![JAR search and dependency download from the Maven repository](/logo.png)
org.apache.maven.shared.invoker.MavenCommandLineBuilder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.apache.maven.shared.invoker;
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.Os;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.cli.CommandLineUtils;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.cli.Commandline;
* @version $Id: MavenCommandLineBuilder.java 1667628 2015-03-18 21:53:54Z rfscholte $
public class MavenCommandLineBuilder
private static final InvokerLogger DEFAULT_LOGGER = new SystemOutLogger();
private InvokerLogger logger = DEFAULT_LOGGER;
private File workingDirectory;
private File localRepositoryDirectory;
private File mavenHome;
private File mavenExecutable;
private Properties systemEnvVars;
public Commandline build( InvocationRequest request )
throws CommandLineConfigurationException
catch ( IOException e )
throw new CommandLineConfigurationException( e.getMessage(), e );
File mvn = null;
mvn = findMavenExecutable();
catch ( IOException e )
throw new CommandLineConfigurationException( e.getMessage(), e );
Commandline cli = new Commandline();
cli.setExecutable( mvn.getAbsolutePath() );
// handling for OS-level envars
setShellEnvironment( request, cli );
// interactive, offline, update-snapshots,
// debug/show-errors, checksum policy
setFlags( request, cli );
// failure behavior and [eventually] forced-reactor
// includes/excludes, etc.
setReactorBehavior( request, cli );
// working directory and local repository location
setEnvironmentPaths( request, cli );
// pom-file and basedir handling
setPomLocation( request, cli );
setSettingsLocation( request, cli );
setToolchainsLocation( request, cli );
setProperties( request, cli );
setProfiles( request, cli );
setGoals( request, cli );
setThreads( request, cli );
return cli;
protected void checkRequiredState()
throws IOException
if ( logger == null )
throw new IllegalStateException( "A logger instance is required." );
if ( ( mavenHome == null ) && ( System.getProperty( "maven.home" ) == null ) )
// can be restored with 1.5
// && ( System.getenv( "M2_HOME" ) != null ) )
if ( !getSystemEnvVars().containsKey( "M2_HOME" ) )
throw new IllegalStateException( "Maven application directory was not "
+ "specified, and ${maven.home} is not provided in the system "
+ "properties. Please specify at least on of these." );
protected void setSettingsLocation( InvocationRequest request, Commandline cli )
File userSettingsFile = request.getUserSettingsFile();
if ( userSettingsFile != null )
File canSet = userSettingsFile.getCanonicalFile();
userSettingsFile = canSet;
catch ( IOException e )
logger.debug( "Failed to canonicalize user settings path: " + userSettingsFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ ". Using as-is.", e );
cli.createArg().setValue( "-s" );
cli.createArg().setValue( userSettingsFile.getPath() );
File globalSettingsFile = request.getGlobalSettingsFile();
if ( globalSettingsFile != null )
File canSet = globalSettingsFile.getCanonicalFile();
globalSettingsFile = canSet;
catch ( IOException e )
logger.debug( "Failed to canonicalize global settings path: " + globalSettingsFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ ". Using as-is.", e );
cli.createArg().setValue( "-gs" );
cli.createArg().setValue( globalSettingsFile.getPath() );
protected void setToolchainsLocation( InvocationRequest request, Commandline cli )
File toolchainsFile = request.getToolchainsFile();
if ( toolchainsFile != null )
File canSet = toolchainsFile.getCanonicalFile();
toolchainsFile = canSet;
catch ( IOException e )
logger.debug( "Failed to canonicalize toolchains path: " + toolchainsFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ ". Using as-is.", e );
cli.createArg().setValue( "-t" );
cli.createArg().setValue( toolchainsFile.getPath() );
protected void setShellEnvironment( InvocationRequest request, Commandline cli )
throws CommandLineConfigurationException
if ( request.isShellEnvironmentInherited() )
cli.addEnvironment( "MAVEN_TERMINATE_CMD", "on" );
// MSHARED-261: Ensure M2_HOME is not inherited, but gets a proper value
cli.addEnvironment( "M2_HOME", getMavenHome().getAbsolutePath() );
catch ( IOException e )
throw new CommandLineConfigurationException( "Error reading shell environment variables. Reason: "
+ e.getMessage(), e );
catch ( Exception e )
if ( e instanceof RuntimeException )
throw (RuntimeException) e;
IllegalStateException error =
new IllegalStateException( "Unknown error retrieving shell environment variables. Reason: "
+ e.getMessage() );
error.initCause( e );
throw error;
if ( request.getJavaHome() != null )
cli.addEnvironment( "JAVA_HOME", request.getJavaHome().getAbsolutePath() );
if ( request.getMavenOpts() != null )
cli.addEnvironment( "MAVEN_OPTS", request.getMavenOpts() );
for ( Map.Entry entry : request.getShellEnvironments().entrySet() )
cli.addEnvironment( entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() );
protected void setProfiles( InvocationRequest request, Commandline cli )
List profiles = request.getProfiles();
if ( ( profiles != null ) && !profiles.isEmpty() )
cli.createArg().setValue( "-P" );
