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META-INF.resources.oam.custom.inputHtml.i18n.kupupox-pl.po Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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JSF components and utilities that can be used with any JSF implementation. This library is based on the JSF1.1 version of Tomahawk, but with minor source code and build changes to take advantage of JSF2.1 features. A JSF2.1 implementation is required to use this version of the Tomahawk library.

The newest version!
# Translation of kupupox.pot to Polish
# Piotr Furman , 2007.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: kupu 1.4.3\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-07-08 09:15+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-11-30 17:05+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Piotr Furman \n"
"Language-Team: Plone i18n \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"Language-Code: pl\n"
"Language-Name: Polish\n"
"Preferred-Encodings: utf-8 latin2\n"
"Domain: kupupox\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Polish\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: POLAND\n"

#. Default: "Add column"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:135
msgid "Add column"
msgstr "Dodaj kolumnę"

#. Default: "Add row"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:119
msgid "Add row"
msgstr "Dodaj wiersz"

#. Default: "Add table"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:111
msgid "Add table"
msgstr "Dodaj tabelę"

#. Default: "Browser not supported!"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:303
msgid "Browser not supported!"
msgstr "Twoja przeglądarka nie jest obsługiwana."

#. Default: "Can only preview web urls"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:231
msgid "Can only preview web urls"
msgstr "Podgląd działa tylko dla odnośników stron"

#. Default: "Cleaning up HTML..."
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:447
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cleaning up HTML..."
msgstr "Oczyszczanie kodu HTML..."

#. Default: "Cleanup done, sending document to server"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:271
msgid "Cleanup done, sending document to server"
msgstr "Zakończono oczyszczanie, wysyłka dokumentu na serwer"

#. Default: "Color chosen"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:55
msgid "Color chosen"
msgstr "Wybrano kolor"

#. Default: "Copy"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:39
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Kopiuj"

#. Default: "Copying from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:15
msgid "Copying from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
msgstr "Kopiowanie przy użyciu JavaScript jest wyłączone w Twojej przeglądarce Mozilla ze względów bezpieczeństwa. Więcej informacji na stronie"

#. Default: "Could not set status bar message, check your browser\'s security settings."
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:191
msgid "Could not set status bar message, check your browser\'s security settings."
msgstr ""

#. Default: "Couldn\'t set design mode. Kupu will not work on this browser."
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:335
msgid "Couldn\'t set design mode. Kupu will not work on this browser."
msgstr ""

#. Default: "Create image"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:103
msgid "Create image"
msgstr "Utwórz obraz"

#. Default: "Create link"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:95
msgid "Create link"
msgstr "Utwórz odnośnik"

#. Default: "Cut"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:31
msgid "Cut"
msgstr "Wytnij"

#. Default: "Cutting from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:7
msgid "Cutting from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
msgstr "Wycinanie przy użyciu JavaScript jest wyłączone w Twojej przeglądarce Mozilla ze względów bezpieczeństwa. Więcej informacji na stronie"

#. Default: "Delete Table"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:151
msgid "Delete Table"
msgstr "Usuń tabelę"

#. Default: "Delete column"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:143
msgid "Delete column"
msgstr "Usuń kolumnę"

#. Default: "Delete link"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:87
msgid "Delete link"
msgstr "Usuń odnośnik"

#. Default: "Delete row"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:127
msgid "Delete row"
msgstr "Usuń wiersz"

#. Default: "Discard changes? If you click OK, any changes you have made will be lost."
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:215
msgid "Discard changes? If you click OK, any changes you have made will be lost."
msgstr "Porzucić zmiany? Jeśli klikniesz OK wszystkie zmiany, które wprowadziłeś zostaną usunięte."

#. Default: "Document saved"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:327
msgid "Document saved"
msgstr "Zapisano dokument"

#. Default: "Editor initialized"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:423
msgid "Editor initialized"
msgstr "Edytor uruchomiony"

#. Default: "Editor not initialized yet!"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:295
msgid "Editor not initialized yet!"
msgstr "Edytor nie został jeszcze uruchomiony!"

#. Default: "End node offset detected in a node without children!"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:383
msgid "End node offset detected in a node without children!"
msgstr ""

#. Default: "End offset out of range!"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:399
msgid "End offset out of range!"
msgstr ""

#. Default: "Error loading data, status ${status}"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:463
msgid "Error loading data, status ${status}"
msgstr "Błąd podczas ładowania danych, status ${status}"

#. Default: "Error loading translation (status ${status} ), falling back to english"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:479
msgid "Error loading translation (status ${status} ), falling back to english"
msgstr "Błąd podczas ładowania tłumaczenia (status ${status}), powrót do wersji angielskiej"

#. Default: "Error saving document"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:319
msgid "Error saving document"
msgstr "Błąd podczas zapisywania dokumentu"

#. Default: "Error saving your data.\nResponse status: ${status}.\nCheck your server log for more information."
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:311
msgid "Error saving your data.\nResponse status: ${status}.\nCheck your server log for more information."
msgstr ""

#. Default: "Invalid table size"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:159
msgid "Invalid table size"
msgstr "Nieprawidłowy rozmiar tabeli"

#. Default: "No destination URL available!"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:247
msgid "No destination URL available!"
msgstr "Adres URL przeznaczenia nie jest dostępny!"

