Javadoc link: " + url + " for " + artifact.getId());
return dependenciesLinks;
private boolean matches(DependencyLink d, Artifact artifact) {
if (d.getGroupId() != null && !d.getGroupId().equals(artifact.getGroupId())) {
return false;
if (d.getArtifactId() != null && !d.getArtifactId().equals(artifact.getArtifactId())) {
return false;
if (d.getClassifier() != null && !d.getClassifier().equals(artifact.getClassifier())) {
return false;
return true;
* @return if {@code detectJavaApiLink}, the Java API link based on the {@code javaApiLinks} properties and the
* value of the source parameter in the
* org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin
* defined in ${} or in ${},
* or the {@code javadocRuntimeVersion}, or null if not defined.
* @see source parameter
* @since 2.6
protected final OfflineLink getDefaultJavadocApiLink() {
if (!detectJavaApiLink) {
return null;
final JavaVersion javaApiversion;
if (release != null) {
javaApiversion = JavaVersion.parse(release);
} else if (source != null && !source.isEmpty()) {
javaApiversion = JavaVersion.parse(source);
} else {
final String pluginId = "org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin";
String sourceConfigured = getPluginParameter(project, pluginId, "source");
if (sourceConfigured != null) {
javaApiversion = JavaVersion.parse(sourceConfigured);
} else {
getLog().debug("No maven-compiler-plugin defined in ${build.plugins} or in "
+ "${} for the " + project.getId()
+ ". Added Javadoc API link according the javadoc executable version i.e.: "
+ javadocRuntimeVersion);
javaApiversion = javadocRuntimeVersion;
final String javaApiKey;
if (javaApiversion.asMajor().isAtLeast("9")) {
javaApiKey = "api_" + javaApiversion.asMajor();
} else {
javaApiKey = "api_1." + javaApiversion.asMajor().toString().charAt(0);
final String javaApiLink;
if (javaApiLinks != null && javaApiLinks.containsKey(javaApiKey)) {
javaApiLink = javaApiLinks.getProperty(javaApiKey);
} else if (javaApiversion.isAtLeast("16")) {
javaApiLink = null; // JDK-8216497
} else if (javaApiversion.isAtLeast("11")) {
javaApiLink =
String.format("", javaApiversion.getValue(1));
} else if (javaApiversion.asMajor().isAtLeast("6")) {
javaApiLink = String.format(
} else if (javaApiversion.isAtLeast("1.5")) {
javaApiLink = "";
} else {
javaApiLink = null;
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
if (javaApiLink != null) {
getLog().debug("Found Java API link: " + javaApiLink);
} else {
getLog().debug("No Java API link found.");
if (javaApiLink == null) {
return null;
final Path javaApiListFile;
final String resourceName;
if (javaApiversion.isAtLeast("10")) {
javaApiListFile = getJavadocOptionsFile().getParentFile().toPath().resolve("element-list");
resourceName = "java-api-element-list-" + javaApiversion.toString().substring(0, 2);
} else if (javaApiversion.asMajor().isAtLeast("9")) {
javaApiListFile = getJavadocOptionsFile().getParentFile().toPath().resolve("package-list");
resourceName = "java-api-package-list-9";
} else {
javaApiListFile = getJavadocOptionsFile().getParentFile().toPath().resolve("package-list");
resourceName = "java-api-package-list-1."
+ javaApiversion.asMajor().toString().charAt(0);
OfflineLink link = new OfflineLink();
InputStream in = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(resourceName);
if (in != null) {
try (InputStream closableIS = in) {
// TODO only copy when changed
Files.copy(closableIS, javaApiListFile, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
logError("Can't get " + resourceName + ": " + ioe.getMessage(), ioe);
return null;
return link;
* Follows all of the given links if the Javadoc version is before 12, and returns their last
* redirect locations. Ordering is kept. This is necessary because javadoc tool doesn't follow
* links, see JDK-8190312 (MJAVADOC-427, MJAVADOC-487)
* @param links Links to follow.
* @return Last redirect location of all the links.
private Set followLinks(Set links) {
if (javadocRuntimeVersion.isAtLeast("12")) {
return links;
Set redirectLinks = new LinkedHashSet<>(links.size());
for (String link : links) {
try {
JavadocUtil.getRedirectUrl(new URL(link), settings).toString());
} catch (MalformedURLException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
// only print in debug, it should have been logged already in warn/error because link isn't valid
getLog().debug("Could not follow " + link + ". Reason: " + e.getMessage());
} catch (IOException e) {
// only print in debug, it should have been logged already in warn/error because link isn't valid
getLog().debug("Could not follow " + link + ". Reason: " + e.getMessage());
// Even when link produces error it should be kept in the set because the error might be caused by
// incomplete redirect configuration on the server side.
// This partially restores the previous behaviour before fix for MJAVADOC-427
return redirectLinks;
* @param link not null
* @param detecting true if the link is generated by
* detectLinks, or false otherwise
* @return true if the link has a /package-list, false otherwise.
