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META-INF.resources.oam.custom.inputHtml.i18n.kupuconfig-zh-tw.po Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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JSF components and utilities that can be used with any JSF implementation. This library is based on the JSF1.1 version of Tomahawk, but with minor source code and build changes to take advantage of JSF2.1 features. A JSF2.1 implementation is required to use this version of the Tomahawk library.

The newest version!
# Translation of kupuconfig.pot to Chinese (Traditional)
# T.C. Chou , 2007-2009
# TsungWei Hu  2009
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Kupu\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-07-08 09:15+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-10-20 23:48 +0800\n"
"Last-Translator: TsungWei Hu \n"
"Language-Team: Plone i18n \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
"Language-Code: zh-tw\n"
"Language-Name: 正體中文\n"
"Preferred-Encodings: utf-8\n"
"Domain: kupuconfig\n"
"X-Is-Fallback-For: zh\n"

#. Default: "Action URLs"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "action_url_heading"
msgstr "動作網址"

#. Default: "Allow captioned images"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "allow_captioned_images"
msgstr "允許附上說明的圖片"

#. Default: "Any tag"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "any_tag"
msgstr "任何標籤"

#. Default: "Authenticated member"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "authenticated_member"
msgstr "已認證身份的成員"

#. Default: "The following variables are available in the TALES expressions:"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "available_tales"
msgstr "下列的變數可用在 TALES 表示式:"

#. Default: "Add"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "button_add"
msgstr "新增"

#. Default: "Delete"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "button_delete"
msgstr "刪除"

#. Default: "Move Down"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "button_move_down"
msgstr "下移"

#. Default: "Move Up"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "button_move_up"
msgstr "上移"

#. Default: "Save"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "button_save"
msgstr "儲存"

#. Default: "Set"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "button_set"
msgstr "設定"

#. Default: "Fields which appear to currently support image captioning:"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "caption_is_supported"
msgstr "下列欄位目前支援附上說明的圖片:"

#. Default: "Fields which could support image captioning:"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "caption_maybe_supported"
msgstr "下列欄位可支援附上說明的圖片:"

#. Default: "Fields which use kupu but do not support image captioning:"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "caption_not_supported"
msgstr "下列欄位可用 kupu 但不支援附上說明的圖片:"

#. Default: "Select all items"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "check_select_all"
msgstr "選擇全部項目"

#. Default: "classes"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "classes_subheading"
msgstr "類別"

#. Default: "The folder the context object is located in"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "context_folder"
msgstr "工作物件所在資料夾位於"

#. Default: "The URL of the folder the context object is located in"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "context_folder_uri"
msgstr "工作物件所在資料夾的網址位於"

#. Default: "The current context object"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "current_context"
msgstr "目前的工作物件"

#. Default: "The URL of the current context object"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "current_context_url"
msgstr "目前工作物件的網址"

#. Default: "specify a resource type to be used for reference fields with an empty list of allowed types"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "default_reference_resource"
msgstr "指定資源型態用於參考欄位,允許型態是空白列表"

#. Default: "Default resource"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "default_resource_heading"
msgstr "預設資源"

#. Default: "default scale"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "defscale_subheading"
msgstr "預設比例"

#. Default: "fieldname"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "fieldname_subheading"
msgstr "欄位名稱"

#. Default: "Flash"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "flash_option"
msgstr "Flash"

#. Default: "Global button visibility"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "global_button_visibility"
msgstr "整體按鈕可檢視"

#. Default: "Kupu Configuration"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "heading_configuration"
msgstr "Kupu 配置設定"

#. Default: "Default"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "heading_default"
msgstr "預設"

#. Default: "Expression"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "heading_expression"
msgstr "表示式"

#. Default: "Icon URI"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "heading_icon_uri"
msgstr "圖示網址"

#. Default: "ID"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "heading_id"
msgstr "識別碼 (ID)"

#. Default: "Kupu Libraries"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "heading_kupu_libraries"
msgstr "Kupu 資源庫"

#. Default: "Kupu Resource Types"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "heading_kupu_resource_types"
msgstr "Kupu 資源型態"

#. Default: "Source URI"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "heading_source_uri"
msgstr "來源網址"

#. Default: "Title"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "heading_title"
msgstr "標題"

#. Default: "Kupu Toolbar Configuration"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "heading_toolbar_configuration"
msgstr "Kupu 工具列配置設定"

#. Default: "URI"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "heading_uri"
msgstr "網址 (URI)"

#. Default: "Visible"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "heading_visible"
msgstr "可視的"

