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META-INF.resources.oam.custom.inputHtml.i18n.kupupox-nl.po Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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JSF components and utilities that can be used with any JSF implementation. This library is based on the JSF1.1 version of Tomahawk, but with minor source code and build changes to take advantage of JSF2.1 features. A JSF2.1 implementation is required to use this version of the Tomahawk library.

The newest version!
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: kupu\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-07-08 09:15+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-04-03 22:19+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Roel Bruggink \n"
"Language-Team: Plone Nederlands \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"Language-Code: nl\n"
"Language-Name: Nederlands\n"
"Preferred-Encodings: utf-8 latin1\n"
"Domain: kupu\n"
"Generated-By: zope/app/translation_files/\n"
"X-Is-Fallback-For: nl-be nl-nl\n"

#. Default: "Add column"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:135
msgid "Add column"
msgstr "Kolom toevoegen"

#. Default: "Add row"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:119
msgid "Add row"
msgstr "Rij toevoegen"

#. Default: "Add table"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:111
msgid "Add table"
msgstr "Tabel toevoegen"

#. Default: "Browser not supported!"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:303
msgid "Browser not supported!"
msgstr "Uw browser wordt niet ondersteund!"

#. Default: "Can only preview web urls"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:231
msgid "Can only preview web urls"
msgstr "Kan alleen internetadressen tonen"

#. Default: "Cleaning up HTML..."
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:447
msgid "Cleaning up HTML..."
msgstr "Opschonen van de HTML..."

#. Default: "Cleanup done, sending document to server"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:271
msgid "Cleanup done, sending document to server"
msgstr "Opschonen afgerond, document wordt naar de server gestuurd"

#. Default: "Color chosen"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:55
msgid "Color chosen"
msgstr "Kleur gekozen"

#. Default: "Copy"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:39
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Kopiëren"

#. Default: "Copying from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:15
msgid "Copying from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
msgstr "Uit veiligheidsoverwegingen zijn clipboard acties niet ingeschakeld in uw browser. Voor mmer informatie, lees"

#. Default: "Could not set status bar message, check your browser\'s security settings."
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:191
msgid "Could not set status bar message, check your browser\'s security settings."
msgstr "Kan statusbalkbericht niet plaatsen. Controleer de beveiligingsinstellingen van de browser."

#. Default: "Couldn\'t set design mode. Kupu will not work on this browser."
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:335
msgid "Couldn\'t set design mode. Kupu will not work on this browser."
msgstr "Kan designmode niet aan zetten. Kupu zal in deze browser niet werken."

#. Default: "Create image"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:103
msgid "Create image"
msgstr "Afbeelding gecreeërd"

#. Default: "Create link"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:95
msgid "Create link"
msgstr "Link creeëren"

#. Default: "Cut"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:31
msgid "Cut"
msgstr "Knippen"

#. Default: "Cutting from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:7
msgid "Cutting from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
msgstr "Uit veiligheidsoverwegingen zijn klembordacties niet ingeschakeld in uw browser. Voor meer informatie, lees"

#. Default: "Delete Table"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:151
msgid "Delete Table"
msgstr "Tabel verwijderen"

#. Default: "Delete column"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:143
msgid "Delete column"
msgstr "Kolom verwijderen"

#. Default: "Delete link"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:87
msgid "Delete link"
msgstr "Link verwijderen"

#. Default: "Delete row"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:127
msgid "Delete row"
msgstr "Rij verwijderen"

#. Default: "Discard changes? If you click OK, any changes you have made will be lost."
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:215
msgid "Discard changes? If you click OK, any changes you have made will be lost."
msgstr "Wijzigingen verwerpen? Door op OK te klikken, zullen alle gemaakte wijzigingen verloren gaan."

#. Default: "Document saved"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:327
msgid "Document saved"
msgstr "Document weggeschreven"

#. Default: "Editor initialized"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:423
msgid "Editor initialized"
msgstr "Editor geïnitialiseerd"

#. Default: "Editor not initialized yet!"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:295
msgid "Editor not initialized yet!"
msgstr "Editor nog niet geïnitialiseerd!"

#. Default: "End node offset detected in a node without children!"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:383
msgid "End node offset detected in a node without children!"
msgstr "End node offset ontdekt in een node zonder children!"

#. Default: "End offset out of range!"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:399
msgid "End offset out of range!"
msgstr "End offset niet binnen range!"

#. Default: "Error loading data, status ${status}"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:463
msgid "Error loading data, status ${status}"
msgstr "Fout opgetreden tijdens het laden van de data, status ${status}"

#. Default: "Error loading translation (status ${status} ), falling back to english"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:479
msgid "Error loading translation (status ${status} ), falling back to english"
msgstr "Error bij het laden van de translatie (status ${status}), nu wordt Engels gebruikt in plaats van uw land-keuze"

#. Default: "Error saving document"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:319
msgid "Error saving document"
msgstr "Fout opgetreden bij het wegschrijven van het document"

#. Default: "Error saving your data.\nResponse status: ${status}.\nCheck your server log for more information."
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:311
msgid "Error saving your data.\nResponse status: ${status}.\nCheck your server log for more information."
msgstr ""
"Fout tijdens opslaan van de data.\n"
"Antwoordstatus: ${status}.\n"
"Controleer de serverlogs voor meer informatie."