cli.createArg().setValue( StringUtils.join( profiles.iterator(), "," ) );
protected void setGoals( InvocationRequest request, Commandline cli )
List goals = request.getGoals();
if ( ( goals != null ) && !goals.isEmpty() )
cli.createArg().setLine( StringUtils.join( goals.iterator(), " " ) );
protected void setProperties( InvocationRequest request, Commandline cli )
Properties properties = request.getProperties();
if ( properties != null )
for ( Iterator it = properties.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) it.next();
String key = (String) entry.getKey();
String value = (String) entry.getValue();
cli.createArg().setValue( "-D" );
cli.createArg().setValue( key + '=' + value );
protected void setPomLocation( InvocationRequest request, Commandline cli )
boolean pomSpecified = false;
File pom = request.getPomFile();
String pomFilename = request.getPomFileName();
File baseDirectory = request.getBaseDirectory();
if ( pom != null )
pomSpecified = true;
else if ( baseDirectory != null )
if ( baseDirectory.isDirectory() )
if ( pomFilename != null )
pom = new File( baseDirectory, pomFilename );
pomSpecified = true;
pom = new File( baseDirectory, "pom.xml" );
logger.warn( "Base directory is a file. Using base directory as POM location." );
pom = baseDirectory;
pomSpecified = true;
if ( pomSpecified )
File canPom = pom.getCanonicalFile();
pom = canPom;
catch ( IOException e )
logger.debug( "Failed to canonicalize the POM path: " + pom + ". Using as-is.", e );
if ( !"pom.xml".equals( pom.getName() ) )
logger.debug( "Specified POM file is not named \'pom.xml\'. "
+ "Using the \'-f\' command-line option to accommodate non-standard filename..." );
cli.createArg().setValue( "-f" );
cli.createArg().setValue( pom.getName() );
protected void setEnvironmentPaths( InvocationRequest request, Commandline cli )
File workingDirectory = request.getBaseDirectory();
if ( workingDirectory == null )
File pomFile = request.getPomFile();
if ( pomFile != null )
workingDirectory = pomFile.getParentFile();
if ( workingDirectory == null )
workingDirectory = this.workingDirectory;
if ( workingDirectory == null )
workingDirectory = new File( System.getProperty( "user.dir" ) );
else if ( workingDirectory.isFile() )
logger.warn( "Specified base directory (" + workingDirectory + ") is a file."
+ " Using its parent directory..." );
workingDirectory = workingDirectory.getParentFile();
cli.setWorkingDirectory( workingDirectory.getCanonicalPath() );
catch ( IOException e )
logger.debug( "Failed to canonicalize base directory: " + workingDirectory + ". Using as-is.", e );
cli.setWorkingDirectory( workingDirectory.getAbsolutePath() );
File localRepositoryDirectory = request.getLocalRepositoryDirectory( this.localRepositoryDirectory );
if ( localRepositoryDirectory != null )
File canLRD = localRepositoryDirectory.getCanonicalFile();
localRepositoryDirectory = canLRD;
catch ( IOException e )
logger.debug( "Failed to canonicalize local repository directory: " + localRepositoryDirectory
+ ". Using as-is.", e );
if ( !localRepositoryDirectory.isDirectory() )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Local repository location: \'" + localRepositoryDirectory
+ "\' is NOT a directory." );
cli.createArg().setValue( "-D" );
cli.createArg().setValue( "maven.repo.local=" + localRepositoryDirectory.getPath() );
protected void setReactorBehavior( InvocationRequest request, Commandline cli )
// NOTE: The default is "fail-fast"
String failureBehavior = request.getFailureBehavior();
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( failureBehavior ) )
if ( InvocationRequest.REACTOR_FAIL_AT_END.equals( failureBehavior ) )
cli.createArg().setValue( "-fae" );
else if ( InvocationRequest.REACTOR_FAIL_NEVER.equals( failureBehavior ) )
cli.createArg().setValue( "-fn" );
if ( request.isActivatedReactor() )
cli.createArg().setValue( "-r" );
String[] includes = request.getActivatedReactorIncludes();
String[] excludes = request.getActivatedReactorExcludes();
if ( includes != null )
cli.createArg().setValue( "-D" );
cli.createArg().setValue( "maven.reactor.includes=" + StringUtils.join( includes, "," ) );
if ( excludes != null )
cli.createArg().setValue( "-D" );
cli.createArg().setValue( "maven.reactor.excludes=" + StringUtils.join( excludes, "," ) );
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( request.getResumeFrom() ) )
cli.createArg().setValue( "-rf" );
cli.createArg().setValue( request.getResumeFrom() );
List projectList = request.getProjects();
if ( projectList != null )
cli.createArg().setValue( "-pl" );
cli.createArg().setValue( StringUtils.join( projectList.iterator(), "," ) );
if ( request.isAlsoMake() )
cli.createArg().setValue( "-am" );
if ( request.isAlsoMakeDependents() )
cli.createArg().setValue( "-amd" );
protected void setFlags( InvocationRequest request, Commandline cli )
if ( !request.isInteractive() )
cli.createArg().setValue( "-B" );
if ( request.isOffline() )
cli.createArg().setValue( "-o" );
if ( request.isUpdateSnapshots() )
cli.createArg().setValue( "-U" );
if ( !request.isRecursive() )
cli.createArg().setValue( "-N" );
if ( request.isDebug() )
cli.createArg().setValue( "-X" );
// this is superceded by -X, if it exists.