#. Default: "use this entry to add a new resource"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "help_add_resource"
msgstr "以此項目增加新資源"

#. Default: "When checked, the image drawer will include Original as an available size."
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "help_allow_original_image"
msgstr "勾選的話,一個圖檔抽屜會在原處以適當大小呈現。"

#. Default: "You may enter an expression to control the visibility of all buttons together. It should return a list of visible button ids, or None to leave all buttons visible. The visibility rules below are then applied to further filter out individual buttons. You might use this to restrict a particular class of users to a subset of kupu functions."
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "help_button_visibility"
msgstr "可輸入表示式來一起控制全部的按鈕。它包含了所有顯示按鈕代碼id的串列,或用 None 來顯示全部按鈕。在下面可視的規則是用來之後過濾獨立的按鈕,可用來限制不同的特別使用者,使用 kupu 不同的部份功能。"

#. Default: "Enter a list of classnames to be excluded (one per line)"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "help_class_blacklist"
msgstr "輸入被排除的類別名稱串列(一項佔一行)"

#. Default: "If you enable this option a transform to hide UIDs and support image captioning from client browsers will also be enabled"
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "help_enable_transform"
msgstr "如果開啟此一選項,轉換為隱藏統一代碼(UID),在瀏覽器顯示圖檔標題功能也會同時開啟"

#. Default: "When checked, Kupu's HTML view will display the filtered HTML which will be sent to the server. Uncheck this box to see the raw HTML generated by the browser."
#: kupu/plone/
msgid "help_filter_source"
msgstr "勾選的話,Kupu 在檢視 HTML 時將顯示被過濾的 HTML 內容,這也是會被送至伺服器的資料。不勾選的話,就可看到由瀏覽器產生的原始 HTML 內容。"