#. Default: "No element found in the config island!"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:359
msgid "No element found in the config island!"
msgstr ""

#. Default: "No head in document!"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:63
msgid "No head in document!"
msgstr "Brak nagłówka w dokumencie!"

#. Default: "No parentcolumn found!"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:175
msgid "No parentcolumn found!"
msgstr ""

#. Default: "No row to delete"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:167
msgid "No row to delete"
msgstr "Brak wiersza do usunięcia"

#. Default: "Not inside a definition list element!"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:207
msgid "Not inside a definition list element!"
msgstr ""

#. Default: "Not inside a row!"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:223
msgid "Not inside a row!"
msgstr ""

#. Default: "Not inside a table!"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:183
msgid "Not inside a table!"
msgstr ""

#. Default: "Not inside link"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:79
msgid "Not inside link"
msgstr ""

#. Default: "Offset out of document range"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:407
msgid "Offset out of document range"
msgstr ""

#. Default: "Paste"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:47
msgid "Paste"
msgstr "Wklej"

#. Default: "Pasting from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:23
msgid "Pasting from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
msgstr "Wklejanie przy użyciu JavaScript jest wyłączone w Twojej przeglądarce Mozilla ze względów bezpieczeństwa. Więcej informacji na stronie"

#. Default: "Please wait while saving document..."
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:255
#, fuzzy
msgid "Please wait while saving document..."
msgstr "Zaczekaj, zapisywanie dokumentu..."

#. Default: "Properties modified"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:71
msgid "Properties modified"
msgstr "Zmieniono właściwości"

#. Default: "Request sent to server"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:279
msgid "Request sent to server"
msgstr "Wysłano żądanie do serwera"

#. Default: "Right click to copy link"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:239
msgid "Right click to copy link"
msgstr "Skopiuj odnośnik prawym przyciskiem"

#. Default: "Selection not inside the node!"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:367
msgid "Selection not inside the node!"
msgstr ""

#. Default: "Sending request to server"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:287
msgid "Sending request to server"
msgstr "Wysyłanie żądania do serwera"

#. Default: "Source edit tool initialized"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:439
msgid "Source edit tool initialized"
msgstr "Edytor kodu źródłowego uruchomiony"

#. Default: "Start node offset detected in a node without children!"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:375
msgid "Start node offset detected in a node without children!"
msgstr ""

#. Default: "Start offset out of range!"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:391
msgid "Start offset out of range!"
msgstr ""

#. Default: "Starting HTML cleanup"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:263
msgid "Starting HTML cleanup"
msgstr "Rozpoczynanie oczyszczania HTML"

#. Default: "There was a problem initializing the drawers. Most likely the XSLT or XML files aren\'t available. If this is not the Kupu demo version, check your files or the service that provide them (error: ${error})."
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:415
msgid "There was a problem initializing the drawers. Most likely the XSLT or XML files aren\'t available. If this is not the Kupu demo version, check your files or the service that provide them (error: ${error})."
msgstr ""

#. Default: "There were no errors."
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:455
msgid "There were no errors."
msgstr "Nie było błędów"

#. Default: "This feature requires pop-ups to be enabled on your browser!"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:471
#, fuzzy
msgid "This feature requires pop-ups to be enabled on your browser!"
msgstr "Ta funkcja wymaga włączenia wyskakujących okienek w Twojej przeglądarce!"

#. Default: "Unsupported browser!"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:343
msgid "Unsupported browser!"
msgstr "Nieobsługiwana przeglądarka!"

#. Default: "View source"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:199
msgid "View source"
msgstr "Podgląd źródła"

#. Default: "You are leaving the editor. Do you want to save your changes?"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:431
msgid "You are leaving the editor. Do you want to save your changes?"
msgstr "Opuszczasz edytor. Czy chcesz zachować wprowadzone zmiany?"

#. Default: "click to fold"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:495
msgid "click to fold"
msgstr ""

#. Default: "click to unfold"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:487
msgid "click to unfold"
msgstr ""

#. Default: "exception ${message} while registering an event handler for element ${element}, event ${event}, method ${method}"
#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:351
msgid "exception ${message} while registering an event handler for element ${element}, event ${event}, method ${method}"
msgstr ""

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