else if ( request.isShowErrors() )
cli.createArg().setValue( "-e" );
String checksumPolicy = request.getGlobalChecksumPolicy();
if ( InvocationRequest.CHECKSUM_POLICY_FAIL.equals( checksumPolicy ) )
cli.createArg().setValue( "-C" );
else if ( InvocationRequest.CHECKSUM_POLICY_WARN.equals( checksumPolicy ) )
cli.createArg().setValue( "-c" );
if ( request.isNonPluginUpdates() )
cli.createArg().setValue( "-npu" );
if ( request.isShowVersion() )
cli.createArg().setValue( "-V" );
protected void setThreads( InvocationRequest request, Commandline cli )
String threads = request.getThreads();
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( threads ) )
cli.createArg().setValue( "-T" );
cli.createArg().setValue( threads );
protected File findMavenExecutable()
throws CommandLineConfigurationException, IOException
if ( mavenHome == null )
String mavenHomeProperty = System.getProperty( "maven.home" );
if ( mavenHomeProperty != null )
mavenHome = new File( mavenHomeProperty );
if ( !mavenHome.isDirectory() )
File binDir = mavenHome.getParentFile();
if ( binDir != null && "bin".equals( binDir.getName() ) )
// ah, they specified the mvn
// executable instead...
mavenHome = binDir.getParentFile();
throw new IllegalStateException( "${maven.home} is not specified as a directory: \'"
+ mavenHomeProperty + "\'." );
if ( ( mavenHome == null ) && ( getSystemEnvVars().getProperty( "M2_HOME" ) != null ) )
mavenHome = new File( getSystemEnvVars().getProperty( "M2_HOME" ) );
logger.debug( "Using ${maven.home} of: \'" + mavenHome + "\'." );
if ( mavenExecutable == null || !mavenExecutable.isAbsolute() )
String executable;
if ( mavenExecutable != null )
executable = mavenExecutable.getPath();
else if ( Os.isFamily( "windows" ) )
if ( new File( mavenHome, "/bin/mvn.cmd" ).exists() )
executable = "mvn.cmd";
executable = "mvn.bat";
executable = "mvn";
mavenExecutable = new File( mavenHome, "/bin/" + executable );
File canonicalMvn = mavenExecutable.getCanonicalFile();
mavenExecutable = canonicalMvn;
catch ( IOException e )
logger.debug( "Failed to canonicalize maven executable: " + mavenExecutable + ". Using as-is.", e );
if ( !mavenExecutable.isFile() )
throw new CommandLineConfigurationException( "Maven executable not found at: " + mavenExecutable );
return mavenExecutable;
* Wraps a path with quotes to handle paths with spaces. If no spaces are found, the original string is returned.
* @param path string to wrap if containing spaces
* @return quote wrapped string
* @deprecated Quoting of command line arguments should be left to the Commandline from plexus-utils.
public String wrapStringWithQuotes( String path )
if ( path.indexOf( " " ) > -1 )
return "\"" + path + "\"";
return path;
private Properties getSystemEnvVars()
throws IOException
if ( this.systemEnvVars == null )
// with 1.5 replace with System.getenv()
this.systemEnvVars = CommandLineUtils.getSystemEnvVars();
return this.systemEnvVars;
public File getLocalRepositoryDirectory()
return localRepositoryDirectory;
public void setLocalRepositoryDirectory( File localRepositoryDirectory )
this.localRepositoryDirectory = localRepositoryDirectory;
public InvokerLogger getLogger()
return logger;
public void setLogger( InvokerLogger logger )
this.logger = logger;
public File getMavenHome()
return mavenHome;
public void setMavenHome( File mavenHome )
this.mavenHome = mavenHome;
public File getWorkingDirectory()
return workingDirectory;
public void setWorkingDirectory( File workingDirectory )
this.workingDirectory = workingDirectory;
* {@code mavenExecutable} can either be relative to ${maven.home}/bin/ or absolute
* @param mavenExecutable the executable
public void setMavenExecutable( File mavenExecutable )
this.mavenExecutable = mavenExecutable;
public File getMavenExecutable()
return mavenExecutable;
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