* @see
* package-list spec
* @since 2.6
protected boolean isValidJavadocLink(String link, boolean detecting) {
try {
final URI packageListUri;
final URI elementListUri;
if (link.trim().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).startsWith("http:")
|| link.trim().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).startsWith("https:")
|| link.trim().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).startsWith("ftp:")
|| link.trim().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).startsWith("file:")) {
packageListUri = new URI(link + '/' + PACKAGE_LIST);
elementListUri = new URI(link + '/' + ELEMENT_LIST);
} else {
// links can be relative paths or files
File dir = new File(link);
if (!dir.isAbsolute()) {
dir = new File(getPluginReportOutputDirectory(), link);
if (!dir.isDirectory()) {
if (detecting) {
getLog().warn("The given File link: " + dir + " is not a dir.");
} else {
getLog().error("The given File link: " + dir + " is not a dir.");
packageListUri = new File(dir, PACKAGE_LIST).toURI();
elementListUri = new File(dir, ELEMENT_LIST).toURI();
try {
if (JavadocUtil.isValidElementList(elementListUri.toURL(), settings, validateLinks)) {
return true;
} catch (IOException e) {
// ignore this because it is optional
if (JavadocUtil.isValidPackageList(packageListUri.toURL(), settings, validateLinks)) {
return true;
if (getLog().isErrorEnabled()) {
if (detecting) {
getLog().warn("Invalid links: " + link + " with /" + PACKAGE_LIST + " or / " + ELEMENT_LIST
+ ". Ignored it.");
} else {
getLog().error("Invalid links: " + link + " with /" + PACKAGE_LIST + " or / " + ELEMENT_LIST
+ ". Ignored it.");
return false;
} catch (URISyntaxException | MalformedURLException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
if (getLog().isErrorEnabled()) {
if (detecting) {
getLog().warn("Malformed link: " + e.getMessage() + ". Ignored it.");
} else {
getLog().error("Malformed link: " + e.getMessage() + ". Ignored it.");
return false;
} catch (IOException e) {
if (getLog().isErrorEnabled()) {
if (detecting) {
getLog().warn("Error fetching link: " + link + ". Ignored it.");
} else {
getLog().error("Error fetching link: " + link + ". Ignored it.");
return false;
* Write a debug javadoc script in case of command line error or in debug mode.
* @param cmdLine the current command line as string, not null.
* @param javadocOutputDirectory the output dir, not null.
* @see #executeJavadocCommandLine(Commandline, File)
* @since 2.6
private void writeDebugJavadocScript(String cmdLine, File javadocOutputDirectory) {
File commandLineFile = new File(javadocOutputDirectory, DEBUG_JAVADOC_SCRIPT_NAME);
try {
FileUtils.fileWrite(commandLineFile.getAbsolutePath(), null /* platform encoding */, cmdLine);
if (!SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS) {
Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[] {"chmod", "a+x", commandLineFile.getAbsolutePath()});
} catch (IOException e) {
logError("Unable to write '" + commandLineFile.getName() + "' debug script file", e);
* Check if the Javadoc JVM is correctly started or not.
* @param output the command line output, not null.
* @return true if Javadoc output command line contains Javadoc word, false otherwise.
* @see #executeJavadocCommandLine(Commandline, File)
* @since 2.6.1
private boolean isJavadocVMInitError(String output) {
* see main.usage and main.Building_tree keys from
* bundle in tools.jar
return !(output.contains("Javadoc") || output.contains("javadoc"));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Static methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* @param p not null
* @return the javadoc link based on the project url i.e. ${project.url}/apidocs.
* @since 2.6
private static String getJavadocLink(MavenProject p) {
if (p.getUrl() == null) {
return null;
String url = cleanUrl(p.getUrl());
return url + "/apidocs";
* @param url could be null.
* @return the url cleaned or empty if url was null.
* @since 2.6
private static String cleanUrl(String url) {
if (url == null) {
return "";
url = url.trim();
while (url.endsWith("/")) {
url = url.substring(0, url.lastIndexOf("/"));
return url;
* @param p not null
* @param pluginId not null key of the plugin defined in {@link org.apache.maven.model.Build#getPluginsAsMap()}
* or in {@link org.apache.maven.model.PluginManagement#getPluginsAsMap()}
* @return the Maven plugin defined in ${} or in
* ${}, or null if not defined.
* @since 2.6
private static Plugin getPlugin(MavenProject p, String pluginId) {
if ((p.getBuild() == null) || (p.getBuild().getPluginsAsMap() == null)) {
return null;
Plugin plugin = p.getBuild().getPluginsAsMap().get(pluginId);
if ((plugin == null)
&& (p.getBuild().getPluginManagement() != null)
&& (p.getBuild().getPluginManagement().getPluginsAsMap() != null)) {
plugin = p.getBuild().getPluginManagement().getPluginsAsMap().get(pluginId);
return plugin;
* @param p not null
* @param pluginId not null
* @param param not null
* @return the simple parameter as String defined in the plugin configuration by param key
* or null if not found.
