META-INF.componentClass11.vm Maven / Gradle / Ivy
## Velocity template used to generate JSF1.1-compatible component classes
## from component meta-data.
## Note that there are two types of component generation:
## * "subclass mode" (use annotated class as a parent class)
## * "template mode" (use annotated class as a template)
## This template file is used for both.
## Variable $component refers to a ComponentMeta object to process
## Variable $utils refers to an instance of MyfacesUtils.
## When "template mode" is being used then variable $innersource
## holds a String containing all the non-abstract functions defined
## in the annotated class.
## The java package of the generated class is always the same as
## the package in which the annotated class exists.
## This file is not actually used (except for unit testing). Each
## project that uses the myfaces-builder-plugin is expected to copy
## this file into its own META-INF dir, from where the builder
## plugin will retrieve it.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package ${component.packageName};
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
import javax.faces.el.ValueBinding;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import $component.parentClassName;
#if ($component.isTemplate())
#set ($generatedClassParent = $component.sourceClassParentClassName)
#set ($generatedClassParent = $component.sourceClassName)
// Generated from class ${component.sourceClassName}.
// WARNING: This file was automatically generated. Do not edit it directly,
// or you will lose your changes.
public class ${utils.getClassFromFullClass($component.className)} extends $generatedClassParent
#if ($component.implements)
implements $component.implements
#if ($component.serialuid)
private static final long serialVersionUID = ${component.serialuid};
## static public final String COMPONENT_FAMILY =
## "$";
static public final String COMPONENT_TYPE =
#if ($innersource)
//BEGIN CODE COPIED FROM $component.sourceClassName
//END CODE COPIED FROM $component.sourceClassName
public ${utils.getClassFromFullClass($component.className)}()
#if ($component.rendererType)
#if ($component.rendererType == "")
## On myfaces 1.1 the family is inherited, so this could be commented
## public String getFamily()
## {
## }
#set ($propertyList = ${component.propertyComponentList})
#foreach( $property in $propertyList )
#set ($field = $property.fieldName)
#set ($type = $utils.getClassFromFullClass($property.className))
#set ($defaultValue = $utils.getDefaultValueField($property))
#set ($defaultValue = false)
// Property: $
#if ($property.isLiteralOnly() || $property.isTagExcluded() )
private $type $field #if($defaultValue) = $defaultValue;#{else};#{end}
private $type $field;
#if($utils.isPrimitiveClass($type) && !$property.isTagExcluded()
&& !$property.isLiteralOnly() )
private boolean ${field}Set;
#if ($property.isSetMethod())
$property.setMethodScope boolean $utils.getPrefixedPropertyName("isSet", $
return ${field}Set;
#if("boolean" == $type)
#set ($methodName = $utils.getPrefixedPropertyName("isLocal", $
#set ($methodName = $utils.getPrefixedPropertyName("getLocal", $
final $property.localMethodScope $type ${methodName}()
return $field;
public $type $utils.getMethodReaderFromProperty($, $type)()
#if ($property.isTagExcluded() || $property.isLiteralOnly())
return $field;
#if ($utils.isPrimitiveClass($type))
if (${field}Set)
if ($field != null)
return $field;
ValueBinding vb = getValueBinding("$");
if (vb != null)
#if ($utils.isPrimitiveClass($type))
return ($utils.castIfNecessary($type) vb.getValue(getFacesContext())).${type}Value();
#set ($pritype = $utils.getPrimitiveType($property.className))
#if ($utils.isPrimitiveClass($pritype))
Object value = vb == null ? null : vb.getValue(getFacesContext());
if (!(value instanceof $type)){
value = ${type}.valueOf(value.toString());
return $utils.castIfNecessary($type) value;
#elseif ($type == "String")
## MYFACES-2006 use toString(), so Numeric ValueBinding could be converted as
## Strings and do not cause ClassCastException
## (only applies for JSF 1.1 due to backward compatibility)
return $utils.castIfNecessary($type) vb.getValue(getFacesContext()).toString();
return $utils.castIfNecessary($type) vb.getValue(getFacesContext());
#if ($defaultValue)
return $defaultValue;
#elseif ($utils.isPrimitiveClass($type))
return $utils.primitiveDefaultValue($type);
return null;
public void $utils.getPrefixedPropertyName("set", $$type $utils.getVariableFromName($
this.$field = $utils.getVariableFromName($;
#if ($utils.isPrimitiveClass($type) && !$property.isTagExcluded()
&& !$property.isLiteralOnly())
this.${field}Set = true;
public Object saveState(FacesContext facesContext)
#set ($primitiveCount = $propertyList.size() + 1)
#foreach( $property in $propertyList )
#if($utils.isPrimitiveClass($property.className) &&
#set ($primitiveCount = $primitiveCount + 1)
Object[] values = new Object[$primitiveCount];
values[0] = super.saveState(facesContext);
#set ($arrayIndex = 0)
#foreach( $property in $propertyList )
#set ($field = $property.fieldName)
#set ($type = $property.className)
#set ($arrayIndex = $arrayIndex + 1)
#if ($property.jspName == "validator" && $property.isMethodBinding() )
values[$arrayIndex] = saveAttachedState(facesContext,${field}List);
#elseif ( $property.isStateHolder() )## || $utils.isConverter($type)
values[$arrayIndex] = saveAttachedState(facesContext,$field);
#if ($type == "boolean")
values[$arrayIndex] = ${utils.getBoxedClass($type)}.valueOf($field);
values[$arrayIndex] = new ${utils.getBoxedClass($type)}($field);
values[$arrayIndex] = $field;
#if($utils.isPrimitiveClass($type) && !$property.isTagExcluded()
&& !$property.isLiteralOnly() )
#set ($arrayIndex = $arrayIndex + 1)
values[$arrayIndex] = Boolean.valueOf(${field}Set);
return values;
public void restoreState(FacesContext facesContext, Object state)
Object[] values = (Object[])state;
#set ($arrayIndex = 0)
#foreach( $property in $propertyList )
#set ($field = $property.fieldName)
#set ($type = $property.className)
#set ($arrayIndex = $arrayIndex + 1)
#if ( $property.isStateHolder() )
#if ($property.jspName == "validator" && $property.isMethodBinding() )
${field}List = (List) restoreAttachedState(facesContext,values[$arrayIndex]);
#elseif ($utils.isList($type))
$field = (List) restoreAttachedState(facesContext,values[$arrayIndex]);
$field = $utils.castIfNecessary($type) restoreAttachedState(facesContext,values[$arrayIndex]);
#elseif ($utils.isConverter($type))
$field = (Converter) restoreAttachedState(facesContext,values[$arrayIndex]);
#elseif ($utils.isPrimitiveClass($type))
$field = ($utils.castIfNecessary($type) values[$arrayIndex]).${type}Value();
$field = $utils.castIfNecessary($type) values[$arrayIndex];
#if($utils.isPrimitiveClass($type) && !$property.isTagExcluded()
&& !$property.isLiteralOnly() )
#set ($arrayIndex = $arrayIndex + 1)
${field}Set = ((Boolean) values[$arrayIndex]).booleanValue();
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