#. Default: "Invalid table size"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:159
msgid "Invalid table size"
msgstr "Ongeldige tabel grootte"

#. Default: "No destination URL available!"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:247
msgid "No destination URL available!"
msgstr "Geen doel URL beschikbaar!"

#. Default: "No element found in the config island!"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:359
msgid "No element found in the config island!"
msgstr "Geen element gevonden in het configuratie eiland!"

#. Default: "No head in document!"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:63
msgid "No head in document!"
msgstr "Geen head element in document!"

#. Default: "No parentcolumn found!"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:175
msgid "No parentcolumn found!"
msgstr "Geen parent kolom gevonden!"

#. Default: "No row to delete"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:167
msgid "No row to delete"
msgstr "Geen rij om te verwijderen"

#. Default: "Not inside a definition list element!"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:207
msgid "Not inside a definition list element!"
msgstr "Niet in een definitie lijst"

#. Default: "Not inside a row!"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:223
msgid "Not inside a row!"
msgstr "Niet in een rij!"

#. Default: "Not inside a table!"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:183
msgid "Not inside a table!"
msgstr "Niet in een tabel!"

#. Default: "Not inside link"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:79
msgid "Not inside link"
msgstr "Dit kan alleen binnen een link"

#. Default: "Offset out of document range"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:407
msgid "Offset out of document range"
msgstr "Offset buiten document range!"

#. Default: "Paste"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:47
msgid "Paste"
msgstr "Plakken"

#. Default: "Pasting from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:23
msgid "Pasting from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
msgstr "Uit veiligheidsoverwegingen zijn clipboard acties niet ingeschakeld in uw browser. Voor meer informatie, lees"

#. Default: "Please wait while saving document..."
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:255
msgid "Please wait while saving document..."
msgstr "Even geduld alstublieft, Kupu is het document aan het wegschrijven"

#. Default: "Properties modified"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:71
msgid "Properties modified"
msgstr "Attributen gewijzigd"

#. Default: "Request sent to server"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:279
msgid "Request sent to server"
msgstr "Het request is naar de server verstuurd"

#. Default: "Right click to copy link"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:239
msgid "Right click to copy link"
msgstr "Klik met de rechtmuisknop om de link te kopieëren"

#. Default: "Selection not inside the node!"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:367
msgid "Selection not inside the node!"
msgstr "Selectie niet binnen het element!"

#. Default: "Sending request to server"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:287
msgid "Sending request to server"
msgstr "Verstuur het request naar de server"

#. Default: "Source edit tool initialized"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:439
msgid "Source edit tool initialized"
msgstr "Broncode tool geïnitialiseerd"

#. Default: "Start node offset detected in a node without children!"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:375
msgid "Start node offset detected in a node without children!"
msgstr "Start node offset ontdekt in een node zonder children!"

#. Default: "Start offset out of range!"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:391
msgid "Start offset out of range!"
msgstr "Start offset niet binnen range!"

#. Default: "Starting HTML cleanup"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:263
msgid "Starting HTML cleanup"
msgstr "HTML opschonen gestart"

#. Default: "There was a problem initializing the drawers. Most likely the XSLT or XML files aren\'t available. If this is not the Kupu demo version, check your files or the service that provide them (error: ${error})."
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:415
msgid "There was a problem initializing the drawers. Most likely the XSLT or XML files aren\'t available. If this is not the Kupu demo version, check your files or the service that provide them (error: ${error})."
msgstr "Er is een probleem ontstaan tijdens het initialiseren van de lades. Waarschijnlijk zijn de XSLT en/of XML bestanden niet beschikbaar. Als dit niet de Kupu demoversie is, controleer dan de bestanden of de service die ze aanbiedt (foutmelding: ${error}.)"

#. Default: "There were no errors."
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:455
msgid "There were no errors."
msgstr "Geen fouten opgetreden"

#. Default: "This feature requires pop-ups to be enabled on your browser!"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:471
msgid "This feature requires pop-ups to be enabled on your browser!"
msgstr "Deze functie vereist het toestaan van popups!"

#. Default: "Unsupported browser!"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:343
msgid "Unsupported browser!"
msgstr "Niet ondersteunde browser!"

#. Default: "View source"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:199
msgid "View source"
msgstr "Bekijk de broncode"

#. Default: "You are leaving the editor. Do you want to save your changes?"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:431
msgid "You are leaving the editor. Do you want to save your changes?"
msgstr "De editor wordt verlaten. Wijzigingen opslaan?"

#. Default: "click to fold"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:495
msgid "click to fold"
msgstr "klik om te sluiten"

#. Default: "click to unfold"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:487
msgid "click to unfold"
msgstr "klik om te openen"

#. Default: "exception ${message} while registering an event handler for element ${element}, event ${event}, method ${method}"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:351
msgid "exception ${message} while registering an event handler for element ${element}, event ${event}, method ${method}"
msgstr "exceptie ${message} opgetreden tijdens het registreren van een event handler voor element ${element}, event ${event}, method ${method}"

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