* @since 2.6
private static String getPluginParameter(MavenProject p, String pluginId, String param) {
// p.getGoalConfiguration( pluginGroupId, pluginArtifactId, executionId, goalId );
Plugin plugin = getPlugin(p, pluginId);
if (plugin != null) {
Xpp3Dom xpp3Dom = (Xpp3Dom) plugin.getConfiguration();
if (xpp3Dom != null
&& xpp3Dom.getChild(param) != null
&& StringUtils.isNotEmpty(xpp3Dom.getChild(param).getValue())) {
return xpp3Dom.getChild(param).getValue();
return null;
* Construct the output file for the generated javadoc-options XML file, after creating the
* javadocOptionsDir if necessary. This method does NOT write to the file in question.
* @return The options {@link File} file.
* @since 2.7
protected final File getJavadocOptionsFile() {
if (javadocOptionsDir != null && !javadocOptionsDir.exists()) {
return new File(javadocOptionsDir, "javadoc-options-" + getAttachmentClassifier() + ".xml");
* Generate a javadoc-options XML file, for either bundling with a javadoc-resources artifact OR
* supplying to a distro module in a includeDependencySources configuration, so the javadoc options
* from this execution can be reconstructed and merged in the distro build.
* @return {@link JavadocOptions}
* @throws IOException {@link IOException}
* @since 2.7
protected final JavadocOptions buildJavadocOptions() throws IOException {
JavadocOptions options = new JavadocOptions();
options.setDocletArtifacts(toList(docletArtifact, docletArtifacts));
options.setExcludedDocfilesSubdirs(excludedocfilessubdir == null ? null : excludedocfilessubdir.trim());
options.setTagletArtifacts(toList(tagletArtifact, tagletArtifacts));
if (getProject() != null && getJavadocDirectory() != null) {
toRelative(getProject().getBasedir(), getJavadocDirectory().getAbsolutePath()));
File optionsFile = getJavadocOptionsFile();
try (Writer writer = WriterFactory.newXmlWriter(optionsFile)) {
new JavadocOptionsXpp3Writer().write(writer, options);
return options;
* Override this if you need to provide a bundle attachment classifier, as in the case of test
* javadocs.
* @return The attachment classifier.
protected String getAttachmentClassifier() {
* Logs an error with throwable content only if in debug.
* @param message The message which should be announced.
* @param t The throwable part of the message.
protected void logError(String message, Throwable t) {
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
getLog().error(message, t);
} else {
protected List getReactorProjects() {
return reactorProjects;
* @param prefix The prefix of the exception.
* @param e The exception.
* @throws MojoExecutionException {@link MojoExecutionException} issue while generating report
protected void failOnError(String prefix, Exception e) throws MojoExecutionException {
if (failOnError) {
if (e instanceof RuntimeException) {
throw (RuntimeException) e;
throw new MojoExecutionException(prefix + ": " + e.getMessage(), e);
getLog().error(prefix + ": " + e.getMessage(), e);
* @return list of projects to be part of aggregated javadoc
private List getAggregatedProjects() {
if (this.reactorProjects == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
Map reactorProjectsMap = new HashMap<>();
for (MavenProject reactorProject : this.reactorProjects) {
if (!isSkippedJavadoc(reactorProject)
&& //
!isSkippedModule(reactorProject)) {
reactorProjectsMap.put(reactorProject.getBasedir().toPath(), reactorProject);
return new ArrayList<>(modulesForAggregatedProject(project, reactorProjectsMap));
* @param mavenProject the project that might be skipped
* @return true if the project needs to be skipped from aggregate generation
protected boolean isSkippedModule(MavenProject mavenProject) {
if (this.skippedModules == null || this.skippedModules.isEmpty()) {
return false;
if (this.patternsToSkip == null) {
this.patternsToSkip =, ','))
// we are expecting something such [groupdId:]artifactId so if no groupId we want to match any
// groupId
.map(s -> !s.contains(":") ? ".*:" + s : s)
Optional found =
.filter(pattern -> pattern.matcher(mavenProject.getGroupId() + ":" + mavenProject.getArtifactId())
return found.isPresent() || isSkippedJavadoc(mavenProject);
* @param mavenProject the project that might be skipped
* @return true if the pom configuration skips javadoc generation for the project
protected boolean isSkippedJavadoc(MavenProject mavenProject) {
String property = mavenProject.getProperties().getProperty("maven.javadoc.skip");
if (property != null) {
boolean skip = BooleanUtils.toBoolean(property);
getLog().debug("isSkippedJavadoc " + mavenProject + " " + skip);
return skip;
final String pluginId = "org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin";
property = getPluginParameter(mavenProject, pluginId, "skip");
if (property != null) {
boolean skip = BooleanUtils.toBoolean(property);
getLog().debug("isSkippedJavadoc " + mavenProject + " " + skip);
return skip;
if (mavenProject.getParent() != null) {
return isSkippedJavadoc(mavenProject.getParent());
getLog().debug("isSkippedJavadoc " + mavenProject + " " + false);
return false;