#. Default: "Control the global visibility of toolbar buttons from this screen. If no expression is entered, only checked buttons are visible. Enter an expression for finer control of visibility. Individual fields may also whitelist or blacklist buttons: see the field schema. 
Values available in expressions includes 'field' as well as the usual names
e.g. to restrict the drawer buttons to users with the appropriate permissions give imagelibdrawer-button and linklibdrawer-button the expression:
python:member and member.has_permission('Kupu: Query libraries',portal)
" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "help_global_visibility" msgstr "這個畫面可控制全域顯示的工具列按鈕。如果沒有特定式,只有點選的按鈕會被顯示。 可透過輸入特定式來做更細膩的控制顯示。 獨立欄位也可用白名單或黑名單按鈕: 端視欄位綱目而定。
特定式的可用資料的 '欄位' 就像是常用的名稱
例如, 限制製圖器按鈕只供有 imagelibdrawer-button 和 linklibdrawer-button 權限的使用者可用,其特定式:
python:member and member.has_permission('Kupu: Query libraries',portal)
" #. Default: "see image captioning documentation" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "help_image_captioning_url" msgstr "觀看圖檔標題文件" #. Default: "Images which are linked using UID based links may be automatically captioned." #: kupu/plone/ msgid "help_image_uid_caption" msgstr "使用 UIDs 為基礎的圖檔連結,可自動主題方式呈現。" #. Default: "Links to objects on this site created by Kupu can use unique object ids so that the links remain valid even if the target object is renamed or moved elsewhere on the site." #: kupu/plone/ msgid "help_link_uid" msgstr "由 Kupu 建立,使用唯一物件代碼(UID)連接到網站物件。所以即使物件改了名稱、變更位置,連結仍然有效。" #. Default: "Kupu can install a handler to warn before navigating away from a page where a form (even the non-Kupu fields) has been edited. Turn this off to prevent Kupu loading its own handler." #: kupu/plone/ msgid "help_navigate_away" msgstr "Kupu 可安裝處理器,瀏覽移出某頁正在編輯的表單前,發出警告。關閉此向可避免 Kupu 載入其處理器。" #. Default: "Enter a list of styles to appear in the style pulldown. Format is title|tag or title|tag|className, one per line." #: kupu/plone/ msgid "help_paragraph_styles" msgstr "輸出段落風格串列會出現在風格下拉項目中。格式為「標題|標籤」或「標題|標籤|類別名稱」,一個格式佔一行。" #. Default: "Replace ATReferenceBrowser widget with a widget which uses Kupu's drawers instead of a popup window." #: kupu/plone/ msgid "help_refbrowser" msgstr "取代 ATReferenceBrowser 視覺元件,以 Kupu 製圖器元件取代彈出視窗。" #. Default: "Enter HTML tags and attributes to be removed when saving documents. (Uncheck to remove entries)" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "help_remove_entities" msgstr "輸入的 HTML 標籤與屬性,將會在儲存文件時被移除。(不選移除項目)" #. Default: "Enter a list of style elements to be permitted (one per line)" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "help_style_whitelist" msgstr "輸入允許使用的樣式元素列表(一行填寫一筆)" #. Default: "Enter a list of class names to be made available in the table drawer" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "help_table_classes" msgstr "輸入類別名稱的清單,會用在表格製圖器裡" #. Default: "A portal transform to hide the UIDs from client browsers is currently operating for the fields:" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "help_transform_is_enabled" msgstr "網站變換使瀏覽器隱藏UID,目前影響的欄位:" #. Default: "If the transform does not enable itself automatically you may need to update your PortalTransforms product." #: kupu/plone/ msgid "help_update_portal_transforms" msgstr "如果變換不能自動啟用,你或許得要更新 PortalTransforms 套件。" #. Default: "Image" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "image_option" msgstr "圖示" #. Default: "Allow original size images" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "label_allowOriginalImageSize" msgstr "允許使用圖檔原始大小" #. Default: "Attributes" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "label_attributes" msgstr "屬性" #. Default: "Class Blacklist" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "label_class_blacklist" msgstr "類別黑名單" #. Default: "Filter HTML in source view" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "label_filtersourceedit" msgstr "檢視原始碼時過濾 HTML 內容" #. Default: "Icon URI" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "label_icon_uri" msgstr "圖示網址" #. Default: "Install Kupu code to detect form changes" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "label_install_kupu" msgstr "安裝 Kupu 程式碼以偵測表單變更" #. Default: "Link using UIDs" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "label_link_uid" msgstr "連結使用 UIDs" #. Default: "Styles" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "label_paragraph_styles" msgstr "風格樣式" #. Default: "Use Kupu Reference Browser" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "label_refbrowser" msgstr "使用 Kupu 參照瀏覽器" #. Default: "Source URI" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "label_source_uri" msgstr "來源網址" #. Default: "Style Whitelist" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "label_style_whitelist" msgstr "樣式白名單" #. Default: "Tables" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "label_tables" msgstr "表格" #. Default: "Tags" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "label_tags" msgstr "標籤" #. Default: "Original Image Size" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "legend_alloworiginalsize" msgstr "原圖檔大小" #. Default: "Button visibility" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "legend_button_visibility" msgstr "可見按鈕" #. Default: "Captioning" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "legend_caption" msgstr "主題" #. Default: "HTML View" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "legend_filtersourceedit" msgstr "HTML 檢視" #. Default: "HTML Filter" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "legend_html_filter" msgstr "HTML 過濾器" #. Default: "Link options" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "legend_link_options" msgstr "連結的設定選項" #. Default: "Map resource types" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "legend_map_resource_types" msgstr "對應資源型態" #. Default: "Reference Browser" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "legend_refbrowser" msgstr "參照瀏覽器" #. Default: "Styles" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "legend_styles" msgstr "樣式" #. Default: "Warn before losing changes" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "legend_warning" msgstr "放棄變更前發出警告" #. Default: "Loading kupu link maintenance..." #: kupu/plone/ msgid "loading_links_tab" msgstr "載入 Kupu 連結維護…" #. Default: "Map resource types" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "map_resource_types" msgstr "對應資源型態" #. Default: "New types" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "new_types_heading" msgstr "新型態" #. Default: "Normal image" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "normal_image" msgstr "一般 圖檔" #. Default: "are not added to selection" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "opt_exclusive" msgstr "未加入選擇" #. Default: "are added to selection" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "opt_inclusive" msgstr "已加入選擇" #. Default: "Plone HTML filter control panel" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "plone_filter_controlpanel" msgstr "Plone HTML 過濾控制面板" #. Default: "The portal object" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "portal_object" msgstr "網站物件" #. Default: "URL of the portal" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "portal_object_url" msgstr "網站網址" #. Default: "Portal Types" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "portal_types_heading" msgstr "網站型態" #. Default: "Preview is an expression to use for the preview image in the drawer [default is no preview]. Normal image is an expression to use for the normal view of a mediaobject [string:$object_url]. Fieldname is the name of the field to use for scaled variants of the mediaobject [image]. Classes is a list of classnames which may be selected when inserting the object as media. Type controls whether kupu inserts an img tag or an object tag to embed flash." #: kupu/plone/ msgid "preview_action_help" msgstr "預覽表示將圖檔在製圖器顯示 [預設無預覽]。一般圖檔表示將顯示一般媒體物件 [字串:$object_url]。欄位名稱為欄位用於媒體物件擴展變化的名稱 [圖檔]。類別 列出可新增為媒體的類別名稱。型態 控制 kupu 是否新增圖檔標籤或是物件標籤flash的內嵌。" #. Default: "preview" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "preview_subheading" msgstr "預覽" #. Default: "Request" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "request" msgstr "網頁要求" #. Default: "Resource" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "resource_heading" msgstr "資源" #. Default: "(select type)" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "select_type" msgstr "(選擇型態)" #. Default: "Config" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "tab_config" msgstr "配置" #. Default: "Documentation" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "tab_documentation" msgstr "文件" #. Default: "Libraries" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "tab_libraries" msgstr "資源庫" #. Default: "Links" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "tab_links" msgstr "連結" #. Default: "Resource Types" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "tab_resourcetypes" msgstr "資源型態" #. Default: "Toolbar" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "tab_toolbar" msgstr "工具列" #. Default: "In the form below, you may manage the list of drawer libraries for the Kupu editor. Each property of a library is dynamically expanded at execution time using TALES expressions. That way it is possible, to support libraries like Current folder or My folder very easily." #: kupu/plone/ msgid "text_kupu_drawers" msgstr "在下列表單中,你可以管理 Kupu 的製圖器資源庫。在 TALES 表示式被執行後,資源庫裡的每一項屬性值都會動態展現。如此一來,就能輕易地支援 Current folderMy folder 之類的設定值。" #. Default: "Libraries with ids that begin with an underscore will not display in the initial library list. _search will be used to set the icon and title for search results. The first $ character in the title will be replaced by the search string. _selection will be used to set the icon and title for the current selection." #: kupu/plone/ msgid "text_kupu_drawers2" msgstr "識別碼以底線 (_) 為字首的項目,並不會資源庫清單裡顯示。_search 用於設定搜尋結果的圖示與標題。標題裡第一個 $ 符號,會由搜尋字串所取代。_selection 用於設定現行選項結果的圖示和標題。" #. Default: "The title string may contain html <br> tags to put a line break in the title (not the xhtml <br/> form), but otherwise tags are not interpreted." #: kupu/plone/ msgid "text_kupu_drawers3" msgstr "標題字串可以包含 HTML 的 <br> 標籤 (而非 XHTML 的 <br/> 格式),用來將標題文字換行,但其它 HTML 標籤就不會被解讀。" #. Default: "While libraries provide abstract locations for objects of any type, Kupu distinguishes objects by resource type. For example, a user might request a library showing objects to link to or a library showing objects to be inserted into a document. The abstract location (library) might be the same, but the former library would contain documents, the latter images." #: kupu/plone/ msgid "text_resource_types" msgstr "雖然資源庫提供各式物件的摘要位置,但 Kupu 會依資源類型來區別物件。例如使用者可能會利用某個資源庫來顯示想要連結的物件,或是利用這個資源庫來顯示被嵌入在文件裡的物件,僅管它們的摘要位置 (資源庫) 一樣,但前者包含的是文件,後者包含的是圖片。" #. Default: "This management screen allows you to define resource types using a list of portal types. A special resource type, collection, identifies portal types that are to be treated as collections. The resource type containsanchors is used to list types which may contain HTML anchors." #: kupu/plone/ msgid "text_resource_types2" msgstr "管理介面能讓你透過 portal type 清單來定義資源類型。像 collection 是個特別的資源類型,它能找出 collection 類型的 portal type,而 containsanchors 則會列出可能包含 HTLM anchor 的 portal type。" #. Default: "Also on this screen are urls for each type which can be previewed as an image. The expression may use object_url and portal_type, but should not attempt to access the object directly. The resulting URL should ideally return an image no larger than 128 pixels square." #: kupu/plone/ msgid "text_resource_types3" msgstr "在本介面裡,同時包含能以圖片來預覽的各式 type 的網址。表示式裡可能用到 object_urlportal_type,但不應該直接存取該項物件,最後產生的 URL 最好應該回傳一個不超於 128 像素大小的圖片。" #. Default: "Type" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "type_heading" msgstr "型態" #. Default: "type" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "type_subheading" msgstr "型態" #. Default: "URL" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "url_heading" msgstr "網址(URL)" #. Default: "Please use the ${plone_filter_controlpanel} to set filtering options." #: kupu/plone/ msgid "use_plone_controlpanel" msgstr "請用 ${plone_filter_controlpanel} 設定過濾選項。" #. Default: "Whole tag removed" #: kupu/plone/ msgid "whole_tag_removed" msgstr "全部標籤已移除"

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